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Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:27 pm
by Kagashi
what ever the GM wants.

Personally, if a player wants to restrict himself, I let them.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:30 pm
by Mack
I always considered those optional, especially with the Emporer's preference to maintain the human form. (IIRC he was reluctant about cyborgs for that reason.) And if memory serves, all CS Military Specialists are officers, so the job requirements shouldn't be a surprise.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:31 pm
by Dr. Doom III

Give them a few difficult missions and medically they’ll end up needing a new limb or two if they survive.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:09 am
by slade the sniper
Depends on your view of the CS, I suppose.

If they are a besieged nation at war against implacable enemies that needs and values its' soldiers, then the arm is pretty much a perk of service (you've been damaged and we repaired you) deal...sort of like free medical upgrades.

If the CS is a bunch of rampantly evil beings bent on world domination and the soldiers are means to an end, then the arm is a pre-requisite...and off it goes. If you want the job, you lose the arm...there are all sorts of goodies they put in there while you are under...a bomb, a tracker, audio/visual recording equipment, etc.

I prefer the CS as an embattled nation fighting to survive where powerhungry and evil men thrive because the line between genuine fervor and self sacrifice as opposed to despotism and group think has become so blurred that few can tell the difference anymore.

I go with option A (free upgrades), but B (job pre-req) is just as valid.


Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:23 am
by Library Ogre
What's their basis for refusing? A religious basis powerful enough to overpower their duty to the Coalition probably precludes them from the officer corps, no matter your take on the CS and religion. Similarly with a technophobia, or fear of surgery. About the best possible one is "It will hamper my ability to blend in with certain societies I may need to infiltrate."

I figure most Military Specialists don't even think about getting some things; a headjack, for example, is probably so common they don't consider it much different from their armor.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:17 am
by Dead Boy
Given that the CS is populated by human supremacists, the idea of preserving one's own Pure Humanity is probably a common one. As such any mechanical augmentation could easily be seen as lessening that purity, especially if it's done voluntarily where genuine medical need does not exist. For those that lose an arm, leg, or whatever in the line of service, I can see them seeing that as noble sacrifice, both the loss of body parts and loss of pure humanity. But to do so when flesh and bone are in perfectly healthy condition... I can see the CS accepting that as acceptable grounds for refusal to be enhanced.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 9:42 am
by CyCo
*chops off Zerebus's arm off and runs off into the hills*



Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 12:12 pm
by Astral_Explorer
I would say it was optional.
I dont see the CS mutilating it's citizens against their will. Burbites are another matter but
CS Special Forces are supposed to be officers and there wishes are most likely respected.
After all it would make the CS all the more proud that a 100% human with no augmentation
succeeded over the CS's many enemies.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:52 pm
by taalismn
slade the sniper wrote:Depends on your view of the CS, I suppose.

If they are a besieged nation at war against implacable enemies that needs and values its' soldiers, then the arm is pretty much a perk of service (you've been damaged and we repaired you) deal...sort of like free medical upgrades.

If the CS is a bunch of rampantly evil beings bent on world domination and the soldiers are means to an end, then the arm is a pre-requisite...and off it goes. If you want the job, you lose the arm...there are all sorts of goodies they put in there while you are under...a bomb, a tracker, audio/visual recording equipment, etc.

I prefer the CS as an embattled nation fighting to survive where powerhungry and evil men thrive because the line between genuine fervor and self sacrifice as opposed to despotism and group think has become so blurred that few can tell the difference anymore.

I go with option A (free upgrades), but B (job pre-req) is just as valid.


I'd see 'getting your metal' as sort of a Yakuza tatooing or can refuse, but all the REAL Men are sporting hardware for that bone-crushing secret handshake..

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 1:56 pm
by GhostKnight
A bionic arm is expensive, so forcing it would be a large waste. I'd put it as a "perk". If they don't want it then just hold off until they need it from combat damage.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:36 pm
by Library Ogre
I'm wondering how many get bionic lungs, instead of bionic limbs.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:44 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Mark Hall wrote:I'm wondering how many get bionic lungs, instead of bionic limbs.

Probably a lot.

Hell, I'd like a bionic lung!
The O2 storage/release system would probably do wonders for my sleep apnea.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:08 pm
by Library Ogre
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:I'm wond\ering how many get bionic lungs, instead of bionic limbs.

Probably a lot.

Hell, I'd like a bionic lung!
The O2 storage/release system would probably do wonders for my sleep apnea.

Bionic lung with gas filter and Oxygen Storage Cell. Two options would be the Language Translator (even if you don't bother to speak, being able to hear other languages is useful) and headjack.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:33 pm
by Library Ogre
Starting with Coalition War Campaign, and incorporated fully in RUE (page 359), there are rules for "squishies" surviving MDC damage. You have to get to them, with a medically trained character (First Aid at least), within 2D4 minutes to stabilize them. If it was a hit on a limb, then the limb is gone/mangled beyond recovery, but you'll be able to save then and replace their bodies with cybernetics.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:48 pm
by Astral_Explorer
Also some attacks might not destroy the whole body.
Some MDC critter chewing an arm or leg off.
Or a jerk Cyberknight lopping off an extremity with that Psi Sword add in any other melee using
supernatual critter or even a Vibro Sword weilding opponent.

You rarely see it in game, or atleast I have but certain attacks seem to make more sense
in causing the loss of a limb then vaporising the whole body.

Re: "Please don't chop my arm off!!!"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:20 pm
by Mack
Zerebus wrote:Of course, in order to insert that bionic lung they'd probably have to open up your rib cage. THAT almost always leaves a nasty chest scar.

Nah, I figure with everything else the CS can do, they can mitigate a scar (especially a deliberate one) pretty well.