glitterboy2098 wrote:Penguin: Fairy Penguin
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: A flightless aquatic bird, generally with a black back and white front, with yellow patches right behind the eyes. they are natural swimmers, but can only waddle on land. considered to be quite cute by many before the crash, they are actually very tough and Intellegent beings.
Size Level: 2
Length: 1 feet on average.
Weight: 6 pounds
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Costs:
Total Bio-E: 65
Attribute Bonuses: +2 to P.E., +1 to P.B., +1 to I.Q.
Human Features:
Hands: 5 BIO-E for partial, 10 for full
Biped: automatically full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 for full
5 for partial
10 for full
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for a Medium Beak (1d4 damage, not available for characters with Full Human Looks)
5 BIO-E for Clawed Feet (1d6 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for hold breath
10 BIO-E for Resist Hunger (same as the Psionic power, no ISP cost)
10 BIO-E for master swimming
5 BIO-E for Insulating Water Resistant Feathers (see Duck). +8 SDC, resistant to Cold, Rain, and Snow.
5 Bio-E for leaping: Standard
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent
Vestigal Disadvantages:
Automatically begins with Vestigal Wings and tail, with no BIO-E bonuses, but with out the usual penalties.
-10 BIO-E for taking Webbed Feet
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
glitterboy2098 wrote:Penguin: Rock Hopper Penguin
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: A flightless aquatic bird, generally with a black back and white front, with yellow feather "spikes" above the eyes. they are natural swimmers, but can only waddle on land. the toughest and strongest Type of Penguin, Rockhoppers have been known to engage in violent combats with rivals.
Size Level: 3
Length: 2 feet on average.
Weight: 25 pounds
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Costs:
Total Bio-E: 45
Attribute Bonuses: +3 to P.E., +4 to P.S.
Human Features:
Hands: 5 BIO-E for partial, 10 for full
Biped: automatically full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 for full
5 for partial
10 for full
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for a Medium Beak (1d4 damage, not available for characters with Full Human Looks)
5 BIO-E for Clawed Feet (1d6 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for hold breath
10 BIO-E for Resist Hunger (same as the Psionic power, no ISP cost)
10 BIO-E for master swimming
5 BIO-E for Insulating Water Resistant Feathers (see Duck). +8 SDC, resistant to Cold, Rain, and Snow.
5 Bio-E for leaping: Standard
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent
Vestigal Disadvantages:
Automatically begins with Vestigal Wings and tail, with no BIO-E bonuses, but with out the usual penalties.
-10 BIO-E for taking Webbed Feet
Thyfur wrote:Pika
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Pika, also called rock rabbits or coneys, are thick furred, short eared rodents distantly related to rabbits. They look similar to a hamster with a rounded face and tailless or small knobs of tails. Pike are native to cold rocky climates and can be found primarily in Asia and North America. A few can be found in eastern European mountains.
Size Level: 2
Length: 6-9 inches (162-216 mm)
Weight: 4-6 oz. (121-176 g), some species weight more.
Build: Short
Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 75
Attribute Bonuses: P.E. +1, P.P. +2, Spd. +2
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None, wide spaced eyes, muzzle with whiskers, thick flexible neck, thick fur, powerful hand grip, paws and claws, small furry tail or tailless, large round ears.
5 BIO-E for Partial, small eyes, partial muzzle, thick neck and body, dexterous hands, tailless and very round ears.
10 BIO-E for Full, nearly human ears, wide flat nose, buck teeth, short body.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Climbing Claws
10 BIO-E for 1D8 Climbing Claws
5 BIO-E for 1D4 Chisel Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers
10 BIO-E for Digging
15 BIO-E for Tunneling
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Beauty
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Touch
5 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent
10 BIO-E for Righting Reflex
Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Ruminant
-5 BIO-E for Ears, Vestigial
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
duck-foot wrote:Pirahna
Description: There are several different species of pirhana. This template deals with the red-belly pirahna a viscious carnivorous freshwater fish.
Size Level: 2
Length: Upto 6 inches (15 cm)
Weight: A few ounces.
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Cost:
Total BIO-E: 80
Attribute Bonuses: +2 P.P., +4 Spd
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None
5 BIO-E Partial: Character gains "lobe-fins" at the end of it's arms. The lobe-fins have a non-opposable thumb.
10 BIO-E Full: Fully developed arms and hands capable of fine manual movement like a humans.
Biped: Automatically None.
5 BIO-E Partial: The tail becomes a pair of rigid legs. Character can now walk or run erect on land for 1D4 minutes.
10 BIO-E Full: Character now has a set of fully developed human-like legs.
Speech None
5 BIO-E for Partial: Words will be guttural and hard to understand.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: Automatically None. The character looks like a grizzled and viscious pirhana. Shiny silver scales on the top, deep red scales on the belly. A fin runs down the back from head to tail.
5 BIO-E for Partial: The character has a humanoid form. Body is still extremely fish-like. The hands and feet are webbed.
10 BIO-E for Full: Large dark eyes set deep within the sockets. Big thick lips. Small pointed theeth, rough skin and no body hair.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 2D4 teeth
15 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
20 BIO-E for Frenzy Attack: When the character is down to 20% of his or her original SDC or hit points, or the characters smells or sees blood, kills an enemy, or hit by a critical strike he or she will go into a frenzy. +20 to SDC, +1 to strike and parry and +1D6 to bite attacks, character will not attempt to dodge. The effect lasts for 1D4 melee rounds.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Advanced Swimming at 80%
5 BIO-E Water Breathing
15 BIO-E Brute Strength
20 BIO-E Beastly Strength
10 BIO-E Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E Extra Physical Beauty
10 BIO-E Infrared Vision
5 BIO-E Nightvision
15 BIO-E Predator Burst
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-15 BIO-E for Aquatic Vestigial Skin
-20 BIO-E for Aquatic Respitory System
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet: An additional -5% to manual skills. And -10% to Speed.
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
duck-foot wrote:Propleopus
Description: A medium-sized kangaroo with large shearing and stout grinding teeth. The teeth indicate it was a omnivore, although meat definitely made the bulk of its diet. Wheather they hunted or scavenged for food is unknown.
