Weekly Updates 2

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – January 4, 2024

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson

“I began playing Rifts® in the early 1990s with a group of friends. Enjoyed it back then. We all lost touch and, fast forward 30 years to today, we all get back together to play our same characters in the same campaign, aged 30 years in the future.

“Thank you. Your games are proof that lifelong bonds over these games are stronger than time. Now that we are all a little wiser and have a little more pocket change, I’m gladly supporting Palladium and the future of gaming.

“Looking forward to 2024 and what you have in store for us.”

– A.P. in Nassau, New York

Happy New Year, everyone. I thought it would be nice to open the first Weekly Update of the new year with this lovely missive from the comment section of a Surprise Package.

I think it is incredible that the same players have reunited 30 years later to play their original characters aged 30 years. It’s a clever and fun idea. Kudos to this player group.

I also love that the bonds of friendship made in role-playing games can stand the test of time. Awesome.

A glimpse into what’s coming in 2024

As for what 2024 may have in store for Palladium fans, we are looking forward to seeing what it may bring as much as you. We have our plans and expectations, of course, but how much we can actually pull off is yet to be seen. We have high hopes for a nice amount of new product releases, starting with Yin-Sloth Expeditions, Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, and Rifts® Antarctica – in addition to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Redux editions and Kickstarter fulfilment.

We listen to you and know what you would like to see, and we know what we’d like to accomplish this year. Palladium’s recent policy of not discussing plans until they are rock solid and releases are ready to go to the printer, prevents me from going into great detail, but Yin-Sloth Expeditions, Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, and Rifts® Antarctica are must releases in the first half of 2024. That’s in addition to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Redux Kickstarter products later this year. We have a number of titles we hope to surprise you with, but no hints or announcements just yet. Most (all?) will be titles you have been looking forward to seeing released.

The excitement of the TMNT Kickstarter and the impending release of those products later this year, makes 2024 feel special and new, even magical. It feels like a fresh and exciting new beginning; which it is. As Sean and I keep saying, this is just the beginning of our future plans for Palladium Books. The success of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Redux Kickstarter is a nice glimpse of what’s to come across the board. These are products we all know and love, but also new and expanded in ways that should thrill and delight. Products that harken to both the past and the future, which also hints at what you can expect from Palladium Books as we move forward.

I can tell you our immediate next step is to bring in our new warehouse/shipping person this March. Crystal left us at the end of September, so Alex, Wayne, and all of us have been filling in during the busy holiday season. Finding an Operations Manager to free me and Sean up to write and handle the big picture affairs is next. We have a short list of candidates we are considering and hope to bring that individual in as soon as possible. We’ve been meeting and talking with people in December. Fingers crossed! We have been getting some general help from my old friend Richard Cook and we are looking to secure much more of Matthew Clements’ time as a writer and editor.

The above are just a few of the goings-on behind the scenes as Sean and I work to create a rock solid foundation for Palladium’s future. Over the next year or two, we look forward to bringing on more staff and freelancers, as well as exploring other business opportunities, but TMNT and new book releases are front and foremost at the moment.

See my Closing Thoughts and Comments from Fans Like You sections for more hints and tidbits about things to come. And be advised there are only 11 days left to snag a 2023 Surprise Package. After that, you’ll have to wait till next Christmas. Our thanks to everyone who has placed orders of all kinds to end the year on a high note and start the new year off on the right foot.

Christmas Grab Bags

Time is running out – 11 days left to get a Palladium Surprise Package – offer ends January 15, 2024

Is this a Christmas miracle? A mistake? Utter lunacy?

None of the above. (Well, maybe that last one.) It has become tradition that I extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year! Yes, this means you can still snag one or two if you act quickly. The sale now ends January 15, 2024, and will NOT be extended further. Oh, and you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

A Surprise Package is a nice way to start the New Year, and is a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Or start the New Year with a stack of RPGs or sourcebooks you have been meaning to try, or the titles you need to fill holes in your collection, or replace battered well-loved books.

We extend the Surprise Package offer for those of you who have been so busy spending your time and money on your family and friends, that you have not had the opportunity or funds to treat yourself to a well-deserved Christmas Surprise Package.

We also extend it for those of you who cannot get enough of Palladium’s games and want to start the New Year off with a setting or source material to launch a new campaign. It’s also for those of you who can use a Surprise Package as the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion coming up in January or February. (Valentine’s Day?), so take advantage of this sale to gift the special gamer(s) in your life.

The extension is also for you Johnny Come-Latelies who were meaning to get one, but how time flies during the holidays. It’s also a way for those of you struggling through financial issues to carry some gaming fun into the New Year to stay busy and distracted through the winter months. So please, spread the word about the extended Surprise Package sale period, and travel the Megaverse® from the warmth and safety of your home.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It is our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books. This all makes it the best deal in gaming – $100+ worth of books for $60 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mouse pads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL Palladium RPG settings. What a fun way to start the New Year and stock up for gaming all winter long.

No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. The Surprise Package offer has been extended to January 15, 2023. It will not be extended further. Please spread the word and enjoy.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on PalladiumBooks.com

NEW on DriveThruRPG.com – Newly UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet AND Creature Feature sourcebook for Beyond the Supernatural are now available

UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet now available. Three updates, in fact. This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs, or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games. Note: If you already purchased this item, you can download the updated version for free. Enjoy.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at PalladiumBooks.com Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG

NEW! Creature Feature™ PDF book on DriveThruRPG.com – due to popular request, this epic Beyond the Supernatural(BTS) sourcebook is now available on DriveThru for your digital enjoyment.

Creature Feature is for players and Game Masters alike and a fun read for anyone.

