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Character Backgrounds, How do you handle them?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:49 am
by bigbobsr6000
I was just wandering how everyone else handles character backgrounds. Do you require them? How detailed? From birth to now? or just the basic stuff like where from, DOB, religion if any, etc. I have had players bring me 20-30 typed pages of their character's background. Others barely a paragraph, some none.

I personally don't require or use character backgrounds that much. When I palyed as a PC and did give an extensive background, all the GMs used it against my character. Like received word my children were murdered or my lands were taken and wife and family enslaved, and the like. I usually quit the group shortly there after. It left a bad taste in my mouth for backgrounds. If I play (rarely) as a PC my background is I am an orphan never married and no kids. If GM tries to tell me that so and so is my long lost whatever, I tell the GM I really don't care and it has no bearings on my character, period.

So, what say you.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:46 am
by Natasha
When I had free time I would make at least one of each O.C.C. in the books I had available. I would create the character and I would have a reason other than "O.C.C. Related" why he have each skill selected. I would expand on that to as many details leading up to this point in the character's life as possible. Some times this was 250 words other times 5000 words. Depended how much I felt the character.

I spent a lot of time on NPCs, too.

I ask the players to give as many details as possible, which is up to them to determine how much is possible.

The reason is not to use this information against the PCs; in fact, I never have, but where it is useful is with interactions with other PCs and NPCs. If you know your character then you know the answers to the questions that can come up that are well-thought out, which is always better than just winging it. You cannot prepare for every question but cover the basics.

Also, if you know where you've been, you have some idea where you're going. Usually.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:11 am
by Dustin Fireblade
One of the GM's I've had in some PBEM's has a great background sheet for player's to use. I've since adopted it, and his basic method - the more detail you give me the more experience points you get.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:31 am
by Natasha
Dustin Fireblade wrote:One of the GM's I've had in some PBEM's has a great background sheet for player's to use. I've since adopted it, and his basic method - the more detail you give me the more experience points you get.

In my Systems Failure game I told them character with most detailed description dies last. :P
Slightly different results, same motivation.

Of course, I was joking. :demon:

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:47 am
by bigbobsr6000
To me giving rewards for character backgrounds have never worked. I get well if he can have that then I want that in my character's background so I can have it to. Or someone's PC gets more extra stuff than the ones who don't write up a background or a very small one. To me that is not fair.

So, how do you handle players that do not want to write up backgrounds or very little one? Sounds like they get the short end of it with the various rewards I have read thus far. Or do they not get to be in your group if they refuse to write one up?

This is another reason I don't care for backgrounds for GM's use. If the player wants it to round out his character that's fine.

I could write up a background that gave my PC a master of a dozen skills and be master with all weapons, a very wealthy family, magic heirloom weapons, my father was a Deity, etc. So, where do you draw the line on the abilities from background?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:58 am
by Natasha
For characters that do not want to write a backstory then they should be given writing prompts and questions for them to answer. There has to be some detail. Otherwise, you have a flat character that can't interact with the world.

And for me interacting with the world is very important. If you expect the world to be believable, the characters populating it have to be believable.

The backstory not only helps connect player to character, but also character to world. When PCs interact with NPCs or with PCs they should be able to ask the question, "so where you from?" and get an answer.

In my game one of the PCs is a half-Vietnamese and one of the notable NPCs of the community is a Vietnam Vet who's still got issues. The potential for an interesting encounter would never have come up had that PC not decided to be half-Vietnamese (before knowing about the loony NPC, by the way). Before the game started I provided 1-5 sentences details about each notable NPC. One of them, Fran, is nuts. As soon as I said, "You hear Fran in the streets," immediately the PCs pondered shooting her. Just that relatively shallow depth of Fran's character was enough to bring a scene to juicy life. Without that information the scene would have been flat.

Story and background are essential to a good game experience if you ask me.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:13 am
by Natasha
Misfit KotLD wrote:Bob, my characters would hate me more than yours would hate your GM. I screw them over royally with their backgrounds in general. It makes the game more fun.

More fun for who?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:16 am
by bigbobsr6000
My campaigns groups are rarely in one place long enough to establish any relationships with the local populace.

I GM on the fly. I never write anything down prior, during or after each session. I create NPCs on the spot as needed from my brain. If asked about where from and all that small talk I make it up as aksed. If they come back to that NPC later, I still retain the info as needed. I never know what is going to happen until the players decide what to do and/or the roll of the dice.

