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Magic Net

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 2:00 pm
by Mouser13
I just wondering with the new wording of magic net how do you play it.

1) Needing a called shot of 16 or higher to hit? Does that mean you don't hit the person inside with-out.
2) DO you allow people to re magic net people?

Re: Magic Net

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Mouser13 wrote:I just wondering with the new wording of magic net how do you play it.

1) Needing a called shot of 16 or higher to hit? Does that mean you don't hit the person inside with-out.
2) DO you allow people to re magic net people?

1) what are you smo*****? What book are you looking in?
The magic net is an auto hit unless the target makes a 16+ dodge. There is no mention of strike limitation against the net itself, and there is not dc rating of the net ether. as per PF2 Main & RBoM

2) If you mean, "Can a mage cast another magic net on those already in a magic net?" yes.

If you mean, "can I re-enegize a magic net already on someone?" only through the 'energize' spell dependent on the limitations of the energize spell. otherwise, no.

Re: Magic Net

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
1) the part of the description referes to when a person wants to attack a person in the magic net.

They have to roll a called shot of 16 or higher, to not harm the net also.

in other words, to attack the char in the net w/o setting them free from the net.