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Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:10 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Baring the fact the Macross Era has to be the first era of Robotech, who diffrent do you think Robotech would have been is they Switched the Southren Cross and Invid Eras?
The Invid invade after the Zentradie Assult on new-macross and the destruction of the SDF-1. the Humans in Space set up Colonies on Mars and the outter planets, and 20years later mount an invasion force that the Son of Myria and Max, "Scott Sterling" is part of. in the End the Colonial Fleet drive the invid off planet.
As the Earth rebuilds from the invid Genocide, the new Army of the southren Cross Must defend against the Invadeing Robotech Masters, looking to Raid Invid Ruins for the Invid Protoculture Hive.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:00 pm
by Nursahburen
Well that just wouldn't work the Invid only came to earth as a direct resulf of the war with the Masters (I.E. the Flowers of Life spreadins across the planet) and if they were at the homeworld when the SDF-3 showed up well the Robotech Masters wouldn't have come to Earth at all and for that matter neither would the Invid.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:31 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Nursahburen wrote:Well that just wouldn't work the Invid only came to earth as a direct resulf of the war with the Masters (I.E. the Flowers of Life spreadins across the planet) and if they were at the homeworld when the SDF-3 showed up well the Robotech Masters wouldn't have come to Earth at all and for that matter neither would the Invid.

any why wouldnt it? your keeping the exact same facts from Robotech, which wouldnt be the same if the series was composed diffrently. The SDF-3 isnt from Robotech, its from Sentinels, the Robotech Masters home world isnt form Robotech either, its form Sentinels. you'r not thinking out side the box.
The Invid could show up because of the massive release of energy during the rain of death. finding the Protoculture matrix on the SDF-1 they are able to evolve further, and try to replace humanity. after the invid are defeated, the Masters who up looking for their lost fleet, and matrix.
you dont even have to keep the idea of a conection between the Masters and the Zentradie.
Its an Idea that Robotech didnt have to be Told the way it was, The Invid coming first would have redically changed the storyline, but wouldnt discount the "Masters" showing up later.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:57 pm
by Jefffar
I think Macross needs to come first - the world is apropriately under prepared for first contact and wit the resulting devastation it makes sense that Earth would be hard pressed or would fall to the following waves even though they now know they have to protect themselves.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:15 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
Macross era is the "Cheat" mankind needs to compete with the big boys. the SDF-1 gives them the technology to defend them selves... but they still lack the numbers after the Rain of death.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:20 pm
by taalismn
If it unfolded as you envision it...then the Southern Cross arc ends on a positive and poetic note...Zor sacrifices himself to liberate the Flower of Life, and it becomes freely available to the people of Glorie-colony, just as they need it to rebuild after the vicious war with the Masters...

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:23 pm
by Beatmeclever
:eek: Here's a prime example of my necromantic abilities!!

I think that changing the order would have been a better story. I think that the story could have been made into an epic story following the Sterling Family.

The SDF-1 was an experimental Zentreadi ship that was to be the most powerful weapon in the fleet. They lost it in the same way as the humans lose the Space Fold Drives -- accident during an experiment. When they come to collect it, the humans fight back. Only the destruction of the SDF-1 could have acted as a signal (a protoculture beacon, if you will) that would have called the Invid to the Earth.

The Invid become protoculture energy-based life forms that require the energy to live, not the flower of life. Without their armored forms, they are a spongy mass that fills the interior of the armor. They are feared parasites in the rest of the universe where they attack anything using PC and feed off its energy (typically killing any creature who uses the energy). Finding the humans parasitic nature of the human species and seeing that they are thriving in the aftermath of the RoD, the Regis decides that her species should evolve and settle, blending in with the humans (but ruling over them). She begins experimenting with their forms, the Genesis Pits lead to the Genesis Hive (a massive hive called Reflex Point by the human colonists of the Earth Liberation Forces (ELF). It is only the threat by the ELF to destroy the entire planet that drives the Regis to give up her life and those of any Invid who does not wish to live with the humans by converting their physical forms to pure energy and "firing" themselves at the ELF fleet in orbit. This blast, however, signals to the Masters that the Invid are on Earth.