I keep track of all battles stats and damage to NPCs in my head as well as PPE spent, spells used, ETC. The only thing I keep track of on a chart is the turn order. Sometimes I use minatures on a battlemat.

If I took time to write a brief background of all my NPCs, I be doing nothing but writting. I may have made up 20+ NPCs in one session. After the campaign is over and we are moving on to another with new characters, I do a mind dump and start over again.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:25 am
by Natasha
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Natasha wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Bob, my characters would hate me more than yours would hate your GM. I screw them over royally with their backgrounds in general. It makes the game more fun.

More fun for who?

Me and the GM. The characters usually recover. Mig went from having a fiance who was a kidnapped brothel slave to having four wives and a mistress.

Then I don't know what 'screw over' means.
My bad.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:29 am
by Natasha
bigbobsr6000 wrote:My campaigns groups are rarely in one place long enough to establish any relationships with the local populace.

I GM on the fly. I never write anything down prior, during or after each session. I create NPCs on the spot as needed from my brain. If asked about where from and all that small talk I make it up as aksed. If they come back to that NPC later, I still retain the info as needed. I never know what is going to happen until the players decide what to do and/or the roll of the dice.

I keep track of all battles stats and damage to NPCs in my head as well as PPE spent, spells used, ETC. The only thing I keep track of on a chart is the turn order. Sometimes I use minatures on a battlemat.

If I took time to write a brief background of all my NPCs, I be doing nothing but writting. I may have made up 20+ NPCs in one session. After the campaign is over and we are moving on to another with new characters, I do a mind dump and start over again.

It's something I enjoy doing. I have written more adventures than I have ran to be sure. I spent time getting to know each NPC even though the PCs (assuming there are PCs at all) may never meet them. They are there and available.

I know that the refrigerated foods section has some rust if you look under the lettuce.

It is not important how you detail your world, just that it is detailed. And very importantly, consistent.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:26 pm
by lather
I have to be honest, writing the story behind the character is way more fun than Steps 1-8 in the book.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:37 pm
by Natasha
More than choosing an alignment? :eek: :P

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:41 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
I give bonus XP and other related goodness to players who take the time to more fully help create the gaming world. I don't penalize someone for not writing one, but then they don't get any of the rewards either.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:49 pm
by Natasha
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:I give bonus XP and other related goodness to players who take the time to more fully help create the gaming world.

+6.3 innuendo pts, sir.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:11 pm
by Vrykolas2k
I require at least a paragraph.
If someone tries for the "kidnapped fiance' turned brothel slave" angle or somesuch, well, they get to deal with the psychologically shattered person after she's rescued (unless she manages to commit suicide after the first, second, or whatever rape).
If they try to buff their characters too much ("I'm descended from Lord Farlsworth and am due to inherit..."), well, sometimes things have curses attached.
If the background is reasonable, I'm fine with it. For instance, a modern samurai in Rifts proving himself/ herself worthy of inheriting the Ancient Daisho would be excellent. Someone thinking they're just going to be given an Impaler that was their grand-father's on the other hand just because they're last of the line... no.
I don't go out of my way to screw people over, either... I've been on the receiving end of that kind of crap, and I won't subject a player to it. So my players don't have to worry about their parents being murdered and sisters sold into slavery out-of-hand, unless it's part of a story arc and even then they have a chance to recover at least part of what they've lost. For instance, having to track the Splugorth Slaver caravan 'ere it makes it to Atlantis.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:12 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Natasha wrote:More than choosing an alignment? :eek: :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:15 pm
by bigbobsr6000
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:I give bonus XP and other related goodness to players who take the time to more fully help create the gaming world. I don't penalize someone for not writing one, but then they don't get any of the rewards either.

So, by not getting "bonus XP and other related goodness" they are penalized by starting with zero XP vs the others who are now ahead of them in XP.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:18 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
bigbobsr6000 wrote:
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:I give bonus XP and other related goodness to players who take the time to more fully help create the gaming world. I don't penalize someone for not writing one, but then they don't get any of the rewards either.

So, by not getting "bonus XP and other related goodness" they are penalized by starting with zero XP vs the others who are now ahead of them in XP.

could very well be, though I can't remember the last time I started off a game at 0 XP.