  • 15 detailed and expansive supernatural horrors unlike any you see in most other horror games.
  • Creature encounter tables.
  • Tips on making (and playing) better creatures.
  • Rules clarifications (lots of them).
  • Player and G.M. tips.
  • BTS world information.
  • One full adventure and numerous adventure hooks.
  • Dynamic art by Steven Cummings, Phil Stone, and Siembieda.

Also available on DriveThru: The 1st and 2nd Edition Beyond the Supernatural RPG, and Boxed Nightmares sourcebook; not to mention Dead Reign® (zombies) and Nightbane® (Urban Fantasy/superhero horror). All these books, including BTS 2nd Edition (softcover and hardcover), BTS RPG 1st Edition hardcover, and the Boxed Nightmares™ (1st edition rules) are available as physical books from PalladiumBooks.com offering a Megaverse® of adventure.

NEW! FREE Nightbane® RPG digital Sneak Preview on DriveThruRPG.com – Have you been wondering what the buzz is all about for Nightbane® and Urban Fantasy? Well, now you can see for yourself with this fun Preview of the core rule book. There are also free Sneak Previews of Creature Feature™, Dead Reign®, BTS, and numerous Rifts® books and other titles, including Rifts® Manhunters™, Titan Robotics™, Northern Gun™ One and Two, Lemuria, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

300+ RPG titles from Palladium Books

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

  • Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.
  • Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks – Urban Fantasy. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.
  • 300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

Closing Thoughts – Welcome to the Megaverse®

And that includes those of you who have never left. Welcome all! New and returning role-players, and stalwart supporters who have been with Palladium Books for years, even decades. We love having you in our gaming universe and extended family.

Over the past five years Palladium has seen a steadily increasing number of new and returning gamers to the Palladium Megaverse. That number made a steep rise during the pandemic years and it took a meteoric leap in 2023, thanks in part to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Redux Kickstarter and the many video interviews Sean and I made for it. We know this because many of you have told us so, especially the viewing audiences of Legion of Myth and the Glitterbois YouTube channels. A lot of you have also told us how much you enjoy seeing the dynamics between me and Sean, and our passion for Palladium Books and our many game worlds.

Sean and I intend to do an increasing number of interviews on these channels and others, including Palladium’s own YouTube channel. We love interacting with our fellow gamers and talking about role-playing games and the creative process, so if you want us on your channel, all you need to do is reach out to us and we’ll try to squeeze you into our crazy schedule.

The next five years should be exciting for new and long-time fans alike. We intend to expand upon your favorite existing world settings, release titles you’ve been waiting for, and maybe even add a new world or genre or two. We can’t get into the specifics right now, but you’ll see where we’re heading soon enough. Yin-Sloth Expeditions, Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, and Rifts® Antarctica are at the top of our release list, along with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Redux editions and Kickstarter exclusives, but there is so much more in the works. More is yet to come.

Final Days of the Surprise Package. Reminder, the next 11 days are all that’s left to order your 2023 Surprise Package – offer ends January 15 and will not be extended further. We’re glad so many of you are enjoying this offer. We are pleased with the number of first time participants and returning gamers joining the army of regular purchasers. It is a great deal and a surprise because you don’t know which of the books or items we will be selecting to send you from your list of 12-15 items per Surprise Package. This is a great way to start the new year with reading material, fodder for new campaigns, and lighting up your imagination. They also make great January and February birthday and anniversary presents (Valentine’s Day) for the gamers in your life; or just a nice treat for yourself. Enjoy them before the offer ends and you have to wait till next Christmas season to snag yourself one or a few.

– Kevin Siembieda, Game Designer, Friend and Surrogate Santa (for just a little longer)

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do that because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. In fact, the idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from your day-to-day grind and worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments, especially me and Sean, and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel valued. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

S.P. in Cantley, Quebec, Canada, writes: Keep up the great work. The world needs more of playing together, imagination, and fun. Thank you very much!

[It is our honor and privilege to do so, S.P., game on. – Kevin]

T.F. in Ocala, Florida, writes (in part): Palladium is like Pokemon. I gotta have them all.

[I can’t argue with that T.F., and good luck with your YouTube plans. They sound good to me. – Kevin]

M.J. in California, Maryland, writes: I just found out [about the Surprise Package] and I love that I can support it.

[Hey M.J., we appreciate your support. Please provide a bigger list next time so we can provide more of what you might want. Enjoy and game on! – Kevin]

K.S. in West Fargo, North Dakota, writes: Thank you guys. Love me some Palladium. I’ve grabbed all the core rules for the game lines. Now I’m just building out the settings and my collection.

[The Surprise Package is a great way to do that, K.S., enjoy. – Kevin]

R.D. in Redmond, Washington, writes: I’m biased, but I would love to see more Heroes Unlimited content and I enjoy The Rifter®.

[Hmm, let me see what we can do about your Heroes Unlimited request, R.D., and you can count on more issues of The Rifter®. – Kevin]

C.J. in Ojai, California, writes: Shout out to Legion of Myth for getting me to see just how far this rabbit hole goes and thank you guys for all your hard work on these fantastic books.

[We and they appreciate it, C.J., welcome down this magical rabbit hole. – Kevin]

D.F. in Acworth, Georgia, writes: Favorites are Rifts® and After the Bomb®. I greatly appreciate you doing the Surprise Package every year. I’m looking forward to introducing a new group to Palladium in the New Year.

[Thank you, D.F., for spreading the word about Palladium’s games. Keep that imagination burning bright. – Kevin]

L.R. in Burley, Idaho, writes: Just getting into the games, but loving everything so far!