Varient: Thier is another carnivorous kangaroo called Ekaltadeta as above, however +2 P.S. and size level 6. (BIO-E 50)
Size Level: 8
Length: 4 and 1/2 feet (1.3 m)
Weight: upto 100 lbs (47 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 40
Attribute Bonuses: +4 P.S., +2 P.P., +8 Speed
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial
5 BIO-E for Full
Biped: Automatically Partial
5 BIO-E for Full
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E: for Partial
10 BIO-E: for Full
Looks: None. Looks like the animal, although a sparkle of intelligence will be in its eyes. Triangular dog-like head with large pointy ears, thin course fur, compact body and inverted ankles.
5 BIO-E for Partial: Furry humanoid with a kangaroos head, long thick tail lean muscular body and long legs.
10 BIO-E for Full: Looks almost completly human, only the mutant animal is much to hairry to be a normal human.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 2D4 teeth
15 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
5 BIO-E for 1D4 claws
10 BIO-E for 1D6 claws
10 BIO-E for 2D6 toe claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
15 BI0-E for Brute Strength
15 BIO-E for Predator Burst
15 BIO-E for Advanced Hopping: A muscle in the body acts as a rubber-band allowing the kangaroo to leap incredible distances. It is extremly effecient for long range travel at high speeds. The mutant kangaroo can hop along at 25mph (40 km/h) for hours without getting tired or fatigued. Maximum speed is 50 mph (70 km/h), time is limited by the mutants P.E. quadruple for leaps and jumping. +3 to auto-dodge, +8 damage to leap kikes.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-5 BIO-E for Nearsighttedness
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Insectivore
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-5 BIO-E for Reptilian Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Reptilian Brain: Predator
Kinthalis Silverbow wrote:RHINOCEROS
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Aggressive grazing animals inhabiting grasslands. They are good rummers and can get up to 35mph. They are also strong enough to overturn a truck. African Black and White Rhinos have two horns while the Asian Great Indian Rhino has just one.
Size Level: 20
Length: 5-6.5 feet tall at shoulder
Weight: 3,000 to 8,000 pounds
Build: Short
Mutant Changes & costs
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +2 M.E., +2 M.A., Brute Strength, +12 P.S. +6 Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for partial or 15 BIO-E for full.
Biped: 10 BIO-E for partial or 15 BIO-E for full.
Speech: 5 BIO-E for partial or 10 BIO-E for full.
Looks: None, huge head with massive jaws and muzzle, tiny eyes and large ears, long, massive bodies with thick, powerful legs, three toed hands and feet.
10 BIO-E for partial, strong muzzle, tiny eyes, large ears on top of head, massive body with naked, segmented skin, thick arms and legs.
15 BIO-E for full, very large jaw, nose, ears and head; small eyes, bald, powerfully built body with thick arms and legs.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 1D10 damage Horn.
20 BIO-E for 2D8 damage Horns.
Mutant Animal Powers:
15 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor; A.R. 9, S.D.C. +30
30 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor; A.R. 11, S.D.C. +60
45 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Body Armor; A.R. 14, S.D.C. +90
60 BIO-E for Extra-Heavy Natural Body Armor; A.R. 16, S.D.C. +120
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness.
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness.
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail.
-5 BIO-E for Musk Glands.
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore(Pick either Herbivore or Ruminant, not both).
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Ruminant.
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Horns.
-15 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Charge(Special). When a Rhino fails to save vs insanity it will immediately charge whatever is in front of it, gaining a + 2 to initiative and +2 to strike, but is unable to preform any defensive moves at all. The Rhino will continue making charge attacks until it makes a saving throw vs insanity or every thing is dead.
Note: Don't forget that a Giant Animal can sell I.Q. & M.E. and/or P.P. & Speed attribute points to get BIO-E points with out sacrificing size.See Giant Animals in the creation section of the book under Growth Steps.
Thyfur wrote:Saiga
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: An antelope that once crammed the steppes of central Asia now is restricted to the Urals, Kalmykia, and Kazakhstan. They have a coat of wooly and coarse bristly hairs. A small mane is found on the underside of the neck. A bulging fleshy nose with mucous-secreting glands heats cold air and filters out dust. Their eyes appear to stand out with large bony brows. Males have slightly lyrate wax-colored horns that grow 8-10 inches in length.
Size Level: 6
Length: 43-57 inches (108-146 cm)
Weight: 46-112 lbs. (21-51 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 55
Attribute Bonuses: P.S. +2, P.E. +4, P.B. -2, Spd. +12
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial, 10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None. Large bulbous nose with two large nostrils, dark wide spaced eyes with large eye ridges, backward facing ears, thick neck, powerful body on top spindly legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Bulbous nose with large nostrils, dark eyes with large eyebrow ridges, muzzled face, thick neck, thick fur, sprinter’s legs.
10 BIO-E for Full. Lean body, large nose and eyebrows, thick neck, hairy appearance, strong long legs.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 2D4 Hooves
10 BIO-E for 2D6 Lyrate Horns
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed (They are runners like cheetahs and wolves)
5 BIO-E for Cold Insulation: Has thick fur and a specialized nose that protects the character from extreme cold. Cold attacks do ½ damage, +2D6 S.D.C., add 10% to the characters weight.
Vestigial Disadvantages
-5 BIO-E for Poor Hearing
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Hooves
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Horns
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
Gazirra wrote:Saurinoid
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Among all the dinosaurs, this creature it closest to man. Not so much in looks as in function. Relative to the other dinosaurs, it had a large brain, although the best modern equivalent might be the brain of a baboon. Like baboons, Saurinoids are omnivorous herd animals that easily take advantage of vegetation or meat, depending on availability.
A lean, fast dinosur, the Saurinoid also had flexible fingers, advanced eyes (up to three inches in diameter), and a large brain. Otherwise, it's similar to Dromaeosauroid, with excellent running and turning abilities.
