Bring back Robotech®? You tell us.

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones

Which of the following would you prefer to see.

“Reprints” of the original Robotech RPG and sourcebooks exactly as they were.
“Compilation” of the original Robotech® RPG and sourcebooks “combined” into a larger “collection” of past titles. For example: The Robotech RPG and 2-3 sourcebooks like the RDF Manual, Zentraedi, and Ghost Ship all rolled into one juicy book.
A Robotech® Ultimate Edition including compiled material plus “new and old” writing, artwork, some color, and rewritten rules much like the Rifts® Ultimate edition. Followed by some compilations of old sourcebooks and some “new” sourcebooks.
Both Old reprints and new material using the “old rules.”
Updated compilations of past books with new material and updated rules making it compatible with Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Hardcover core rule book whether it is a compilation, reprint or Ultimized. Yes/ No
I only want “new” Robotech® sourcebooks and material using old rules.
Whatever else Palladium might do, I want to see an adaptation of Robotech® Shadow Chronicles.
Total votes: 374

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Unread post by maasenstodt »

I'd really like to see a hardback "Ultimate" Robotech RPG, but only if it were given the treatment it deserves. That means three primary things that I can see right now:

1. The power of weapons to strength of armor ratio should at worst stay where it was at, and it would be much better if things were set up to more closely emulate the TV series. One hit kills need be possible, or it simply isn't Robotech!

2. Kevin needs to acknowledge the many errors that were made in the original RPGs, then use all of the currently available resources (including hard core fans!) to correct them.

3. The game needs to be complete. That means no skimping on air combat rules, space combat rules, spray/burst rules, etc.

Other nice things like color artwork would be great, but are secondary in my mind. A game that accomplished all of those things would certainly get my gaming dollars.
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Unread post by Comrade Corsarius »

My Robotech "Wish List" (not in any particular order)

1) A hardcover book, even if it's just a 'collector's edition'

2) The rules are fine. I grew up on Robotech, so I'm happy, although some addition to the rules for air-to-air combat may be nice.

3) An EBSIS sourcebook! 'nuff said! (take the EBSIS apart and show how it is during each of the eras, whether it is the good guy, the bad guy, the reluctant hero/villan, etc. Each era could a new government, and new directions).

4) A Merchant Republic sourcebook! These guys made great villans in my games, but I had to pretty much make them all up as there was precious little info in the books about them.

5) Bring the mecha a bit more into line with the TV show. I know it's been done to death, but the lack of Alpha nose lasers, or the Beta's arm guns really chafes sometimes.

6) Keep the artwork at it's usual excellent level. No more work by Simon (that guy really ruined the SC book for me), and by All That Is Holy, please say NO! to Kent Burles ruining my favourite RPG.

7) Keep the skills at their usual limited amount. I like not having to wade through multiple pages of skills with things like 'brewing' and 'breed dogs'. Fine, they are great for NPCs, but I think that the characters, with limited numbers of skills, could do without them and just SAY that they could do them (it's why we have a GM, eh?). Oh, and Gymnastics is fine. I don't need to see two types of acrobatics and more athletics (a prime gripe of mine).

8) Skills revision could also entertain the idea of 'prerequisites'. For example, in order to have the Mecha Mechanics skill, you would need to also have Auto mechanics and Aircraft Mechanics, as well as Mechanical Engineer (which itself would have the two lower ones as prerequisites). This stops your 'average joe' character being a mechanical and electrical engineer, along with being a commando-style bushcraft guy and a whiz veritech pilot. Using prerequisites for 'better' skills would eliminate that. A similar example would be MD requires Paramedic requires First Aid

Well, that's all I can think of right now. I'm sure I'll think of more!

Boy, I really REALLY can't wait to see more PB Robotech!!
I'd get up in the morning and watch the sun rise over the yardarm of my sky-ship as the sails billowed in the breeze and the land slid by 300-odd metres below. I'd grasp the mahogany ship's wheel, turn her nose a few points back onto the line, and feel pity for all those poor bastards below who have to work for a living. - My idea of the good life in Rifts.

