Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Discussion of the Megaversal Ambassador program.

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Unread post by Novastar »

Unfortunately, my little attempt at KublaCon didn't go so well...

After being asked to remove myself from the Common Game Area, so that a CCG tournament could be run, I found the only open area right next to the RPGA.

If I ever entertained thoughts of joining the RPGA, they were crushed this weekend.

I am, unfortunately, gifted with exceptional hearing. So all the RPGA members who thought they were whispering snide comments about me & my friend unnoticed, are wrong.

I heard you. :x

Besides that little fiasco, I enjoyed the Con. I was able to see how the Serenity RPG was supposed to work, got a signed copy of Vibora Bay from Darren Watts (my name was used for a character), and got a little d20 SW action! :D

But before I go to another Con, I'm making sure to sign up a registered game next time... :frust:
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Unread post by Novastar »

Zachary The First wrote:
Novastar wrote:Unfortunately, my little attempt at KublaCon didn't go so well...

After being asked to remove myself from the Common Game Area, so that a CCG tournament could be run, I found the only open area right next to the RPGA.

If I ever entertained thoughts of joining the RPGA, they were crushed this weekend.

I am, unfortunately, gifted with exceptional hearing. So all the RPGA members who thought they were whispering snide comments about me & my friend unnoticed, are wrong.

I heard you. :x

Besides that little fiasco, I enjoyed the Con. I was able to see how the Serenity RPG was supposed to work, got a signed copy of Vibora Bay from Darren Watts (my name was used for a character), and got a little d20 SW action! :D

But before I go to another Con, I'm making sure to sign up a registered game next time... :frust:

Hang in there, guy. I know its rough sometimes, but it sounds like the Open Play area was really full. Its hit & miss, isn't it?

In any case, here's a little happy news for everyone! Kevin just gave the first official public word on the MAs! :
lol. Too true...

In the future, I'll definitely be reserving space from the organizers if I want to run a game, no matter which Con it is...

Ah, well...

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Petty tyrants thrive when they have authority backed by vague regulations.
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Unread post by Chuck Lang »

I am a web master for and the Coordinator of the Granite City Gaming Club; it's based in St. Cloud, MN. We run a game day every three months; the next Game Day is on June 10th. The last Game Day had 45+ people attending. The next Game Day will probably see more. There are fliers up for all the events at the LGS and have been up for about a month now.

At this Game Day I'll be running both a Rifts session and a Beyond the Supernatural session.

I'd definitely be interested in becoming a Megaversal Ambassador and running sessions such as the ones linked above and I'd run them every three month.
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Unread post by Rali »

In Kev's Murmur, "Megaversal Ambassadors & the future of Palladium", he talks about advertising. I was wondering if he had thought about advertising at some of the popular web comics out there. They certainly do have audiences and most are gamers, seems to me like a perfect place to advertise.
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Unread post by Danger »

Ravenspoe wrote:Well if it matters, I am running my first ever Palladium games at a gaming store on friday. Not really a demo, but out in the open where all visitors can see what we are doing.

I have a Convention and a Gameday in the next few months and I am problably going to bring After the bomb with me to see if I can do any pick up games. Perhaps I may run it as an offical run at the game day...
Eh you never know

Good luck!
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sorry, the Anime genre and the Furry genre don't usually mix, except where Catgirls are concerned :D
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Spinachcat wrote:D20 Rifts could have been a profitable venture back in 2000-2002 when everyone was D20 crazy and the D20 market was very strong. That isn't the case any longer.

Vast numbers of tabletop gamers - especially those tied to 3.X - have abandoned gaming for WoW. The remaining marketplace has segmented into D20 WotC and non-WotC. Keep in mind that most D&D 3.X players do not buy third party D20 products anymore - they stick with stuff from what's official from WotC and most only play D&D. Not all, but most.

The rest of the non-WotC gamers are Palladium's target audience. These are the people who play multiple games, multiple systems and try new stuff even though Dragon Magazine hasn't given them marching orders.

Palladium demos will do fine. If you run a good game that clicks with the players, they will want to seek out whatever you ran and take a look at it in the gamestore or the dealer's room.

You are NOT going to convert the D20 hardcore or the D&D-Only crowd and that's okay. They are not worth your energy. The people you want are the curious ones, the ones who say "what the heck, I'll try this game" and show up with an open mind. Spend your energy on them and maybe one of them per demo will buy a PB game in the future.