[Well, L.R., it looks like you got into several fun settings with Dead Reign®, Nightbane®, and Heroes Unlimited, so game on and keep your imagination burning bright. – Kevin]

N.C. in Clarkson, Washington, writes (in part): Extending your Christmas Surprise Package sale beyond Christmas is genius. All my money was spent on Christmas presents and the TMNT Kickstarter. However, with it going past Christmas, I got some Christmas money and I can order one, so I’m very happy... Thank you guys. I hope it is a great New Year for you.

[This is exactly why we extend the Surprise Package offer till after Christmas, N.C., there are a lot of people in your situation, and those extra few weeks allow good folks to snag a package for themselves. Thank you for supporting the TMNT & Other Strangeness Kickstarter. You will love the books and other products. – Kevin]

D.J. in Layton, Utah, writes: This is my third Surprise Package ordered this year! I am planning a long-running campaign for a fantasy-themed game that will be run after I finish the After the Bomb® campaign we are starting next month.

[Both campaigns sound fun, D.J., good luck. – Kevin]

A.S. in Brooklyn, New York, writes: I love the autographs. I use the notepad and I wear the classic Rifts hat all the time. Always look forward to my Surprise Package every year.

[Continue to enjoy, A.S., and now you have a new shirt to add to your collection. Game on. – Kevin]

G.B. in Forest Lake, Queensland, Australia, writes: I used to be an avid player back in the 90s. I remember first seeing ads for Palladium products in Dragon Magazine and became hooked. Congratulations on still going strong. Your material has always been so captivating.

[Thank you G.B., we try to make every book fun and compelling. Yeah, I enjoyed doing those Dragon Magazine ads and working with Mary Parkinson in the TSR advertising department. What a great resource it was. Fond memories. – Kevin]

M.H. in Crystal Lake, Illinois, writes: Games, tastes, and the world all change over the years. Through it all, I know Palladium will be there putting out awesome games about heroes and their adventures!

[Count on it, M.H., count on it! Thanks for your years of positivity and support. – Kevin]

S.C. in Gooderham, Ontario, Canada, writes (in part): Palladium has always been with me through high school, university, and temporary moves from one home to another. They have even been there for the loss of one of my friends ... I just wanted to say thank you for creating something that has helped shape and determine who I have become. Cheers and many more years of RPGs.

[You’re welcome, S.C., but I think you give us too much credit and not enough to yourself. Life can be crazy and difficult at times and I’m thrilled that our humble creations helped you through them and brought you pleasure and fun in times good and bad. Please keep your wonderful imagination and kind heart burning with passion and kindness. Happy New Year. – Kevin]

E.D. in Rochester, New York, writes: Saw Sean on the Legion of Myth Veterans Day charity stream and it reminded me about the Surprise Package deal ... I have also enjoyed the streams when Sean and Kevin come to chat.

[Thanks, E.D., we enjoy chatting with the guys and their many Palladium gaming fans like you. In fact, we expect to do many more with them and other YouTube programs and podcasts. We did several different chats for the TMNT Kickstarter and hope to keep that streak going. All the showrunners have to do is reach out to us blabbermouths and we’re probably there. Our apologies for those we were unable to get back to during the Kickstarter, but we were so busy. Try us again. Thanks! – Kevin]

G.G. in Meridian, Mississippi, writes (in part): Favorites: Heroes Unlimited and Rifts. I am ordering this as a collective gift for myself, and my parents since we all play ...

[That’s awesome, G.G. I know many families that game together and it always makes me smile. I tried to make your Surprise Package a little extra special. Enjoy. – Kevin]

© 2024 Palladium Books Inc. All Rights Reserved. Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoids®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, Powers Unlimited®, Splicers®, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, After the Bomb®, and all related titles, names and slogans are trademarks of Palladium Books.

TMNT © 2024 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

This Update may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 29, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson

Holy Moley, the New Year is only a few days away. This year has flown by for us, and our heads are deep into plans for 2024. We hope you enjoy another long weekend while we slave away doing inventory. Please party wisely, drive safely, and keep those imaginations burning bright into the New Year!

The BIG news is the Christmas Surprise Package offer is Extended till January 15, 2024. See details below and enjoy.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

Much like with Christmas, I try to avoid a lot of promotion and sales hype in this Weekly Update, so we present a few key items and a whole bunch of fun, fan comments we’ve received via the Christmas Surprise Packages. Enjoy and Happy New Year!

Christmas Grab Bags

Palladium’s Christmas Surprise Package Offer Extended till January 15, 2024

Is this a Christmas miracle? A mistake? Utter lunacy?

None of the above. (Well, maybe that last one.) It has become tradition that I extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year! Yes, this means you can still snag one or two if you act quickly. The sale now ends January 15, 2024, and will NOT be extended further. Oh, and you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

A Surprise Package is a nice way to start the New Year, and is a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Or start the New Year with a stack of RPGs or sourcebooks you have been meaning to try, or the titles you need to fill holes in your collection, or replace battered well-loved books.

We extend the Surprise Package offer for those of you who have been so busy spending your time and money on your family and friends, that you have not had the opportunity or funds to treat yourself to a well-deserved Christmas Surprise Package.

We also extend it for those of you who cannot get enough of Palladium’s games and want to start the New Year off with a setting or source material to launch a new campaign. It’s also for those of you who can use a Surprise Package as the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion coming up in January or February. (Valentine’s Day?), so take advantage of this sale to gift the special gamer(s) in your life.

The extension is also for you Johnny Come-Latelies who were meaning to get one, but how time flies during the holidays. It’s also a way for those of you struggling through financial issues to carry some gaming fun into the New Year to stay busy and distracted through the winter months. So please, spread the word about the extended Surprise Package sale period, and travel the Megaverse® from the warmth and safety of your home.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It is our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books. This all makes it the best deal in gaming – $100+ worth of books for $60 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mouse pads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL Palladium RPG settings. What a fun way to start the New Year and stock up for gaming all winter long.