Size Level: 9
Length: 7 feet long (with tail)
Weight: to 175 pounds
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 35
Attribute Bonuses: IQ +2
ME +1
MA +1
PP +2
SPD +2
Human Features:
Hands: Partial automatic
5 BIO-E for Full; 2 clawed fingers and opposeable thumb
Biped: Full Automatic
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None. Flattened, narrow head, with large eyes toward the back, and nostrils in front. Jaw is large and flexible. Long, skinny neck almost as long as the body. Firm body, tapering from a narrow collar down to a round, wide pelvis. Arms and legs are long and muscular, as is the body length tail. Hands and feet have to have long fingers and toes tipped with large claws.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Triangular head, large eyes, and long snout. Long, flexible neck as logn as the head. Rounded body, with strong arms and legs. Tail as long as the legs.
10 BIO-E for Full. Large eyes dominate a face with flat, broad features. Neck is long and thin, body is thick and round. Muscular arms and legs, with long, articulate fingers and toes.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 1d6 Hand Claws.
5 BIO-E for 1d8 Foot Claws.
10 BIO-E for a Scythe Claw that does 2d8 damage. This is a special claw, mounted on the second toe, usually folded back, away from the ground, but capable of doing full damage during kicks.
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Advanced Vision (can trade for Nearsighted)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIo-E for Stiffened Tail. The character's tail, slightly longer than body length, is muscular at the base and rigid on the end. By levering the tail, the character can turn or twist with lightning speed. Allows ability to perform rapid turns while running. +4 dodge while running, and in Hand to Hand Combat allows +1 Strike, +1 Parry, and +2 Dodge.
10 BIO-E for Heightened Speed. This is an increase in running speed that lets the character run up to 30 mph for extended periods, and in bursts of up to 45 mph (limited by PE).
Vestigial Disadvantages
10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
10 BIO-E for Nearsighted
10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:SAWFISH
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Sawfish are the Pristiformes order of cartilaginous fish, similar to rays and sharks, but not to be foncused with the sawshark (Order Pristiophoriformes), despite their similar appearance. Several species make up this order of fish, including the Common Sawfish, Dwarf Sawfish, Knifetooth Sawfish, Largetooth Sawfish (P. microdon), Large-tooth Sawfish (P. perottteti), Longcomb Sawfish, and Smalltooth Sawfish. While generally similar in appearance to sawsharks, with two pectoral fins, two dorsal fins, two anal fins, and a caudal fin, their body shape and head are flatter, with the mouth on the flat underside. The key feature of the sawfish, like the sawshark, is a long, toothy snout, called a rostrum, which is covered in teeth-like denticles and houses several electro- and motion-sensitive organs which allow sawfishes, with their poor eyesight, to hunt. Coloration is generally brown or light grey, with ventral surfaces a lighter shade than dorsal surfaces. The smalltooth sawfish is notable for being blue-grey, green, or olive green in color.
Size Level: 19
Height: Varies, from 4.6 feet (1.4 m) for dwarf sawfish to 25 feet (7.6 m) for smalltooth sawfish. The average length is 21 feet (6.4 m).
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +2 to P.S., Brute Strength, +3 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Pelvic Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a flat head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, grey or brown skin; flat arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Flattened head with a saw for a snout, eyes on side of head; thick, grey or brown skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed noise; hairless, grey or brown skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Light Denticles
10 BIO-E for 2D6 Saw Blade Nose
15 BIO-E for Digging Saw Blade Nose (Digging ability, page 69)
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-10 BIO-E for Total Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:SEA DRAGON
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Sea Dragons are two species of fish related to the seahorse. The two species are Leafy Sea Dragons (Phycodurus eques) and Weedy Sea Dragons (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus). The major differences between seahorses and sea dragons are the leaf- or weed-like protrusions all over the body of the sea dragon which camouflage them from predators, and by having a tail which cannot be coiled. Like seahorses, sea dragon males carry the fertilized eggs which result from mating. Coloration of the protective, jointed-plate body which usually has dorsal spines for defense is green to yellow.
Size Level: 2
Height: up to 16 inches (41 cm) long for Leafy Sea Dragons and 18 inches (45 cm) long for Weedy Sea Dragons.
Weight: Varies
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 75
Attribute Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., +4 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: None. In this case, the character has no arms or hands whatsoever. Any objects will have to be manipulated by mouth (treat as Partial Hand).
5 BIO-E for Partial Hands. The sea dragon develops a pair of stubby (Partial) hands and short arms along the upper part of the body.
10 BIO-E for Full Hands. Gives the mutant sea dragon a full pair of hands, arms and narrow shoulders.
Biped: None. Character has no legs, and moves through the water by swimming. This is not necessarily slow; indeed, the character can maintain a rapid pace, equal to half the character’s Spd attribute.
20 BIO-E for Full. Character has mutated a full set of legs and feet.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Long, proboscis-like siphon mouth with a protective layer of jointed plates instead of scales and spines along the dorsal ridge. A variety of leaf- or weed-like protrusions give the sea dragon the appearance of floating vegetation.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Long, thin body with short & skinny arms and legs; short tail, elongated head, bright skin.
Full Human Looks are not available!
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for Defensive Dorsal Spines (See Spine Defense, MDU, page 24)
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
10 BIO-E for Camouflage Pattern
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
15 BIO-E for Camouflage Flaps
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
Gazirra wrote:Sea Horse
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: This is one of the oddest fishes known to man. There are about 50 different species, ranging from an inch to one foot long. This description covers the common sea horse types found in most warm seas and aquariums.
