Ok gang, for those who planto playtest this weekend, ive just updated my draft (making this #3) with the info weve been talking about. Enjoy and release some lobster hell on your players
Reminder: The Demon Lobster is jumbo sized and has a blue-green tint to their shell and will stand out against normal lobsters.
The Devil Lobster
Also known as the Maine Prankster and Demon Crustacean
Alignment: Half are Diabolic, the other half Miscreant.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 +8, M.E. 1D6+5, M.A. 1D6+5, P.S. 1D6+10 (Supernatural),
P.P. 2D6+10, P.E. 1D6+10, P.B. 1D4+3, Spd 1D4+10
Armor Rating (A.R.): 10, any attack less than 11 does no damage even if it hits.
Hit Points: 2D6 plus P.E. attribute number.
S.D.C.: 1D4 x10 +10.
Discorporation: When slain, the Devil Lobster’s body breaks down into a thick layer of slimy ooze that resembles melted butter. Examination of the ooze will reveal it to be ordinary butter.
Threat Level: x4; Prankster, a Lesser Demon
Horror Factor: 9
Size: Typically about 6-9 inches tall and 24-30 inched long (resembling “jumbo” sized clawed or Maine lobsters in market terms).
Weight: Typically between 3 to 4 pounds.
Average Life Span: Unknown, probably immortal.
P.P.E.: 1D6.
Natural Abilities: Nocturnal pranksters and predators, supernatural P.S. and P.E.; never tires. Excellent Nightvision (700 feet), does not need to breathe air, can leap five feet high and across, ambidextrous and bio-regenerates 1D4 S.D.C. or Hit Points per hour.
Shape Change into Maine Lobster: To blend in with normal lobsters, the Demon Lobster can reduce its size and change its colors to resemble a normal lobster. These changes take place instantly (does not cost an action) and they can change at will. While the Demon Lobster loses all their supernatural abilities when imitating a normal lobster, they do not emit a supernatural aura and therefore won’t be felt by nearby psychics.
Pack Telepathic Communication: The Devil Lobsters and naturally drawn together and work in packs for four. When a pack has banded together they bond to each other psychically, allowing them to keep in continual contact and awareness of each other. This allows them to perform coordinated ambushes or work as a team to perform a variety of tasks they wouldn’t be able to do alone. The maximum distance they can travel from each other is 1000 feet before losing their psychic connection. However if one Demon Lobster gets separated from the pack and finds their way back, their connection is instantly restored.
Influence normal lobsters: When a pack of Devil Lobsters are bonded together, their psychic bond also affects any Maine Lobster (also referred to as the clawed lobster) within 1000ft of the pack. Normal lobsters under their influence will suddenly spring to life and begin attacking the people closest to it. This is more of a distraction and amusing prank than dangerous, however their distraction can prove deadly as the Devil Lobsters may be given time to attack someone or set up a wicked trap or prank.
Stats for a normal Maine Lobster: S.D.C. is 1D12+1 points, has no armor rating (they can simply be crushed underfoot), does one single point of damage per pinching attack, and has no special climbing ability or powers otherwise. They will simply attack whatever they can reach (usually the feet, ankles and calves unless attacking a downed opponent). A stomp attack on a normal lobster does 1D6 S.D.C. plus damage bonus.
Sensitive Antennas: A Devil Lobsters have both a set of large and small antenna. The large helps them detect movement and shadows and find their way in dark (even pitch black) environments while their small antennas help them recognize specific odors and chemicals. Together they allow the Devil Lobster to move about unhindered in complete darkness along with the ability to track by smell at 50%.
Knows all Languages: Magically understands all languages at 60%, but they are not able to speak or read. They can however emit an ear piercing screech (and usually do so when attacking) and snap and click their claws to make noise. They communicate with each other via telepathy (see psionics below).
Limited invulnerability: Invulnerable to poison, gases, toxins, mind control, possession, charms, and illusions.
Vulnerabilities: 1.Boiling water and Steam based attacks. Such attacks are extremely damaging to a Devil Lobster and bypasses their Armor Rating, doing 1D4 x 10 per strike. This includes psionic attacks like Hydrokinesis and Steam Blast as well as simply spilling a pot of boiling water or bursting a steam pipe.
2. Man-made weapons that penetrate its A.R. inflict full damage, as do magic, psionics and physical blows.
3. Sensitive to light. The Devil Lobster is a nocturnal prankster and predator and does not like bright light. When subjected to bright or well lit environments the Devil Lobster is partially blinded and suffers a loss of an action (due to the unexpected shock) followed by a penalty of -4 to all strike, parry and dodge rolls while in the light. Perception rolls are impossible while the Devil Lobster is partially blinded. The combat penalties continue to affect them for one melee round after they’ve found shelter from the light. Shinning a flashlight in the Devil Lobsters eyes are enough to affect them.
R.C.C. Skills or Equivalents (do not improve with experience): Swim 95%, Prowl 85%, Climbing 80%, Land Navigation 70% and Track Humanoids 40%.
Equivalent Level of Experience: 1D4+3.
Attacks per Melee: Four physical or psionic attacks per melee.
Damage: Pincher claw attacks do 1D8 damage while crusher claw attacks do 2D6 damage. A power crushing claw attack does 4D6 (costs 2 attacks).
R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +2 Strike, Parry and +2 Dodge, +4 Perception rolls (in dark areas) and +4 save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: None.
Psionics: Needs a 12 or higher to save vs. psionic attacks. I.S.P.: 1D6x10 +10.
Limited Psi-Powers: Levitation, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Leap (8), Telekinetic Lift (7) and Telekinetic Push (4).
Enemies: They despise human beings and see them as prey and fodder for their pranks and mischief. However, they are kindling something of a grudge match with Gremlins, who see their habits and talent for pranks encroaching on their “territory”. Consequently Gremlins and Devil Lobsters have begun pulling pranks on each other when they can and their pranks are becoming more and more dangerous. In time, a full blown hatred between them will inevitably blossom.
It’s also interesting to note that the Devil Lobster is cannibalistic and has been known to attack and eat their wounded.
Allies: The Devil Lobster is a social creature, but only amongst their own kind. They may congregate in packs of dozens up to hundreds happily, but generally wont associate with anyone else, human or non human.
Habitat: The majority of their sightings have been in cities that dot the worlds many coastlines, but can be found anywhere. Many travel in disguise as live lobsters and therefore can be found lying in wait for an ambush at seafood restaurants, fish markets, supermarkets, shipping companies and other unexpected locations.