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What do you think is the Best thing for BtS in Rifter?
Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:05 am
by gaby
Tell me what Monster,Adventure or info for Beyond the Supernatural you think is the best and why?
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:53 pm
by zor_prime1
For me, I may be kinda biased with this one because I wrote it. It's the 'Soul Tree'. It has soooooo much potential in any setting.
It's not hard for me to think of adventures in how this could be used directly or indirectly in the scenario. The characters don't have to be the ones to make the pact with the tree. But they surely can help or fight off someone who has made a pact.
They could secretly uncover a Deceivil minion who is leading people astray and could even be someone who is a famous local or national icon with their incredible cunning and charisma. They might have to stop them that minion from sending more people to the tree to make pacts. But the Deceivil's celebrity status would be a help or hindrance to stop this "thing".
They could help a pact-breaker avoid the Soul Tree's minions from brining them back to the tree's justice. It's a daunting task, but it could be interesting and challenging.
Heck, they could help hunt down a pact-breaker who is misusing their Soul Tree-given powers to hurt innocents.
If you want to have one of the players make a pact to find out information, get revenge, or something else that might require help from the otherside then the Soul Tree is a dangerous but fun way to make it happen.
Where did your grandpa put the deed to the land that now is worth millions?
Who murdered your true love?
Could you be a public hero and solve an enigmatic cold case murder that has kept the public guessing for decades?
What other information would be worth risking asking the dead by means of the Soul Tree?
Would this knowledge be worth having poltergeists following to hinder you?
If you fail to fulfil your pact, then your grave and knowledge belongs to the Soul Tree to be sold to anyone that makes a pact. What could be worse?
Only the GM is limited by their imagination. I'm considering writing a few short stories where the Soul Tree is involved with different people. Some who are able to fulfill the bargain while others might not.