Ninja mutant creatures unite. Here's the place to do it.

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Unread post by NMI »

Instead of having all the mutants divided out among 20 or so different topics (and then stickying them all), I've consolidated all the mutants into a few posts for ease of viewing. Please do not post comments in these topics, however feel free to post new mutants, advantanges, vestigial traits, animal powers, and other miscellaney.

From NMI - In order to clean up the mess left by the previous poster, I am redoing this thread. The various bolding/highlighting of keywords will be accomplished soon. - Thank you for your patience.

#2: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:58

Thyfur wrote:

Aardvark: Muhanga (Purebred)
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Muhanga is the Swahili name for Aardvarks and for a small group of purebred Aardvark soldiers that have some mysterious connection to Talichiland. They are most often encountered around the Horn of Africa (modern day Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti) down to Tanzania as mercenaries. They easily resemble their Aardvark cousins. They have managed to breed out their poor eyesight while keeping their keen hearing.
Size Level: 8 (Size min 7, max 10)
Length: 40 inches
Weight: 140 lbs
Build: Short

Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 35
Attribute Bonuses: P.S. +5, P.P. +1, P.E. +2

Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: Partial, ears are large and stick above the head, slender head, color is ashen or grayish, there is a noticeable snout, hair is yellow and course except on the legs, and there is a short naked tail.

Natural Weapons
Digging Claws on forefeet only that does 1D6 damage.

Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Digging
Automatically gets Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess

Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 for Diet Insectivore
-5 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-5 BIO-E for Reptile Brain Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail


#3: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:58

Juankis wrote:
Albino Sewer Gator (Purebred)
Description: For the longest time humans have had the almost genetic need to acquire newborn alligators to keep as pets, when the effect of this instinctive imperative has passed, most would dispose of their now unwanted pet, by sacrificing it to the drainage and sewer systems.
The underground network of tunnels has been more than accommodating to the little reptiles with very few predators and a large enough food supply. Over the centuries these poor rejects have evolved and adapted to their new homes.
Albino Sewer Gators come in two varieties, the "lesser" or "midget" gators, who reach a maximum height of around 5 feet (1.5 meters), and the "greater" or "overlord" gators which can reach heights of up to 10 feet (3 meters); there are also rumor of a third larger offshoot with a more animalistic behavior, both feared and venerated by the other two types of mutant gators, so far not one of these giants has ever been seen.
After The Crash the sewer gators built their civilization expanding the sewer and subway systems of most major cities; it is only natural that these endeavors have brought them into conflict with various underground cities of the moles. Their civilization is mostly tribal, in constant raids and wars with whoever happens to be their neighbors. The Overlords or Greater gators tend to be the ruling elite and bully the smaller gators into servitude.
Size Level: Lesser: 8 (Minimum 6, Maximum 10) Greater: 12 (Minimum 8, Maximum 16)
Build: Lesser: Short Greater: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E (for Psionics, Size Level and Animal Powers Only!): Lesser: 35 Greater: 15
Attribute Bonuses: Lesser: +2 P.S. brute strength, +5 P.E. Greater: +5 P.S. beastly strength, +5 P.E.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Partial
Speech: Partial
Looks: None. A bipedal albino alligator, with large milky white eyes
Natural Weapons
Automatically gets Teeth that do 2D4 damage (2D6 for greater sewer gators).
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Light Natural Body Armor, A.R.: 9 S.D.C.: +20, and Hold breath
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance Lesser Albino Sewer Gator only
10 BIO-E to replace Light Natural Body Armor for Medium Natural Body Armor, A.R. 11, and S.D.C.: +40
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst Greater Albino Sewer Gator only
10 BIO-E for Alligator Quick Run, same as mutant Alligator/Crocodile (AtB pg. 77)
Vestigial Disadvantages
Automatically gets Diet: Carnivore, Nocturnal Metabolism: although not really nocturnal, the mutant sewer gators are not really used to being under direct sunlight, the same penalties apply, except that the character does not feel sleepy during the day.
Automatically gets Agoraphobic when confronted with wide open spaces, the character must roll vs Insanity (12) or be overcome with fear, if he fails the saving throw roll reduce number of attacks per melee round, combat bonuses and Spd by half for 2D6 minutes.
-5 BIO-E for taking Color Blindness
- 5 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Tail
- 10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator

Designer notes: I came with the idea of the Albino Sewer Gators, during our first AtB adventure, the PCs where escaping from the ruins of a major city and hid in the sewers, there they spotted a procession of Sewer Gators and got a glimpse of the cities and temples, then quickly hightailed it out of there.
For the Agoraphobia I was going to use the regular phobia rules, but I found them a bit to much, as the character would be totally helpless most of the time, so I came up with this phobia "lite" rules, which kind of work as one of the other Reptile Brains.