No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. The Surprise Package offer has been extended to January 15, 2023. It will not be extended further. Please spread the word and enjoy.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on PalladiumBooks.com

NEW on DriveThruRPG.com – Newly UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet AND Creature Feature sourcebook for Beyond the Supernatural are now available

UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet now available. Three updates, in fact. This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs, or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games. Note: If you already purchased this item, you can download the updated version for free. Enjoy.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at PalladiumBooks.com Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG

NEW! Creature Feature™ PDF book on DriveThruRPG.com – due to popular request, this epic Beyond the Supernatural(BTS) sourcebook is now available on DriveThru for your digital enjoyment.

Creature Feature is for players and Game Masters alike and a fun read for anyone.

  • 15 detailed and expansive supernatural horrors unlike any you see in most other horror games.
  • Creature encounter tables.
  • Tips on making (and playing) better creatures.
  • Rules clarifications (lots of them).
  • Player and G.M. tips.
  • BTS world information.
  • One full adventure and numerous adventure hooks.
  • Dynamic art by Steven Cummings, Phil Stone, and Siembieda.

Also available on DriveThru: The 1st and 2nd Edition Beyond the Supernatural RPG, and Boxed Nightmares sourcebook; not to mention Dead Reign® (zombies) and Nightbane® (Urban Fantasy/superhero horror). All these books, including BTS 2nd Edition (softcover and hardcover), BTS RPG 1st Edition hardcover, and the Boxed Nightmares™ (1st edition rules) are available as physical books from PalladiumBooks.com offering a Megaverse® of adventure.

NEW! FREE Nightbane® RPG digital Sneak Preview on DriveThruRPG.com – Have you been wondering what the buzz is all about for Nightbane® and Urban Fantasy? Well, now you can see for yourself with this fun Preview of the core rule book. There are also free Sneak Previews of Creature Feature™, Dead Reign®, BTS, and numerous Rifts® books and other titles, including Rifts® Manhunters™, Titan Robotics™, Northern Gun™ One and Two, Lemuria, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

300+ RPG titles from Palladium Books

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

  • Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.
  • Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks – Urban Fantasy. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.
  • 300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

Closing Thoughts - Happy New Year!

We appreciate the optimism and excitement you are sending our way for the New Year. We’re excited too. If all goes well, 2024 should be incredible and sprinkled with new releases – many of which you’ve been patiently waiting for. In addition to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness products (all continue to move forward), Yin-Sloth Expeditions, Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, and Rifts® Antarctica are all at the top of our list. I will get into more of our plans for 2024 in the next Weekly Update. Right now we have our hands full with piles of Surprise Package orders pouring in before that special offer ends January 15, 2024, and year end business stuff, including inventory.

In fact, today has been a long day with many hours ahead of us, so I’m going to wish you a fun New Year’s weekend. Don’t party too hardy, be safe and stay positive about Palladium Books and life in general. Appreciate all you have and watch each other’s backs. Oh, and enjoy the Fan Comments below.

From all of us to all of you, thank you for your support and Happy New Year. May it be filled with good health, prosperity and joy all year long.

– Kevin Siembieda, Game Designer, Friend and Surrogate Santa

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do that because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. In fact, the idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from your day-to-day grind and worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments, especially me and Sean, and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel valued. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

S.P. in Eugene, Oregon, writes: Love these Surprise Packages and your guys’ work. Have been a great fan of yours for over 20 years. Please keep up the good work.

[We will, S.P., I promise. We have so many great ideas and surprises for new books coming, but first, many of the ones you’ve all been waiting for. Thank you for your two-plus decades of support. Happy New Year, may it be a great one for us all. – Kevin]

J.H. in Mankato, Minnesota, writes: For half of my life you have given me cues and a safe space to explore what my imagination could create. Thank you for it all.

[Wow, J.H., thank you for that incredible compliment. It has been our pleasure. Keep that imagination burning bright, my friend, because there are no limits to what you can imagine. Game on and happy New Year. – Kevin]

K.M. in Fort Wayne, Indiana, writes: From the Viking at Gen Con, nice talking to Kevin and Sean. You have too many books, lol.

[Nice talking with you K.M., and I must correct you, we don’t have too many books, we have too many books that you want, lol. Game on! – Kevin]

C.S. in Snohomish, Washington, writes: Currently game mastering a Chaos Earth® game and working on a custom Rifts/TMNT setting. I love you guys. I started playing Amber Diceless and TMNT & Other Strangeness in the Boy Scouts, when the games were released in the 1990s. You can play Amber in the woods while hiking on the trail. Haha.

[That sounds very fun, C.S. We agree that TMNT/After the Bomb RPG are perfect for creating D-Bees, mutants, and aliens for the Rifts® and Phase World® settings. Smart. Amber Diceless is another brilliant game from the mind of the late, great, Erick Wujcik; a true game design genius. – Kevin]

M.J. in Charleston, South Carolina, writes (in part): Bought my first Grab Bag a few weeks ago after the successful TMNT & Other Strangeness Kickstarter. (CONGRATS!) I had no idea what to expect. Not only did you exceed expectations, but I am now ordering another! Palladium Books were my first PnP experiences and I am happy to be able to introduce them to my own kids for some exciting adventures. Thank you all.

[We always try to exceed expectations, M.J., glad we succeeded with your experience. I hope you enjoy this second one just as much. I love hearing about gamers introducing RPG fun to a new generation. Game on! – Kevin]

R.S. in Groton, Connecticut, writes: Started back in high school playing Palladium Fantasy as my first role-playing game, been hooked ever since. During Covid I got my kid to start playing and it got us through some tough times. Even have given some books to my kid so he could start playing with his friends. Glad you are all still at it.

