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Random Hit Location and Damage

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:43 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Here are some Random Hit and Damage Tables I have made up and used for years off and on. Please feel free to use and abuse as you all see fit. Enjoy, Big Bob.............. :D

(Compatible with any D20 gaming system)
by Robert F. Miller, Sr.

This series of tables may be used in any Role Playing Game (RPG) based on the use of one twenty sided die (1d20). Hope this is a useful tool to Gamers and Game Masters (GM) everywhere. Please note these tables are based on Human anatomy; please adjust accordingly to creatures in your campaign.

These tables are to be used only if a hit/strike is successful according to your GM/Gaming system.

Step 1: Determine Hit Location
Roll 1d20
Result Body Part Hit*
1 Head
2 or 3 Left Arm
4 or 5 Right Arm
6-8 Torso (Main Body) Bones
9-14 Torso (Main Body) Organs
15-17 Left Leg
18-20 Right Leg
*In case of multiple body parts, roll a die according to number of parts.
Example: Shooting at a giant octopus you rolled a 16 left leg hit. Roll one four-sided die (1d4) to determine which of the 4 tentacles you hit on the “left” side of the octopus. You rolled a 2 meaning you hit the “second” tentacle on the “left” side counting back from the head/body.

Step 2: (OPTIONAL) Determine Specific Hit Location of Body Part Hit
Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 or 2 Cranium (Skull)
3 or 4 Left Eye
5-7 Left Ear
8 or 9 Nose
10-12 Mouth
13-15 Neck
16 or 17 Right Eye
18-20 Right Ear

Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 or 2 Hand
3 or 4 Wrist
5-8 Forearm
9-11 Elbow
12-15 Above Elbow
16-20 Shoulder

Torso (Main Body) Bones
Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 Sacrum (Pelvic Bone Center)
2-4 Left Rib Cage
5-7 Right Rib Cage
8 or 9 Left Collar Bone
10 or 11 Right Collar Bone
12 or 13 Left Pelvis Bone
14 or 15 Right Pelvis Bone
16 or 17 Left Shoulder Blade
18 or 19 Right Shoulder Blade
20 Spine

Torso (Main Body) Organs
Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 Heart
2 Left Lung
3 Right Lung
4 Left Kidney
5 Right Kidney
6 Muscle/Tissue*
7 Major Blood Vessel Moderate Wound
8 Bladder
9 Spleen
10 Gall Bladder
11 Liver
12 Minor Artery Severe Wound
13 Pancreas
14 Stomach
15 Large Intestines
16 Small Intestines
17 Genitals
18 Prostate/Uterus
19 Major Artery Critical Wound
20 Muscle/Tissue*
*No organs/bones hit. 1 hit=Light Wound, 2 hits=Minor Wound, 3 hits=Moderate Wound, 4 hits=Severe Wound, and 5 hits=Critical Wound, 6+ hits=Death.

Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 or 2 Foot
3 or 4 Ankle
5-8 Lower Leg
9-11 Knee
12-16 Upper Leg/Thigh
17 or 18 Hip Joint
19 or 20 Buttocks
Step 3: (OPTIONAL) Determine Damage Results as Per RANDOM DAMAGE TABLES.

(Compatible with any D20 gaming system)
by Robert F. Miller, Sr.

This series of tables may be used in any Role Playing Game (RPG) based on the use of one twenty sided die (1d20). Hope this is a useful tool to Gamers and Game Masters (GM) everywhere. Please note these tables are based on Human anatomy; please adjust accordingly to creatures in your campaign. Wound Types are defined at the end of Tables. You may use these tables instead of applying damage to a character.
These tables are only to be used if a hit/strike is successful and hit the body part listed according to your GM/Gaming system.

Cranium (Skull)
Roll 1d20 Result
1 Brain Destroyed, Dead
2 Negligible Damage
3 Simple Skull Fracture, Coma 1d20 Days
4 Brain Bruised, Severe Headache 1d20 Days
5 Brain Damage Left Side, Paralyzed Right Side of Body, Permanent
6 Vision Blurred for 1d20 Minutes
7 Knocked Out for 1d20 Minutes
8 Negligible Damage
9 Brain Damage, 1d20 x 5% Loss of Motor Skills
10 Brain Bruised Right Side, Paralyzed Left Side of Body for 1d20 Minutes
11 Concussion, Stunned for 1d20 Minutes
12 Vision Blurred for 1d20 Days
13 Stunned, Lost Grip of Items in Hands
14 Brain Damage, 1d20 x 5% Loss of Intelligence
15 Brain Bruised Left Side, Paralyzed Right Side of Body for 1d20 Minutes
16 Amnesia for 1d20 Days
17 Dazed, Fall Prone
18 Skull Fracture, Coma 1d20 Weeks
19 Negligible Damage
20 Brain Damage Left Side, Paralyzed Right Side of Body, Permanent