That's your goal. :D

I'd say as a rule, you're correct, but I used to be an ONLY D&D kinda guy.

Then I saw Palladium.

I admit to owning a bunch of D&D stuff...but it comes nowhere NEAR the nine to ten foot tall stack of Palladium books I own.

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Unread post by Subjugator »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zachary The First wrote:Hey guys, I appreciate the responses, but if we could keep this thread more focused on things the Megaversal Ambassadors could feasibly do to attract more players (demos, adventures, outreach, prgrams, incentives), I'd appreciate it.

Baby sit for kids old enough to game.

This is a FANTASTIC idea!

I used to do something similar when I was ticket scalping. I'd babysit a bunch of kids and have 'em stand in line with me for tickets.


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I wish...

Unread post by Subjugator »

I wish I could be a Megaversal Ambassador, but unfortunately for me, I'm a terrible GM.

That said; Zach - I can help you indirectly. You're going to be a local MA, and I can supply one main book a week (for whatever system you're playing) as a prize for the best role player for any of your games to help spread the word and keep the momentum going. If you get say...ten guys to play and like the game, and each of them gets a book, they'll probably bring five of their friends into it. Each of those fifty-five people would buy say...six books each, and would also bring more people in, and so on and so forth.

Right now I'm trying to get in contact with a local comic book retailer that doesn't sell RPGs to have them give away a couple of cases of the RUE main books to their RPG playing fans.

I figure it'd be easier to sell an RPG player on a world that is entirely dissimilar to D&D than it would be to try and sell them on something nearly identical.

Sorry I really can't be an MA (since I suck at GMing), but I'm doing my best to help.


There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

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Re: I wish...

Unread post by Subjugator »

Zachary The First wrote:
Subjugator wrote:I wish I could be a Megaversal Ambassador, but unfortunately for me, I'm a terrible GM.

That said; Zach - I can help you indirectly. You're going to be a local MA, and I can supply one main book a week (for whatever system you're playing) as a prize for the best role player for any of your games to help spread the word and keep the momentum going. If you get say...ten guys to play and like the game, and each of them gets a book, they'll probably bring five of their friends into it. Each of those fifty-five people would buy say...six books each, and would also bring more people in, and so on and so forth.

Right now I'm trying to get in contact with a local comic book retailer that doesn't sell RPGs to have them give away a couple of cases of the RUE main books to their RPG playing fans.

I figure it'd be easier to sell an RPG player on a world that is entirely dissimilar to D&D than it would be to try and sell them on something nearly identical.

Sorry I really can't be an MA (since I suck at GMing), but I'm doing my best to help.



Hey Subbie,

Don't you worry about GMing. There's more than one way to be an MA, and your willingness to volunteer like that is really appreciated. You've really gone above and beyond through this whole thing, and I think it's just incredible. :ok:

Well, I'm a good customer for Palladium, but I wish I had some way to expand the number of people playing rather than just being a good customer.

I think I'll be quiet for a bit. I'm kinda depressed right now. Oddly enough, this is a banner week for me and yet I'm feeling like caca right now.

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

I can see an illustration of that nearly every time I come here.
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Well, I should be heading back to Springfield this weekend. After that, I'll hopefully be in touch with Mr. Morgan from MetaGames Unlimited to schedule a couple of demo days for the coming months. The unfortunate thing is that I'm not sure what kind of employment I'll end up finding, and thus am unsure of my schedule. However, I should be getting my summer Rifts game organized in Rolla this weekend (several players there haven't played Palladium and are quite curious). Also, I should be bringing my friend's sister into the fold by introducing her to Rifts and HU2. Hopefully, this will be a productive summer for my Palladium recruiting (and maybe even writing).
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Unread post by Danger »

Thanks for the update, Zachary. :ok:
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Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sorry, the Anime genre and the Furry genre don't usually mix, except where Catgirls are concerned :D
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Unread post by Juankis »

Yeah, I for one I'm climbing the walls with anticipation for the final word on the MA program, how is it going to operate and other stuff.
Zac, has Kevin commented to you on the logo I made? I need more praise for my doodles! :P
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Writing Demos

Unread post by Rali »

I've always had a problem knocking out a quick single session adventure. The shortest games I've put together usually end up lasting two to three 5-6 hour sessions.

