Name the volcanoes of the U.S. and Mexico

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Jeffrey W.
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Name the volcanoes of the U.S. and Mexico

Unread post by Jeffrey W. »

Before Rifts Chaos Earth was ever published, I had selected a half dozen volcanoes in/near the Vampire Kingdoms of Mexico that I thought would have went (or still are) active post Cataclysm.

Now, for the past three or four years since these books were published, we know that number selected by Kevin Siembieda to be at least ten volcanoes in the United States, and another fourteen volcanoes across Mexico.

I'm not certain where these fourteen would logically be located, and I'm certainly no geologist.

It might be fun to read what ideas others have. What are your guesses about where these eruptions might have occurred?

Create numbered lists, one for the U.S.A. and another for Mexico, listing Mountain Peaks or other geologic features, and their pre-Rifts locations.

In doing so, I think you'll find, it's not easy and requires some thinking.

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Unread post by Juankis »

Whoops, double post, hit submit by mistake before I finished translating the article :oops:
Last edited by Juankis on Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Juankis »

Here is a listing of all the currently active volcanos in Mexico:

Cerro Prieto (Back Hill): with an altitude of about 1,700 meters above sea level, this volcano is found in Baja California, it is geothermally active, and is used by the electric industry to fuel cities in both Mexico and the US. It has many thermal springs around the area.

Ceboruco: Its cone has an altitude of 2,164 meters above sea level, it is located on teh state of Nayarit along the Pacific coast. It spews smoke on ocaacions but its last eruption was on 1872.

Volcan de Fuego de Colima (Colima's Fire Volcano): Has an altitude of approximately 3,960 meters above sea level. It stands between the states of Colima and Jalico on the Pacific coast. It is the most active volcano in the country, and its peak changes position constantly, sometimes rising only to crumble on a later date. Between 1961 and 1987, the eruptiom demolished the crater's rim and formed great accumulations of material along its base. Along its eastern causeway 2 peaks, called "Los Hijos" (The Sons) were caused by ancient eruptions.
On july 21, 1994, two great explosion were produced by the volcano, on the 24, the lid was blwon from the peak casing fear on the nearby population.

Cerro Chino (Chinese Hill): Near the city of Guadalajara, the Primavera mountain range is composed of varios volcanos, among which you'll find the Cerro Pelon (Bald Hill) or Cerro Chino (Chinese Hill). Its smoking crater is 78 meters in diameter, its last eruption supposedly ocurred 20 thousand years ago, and produced the brtih of the Colli volcano.

Evermann: It raises 1350 meters above sea level, altough its base raises from beneath the sea at a depth of 3500 to 4000 meters. It has many oppenings, but the main cone has 3 smoking craters.
It is found in the Revillagigedo Isles archpileago in the Pacific ocean of the coast of Colima. The volcano shares the island of Socorro with Navy meterological and communications stations.

Villalobos: Very little is known about the isle of San Benedicto, where this volcano formed. It has many peaks, the leates of which was formed on august 1, 1952, and caused a creater 700 meters in diameter and 100 meters deep. In 1958 smoke stacks were reportes. Since its so far away from the mainland its current state of activity is unkwon.

Paricutin: It has a maximum heigh of 430 meters or 2830 meters above sea levle. It is found in the state of Michoacan.
It is also one of the youngest volcanos on the world. It was formed on february 20, 1943 at 3:15 p.m. by midnight it had risen to 50 meters, by the sixth day it had reached a height of 80 meters, and a week later it had surppased 150 meters. The earthquakes it produced were felt all the way to Mexico City.
Most of its activity cycle ended on february 25th, 1952, even tough it still produces smoke stacks from the main cone and anexed craters, the ruins of the nearby town devastated by the original eruptions attaracts many hikers.

Volcan de San Adres (San Andres Volcano): It sumint reaches 3690 meters above sea level, found in the Ucareo range in the state of Michoacan. It is about 2 million years old, its most recent eruption happend in 1858. Many visitors come to see the natural spectacle of its activity and thermoelectrical plants have been installed to supply the local populance. Its large boiling thermal springs are also used by the spa industries and it counts as well as some camping lodges.

Jorullo: With an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level, its last important eruption was back in 1958, and during 1967 it spewed light smoke stacks, this volcano is also find in the state of Michoacan.

Chichon/Chichonal (head bump): With a maximum altitude of 1315 meters above sea level, it is found in the state of Chiapas at the southern end of mexico.
The volcano is about 250 thousand years old, the depth of its crtaer is calculated at about 9 kilometers deep. On march 19, 1982 it started a strong activity cycle, with an eruption spewing rock, ash and sulfur. On the 28th at 11 p.m. it produced an explosion which darkend the sky until 3 p.m. of the following day. On april 2 and 4 it produced even stronger explosions. The ash cloud was 40 meters tall, and it threw rocks upto 18 kilometers in distance, the debris cloud rose to 20 kilometers. The explosion was calculated in being equal to 40 to 50 megatons, at least 51 townships where severly harmed by the volcano.

