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urben fantasy
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:28 pm
by tmikesecrist3
I have a question. I would like to run bts, only porblem is I only have the 1st addion so far... planing on ordering the gift bag wiht my christmass money and hope a copy of 2nd is in there, but. does the game lend it self well to urben fantasy since my players are that big into horrer
I know I would need some elements of horrer to pull it off... a good example would be some of the lackey noviels di tregade investagations bedlems bard, searted edge are good examples... what do you all think?
Re: urben fantasy
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:49 am
by mrloucifer
tmikesecrist3 wrote:I have a question. I would like to run bts, only porblem is I only have the 1st addion so far... planing on ordering the gift bag wiht my christmass money and hope a copy of 2nd is in there, but. does the game lend it self well to urben fantasy since my players are that big into horrer
I know I would need some elements of horrer to pull it off... a good example would be some of the lackey noviels di tregade investagations bedlems bard, searted edge are good examples... what do you all think?
In theory I would think BTS2 would work with a more "Urban Fantasy" setting. The trick would be figuring out how the "psyhic boosts" work around the fantasy elements. Before you dive too far into it I would encourage you to read up on how psychics work in BTS2 (this is the most drastic and in my opinion the best change of the BTS rules from the first edition.)
if your fantasy creatures (creatures of magic) trigger psyhic abilites the same as supernatural baddies do then I think BTS2 would provide exactly what your looking for.
Re: urben fantasy
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:03 am
by tmikesecrist3
just trying to think of ways to ton down the horrer with out takeing away form the mistory, need to look at the book to see about how to bring in a mage or update the arcanest form 1st, it seems some how lacking with out hem, and form what i have read the monsters are some what lacking to, any sujestions?
Re: urben fantasy
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:54 pm
by Sir Neil
tmikesecrist3 wrote:does the game lend it self well to urben fantasy
ZOMG yes.
is fantasy, not horror. The characters are just as supernatural as the monsters they fight. If you want a horror game, use the Victim rules in the back of BTS 1.
Re: urben fantasy
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:08 am
by gaby
Yes they need the Victim rules.
Maybe they will another BtS,s sourcebook.