It ain't required but to those who want to put a little more effort into the game, I like to reward. There is still plenty of loot/xp/storylines/whatever to go around even if they should decide not to put anything extra in.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:23 pm
by Cyrano de Maniac
I have to say that in every instance where I've taken the time to write a significant character background, I've enjoyed playing that character much more than the "here's what I rolled up" characters. In fact, since the first character I ever played, I'd say 8 out of 10 of my characters have had a reasonably well fleshed-out background.

On top of that, I've become a big believer in writing the character background first, and the statting out the character to fit. For systems where basic attributes are subject to die rolls instead of a point-buy, I then sometimes have to go back and rewrite some of the background to fit, but most often this doesn't result in a significant departure from the original idea.

Anyway, by writing the character background first I end up with characters that are more diverse and rich in their motivations and outlook on the world, and I often end up taking a number of skills and such that don't necessarily make the most sense from a survivability/effectiveness standpoint, but give the character a richness he/she wouldn't otherwise. Of course, I usually find that my characters have changed their direction in life over time, and some of those skills that made sense in their former life don't really help with what they're doing now, but gives a depth and "texture" to the character that ends up being incredibly rewarding.

I also tend to leave a small number of significant character background items open for the GM to use as plot hooks. For example, my first ever Rifts character, a young Headhunter, witnessed his father (also a Headhunter) rather unexpectedly and abruptly leave their home town (Northern Gun), only to have NG personnel/lawyers show up the next day to try to apprehend him. Mysteriously a few years later Dad shows up for a short visit one afternoon along with some shadowy types who seem to be partly his bodyguards and partly his advisors. The reunion is more of a personal one, and Dad doesn't discuss what's been happening or where he's been, and after supper he leaves town again.

What was really going on? I don't know. I never decided. I left it open for the GM to use if he ever so chose.

I've generally found that GM's appreciate such things, and with the now "useless" skills will generally give me a number of freebies at somewhat diminished levels, because it fleshes out the character and makes sense based on the lifetime experiences of the character.

All that to say, I find it well worth it to write character backgrounds. I'd dare say it's even more fun that statting out the character him/herself.


Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:24 pm
by bigbobsr6000
This is a background I did on a Samurai I was playing. How many points do I get? :D

This is the one I handed to the GM and later that same session, he told I have received a message my children were killed in a fire. I left the group after that session.


Sojo comes from the northern lands of his country. The climate has all four seasons, but the winters are longer and colder. He grew up near a large town where he lived with his family. He is of noble descent, not extremely rich, but wealthy. His family has long history of Samurai tradition. Family ancestors have served as Samurai warriors for various Daimyo's and/or Emperors for at least ten generations past. Some good rulers few not so good. Current Daimyo he serves is fairly good ruler. Sojo at an early age showed promise as an artist in drawings and paintings. Once he got in trouble drawing an excellent likeness of his Master at training in a rather embarrassing situation. He seemed to have a natural ability for it. Every chance he got, he would study art and learn from anyone who would show him. He made sure this did not interfere with his weapon and martial arts training. Eventually he learned tattooing and sometimes, unfortunately would talk some of his friends into practicing on them. This stopped real quickly.

He only did these as a hobby; his real interest was being skilled as a Samurai. He studied these skills and martial arts with a vengeance after the death of his wife. His brothers studied along side as well. They too mastered these skills better than anyone else in their training cycle, except Sojo. His brothers had a different motive. They were preparing at that time for the final meeting with Kosu Naagi. (Explained later)

Sojo has two brothers, Toshi and Yocoma, also serving the same Daimyo. Sojo is the oldest at 25 cycles, Toshi is the middle child at 24 cycles, and the "Little Brother" (nickname for Yocoma) is 22 cycles. Through the ages, his family has been trained in the way of the Samurai. Mostly men of the family, few outstanding women have become Samurai as well. Much harder for a woman to do this. Sojo had a wife who died giving birth to their 3rd child. He has two sons and a daughter. His daughter, Kaimoon (named after her mother) age 1 cycles, takes after her Mother and is currently living with Sojo's parents. Hachi, 5 cycles, and Soru, 3 cycles, are staying at the Samurai Dojo that Sojo was trained at. The same Samurai Master, Hoju Hoshni, which trained him, is training his sons. Sojo remembers Hoju looking ancient when he was a child. No one knows how old he is, he seems to have been there as far back as the elders can remember. Kaimoon's mother had great natural potential to become a Samurai Warrior, but she chose home life instead. Once, the story goes, she was out in the deep woods with her two young sons, other women and their children. They were gathering special herbs, roots, flowers, etc. which only grew in the deep woods. A Great Black Bear attacked the party. She quickly (no one knows how) got between the animal and the party with her traditional Tantio blade at the ready. With lightning fast reflexes and great knife skills (unbecoming a woman of her class I might add) she killed the bear receiving only some light wounds and bruises for her trouble. Word spread through out the town of this deed. She always claimed the deed was greatly overstated, that it was a young small bear. She merely chased it away with a stick while she was waving her arms and yelling at it. She got scraped and bruised when she fell in the process. There is hope in the family that her daughter will show these natural skills.