#4: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:58

Juankis wrote:
Canine/Dog: Lundehund (Purebred)
Description: The fox-sized Lundehund, has been known as a purbreed to man since at least the XVIth century. Able to scrabble up cliffs and crawl into caves, hauling out the birds nesting there for their owners.Many of the Lundehund's most unusual features relate directly to the demands of thesir job.
To enhance traction on slippery rocks, and gripping in tight places, the Lundehund is a polydactyl (multi-toed) dog. Instead of the normal four toes a foot, the Lundehund has six toes, all fully formed, jointed and muscled. The dog uses these extra toes to gain purchase and haul itself along in positions where only the sides of its legs are touching the rock, a fairly common occurrence while wiggling through tight spots. They also help the dog gain additional traction while scrambling around on steep, often slippery cliffs.
Also helpful when getting into and out of small caves is the Lundehund's extraordinary flexibility. The Lundehund's forelegs can bend outwards far enough for the dog to lay flat on its chest, with the legs in an approximation of the human arm position.
Size Level: 3 (Minimum 3, Maximum 5)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E (for Psionics and Size Level Only!): 30
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +1 M.A., +5 P.P., +10 Spd
Human Features
Hands: Partial
Biped: Partial
Speech: Partial
Looks: None. Appears as the original animal, maybe larger than usual.
Natural Weapons
Automatically gets Teeth that do 1D6 damage.
Automatically gets Running Claws that do 1D4 damage.
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Night Vision, Advanced Hearing and Advanced Touch
Rock Climbing (Special Skill) automatic at no BIO-E cost. Lundehunds learn to climb up the cliffs around their homes since early childhood, to get to the birds nesting in them, as they have been doing since time immemorial, their specially evolved fingers and toes helped them greatly at the task. Automatically gets the Climbing skill, not rappelling, without the usual penalties for Partial Hands, and a +10% bonus to the base score (due to flexibility, see below).
Flexible automatic at no BIO-E cost. The unique bone structure of the Lundehunds makes them one of the slipperiest creatures on earth. The character is able to squeeze through small openings, bend and twist in unique ways, and can even turn his head to look completely back wards, this result in a variety of bonuses; +10% to Acrobatics, Dance, Escape Artist, Gymnastics, Palming and Prowl skills.
Vestigial Disadvantages
Automatically gets Lundehund Syndrome. A set of digestive disorders, hereditary to the whole race, tends to cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the character's digestive system, leading to many complications down the road. The most immediate of which is the inability to extract nutrients from the ingested food. Tough incurable the condition can be controlled through medication, and all Lundehund settlements have at least one member capable of preparing the needed medicine.
All characters are assumed to begin play with at least enough doses of the medicine to last comfortably for a month. Extra doses can be bought for about 5 Bucks per week of dosage at a Lundehund settlement, if the formula is made available to other people, they can duplicate the medicine at the cost of 1 Buck per dose.
Going without their medicine can lead to starvation and death, no matter the amount of food that the mutant ingest, as the bacteria in his digestive system, absorb the nutrients before the host has the opportunity to assimilate them. Every day that the character is unable to ingest his medication, he must roll a saving throw vs his digestive system, needing a roll of 16 or more, P.E. bonuses apply; if the roll is successful the character continues on as normal, but if the saving throw failed, the character was unable to receive enough nutrients from his meal, for the next day the character is at -1 to all physical attributes and combat bonuses, furthermore he is unable to recuperate any lost Hit Points. The effects of the malnutrition are cumulative from day to day. If the character's PE reaches 0 he falls into a coma, normal chances to survive the coma apply.
If the character manages to get his medication or a successful meal, for half as many days as he's been starving, he makes a full recovery.

Here is my interpretation of how the dog would fit in the AtB world, let hear some feedback.


#5: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:58

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
KITSUNE (Japanese Red Fox) [Purebreed]
Description: Kitsune are a purebred subspecies of Red Fox, with some subtle genetic modifications.
Size Level: 7
Height: 5-6 feet
Weight: 90-130 pounds
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 25
Attribute Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 to M.E. and +2 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech : Full
Looks: Partial & Weird; Furry humanoid with a fox’s head, lean muscular body and short legs. Coloring is typically red, ranging from crimson to gold, though some species appear in silver and occasionally a black stripe across the shoulders and down the center of the back, forming a "cross" pattern is seen. Due to the unique DNA manipulations, Kitsune have from one to nine tails.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth
10 BIO-E for 1D8 damage Teeth
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Running Claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Extra Limb: Additional Tail (for each additional tail, up to a total of nine, vestigial tail OR Fluffy Tail must be purchased for each tail).
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
10 BIO-E for Digging
10 BIO-E for Nighvision
5 BIO-E for Leaping: Standard
15 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline
10 BIO-E for Extra Limb: Fluffy Tail (134)
5 BIO-E for Winter Coat.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail


#6: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:59

Anonymous wrote:
Minotaur (Purebred Cattle)
Description: For some reason these mutations pop up and they are drawn towards certain locations to
gather forming their own herds. The Plains Free Cattle often worry about them since most seem to have
a warrior mentality and many females learn shamanism from the few Native Americans that are left.
Size Level: 12
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs:
Bio-E: 30
Attribute Bonuses: +3 P.E., +15 P.S.
Human Features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial Automatic, 5 Bio-E for Full
Looks: None
Natural Weapons
Hoofed Feet 1D6 (3D6 for Bulls)
Horns 1D6 (3D6 for Bulls)
Animal Abilities
Automatically gets Crushing Strength
Automatically gets Advanced Vision
10 Bio-E for Extra P.P.
10 Bio-E for Extra P.E.
Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 Bio-E for taking Diet: Herbivore
-10 Bio-E for taking Diet: Ruminant
-10 Bio-E for taking Prey Eyes
-5 Bio-E for taking Vestigial Tail
-5 Bio-E for taking Nearsightedness

Last edited by Guest on 28 Feb 2007 07:41; edited 1 time in total


#7: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:59

Anonymous wrote:
Naga (Purebred)
Description: No one knows how these mutations popped up, they seem to be mutations of constrictors
their upper bodies are perfectly human except for the eyes, hair is a rarity. Nagas have an affinity for
stone masonry and are fond of ancient architecture and absolutely hate stairs preferring strait and
spiraling ramps.
Size Level: 11
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs:
Bio-E: 30
Attribute Bonuses: +6 P.S., +4 P.E.,
Human Features:
Hands: Full
Biped: None
Speech: Partial Automatic, 5 Bio-E for Full
Looks: Full
Natural Weapons: None
10 Bio-E for Constrictive Body Muscles
Animal Abilities
5 Bio-E for Prehensile Tail
10 Bio-E for Advanced Tongue Touch (includes advanced smell)
10 Bio-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A.R.: 8 & S.D.C.: 20
Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 Bio-E for taking Color Blindness
-10 Bio-E for taking Diet: Carnivore
-10 Bio-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator

Last edited by Guest on 28 Feb 2007 07:41; edited 1 time in total


#8: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:59

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
NIHONZARU (Japanese Macaque/Snow Monkey) [Purebreed]
Description: The Japanese Macaque, or Snow Monkey, is a monkey species native to Japan. It is the most northern-living primate.
Size Level: 4
Height: 2.5-3.2 feet
Weight: 12-30 pounds
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 45
Attribute Bonuses: +4 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., +1 to P.P., and +3 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Partial. Mutants are likely to be larger than normal and a bit more humanoid. Key characteristics are brown-gray fur, red face, hand, & bottom and a short tail.
Natural Weapons:
Special Skill: Language Dialects (MC, 11)
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
15 BIO-E for Advanced Touch
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Feet; use as partial hands.
15 BIO-E for Extra Limb: Prehensile Tail
5 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
10 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Righting Reflex
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail (can not be Prehensile)


#9: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 15:59

Anonymous wrote:
Nine Tail (Purebred)
Description: Created as a Zoo attraction and elite pets, these loveable foxes were given 9 big fluffy tails
are usually highly psionic and often wear bright colors.
Size Level: 4
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 25
Attribute Bonuses: +5 I.Q., +3 M.E., +3 P.B., +4 Spd.
Human Features
Hands: Partial
Biped: None
Speech: None, 5 Bio-E for Partial, 10 Bio-E for Full
Looks: None
Natural Weapons
1D6 damage Teeth
1D4 damage Running Claws
Animal Abilities
Advanced Vision
Advanced Hearing
Advanced smell
Leaping: Rodent
Vestigial Disadvantages
Vestigial Tail
Note: Bio-E counts double when used on psionics (1 point equals 2 but only for psionics)

Last edited by Guest on 28 Feb 2007 07:41; edited 1 time in total


#10: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 16:00

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
NOUSAGI (Japanese Hare) [Purebreed]
Description: Purebreed of Hare exclusive to Japan. (Non-purebreed versions are found in China, Korea, and Russia, use standard Rabbit stats.)
Size Level: 3
Height: 12-18 inches
Weight: 5 to 10 pounds
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 35
Attribute Bonuses: +3 to M.E., and +2 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Partial
Speech :Full
Looks: Partial; Humanoid with rabbit ears, small round eyes, slight muzzle, thick neck and body. Powerful human legs with thighs bulging with muscles and large, wide four-toed feet - or - haunches and legs may be rabbit-like. Fur covers the body except for the face and bottoms of hands and feet.
Natural Weapons:
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed
10 BIO-E for Righting Reflex
10 BIO-E for Camouflage Pattern (A unique coloring pattern that generally allows the character to blend in to their background. In the right environment, or in near darkness (only starlight, or dim torchlight), as long as the character remains motionless, there is only a 30% chance of being detected. This power is no substitute for the Prowl skill, but gives the character a +10% Prowl bonus in the right environment.)
25 BIO-E for Chameleon Camouflage Power (RH, 9)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal


#11: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 16:00

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
SHIKA (Shika Deer) [Purebreed]
Description: A type of deer, closely related to the Red Deer and Wapiti, that can be found throughout East Asia. The Japanese consider the Shika a sacred being, able to perform mystical feats of the mind.
Size Level: 16
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 15
Attribute Bonuses: +3 to P.S., +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E. and +6 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Partial; A humanoid covered in short brown fur with cream colored fur belly, neck and underarms, muzzled head with large ears, thick body with thin arms and legs.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Hooves
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
15 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed
25 BIO-E for Two Minds (MC, 163)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Seasonal Antlers
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Hooves
-10 BIO-E for Musk Glands
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal


#12: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 16:00

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
TSUKINOWAGUMA (Asiatic Black Bear) [Purebreed]
Description: Basically a nocturnal variant of the American Black Bear, somewhat smaller in size.
Size Level: 12
Height: 4.25-6.25 feet
Weight: 240-330 pounds
Build: Short
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 10
Attribute Bonuses: +2D6 to S.D.C, +2D6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +2 to P.E. and +4 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Partial
Speech: Partial
Looks: Partial; Smaller and humanoid in general appearance. Has a definite snout, large head, heavy fur, short legs and massive build, stands hunched over a bit.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4+2 damage Heavy Claws
10 BIO-E for 2D6+2 damage Heavy Claws
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
15 BIO-E for Predator Burst
10 BIO-E for Nightvision
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal


#13: Author: Guest, Posted: 23 Feb 2007 16:00

duck-foot wrote:
Ultra-Rex (Dinosaur Purebred)
Description: Large powerfully built humanoid dinosaurs, with the head of a carnoaur, fine scaly skin, three fingered clawed hands, arms that are proportioned in size to a humans, three toes that are spaced wide apart and clawed, slightly under-developed legs, and a humanoid torso. A long thick tail fully one and a half the body size trails behind the character.
Background This mutant was bio-egineered long ago (65 million years) by the Grays as slave soldiers. They are the front-line infantry of the Gray's vanguard. They exist only to fight.
Size Level: 16 (Minimum 14, Maximum 20)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E (For Psionics and and Size Level only): 20
Attribute Bonuses: +20 P.S. (Crushing), +6 P.E., +4 Speed, +30 to SDC
Human Features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: None
Natural Weapons:
Automaticall gets Serrated Teeth that do 4D6 damage
Automatically gets Claws that do 3D6+P.S. damage
Automatically gets Talons/ toe claws that do 3D6+P.S. damage
Automatically gets Slashing Tail that does 2D6+P.S. damage
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Natural Armor of 11 and +45 to SDC
Automatically gets Nightvision, Advanced Vision, Advanced Hearing and Advanced Smell. Predator Burst.
Automatically gets Infectious Bite: Any one bitten by a creature with infectious bite must save versus Deadly Poison at 15 or higher or suffer the following penalities. Reduce all physical attributes (including P.B.) by 25%, attacks and combat bonuses are reduced by 50%, individuals infected also fatigue at twice the normal rate. Every 8 hours after onset of infection roll again at 15 or higher or suffer 6D6 direct to Hit Points. Continue to try and save every 8 hours, until a successful roll is resulted the stricken individual will be dealt 6D6 to Hit Points.
Automatically gets Adapt to Atmosphere: The cells in the mutants lungs will automatically reconfigure themselves to be able to breath any atmosphere (including hostile ones). The adaptation process begins the moment the mutant is exsposed to a new atmosphere. For the initial 1D4 minutes the mutant coughs and chokes (reduce all skills, attributes and combat bonuses and attacks by 50%) and finally passes out. The mutant will remain in a comatose like sleep unable to defend himself (even from the grevious of attacks) for 2D8 hours while his body reacts to breathe the new atmosphere. When he awakens he can breathe the atmosphere without difficulty. This effect lasts until he no longer needs to breathe the atmosphere. He does not need to adapt to oxygen.
Automatically gets Reactive Skin: Although the characters skin looks no different than usual it has been bonded on a genetic level to react to force and kinetic energy. When an attack of force is leveled at the mutant his skin reacts by becoming denser than the offending object thus resulting in all non-energy (including phase, ion, plasma, fire electricity and acid) dealing half damage rounded down to the mutant.
Automatically gets Advanced Regeneration: The mutant dinosaur heals at an incredibly fast rate. Heals 4D6 Hitpoints and SDC every four hours and can completly regrow lost limbs in a matter of days. Tail 2 to 3 days, arm 1D4+1 days, leg 1D6+2 days, smaller extrimities (like a foot or hand) in just 2D6+12 hours. If the head or torso is severed the mutant is dead.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically gets Reptilian Brain: Predator and Diet: Carnivore
Automatically gets Subservience (towards Grays only)
Automatically gets Weak Willed: The character succumbs to psionics much more easily than usual (this was a fail safe gene the Grays implanted in the Ultra-Rex, a "just in case measure") the character has -2 to all psionic saves and no matter what the attack (unless it calls for a combat roll) must be saved on an 18 or higher. Furthermore the effects (not the damage) last 50% longer than usual.


#14: Author: Guest, Posted: 28 Feb 2007 07:44

duck-foot wrote:
Terror Mantis (Purebred Chimera)
Description: The terror-mantis is a communal chimera genetically engineered by the grays centuries ago to defend their borders from attacks. The terror-mantis has a humanoid shape, with the head of a mantis complete with multi-facated eyes and antennae, an insect abdomen that hangs below the human-like torso and waist, a top pair of scythe arms and a bottom pair of human-like arms, and a pair of wings.
Size Level: 15
Height: 7 to 8 feet tall (2.1 to 2.4 m)
Weight: 300 to 500 lbs (135 to 225 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20 for psionics or size level only
Attribute Bonuses: +14 P.S. (Crushing), +8 P.E., +5 Speed, -3 M.E. +20 SDC.
Human Features:
Hands: Full (bottom pair only)
Biped: Full
Speech: None (ultra-sonic communication)
Looks: None. Looks just like a humanoid predatorial insect. Exoskeleton is thick and glossy. May pass for human in bad light and wearing a lot of cloths.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets Scythe Arms (top pair). These powerful serrated arms curve at joints into menacing blades. If an opponent is pinned (natural 16-20) the mutant will continue to attack by biting. The serrated arms inflict 3D6 damage and being pinned or grappled inflicts an additional 1D6.
Automatically gets Acidic Saliva. The mutant has been genetically engineered to spit acid out of its mouth. This comes from an organ in the abdomen near the heart. Damage: 4D6 Range: 100 feet the mutant can spit acid 20 times an hour. The attack is so fast and precise it requires a dodge roll at 18 or higher at a -3 to get out of the way and not get hit.
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets all Antennae Powers (except Hard Eye)
Automatically gets Heavy Natural Exo-skeleton A.R.:18 +100 SDC
Automatically gets Wings and Soaring Flight
Automatically gets Silent Flight
Automatically gets Raptor Flight
Automatically gets Acrobatic Flight (+1 strike/entangle, +2 disarm, pull & roll, +1 dodge for every 20 mph ( 34 km/h) max +6)
Automatically Gets Multiple Limbs: Arms (+1 attack and parry)
Automatically gets Hibernation (at ten times normal rate)
Automatically gets Hivemind. No terror-mantis may be caught off-guard or surprised unless they all are (in a given group), all terror-mantis save vs horror factor and fear unless they all do not. If one terror-mantis notices something they all do. They are all aware of each others thoughts, feelings and locations. Range: 8 miles (10 km). Duration: Indefinant.
Automatically gets Chameleon. The mutant insect is able to "curve" light around its body creating a blank space. The mantis will appear has just part of the background (brick house, stone, stream ect...) this ability takes only one minute to complete. The background will move across the body as fast as the mutant can go (95% chance of being unseen). Can not do complex patterns like flannel. Any cloths or weapons on the mutant will not change to be invisible with the mutant. Unless it was created to do so. Duration: an hour at a time.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically gets Diet: Carnivore
Automatically gets Reptile Brain: Predator


#15: Author: Guest, Posted: 28 Feb 2007 07:44

duck-foot wrote:
Beast Man (Purebred Chimera)
Description: The beast man is a mutant from only god knows where. It looks like a green toad-skinned human with no body hair, it has four fingered hands with gnashy claws, a mouth with pronounced canines, and a serious under bite.
Size Level: 13
Height: 7 to 8 feet tall (1.8 to 2.1 m)
Weight: 200 to 300 lbs ( 85 to 135 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 10 for psionics or size level only
Attribute Bonuses: +8 P.S. (Brute), +1 P.P., +2 P.E., +3 Speed, -3 I.Q., -2 M.E., -3 M.A., -3 P.B.
Human Features:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: Partial. Other than having green toad-like skin and a feral look to them the beast men resemble primative humans.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 1D6 teeth
Automatically gets 1D4+2 claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Nightvision
Automatically gets Advanced Hearing
Automatically gets Advanced Smell
Automatically gets Predator Burst
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically gets Diet: Carnivore (they are cannibals)
Automatically gets Reptile Brain: Predator