[We love hearing about a new generation of gamers discovering our RPG worlds, R.S., good work. Glad you all made it through the Covid tough times. Hang tough and game on! May this new year be a good one for us all. – Kevin]

G.L.C. in Post Falls, Idaho, writes: I’m a huge Rifts® nerd! We’re getting into After the Bomb® and TMNT from the Kickstarter. I’ve really enjoyed listening to the interviews you’ve done around the Kickstarter. Keep up the awesome work.

[Thank you, G.L.C., for the kind words and support. We’ve enjoyed doing the interviews and plan on doing many more in the New Year on many subjects. Happy holidays and may the New Year be good to you and yours. – Kevin]

T.W. in Milnor, North Dakota, writes: Hello again, Palladium Staff. I’m ordering [a Surprise Package] for the 5th year in a row. This year I’m just trying to gather some books my girlfriend would enjoy a lot; which considering we have many of the Rifts® books, would be Palladium Fantasy this time. Thank you for everything you do!

[Sounds like a plan, T.W., I think you’ll both enjoy the Palladium Fantasy setting. Happy New Year and game on! – Kevin]

K.O. in Framington, Oregon, writes: Favorites: Nightbane®, Rifts®, of course, and Dead Reign® is growing on me. The more I dig into Palladium Fantasy RPG, the more intrigued I get. [Palladium Books] is the best company in gaming, with the most love for their fans. You guys are amazing! Here’s to another 42 years of Palladium awesomeness!

[Gosh, K.O., you are very kind. Dead Reign® is a great introductory RPG for new players as well as having legs as a campaign game. That love for the fans goes both ways, as is clear from your note – which is what makes all of our fans part of our extended family. Rest assured we are working now to make sure the next 42 years of products continue to inspire and blow the minds of gamers worldwide. Game on! – Kevin]

A.L. in Silver Creek, Georgia, writes: A gift for my uncle who has been playing for 30 years.

[I love it, A.L., we hope your uncle enjoyed the gifts. – Kevin]

R.D. in Bryan, Texas, writes: It has been awesome to revisit the Rifts® world of my teenage years with my gaming group. We are having a blast with the setting so far.

[Sounds like good times, R.D. There’s nothing better than gaming with friends and revisiting favorite settings. Game on! – Kevin]

B.C. in Pahrump, Nevada, writes: Favorites: Rifts® and Dead Reign®. Keep making great games. Your concepts and artwork are top notch. Thanks again for all you guys do.

[You are very welcome, B.C., glad you enjoy them so much. – Kevin]

E.L. in North Arlington, New Jersey, writes (in part): I love your hardcover books best. My copy of After the Bomb® feels super-premium and it’s a hardcover with bonus content that really sells it for me. Thank you for keeping these gems alive ... and for bringing back TMNT and Other Strangeness. We have gladly kicked it and I can’t wait to get my hands on the redux books.

[You are not alone, E.L., many people love the hardcover editions. Thanks for backing the Kickstarter, you will love these books. Game on. – Kevin]

T.S. in Ann Arbor, Michigan, writes: I know nothing about Palladium’s games, but was dared to buy a Surprise Package by my stupid online friends. Send me the wildest things in your warehouse. Just send me something weird: Got dinosaurs? Or evil sexy cyborgs? Something with robots? I’m game for whatever. I like miniatures. Have fun with this one. Make me regret it.

[Hey T.S., we’re a little out of the loop because we don’t know the context of the dare by your online buddies, but I hope you enjoyed what we sent you. You see, Palladium’s games cover most genres and we have everything you listed. Yes, we have dinosaurs in Dinosaur Swamp, Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp, and Rifts® New West, among other titles. And though I didn’t send it, we also have evil, sexy cyborgs in Rifts® Mindwerks (the Angel of Death and Angel of Vengeance, but they ain’t no angels), because I thought you might prefer the big robots in Northern Gun One. That chainsaw wielding miniature is a Glitter Boy and a fan favorite. Palladium’s many games also offer vampires, demons, a vast array of mages and magic, Cosmo-Knights, Cyber-Knights, dragons, cyborgs, deities, zombies, superheroes, ninjas, mutant animals, and a whole lot more. We are here in Westland, Michigan if you ever want to drop by and see all we have to offer. Let us know who (you or your friends) regretted this dare and what you thought. – Kevin]

B.P. in Las Vegas, Nevada, writes: I know that The Disavowed is still on pre-order and may or may not be released, but I was hoping for some type of sneak peek of what’s going to be in it. I personally love the Vanguard and I am really excited about this book.

[Hey B.P., the Rifts® Disavowed and CS Arsenal sourcebooks are both very much on my mind and will come out at some point in the future (and the Vanguard will be part of Arsenal). However, it is our policy to no longer discuss the content of books in progress or their potential release date. I hope you understand. – Kevin]

F.B. in Prince George, B.C., Canada, writes (in part): I’d like to congratulate everyone on the success and delivery of Titan Robotics. It is a great product. And secondly, the resounding success of the TMNT and Other Strangeness Kickstarter. It was overwhelming to see the number of people speaking up about how the game had affected them and their introduction to the Turtles or RPGs. I’m very excited to add the special release to my collection. Given the amazing work done over the last year, it seems there is a new zeal in the company and the Fans can see it. Merry Christmas to all of you and wishing you a wonderful year to come.

