Bloodspray wrote:Is there a save for this?
If so, what would it be?
It would be bizarre.
Why would you want to save against your own power?
In Dark Conversions (p36), a creature called The Horror, has listed among it's Natural Abilities "Turn Invisible at will", but no further info is provided on that.
In Mystic Russia there is a creatre that, when in darkness, can go invis and be unseen by the Mk 1 Eyeball or tech sensors, but daylight (including Globe of Daylight) cancels that effect. However for the Horror, it isn't nearly so specific, so I imagine there is a save.
I have RUE, and the old MB, but I don't see anything about that listed anywhere.
Works just like the spell.
Which spell?
Either Invisibility: Simple or Invisibility: Superior, depending on the GM.
I go with Simple.