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So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:32 pm
by Shadowfyr
WHy is this, everything else in the game can go on and learn other aspects of the megaverse... Cant a dragon to?

Even if not is there a list of skills that dragons get as well?

Here's the idea/situation. The group im in is kinda waning towards a powerful set of characters for awhile so i wanted to make a dragon. But i want to be creative with this one and make a dragon who's fascination is with Robots and Tech. (Now im not going to be trying to put bionic or cybernetics since they regenerate so dont worry on that :wink: )

But with Power Armor and Robot vehicles. After a discussion with my brother i find that dragons cant start off with an OCC, and apparently cant get the Robot combat elite skills either.

Well finding a happy median i settled on the Royal Frill Dragon (noting that its liek the only dragon to get Super Psionics) and will take Telemechanics and Telemechanic Possession to be able to pilot power armors and what not.
But to go with this i wanted to take the Electrical and Mechanical skills, but going back through the book i can't find a skill list and only finding something talking about getting a couple skills at level 1 from the secondary skill list.

Now i notice this is longwinded but any help before the weekend would be awesome! :?

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:43 pm
by dark brandon
Shadowfyr wrote:WHy is this, everything else in the game can go on and learn other aspects of the megaverse... Cant a dragon to?

Even if not is there a list of skills that dragons get as well?

They get skilles as per their RCC. Later, they can choose magic OCC's, but that's not until they are an adult.

And not everything else can go and learn other aspects of the world.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:02 pm
by Shadowfyr
i used "every other" as a broad spectrum.

But looking under the Royal Frill (RUE 162) It doesnt list ANY skills not even RCC skills.
Or am i missing something when reading it?

And what about the tech part? I know the majority of people make dragons fascinated with magic, and magic items and etc... but help me set him up to me a "techie" based dragon. That to me would be hilarious.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:06 pm
by dark brandon
Shadowfyr wrote:i used "every other" as a broad spectrum.

But looking under the Royal Frill (RUE 162) It doesnt list ANY skills not even RCC skills.
Or am i missing something when reading it?

And what about the tech part? I know the majority of people make dragons fascinated with magic, and magic items and etc... but help me set him up to me a "techie" based dragon. That to me would be hilarious.

Your missing something. They get RCC skills, Related and of course secondary. Try looking in the dragon section rather than the individual dragon section, like where it tells you dragons are solitary creatures...I don't have the book with me so i can't give you a page number.

A tech dragon, you're going the right way with psionics. The few skills they can get, just go with tech skills.

Honestly, your best bet is to ask your GM if you can trade some of your Psionic powers for tech skills.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:17 pm
by Shadowfyr
Not going to be able to type it fully out but heres a summary/quote of it.

"Skills: At level 1 select two secondary skills from the secondary skill list. Select another 2 secondary skills at lvls 2,4, etc."
"Special areas of Interest & Expertise: Select one "special interest" skill, in which dragons exhibit a natural aptitude at levels 1,3 etc. "

but it never says anywhere where they get their RCC skills.. actually any of the dragons in the RUE dont eem to have RCC skills. just this little column saying they have 2 secondary skills.... hmmm

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:20 pm
by dark brandon
Shadowfyr wrote:Not going to be able to type it fully out but heres a summary/quote of it.

"Skills: At level 1 select two secondary skills from the secondary skill list. Select another 2 secondary skills at lvls 2,4, etc."
"Special areas of Interest & Expertise: Select one "special interest" skill, in which dragons exhibit a natural aptitude at levels 1,3 etc. "

but it never says anywhere where they get their RCC skills.. actually any of the dragons in the RUE dont eem to have RCC skills. just this little column saying they have 2 secondary skills.... hmmm

Hum...Maybe they only get a few skills. Odd, could have sworn they got RCC.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:27 pm
by Shadowfyr
Yeah that's why i was so confused, cause if u look in Dragons and God , and everywhere else the dragons all have RCC skills but here they dont.

So (mind you not canon) i asked my GM if i could just take the skills part of the Anti-Robot Specialist from Canada and nothing else but the skills to round out how i wanted to make the character.. now im just waiting for a response :lol:

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:58 pm
by Talavar
Adult dragons (as depicted in Dragons & Gods) get RCC skills, because they're hundreds of years old.