Size Level: 1
Length: to 3 inches
Weight: under 1 pound
Build: medium
Mutant Changes and Costs
Total BIO-E: 85
Attribute Bonuses: None
Human Features:
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: None. No legs at all, simply a long tail, character will be able to crawl at 1/4 maximum
speed while on dry land, but gets +2 to parry and dodge while underwater and can swim
twice as fast as normal
10 BIO-E for Partial. Rear fins have mutated into simple limbs.
15 BIO-E for full: rear fins have mutated into perfect legs
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: none: narrow, horse-like head crowned with bony spines, large, round, wide-set
eyes, hard, plated skin of almost any color, soft fin on back, extremely narrow body
5 BIO-E for partial: long face with numerous spiny ridges in place of hair, mouth
and nose jut forward noticeably, no ears, very narrow body, skin is very rigid and colorful
with slight ridges covering body, soft fin on back, large, round eyes
10 BIO-E for full: long, narrow face and body, mouth sticks out slightly, eyes are
larger than average, skin is tough and colorful with noticeable veins running along it, hundreds of short, thin spines replace hair, small ears, small ridge for nose
Natural Weapons None
Mutant Animal Powers
5 BIO-E for Breathe Underwater
5 BIO-E for Swim Skill equal to 90%
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
10 BIO-E for Prehensile Tail; treat as partial hand
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Body Armor: AR: 8 SDC: +20
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Body Armor: AR: 10, SDC: +40
35 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Body Armor: AR: 12, SDC: +60
Vestigial Disadvantages
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-15 BIO-E for Aquatic Vestigial Skin (must keep skin moist or it will dry out. Suffers heat exposure for every half hour it is out of water.
-15 BIO-E for Aquatic Respiratory System (breathes water)
-10 BIO-E Temperature Sensitivity: mutant suffers exposure to heat and cold twice as fast as normal. Takes double damage from heat and cold attacks
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hands and Feet (only if character has both hands and feet)
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Angel Sharks
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Angel sharks are from the family squatiniformes. They are known for having broad pectoral fins and flattened bodies, which gives them a strong resemblance to rays. Unlike many other sharks, they are bottom dwellers and often bury themselves in mud or sand. Coloration varies over a fairly wide range, generally with a patterned appearance. General coloration includes dull grey, light brown, brown, purplish-brown, reddish-brown, grey, greyish-brown, dark brown, blackish, bluish to ash grey, yellow-grey, dark tan, rusty or black-brown, grey-blue, light yellow-brown, and pale brown. White, dark brown, black, grey, red, or yellow spots are extremely common, ranging in size from small spots to large patches. Also of note are the ocelli (eye-like spots) found on many species of angel sharks. White or pale colored bellies are also occasionally seen. Some species have white- or black- edged fins as well.
Size Level: 7
Height: Up to 6 feet (2 m)
Weight: Varies
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 50
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +6 to Swimming Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Pelvic Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with an upright, flat head, eyes on front of head; thick, brown skin; flat arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, mottled skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Slightly pointed features; hairless, splotchy skin.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Carpet Sharks
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Carpet sharks comprise the family Orectolobiforme. They are notable for having a carpet pattern coloration. Distinct features include two dorsal fins and a small mouth. Bamboo Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Whale Sharks, Wobbegongs, and Zebra Sharks are the most notable species. Coloration widely varies due to the natural camouflage pattern of the species, with yellow, brown, dark brown, gray, and white colors. Some species have additional small flaps which look like vegetation.
Size Level: Bamboo Sharks SL 4, Whale Sharks SL 25, All others SL 20.
Height: Wobbegong 3.2 m
Bamboo Shark 46-107 cm
Nurse Sharks 3.2-4.3m
Zebra Sharks 11.5 feet
Whale Sharks up to 18 meters (59 ft)
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: Bamboo Sharks 65, All Others 0
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +10 to P.S., +4 to P.P.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with an upright, flat head, eyes on front of head; thick, patterned skin; flat arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, patterned skin; short arms & legs.
15 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features; hairless, mottled skin; doughy-looking.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Gripping Teeth
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Small Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Camouflage Pattern
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
15 BIO-E for Camouflage Flaps
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Bullhead/Horn Sharks
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Bullhead and Horn Sharks comprise the Heterodontiformes family of small, bottom-feeding sharks. Distinctive features include a mouth set farther back than usual, an anal fin, and two dorsal fins. Coloration includes brown with black spots, light gray-brown body with dark brown harness-like patches, broad black bands, and small dark dorsal fins with white streaks. These sharks are typically found in coastal regions.
Size Level: 5
Height: 1.6-6 feet
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 60
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, dark mottled skin; flat arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with a blunt snout, eyes on side of head; thick, dark mottled skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features; hairless, dark skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Hexanchiforme
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Hexanchiformes are the most primitive family of sharks, with only five species, the Bigeye sixgill shark, Bluntnose sixgill shark, Broadnose sevengill shark, Frilled shark and Sharpnose sevengill shark. These sharks appear fairly eel-like, have only one dorsal fin, an anal fin, and long, assymetrical tails. Coloration includes dark brown or grey, olive, dun, and gray or brownish with spots. They are generally found in coastal areas, though the Bluntnose Sixgill shark is more often found in deep water.
Size Level: SL 6
Height: 2.5-4.5 feet
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 55
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal and anal fins developed into two legs. 10 BIO-E for Partial or 15 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, dark skin skin; rounded arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, dark skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat elongated features; hairless, dark skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Mackeral Sharks
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Mackeral sharks are of the family Lamniforme. Characteristics include an anal fin, two dorsal fins, five gill slits, and a mouth that extends behind the eyes. This family of sharks include the Basking Shark, Goblin Shark, Great White Shark, Mako Shark, Megamouth Shark, Porbeagle Shark, Sand Tiger Shark and Thresher Shark. Coloration includes black, blue or dark brown back fading to a dull white belly (Basking sharks), pink (Goblin shark), pale or dark grey with a white underbelly (Great White), blue-black with a white underside (Mako), brown-black back with a white belly (Megamouth), dark blue-grey back with white belly and dorsal fin edge (Porbeagle), and brown-, blue- or purple-gray back with lighter belly (Threshers).