[Thank you, F.B., for your kind words and optimism. It was beautiful to learn how much the TMNT RPG meant to so many people. We are pumped up about 2024 and Palladium’s future. There is indeed a new zeal and momentum at Palladium Books, and we’re glad you and others can see it. Thanks for being along for the ride. This is just the beginning. – Kevin]

W.W. in Fort Wright, Kentucky, writes (in part): Hi. I used to play all of your games back in the day, but sadly, haven’t played any table top games in a long time. I lost most of my RPG books back in a fire and never really picked back up any table top games. But when I saw your TMNT Kickstarter, I had to join! Just thinking about playing TMNT again brings back a lot of memories and I’m really excited to start rolling dice again. I remember that you guys also made a game called After the Bomb®, so please load me up on After the Bomb® books ... This is my first time doing a Christmas Surprise Package, so I’m excited to see what I get.

I missed out on being able to buy dice and the TMNT miniatures from the Kickstarter. Since I’m in the Kickstarter is there a way for me to buy them or will you be selling them ad hoc.

[Welcome back, W.W., I hope you enjoyed the Surprise Package and that the After the Bomb® and Palladium Fantasy RPG® holds you over until the TMNT Kickstarter items ship later in 2024. As a Kickstarter Backer, W.W., you can upgrade your pledge AND/or buy add-ons, like the dice and minis, during the Backerkit pledge management phase, so you can get all the Kickstarter items your heart desires. Moreover, some basic product, like the hardcover editions with the Williams/Majestic color covers, the Black, White, and Red edition hardcovers, Game Screen and Mutagen Green dice, will all be made available to the stores and customers AFTER the Kickstarter Backers’ products have shipped. – Kevin]

W.H. in Jacksonville, Alabama, writes: A buddy recently reminded me about the Palladium Megaverse® and I just want to say thank you all for what you do and for making our holidays and game that much more exciting and fun! God Bless each and every one of you!

[Aww, thank you so much, W.H. Happy New Year to you and yours. May it be a grand one for us all. – Kevin]

B.F. in Annadale, Virginia, writes: Keep up the fantastic work and have a wonderful new year.

[Thank you, B.F., you as well. – Kevin]

© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All Rights Reserved. Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoids®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, Powers Unlimited®, Splicers®, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, After the Bomb®, and all related titles, names and slogans are trademarks of Palladium Books.

TMNT © 2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

This Update may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 22, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you. Regardless of your faith and traditions, we hope you find moments of peace, joy, and fellowship with friends and family this weekend.

It has been a wild and often thrilling and joyful year for all of us at Palladium Books, culminating in an incredibly hectic and exhausting Christmas season, but one full of love, joy, and hope. That’s pretty awesome, and you have been a big part of that.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Kickstarter is just the start of big things coming from Palladium Books. There is so much that has been going on behind the scenes. I’ll talk about some of those things in an upcoming New Year Update, but I like to keep these Christmas Weekly Updates simple and fun. That means announcing that the Surprise Package offer is extended till January 15, 2024 – see details below – and presenting you with a boatload of fun and warm Christmas Surprise Package comments from fans like you. Enjoy and happy holidays.

Christmas Grab Bags

Palladium’s Christmas Surprise Package Offer Extended

Is this a Christmas miracle? A mistake? Utter lunacy?

None of the above. (Well, maybe that last one.) It has become tradition that I extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year! Yes, this means you can still snag one or two if you act quickly. The sale now ends January 15, 2024, and will NOT be extended further. Oh, and you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

A Surprise Package is a nice way to start the New Year, and is a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Or start the New Year with a stack of RPGs or sourcebooks you have been meaning to try, or the titles you need to fill holes in your collection, or replace battered well-loved books.

We extend the Surprise Package offer for those of you who have been so busy spending your time and money on your family and friends, that you have not had the opportunity or funds to treat yourself to a well-deserved Christmas Surprise Package.

We also extend it for those of you who cannot get enough of Palladium’s games and want to start the New Year off with a setting or source material to launch a new campaign. It’s also for those of you who can use a Surprise Package as the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion coming up in January or February. (Valentine’s Day?), so take advantage of this sale to gift the special gamer(s) in your life.

The extension is also for you Johnny Come-Latelies who were meaning to get one, but how time flies during the holidays. It’s also a way for those of you struggling through financial issues to carry some gaming fun into the New Year to stay busy and distracted through the winter months. So please, spread the word about the extended Surprise Package sale period, and travel the Megaverse® from the warmth and safety of your home.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It is our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books. This all makes it the best deal in gaming – $100+ worth of books for $60 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mouse pads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL Palladium RPG settings. What a fun way to start the New Year and stock up for gaming all winter long.

No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. The Surprise Package offer has been extended to January 15, 2023. It will not be extended further. Please spread the word and enjoy.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on PalladiumBooks.com

NEW on DriveThruRPG.com – Newly UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet AND Creature Feature sourcebook for Beyond the Supernatural are now available

UPDATED Rifts® Automated Character Sheet now available. Three updates, in fact. This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs, or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games. Note: If you already purchased this item, you can download the updated version for free. Enjoy.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at PalladiumBooks.com Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG

NEW! Creature Feature™ PDF book on DriveThruRPG.com – due to popular request, this epic Beyond the Supernatural(BTS) sourcebook is now available on DriveThru for your digital enjoyment.

Creature Feature is for players and Game Masters alike and a fun read for anyone.

  • 15 detailed and expansive supernatural horrors unlike any you see in most other horror games.
  • Creature encounter tables.
  • Tips on making (and playing) better creatures.
  • Rules clarifications (lots of them).
  • Player and G.M. tips.
  • BTS world information.
  • One full adventure and numerous adventure hooks.
  • Dynamic art by Steven Cummings, Phil Stone, and Siembieda.