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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

For a poll that started in the middle os last week, 115 votes is pretty darn good. Give it time, Preacher and don't be such a pesimist.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

The Galactus Kid wrote:For a poll that started in the middle os last week, 115 votes is pretty darn good. Give it time, Preacher and don't be such a pesimist.

Actually, the poll only began 2 days ago....
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Unread post by Kalinda »

Killer Cyborg wrote:I'd like to see the old material cleaned up, with errors removed.
I would like the rules to work well with Robotech, and I don't think that the RUE rules would. The GI Joe rule and the lack of burst/spray rules, for example, would not fit in well.

I mentioned this in the other thread and I'll mention it again (maybe it needs it's own poll):
I do NOT want to see the power level of mecha or weapons increased!
Decreased, sure. Increased? No.
The original rules and stats were pretty darn good, IMHO. Not entirely without problems, but there is absolutely no reason to upgrade the overall power level.

Agreed on all points. I found the MDC and weapon damage levels in Robotech to be very well balanced. No upgrade needed.

I've also always liked the fact that Robotech uses some of the lesser used dice for damage. I like rolling 5d10+25 for a shot from a particle beam, or 8d10 and 2d8 for a battlepod's weapons.

I also have to agree with Comrade Corsarius about the EBSIS, lots of good roleplaying opportunities there. it needs to be fleshed out.

Also, NO KENT BURLES ARTWORK! I've liked some of the work he's done for PF and a few of the pics in AtB, but words cannot describe how much I hate his 'high tech' artwork. The man ruins every giant robot and PA suit he tries to draw and I've had quite enough of him messing up perfectly good Rifts books.
Personally, I think that we have a duty as role-players to try to anchor each other to reality a bit. To keep other gamers from being complete freaks and weirdos, or even psychopaths, if we can. Killer Cyborg
283 geek points. 42 McGeekpoints.
:lol: 50 Smartass Points! :lol: Slag.
60 DaDa points.

I'll buy one

Unread post by mattvernon »

I vote for an ultimate corrected edition.

Also pls god do not base your numbers on the poll at this website. I have all the Robotech RPG books have since I was 13 or 14 - Yet I only came here to vote on this issue from the boards. I have 7-10 friends who play RPGs with me and I know they would buy an updated Robotech RPG. Exactly none of them would ever get online and vote.

Thank you for allowing me to speak up on this issue and I look forward to any news about any Robotech goods.

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Unread post by RainOfSteel »

If I have one technical wish for the revision of vehicles, mecha, and starship, it is for the cessation of the use of Mach numbers for speed in space.
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My wish for Robotech.

Unread post by SirTenzan »

I vote for Robotech to return ...

That having been said I believe that the entire series needs to be updated and altered on a massive scale to make it fit better with the Palladium Megaverse as a whole. This includes alterations of damages, damage capacities, performance of vehicles/mecha/power armor, and so on.

I think we need loads of campaign driven material and MORE than just what was seen in the series. Anyone can watch a television show and create a setting where each episode can be played out - but - don't be afraid to be original, as long as it stays true to the genre. I would LOVE to see detailed campaigns created, plus an extensive series of encounter tables, perhaps some HLSs, unit level NPCs, etc.

Also, in terms of megaversal compatability, I think that detailed information should also be provided for how Robotech characters in other game system settings would respond to what is around them. Just how would a Veritech pilot regard the CS policies? How would the CS regard the Veritech pilot. He's human, his genetics are identical to those on Earth, but do they consider him a D-Bee or not? Also we need to know how it is possible for individuals from this setting to arrive on other worlds, beyond space travel. Are there dimensional anomalies on Robotech Earth? Are there anomalies in space? Where do they lead, etc.

Anyway, that's my take on the return of Robotech, and my two cents worth. It's not worth much more than that...


Edward A. May


Citizen of Minnesota, Land of Sky Blue Waters
United States of America

Unread post by Lando1 »

I vote for the all in one new book that 59% voted for, I just found this forum and can't wait, I love Robotech, BRING IT BACK DAMMIT!!!

Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

Well I'm gonna have to say.. that I ammend my wish that somehow the new edition Pisses off Annoying Fanboys and the Low MDC crowd.
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Unread post by Tiree »

My only complaint and want from a new edition of Robotech - Internal consistancy.