Size Level: Thresher SL 17, Basking/Bone SL 25, Great White SL 21, Mako SL 20, Porbeagle SL 16, Megamouth SL 19, Goblin SL 20, Sand Tiger SL 19
Height: Thresher: 10-25 ft, Basking/Bone: 20-40 feet, Great White: 13-20 feet, Mako: 9-13 feet, Porbeagle: up to 12 feet, Megamouth: up to 14.6 feet, Goblin: 6.6-12.6 feet, Sand Tiger: 6-10 ft
Weight: Thresher: 153-767 pounds, Basking/Bone: up to 16 tons, Great White: up to 4200 lbs, Mako: up to 1750 pounds, Porbeagle: 350-550 pounds, Megamouth: up to 1650 pounds, Goblin: ?, Sand Tiger: ?
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 45
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, blue & white skin; flat arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout, eyes on side of head; thick, pale front and dark back skin; short arms & legs.
20 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features; hairless; muscular-looking.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
10 BIO-E for Entangling Suction (Goblin Shark only)
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Whipping Tail (Thresher Sharks only)
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
10 BIO-E for Leaping[/b]: Standard (Mackeral Sharks only)
10 BIO-E for Advanced Teeth Touch (Great White Only)
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Requiem
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Requiem Sharks are from the family Carcharhinidae and includes (among many others) cat sharks, blue sharks, bull sharks, hammerhead sharks, hound sharks, and river sharks. They are known for having nictating membranes, no anal fin and two dorsal fins. Coloration is generally bi-colored, with a darker back and lighter belly. Back colors include dark grey, grey, grey-brown, brown, bronze, light-brown, blue, yellow-grey, deep blue, ashley blue, dusky bronze, or bronze gray. Belly colors are typically white, though cream, off-white, yellowish, pale grey, or light blue do occur. Most of requiem sharks have a patterned appearance, including patches, spots, and stripes. These include white tips and margins, black fins, bands of white on the side, black or dusky-tipped fins, prominent black margins, white patterns on the leading edge of the dorsal fin, black tips on the dorsal fin, light and dark fins and margins, golden-brown patches near the eyes, among other, similar patterns.
Size Level: 10 (an average)
Height: Varies significantly
Weight: Varies.
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 45
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, blue & white skin; flat arms and legs. Note[/b]: Hammerhead sharks have the distinctive “hammer” shaped head.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated snout (widened in the case of the hammerhead), eyes on side of head; thick, skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features (wide in the case of the hammerhead); hairless, pale skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Gripping Teeth
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
5 BIO for Nictating Membrane (eye armor, Requiem Sharks only)
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Sawshark
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Saw sharks are from the family Pristiophoriformes and are notable for having a long, sawblade-like snout. There are only five species of this type of shark. Key features also include no anal fin and two dorsal fins. Typical coloration includes pale brown, grey-brown, pale yellow-brown, brown, and dark brown on the back and white on the belly. Also dark blotches, brown stripes or brown spots are often present.
Size Level: 6
Height: to 5.5 feet
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 55
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +6 to P.S., +4 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, brown splotchy skin; flat arms and legs.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with a saw for a snout, eyes on side of head; thick, brown skin; short arms & legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features; hairless, brown skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Light Denticles (skin-teeth)
10 BIO-E for 3D6 damage Saw Blade Nose
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5BIO-E for Master Swimming
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:Shark: Squaliforme
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Squaliformes are an order of sharks consisting primarily of the Bramble Sharks (Bramble Shark & Prickly Shark), Dogfish Sharks (Mandarin dogfish, Cuban dogfish, and all Spurdogs), Gulper Sharks (Bidrdbeak Dogfish, rough longnose dogfish, Arrowhead dogfish, & Longsnout dogfish), and Sleeper Sharks (Bareskin dogfish, Black dogfish, Combtooth dogfish, Cookiecutter shark, Granular dogfish, Greenland Shark, Hooktooth dogfish, Kitefin shark, Lanternshark, Little Sleeper Shark, Longnose velvet dogfish, Longnose pygmy shark, Pacific sleeper shark, Plunket shark, Pocket shark, Prickly dogfish, Pygmy shark, Rasptooth dogfish, Roughshark, Roughskin dogfish, Sherwood dogfish, Taillight shark, Velvet dogfish, Viper dogfish, and many others).
They are notable for having no anal fin, two dorsal fins, and no nictating membranes. Some species are known for having a wide variety of denticles and several varieties have spines. All Sleeper Sharks, except for the Pacific Sleeper Shark, have luminescence or luminescent (green or pale blue-green) patches. Many are deep ocean sharks, with depth tolerances up to (2360 meters). General coloration is white, off-white, pearl-grey light grey, brown, grey, dark brown, dark grey, black, blackish-brown, or greyish-brown. Large green eyes, patches, paler bellies, white spots on the back, and white tipped, grayish, black-tipped or translucent fins are also common.
Size Level: Bramble Sharks SL 20, Dogfish Sharks SL 4, Gulper Sharks SL 5, Pygmy Sharks (Granular dogfish, Longnose pygmy shark, & Pygmy shark) SL 1, Small Sleeper Sharks SL 5, Large Sleeper Sharks (Greenland, Pacific Sleeper, Little Sleeper, Kitefin, & Roughsharks) SL 20
Height: Varies from as little as 22 cm to as large as 7.3 m.
Weight: Varies
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: Bramble Sharks & Large Sleeper Sharks 0
Dogfish Sharks 65
Gulper Sharks & Small Sleeper Sharks 60
Pygmy Sharks 80
Attribute Bonuses: Brute Strength, +4 to P.S., +3 to P.P., +10 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: None. Dorsal fins have developed into two legs. 10 BIO-E for Partial or 20 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Humanoid shark with a shark’s head bent at a 90 degree angle, eyes on side of head; thick, greyish skin; flat arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Pointed head with elongated or shortened snout, eyes on side of head; thick, colored skin; short arms & legs.
