Mephisto wrote:Now I'm curious Northern Ranger and Prysus...just how much material do you have sitting around (either hard copy or digital) that hasn't been submitted or shared yet? I'm guessing with all of the gaming and imaginations involved, it must be an extensive amount of material.
Wow, Mephisto, you know not what you're asking!
Let's see, several races (some of which have been posted here to pretty rave reviews!). A couple of new OCC's (Including a fantasy based version of an uber-popular sci-fi class created by the one and only George Lucas), a whole new city (based on the coast of the Eastern Territories) and whole plethora of creation charts and treasure roll-up charts that one of my gaming buddies has helped me with. (Turts, he posts here once in a while.) But probably my biggest claim to fame, which actually get's some publicity here on the forums, is the fact that I've completely re-written the Palladium Skills as they apply to the fantasy setting. Also, I've added quite a lot skills (one of which, free-running, Prysus mentioned above) and a whole new category of skills designed to help make those oh so loveable and overlooked animal companions a little tougher. (Again, Turts has been helping me with this, but it is by and large my own creation.) Also, I have a rather impressive spell book of created and converted spells and psionics. So yeah, you could say I've done some writing for the game I've been loving and playing for nearly twenty years now. Hopefully, someday, the folks at PB will see fit to publish some of it. (But I'm always willing to share with fellow fans, just ask!)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)
"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)
"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)
300 Geek Points (So Far)