I'm hoping that some of you can help me out by sharing how you crank out an entertaining scenario that can be completed in a 5-6 hour session.
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Re: Writing Demos

Unread post by Rali »

thud wrote:
Rali wrote:I've always had a problem knocking out a quick single session adventure. The shortest games I've put together usually end up lasting two to three 5-6 hour sessions.

I'm hoping that some of you can help me out by sharing how you crank out an entertaining scenario that can be completed in a 5-6 hour session.

My crew of ten still heckle me when I say an adventure will run one night. :lol: :lol:

You know, over the last 13 years, I have found that letting the PC's kind of run the show works pretty well for one nighters.

have a loose idea of what you want to, mission requests on a Merc company board, a night at a bar, something small and easy.

Then introduce the players to that situation, and let them run with it. You will most often find that the adventure kind of writes itself as the evening progresses.

The key is to be relaxed and don't worry too much about running the "perfect" adventure. The players will never know you didn't plan ANY OF THIS so long as you are cool and collected.

You just have to think a little quicker on your feet, and be OK with the fact that both your adventure and your players might end up miles (or light years) away from what you had intended. 'S easy! :D

That's true... for people who are familiar with a setting.

I guess I should have stated in the post that I was looking for some ideas when putting together a "demo" scenario to introduce players to a setting. In my case, that setting would be "After the Bomb".

I'd like to introduce the players to some of the setting elements of the game world, but don't want to spend a whole session devoted to one aspect of the world, nor do I want to try to cram to much into it either.

The big problem is instilling an air of intrigue in the players that makes them want to go further, to find out more about this new setting, and--hopefully--buy the book.

I have several ideas, but the problem I’m having is coming up with a way to cram that into an entertaining 5-6 hours.
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Unread post by Vinny »

In an effort to help new people make informed decisions about which books to buy, The NEXUS Forums has opened a new section involving book reviews of many of the books in the Palladium Megaverse.

More details at this thread
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Unread post by Warwolf »

Yet another reason I need to come back and spend more time there. If only my home PC was functioning... :(
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Re: Writing Demos

Unread post by Spinachcat »

Rali wrote: I'm hoping that some of you can help me out by sharing how you crank out an entertaining scenario that can be completed in a 5-6 hour session.

Hey Rali,

I know exactly what you mean. I also tend to create mini-campaigns instead of one-shotters. After reading the posts from Brandon and Kevin post on Monday about how Palladium needs new blood and new fans, I hope it really puts Palladium GMs in a "let's go get'em!" mode because convention demos are a great way to make new fans. Sure, a formalized Ambassador program would be nice, but all we need now are GMs going to cons who run fun stuff while being mellow enough to teach newbies.

SO how to make a short game that is still wicked cool? I recommend you rely on the three act structure set down by the ancient Greeks that is still used in every novel and movie today.

Act One
1 - The Introduction / Gathering of Heroes
Act Two
2 - Travel and Learn
3 - Travel and Learn
Act Three
4 - The Climax / Big Fight vs. the Bad Guy

Here's how it works.

In Act One, we have a big intro scene where the heroes gather together and learn about the Bad Guys and they are sent on the Road to Adventure! It is here we learn why were are going on the quest and what we hope to accomplish. There are many questions raised in Act One that spur the heroes to learn more.

In Act Two, we have two scenes where the heroes travel and learn more information about the plot and the plans of the Bad Guys. It is here that they meet an important NPC or hunt down an important artifact or seek out some great secret.

In Act Three, we have the big showdown where it's Good Guys vs. Bad Guys and all the poopie hits the fan. All the questions raised in Act One must be answered before Act Three can finish.

Game Scene Breakdown
In games, your scenes break down to Combat, Roleplay, Tricks, Traps and Decisions.

Combat scenes are pure battle and quick battles will take 1 hour and big battles will take 2 hours. Remember these are Newbies and they will need extra time to adjust to the system. I recommend no more than two combat scenes (1 big and 1 small).

Roleplay scenes are mostly talking and maybe some skill rolls. Remember to create a few very intesting NPCs with personality so the heroes can do some verbal jousting.