The Hoshima family is overall a good family worshiping Heironeus deity of Law and Good. Praying to the Ancestors for guidance as well. Family tree has a couple of blemishes, a questionable horse thief and one Ronin. Nothing extremely blemishing the Hosima's good name though. The family is very ethical through their actions as well. Sojo's parents are his mother, Sayong Nokia, 45 cycles, his father Sojee Hoshima, 49 cycles. His father served as Samurai Guard to the Daimyo for 12 cycles he now tests and trains future Samurai Guards on the outskirts of town. Not only must one know fighting skills to become Royal Guard, but poses stamina, social skills, reading, writing, etiquette, and be willing to die for your lord at any second. Only after you have mastered all these and more can you be introduced to the Ruler to be accepted and then you maybe turned down by him. You would merely join his army as lower to middle rank leader due to your training or become a special messenger to him. Few succeed to become Samurai Royal Guard as he may only have 4 to 10 personal guards depending on his whim, wealth, perceived threat, etc.

Sojo's great-grandfather saved a Daimyo from two Ninja assassins at the cost of his life. He killed one and severely wounded the other as they tried to kill his lord in his sleep. Unfortunately, he sustained mortal wounds from the first but mastered his "KI" to dispatch the other one before any damage was done to his lord. The Daimyo found what family had sent them from the wounded Ninja through means you do not want to know about. That family disappeared and the Hoshima family was given their lands and property to honor him. This elevated their noble status and wealth as they had a moderate living at this time. His name, Haakoni Hoshima, is still heard mentioned when stories of bravery and honor are told in the land.

Sojo's wife was from a lesser noble family but they had some political influence as members of her family served in the lower levels of government. Their lands bordered each other leading to a childhood friendship then love. Both families thought this union would be good and prosperous to both. She was 16 cycles, Sojo was 20 cycles when they were formally joined in a noble style ceremony. All was well for awhile, until her parents were killed in a fire. She was full with her 2nd child at 18 cycles when this happened. No one knows how the fire started that killed them in their sleep. Her older brother, Kosu Naagi 21 cycles at the time, was away on family business when this happened. He was very bitter over this and could not accept it was an accident. Unknown to him, his father had made arrangements for his land, animals and dwellings to be given to Sojo in case of his death. All money was to go to Kosu. Even though Kosu became very wealthy as he received over 5,000 in gold plus family treasures worth over 18,000 in gold. Sojo offered to ignore Kosu's father's Death Writings and give him all. Kosu refused out of respect for his father's last wish and felt it would insult his family honor. He secretly blamed Sojo for the fire. When he spoke to his sister of this in private, she forbid him of ever speaking of this again. He didn't until her death. In a rage he openly blame the Hosima family for the death of his parents, his sister and being rejected to train as Samurai. The Masters told him his KI was not in order. He had too much hatred and pain in his heart. He must first reach inner peace before becoming Samurai even though he was a skilled swordsman he was no match for the Hosima family. After this public blame on the Hosima, he left with all his gold swearing by whatever deity or means he would reap vengeance on the Hosima family in particular Sojo even if he had to sell his soul. That was 1 cycles ago, no one has ever heard of him since.

Primary goal is to serve his lord by accomplishing his mission(s) and returning home with honor.
Second, to be present to see his sons become Samurai. Secretly hoping his daughter will too, but he would never admit it openly.
Third, to someday mend the relationship with his brother-in-law, Kosu Naagi.
Finally, to become Master Samurai and have own Dojo.

Feel free to use this in any of your worlds. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:29 pm
by Natasha
bigbobsr6000 wrote:This is a background I did on a Samurai I was playing. How many points do I get? :D

I don' t know but I would look forward to this PC in my game.

bigbobsr600 wrote:This is the one I handed to the GM and later that same session, he told I have received a message my children were killed in a fire.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:35 pm
by bigbobsr6000
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:could very well be, though I can't remember the last time I started off a game at 0 XP.