Also available on DriveThru: The 1st and 2nd Edition Beyond the Supernatural RPG, and Boxed Nightmares sourcebook; not to mention Dead Reign® (zombies) and Nightbane® (Urban Fantasy/superhero horror). All these books, including BTS 2nd Edition (softcover and hardcover), BTS RPG 1st Edition hardcover, and the Boxed Nightmares™ (1st edition rules) are available as physical books from PalladiumBooks.com offering a Megaverse® of adventure.

NEW! FREE Nightbane® RPG digital Sneak Preview on DriveThruRPG.com – Have you been wondering what the buzz is all about for Nightbane® and Urban Fantasy? Well, now you can see for yourself with this fun Preview of the core rule book. There are also free Sneak Previews of Creature Feature™, Dead Reign®, BTS, and numerous Rifts® books and other titles, including Rifts® Manhunters™, Titan Robotics™, Northern Gun™ One and Two, Lemuria, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

300+ RPG titles from Palladium Books

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

  • Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.
  • Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks – Urban Fantasy. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.
  • 300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.

Palladium PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com

Closing Thoughts - Stay Warm and Feel the Love

Enjoy the holiday season. Stay positive, reach out to friends and loved ones, and spread the love. Even if times are tough, please hold onto hope and all the little things that make life worth living: a beautiful sunset, a rainbow, birds singing, children laughing, loved ones, friends, a stupid typo in one of our books, heck, even a Surprise Package – they make us happy when we select, pull, and pack ‘em knowing they are going to bring joy to so many gamers. Know that we are thinking of you and wishing you well today and always.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all the maniacs at Palladium Books

– Kevin Siembieda, Game Designer, Friend and Surrogate Santa

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do that because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. In fact, the idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from your day-to-day grind and worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments, especially me and Sean, and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel valued. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.

Palladium Christmas Surprise Package

V.C. in Westlake, Ohio, writes: This is my first time purchasing a Palladium Christmas Surprise Package.

[Welcome V.C., we made your first Surprise Package extra special, so it will not be your last. In fact, as has become tradition, we have extended the Christmas Surprise Package offer till January 15, 2024. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Kevin]

A.C. in Sacramento, California, writes: Thank you for all of your extraordinary work over the years. My son Grayson loves Rifts®.

[Our pleasure, A.C. We love making worlds of wonder and adventure to share with you all. Always happy to hear about a new generation discovering our work. Game on. – Kevin]

A.N. in Muncie, Indiana, writes: I am really happy with previous X-Mas Surprise Package. Coming back for more.

[I guess you were really happy, because you have kept coming back for more. Congratulations, you now hold the record at 24 Surprise Packages in a single season. Hey, if you have the financial resources it’s a smart way to build your collection fast and on the cheap. Enjoy and game on. – Kevin]

A.S. in Colorado Springs, Colorado, writes: Rifts®, and really all your games, expanded my concepts of roleplaying games and stretched the limits of my imagination. Palladium truly has such a unique position in the industry and rare appreciation of the hobby and fans. Love everything y’all do. Thanks Kevin, Sean, and the whole crew. Here’s hoping for a second Palladium renaissance since I wasn’t around for the first! Congratulations on TMNT and all the recent momentum.

[I love hearing all of this, A.S. First, I’m thrilled that our books and worlds and ideas stimulate others to stretch their imaginations and be creative. Second, we do truly appreciate our fans; they’re the best and nicest in the world. Third, buckle up, because Palladium’s second renaissance is exactly what Sean and I are working toward! Keep your imagination burning bright. – Kevin]

R.L. in Mobile, Alabama, writes (in part): Grab Bag #3 ... Mr. Siembieda, thank you for sharing these worlds that you have created with us. Your imagination has helped fuel many stories at my table. And thanks to everyone who has contributed to making these worlds a reality ... Love your products ... looking forward to seeing what’s coming in the future. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

[Happy holidays, R.L., thank you for your kind words. As we rebuild and reorganize Palladium Books for the future, you’ll continue to see positive improvements, more product releases, and the books everyone has been waiting for (and more). – Kevin]

K.H. in Dacula, Georgia, writes (in part): Congrats on the massive success of the TMNT campaign. Hope it results in you guys being able to hire more full-time talent to get through your projects.

[That’s part of the plan, K.H., good stuff is coming. – Kevin]

J.R. in Fort Collins, Colorado, writes: You guys rock. Thank you for years of inspiration. On a bus ride to middle school, many years ago, a friend showed me TMNT. Now, in my corner of the Megaverse, portions of the After the Bomb® world have Dimensionally Shifted into Rifts North America. My player characters are an underground railroad helping mutant animals and D-Bees get out of war zones and Coalition Territories, and into relatively safe spots. Of course, the City of Filly, D-Shifting into Shemarrian territory does not sit well with ARCHIE. Happy Holidays to all of you, and thanks!

[Sean and I like what you’ve done with your blending of the two settings. Keep your imagination burning bright and happy holidays. – Kevin]

R.V. in Petrolia, Ontario, Canada, writes (in part): Thank you for the many years of roleplaying goodness. Keep that inspiring imagination growing. I’m looking forward to your many new releases. I cannot wait to explore more of the many worlds that evolve out of that. Have a great Christmas and to all of you and the staff, best wishes from Canada.

[Thank you, R.V. for your kind words and humbling praise. We can’t wait to give you a ton of new books for Rifts, Palladium Fantasy, Beyond the Supernatural and ... well, everything. We have so many ideas for exciting new releases. – Kevin]

L.M. in Christchurch, New Zealand, writes (in part): I’m falling in love with the Rifts® setting. Completely new to Palladium and I’ve been trying to learn how to play and run Rifts ... Glitter Boys are F$#@ing cool. I’ve actually used them as inspiration for a mech design in a lancer campaign I’m in ...