#16: Author: duck-foot, Location: Pits of Dyval Posted: 8 Mar 2007 21:45

Gore Hound (Pure Breed)
Description: The gorehound looks like a large attack dog with an armored bio-synthetic look. The gorehound was created to hunt and kill. Unlike the "non-mutated" gorehound these creatures are capable of independent action and thought.
Size Level: 10
Height: 5-6 ft tall (1.5 to 1.8 m)
Weight: 150 to 200 lbs (68 to 90 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 60 (+5 per level, starting at level 2)
Attribute Bonuses: +6 P.S. Beastly, +3 P.E., +2 P.P., +4 Spd
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full. Arms have 5 clawed fingers with an opposable thumb and the arms are normal human length.
Biped: Automatically Partial. Legs are thick, long and tipped with claws. Character tends to walk and run on all fours.
5 BIO-E for Full. Character has a humanoid torso and legs.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None. A humanoid with an armored "Geigeresque" bio-synthetic look to its skin and body. Its head and features are that of a wolf.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Character looks like a bio-synthetic human with sharp sharp pointy canines and clawed tipped hands.
10 BIO-E for Full. In this case the character looks as above, but without the canines and claws.
20 BIO-E for Perfect. Character looks exactly like a normal human.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D6 claws
10 BIO-E for 3D6 claws
20 BIO-E for 4D6 claws
--+ 10 BIO-E for poison claws. Save vs poison or take 3D6 direct to Hit Points
10 BIO-E for jaw bite. Gives the mutant P.S. damage bonus in bite attacks
5 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 3D6 teeth
20 BIO-E for 4D6 serrated teeth
--+ 10 BIO-E for poison bite. Save vs poison or take 3D6 direct to Hit Points.
5 BIO-E for spiked tail that does 2D6
10 BIO-E for spiked tail that does 3D6
5 BIO-E for 2D6 shoulder spikes
10 BIO-E for 3D6 shoulder spikes
--+ 10 BIO-E for poison shoulder spikes. Save vs poison or take 3D6 direct to Hit Points
5 BIO-E for 4 (2 on each side) 2D6 tentacles, Range: melee
10 BIO-E for 4 (2 on each side) 3D6 tentacles Range: melee
--- Character can have four pairs of tentacles maximum.
*5 BIO-E for 2D6 bio-cannon Range: 100 ft (30 m)
*10 BIO-E for 3D6 bio-cannon Range: 200 ft (60 m)
*20 BIO-E for 4D6 bio-cannon Range: 300 ft (90 m)
*10 BIO-E for bore cannon (see Splicers pg 134)
* Character can have a maxiumum of 5 cannons. One in the mouth, one on each shoulder and one on each forearm.
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Multiple Limbs. Arms
5 BIO-E for Extra Tough. Add +20 SDC
10 BIO-E for Exceptionally Tough. Add +30 SDC
10 BIO-E for any Extraordinary Attribute (P.S., P.P., Spd ect..)
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for any Advanced Senses (vision, taste ect..)
5 BIO-E for Infrared Vision
5 BIO-E for Heat Vision
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Padded Feet
10 BIO-E for Low-Frequency Wave Detection (Requires Padded Feet)
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor: A.R.:9, +25 SDC
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor: A.R.:11, +40 SDC
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor: A.R.:14, +60 SDC
40 BIO-E for Extra Heavy Natural Armor: A.R.:16, +100 SDC
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail
10 BIO-E for Aquatic Breathing
5 BIO-E for Aquatic Swimming
10 BIO-E for Gliding Membrane
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
5 BIO-E for Leaping Standard
-- 10 BIO-E Rodent Leaping
-- 20 BIO-E Feline Leaping
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Digging
10 BIO-E for Sonar. (Requires Advanced Hearing)
------Insect Powers. See Mutants in Orbit for ability description
10 BIO-E for Compound Eye and 360* Vision
5 BIO-E for Antennae Touch Ability
5 BIO-E for Antennae Smell Ability
10 BIO-E for Chemical Attack
5 BIO-E for any other Insect Chemical


#17: Author: Guest, Posted: 20 Mar 2007 17:12

duck-foot wrote:
White Ape (Purebred)
Description: The white ape is a large white gorilla of great strength and endurance. It lives in mostly rural communities, and despises violence, but like a cornered animal it will lash out if it has no other choice.
Size Level: 15
Length: 8 ft tall (2.4 m)
Weight: 600 to 800 lbs (280 to 370kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 10 (for psionics only)
Attribute Bonuses: +7 P.S. Brute, +3 P.E., +2 P.P., -4 M.A.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Automatically Partial. Speech is harsh and crude.
Looks: Automatically Partial. Looks very much like a white completely erect gorilla, only it's arms, legs and torso are proportioned to a humans, as opposed to a gorillas short legs and long arms.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically has 2D4 teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Opposable Feet (acts as partial hands)
Automatically has Advanced Hearing
Automatically has Superior Nightvision. The white ape can see at 100 ft (30 m) even in total darkness. And up to 1,000 ft (300 m) with moon-light.
Automatically has Digging, Tunneling and Excavation at +10%, the white apes live in large subterranean ant-like tunnels, passages and caves. They excavate these tunnels from the surface to about a mile (1.6 km) underground.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically has Musk Glands
Automatically has Diet: Black Mushrooms. The white apes diet consist on subterranean black mushrooms. Their stomachs are incapable of digesting anything else.
Light Aversion. The white ape hates bright light (anything lighter than a torch) and suffers a -4 to all combat actions and -20% to all skills.