I have always started off with 0 XP. Very rarely do I give XP prior to start of campaign and that was a while back. All my players start of at 0 XP. After start of game I am liberal with XP reward. Most times they all go up from level one to two in the first session. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:37 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
bigbobsr6000 wrote:*snipped*

I don't even have to read it fully to tell you that you would get the standard XP award for the game, which can be variable depending on the system. All I really want is participation, beyond warming a seat. Plus I could then use your background to tailor make scenarios for your character since I would now have an idea of what motivates them.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:39 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
bigbobsr6000 wrote:
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:could very well be, though I can't remember the last time I started off a game at 0 XP.

I have always started off with 0 XP. Very rarely do I give XP prior to start of campaign and that was a while back. All my players start of at 0 XP. After start of game I am liberal with XP reward. Most times they all go up from level one to two in the first session. :D

I've recently moved on from the starting character game. We tend to start around 3 to 5th level depending on the game. If running Rifts though we normally just set levels for the character depending on what makes the most sense, which is another area background story comes in, and stay there throughout the scenario.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:54 pm
by lather
bigbobsr6000 wrote:
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:could very well be, though I can't remember the last time I started off a game at 0 XP.

I have always started off with 0 XP. Very rarely do I give XP prior to start of campaign and that was a while back. All my players start of at 0 XP. After start of game I am liberal with XP reward. Most times they all go up from level one to two in the first session. :D

How long is the session?

We used to sort of ignore experience points and just go with the flow of things. That style doesn't work too much anymore. We have since started using XP. Getting 1k in 4 hours isn't unheard of.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:59 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
bigbobsr6000 wrote:*snipped again*

Feel free to use this in any of your worlds. :D

actually Bob I might. I'm currently running a D20 game set in a uber-high fantasy(I jokingly refer to it as Exalted without the books) oriental mish-mash world and I might be able to use this character.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:11 pm
by bigbobsr6000
^^Glad to be of service^^ :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:27 pm
by lather
I appreciate the effort of writing a good story for the character.

Fun to read, too.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:56 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Natasha wrote:
bigbobsr6000 wrote:This is a background I did on a Samurai I was playing. How many points do I get? :D

I don' t know but I would look forward to this PC in my game.

bigbobsr600 wrote:This is the one I handed to the GM and later that same session, he told I have received a message my children were killed in a fire.

A samurai worshipping an occidental deity?
Hmmm... need to have why in the background.
Other than that, it looked good.
Like I said, I've had a GM pull that kind of crap on me before, and I tend not to do that sort of thing myself.

Or I might have a PC receive such a message, only to find out it's false... and a trap for the player group!
That one, I've pulled...
Another thing that annoys me to an extent is someone saying, "My character is a farm-hand peasant who's now a knight."
I usually assume in middle-age fantasy that characters are the children of adventurers/ lesser nobility to explain their affluence. If someone comes up to me with a peasant armed with a sword character, well, the societal repercussions will be amusing... not the them, of course.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:02 pm
by lather
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Natasha wrote:
bigbobsr6000 wrote:This is a background I did on a Samurai I was playing. How many points do I get? :D

I don' t know but I would look forward to this PC in my game.

bigbobsr600 wrote:This is the one I handed to the GM and later that same session, he told I have received a message my children were killed in a fire.

A samurai worshipping an occidental deity?
Other than that, it looked good.
Like I said, I've had a GM pull that kind of crap on me before, and I tend not to do that sort of thing myself.

It's not that strange. Misfit is ... no, wait, good point.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:19 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Vrykolas2k wrote:A samurai worshipping an occidental deity?
Hmmm... need to have why in the background.

It was written several years ago for a D&D campaign, hince the Deity listed. I have used this character in other settings and just changed the Deity or left it as Ancester Worship only.

Please, forgive my ignorance, Master.

......NOT! :D :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:34 pm
by Vrykolas2k
bigbobsr6000 wrote:
Vrykolas2k wrote:A samurai worshipping an occidental deity?
Hmmm... need to have why in the background.

It was written several years ago for a D&D campaign, hince the Deity listed. I have used this character in other settings and just changed the Deity or left it as Ancester Worship only.

Please, forgive my ignorance, Master.

......NOT! :D :D :D :D

That's nice.
As DM, I do ask players to explain things like that though.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:08 pm
by sasha
It's nice to know a character's motivation and background.