The Masters become Invid Hunter-Killers (they will be called the "Hunters" not the Masters) and they are simply following the trail of the Invid when they arrive in Earth orbit. In the interveneing years, the Invid have integrated into human society and are no more distinguishable from any other human; Dana is the result of a union between Scott Sterling and Ariel. When the Hunters recognize the Invid influence that continues to affect the planet they seek out the source -- The Invid Genesis Hive -- while obliterating the Invid of the planet. But since the Invid now all appear to be human, the Hunters begin a general war on the inhabitants of the Earth. The humans, as they have done twice before, fight back as well as they can. The Genesis Hive has the recreated DNA of all of the life forms killed in the RoD sealed in the Matrix of Life. The discovery of the matrix and its function leads Zor Prime to fight for the Earth. He sacrifices his own life to restore the Earth to its former glory.

A story of life, death, and rebirth!

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:25 am
by AuroraKet
eek, thread coming back from the dead. :)

Hmm... if it's gonna be reimagined that far, it should be totally reanimated really :p

That way they can do creepier things with Dana as part Invid, and whatnot. If a lot of Invid were left over, I could see them integrating into society like that, yeah.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:55 am
by Beatmeclever
Yeah, I've been messing with the Human/Invid Hybrids a LOT since they were posted in the Munchkin thread. :lol: My players no longer know who to trust!!

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:16 pm
by Tiree
Beatmecleaver - there is only one problem that I see with your re-envisioning. That would be when the Masters steal humans to be pilots for their Mecha. Would they let 'Invid' and 'Invid Hybrids' be brainwashed to pilot their Mecha?

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:52 pm
by Beatmeclever
Well, since I can rearrange and rescript episodes just like HG did way back when, by the time that starts happening, the Hunters have found a way to determine "pure" humans from hybrids and they kidnap only the humans. Some of the humans are freely joining the Hunters against the hybrids, as they see them as abominations. The Hunters arm these humans and send them out to cause trouble. But by then the war has gone on too long for either side to stop.

The general consensus among the majority of the population of Earth is that 18 years has gone by since the Invid joined with the humans and it would be difficult to lose some of those people by now. Seriously, if some alien told you that they were only here to kill the aliens among us, and your wife or girlfriend was one of those, would you be so willing to just give her away? What if you'd had children by her, would you give them up too? No, the humans WILL fight for their own!

Also, I just happened to think, as for the Mistresses of the Cosmic Harp, their music is actually a power inhibitor that is useful against the Invid since it stops 90% of their special abilities. Telepathy still works as does their ability to power mecha, but any other abilities are useless within 100 miles or a Cosmic Harp when it is being played.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:23 am
by AuroraKet
Beatmeclever wrote:Yeah, I've been messing with the Human/Invid Hybrids a LOT since they were posted in the Munchkin thread. :lol: My players no longer know who to trust!!

Heh. :) I was the one who posted that on the Munchkin thread. :) *takes pride* Though in the thing it's noted from, there aren't exactly a lot of them. Like... 3 known ones. (generation after TSC, Scott and Ariel's two kids, and the Zent one) Having a lot more could be interesting as well, though. :) Especially depending on what they do.

Heh on the harp stopping a lot of Invid abilities. Bet that would be useful when the creepy hybrids start doing things. :)

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:26 am
by Beatmeclever
Hey I'm making this stuff up as we go, but I think that the Hybrids would be fairly widespread after 18 years of integration. I am actually trying to write this up as an alternative dimension my group will find itself in soon. I'm hoping they stay there for awhile as I'm having a blast with it.