Roll 1d20 Result
1 Destroyed
2 Negligible Damage
3 1d20 x 5% Permanent Blindness
4 Swollen Shut for 1d20 Days
5 Damaged, Extremely Sensitive to Light
6 Pops Out of Socket and Dangles
7 Blinded for 1d20 Minutes
8 Eye Lid Severed/Torn Off
9 Double Vision for 1d20 Days
10 Cross-Eyed
11 “Black eye” Bruise
12 Blinded for 1d20 Days
13 Negligible Damage
14 Damaged, Night Blindness
15 Walled-Eye
16 Double Vision for 1d20 Weeks
17 Severe Cut Opens Over Eye
18 Negligible Damage
19 Eyebrow and Eye Lashes Missing
20 Blinded for 1d20 Weeks

Roll 1d20 Result
1 Permanent Deafness
2 Contract Severe Ear Infection within 1d20Days
3 Hearing Loss for 1d20 Minutes
4 Negligible Damage
5 Permanent Ringing Noise
6 Ear Lobe/Lower Portion, Severed/Torn Off
7 Severe Ear Ache for 1d20 Days
8 Minor Wound
9 All Cartilage/Bones Crushed, If None, No Effect
10 Ear Drum Burst, Minor Wound 50% Hearing Loss
11 “Cauliflower ear” Swollen
12 Negligible Damage
13 Moderate Wound
14 Hearing Loss for 1d20 Weeks
15 Ear Top/Upper Portion, Severed/Torn Off
16 Negligible Damage
17 1d20 x 5% Permanent Hearing Loss
18 Severe Ear Ache for 1d20 Weeks
19 Hearing Loss for 1d20 Days
20 Severed/Torn Off

Roll 1d20 Result
1 Severed/Torn Off
2 Left Nostril Ripped/Torn Open Moderate Wound
3 Negligible Damage
4 Hairline Fracture
5 1d20 x 5% of Flesh is Ripped/Torn from Nose Bone
6 Nose-Bleed, Minor Wound
7 10% Chance Nose Bones are Driven Into Brain*
8 Loose Sense of Smell for 1d20 Minutes
9 Compound Fracture
10 Loose Sense of Smell for 1d20 Days
11 Nose-Bleed, Severe Wound
12 Negligible Damage
13 Slight Damage, Swollen Twice Normal Size for 1d20 Days
14 Right Nostril Ripped/Torn Open Moderate Wound
15 Simple Fracture
16 Negligible Damage
17 Nose-Bleed, Moderate Wound
18 1d20 x 5% Severed/Torn Off
19 Negligible Damage
20 Crushed
*Roll on Cranium Table if Successful for Damage Results

Roll 1d20 Result
1 Destroyed
2 1d4 Upper Front Teeth Knocked Out
3 Negligible Damage
4 Upper Lip Busted/Cut, Light Wound
5 Lower Lip Cut/Ripped Off
6 1d6 Upper Teeth Left Side, Knocked Out
7 Jaw Dislocated
8 Knocked Out for 1d20 Minutes
9 Upper Lip Cut/Ripped Off
10 1d6 Lower Teeth Right Side, Knocked Out
11 Negligible Damage
12 Lower Lip Busted/Cut, Light Wound
13 Right Cheek Bone Fractured
14 1d4 Lower Front Teeth Knocked Out
15 Left Cheek Bone Fractured
16 1d6 Upper Teeth Right Side, Knocked Out
17 Tongue Damaged 10% per Hit, Speech Loss is Equivalent
18 1d6 Lower Teeth Left Side, Knocked Out
19 Negligible Damage
20 Jaw Bone Broken

Neck (Throat)
Roll 1d20 Result
1 Severed/Head Torn Off, Dead
2 Negligible Damage
3 Trachea Destroyed, Suffocate 1d20 Minutes*
4 Dazed 1d4 Minutes
5 Negligible Damage
6 Cut/Ripped, Minor Wound
7 Trachea Damage, 10% Breathing Loss*
8 Larynx Destroyed, Unable to Speak
9 Cut/Ripped, Moderate Wound
10 Broken, Paralyzed Neck Down
11 Cut/Ripped, Critical Wound
12 Stunned 1d4 Minutes
13 Negligible Damage
14 “Whiplash” Stiff for 1d20 Days
15 Larynx Damage, 10% Speech Loss
16 “Whiplash” Stiff Until Chiropractor Fixes it
17 Cut/Ripped, Light Wound
18 Negligible Damage
19 Cut/Ripped, Severe Wound
20 Broken, Dead
*Trachea (windpipe) damage maybe eased by a Tracheotomy and inserting a tube into the opening.