15 BIO-E for Full; Somewhat pointed features; hairless, dark or pale, rough skin; thin-looking.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Light Denticles (skin-teeth)
5 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Fin Spines
10 BIO-E for 3D8 damage Cutting Teeth
10 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Moderate Denticles
15 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Heavy Denticles
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
5 BIO-E for Luminscent Patch (Sleeper Sharks, excepting Pacific Sleeper, only)
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
10 BIO-E for Swimming: Predator
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Dual Breathing
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor
20 BIO-E for Increased Metabolic Rate (139)
20 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
30 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Armor
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Limited Buoyancy
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-5 BIO-E for Limited Respiration
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-20 BIO-E for Upside Down Paralysis
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:SKATE
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Skates are benthic (bottom-dwelling) rays belonging to the family Rajidae. There are about 230 species of skates belonging to 14 genera. While they generally appear like rays, they have a slender, flattened tail, two distinct dorsal fins, and may have a reduced caudal fin. They lack the stinging spine of other rays. Common skates are generally similar in appearance, having distinct, wedge-shaped pectoral wings connected to a triangular head. Other skates may have a more rounded, or oval appearance with a less-elongated head. Like rays, the mouths are located ventrally with the eyes located dorsally. Coloration varies widely, with generally darker dorsal surfaces and lighter ventral surfaces. Colors include grey, brown, grey-brown, red-brown, yellow-brown, olive green, green, purple, red-grey, blue and yellow. Spotted patterns and ocelli (eye-like spots) may also be present.
Size Level: Small Skate = SL 2, Medium Skate = SL 11, Large Skate = SL 23
Height: Small Skate = 6 inches to 3 feet (14-91 cm).
Medium Skate = 4-6 feet (122-183 cm).
Large Skate = 7-11 feet (213-342 cm).
Weight: Varies
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: Small Skate = 75, Medium Skate = 30, Large Skate = 0
Attribute Bonuses: +3 to M.E. and +3 to P.E.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Pelvic Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Wide, flat head, legs, and arms.
10 BIO-E for Partial; A mutant that looks to be half-man, part-bat with an almost shark-like head and face, short legs, wings, and a stout, thick-skinned body with a flattened tail.
20 BIO-E for Full; A human-looking character with very large wings. The nose is generally small, the mouth wide with thin lips, piercing eyes. Hairless, though may have a noticeable tail.
Natural Weapons:
10 BIO-E for 2D8 damage Crushing Teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Total Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
Mephisto wrote:Starfish
Description: Starfish (also known as Sea Stars) are invertebrates with several limbs protruding from a central “disc” that surround the body in a geometric shape. They are complex creatures with several unique abilities. They travel by using tube feet on the underside of each arm and use the tube feet for gripping things and feeding. The mouth is on the underside and they have a tough skin. They are generally poor swimmers.
Size Level: 1
Length: Varies
Weight: Varies
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: 90
Attribute Bonuses:
P.E.: +1
Hands: Partial hands are automatic, because the Starfish's arms are the equivalent of partial hands (thanks to the tube feet).
5 BIO-E for Full. One pair of arms has three branches at the end of each that serve as two fingers and a thumb. Note: must be bought for EACH Extra Pair of Arms for full use.
Biped: None; Crawls along with arms.
10 BIO-E for Partial (two stubby legs and torso).
15 BIO-E for Full (the arms are mutated into arms and legs).
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Brightly-colored body and arms with the five arms protruding from the main body. Tube feet protrude from the underside of the arms that are used for gripping.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Humanoid arms and legs are made out of four of the five arms; the fifth arm is mutated into either hair or a tall extension on the top of the Sea Star that flips down; body is brightly colored with the tube feet running along the palms and soles of feet. Clearly not human!
Full Human Looks are NOT available.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Bite
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Advanced Touch
5 BIO-E for Swimming 50%
15 BIO-E for Tough Skin. Natural A.R. of 7 and +15 to S.D.C.
20 BIO-E for Regeneration. The Sea Star can regenerate a lost arm or leg in 1D6 months. Damage to the main disc body cannot be regenerated.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore.
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-20 BIO-E for Vestigial Disadvantage: Environment: Marine (requires to be in water to survive)
-5 BIO-E per pair for Vestigial Disadvantage: Arm (tentacle version of vestigial tail)
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:STINGRAY
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Stingray is the common name of the Dasyatidae family of rays, though it is generally applied to any ray with a stinging tail. This family of rays contains six genera containing 72 species. There are two general types of stingrays however, the most common are benthic (bottom) stingrays, with pelagic (swimming) being the other type. In the family Dasyatidae, there is actually only one type of pelagic ray, the Pelagic Stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea), the rest of the "pelagic" stingrays are actually eagle rays. Noted features of benthic stingrays are the diamond-, oval-, rhomboid-, rounded-, triangular, or wedge-shaped pectoral wings and their stinging tail. Like all rays they have a generally short snout, eyes on their dorsal surface, and mouths on their ventral surface. Most benthic rays can be found bledned into the ocean, river, or lake bottom while feeding, with generally only the eyes and tail visible. Coloration is highly varied with generally a darker dorsal surface and lighter ventral surface. Dorsal colors and patterns include black or nearly black, blue-grey, blue-green, brown, dark olive green, dark brown, dark purple, grey-brown, grey, olive-green, red-brown, yellow, or yellow-brown. Spots or patches, including brilliant yellows, vibrant blues, and whites are also commonplace. Ventral coloration is typically white, though gray and purple hues do exist.
Size Level: Small Stingray = SL 3, Medium Stingray = SL 7, Large Stingray = SL 17
Height: Short Stingray = 4 inches to 3 feet (10-100 cm) long.
Medium Stingray = 3-6.5 feet (100-200 cm) long.
Long Stingray = 6.5-14 feet (200-430 cm) long.
Weight: Varies, up to 770 lbs (350 kg).
Build: Short
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: Small Stingray = 70, Medium Stingray = 50, Large Stingray = 0
Attribute Bonuses: +1 to P.S. and +2 to P.P.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
10 BIO-E for full hands at the end of the pectoral fins (applicable even with arms and hands).
20 BIO-E for Extra Limbs; a set of fully developed arms and hands.
Biped: None. Pelvic Fins have developed into two legs. 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; An intelligent ray.
10 BIO-E for Partial; A mutant that looks to be half-man, part-bat with an almost shark-like head and face, short legs, wings, and a stout, thick-skinned body with a whip-like tail.