I don't care if it is compatible to Rifts or any other system out there. It just all needs to be compatible with itself. So if a tank has 200 MDC, I doubt that a cyclone would have 200 MDC. If you say that the PPC is the largest mecha weapon out there, then make sure it is the largest weapon out there - don't try and out do it!
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Unread post by Cybermancer »

Internal consistancy and balance is a must for a remake of this game. It does not need to be balanced against Rifts (Heaven help us).

It needs to have glaring errors corrected.

Please have more of the spacecraft (SDF-4, Tristar ect).


I must say that l liked the rules the way the were. I'd rather go for simple and fast than for realistic. Odds are I'd ignore new rules that made things too complicated. But if they made it simpler, I'm all for it.

I like an OCC system with MOS's and a decent selection of other skills. We don't need huge skill lists of useless skills however. I'd rather go with the original rule system and skill selections than see it become the unweildy mess that RUE seems to be. I'm not saying the old rules are perfect as are, just don't make them worse!

This is the game that got me into Palladium books. Since then I've bought everything Palladium I could get my hands on (including the Collected MOP). Bringing this game back in any form can only reaffirm my love of Palladium and restore faith in the company that has recently been waning.

PLEASE do whatever it takes to bring back this game. Damn, I'd offer my meager writing talents for free if I thought it would help any.

Yes, I am a fanboy.
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Tetsuya wrote:you know, since i already looked back just to make sure, i know i already proved you totally wrong on this. The only thing HG/Tatsunoko own IS. THE. ANIMATION. I know its a difficult concept for you to understand, but there it is.

[MODERATED - Read the Forum Rules regarding insults. ~ Mack] the memorandum Tatsunoko got from Big West included the Interntional Merchandising Rights.

February 25, 2002, Tokyo District Court Case number Heisei 13 (Wa) 1844 Copyright civil suit
Argued November 6, 2001.

Plaintiffs:Studio Nue, Inc. and Bigwest, Inc.
Defendant:Tatsunoko Production, Inc.

As a result of this agreement, three different entities were responsible for enforcing various rights. Bigwest was in charge of the right to merchandise the characters and the right to re-broadcast the work domestically. Defendant was in charge of the right to publications designed for children up to grade 6, the right to the music, the right to sell the program overseas, and the general right to develop merchandise. Studio Nue was in charge of the right to publications designed for children over grade 7. For each right, Plaintiffs and Defendant decided upon the allocation of profits. (Mainichi Network also received a portion of profits from domestic merchandise. Defendant received all profits from rights pertaining to merchandise overseas.)

So, again, you don't know what you are talking about......

Link to translated BW v. Tatsunoko 2002 ruling

As for more playability - how about not being hardlocked into a storyline that has a beginging, middle, and end without having to create a bunch of stuff that isnt in the show or related stories? Id call that more playability

Given the plethora of information just from the Tv series, I don't think it lacks playability. There are at least two major enemies that no outlet for Robotech has yet dealt with yet, plus the 'numerous threats encountered by Admiral Rick Hunter's Expedition' from the Wolfe Eulogy flashback.
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Unread post by Mack »

Tetsuya / Rabid SCF,

Knock it off. Let this thread die if need be.

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Unread post by Rimmerdal »

As long as they also allow for old rules to be reprinted gor for an UE.

The old one works, don't mess with it. but by all means an update to eliminate inconsistancy would be welcome.

taalismn wrote:
Rimmerdal wrote:mmm Rifts street meat..

Flooper. Fried, broiled, or chipped.
It's like eating Chinese.
FLOOP! And you're hungry again.
Magus Nex

please sir can i have some more!

Unread post by Magus Nex »

This is great news.

I still have the old books, i managed to finally chase down all of them.

as for the new books.

I too vote for a few updates, but nothing too major.

but a big vote for colour art and the old school and some new art!
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Unread post by Lt. Holmes »

One thing I'd really like is to have some pregenerated NPC villians to throw against my PCs, based on levels. I mean, have a listing of a low-level Battle Pod pilot (with bonuses to attack, etc), and a medium-level BP pilot, etcetera.
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Unread post by Riftmaker »

Im all for an updated UR style Robotech Kev.
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Unread post by Michael Barakofsky »

YES!!!! Bring back Robotech, corrected of course in an Ultimate format compatible to RUE
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Unread post by Drakenred®™© »

Snippersly wrote:Kevin...

