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so i got Splicers today

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:47 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
over the past few weeks everyone has been saying how under rated this book was and how great it is so I see a copy in my local game stores discards for $7 and picked it up and after reading 1/2 and skimming the rest this book ROCKS THE BALL its great i wish i had picked it up years ago when i had a larger play group... oh well just wanted to give my thoughts.


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 1:59 am
by dragon_blaze_99
jigahus wrote:Dam they are discarding it at $7. I have to buy it at retail from my store.
store near me is getting rid of lots of palladium stuff and its hard to get them to bring new stuff in so I order on line now, they told me that palladium would be gone by the end of this year :x

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:14 am
by Guy_LeDouche
its great i wish i had picked it up years ago when i had a larger play group

Welcome to Splicers, the most criminally overlooked game today. I'm glad you like it; it impressed the heck out of me when I picked it up.

There's a lot of great stuff on the board, especially the sticky for "Slappy's Creations". Be sure to give it a read. Also, feel free to post any ideas, complete or not. One thing about this board, everyone's very supportive and get a kick out of seeing each other's ideas.

As for your store.....what can I say? If the gaming scene around you is like here, if it ain't Warmachine, D&D, or Warhammer-related, no one's interested (and no, I don't mean this as a bash against those respective companies.)

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:16 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Josh Hilden wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:... they told me that palladium would be gone by the end of this year :x


I've been hearing that since 1987.

yeah but they tell that to anyone who even gets close to the Palladium books and that a pi$$off. there working hard to get things back on track.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:26 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
Guy_LeDouche wrote:
its great i wish i had picked it up years ago when i had a larger play group

Welcome to Splicers, the most criminally overlooked game today. I'm glad you like it; it impressed the heck out of me when I picked it up.

There's a lot of great stuff on the board, especially the sticky for "Slappy's Creations". Be sure to give it a read. Also, feel free to post any ideas, complete or not. One thing about this board, everyone's very supportive and get a kick out of seeing each other's ideas.

As for your store.....what can I say? If the gaming scene around you is like here, if it ain't Warmachine, D&D, or Warhammer-related, no one's interested (and no, I don't mean this as a bash against those respective companies.)
it not really that the store was about 800 sq ft 5 years ago 80% role playing, now is 300-400 sq ft (still kinda big) but its 50% comics, 35% anime and the rest is RPG's and Toys ( stuff manly) after white wolf change everything around and D&D version billion came out the owner told me that RPG drop round 75% because people are sick of new games every 2 or 3 years that are no good with there old stuff and i guess she has a point I own every book from the old WOD (VTM,WWA,Mage, CTD every single book) and when they changed I didnt look at the new stuff at all i was so pi$$ed at them, that one thing I (and my players) love about palladium is its the same rules and not always being re worked....... back to Splicers I still haven't read it all but looks great and there is lots of cool stuff on the boards here, After the Heroes/Pf game i'm gm right now were moving on to Splicers...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:26 pm
by dragon_blaze_99
p.s sorry for the rant

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:36 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
p.s sorry for the rant

No worries. An occassional rant is healthy. Relieves stress.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:38 pm
by Vinny
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
jigahus wrote:Dam they are discarding it at $7. I have to buy it at retail from my store.
store near me is getting rid of lots of palladium stuff and its hard to get them to bring new stuff in so I order on line now, they told me that palladium would be gone by the end of this year :x

Not with them getting the Robotech license.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:42 pm
by asajosh
Vinny wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
jigahus wrote:Dam they are discarding it at $7. I have to buy it at retail from my store.
store near me is getting rid of lots of palladium stuff and its hard to get them to bring new stuff in so I order on line now, they told me that palladium would be gone by the end of this year :x

Not with them getting the Robotech license.

My sentiments exatly.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:29 pm
by Spinachcat
Lobotaru wrote:I wouldn't mind getting Splicers as a supplement to Rifts. I've always thought that genetic augmentation was sorely underplayed in the Rift's setting when its such an obvious form of human augmentation.

I am going to take a minute to shameless promote the upcoming Rifter0 and heap praise unto the glory that is myself :shock:

For Rifter0, I wrote a mini-campaign called Seven Years on Cerebus which is designed to introduce Splicers tidbits to the Rifts audience. My great hope is that some of the readers will get excited by the crossover concept and pick up Splicers. In SYoC, lots of Coalition people get to come face to face with biotech...

And yeah, Splicers freaking rocks!

As for the game store issue, it is their business and they have to sell what sells - D&D 4e is coming and all their 3e stuff is dead weight already. Imagine spending thousands on stock only to have to bargain bin everything. If the Rifts movie comes out, that will end any noise about Palladium dying.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:46 pm
by Guy_LeDouche
I am going to take a minute to shameless promote the upcoming Rifter0 and heap praise unto the glory that is myself

Shamelessly promote!! I love the thoughts of any new Splicer material coming out!