nord_drache wrote:I know the books give the crew compliment, but what if a player group aquires a ship - what then?
"High ranking Klingon officers frequently choose a Bird of Prey
for their personal ship. That is because there are only a dosen
or so warrior wanting to "denote" you with a bath'let... However
on a Vor'cha attack cruiser, there is a crew of like 2000."
Putting it more seriously, one can rewire the ship, automating
everything imaginable, resulting in a six-men Enterprise, from
the "Search for Spock".
However, if something breaks down, repairs are a pain in the
Or one can hire a crew, thought one can end like in "Treasure
Island", hiring Long John Silver...
Anyway, a large starship should be the source of many-many
problems (read: HLS).