I have to work, but I will post what I have of the First Space War soon.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:58 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
in the Advanced timeline i'm working on. I've intoduced hybrid-Invids.
Basically the Regesis Left all the Human-form Invidon earth, as the planet she left for was hostile to the human form.
by the battle of Reflex point she had Morphed over 4 Million invid in to human forms... with Females outnumbering Males (60/40)
This group became highly Split, over half the Females favored intergration with the humans, and most of the males Favored keeping the Invid-blood Pure.
the "Pure" Made a home in Australia, the reletivly low human population made the area easily concouroable by the Invid.
The Intergrated invid were nearly impossible to tell from normal humans unless they bled or manifested a unique invid power.
Human-Invid hybrids are normally 100% human, having Red-blood and no powers (beyond some enhanced/above-avg atributes) while roughly 20% display Invid gene's having Green-blood and Manifesting advanced Abilities at a young age.
the Neo-Earth government/NEG knows of the hybrids and has been studying them for possible use in the Cold-War against the Conferedated-Colonial government/CCG.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:50 am
by ZeroArmour
Okay, here's a thought.

They only said there was a second SDF at the final battle (last episode of Macross) to justify the three mounds from Southern Cross. Without this need, then you could have an SDF-2.

Also the technology progression makes better sense. Hovertanks are smaller than Alphas, and the SC armor is actually a powered suit.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:34 pm
by Novastar
In a lot of ways, the timeline makes better sense, Wolfe's way.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:12 am
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
I have to say that I too think Wolfe's idea has merit. This would be an awesome concept for the comics to explore in my opinion, since it doesn't necessarily have to follow 'canon'. As A'Zule said, you can delete the destruction of the SDF-02 and simply have it as the main warship of the Expedition. Perhaps the Old Coots from Ghost Town were part of the initial Recapture Mission of 2022 (to allow time for the transition in terms of gear). The Mospeada ships do appear to be less sophisticated than those of the Southern Cross (apologies to New Gen fans).

Could even include stuff from the old RPG like the Super Logan as a chopped down Alpha using the 'new' Logan bodystyle as a throwback to the Alpha. Cyclone/Adam Kath submitted a HoverCyclone to, which combined the Cyclones with the Flashclapper, thus making it a perfect addition. The Micronian Powered Armour remains the basis for the Cyclone, being what was issued to those troops with the First Recapture Mission.

Shadow Chronicles presents an interesting dilemma. Louie Nichols should be renamed Miles Cochrane to help fit the character into Southern Cross (as well as to give a reason why an older Scott defers to him). The Icarus becomes the basis for the Tristars and other SC ships.

2007 - The Andrews Incident at the end of The Anti-Unification War leads to the loss in combat of the first Cyclone Protoypes, VR-00 series (Typoon) along with most of the Hargun Cyclone Armor prototypes being tested at the Robotech Research Center in Tokyo, Japan. BD Andrews goes into hiding, changing his name to Thomas Riley Edwards.

2010 - Construction begins in secret at Moon Base Luna of the SDF-02 and the first 10 Angel-class colony ships.

2011 - Crews and colonists are moved to Luna to begin training. The Pioneer Mission is formally established with the express purpose of ensuring humanity's survival. Dolza causes The Rain of Death. UEF victorious, but at great cost. 1st Robotech War ends. Reconstruction starts.

2013 - Moon Base Luna is expanded and Mars Base is reestablished. Civilian living areas expanded at both locations due to increasing number of humans wanting to live off-planet. Capture of the Zentraedi Automated Factory Satellite. SDF-02 and the Angel-class ships are moved there to finish construction.

2014 - SDF-01 and New Macross City are destroyed by Khyron. First five colonization missions leave 3 months after Khyron destroys New Macross City. Admiral Henry J. Gloval leads the first mission, whose destination is Delta Pavonis.

2015 - Three colonization missions leave. 18 months after loss of the SDF-01, the Invid invade, starting the 2nd Robotech War (or 1st Invid War, or The Invid Occupation). Surviving civilian and military forces flee to Luna and Mars in the months following the Invasion. The UEF is destroyed eventually. Forces in deep space begin building new ships, mecha and other materiel to throw at the Invid to dislodge them. The Regess establishes her massive hive/city-base at The Ruins of the SDF-01 in Canada. Formation of the Colonial Expeditionary Government.