Roll 1d20 Result
1 Severed or Torn Off at Wrist/Ankle
2 Thumb/Big Toe Severed/Torn Off
3 Negligible Damage
4 Index Finger/2nd Toe Severed/Torn Off
5 Cut/Ripped Light Wound
6 Index Finger/2nd Toe Broken
7 Cut/Ripped Minor Wound
8 Middle Finger/Toe Severed/Torn Off
9 Negligible Damage
10 Middle Finger/Toe Broken
11 Cut/Ripped Critical Wound
12 Hand/Foot Broken
13 Cut/Ripped Severe Wound
14 Ring Finger/4th Toe Severed/Torn Off
15 Negligible Damage
16 Ring Finger/4th Toe Broken
17 Thumb/Big Toe Broken
18 Little Finger/Toe Severed/Torn Off
19 Negligible Damage
20 Little Finger/Toe Broken

Wrist/Forearm/Elbow/Above Elbow/Shoulder/
Ankle/Lower Leg/Knee/Upper Leg or Thigh/Hip Joint
Roll 1d20 Results
1 Severed/Torn Off
2 Simple Fracture
3 Cut/Ripped, Minor Wound
4 Negligible Damage
5 Nerve Damage 10% Loss of Use
6 Broken Bones Through Skin
7 Chipped*
8 Hairline Fracture
9 Dislocated (Joints Only)**
10 Cut/Ripped, Moderate Wound
11 Crushed
12 Numbed Temporary Paralysis 1d4 Minutes From Point of Damage Down
13 Clean Break
14 Negligible Damage
15 Compound Fracture
16 Cut/Ripped, Severe Wound
17 Nerve Damage, Paralyzed Permanent From Point of Damage Down
18 Sprained
19 Negligible Damage
20 Cut/Ripped, Critical Wound
*Loose bone fragment in body area of damaged bone. May cause further damage in future if not removed.
**If not a Joint (ie: Upper Leg) Re-Roll 1d20. If you roll a 9 again, consider it a Light Wound.

NOTE: 2 x Hairline Fractures=1Simple Fractures
2 x Simple Fractures =1 Clean Break
2 x Clean Breaks=1 Compound Fracture
2 x Compound Fractures=Broken Bones Through Skin
2 x Broken Bones Through Skin=Crushed
2 x Crushed=Severed/Torn Off

Buttocks Left or Right Cheek
Roll 1d20 Results
1 "Bull's Eye" Direct Hit
2 Negligible Damage
3 -5 Light Wound
6 Negligible Damage
7-9 Minor Wound
10 Negligible Damage
11 & 12 Moderate Wound
13 Negligible Damage
14 & 15 Severe Wound
16 Negligible Damage
17 Critical Wound
18 & 19 Bruised, Cannot Sit For 1d4 Days
20 5% x 1d20 is Destroyed

Torso (Main Body) Bones: Left or Right Rib Cage Only
Roll 1d20 Results
1 Breast Bone Split, Heart Destroyed
2 1 Rib Broken (Roll on Table A)
3 Negligible Damage
4 1d6 Ribs Hairline Fracture
5 3 Ribs Broken (Roll on Table A)
6 Negligible Damage
7 4 Ribs Broken (Roll on Table A)
8 1d6 Ribs Dislocated From Breast Bone
9 6 Ribs Broken
10 3 Ribs Broken
11 2 Ribs Broken (Roll on Table A)
12 4 Ribs Broken
13 Ribs Absorbed Damage, Stunned 1d4 Minutes
14 Negligible Damage
15 2 Ribs Broken
16 1d6 Ribs Broken Sticking Through Skin
17 5 Ribs Broken
18 Negligible Damage
19 6 Ribs Broken (Roll on Table A)
20 Breast Bone Fractured*
*If Breast Bone Fractured is rolled a second time, Heart is destroyed and death results.