20 BIO-E for Full; A human-looking character with very large wings. The nose is generally small, the mouth wide with thin lips, piercing eyes, and may or may not have horns. Hairless, though may have a noticeable tail.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 damage Barbed Tail
10 BIO-E for 2D6 damage Crushing Teeth
10 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Light Denticles
15 BIO-E for Poison Tail (for poison effects, see MDU, page 23, under Deadly Poison Venom)
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Breathing: Gills
5 BIO-E for Electroreception (Detect Electrical Fields)
5 BIO-E for Sense Movement - Similar to Sensor Whiskers, but no air usage.
5 BIO-E for Master Swimming
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath (in the air)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Breathing: Lungs
20 BIO-E for Breathing: Dual Breathing
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for No Gills
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hand and Feet
-5 BIO-E for Color Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Total Blindness
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:TANCHO (Red-crowned Crane)
Description: The Red-crowned Crane is a large crane typically found in marshes and swamps which eats small amphibians, insects, and plants.
Size Level: 5
Height: up to 53 inches
Weight: 20-30 pounds
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +1 to P.S. and +2 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: Full, on wings
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: Partial. Winged humanoid covered in snow-white feathers. Head is more human-like but the creature still has an elongated beak, beady eyes, a red patch on top of the head, long neck, thin body, long powerful legs.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Beak
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Advanced Vision (MiA, 14)
5 BIO-E for Glide
15 BIO-E for Basic Flight
20 BIO-E for Soaring Flight
5 BIO-E for Hold Breath
25 BIO-E for Karmic Power (HU2, 278-279)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Webbed Hands & Feet
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Skin (The skin becomes bright red when the crane becomes angry or excited.)
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:TANUKI (Racoon Dog)
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: The racoon dog is a canine often confused with raccoons or badgers. Tanuki are omnivores, with their diet typically consisting of berries, birds, crabs, frogs, invertebrates, lizards, rodents, seeds, and scavenged marine life.
Size Level: 4
Height: to 2 feet
Weight: 9-22 pounds
Build: Short
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 55
Attribute Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., Brute Strength and +4 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; It is a dog that for all argument looks just like a raccoon, raccoon markings and body structure in all. It has a very thick body, stout legs, small rounded ears, and bushy tail. Their thick, short fur is a grizzled grey in color, with dark areas around the eyes, the legs and the tip of the tail, and lighter areas on the muzzle and underneath their tail. The canine teeth are small.
5 BIO-E for Partial; Furry humanoid with a prominent grey face with black "mask like" pacthes over eyes, long tail, lean muscular body and short legs.
10 BIO-E for Full; Humanoid with small sharp facial features, dark circles around the eyes, pointed nose and ears, grey thick hair, lean tight body and no tail (unless a Vestigial one is taken).
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Teeth
10 BIO-E for 1D4 damage Running Claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision (otherwise color blind)
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Extra Intelligence Quotient
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Affinity
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
10 BIO-E for Extraordinary Speed
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Winter Torpor (80)
10 BIO-E for Ability to Play Dead (124)
10 BIO-E for Digging
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-15 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Testicles (These extremely large reproductive organs make life difficult for the character. They generally get in the way and tend to be extremely sensitive. Reduce running speed by 30% and make a saving throw vs pain for every 50 yards traveled (at any speed).)
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
Mephisto wrote:Water Buffalo
Description: These beasts are of Asian descent, and can be found in South Asia including Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar.
Size Level: 20
Length: to 8-10 feet long (2.4 to 3 m), Five and a half feet (1.7 m) at the shoulder
Weight: to 2000 pounds (900 kg) for males, 1600 pounds (720 kg) for females
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: Zero
Attribute Bonuses:
P.S.: +5 (Brute Strength)
P.E.: +5
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None; Round body, with long legs and neck, horns that curve after they extended outward on each side of the head. Long, narrow face has dark eyes and small ears. Body is covered in dark fur with a short tail.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Round body with powerful arms and legs and a slightly hunchbacked body. Narrow face has dark eyes and nearly normal ears. Short tail.
10 BIO-E for Full. Round body with powerful arms and legs, narrow face with dark eyes, slightly hunchbacked body. Short tail and ears just slightly larger than a humans.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Hands: 1D6 Punch
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 1D8 Kick.
10 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 2D8 Kick.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Horns
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
10 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet Restriction: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Hooves
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Horns
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Musk Glands
Mephisto wrote:Wildebeest
Description: Wildebeests are large horned ungulates that exist primarily on the Serengeti. They are a large and exist primarily in herds that they use to help defend themselves from predators with.
Size Level: 15
Length: to seven feet (2.1 m)
Weight: to 600 pounds (67 kg)
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses:
P.S.: +2
P.E.: +3
Spd.: +4
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None; Round body, with long legs and neck, horns that curve after they extended outward on each side of the head. Long, narrow face has dark eyes with a black beard under the mouth. Long, horse like tail with a mane that goes from the top of the neck to the “hump” on the back. Long ears.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Round body, with a linebacker-type physique; powerful legs with an even more powerful upper body. Narrow face has dark eyes, a less pronounced whiskered chin with a mane running up from the neck to the middle of the shoulder blades. Short tail and less pronounced ears.
10 BIO-E for Full. Round body with powerful arms and legs, narrow face with dark eyes, slightly hunchbacked body with a mane just on the top of the neck. Short tail and ears just slightly larger than a humans.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Hands: 1D6 Punch
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 1D8 Kick.
10 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 2D8 Kick.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Horns
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Brute Strength
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
15 BIO-E for Extra Speed that uses second bonus (cannot be combined with above)
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Standard
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet Restriction: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Hooves
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Horns
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Musk Glands
Mephisto wrote:Yak
Description: Yaks are beasts of burden that live in Central Asia, ranging from Mongolia to Tibet. They live in nomadic packs ranging in size from 10-30 animals.