2016 - The Invid discover the hidden Protoculture Factory and secretly move it to the Colorado Rockies near the ruins of Monument as a fail-safe. They establish several greenhouses under three mounds at coordinates SX.83, hiding the Factory inside on of the mounds. Last two of the initial colonization missions leave.

2022 - First Earth Recapture Mission, made up of 1/3 of the colonial forces, meets with disaster facing the Invid. Old Coots (Ghost Town) among those surviving soldiers on Earth. Terraforming of Venus begins with deployment of massive solar shield to cool the planet.

2023 - Most colonial forces are sent into the galaxy to root out the homeworld of the Invid. The Robotech Expeditionary Force is lead by Major General Hunter and Admiral Lisa Hayes. Colonel TR Edwards leads the ground forces on the SDF-02. Scott Sterling born to Max and Miriya Sterling in deep space. Point K established on Earth with those remaining colonial forces that did not go in search of the Invid homeworld. They manage free part of South America from Invid domination. The Zentraedi Automated Factory Satellite is partitioned into several new bases, one of which is Space Station Liberty.

2025 - The REF finds Tirol and the Invid. A 20-year war, the 2nd Invid War, rages across the galaxy to stop the Invid. Maia Sterling, third child of Max and Miriya is born in deep space.

2035 - The Confederation of Sentinel Worlds asks the REFs help in defeating the Invid and liberating their homeworlds. Colonel Jonathan Wolfe leads a Special Forces unit and support personnel back to Earth. Wolfe is never able to establish communications and is considered lost. The SDF-03 and SDF-04 are constructed in deep space to aid in the REF's mission against the Invid.

2038 - The Second Earth Recapture Mission is destroyed. Survivors include Lt. Jason Belmont, callsign "Lancer", Alfred Nader Jr and Jim Austin, nicknamed Lunk.

2042 - Lt. Commander Scott Sterling of Mars Base Colony comes to Earth along with the Third Earth Recapture Mission. Point K finally overrun by the same Invid force that destroys SoldierTown. Development in deep space begins on the stealthy Shadow Fighters. The REF encounters The Haydonites, servitor race of The Robotech Elders, near the vicinity of The Kappa Crucis Cluster (globular cluster of 100 stars found within The Southern Cross constellation when viewd from Earth), who offer to help the REF against the Invid. TR Edwards instigates the REF Civil War and is subsequently killed. The Invid Regent is defeated. Lord Breetai Tul, leader of the Earth-allied Zentraedi forces, is killed fighting the Regent. Sleeper agent Zor Prime, a cloned android, is inserted
into the REF, being passed off as a Zentraedi child refugee.

2043 - Scott and his group find the humaniform-Invid Ariel in the ruins near Point K. The Old Coots die in a mission to destroy one of the Invid's HyperComm Broadcast Towers. The Battle of Reflex Point. The Invid flee the Earth, leaving it a wasteland. End of The 2nd Robotech War. The Haydonites, who secretly work for The Robotech Masters, determine it was the humans of Earth who destroyed their Zentraedi allies. The Haydonite Wars begins, fought mostly in the Kappa Crucis Cluster. Captain Maia Sterling distinguishes herself. Establishment of the Provisional Expeditionary Earth Government which begins to crack down on Protoculture possession by Earth citizens. Reconstruction begins again, but will be very slow to make progress. Start of The Malcontent Uprisings on Earth caused by demobilized hostile Solugi who refuse to integrate into human society. The PEEG begins conscripting local militia and former Anti-Invid Resistance Movement soldiers into forces to throw at the Malcontents.

2044 - The legendary SDF-02, SDF-03 and SDF-04 are destroyed in a massive space battle against The Haydonites along with the Icarus. Admiral Rick Hunter, Lieutenant General Gunther Reinhardt, Commodore Vince Grant, Major Jack Baker and Commander Karen Penn are all killed. Grant's dying request, to Scott Sterling, is for his soon to be born son to follow his family's footsteps and join the military. The Haydonites go on the offensive and assault the Colonial Government's Deep and Mid-Range colonies, wreaking massive devastation.