Derrumbado Rojo (Red Crumbe: Located in the state of state of Puebla, near central Mexico, 3 volcanos are located. The smallest one is the Derrumbado Blanco (White Crumble), the middle one the Derrumbado Azul (Blue Crumble), and thje largest one the Derrumbado Rojo (Red Crumble).
Altough thses mountains are estimated as being over 60 million years old, the Derrumbado Rojo is still active at it's peak smoke stacks are still present. The area is pock marked with varios craters.

Popocatepetl: The most famous volcano in Mexico has a height of 5452 meters above sea level. It is one of the volcanoes that rim the valley of Mexico.
Both its shape, history and attached leyends place it in a very special place. Its name literally means "Smoking Hill", because of the constant smoke it spews into the atmospehre. Recent studies mark the age of the volcano at around 50 million years.
Since its first registered eruption in 1347, it has presented multiple manifestations, including an artificial eruption in 1919.
Since 1921 thar hadn't been any activity of importance. On july 23, 1994 it started spewing great smoke stacks, on december 21 of the same year, it started a series of small eruptions and earthquakes which caused commotion among the local population. Then a great shower of ash and dust was produced, this was repited again at the ened of 1995 and begining of 1996.
The crater is an immense maw 850 meters across, with a depth of 175 to 400 meters.

Volcan de San Martin (San Martin's Volcano): At an altitude of 1700 meters above sea levle, its crater is approximately 500 meters in diameter. It is found in the state of Veracruz at about 4 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico.
On may 4th, 1967, the cone presented a light smoke stack. It oldest explosion on record dates from 1667, but its most destructive was on may 22, 1793 when its debris clud blocked the sun, forcing the locals to resort to artifical lighting during the daytime, later it spewed columns of flame and magma. Its activity continued until 1895 and restarted in 1922.

Tacana: from it's base to it's sumit this volcano measures 4067 meters, it was born on the current Mexico/Gutamela border about 2500 million years ago.
The cone is formed by three stacked mountains, giving it a stepped look, clearly marking the diferent formation periods. The first one has a height of 3448 meters above sea level, the secodn 3655 and the third one at 3872 meters. This last one form precipices during its last activity cycle. The peak shows varios funnel like holes. Its crater measures approximeatly 10 kilimeters in diameter.
In 1949 and 1986 it had eruptions of little importance.

Well, here they are, 14 volcanoes currently active in Mexico, as this of course covers the 14 reported in the Chaos Earth book, I didnt feel like looking for the hundreds of inactive volcanoes both around Mexci City and along the Sierra Madre ranges.

Sorry about the language but I'm not very good at translating all those technical terms relating to volcanoes.

As can be seen from the list, many of the active volcanoes follow the Pacific coast of Mexico.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Both list seem to be pretty good and reasonable. I'd use them in my game as the North American Volcanos that erupted during the coming of the Rifts.
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great volcano lists

Unread post by Jeffrey W. »

Excellent work.

The USGS would certainly be in the know about this, but I thought for certain that one of you would mention Rifts worldbook material as well, such as a large active volcano and pair of smaller ones which obliterated Flagstaff, Arizona.

I really like the list compiled by Basara_549, and was also pleased to read about a few in Mexico that I was unaware existed thanks to Juankis.

Anybody else care to give this challenge a try? I think that the U.S.A. list is especially challenging.

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Ouch is all I can say! Poor Flagstaff!
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San Franciso Field covers 1 of 3 volcanoes in Arizona

Unread post by Jeffrey W. »

True enough, Basara_549 and that is actually what I meant, but the surprise volcanoes were the twin smaller volcanoes which erupted just south west of the one you mentioned, in the small mountain range which separates the Kaibab National Forest from the Prescott Forest (near Williams, Arizona).

Yes, the Flagstaff volcano/crater is a famous hiking/tourist area in real life today, and a little known fact about another peak in that same San Francisco Field mountain range that you mentioned is that the Navajo Indian sacred mountain of the west is also located there (Doko'oosliid), or Abalone Shell Mountain, which symbolically represented their life, or where they do their living. The volcanic eruption of the Flagstaff volcano of the magnitude mentioned in the game books would symbolize a Great Cataclysm, or end of life, to the Navajo people.

This is a fun detail I've added to my New West campaign that I'm currently running.

Thanks for the other volcanoes and websites you listed, they are helpful.

I was mainly looking for creative/inspirational ideas as well though, and what you or others think would be the consequences of each eruption (adventure plot material).

Jeffrey W.
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p.s. enjoyed the article in Rifter #5
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Thanks you Jeff for the other info on the Flagstaff area!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Thanks for theinfo and the links Wolfe! :)
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Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

You know some of these links should be placed in the landscape project. Just a thought. But there are some excellent shots of areas that might be interesting for other players.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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