TABLE A: Secondary Broken Rib Damage
Roll 1d20 Results
1 Penetrates Heart, Dead
2 No Additional Damage
3 Major Artery Severed/Torn Critical Wound
4 Light Pain, Perform at 90% of Normal
5 Nerve Damage, Paralyzed Below Ribs on Damaged Side
6 Critical Damage, Coma for 1d20 Weeks
7 Lung Punctured
8 Moderate Pain, Perform at 75% of Normal
9 Muscle/Tissue Damage*
10 No Additional Damage
11 Major Blood Vessel Severed/Torn Moderate Wound
12 Severe Pain, Perform at 50% of Normal
13 Minor Blood Vessel Severed/Torn Light Wound
14 No Additional Damage
15 Lung Punctured
16 Critical Pain, Perform at 25% of Normal
17 Minor Artery Severed/Torn Severe Wound
18 Muscle/Tissue Damage*
19 Critical Damage, Coma for 1d20 Days
20 Unbearable Pain, Pass out for 1d20 Minutes
*No Additional Damage. 1 hit=Light Wound, 2 hits=Minor Wound, 3 hits=Moderate Wound, 4 hits=Severe Wound, and 5 hits=Critical Wound, 6+ hits=Death.

Torso (Main Body) Bones: Collar Bone, Pelvis, Shoulder Blade, Spine
Roll 1d20 Results
1 Clean Break*
2 Negligible Damage
3 Stunned 1d4 Minutes
4 Simple Fracture
5 Knocked Prone/Down
6 Cracked
7 Negligible Damage
8 Absorbed Impact, No Damage
9 Chipped**
10 Compound Fracture*
11 Negligible Damage
12 Hairline Fracture
13 Dazed 1d4 Minutes
14 Separated From Ligaments
15 Negligible Damage
16 Shattered*
17 Knocked Out 1d4 Minutes
18 Bruised
19 Negligible Damage
20 Broken Bones Through Skin*
*If Spine, paralyzed from waist down
**Loose bone fragment in body area of damaged bone. May cause further damage if not removed.

Torso (Main Body) Organs
Bladder, Gall Bladder, Genitals, Heart, Intestines, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Pancreas, Prostrate/Uterus, Stomach, Spleen
Roll 1d20 Results
1 Bruised
2 Stunned 1d4 Minutes
3 5% x 1d20 Loss of Function*
4 Negligible Damage
5 Moderate Wound
6 Damage Natural Body Repair Puts One in a Coma x 1d20 Days
7 Severe Wound
8 Knocked Prone/Down
9 Critical Wound
10 Negligible Damage
11 Destroyed
12 Dazed 1d4 Minutes
13 Spit Up/Urinate/Defecate Blood x1d20 Days as Damage Heals
14 Negligible Damage
15 Damage, Natural Body Repair Puts One in a Coma x1d20 Weeks
16 Light Wound
17 Negligible Damage
18 Knocked Out 1d4 Minutes
19 Minor Wound
20 Negligible Damage
*Note: 80%+ Loss of Function=Organ Failure. If Heart immediate death, if Pancreas or Liver death in 1d20 days. Any other organ failure results as per your GM/Gaming system.

Step 3a(Optional): Determine Damage Results as Per Your GM/Gaming System Instead of the RANDOM DAMAGE TABLES.
Apply the damage done by weapon/hand/kick as determined by your GM/Gaming system to body part hit. Heart/head hits means the target is immediately slain or dieing unless your GM/Gaming system states otherwise. Same applies to massive damage to an appendage (i.e.: arm); it is severed or blown off.
Realistically speaking, if 50 hit points of damage is done to the head/heat of a 25 hit point creature, they would be killed instantly.

Final Step: Apply any and all penalties to creature as damage pertains to the body part hit as per your GM/Gaming system at the time it happens. Example: Sword arm receives massive damage or is severed looses sword and may pass out from pain/shock. All physical abilities/skills requiring both arms would be halved. May die from trauma/massive blood loss unless medical treatment is given immediately.

Wound Types

Light Wound: Bleeding. First Aid stops bleeding. Will not bleed to death. 5 Light Wounds=1 Minor Wound
Minor Wound: Blood is flowing. First Aid Stops bleeding in 1d20 Minutes divided by 5. Will not bleed to death. 5 Minor Wounds=1 Moderate Wound.
Moderate Wound: Bleeding profusely, needs First Aid to stop bleeding if applied within 1d20 Minutes or may bleed to death. Paramedic will stop bleeding in half the time. 3 Moderate Wounds=1 Severe Wound.
Severe Wound: Bleeding From Minor Arteries/Major Blood Vessels, First Aid will only slow the bleeding and must be applied within 1d20 Minutes divided by 2. Paramedic will stop bleeding within same time period If only First Aid used, must seek Professional Medical help within 1 hour or will bleed to death. 2 Severe Wounds=1 Critical Wound
Critical Wound: Bleeding from Major Arteries, First Aid will only slow the bleeding and must be applied within 1d20 Minutes divided by 4. Paramedic will slow bleeding within 1d20 Minutes divided by 2. Must seek Professional Medical help within 30 minutes for First Aid or 1 hour for Paramedic or will bleed to death.
2 Critical Wounds=Coma for 1d20 weeks, 3+ = death.

