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Dr. Noir

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:22 pm
by Prince Cherico
I was finished with the robots a little more work and Id be ready for the bank job. I took off my lab coat and put on a suit, I made sure to hide a peice on me. The economy was bad really bad, the stockmarkit crash hit every one bad expecially the super science comunity.

By the way I hate the term mad scientist its inacurate, im not angry at the world I may have a few issues but if I had a job paying for the submarine, the lab and everything else Id be a law abiding citazen. This isnt about ego its about survival.

I surfaced out of the water, no one saw me, it was time to walk to the club. The Waldorf made a good salad, a better sandwitch and didnt let colered folks in.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I knew just enough Itelian to pass. Im not proud of what I do but if you want to work in my feild everyone has to think your lily white. Thats how I lost my last job by the way some one droped a dime on me and the one drop rule insured that I was out the door. If I wanted to get another job I needed funds, funds to help me craft another idenity, one that wasnt compromised. I walked into the wardolf, clean jazz music relaxed me as I ordered some thing to eat. The waitress smiled at me and showed me my seat, Im a regular here and somtimes I wonder if shes sweet on me. I cant get close though if she finds out I wont be able to eat here, and if she informs the klan then things will go down hill fast.

She doesnt know my name, I make a point of not telling anyone here my name, I tell people Im a scientist. I have the degrees to prove it, Ive passed long enough to have the degrees. I make a point to find out who ratted me out I dont want this little episoid to repeat itself when I make it to los angelous. I dont want to kill who ever did it but my lively hoods on the line, maby my life as well.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:50 pm
by Prince Cherico
The waitress put me into my seat.
I sat down and looked outside the
glass windows. Shes smiling at me,
She hands me a slip of paper. Its
tradition, I write down what I want
and she goes to the kitchen. I look at
her, shes blushing I look at the paper
and see a series of numbers. I inwardly
sigh, she is sweet on me. This is not good
I dont need complications.
"I'm not really in the position to date
right now miss."
"I dont see a ring on your finger."
"Ive got a job waiting for me in LA."
"I thought you were a scientist not a
movie star."
"I am movies arnt the only things made
in LA."
"You really want to make that trip alone?"
Crap she really is sweet on me, as soon
as the words left her lips she realised how
forward she was being and turned a
shade of red. I pretended not to notice
and ordered a coke. I dont drink, I dont
smoke I dont do anything that might
make me slip up. I cant afford to have
people know the truth.
I think back to the day I got fired, my
boss closed the door, he looked enraged
I sat down it was 11 oclock we should
have closed down.
"This is your last day here Dr. White."
"I dont like being lied to and thats
all you do isnt it? Lie? Sure your college
transcripts are legit but they wouldent
have let you in if they knew the truth."
It was my worst nightmare come to
"Dont worry I wont tell anyone about your
little secret, our company's reputation
would be damaged if they found out some
one like you worked here."
He walked around the room looking
"I must admit, if a informant hadent
of told me I never would have known.
Strait hair, pale skin, green eyes any
one would be fooled, but blood tells
doesnt it Mr. White? Blood stains and
no matter how well you lie you will
never be one of us. I want you out of
New York Mr. White and I dont want you
to come back. You have 3 weeks to
arange your affairs and leave that is all."

