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Mystic Portal?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:14 am
by Khord - Lizard Mage
Does a Mystic Portal need to be cast on a permanent vertical surface in order to be cast or can it be formed as a tear in space? I am trying to come up with a Techno Wizard device that is basically a shield that when activated has a Mystic Portal on it's surface set to return what came into into it straight back out. The main idea is to parry spels such as Annihilate which detonate upon impact. I got the idea from Vampire Hunter D. I am sure it would be difficult to return something back at the attacker but any direction away would be useful. Let me know if you think such an item is feasible.

Re: Mystic Portal?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:20 pm
by Talavar
The problem (if a GM allowed it in the first place) with parrying a spell like Annihilate with Mystic Portal is casting time. Once Annihilate is cast, that sucker's coming at you fast, and mystic portal takes 2 actions of casting time. If you had started casting mystic portal before the Annihilate was finished, I suppose it could work, but how would you know what the other mage was casting?

Re: Mystic Portal?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:46 pm
by Khanibal
Possibly Implosion Neutralizer, but you're best bet is chaff. The anti-matter created by Annhilation will pop as soon as it hit any matter. If you can flood the area in front of the attacking mage with strips of tin foil just as he releases the spell, you might even be able to catch him in his own area of effect.

Re: Mystic Portal?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:29 am
by ZorValachan
Burulovesyou wrote:On a semi-related note, do you guys allow spells and lasers and whatnot to pass through mystic portal and hit someone through it if you can see them? A player brought this up tonight and I wanted to ask on here before giving a full response. It's my brother so he can wait ;)

Personally, yes, I allow it. It's like an open door. Just air, nothing is there to stop anything from going through.

On the 'shield'.

The spell can be 10' wide x 20' tall max, so I could see this in a TW shield (like a swat shield), or even a big piece of plywood or such. Wouldn't need it to be an active parry, but would be very easy to get your whole body behind.

Activate the spell. It lasts 4 melee rounds per level, so you could do this even before battle as 'prep'. Could make the exit the same portal just facing the other way. Looking into it would be straight on would be to a mirror (but not reversed. What's on the looker's left would look to be on the right in the portal (but to the 'Looker' on the other side's left).

Anything that is cast at you (hiding behind the shield/portal), except some anti-magic spell, would go through the portal, appearing back out and going whence it was cast. It would be as if it did a 180 degree turn.

As a spell I always required it to be 1) immobile 2) the 'entry' must face the caster (making him have to spend additional actions to get behind it as a 'shield'.

For TW device... I see the high potential for abuse if the GM allowed the character to carrying an active portal around, never have get in from behind the shield to cast it, etc....

Re: Mystic Portal?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:18 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Khord - Lizard Mage wrote:Does a Mystic Portal need to be cast on a permanent vertical surface in order to be cast or can it be formed as a tear in space? ....snip
