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A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:46 pm
by Amberjack
Hi All
Just a thought, the Palladins Demon Death Blow power costs 3D6 per use, doesn't that limit the Palladin to two maybe three such attacks at most. Shouldn't the Palladin get some sort of P.P.E. increase per level. Maybe something like the Warrior Monks 1D4 per level. just my thoughts on the matter.


Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:54 pm
by Library Ogre
My take on it:

Palladins have higher-than-normal PPE because a major part of their early training is meditation and prayer. However, in their later training, those things fall by the wayside for the exigencies of combat training. As such, they have a high initial PPE, but don't automatically gain any. I do, however, provide a skill that gives those who study is a one-time PPE boost.

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:29 pm
by Starmage21
I thought that no matter who you are, you always gain some PPE as you level. Where might I have heard this from?

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:57 am
by Library Ogre
Starmage21 wrote:I thought that no matter who you are, you always gain some PPE as you level. Where might I have heard this from?

No idea, because it's not true.

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:38 pm
by Northern Ranger
No, only mages and their ilk get increases per level in PPE. Though I do like the thought of the Palladin getting a minor increase. Not necessarily every level, but perhaps a set amount every few levels. I also like Nexx's idea of a skill that provides a one time PPE boost. Mind sharing that one, Mark? (Or do we have to wait for the book... again)

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:00 pm
by Library Ogre
Northern Ranger wrote:No, only mages and their ilk get increases per level in PPE. Though I do like the thought of the Palladin getting a minor increase. Not necessarily every level, but perhaps a set amount every few levels. I also like Nexx's idea of a skill that provides a one time PPE boost. Mind sharing that one, Mark? (Or do we have to wait for the book... again)

It's a book thing.

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:56 pm
by Northern Ranger
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:No, only mages and their ilk get increases per level in PPE. Though I do like the thought of the Palladin getting a minor increase. Not necessarily every level, but perhaps a set amount every few levels. I also like Nexx's idea of a skill that provides a one time PPE boost. Mind sharing that one, Mark? (Or do we have to wait for the book... again)

It's a book thing.

Drat! Foiled again! :lol:

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:59 pm
by Library Ogre
It's not that complex of an idea, NR. You just say that, say, one OCC related skill is worth 10 PPE or something, and make Secondary skills worth half of that. Give it a name and go.

Re: A Palladins P.P.E. total

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:45 pm
by Northern Ranger
Mark Hall wrote:It's not that complex of an idea, NR. You just say that, say, one OCC related skill is worth 10 PPE or something, and make Secondary skills worth half of that. Give it a name and go.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we've just seen a sneak peek at Mysteries of Magic! ;) Thanks Mark, I'll look into that. You're right, it's a pretty simple idea.