Have you given any thought to including some of Dave Deitrich's work:

The Third Invid War Web Book would make AWESOME cannon material. I'm sure you guys could work out a deal and make a great book out of it. With the artists Pally has at their disposal you could have a ton of great artwork for that section too!


you just want to see scott get his missle fireing hands on MODERATED - Copyright violation - J

""trys not to drool""

290 short range missles!

+8 medium range missles

can we say Missle Joy Gasm?
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Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

I would love to see Dave Dietrichs work included in some way. Less work for palladium on the writing side, and more great stuff. I'm totally up for that.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

:D YES!!!! I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!! :D *Throws confety into the air and does a little dance* Now if we can only find Dave and get him onboard. That would make thinks go SO much better. If anybody knows him or has his address, write him or talk to him and inform him of what is going on. This might get him to finish his work and sent it into Palladium. Or if this falls through, he just might finish his site.
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Unread post by Novastar »

A lot of us use Dave's site.
I don't agree with everything he writes (mostly game stats), but it's all quality work.

And I'll be honest, for the most part, I think the site's already done...
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Unread post by Jefffar »

To my understanding, the David submitted the work to Palladium back before he fell o the face of the Earth. I think it was rejected (either by Palladium or by HG).
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Unread post by Tiree »

Novastar wrote:lol.
A lot of us use Dave's site.
I don't agree with everything he writes (mostly game stats), but it's all quality work.

And I'll be honest, for the most part, I think the site's already done...

I definately agree. I like the setting he put out there and some of the thoughts. But I do think it brings forth the power creep that is so easily found in Rifts and the subsequent books.

But it is pretty easy to see how you could state: Well the next generation of mecha should be +X% better than the last generation.
HMS Jacob

Unread post by HMS Jacob »

My first exposure to role playing games was with Robotech. The character which reached the highest level of experience was also Robotech, though I have had two characters who have reached higher experience points totals. Most importantly from Palladium's financial point of veiw is that the first RPG book I bought was from the Robotech series of books.
My vote is for atleast one massive hardcover book along the lines of Rift's Ultimate Edition. My preference is for four or even five hardcover books seperated as follows with some over lap between books.
1 The original saga started from when what would become the SDF-1 crashed with a detailed layout of the military politicol situation when it arrived through the destruction of both of the SDFs and the ground work for the SDF-3.
2 The Southern Cross saga with a full back history of how they came to replace the RDF as primary defenders of earth and how they built up credability as a fighting force. Then taking us through the defeat of the Robotech Masters and the descent into chaos afterwards.
3 and/or 4 This could easily be turned into two books and I'll lay it out as how I would do it with two. The first would be a detailed run down of the building of the SDF-3 and why the RDF becomes the REF and leaves the defense of earth to the Southern Cross. The rest of this book would be an extended look at the war against the Invid in deep space leading upto the main fleets return to earth and the disappearance of the SDF-3.
4 The Invid Invasion of earth would start with the chaos after the defeat of the Robotech Masters and go into further detail as to why. It would also flesh out the resistance forces, the failed returns, and the successful return and initial defeat of the Invid. There also needs to be a great deal more information about the return of the Invid and their final defeat.
5 The Macross II book has almost fifty years to catch us up on including some pesky details about the above mentioned Invid return as well as the nasty little war which would be the primary subject.
That still leaves any future projects such as "Shadow Chronicles" or whether any wish to address "Macross Plus" which has some excellent Veritech and other vehicles, though checking the boxes I see that "Macross Plus" wasn't released by Harmony Gold.
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Unread post by Rimmer »

I'm gonna cast my vote for UE style books, one for each of the main sagas, clean up a lot of the mistakes that were made over the years.
I let my wife play rifts once....................she shot me in the back of the head with a naruni plasma pistol, gaffa taped a type 4 fusion block to my nether regions, and kicked my ass off the apc travelling at 100 MPH

gimme a break, my pc is a playa, not me.