#18: Author: Guest, Posted: 12 May 2007 06:16

duck-foot wrote:
Humanzee (Purebred)
Description: During the early parts of the 21st century mankind had the capability of splicing human genes with a chimpanzees, thanks to the 5th Genome Project Thyra. However, outrage and opposition from religions and nations cancelled the project in its latter stages. During the "Golden Age" of mankind (around 2040) this project was finally completed, opposition had staled and for the first time in his history mankind had played God. After the "Crash" humanzees became very rare all thanks to the various Human Nations eradication programs against this mutant. To the humans this creature only reminds them of how close they really are to being animals.
Size Level: 8
Length: 5 ft tall (1.5 m)
Weight: 100 lbs (42 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 10 For Psionics only
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +4 P.S., +3 P.P. -2 P.B.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full. Arms have five fingers with an opposable thumb. The arms are of normal human length
Biped: Automatically Full. Character has a human-like torso and legs. With full bipedal movement.
Speech: Automatically Partial. Character can talk and sound like a human, however he tends to yell, howl and scream.
Looks: Automatically Partial. Character has fine peach colored skin with thin black hair covering the entire body. Eyes are pitch black and set in a flat forehead. The mouth is filled with small sharp canines in a receding small chin. Character has long thin fingers on a flat ovoid palm
Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 1D6 teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Advanced Smell
Automatically has Advanced Vision
Automatically has Nightvision
Automatically has Advanced Taste
Automatically has Prehensile Feet
Vestigial Disadvantages:
None. Although the character will never truly feel at home in any society man or ape. Societies composed of entirely humanzees are not unknown however, this species more than any other has a complications with mating due to the slight genetic differences in man and ape. It was one of the first mutants and has such the complications with breeding are very present.


#19: Author: Guest, Posted: 12 May 2007 06:17

duck-foot wrote:
Mole-Dogs (Purebred)
Description: Mole-dogs resemble normal full fledged canine mutants. Bipedal, arms with fingers and a thumb, fur, a dog-like head and a dog like shaggy tail. The difference becomes apparent when one looks closer. There fingers have very large claws that are webbed to sweep away dirt, their eyes have a 2nd membrane that can cover them when digging, their fur is sleek and water resistant, finally the whiskers of this mutant are more like that of cats then dogs. They are generally peaceful and live in underwater air filled caves away from the rest of mutant society.
Size Level: 10
Length: 5 to 6 ft tall (1.5 to 1.8 m)
Weight: 100 to 150 lbs (42 to 64 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: none
Attribute Bonuses: +4 P.P., +1 Spd
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full. Arms have five fingers with an opposable thumb and large claws.
Biped: Automatically Full. Character has a human-like torso and legs. With full bipedal movement. They stand on the soles of there feet like humans do.
Speech: Automatically Full. The vocal range of a mole-dog is wider than that of a humans. +10% to Impersonate or Vantreliquesim skills (these skills must still be taken)
Looks: Automatically None. Looks like a tannish brown to black furred humanoid dog.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 2D4 teeth
Automatically gets 1D4 claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Advanced Smell
Automatically has Nightvision
Automatically gets Advanced Swimmer skill
Automatically gets Digging
Automatically gets Excavation
Automatically gets Tunneling
Automatically gets Hold Breath


