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Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:41 am
by AlanGunhouse
Pretty good discussion of Techno Wizardry. Just wondering if you can do a similar writup for Ecowizards?

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:24 pm
by AlanGunhouse
My fault I think, I have been asking a few questions. Ecowizards are from Dinosaur Swamp. Basicly they are stone-age Technowizards. The can do much the same sort of enchanting Technowizards do, only using bone, leather, sinew, claw, tooth, horn, and wood rather than technological devices and refined gems. I posted a thread on some ecowizard devices I designed in the Rifts section. It will give you an idea what can be done.

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:46 am
by livewire
hmmmm i don't think they should be a techno wizard item at all. i have not seen the ecowizards or anything but i have always seen techno wizard items as just that techno its a mix of magic and technology not magic and a piece of wood or what ever it would seem to be closer to enchanting than anything. shadowrun has rules for foci and other magic focus. i am currently working on house rules for them in rifts. if anyone is interested i'll post them here when i get done.

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:07 am
by AlanGunhouse
In general, a TW or EW item has to serve a function, and the magic simply makes it serve that function better.

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:56 pm
by livewire
still don't think they are right for foci just the wrong type of magic. and tw items don't have a function as they don't work without the magic so how can magic make them function better if they need the magic just to function in the first place?

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:13 am
by Library Ogre
livewire wrote:still don't think they are right for foci just the wrong type of magic. and tw items don't have a function as they don't work without the magic so how can magic make them function better if they need the magic just to function in the first place?

I believe what Alan means is that the TW device has a stated purpose; your TK Rifle can't do anything with TK but what it's supposed to, which is shoot people. Now, if you wanted to create a device which somehow granted you full TK, you'd need something appropriate... maybe a set of enhanced gloves that let you use TK at a distance. It would be unlikely to be a wand... you would need to explain to me HOW the wand is a device that allows for TK, not just "I point it at things and they move."

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:09 pm
by Library Ogre
Ajax wrote:Wii controller

Yeah, for me that's just a way to cast "Tourette's Syndrome."

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:34 pm
by Library Ogre
Ajax wrote:I guess that needs to go back to the drawing board along with my nintendo console with contra game as a resurrection tw device (only works if you punch in the oringinal infinite lives cheat code).

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, select, select start.

Re: Techno-Wizardy "Wands" and Magic Foci

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:41 pm
by AlanGunhouse
I do not think a Techno Wixard could do a GENERIC wand at all, and a stick is the wrong image. Try a length of conduit or a staff filled with micro cuircuitry or something like that...a mechanical basic object.