Unread post by Anavel »

That's a good news to me.
Let's see...

- Only settei for both mecha and character's illustrations. It worked very well for other RPG companies.
- Possibility to play in the Global Civil War. It was never explained fully.
- Complex campaigns spanning several years. Saga in the saga if one could say.
- Put the background in line the RPG with both Shadow Chronicles, Wildstorm's comics, Invid Invasion and so on.
- More background about the world (and the Galaxy too...) with detailed maps and chronology.
- Less "war-only" adventures and more anime like NPCs and situations.
- A chapter about Earth alternatives from comics and novels (Third Invid war, End of the Circle and so on).
- A chapter about the differences between Robotech and the original series.

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Unread post by Novastar »

"Gato!!! I'll never forgive you!"

Err...ummm...sorry about that. :oops:

I don't think anyone here doubts the potential for growth for Robotech, especially if the new series takes off. Several sourcebooks could be easily made, and regular Rifter submissions, to flesh out the campaign setting & set up alternate settings (DYRL, Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross Zero, Orguss).

Macross has plenty of "extra" material, and MOSPEADA has both Sentinels & the upcoming Shadow Chronicles to build off of. Future "Reconstruction" era books should look much more heavily into the ascendency of the ASC.
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Unread post by Sgt Anjay »

Gimme good Robotech, and I'll spend money. That simple.
My hope'd be the community will rise up, gather all the excellent material they are capable of, and throw mad submitions in for new stuff while the staffers work on revisions, corrections, and updates.
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Unread post by Chuck Lang »

I voted for: “A Robotech® Ultimate Edition including compiled material plus “new and old” writing, artwork, some color, and rewritten rules much like the Rifts® Ultimate edition. Followed by some compilations of old sourcebooks and some “new” sourcebooks.”

Here’s most of my reason why:

Considering that there are a fair amount of used Robotech® books out there I don’t think that simply reprinting the old material would be viable. I admittedly have bought nearly all the Robotech® books via used bins simply because that’s the only place I could find them. And if I had the choice of buying a far cheeper used version or a new reprint, I’d buy the used version (as long as it was in decent condition).

There has been a resurgence of interest in Robotech® within the last few years with the release of Macross Zero, the Remasters, and upcoming releases, but it might be dwindling a bit (temporarily) right now (speaking from the perspective of one who is not a rabid fan, but enough of a fan to buy new RPG material); I know there are those of you that might disagree with me on this point: so be it. With the impending release of Shadow Chronicles, new interest might be seen and a timely release of a Robotech®: Ultimate Edition would be advantageous.

I also feel that if there is a brand new Robotech® book with new artwork and recycled artwork from previous books by Palladium (not to mention revised rules) sitting next to Rifts® Ultimate Edition in gaming stores and now larger companies such as Waldenbooks, Barnes and Noble, and--not necessarily on a physical shelf--Amazon, it will garner interest (imagine customers seeing the Robotech® Ultimate Edition listed next to Shadow Chronicles or the Remastered DVDs on Amazon). I’m certain fans of the animated series will be tempted to pick Robotech® Ultimate Edition up and page through it while on Amazon there could be a couple page preview like many the books they supply. A customer paging through the book is a possible sale.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see new Palladium players brought in by Robotech® (when I say new Palladium players I mean that new Robotech® players might be tempted to try the other products put out by Palladium Books®).
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Unread post by Nxla666 »


Bring it back, need new material plus update the old.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

What I would like to see is the old stuff reprinted in colections in their origanle state. (ie 1st edition complations)

Then Print the Old Stuff and New in a 2nd ed format to bring everything up to date withthe RGMG.
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Unread post by Myrrh »

Yes, please!

Ultimate Edition.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

It'd be nice to see it come back.

I'll summarize my thoughts as follows.

1. Tweak things to reflect the current HG canon.
2. Be as complete as possible with the background material. One of the flaws of the old game was that it assumed players were 100% familiar with the setting via the show. Not all parts of the U.S. and Canada aired all of the episodes. Some areas didn't get the show at all.
3. Consolidate and streamline the O.C.C.s. I know this has been said elsewhere, but it bears repeating.
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Unread post by Demonboy® »

Mr. Siembieda please bring back Robotech! I played the game for ten years and will gladly do so for another decade if not more. I love the anime and I love the RPG!