#20: Author: Guest, Posted: 12 May 2007 06:19

duck-foot wrote:
Evelutionx (Pure Bred)
Description: The evelutionx is a mutant that evolves in many stages. It starts out as a primitive clear unintelligent fish-like creature with a primitive backbone. The next stage is more evolved and resembles a pond fish with yellow scales, orange stripes and a purple under belly. The 3rd stage resembles a giant salamander. The fourth stage (the first stage a PC can play) resembles a semi-bipedal salamander with short thumbs and binocular vision. The fifth stage is that of a "lizardman" with fully possible thumbs, a lizard head, scales and fully erect posture. The sixth stage resembles an ape-man with human proportioned arms, legs and torso. The last and finally stage looks completely human. Stages 1 through 3 last 5 years. Stages 4 through 6 last 50 years, stage 7 last 100 years. Females can give birth to a cone-shaped egg in all stages of evolution. This egg will hatch into a stage one evelutionix, and develop has normal.
Size Level: Stg: 4 Slv 6. All other playable stages are 10.
Height: Stg 4 upto 4 feet. Stg 5 and higher upto 6 or 7 feet.
Weight: Stg 4 100lbs (42 kg), Stg 5+ 150 to 200 lbs (63 to 84 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 40 for each stage (this is not cumulative). The powers do not carry on from stage to stage. Unless it says otherwise.
Attribute Bonuses: Note: The attribute bonuses do not carry to each stage of development/evolution.
----Stg 4: + 3 P.P., +3 P.E., +6 Swimming Spd.
----Stg 5: +9 P.S., +1 P.P., +3 P.E.
----Stg 6: +2 I.Q., +1 M.A., +5 P.S., +3 Spd
----Stg 7: +4 I.Q., +2 M.A., +3 M.E.
Human Features, Natural Weapons and Powers:
Stage Four (Salamnderman) Hands: Partail. The thumb is not fully developed and is short. Bipedal: Partial. The legs are underdeveloped, but are exceptionally strong and can leap a good distance. Speech: None, the evelutionx has not yet developed a brain or throat that allows for speech. Looks: None. Looks like a large humanoid salamander with pebble black and yellow dotted skin. Natural Weapons: 1D6 teeth. Animal Powers: Advanced Vision, Advanced Swimming, Leaping: Feline and Water Breathing.
Stage Five (Lizardman) Hands: Full. The evelutionx now has a fully possible thumb. Bipedal: Full. The legs have a fully developed knee joint and can move like a human. Speech: None, still has not developed a brain capable of speech. Looks: None. Looks like a human with scaly skin, lizard head, long tail and sharp claws on the hands and feet. Natural Weapons: 4D6 serrated teeth, 2D6 tail slash, 3D6 hand claws, 3D6 feet claws, Infectious Bite. Animal Powers: Natural Armor AR: 11, +40 SDC, Advanced Smell, Predator Burst, Internal Compass.
Stage Six (Apeman) Hands: Full. Bipedal: Full. Speech: Partial. The evelutionx can now talk with some difficulty. Looks: Partial. The sixth stage looks like a human with a small chin, slopped forehead, a lot of fur and an ape-like appearance. Natural Weapons: 2D6 teeth, 2D4 punch (4D4 power punch). Animal Powers:Prehensile Feet, Climbing 90%, Predator Burst, Leaping: Feline, Nightvision, and Advanced Touch
Stage Seven (Human) All Human Features are full. This stage looks completely human. There is no way to distinguish between a Stg 7 evelutionx and a real human. Psionic Powers: Alter Aura, Bio-Manipulation: Optic and Neural areas, Detect Psionics, Empathy, Mind Block, See Aura, Telepathy, Telekineses, and Telepathic Listening. And 20 BIO-E for additional Psionic Powers.
Mutant Animal Powers:. These powers can be bought at each stage. They do not carry from stage to stage. At each new stage of development the character can spend the 40 BIO-E has he wants. In some cases the power can carry on to other stages of development. In such a case the evelutionx permanently losses that amount of BIO-E. None of these powers can be bought for stage seven.
5 BIO-E Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E Hold Breath
15 BIO-E Gliding
10 BIO-E Sonar
5 BIO-E Hibernation
10 BIO-E Runner
10 BIO-E Righting Reflex
5 BIO-E Advanced Taste
*5 BIO-E Brute Strength
*10 BIO-E Beastly Strength
*20 BIO-E Crushing Strength
*5 BIO-E Extra I.Q.
*5 BIO-E Extra P.E.
*5 BIO-E Extra M.E.
*5 BIO-E Extra M.A.
*5 BIO-E Extra P.P.
*5 BIO-E Extra Speed
A * marked power will carry on to other evolutionary stages.
Vestigial Disadvantages:. Has powers these will not carry on to other stages. And when a new stage of development comes the mutant will lose the additional BIO-E. Stage seven cannot purchase disadvantages.
-10 BIO-E for Retile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore (cannot be purchased with Diet: Herbivore or Reptile Brain: Prey)
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore (Cannot be purchased with Diet: Carnivore)
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Hearing
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Diurnal
-10 BIO-E for Colorblindess
-20 BIO-E for Predatory Bloodlust (can not be purchased with Reptile Brain: Prey) see ATB pg. 104 under Allosauroid.
-10 BIO-E for Musk Glands
-10 BIO-E Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness


#21: Author: Guest, Posted: 19 May 2007 07:51

duck-foot wrote:
Hybrids (Human/Gray Purebred):
Description: The hybrids are a direct result of the gray aliens mixing their genetic code with a humans. What the aliens were hoping for was genetic future; what they got was a nightmare, The hybrids resemble humans with dark black oval shaped eyes, four fingered hands and a completely hairless body. What scared the the gray's was the hybrids penchant for evil and cruelty. Apparently when human and alien DNA cross the brain waves cannot align correctly, thus the hybrids are born without the ability to feel compassion or love, or any emotion other than anger, hatred and greed. The grays have yet to correct this genetic problem, mostly because they cannot find a way around it. They has a race are non-violent, any hybrid that shows emotional unbalance (80%, of them) are sent to earth, so they will no longer bother the grays. This has however, created a problem on earth. Most of these hybrids crave power, and lots of it. Small war clans of mutant animals led by these misanthropes are popping up all along the EoH and Cardonian border, a massive war is inevitable.
Size Level: 10
Height: 6-7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m)
Weight: 170 to 220 lbs (78 kg to 100 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +3 I.Q., +2 M.A., -3 M.E.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically has full humanlike hands with three fingers and a thumb.
Biped: Automatically full.
Speech: Automatically Full. However, there is often hatred and loathing hidden in their voice.
Looks: Automatically Perfect Looks like a hairless human with black eyes and four fingers.
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E Advanced Hearing
10 BIO-E for Extra P.P.
10 BIO-E for Extra I.Q.
10 BIO-E for Extra M.A.
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed
Mutant Psionic Powers:
5 BIO-E Bio-Regeneration
10 BIO-E Mind Bleed
5 BIO-E Feign Death
10 BIO-E Alter Aura
5 BIO-E Mind Block
10 BIO-E Resist Thirst
10 BIO-E Ignore Pain
10 BIO-E Resist Hunger
10 BIO-E Bio-Regeneration (minor)
5 BIO-E Sixth Sense
5 BIO-E Total Recall
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically gets Reptilian Brain: Predator
Automatically has one Psychosis, one Neurosis and suffers from deep boughts of depression, anger, anxiety and bi-polar disorder.