2045 - Birth of Bowie Grant, son of the late Vince Grant. Bowie is raised by his grandmother Claudia. Jean Grant, Bowie's mother, and Invid Princess Ariel are killed during the fighting on one of the numerous Haydonite controlled worlds of the Kappa Crucis Cluster. End of the First Haydonite War. Both sides depleted.

2047 - Venus, Mars and Jupiter declare independence from the Colonial Government. Earth forces seize Space Station Liberty and expel the Provisional Expeditionary Earth Government from Earth. The Colonial Government threatens to blockade the Earth, but cannot muster support to do so. End of The Malcontent Uprisings. The United Earth Government formally reestablished at Monument City, Colorado. The first act by the new UEG is to begin researching new technologies to upgrade their aging mecha stockpiles. Hover technology is one such application that is heavily funded. The United Earth Army, composed mostly of former Anti-Invid Resistance units who fought The Malcontents, is formally reestablished. Anti-REF sentiment runs strong. Major Scott Bernard resigns from the REF and joins the Earth Army. Start of The Second Haydonite War which is marked by the Earth forces going on the offensive while most Colonial troops do not take part. The Praxians join the Earth Army in opposing The Haydonites.

2048 - Dana Emerson born, daughter of Praxian Warrior Gnea and half-Zentraedi Earth Army soldier Rolf Emerson.

2049 - The Anti-Unification League, composed of a number of former Provisional Expeditionary Earth Government bureaucrats, reemerges as a counter to both the UEG and the Colonial Expeditionary Government.

2050 - The Haydonite's last stronghold overrun by Earth Army units under the command of Lt. Colonel Eli Leonard. The end of The Haydonite Wars. In honour of their victory, The Earth Army is renamed The Army of the Southern Cross and becomes the backbone of the resurgent United Earth Government's military forces. Claudia Grant dies, leaving 5 year old Bowie in the care of his godfather, Scott Sterling. The Robotech Masters begin to search for the fabled planet Earth, which lead to the destruction of their servitor races the Zentraedi and Haydonites as well as to recover the fallen Protoculture Factory that eluded both. The journey will take the better part of fourteen years to accomplish as the Masters are running low on protoculture due to their protracted war with The Disciples of Zor. They pin-point their location via the Neuro-Sensor in Zor Prime's head.

2058 - The CEG and UEG begin formal talks about reintegration of Earth and her colonies into one cohesive society. Zor Prime, unaware that he is a sleeper agent, comes to Earth and joins The Tactical Corps and is assgned to Moon Base Luna.

2060 - Famous Anti-Invid Resistance soldier and decorated hero of the 2nd Haydonite War, Field Marshall Eli Anatole Westphal Leonard named UEF Supreme Commander. The United Earth Forces Military Academy established near Monument City.

2064 - Dana Emerson and Bowie Grant graduate from the UEFMA. The Robotech Masters' advance force arrives and confirms they've found Earth. Moon Base Luna and the civilian depot ALuCE-1 are bombed, resulting in both being evacuated and abandoned. Zor Prime retrieved by the Masters and extensively debriefed about Earth. The Masters retreat for a time, awaiting the arrival of their main fleet forces. Start of the 3rd Robotech War.

All in all, I think this is a cool idea. Now, if we could only get a massive comic series to be made.

Re: Robotech Reinvisoned

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:55 am
by Beatmeclever
Yeah, my idea took on a life of its own. The things that everyone knew are not the same AT ALL any longer. Only the first gen was similar (almost unchanged), but all of the details of the later gens had been altered so far that I am simply working it into a story of its own now.

- The Invid are (protoculture) energy beings that use their own life force to power the armored shells.
- The Robotech Masters had become the "Invid Hunters" and they had a desire to fix the Earth by removing the Invid from it, not killing all the humans.
- The "Protoculture Matrix" in the ruins of the SDF-1 had become the Genesis Matrix and had NOTHING to do with the "Flower of Life" (which doesn't have any bearing on my story at all).

There were quite a few other changes too; so, I decided not to post it here. I will post small details later in a new post.