[Welcome to the Megaverse®, L.M., where you are limited only by your imagination. Be patient with yourself and have fun with the rules and setting. – Kevin]

M.B. in Godollo, Hungary, writes: Dear Kevin and Everyone at Palladium. I’ve been playing Rifts® for 28 years now. As I’m preparing an epic dimension-hopping campaign for my RPG group (who haven’t played Rifts yet, but I’m sure they’ll like it), I’m reading more and more sourcebooks for this super-genius game, and I’m getting hooked all over again! So it’s time to get all those supplements I want for my Rifts library, as there are so much great material.

As someone writing to you from Hungary, I’m always surprised to see so many people who know Rifts®, and others who play/played it. It might be a new Golden Era beginning here, who knows? I wish good health and creative energies for the coming years, and I hope we will see Palladium Books getting where it wants to be.

[Thank you, M.B., for the high praise, kind words, and well wishes. A new Golden Era for Rifts® in Hungary, eh? Cool. I will need to figure out a way to make Rifts® Hungary truly special if we cover it in the future. Take care and game on. – Kevin]

J.F. in Charlotte, Michigan, writes (in part): Mark Oberle introduced me to Rifts® this year at Gen Con. It was awesome and I am so grateful to him for doing that. Kevin, if you happen to read this: I am so very grateful to you and everyone at Palladium for creating and maintaining this wonderful universe for all these years. Please keep the amazing content coming!

[That Mark Oberle is a great guy and a talented author. Glad you enjoy Rifts® so much J.F., you can count on a whole lot of new content coming your way in the years ahead. If you ever find yourself near Westland, Michigan, you’ll need to swing by the office for a tour. Merry Christmas. – Kevin]

R.W. in Sterling, Virginia, writes: Thanks so much for staying true to the hobby! I always prefer physical media over virtual. I grew up loving D&D and Rifts®, and been gaming with my current group for several years now. Keep it old school and happy holidays to you all!

[Change happens, R.W., but we will always be true to our roots and the types of games we love. Happy holidays to you and yours. – Kevin]

D.S.J. in Manitou Beach, Michigan, writes: I love Palladium Fantasy. It was the first tabletop game I ever played when I was 13, and have been hooked ever since. Still my favorite game.

[That’s very cool, D.S.J., I love the Fantasy game too and it’s my go-to game to run. I think you’ll like the Nightbane® RPG too. – Kevin]

B.M. in Danville, Kentucky, writes (in part): Started with Palladium in the 1980s. Love the system and really enjoyed the first Fantasy RPG that I bought. Thanks very much to all of you for years of entertainment.

[I’m digging the love for the Palladium Fantasy RPG, B.M. It and Heroes Unlimited are usually battling it out for our second and third best selling game lines. Game on. – Kevin]

K.U. in Denton, Texas, writes: Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all at Palladium Books! We love you and are wishing nothing but the best in 2024 and beyond. Remain steadfast and thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do. P.S. Get well soon, Wayne.

[We will remain steadfast in creating outstanding games and sourcebooks, K.U., we promise. Wayne is undergoing physical therapy for his banged up leg, and doing much better hobbling around on crutches at the Palladium office and warehouse for a few weeks now. However, the poor guy undergoes knee surgery in February, and will have to go through rehab therapy a second time. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and yours, K.U., and to all our fans, friends, and family members. – Kevin]

R.V. in Petrolia, Ontario, Canada, writes (in part): Merry Ho Ho and a happy New Year. Let’s hope Santa brings us all good roleplaying gear. May Jack Frost and Old Man Winter be kept at bay while we stay by the fire and enjoy some game play ...

[Sounds like a merry ol’ plan, R.V. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. – Kevin]

N.C. in Green Island, New York, writes: I just want you all to know that I always look forward to the Surprise Package every year and how much hard work you all put into it. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

[Thank you N.C., it’s nice to know we are appreciated, because the Surprise Packages are a ton of work and dominate most of our time from Black Friday till Christmas Eve. Ah, but it is worth it to make so many gamers happy. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you, your family, and your gaming pals, N.C. – Kevin]

E.A. in Lacey, Washington, writes (in part): Rifts® has been my go to since 1991. Recently, our group decided to run a Heroes Unlimited adventure. It has been a fun two months for that, almost 5 years since I ran that genre. Nightbane®, oohhh that is fun ... every time we play in this world! And I LOVE how Ninjas & Superspies with Mystic China fits so comfortably with EVERY Palladium Books game. Yay for the return of TMNT & Other Strangeness! Kevin, Sean and everyone else at Palladium Books, you each bring us wonderful stories and great art, thank you ... I have run games in the field while in the Service, in college, and at so many malls to show the amazing depth of your games. Cheers to the future, and all that each of you touch, imagine, create, and share.

[Thank you E.A. for your kind words and high praise. We love what we do and pour our hearts and souls into every book. I’m glad it shows in our depth of story, characters, world building and fun factor. We are over the moon that our books have brought you and your players so much joy, and we appreciate your many years of support. Keep your imagination burning bright and we’ll do the same. Happy Holidays. – Kevin]

R.L. in Mobile, Alabama, writes: Thanks for all you do and for this fantastic Christmas Grab Bag; I always enjoy opening them. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

[Thank you, R.L., we are delighted you always enjoy the Grab Bags, and we hope your Christmas and the New Year is filled with joy and happiness. – Kevin]

© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All Rights Reserved. Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoids®, Megaverse®, Nightbane®, Powers Unlimited®, Splicers®, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, After the Bomb®, and all related titles, names and slogans are trademarks of Palladium Books.

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Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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