Tricks and Traps are actually quite different. Tricks are not dangerous, but threaten to give the heroes false information or divert them away from their quest. Tricks try to fool the players into making future mistakes. Traps are puzzles that will hurt the heroes if they are not figured out.

Decisions are scenes where the heroes must choose a course of action that will deeply affect the game. Do we ally with the Elves vs. the Dwarves or the Dwarves vs. the Elves? Do we take the very long road or the quick trip over the monster filled sea? These are fun scenes, especially if you foreshadow the "right" decision with a Trick scene beforehand.

I hope this helps somewhat. I am sure Plato is rolling in his grave, but all you really need for a 4 to 6 hour demo are 4 cool scenes laid out in such a way that you tell a quick, but fun story.
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

Here's a quick con demo idea for Palladium Fantasy. My demo is a simple dungeon crawl with a twist :eek: . This game should take about 4-6 hours depending on how much detail/interaction you add to the scenes.

INTRO (45 minutes)
Everyone gets a premade character and you explain what all the stuff on their character sheet means and you explain how the system works. This alone takes at least 30 minutes. THEN you give the quick background of our story: the heroes are camped alongside a river in the Yin-Sloth Jungles after being shipwrecked three days ago. The nearest village is still a week away. Give some cool descriptions of the place and let the heroes introduce each other. Suddenly there is a massive explosion in the water and huge tower of ice rises out of the quickly chilling water.

ACT ONE (45 minutes)
Scene 1 = Trap / Decision
The rising tower frightens all the giant alligators in the river who come charging out the water and through the camp. The heroes need to get to high ground, defend themselves and save their stuff as the hundred alligators make their escape. Remember, this isn't a combat, the alligators are motivated to flee, but they may tailslap the dwarf into a tree or stomp the elf as they go by. Once they are gone, the heroes can make skill rolls to figure out what the tower may be and then the big decision - Do we explore the Tower of Ice? Through some skill rolls, the heroes learn that the Tower is a mobile fortress of an Ice Troll Warlock who was destroyed several times by the Wolfen Empire, but the seeds of his fortresses are embedded in snowflakes and one such snowflake must have found its way through the clouds, the rain and the river to this very spot which is a powerful ley-line nexus. This scene is where they take some damage, lose some stuff, cast some magic and otherwise "test drive" their character. Make sure you tailor the scene so it introduces them to the Palladium World, not generic fantasy.

Scene 2 = Roleplay (30 - 45 minutes)
The heroes need to make their way across the now frozen river to the huge Tower of Ice and figure out how to get into the Tower. The spirits of the jungle are angry about the drop in temperature and they will let the heroes know that this fortress won't last long in Yin-Sloth. The heroes will need to negotiate with the jungle spirits who have decided to blame them! Once the heroes find their way inside, they will explore several rooms with odd magical devices and weapons of ice that they can figure out how to use. Maybe there are intelligent illusions of Ice Trolls they can speak with. Everything is made of ice, but each hero will be able to figure out a neat magic binkie for themselves; aka warriors can man the ice-ballistas and find an ice sword and the wizards can figure out how to use the clairvoyant snow globe. The scene is all dedicated to introducing fun, flavorful bits without harming anyone. This is your "hey, look at all the cool you can find in a Palladium game" scene.

Scene 3 = Trap (45-60 minutes)
Without warning, the Tower turns its defenses on the heroes and these are dangerous. The heroes must use the knowledge they gained in Scene 2 to help them as all sorts of bad snow magic gets hurled at them.
Maybe the heroes are split up in different floors of the Tower, maybe a few mano-a-mano very quick combats against 10 SDC / 1 HP ice constructs, and have the heroes fight to regain control of the Tower. This is the scene where the players learn about how tuff/cool/interesting their Palladium character can be. Since you are using pregen characters, you can tailor the traps to each character's abiltiies.

ACT THREE (60- 90 minutes)
Scene 4 = Combat
Pick a few cool fire / jungle monsters and throw them at the Tower. The heroes need to fight them off using the powers of the Tower, but the Ice is melting and heroes need to battle their way out of the Tower to safety while the Giant Alligators are returning to the river and the Tower breaks free and starts floating downriver toward the waterfalls. This scene is the big finale with lots of crazy cinematic pyrotechics. This is the BIG combat where they really get to see how Palladium combat works and experience the full force of what their characters can dish out and what the monsters can do. It's okay if a hero dies heroicly in battle as long everyone has fun :-D .
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Unread post by Rali »

:ok: Great article Spinichcat! You've given me some great ideas and a good way to focus on what I want to put together.
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

You are very welcome!