Medical Aid Defined

First Aid: Basic First Aid anyone can learn. 1 week training. Includes Heal/Treat Injury skills.
Paramedic:. Trained in stabilizing patient; administrating drugs & intravenous solutions; CPR, stop bleeding, setting broken bones. 6 to 8 weeks of training at a school. Includes Healers
Professional Medical: Hospital, Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Nurse, & even a Veterinarian in an emergency. Years of training depends on expertise of profession. 6 to 12 years of training at a medical school. Includes classes who can cure (i.e. Clerics).
Limb & Organ Damage: Damaged limbs and organs may be replaced as per your GM/Gaming system allows. Transplants for organs or prosthesis for limbs as an example. The only exception is if brain or heart is destroyed or damaged beyond repair, death is the result.
Magical Healing and/or Divine/Demonic Intervention: This option of medical aid is always available in campaigns that allow them. Keep in mind, must still be applied before victim bleeds out or you will be using resurrection to bring back character, if allowed.

ENJOY, Robert F. Miller, Sr.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:01 pm
by count zero
Impressive. Have you playtested their use? How much time do they add to average combat encounters? I have a feeling that with the size of our group and the types of combat situations we generally have, the use of these tables would bog down the proceedings real quickly. They may add a level of realism (or verisimilitude, if you will), but keeping track of it all wouldn't be worth what detail they might add.

But if it works for you, cool.


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:33 pm
by bigbobsr6000
count zero wrote:Impressive. Have you playtested their use? How much time do they add to average combat encounters? I have a feeling that with the size of our group and the types of combat situations we generally have, the use of these tables would bog down the proceedings real quickly. They may add a level of realism (or verisimilitude, if you will), but keeping track of it all wouldn't be worth what detail they might add.

But if it works for you, cool.


Thanks for the fedback. I have used these for years off and on. Most players like them, but it does slow down combat. Mostly, I use the first step or two. Or use the whole table only when a critical hit is rolled. One day I just got tired of the "blast hits you and you take blah blah damage". I just wanted to know where specifically the round hit. Left hand? Right finger? Elbow? etc. etc..... Hince the tables.

Feel free to use and abuse as you see fit. If you just use the first or second step it doesn't slow combat too bad. But it is a trade off speed for specific hit area. And if you only use it for critical hits, then combat is only slowed for that one hit.

Thanks, again................Big Bob :D

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:41 pm
by count zero
I just noticed this and it made me chuckle:

bigbobsr6000 wrote:Torso (Main Body) Organs
Roll 1d20 Specific Hit
1 Heart
2 Left Lung
3 Right Lung
4 Left Kidney
5 Right Kidney
6 Muscle/Tissue*
7 Major Blood Vessel Moderate Wound
8 Bladder
9 Spleen
10 Gall Bladder
11 Liver
12 Minor Artery Severe Wound
13 Pancreas
14 Stomach
15 Large Intestines
16 Small Intestines
17 Genitals
18 Prostrate/Uterus
19 Major Artery Critical Wound
20 Muscle/Tissue*

That would be quite a spectacular hit :lol:
(ps. the word you were looking for is prostate :D )


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:05 am
by bigbobsr6000
Thanks for the FB Count Zero.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:30 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Corrected spelling in edit, thanks.....Big Bob.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:58 pm
by bigbobsr6000
I was hoping for more feedback?? :?

Big Bob...................... :D

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:56 pm
by sasha
It's a lot to read. :)

Do I reroll if my prostate is behind cover?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:47 pm
by bigbobsr6000
sasha wrote:It's a lot to read. :)

Do I reroll if my prostate is behind cover?

This is only if a hit is scored, so it would "bypass" your cover. If it doesn't exceed your cover, then there isn't any hit at all.

Re: Random Hit Location and Damage

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:24 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Just bringing this back for any newer players to see.

Re: Random Hit Location and Damage

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:48 pm
by Noon
What sort of feedback are you looking for? It seems like it'd add a certain kind of fun - if someone wants to add that, they use it, if not, not.

Is there something your not satisfied with about it? Otherwise, it seems an extensive list.

Re: Random Hit Location and Damage

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:16 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Just seeing if anyone was interested in it. Thanks for your comment, Noon.