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Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The most glaring thing I can see is that the recharge rate as stated should be rated "per-blast" not "full recharging the item"
If that is what the TW constrution rules state then the rules are wronge. While TW lets you cast through a tech weapon, they don't reduce the PPE cost to less then a 1/20th of the base spell cost.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:37 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Many TW items have a recharge cost that seems very low, but that is what thr game rules say.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:53 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Just read rue, and the Activation cost is 1/20 the construction cost. Thus if you only stored enough PPE for One blast then the 1/20 of const. cost would fully recharge the item. Otherwise, 1/20 the C. Cost would only recharge one blast.

L5 Example (from above): P.P.E. Construction Cost: 350 (blaster) or 550 (rifle). with Payload: 25 shots each.

Thus the Blaster would be recharded with two bolts per 35 PPE, a full recharge would cost 438 PPE

And the rifle would be recharged with 2 bolts per 55 PPE, and a full recharge would cost 688 PPE

Thus you are going to need to rework your math.

Remember that PPE storage adds to the construction cost.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:09 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
If you were going to have a "Payload" the you need PPE storage. :roll: :roll:

Think about it, critically.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:47 am
by csbioborg
tw shotgun deathray
its been done merc adventure 300 range
5d6 straight to hitpoints or 1d6x10 mdc bypasses armor double to being of light and air elementals half to undead
30 ppe per shot

there seems to be errata as it says 30 and 40 at differnt point I'd go with 30

it takes a minum of six moths to make

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:26 am
by AlanGunhouse
If it lists the item as having multiple shots, isn't the storage already there?

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:45 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
When a TW weapon has no payload, like a deathbringer sword, the user feed ppe into the TW device. For Each And Every Use. If the user is not a PPE user or is a PPE user but has no PPE left, then they can not use the higher functions of a Deathbringer sword.

Also, I can not find any place in the TW construction rules that say that TW stuff automatically get a payload. But it does give a way to construct a payload capacity into the device is in step 10.

To be infused with something, that something has to have the capacity to store that infusion.

'infused' in this TW seance, means to recharge with a specific casting of a spell. Get out your thetharus and look up words that have similar meanings.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I'm not the one bending the rules. I'm only stating them like I see them in the book.

Thus, if you are complaining about how the writers didn't follow the TW-item creation rules for their TW-items, then don't blame me about what they did. I for one was fine and dandy with letting the GMs do all the deciding of what the TW needed to make his stuff.
( Note: I have the 2nd printing of RUE which I got from PB just this last july. )

If you can point to me, with in the TW creation rules, where it states that the devices get a payload w/o referring to step '10 P.P.E. Storage' nor referring to the examples of TW stuff, then I will look it up and agree with you, if its there.

Maybe this is an error that got fixed in a later printing, or hasn't gotten fixed because no-one realized it was there till now.

Also, I pointed out, I had thought, that the recharge cost was that of the "Activation Cost" since there is not rules explicitly stating how much PPE was needed to recharge TW stuff. And also, I had thought I had pointed out, that the activation cost only covers one blast/use form the Tw-Item. As Per the Stated Rules in the book.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:13 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
whipped4073 wrote: snip...
That, to me, points out the nice part about the new rules from RUE: greater customization to match what your character has available. If you use the same spell chains from RMB-era items, use only the minimum gemstones for your spell chain, and have an item level of 2 or higher, then the activation cost will be the same as the cost of casting the spell (which was the preferred recharge method used in RMB): P.P.E. construction cost always ends up being spell chain P.P.E. x 20, & activation cost is P.P.E. construction cost / 20.

I like the RMB rules because there are none, just examples. It's mainly GM discretion of what is needed, and how long it would take. So there is an infennet variety of what could be made and how it could be made. Molding the construction to the TW's personality and style.

Re: TW Death Bolt Blaster & Rifle

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:17 am
by taalismn
Yeah...why should technology have all the fun of 'no limits'? :D