I was thinking about how to best explain convention games with the minimum of verbage this morning because even though I have been running con events for 20+ years, I still very often plan TOO much for the time. Here my new thoughts:

As GMs we often think about our home games as movies or novels or TV series where characters develop and plots unravel over many months of play. It's that thinking that gets us in trouble with con games. Instead, we need to approach con games from the angle of a short story or a 30 minute episode.

We need to be short, sweet and intense. Every scene needs to be Cool + Cool + Jump so we have a neat moment or two and then jump to the next scene. We are on a timer because there is no "see you next week" so action needs to be compressed. Personally, I cut all my monster SDC/MDC/HP in half so players get to experience the intensity of the monster, but its staying power is tossed aside because we just don't have that kind of time.

Short and Sweet - that's our mantra!
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Unread post by Rali »

Do you think Palladium could add a page to the website for Megaversal Ambasador Resources?

There we could place game demos for the various settings, pregen characters, polling cards, promotional material, flyer blanks, etc.
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Unread post by Vinny »

I have over 50 reviews posted at the NEXUS Point for everyone to make their own comments on. Please do so. It helps others make choices on books.

Right now, I only got Rifts books up, but I should get more up soon.
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Any new updates to share Zac?
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Unread post by Subjugator »

Killer Cyborg wrote:
Zachary The First wrote:Hey guys, I appreciate the responses, but if we could keep this thread more focused on things the Megaversal Ambassadors could feasibly do to attract more players (demos, adventures, outreach, prgrams, incentives), I'd appreciate it.

Baby sit for kids old enough to game.

THAT is a good idea!

I'm going to try and get the neighbor kids to look into it. I know of at least one that would certainly be willing to try.

Another idea - wear your Palladium shirts anywhere that you know fellow geeks will be hanging out.

Also - I wonder if we could somehow get permission or other means to fund local events (i.e. cancer awareness, autism awareness, 10K run fundraiser for books for students, etc) in the name of Palladium. Maybe there could be someone to whom it could be proposed, who then signs off on it, and then we direct our own money to Palladium, who proceeds to use it to sponsor the event.

There's a reason...and a very good one...that I have certain people in this forum blocked both here and on Facebook.

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Unread post by Vinny »

Zachary The First wrote:Hey guys,

We've got our own forum! :ok:

I see that.
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Unread post by NMI »

topic moved since it has its own forum now.
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Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

i just noticed at the ubercon website. no information at all on where the event is located or how to get there.
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Unread post by Novastar »

Hey Zach,
How soon do the rest of us get our own spiffy new title...? :P :D
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Unread post by ApocalypseZero »

T-Shirts?! Some needs T-Shirts?!

My brother-in-law is a shirt printer and does many T-Shirts you may see in Mall Stores all the time. He's told me about Group T-Shirts and some pricing. If you are interested in a Professional Shift Printer, let me know and I'll gather some information.
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talongl wrote:Ok Zach, I found out when MarsCon will grace VA, it will be in January 19-21, 2007. It is held in Willamsburg at the Holiday Inn Patriot. Hopefully Palladium fans of the area can make a strong showing. The web page is
8) 8) 8) :fool:

Where is Williamsburg compaired to Lynchburg?
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Autumns Fire wrote:I found a website with instructions for making your own t-shirts. I already have most of the art supplies, and I'm sure I can find some cheap shirts to use. Only real problem I see is, I'm not so good with an exacto knife.
Maybe I'll see what it takes to make a transfer?

I love Palladium T-Shirts!! I have 4 and want to have more. An official Ambassidor shirt would be cool.
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On thing I would like to see is a section of the website that anounces any conventions that we ambassidors could attend and contact the administators of the events and make Palladium known. I have seen some posts here but I would like an official place for making anouncements.
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Zachary The First wrote:UPDATE:

Great news! The logo design my Juankis was given the thumbs up by Kevin and Wayne! It looks like we have ourselves a logo! One thing, Juankis, they need you to put a "TM" after "Ambassadors". PM me--I have a little surprise for you, too. :)

Other news: We should be getting our own forum soon, hopefully by the end of next week. We're also working to organize demo teams for the conventions for this summer and beyond. Aside from that, I should have another go at the guidelines turned into Kevin by the start of next week, and we're also working out the particulars of the incentive system.