#22: Author: Guest, Posted: 10 Jun 2007 18:50

duck-foot wrote:
Katulu (Purebred)
Description: The katulu is a creature of Native American mythology. It was said to look like a human with the head and scales of a black fish, large glowing eyes, tentacles and the stench of a decaying body. It was to escort the damned into hell. Seeing one was a sign of death, or worse. For whatever reason this creature was bio-engineered by the greys. With the greys returning to earth these creatures are now back in the rivers and streams of earth. The greys for whatever reason do not kill failed experiments, but release them on habitable worlds. This new crop of katulu are ones they did not,regrettably release last time they were on earth.
Size Level: 12
Height: 6-7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m)
Weight: 400 to 600 lbs (180 to 270 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost
Total BIO-E: 30 (for psionics only)
Attribute Bonuses: +8 P.S. Brute Strength, +4 P.E., +8 swimming Speed
Human Features:
Hands: None. The katulu has three pairs of black tentacles, on the sides of their body where a normal humanoids arms would be.
Biped: Automatically Full. The katulu has a human like torso, with legs of proportionate size capable of full movement.
Speech: Automatically partial. The speech is gurgled, and sounds somewhat demonic.
Looks: None. It looks like a jet black humanoid with scales, a fish head and tentacles.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically has 2D4 teeth
Automatically has 1D6 tentacle punch
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Nightvision. Double usual range from 1,000ft to 2,000 ft.
Automatically has Advanced Vision
Automatically has Advanced Hearing
Automatically has Advanced Swimming. Can swim at 90%. And is capable of surviving depths upto one mile underwater.
Automatically has Aquatic Gills. The mutant can breath water indefinitely, and is able to hold its breath on land 30 minutes per P.E. score.
Automatically has Multi-Limb Coordination (for each pair of arms). Gives the ktulu the Ambidexterity and Paired Weapons skills automatically, and +1 to attack.
Automatically has Suction Cups: This lets the mutant grab objects with strength equal to Supernatural P.S. It also gives the mutant the equivalent of the Minor Power: Adhesion.
Automatically has Camouflage Skin: The skin of the katulu is able to blend in with its surroundings and gives it a +30% to Camouflage skill. The squid cannot do complex patterns like checker boards or flannel.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptilian Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-20 BIO-E for Vestigial Aquatic Skin
-20 BIO-E for Horrid Smell. The skin of the katulu will smell like dead rotting flesh. This will keep even the best of friends a few yards away. The character cannot get rid of this smell. Anyone one or thing with advanced smell is +30% to track the character, even in a large city the tracker is +10% to do so. It takes 8 hours of bathing and scrubbing to put the smell at bay for even 1D4 hours. All of those who get within 10 feet of the character must save poison at 14. Failure indicates he cannot concentrate (-2 on all combat rolls, -10% to all skills) because of the smell.
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Brahmin Cows (Purebreed)
Description: Minotaur in shape, but with calm serenity, and peaceful demeanor. They are the spiritual leaders and teachers in the Ganesha lands of India.
Size Level: 13
Build: Short
Total Bio-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +3 IQ, +4 ME, +3 PS, +2 Spd
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: None
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Horns
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
15 BIO-E Heat Resistance with Oily Skin (Half damage from Heat)
20 BIO-E Disease Resistant
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Domestication.
-5 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Horns.
-5 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Hooves.
-5 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Tail.
-5 BIO-E for taking Diet: Herbivore
-10 BIO-EVestigial for taking Diet: Ruminant
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Mooskika Kshatryia (Purebreed)
Description: The "Royal Guard" of the Ganesha themselves. They are totally devote to the Ganesha and live and die to remove any "obstacles" in their endeavors.
Size Level: 6
Build: Medium
Total Bio-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +1 ME, +2 PS, +2 PP, +4 Spd
Human Features
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: None
Natural Weapons:
1D6 Climbing Claws
Rodent Gnawing Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Righting Reflex
Leaping: Rodent
Brute Strength (If PS allows)
Psionic Claws (If ME allows)
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Description: As technologically ingenious as any of the new mutants, the Hyderabad Baboons seem to be inventing power generation systems, weapons and devices based on an entirely new approach to physics and mathematics. Devoted worhsipers of the Ganeshi Elepahnts, they are constructing vast cities and vehicles.

Size Level: 6
Build: Short

Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: I.Q. +4, M.E. +1, M.E. +4, Spd. +2

Human Features
Hands: Automatic Full
Biped: Automatic Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None

Mutant Animal Powers
Automatic Advanced Vision
Automatic Advanced Touch
Automatic Prehensile Feet
Automatic Mechanical Genius (If ME allows)
Automatic Techno-Mind (If ME allows)
5 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance

Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
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Original Animal Characteristics
Description: They are the purebreed Eagles who are devoted to the Ganeshi, but take a looser interpretation of the Non-violence tenets. They feel that the blasphemy the Naga jungles are promoting are dangerous to the regime. They have taken it upon themselves to wage war on the Naga, and feel that killing them is too singul, but eating the Naga as well mitigates the sin. They think it is a this is acceptable. The enlist other birds to their cause as well, but jealously keep the leadership to themselves. They are not sanctioned by the Ganeshi, but they have been silent on condemning their actions and thus take this as consent for their actions. They seem to have been created and breed for War and that’s what the excel at.

Size Level: 6
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 10
Attribute Bonuses: +6 PS, +2 PP and +2 PB
Human Features
Hands: Extra Limbs
Biped: Automatically full
Speech: Partial
Natural Weapons:
Automatic 3d6 Talons on hands
Automatic 3d6 Talons on feet
Automatic 3d6 Beak
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatic Raptor Flight
Automatic Advanced Vision
Automatic Internal Compass
10 BIO-E or Extra Mental Endurance
5 Bio-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatic Reptile Brain (Predator)
Automatic Diet: Carnivore
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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

There's a small problem with your new mutant, Sammit.
First: There's no name for your creation.
Two: It's not exactly fleshed out.

Other then those two things, it looks alright.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

There's a small problem with your new mutant, Sammit.
First: There's no name for your creation.
Two: It's not exactly fleshed out.

Other then those two things, it looks alright.

Rathorc Lemenger.
I've created a monster.-Taalismn.
Believe in the unbelieveable, and you shall become known to the unknown-Rathorc Lemenger
It is well documented that for every minute you excercise, you add a minute to your life. This enables you, at 85 years of age, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month-An anonymous family member of Rathorc Lemenger.
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Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:59 am
Comment: "Its not the destination that matters, its the journey along the way."
Location: Raxacoricofallapatorius


Unread post by SittingBull »

Awesome stuff guys.
"Understanding is a three-edged sword."
Kosh from Babylon 5
"You don't understand, so you find excuses."
Doctor Who
"Peace has made you weak. Victory has defeated you."
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