And just like that I was out of a job.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:53 pm
by Prince Cherico
There are times when I wonder if I should
give this up, Im a well educated man Im
smart maby theres some one who would
over look the color line and hire me on.
After all Carver had a solid job, and maby
pigs will grow wings and fly off into the
Ive been at this too long, Im not going
back, I like being able to eat where
ever I want, I like being able to go to
a show, and If I get sick I like going to
doctors that will do their jobs instead
of just leaving me to die. The world is
how it is and its never going to change.
"Why the long face?"
Shes back with my order.
Ok I will admit shes cute, long black
hair, button nose a good figure but its
too inconvienat I need to get to LA and
the trip by sub will be long enough
with out a another person making it
"Im just thinking about the move."
"You know youve never once told me
your name."
"Then why mess with tradition?"
she frowns
"If you keep that atitude up you will
end up very lonely."
"Theres a depression going on, this isnt
a time for famlys, it isnt one for romance
ether. When things are more stable I will
think about company."
"FDR will fix things if you heard him
on the radio."
"Honey polititions say alot of things."
"I take it your a republican then?"
"Im a scientist I look for truth not polatics"
She sighs
"Im only trying to be friendly"
"Be friendly with some one else"
"At least think about calling"
I paid my bill and walked out the
door, I took a look at the number, I
will admit I was tempted even the best
men have moments of weakness Im no
differnt. I took out my Zippo and set
it on fire.
No attachments, no slip ups dont get
close to anyone, maintain the lie at
all costs. I sensed some one behind me
"Im off work."
It was the waitress she had tears in her
"You couldent even look at it?"
She ran off, I thought about going after
her, rushing after her, if I were a weaker
man I would have done just that instead
I walked away. Its a shame really the
waldorf does make the best salads in
town I will miss them.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:34 am
by Prince Cherico
The great thing about the north is
how easy it is to disapere into a crowd.
That and people arnt looking for people
like me people crossing the color line.
I went to school here when I was 12
on a scholership, I cant tell you how
many documents I had to forge to
get that scholership. From the moment
I got into college I cut my ties to my
former life, for all intents and purposes
the old me died and I became Paul White. It took me 10 years to get
a PHD I could of gotten it sooner but
I wanted multiple degrees just incase
a eagel eyed employer saw some feature
that betrayed my orgins.
Every thing went perfectly until some
one droped a dime on me. Thats why
I have to do this job I need money,
enough money to hire some one to clean
up loose ends for me. My boss wont
rat me out, hes a bigot but he keeps
his word worst case senerio I know hes
cheating on his spouse getting photos
would be easy. No what I need to do
is find and elimiate the stolie I need
to make sure that I can start my life
anew in california and that means making sure who evers behind this
is taken care of. I have a submarine
its just large enough to take care of a
loud mouth.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:56 am
by Prince Cherico
Right now its 2 oclock in the morning,
its time to strike. Im going after the
bank on 9th street. Ive rented a truck
the robots are ready armed with tommy
guns just in case.
I use grapling hooks to get onto the
roof my robots follow me, their oiled
up to make less noise but every clank
seems amplified to me. The roof
entrance is easy to pick I make sure
not to leave fingerprints. gloves and
a costume hide my idenity. Im worried
though Im not a professional and any
moment a long johns wearing freak
might strike.
Once in I put several cylinders into
the air ducks, I wait for the knock
out gas to take effect, after 20 minutes
Im able to move freely. I make sure
to burn the information containing debt
lists, I want this to look like a professional job one motivated by some
thing other then professional greed.
A side effect of this is that a few hundred
people will keep their homes and at least
one midwestern farm is saved.
My robots take out the vault, I only take
what I need and leave the rest of the
money in place.
After that I leave the way I came,
The next 3 hours are the longest in
my life but I manage to make it back
to the sub. I hide the money submerge
and go to sleep.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:01 am
by Prince Cherico
It takes me awhile to contact him,
hes a professional a supervillan he
also has psychic powers and I need
that. The meeting takes place at
midnight, I can trust him he relys
on his reputation and my moneys
"100 thousand now, you will get another
100 thousand when the jobs complete."
"You want me to find the person who
droped the dime?"
"Yes I want their address, their phone
number, every thing, I want you to
pry the information out of my bosses
"You want me to elimiate him?"
"This is personal business, I prefer to
take a hands on approch. To this
problem. If you can though wipe my
bosses mind the less complications the
"for this kind of money consider it done
I will call you when Im finished."