Thanks to everyone who's keeping the enthusiasm and fire alive--and a special thanks to all those already running demos, taking Palladium to the FLGS denizens, and everyone who's doing their best to support a great company at a critical time. The folks at Palladium are enthused about the MAs, and I am, too. We're making big progress towards implementing several key elements of the program. In the meantime, let's not be shy about getting out there and running demos and getting folks interested in Palladium!

One other thing: Kevin's said yes to Palladium hosting duties to items like printable flyers, Pre-Gen characters, scenarios, etc, so start writing! Flyers for Game Stores are a big one, so if you have a handy design for a flyer designed to promote a Palladium Game Day or scheduled demo or whatnot, please email it to me.

This is so awesome! I am considering making plans with creating LynchCon here in Lynchburg VA just to see if the local game shop would be interested. I would love to see how the flyers and such turn out.
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Zenvis wrote:
Zachary The First wrote:UPDATE:

Great news! The logo design my Juankis was given the thumbs up by Kevin and Wayne! It looks like we have ourselves a logo! One thing, Juankis, they need you to put a "TM" after "Ambassadors". PM me--I have a little surprise for you, too. :)

Other news: We should be getting our own forum soon, hopefully by the end of next week. We're also working to organize demo teams for the conventions for this summer and beyond. Aside from that, I should have another go at the guidelines turned into Kevin by the start of next week, and we're also working out the particulars of the incentive system.

Thanks to everyone who's keeping the enthusiasm and fire alive--and a special thanks to all those already running demos, taking Palladium to the FLGS denizens, and everyone who's doing their best to support a great company at a critical time. The folks at Palladium are enthused about the MAs, and I am, too. We're making big progress towards implementing several key elements of the program. In the meantime, let's not be shy about getting out there and running demos and getting folks interested in Palladium!

One other thing: Kevin's said yes to Palladium hosting duties to items like printable flyers, Pre-Gen characters, scenarios, etc, so start writing! Flyers for Game Stores are a big one, so if you have a handy design for a flyer designed to promote a Palladium Game Day or scheduled demo or whatnot, please email it to me.

This is so awesome! I am considering making plans with creating LynchCon here in Lynchburg VA just to see if the local game shop would be interested. I would love to see how the flyers and such turn out.

Update on the LynchCon...
The local gaming shop is excited by the idea of a gaming demo and are looking foward to what I am going to put together. I just introduced the idea of a Demo for now but I hope to get enough gamers in the area that it turns into something to look forward to.
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I need to pull back when it comes to hype. That LynchCon idea, although cool, was a bit involving, so I am pulling on the reigns and just having a demo and starting a group in Lynchburg.
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Unread post by Steve Dubya »

Might want to check out here as a good source of "what might be done" sort of stuff.
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Is this for Palladium or just every RPG game out there?
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..At CogCon this year I used my RIFTS CS Grunt Primer to get everyone to roll up a character. For the most part we had it under an hour; What I've got is one of my Megaverse Character sheets modified to fit all pertinant info on one page, and then one page for the OCC.

..On the OCC is a skills list that only includes the skills the character can choose from, with percentiles and bonuses, as well as instructions on what to choose; the character sheet already has the OCC skills on it, so you just roll your stats (as it states on the sheet) and fill it out to go.

..I have a few Palladium Fantasy sheets like this too, Soldier, Psi-Mystic, Long Bowman, etc; they need a bit of tweeking, but if approved I'd upload them in .pdf format for MA's to use at conventions.

-Mike <8]
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Unread post by Xar »

MADMANMIKE wrote:..At CogCon this year I used my RIFTS CS Grunt Primer to get everyone to roll up a character. For the most part we had it under an hour; What I've got is one of my Megaverse Character sheets modified to fit all pertinant info on one page, and then one page for the OCC.

..On the OCC is a skills list that only includes the skills the character can choose from, with percentiles and bonuses, as well as instructions on what to choose; the character sheet already has the OCC skills on it, so you just roll your stats (as it states on the sheet) and fill it out to go.

