Another eye-opener is this book that blends X-Files type intrigue with real world events...
When you read about the people who founded NASA, yes, our VERY OWN agency NASA... You will be astonished. Included are former members of the SS from Nazi Germany, scientists who practiced ritual magik, engaged in ancient Egyptian rites, freemasons of the 33rd degree, etc.
Buzz Aldrin even brought the flag of the 33rd degree freemasons to the moon and performed what appeared to be a mystic rite as they landed on the moon, involving wine and bread.
The book is just as eye-opening as the UFOs and the National Security State, and the documented events and personal histories are quite astonishing. This is not only important information about NASA and the true nature of our modern world, but a GREAT WEALTH OF INFO to add a bit of mysterious intrigue to your campaign.
Imagine hosting a story that centers around the cover-up of discovered ruins on the moon and Mars. Imagine the PCs somehow stumble upon the truth, and their contact is mysteriously killled. As the PCs investigate further, they actually come across modern day Nazis! --Not of the simple hate-group/supremecist variety, but intelligent rocket scientists bent on world domination and the suppression of "things" they've discovered on the Moon and Mars. Further, the conspiracy extends to Freemasons and cultists who employ real magic based on ancient Egyptian rituals.
Key locations for scenes/ideas...
1. Rocket launch pad: NASA is launching a secret vehicle from a publicly unknown area; the PCs have to prevent the launch to save the astronauts because someone has sabotaged the mission.
2. Mummy was stolen from the Smithsonian in DC; PCs sneak in (or have a contact inside who lets them in as long as they're discreet and don't cause mayhem). PCs suspect that an ancient artifact was hidden INSIDE the mummy, but happen to stumble upon ANOTHER TEAM striking again, for one more artifact. Of course, their is a confrontation between PCs and this black ops team... in the museum after hours.
3. One of the PCs is kidnapped (somewhere, somehow) and taken aboard a 25 million dollar yacht off the coast of Tampa Bay. The PCs must give up their quest to get their friend back safely... OR they can storm the yacht in a ROTJ-styled sail-barge rescue attempt... in Tampa Bay.
4. The conspiracy points to alien artifacts hidden in an underground government base at Mt. Weather (real location; google it) in Virginia. There are networks of caves that lead into the complex, and the PCs are led by an NPC guide who used to work there before being fired after learning too much. The goal is to escape with real proof of alien artifacts. This leads to a car-chase escape (underground car chase) that ends in an underground airport at Mt. Weather. The PCs then board a helicopter or small jet and escape through a launch tunnel as "bad guy" guards pursue them in Hummers firing machine guns.
5. After the plane/helicopter escapes Mt. Weather, F-18 Hornets are scrambled from an undisclosed location to pursue the PCs. They won't be in the area for 22 minutes, though, which gives PCs some options, try to fly to safety or land early and flee on foot.
6. If they flee on foot, they'll be in the Appalachian Mtns of VA (had they gone west), in Richmond VA (south), downtown D.C. (east) or a small Blair Witch styled Maryland town (Burketsville) if they'd gone north. A lot of fun options.
7. PCs eventually captured by CIA types who detain them. They state that they are trying to stop the NASA conspiracy and need the PCs help, now that the PCs have an alien artifact. They want to have the PCs meet with the Dark Mission NASA types to return the artifact. During the exchange, the CIA types plan to arrest/take-out the NASA "dark missioners." PCs might agree. "It's the only way you'll ever go back to your 'normal' lives..." an agent tells them, so maybe they'll be inclined to follow along for a while.
8. At the exchange, which takes place in Fort Lee, VA, the PCs smell a rat. It seems that the CIA types are working with the NASA dark missioners, for whatever purpose. Their plan is to publicly frame the PCs for another spectacular terrorist attack on American soil, thus ensuring no one believes their story, artifact or not. This results in an all out free for all in the pine forest firing ranges of Ft. Lee. Car chases, helicopter pursuits, etc. for this one... again. Only now, the special forces army dudes are also in the fray. The Appomattox River is nearby and there can be a boat chase too, that climaxes on some rocky 10ft waterfalls and a melee on those rocks.
Well, that was off the top of my head. Fill in the details and add your own plot twists. Heck, maybe the PCs get trapped in a shuttle as it rockets into space and there, they dock with a "black" space station where there are futuristic ships that go to and from the moon and other planets. Maybe there is an entire level to the world that few know about truly. This could lead into a SOLAR SYSTEM SAGA of sorts, or end up with the destruction of a moonbase at the hands of the PCs and a stray bullet that fractures the reactor shielding. The resulting explosion could send the PCs awakening in a small crater in:
a) Tunguska, 1908, with hundreds of miles of devastated trees around them; new campaign to escape the wilds of Siberia and get back to civilization (and the western world) in circa 1908.
b) some location in RIFTS, maybe during the seige of Tolkien... a band of adventurers from modern day BTS world save the day and turn the tide of the battle at its most fierce
c) New York City; September 10th, 2001: can they prevent the tragedy and instill and alternate, world-changing future?
d) Pearl Harbor... December 7th... 5am. Two hours before the attack; again, can they change history? SHOULD THEY?
e) or whatever... You could bring them into a completely alien world of Cthulu strangeness; sky's the limit
Well, just some thoughts. I hope you have fun reading these books and playing with the ideas they generate. The "fun" part is that your campaign(s) will be based on some realworld, startling facts.