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:14 am
by Prince Cherico
I spend the next week hiding, waiting
for my call, when it finally comes I
feel relife. We set up a time and place
to set up proof. My boss comes and
im satisfied that his mind was wiped
he even gives me a hug and gives me
a tearfull good bye. After this we
travel to a bar and exchange suitcases
mine has cash his has information
satisfied we leave.
The rats idenity surprises me its not a
man at all. I get into her appartment
a closet has a shrine filled with photos
of me. I have a stalker, a dangerous
one, one who knows too much.
I sit in a chair and wait for her, my
death ray hidden up my sleave.
When she comes home she frowns at
my face.
"Hello Veronica back from the waldorf?"
She smiles
"I was worried you wouldent call Paul
or is it Robert?"
"I prefere Paul, so why did you do it?"
"Your quite a catch Paul, you dont drink,
you dont smoke, you go to church, your
well educated, and you live in a
submarine, unfortantly you were married
to your job. People as smart as you they
miss hints and their were plently, I needed to make you notice me."
"Im surprised you want me considering
my condition."
"Its amazing green eyes, light skin,
strait black hair, youd never know you
were a octorune. Still you worry too
much about that Im not a bigot
Paul, but I do know what I want, I
want a ring on my finger and I want a
trip to LA other wise this incident will
repeat itself."
I make a wistfull expression
"Very well I agree to your terms I leave
tomorrow night, pack your best belongings I will be here at midnight.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:29 am
by Prince Cherico
Carrying her bags was a real pain
even with the aid of my robot minons.
Veronica is over joyed, I had enough
money from the bank job for a small
ring. I let her get some sleep as we
move underwater towards LA.
She tells me about her life as a waitress,
about how unhappy she is with her boss
and of her problems with perverted
customers. She talks about how Im a
gentleman compared to her other
customers. I tell her that I will cook
dinner, she objects but I tell her she
has entire lifetime to cook she might
as well enjoy the turnaround while it
lasts. The dinner is perfection She
starts to complement my cooking when
she falls down.
"What you just ate was a paralising
compound for the next 5 to 6 hours
you will be incapable of movement."
her eyes opened in shock and fear
but she was unable to speak.
I take a moment to look her over
she is pretty, a nice figure, good legs,
a nice face, for a couple minutes Im
tempted to make her mine, to make
her my wife but that only lasted a few
"Youve fallen into my Trap Veronica,
I will go to california, but Im afraid you
wont make the trip, youll be quite in
dispose. Oh and dont worry about me
getting caught I paid some one to
make sure this is just between you
and me. You shouldnet of squeeled on
me Veronica, A man needs his secrets
and you violated said secrets. I didnt
want to do this but you made it nessary
good bye some day I will see you
in hell."
With that I fired my death ray her
face melted and then burned away.
She tried to scream but the posion
prevented that. Eventally her body
stoped gyrating. After that the task
of cutting up the corspe came. We
were near the sargasso sea a perfect
place to dispose of Veronica's corspe.
After doing this I scrubed my sub to
perfection and made my way to california.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:36 am
by Prince Cherico
I took me over a month but Im here.
California is beataful, and with the
germans making waves and the japanese
invading China the governments looking
to hire a few good men expecially people
like me. The work pays well, is stable,
and is top secret. I keep to myself,
Im determined not to make any mistakes
this time. I dont talk to my coworkers,
I dont talk to my neabors, I keep to
myself and I dont make waves. Its a
lonely life, some times I regret not taking veronica up on her offer, this
life would be a lot easier with some
company. But Im not willing to take
any risks, I may be lonely, but Im
safe and gainfully employed and for
now that is enough.

The End.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:57 am
by Prince Cherico
time for reveiws

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:50 am
by Rallan
Not good. And not just for the spelling and punctuation errors and the bad layout either (although they are all rather bad in their own right). I don't have the time to go through it line by line and give it a critique at the moment, and to be honest I don't think a critique would help. So when I've got a bit more time I'll dig up some stuff on general writing tips.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:26 pm
by count zero
Rallan wrote:Not good. And not just for the spelling and punctuation errors and the bad layout either (although they are all rather bad in their own right). I don't have the time to go through it line by line and give it a critique at the moment, and to be honest I don't think a critique would help. So when I've got a bit more time I'll dig up some stuff on general writing tips.

Agreed. I recommend investing in a copy of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style. Learn it, know it, live it. It's hard to take a piece of writing seriously when it's so rife with elementary punctuation errors and so badly misspelled. (There's nothing wrong with being a naturally bad speller--if that's the case--but that's what spellcheck is for.) You've got to have a handle on the basics before you can on improve your overall style. It's hard for me to focus on the story when I can't get past sloppiness of the writing itself.

Also, pick up a copy of Stephen King's On Writing. You may not be a fan of King's work, but his advice for those who want to write (and write well) is invaluable. If nothing else, read the sections "Toolbox" and "On Writing." Read them again. Take his advice seriously.


Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:38 am
by Rallan
Or alternatively someone else can beat me to it :)

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:11 pm
by Prince Cherico
thanks for the advice guys also
the reviews were much better then
expected. Personally I consider this
one of my failures but hey as long
as I learn from it nothing ventured
nothing gained right?

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:42 pm
by NMI
the only I would suggest for future stories of this nature is well a couple of things..
  1. Place your posts/comments that are made on the same day, within minutes of each other IN THE SAME POST
  2. Instead typing out your stories in these long columns, forget using the "return" key so much.
  3. and I know you hate seeing this, but reading your stories would be a lot easier if you did some grammar checking and spellchecking. I stopped reading this story after the 2[sup]nd[/sup] post.
Just my feedback and opinion. You are a good guy Cherico.

Re: Dr. Noir

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:44 am
by Prince Cherico
thanks for the advice NMI it will
help me write better in the future