..I have a few Palladium Fantasy sheets like this too, Soldier, Psi-Mystic, Long Bowman, etc; they need a bit of tweeking, but if approved I'd upload them in .pdf format for MA's to use at conventions.

-Mike <8]

It's really very well done. A couple of tweaks here and there, which we identified and it's a thing of beauty.

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Unread post by desepchun »

So how do we sign up? I've got a friend who owns a local gaming store, I'm sure I could convince him to give me space a couple times a month to run some Demo games.
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

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Send Zachary an email-
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Unread post by Giddoen »

Novastar wrote:An idea I've been kicking around is a MA T-shirt...

Have a light grey shirt (hey, I sweat. So no white shirts plz... :lol: ), with "Legions of the Megaverse" on the front; on the back, have "Megaversal", then my personal Print pic, and then "Ambassador" underneath the pic.

I still need to ask Kevin for permission to use his pic on the shirt though... :oops:

Bump because this is a cool idea!
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Unread post by Juce734 »

I'd like to see a section for art requests like photoshop on the forums. That way I could have a poster made promoting an upcoming demo I am running or something. Now I don't have the skills or $ to pay anyone to make a professional looking poster.

Obviously if someone answered the request we could then turn around and print it ourselves and do what we want with it for our demo.

That and/or readily usable material to use on the website like flyers that we can print out ourselves.
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Unread post by zyanitevp »

Juce734 wrote:I'd like to see a section for art requests like photoshop on the forums. That way I could have a poster made promoting an upcoming demo I am running or something. Now I don't have the skills or $ to pay anyone to make a professional looking poster.

Obviously if someone answered the request we could then turn around and print it ourselves and do what we want with it for our demo.

That and/or readily usable material to use on the website like flyers that we can print out ourselves.

There are sign-up sheets and posters in the gm kits for Fantasy & Rifts.
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Unread post by Juce734 »

zyanitevp wrote:
Juce734 wrote:I'd like to see a section for art requests like photoshop on the forums. That way I could have a poster made promoting an upcoming demo I am running or something. Now I don't have the skills or $ to pay anyone to make a professional looking poster.

Obviously if someone answered the request we could then turn around and print it ourselves and do what we want with it for our demo.

That and/or readily usable material to use on the website like flyers that we can print out ourselves.

There are sign-up sheets and posters in the gm kits for Fantasy & Rifts.

I primarily run HU. I only have the GM Guide and RUE of Rifts. I don't run Rifts or Fantasy.
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Unread post by Wolf Leader »

hello all, i am new to this game and unfortunatly this game is not yet availeble in Eupope. Do any of you have any tips for me, this is much appriciated.

the Dutch Ambasador from the Netherlands, Zuid-Holland.

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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

Unread post by Mr. Jays »

Wolf Leader wrote:hello all, i am new to this game and unfortunatly this game is not yet availeble in Eupope. Do any of you have any tips for me, this is much appriciated.

the Dutch Ambasador from the Netherlands, Zuid-Holland.


IM Hendrik and The Dark Elf. They are both Europeans like yourself. They would probably be the best to help you with availability.
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Re: Megaversal Ambassadors: What would you like to see?

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Mr. Jays wrote:
Wolf Leader wrote:hello all, i am new to this game and unfortunatly this game is not yet availeble in Eupope. Do any of you have any tips for me, this is much appriciated.

the Dutch Ambasador from the Netherlands, Zuid-Holland.


IM Hendrik and The Dark Elf. They are both Europeans like yourself. They would probably be the best to help you with availability.

thanks.. will add them so i can ask them questions i have after i get the game and when i am ready searching the web.
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What would you like to see? LIVNG RIFTS

Unread post by Asgar »

Living campaigns are a shared campaign setting with a codified set of rules for the campaign. Campaign staff create, distribute, and manage new adventures in that campaign setting, and quite often administer a player database and promote various products. The rules for character tracking allow a player to take their PC they created for the campaign to any of these gatherings and play it in the adventures offered. It is still common for adventures to be offered at conventions with premade characters that fit to the story, but Living campaigns allow for additional options.

Many living campaigns serve a dual role of providing a creative outlet for highly involved volunteer contributors while also serving as a marketing tool for the publisher of the game system that is the focus of the living campaign.

So im in the beginning stages of doing this. If you want to help im all ears and have open arms.

Thanks in advance.
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