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Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:34 pm
by Lenwen
After rereading over LoD 1 an checking out some of there minions an such I was curious as to what you all thought about the possability of perhaps one or more Old Ones Physical manifestations or thier Avatars still roaming around the megaverse do you guys think its possible they created an used Avatars or do you guys think they never used them or whats your guys take on this ?

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:22 pm
by Lenwen
decostop wrote: Now the rumor of an Avatar, or something claiming to be an avatar, that's an interesting plot line. And one I could have a lot of fun with. Thanks for the idea...

No problem my friend hehe

I was just curious as it seems every single other Intelligence out there with stats that can splinter it life essence does it .. I should have asked more importently ...

How does the Army of Light know it captured or put to sleep the entire Old Ones ?

I mean they were the ultimate power when it came to Intelligences so its glaringly obvious they had the ability to splinter into avatars and to be honest If I was one of them and seen the tide turning no matter what I did I would most definatly splinter into at least two if not more avatars so as if not to escape 100% then at least partially be able to an there for further my own goals ..

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:51 pm
by Cinos
In my game, the Old Ones have both a Physical Avatar (though I've yet to spend too much time thinking of them, as they haven't been awakened, and if even one would, pretty much game over), but in a sense, each has five physical forms, their own imprisoned form, and their four most powerful minions, which each share a small fragment of their creator, but even their power was greatly reduced so long as their creator remains imprisoned (and most of which, where imprisoned as well).

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:50 am
by Northern Ranger
I've always kind of considered that Thoth is an Avatar of Xy. As powerful as he is, is Thoth's power really on par with what is said about the Old Ones? I don't think so. Therefore in my opinion it's more likely that he is an Avatar, cast at the moment Xy was "betrayed" and something went wrong in the magic to make him think he was something... or someONE else. Just my take on this thing.

As to the other Old Ones having Avatars, I really don't think so. They were too into their own power to be willing to share it, even with a fragmented essence of themselves. I just don't think it's something they would have done.

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:41 pm
by Entiago
well if some (or many) of you may recall a thread a while back based on the Old Ones, there is already at least one "Avatar" of Al-Vil. his name is/was Ceratus Dominus (depending if your party encountered this adventure and how you ended it). The adventure is called The Forest of Broken Wings and is in Further Adventures in the Northern Wilderness, starting on page 68.

Although many could say a guided minion, I do believe the large, named big bads that follow a Old One or under their whim could be considered an avatar, like in this instance.

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:49 pm
by Northern Ranger
Entiago wrote:well if some (or many) of you may recall a thread a while back based on the Old Ones, there is already at least one "Avatar" of Al-Vil. his name is/was Ceratus Dominus (depending if your party encountered this adventure and how you ended it). The adventure is called The Forest of Broken Wings and is in Further Adventures in the Northern Wilderness, starting on page 68.

Although many could say a guided minion, I do believe the large, named big bads that follow a Old One or under their whim could be considered an avatar, like in this instance.

I'm embarrassed to admit I must have missed that one. I'll have to check it out. (Of course I have the book! I have them all!)

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:29 am
by GA
The thoth idea of being an avatar of Xy is thought provoking. Kali is an avatar of Shiva who is diametrically opposed to him a corruption if you will so it certainly has some precedent.

I was wondeirng though, it would seem that the the old ones would have to be awake for their avatars to take action. I can't think of any avatars that were present in our world's religions while the god was sleeping....well possibly Christ while he was a man, god was sleeping, depending on your interpretation of Trinitarian doctrine.

This leads to something interesting. Using the Christian analogy, if Thoth ever dies would Xy be reborn?

Oh Further Adventures only has 48 pages. Its the first one. I read the desription. It says he had contact with an unknown alien intelligence. How did you get a specific Old One avatar from that information?

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:00 pm
by Entiago
GA wrote:I was wondeirng though, it would seem that the the old ones would have to be awake for their avatars to take action. I can't think of any avatars that were present in our world's religions while the god was sleeping

Even though the Old Ones are in a deep sleep, they can still dream and effect certain beings using their psionic powers and/or great intelligence. Thus, using powers still in their "dream state" they are able to send orders to a main Avatar in order to manipulate their plans for return.

GA wrote:This leads to something interesting. Using the Christian analogy, if Thoth ever dies would Xy be reborn?

That may be a possibility, but they are one in the same so it may be a struggle to see which would come out on top if a ressurection was ever done.

GA wrote:Oh Further Adventures only has 48 pages. Its the first one. I read the desription. It says he had contact with an unknown alien intelligence. How did you get a specific Old One avatar from that information?

my bad it is actually from "Adventures in Northern Wilderness"....on page 87 at the end of the adventure it refers to Al-Vil being the AI that guided it. Also in the adventure itself Ceratus says that Al-Vil dreams it so Ceratus deems it.

Re: Old Ones Avatars ...

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:29 pm
by MaxxSterling
I run power games. I let my characters wake up the old ones and then try to re-box them up. Why not... When you hit level 15 and then multi to godlings, might as well cause some trouble... And rune weapons are a dime a dozen in my campaigns, they aren't all that great... 4d6 on a rune dagger? psh, a standard battle axe does that with the proficiency.