And it helps in tailoring adventures, even the campaign. As was already mentioned but it's worth saying that again, I think.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:12 pm
by bigbobsr6000
My character's motivation is not to have a background. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:14 pm
by sasha
I've gotten that a fair amount of times.

Doesn't mean there isn't a background though.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:29 pm
by bigbobsr6000
I really feel I am "picking on" a player if I use his/her background in game play. Then I have to use everyone's background in order to be fair. Now, they all are running back home or where ever to take care of what ever came up in gameplay from their past. Now no one is together and running 4 or 5 different adventures at the same time individually. Which I can do.

I am kinda an all or none guy in a lot of things. I can't go to the local pound and adopt one animal. I'd have to take them all. I would feel so bad about leaving even one behind.

Same with using character backgrounds. I'd have to use all of them in their entirety or none of them. Because, I would be leaving a player out if I didn't do it that way. And it would bug me.

I know I need :? along those lines, but that's one of my quirks.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:46 pm
by sasha
Misfit KotLD wrote:
lather wrote:
Vrykolas2k wrote:
Natasha wrote:
bigbobsr6000 wrote:This is a background I did on a Samurai I was playing. How many points do I get? :D

I don' t know but I would look forward to this PC in my game.

bigbobsr600 wrote:This is the one I handed to the GM and later that same session, he told I have received a message my children were killed in a fire.

A samurai worshipping an occidental deity?
Other than that, it looked good.
Like I said, I've had a GM pull that kind of crap on me before, and I tend not to do that sort of thing myself.

It's not that strange. Misfit is ... no, wait, good point.

How did I get dragged into this one?

Something to do with East meets West, perhaps.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:44 am
by bigbobsr6000
Okay, a group :hug:

Can't you just feel the :love: in the thread.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:46 am
by Natasha
Well I rather get to you a little before I feel your :heart: but hey it's Friday, so what the heck right?

:hug: :rose:

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:48 am
by bigbobsr6000
We all need a pick-me-up now and again. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:01 pm
by Natasha
Well if you truly are Big Bob then you probably not only pick-me-up but also crush-me-to-death :-o

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:06 pm
by lather
Like the cup in Army of Darkness?

"RAWR! Sorry, I don't know my own strength."

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:31 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Natasha wrote:Well if you truly are Big Bob then you probably not only pick-me-up but also crush-me-to-death :-o

These are my stats.

Metric Tons = 0.127
Kilograms = 127.01
Pounds = 280
Ounces = 4,480
Grams = 12,7006
Tons = 0.14

Millimeters = 1,879.6
Centimeters = 1,87.96
Miles = 0.00117
Inches = 74
Meters = 1.8796
Kilometers = 0.00188
Feet = 6.16667
Yards = 2.05556

You be the judge. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:42 pm
by Natasha
What's your Physical Strength attribute number?

I think I'd be in pain but maybe not crushed. I have a lot of S.D.C. :-D

Btw, 1.75m at 60kg, approximately :P

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:49 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Big Ole Red Neck Kentucky Hillbilly Country Boy PS. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:59 pm
by Natasha
bigbobsr6000 wrote:Big Ole Red Neck Kentucky Hillbilly Country Boy PS. :D

I forgot your R.C.C. bonuses of +15 to P.S..
You could just rip my arms off and beat me with them! :-x

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:37 am
by KillWatch
As a player, I like to get pretty detailed, writing on average 5-6 pages of history complete with cutscenes

As a GM I LOVE histories. I have random generation tables that include everything from dress to year by year. Now all that privides is a quick and dirty profile. If you want to write out a story and connect the dots. I will give you points, and depending on how good it is and how well it fits, I can reward 100 200 500 or even 1000 plus XP points. But I don't require it. It can give the player a bunch of bonuses like skills money and contacts, but it can also give me a lot to work with like dependants curses and enemies

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:39 pm
by Shorty Lickens
I handle them like a long running TV show.

I only require the bare minimum to get a plot or two rolling. As time goes on I let the players fill in more details.

Its kind of difficult to make them create a whole persons life in one evening. If they make it up as they go along its easier on them. It also lets them slowly open up and explore their character. They arent locked into a certain story.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:48 pm
by bigbobsr6000
macksting, I like your comments on this matter. I tend to agree with you. :-D

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:34 pm
by bigbobsr6000
Some of the the times I have used backgrounds, I've used Q&A occasionally. I get the player to expand on the answers to "round" out the reason behind the answer. Why did they give that answer.