If this happenes I will be one happy fan!


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Unread post by Adam of the Old Kingdom »

No RTUE, thank you.

RT had a special feel with it's cut down rules. I'd like it kept that way.

if Erik (sp) is doing the flavour it should be good but we need to be mindful of how the rules are used.
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Unread post by Omote »

For the love of all things holy, please, please bring back ROBOTECH!!!

I would very much like to see an updated, fixed and compiled HARDBACK book that combines the material for each generation into one whole book.

Defintely do a book based on the upcoming SHADOW CHRONICLES ~ this is imperative as it will be purchased by fans of the RPG and non-RPG folk.

I'll be dead-honest though, any book Palladium produces based on Robotech (as long as it's simply not a reprint) will be purchased multiple times by me and our local group of rapid Robotech fans.

Bring it on Palladium, I dare you! :D

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Unread post by Marrowlight »

Myrrh wrote:Yes, please!

Ultimate Edition.

First time posters even showing up. Now that's awesome.
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Unread post by Marrowlight »

Lynx8882 wrote:I know I am probablly going to catch some flak for this but why is there not a No option in this poll? as it stands it is very one sided and only repersents those who wish to see the books back and in what format


Not voting is the option for that - they're looking at the total number as much as the % of each category after all.
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Unread post by Nxla666 »

Lynx8882 wrote:I know I am probablly going to catch some flak for this but why is there not a No option in this poll? as it stands it is very one sided and only repersents those who wish to see the books back and in what format


*angry glare*

Quiet, Boy. :P
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Re: Robotech RPG

Unread post by jedi078 »

Nicholos Caudilllo wrote::x You should have had more faith with it and kept it alive in the 1st place. It was your top money maker for sometime.

You do know why the license was dropped in the first place?

Once you know why you'll understand that it wasn't PB fault but HG's that the Robotech RPG ceased to be published.
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Re: Robotech RPG

Unread post by Nxla666 »

jedi078 wrote:
Nicholos Caudilllo wrote::x You should have had more faith with it and kept it alive in the 1st place. It was your top money maker for sometime.

You do know why the license was dropped in the first place?

Once you know why you'll understand that it wasn't PB fault but HG's that the Robotech RPG ceased to be published.

Probably not, but that in no way should discourage him from blaming PB for it. :rolleyes:
"You WILL believe that all people have an inherent right to follow their own path to enlightenment in the spiritual manner of their choice or we will burn you at the stake!!!"~Slag
hahaha NXLA for the win.-- Galactus Kid x2
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steel bonnet

Unread post by steel bonnet »

All I have to say on this is YES As Long as it`s RT & new & Old stuff I`ll play old rules or the newer style :D

Bring it back home :D

Steel Bonnet

oh my god another reason to keep the campaign going.

Unread post by Rycorden »

yes yes yes and....oh wait.....YES!

Get Robotech back, get more goods reprinted give us all the more reason to love Palladium books even more.
I would love more RT material, been GMing an RT game since '98 and is in its
8th year and still going. My RT universe has expanded to the year 2094 and
i must use many of the Rifts books for augmenting material (example: My race called the Na'zan'thule i use Rifts: Triax and the NGR as their source book) I have much of my own material written but would love to see what your imaginative staff could come up with.

Sincerly..a devoted fan.....(Brutal Killers are the best)
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Unread post by Ice Dragon »

Yes, bring back Robotech. :ok: :ok: :ok:

I like the old rule and I long for new books. :D
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Yes please

Unread post by zor_prime1 »

So many fond memories. :D
Robotech is what introduced me to Palladium. So please, yes. I'd love to see them back in print with updates and new material.
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Looks like we all are going to have to put bringing back Robotech on the back burner for the next several months. We have to save Palladium first if we want anymore Robotech. So get out there and help say Palladium! I plan on helping as soon as I get the cash!
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

no they just need to go with the cash cows and put the pet projects on the back burners
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Unread post by Marcantony »

Major Fury wrote:For those that haven't seen it:


Yes, it may all be moot now. We have to remain optimistic though. Its not over till its over.

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