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Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:36 pm
by count zero
If it works for you, that's cool. Seems like a bit too much number-crunching for my taste.


Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:38 pm
by Library Ogre
Why would how shins are protected reduce how much damage I take on my upper arm?

Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:17 am
by kirksmithicus
Why not add 'hit locations' it's done easily enough, and if your players like that much detail they would probably like that too.

try this much more complex (and probably needlessly so) system for weapons and armor.

- six hit locations: Head, Chest, R. Leg, L. Leg, R. Arm, L. Arm.
- Hp's for the chest are equal to P.E. x 2, other areas are equal to P.E. (no gaining hp's with lvl's)
- SDC is divided in the same manner as above but uses P.S.
- 0 hit points in area means the limb is useless, head or chest = stunned
- reaching negative max in hp's means death if in the head or chest, permanent damage if in the limbs.
- reaching the max negative hp's in one shot means the area has been severed, broken or pierced depending on the type of weapon.
- damage from punches, kicks, falling, blunt weapons and objects goes to SDC first and then HP's.
- damage from slashing or thrusting weapons goes directly to HP's and avoids SDC altogether.

- mix and match armor types
- AR = % of area that the armor covers for that area (Ex. 50% = AR: 10)
- AV = Protection the armor provides from a single blow before giving way and damaging the character and the armor.
- SDC = amount of damage the armor has taken or can take (obviously)

- Rigid vs. Flexible armor
-flexible armor may stop slashing attacks but that damage is turned into blunt trauma damage (SDC damage / non lethal)
-rigid armor stops all types of damage but damage is turned into force. Dmg-P.S.=#, Roll d20 below this # and get knocked down, dazed etc. for that # of actions.

-weapons can do multiple types of damage, Slash, bash and thrust.
- Instead of just strike, Thrust and slash attacks.
- To hit rolls are followed by a second roll (if not parried or dodged) to see if you hit above or below a defenders AR.
- No critical hits on a Natural 20, or anything else. Have open ended rolls so that every time you roll a max number on a dice you get to roll it again. (Ex. 3d6 damage, I roll a 4,6,6. So I roll two more dice and roll a 3 and 6, so I roll the 6 again and get a 5. Total damage is 4+6+6+3+6+5 = 30)

Just a few things to try out.

Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:54 am
by kirksmithicus
If you do, post it up I would like to see what you come up with. I'm a compulsive rules modifier :D

Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:11 am
by bigbobsr6000
I have and use various "hit location" tables. (Posts below). Unless the head and/or torso is vaporized I let them roll their save vs coma/death. If save, they suffer whatever damage to the area hit. They still may bleed to death if not recieving medical treatment in time based on the wound recieved. Based on the devastion of the injurey, I have them make a second save vs coma only roll to see if they go into shock or a coma.


Second, if the PC (or NPC) dies I have them roll a percentille to see if there is Deity intervention. Usually no more than a 1-10% chance, mostly 1-5% chance. Success means they are retuned to "fullfill" thier mission or assigned a mission by the Deity. If the PC does not have a Deity of choice, I wiill use one like Loki or Fairie Folk, something mischievious. And I have been known to adjust the percentile roll more in favor of the PC. Or I might use a middle roll on the percentile like must roll a 45-55 range inclusive.

Third, "fudge" the deadly hit as not to kill the PC and state: "That last shot hit your helmet (or "grazed" your head) knocking you down. You are dazed and there is blood seeping from your head wound. You realize at this point you must do something or the next hit could be deadly." Then it is up to the PC to react to that.

Fourth, I do allow Resurrection if it is available in the campaign world we happen to be in. If it happens, the PC is returned to full health.

Well, that's my speil on the subject. Hope this helps anyone or.....anything :eek:

Re: Medieval armor system

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:31 pm
by jade von delioch
this reminds me of what i have seen done in a LARP once.