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Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:39 pm
by Kevin
Hey Everyone,

Good discussion.

First, I think you'll find Dead Reign brings zombies to life. Er . . . no pun intended. :roll:

We cover a lot about zombies in great detail. We also include zombie fighting tactics (and rules). The emphasis of this game is fighting zombies, surviving in a world dominated by zombies, and taking that world back!

I don't know how it compares to Max Brook's World War Z because I made a point of not reading it. But I can tell you that my zombie experts, consultants and zombie-fanatics (guys really nuts about zombies) have gone wild over the Dead Reign RPG. And I mean absolutely wild! Campaigns are cropping up or being planned all over the place. Awesome. Game on!!!

I think anybody who loves the zombie genre will enjoy Dead Reign. I know its a blast to play and can be made much more than a beer and pretzel game.

As for magic and psionics: If you want them in your game drop them in it. It's as easy as that. All Josh did was take our standard magic and psionic system, rules, and spells and psionic descriptions and said here ya go. There were no new magic spells or psionic powers. That's the beauty of having one Megaversal system of rules, you can mix and match, tweak and combine anything you want from any of our games. Easy. :-D

HOWEVER, I suggest you do not do so. I found that the way I set up Dead Reign makes for an intense, heroic and fun gaming experience. Try it before you tweak it.

If you want to use Josh's original premiss for the more supernatural setting, there is The Rifter #40 as your guideline. Furthermore, because I did NOT consider that some small percentage of Rifter readers would feel disappointed that the Hilden/Sanford "supernatural storyline" was deleted, we are considering printing that material (Brulyx Alien Intelligence, the Death Priests, the Immortal, etc.) in an upcoming issue of The Rifter -- possibly as soon as issue #45, January 2009.

As for the absense of magic and psionics making Dead Reign less unique . . . I disagree, but that's probably a matter of opinion.

So far, the majority of Palladium gamers and zombie fans we are hearing from are loving Dead Reign and I invite them to share their cheerful views, thoughts, comments and reviews in this and other Dead Reign Threads.

Keep those imaginations burning bright.

Kevin "Zombieda" Siembieda
Publisher, Writer & Game Designer

November 20, 2008

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:03 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I think that the Brulyx infor in the rifter would be a great addition. Its kind of like what another poster mentioned earlier (i don't remember where) about adding a little additional source material for each one of the proposed theories to how the zombies came about.

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:20 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I read the first two chapters and I'm going to go read the rest.

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:48 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Citizen Lazlo wrote:Along with the building survivor camps info?


Well that sounds like interesting material. How easy/hard would it be to use in other settings like System's Failure or Chaos Earth?

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:38 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Logan the Defiant wrote:This must be the closest thing I've seen towards Palladium correcting a mistake of their own making. Ever. Good for you!

EDIT: Comment unwarranted and uncalled for. Attack the post, not the poster - NMI

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:04 pm
by Shotgun Jolly
Thanks for the Post Kevin!

Yeah, what you said confirmed what I was thinking in a previous thread.

And the fact that my book in on order, and should be arriving at my FLGS soon has got me SOOOO pumped!

For me, after I have a go or two with just dead regin, I plan on using it as a back drop for an outbreak in my Chaos Earth adventure.. Wicked!

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:29 pm
by Kelorin
Well then, it appears problem solved.

For those that didn't want the magic in, you can play Dead Reign straight up. For those that did want the magic and psionics in, tack them on from one Palladium's other magic systems (ie: BTS-2). And finally, Josh's world material will see the light of day in a Rifter. Best of all worlds if you ask me.

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:12 am
by Vidynn
Kelorin wrote:For those that did want the magic and psionics in, tack them on from one Palladium's other magic systems (ie: BTS-2).

uhm, one of the major problems with BTS-2 is that "Arcanum" isnt published yet (soon the wait will be four years).

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:28 am
by Vidynn
Citizen Lazlo wrote:Which is why I edited in the standard Palladium Magic into the original Dead Reign manuscript.

together with some background on magic in the DR-setting, it would have worked, I guess.

were there Necromancers of sorts in it?
and what are/were the powers of the Death-Cult-Priests?

Re: Zombies and things

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:41 am
by Nxla666
Ok, already answered... post editted.

Move along...