Rifts hatchling dragons only start with very few skills because, well, they're babies. As they level up they get more and more skills, but right out of the egg they only know a handful of instinctive skills.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:55 am
by Shadowfyr
Burulovesyou wrote:Start with basic math at normal proficiency, 98% speak dragonese/elf as well as ability to read/write dragonese/elf.
2 secondaries at 1,2,4,8,10,15,20.
1 special interest skill at 1,3,6,9,12,15,20 at +15% as per the guidelines on page 158.
The ability to understand all the fundamentals as well as having psionics takes up some of your 'skills' but being as you are only a few days to a month or so old, the only skills you can pick up are those you learn from people by observation, etc. You are just born, why would you start with a huge skill list?
Granted, it's not much, but I can see the argument.

Yeah thats where i was getting lost and yeah i understand they are just born.

But how long (Leveling wise), does it take before you can actually get skills or even Pick up an OCC?

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:16 am
by Khanibal
It's based more on the hundreds of years alive. You might be able to select a better skill base when you hit level 13. The Dragon r.c.c. is really low on skills specifically to balance out their greatly enhanced power after a measly thousand or two years of game time.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:37 am
by Ice Dragon
In the "old" Rifts Main Book, dragon hatchling started with Math: Basic 98%, Language/Literacy: Dragonese/Elven 98% + on other language/literacy 98%, + 6 other skills (+ 4 other skills at level 4,8,12,...).

The starting skills are imprinted (psionicly) by their dragon mother will the baby dragon is still in his/her egg.

Personally, my group didn't allow "high tech" skills at first level - computer operation is ok, but not programming, to pilot jet, etc. W.P. are OK. If the GM allowed it for the campain, the hatchling dragon could train until he/she reached 4th level to gain some high tech skills.

Still remember, that a baby dragon is still exploring the world and his natural skill of magic, psionic and other powers.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:38 pm
by Mouser13
Shadowfyr wrote:
Burulovesyou wrote:Start with basic math at normal proficiency, 98% speak dragonese/elf as well as ability to read/write dragonese/elf.
2 secondaries at 1,2,4,8,10,15,20.
1 special interest skill at 1,3,6,9,12,15,20 at +15% as per the guidelines on page 158.
The ability to understand all the fundamentals as well as having psionics takes up some of your 'skills' but being as you are only a few days to a month or so old, the only skills you can pick up are those you learn from people by observation, etc. You are just born, why would you start with a huge skill list?
Granted, it's not much, but I can see the argument.

Yeah thats where i was getting lost and yeah i understand they are just born.

But how long (Leveling wise), does it take before you can actually get skills or even Pick up an OCC?

Dual OCCs

Characters that wish to learn a new O.C.C. must first advance at least one level in their current O.C.C./R.C.C. At second level (or wherever desired), they may opt for training in the new O.C.C. as SOON as they reach that new level (it cannot be done after they have advanced in their new experience level).

When the character begins their new training, they are zero-level in the new O.C.C. The character must earn experience points equal to the new O.C.C.'s second level (if Men of arms or adventurers) or third level (if magical or psychic). When that amount of experience points is acquired, the character has passed their apprenticeship and is now at first level in his new O.C.C.

Once characters change over to their new O.C.C., they retain their old skills (but frozen at the levels they achieved before the change) but all new PPE, S.D.C., and other increases will be based upon their new O.C.C. ALL new experience points are awarded to the new O.C.C. ... alocc.html

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:57 pm
by Library Ogre
Dragons generally don't have an OCC because of their unique life status. Most mortal races grow into intelligence... they're born illiterate, without language, and of very limited mental ability (great potential, sure, but very limited ability).

A dragon hatches able to do algebra, speak & read, and of mental ability (if not maturity) equal to an adult of many races. As such, they learn very differently... while a human grows into its OCC over several years, a dragon is growing into its ability to teleport, cast spells, use psionic powers, and everything else.

They do not have what humans think of as "normal" learning processes, so they don't tend to take normal OCCs until they reach maturity.

Realize that a dragon born the day of the Cataclysm is not yet mature.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:15 pm
by Khanibal
The good news is, according to an old edition of PFRPG, dragons are very tasty.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:16 pm
by Library Ogre
Khanibal wrote:The good news is, according to an old edition of PFRPG, dragons are very tasty.

Mmmmm... veal.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:04 pm
by Khanibal
Uh, I don't think you can stop being a dragon in order to change O.C.C.

Re: So dragons can't have an OCC?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:29 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Mark Hall wrote:They do not have what humans think of as "normal" learning processes, so they don't tend to take normal OCCs until they reach maturity.

Realize that a dragon born the day of the Cataclysm is not yet mature.

Exactly; they're hatchlings.

How many human children do you know of that have a full-blown occupation?
(And working in a Nike factory doesn't count!)