Size Level: 20
Length: 9-11 feet long (2.7 to 3.3 m); up to six feet (2.0 m) at the shoulder
Weight: 800 to 1000 pounds (360 to 450 kg)
Build: Medium
Total BIO-E: Zero
Attribute Bonuses:
P.S.: +5 (Brute Strength)
P.E.: +7
Hands: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Biped: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: 5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: None; Round body, with short legs with upward curving horns. Long, narrow face has dark eyes and a slight hump on the back. Ears are small, with dark fur and a white stripe on the underbelly. Tail is short.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Round body, with a linebacker-type physique; powerful legs and arms with an even more powerful upper body. Narrow face has dark eyes, short tail and almost normal human ears.
10 BIO-E for Full. Round body with powerful arms and legs, narrow face with dark eyes, slightly hunchbacked body. Short tail and ears just slightly larger than a humans.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Hands: 1D6 Punch
5 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 1D8 Kick.
10 BIO-E for Hoofed Feet: 2D8 Kick.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 Horns
Mutant Animal Powers:
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Extra Mental Endurance
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Insulating Fur. This fur provides the character with Resistance against Cold, Wind, Rain, and Snow. Plus it provides +15 to S.D.C.
15 BIO-E for Extra S.D.C. The character gains +20 to S.D.C. May be combined with Insulating Fur.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet Restriction: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
-10 BIO-E for Prey Eyes.
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Hooves
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Horns
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Vestigial Musk Glands
duck-foot wrote:Insta-Gators:
Description: Someone before the Crash thought it would be a fun idea to create a pet alligator that could reproduce by budding in water. The insta-gator looks like a normal gator, only about 25% larger, have an opposable thumb, and it reproduces by budding (asexully) in water. The "buds" then in a matter of minutes (1D6) hatch into baby gators which in turn grow into adult-hood in a matter of weeks (1D4 weeks) who themselves are capable of budding. Needless to say this has created a population crises. And hunting tripes by the Empire of Humanity are frequent.
Size Level: 17
Length: to 25 or 30 feet (8 to 10 m)
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 10 for psionics only
Attribute Bonuses: +20 P.S. (Brute), +10 P.E., +6 Speed, +20 SDC
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically None
Speech: Automatically None
Looks: Automatically None. Looks basically like a regular gator, only its size, opossable thumbs and shine of intelliegnce in its eyes will give it away. Or if it is seen breeding.
Natural Weapons:
Automatically gets 4D6 Teeth
Automatically gets 2D6 Claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Nightvision
Automatically gets Hold Breath (at double usual rate)
Automatically gets Natural Armor 12 and +60 SDC.
Automatically gets Spore Reproduction: The insta-gator as already stated reproduces asexually by budding into the water (it must be water, no other liquid will work) the gator gives birth to 1D6x100 spores. All of which will grow into baby gators in a matter of 1D4 minutes, and into adults in 1D6 weeks.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically gets Rapid Growth: The mutant animal grows into an at an excellerated rate. During this time the insta-gator will need to eat 100 times more than normal to sustain its growth (it starves to death in 1 to 3 days without food), it is also extremely aggressive attacking anything that moves and looks like it can be eaten, even things larger than itself. Once it reaches adult-hood (a 1/100 chance) it will no longer need to eat like this and can go months without food.
Automatically gets Reptile Brain: Predator
Automatically gets Diet: Carnivore
duck-foot wrote:Liger:
Description: Ligers are born from a male lion and female tiger. They look like huge 12 ft (3.6 m) long lions with faded tiger stripes. The liger can weigh upto 1,000 lbs (440 kg). Despite popular belief the liger is not sterile and can mate with each other or lions and tigers.
Size Level: 16
Length: upto 12 ft long
Weight: upto 1,000 lbs (440 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +12 P.S. (Beastly), +5 P.E., +3 M.A., +10 SDC
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial. The paws form a barely possible thumb.
10 BIO-E for Full. The hand now has a thumb capable of complex movement, and the arms are human proportioned.
Biped: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full. The liger develops fully functional bipedal movement and a humanoid torso.
Speech: Automaticlly None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically None. Looks exactly like a large lion with faded tiger stripes.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Humanoid feline with a lion-like head, cat ears, and a long tail. The body is covered in fine fur.
10 BIO-E for Full. Human-like body, (although Full Look ligers tend to look like body builders) with faded tiger stripes running down the small of the characters back to his rump and fading near the ankles. Note: Bite attack can not be purchased with Full Human Looks.
Natural Weapons
5 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 3D6 teeth
15 BIO-E for 2D10+4 teeth
5 BIO-E for 2D6 claws
10 BIO-E for 3D6 claws
15 BIO-E for 2D10+4 claws
Mutant Animal Powers:
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Prowess
5 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
10 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
10 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
Vestigial Disadvantages:
- 10 BIO-E for taking Nocturnal
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-5 BIO-E for Vestigial Ears
duck-foot wrote:Dug-Dug (Genetic Chimera):
Description: Sometime before the Crash a company that specilized in Valentines product created these little furry creatures. The dug-dug resembles a furry little creature in the shape of a brown cotton-ball with tiny arms and legs and small beady black eys.
Size Level: 2
Height: 8 to 10 inches tall (17 to 30 cm)
Weight: upto one lb (1/2 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 30 (for psionics only)
Attribute Bonuses: -3P.S., -1 P.E., +6 I.Q., +4 P.B., +4 M.A.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Full
Biped: Automatically Full
Speech: Bird Speech (see below)
Looks: If one where to shave all the brown fluffy wool-like hair off of the dug-dug it would resemble a little pink human with big black eyes. As it is the fur is so pervasive that one cannot even see their hands and feet, just their big black eyes.
Natural Weapons: None
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically gets Nightvision
Automatically gets Advanced Vision
Automatically gets Bird Singing: The dug-dug talks in a tone of sweet melody and lullaby and "sings" everything it says. Its tone of voice is very high pitched and unnerving to those that have Advanced Hearing (-10% to skills due to lack of concentration). Automatically get the singing skill at +40%. Most people find thier voices very beautiful and soothing.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Other than the small size dug-dugs have no disadvantages.
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Black Widows are one of the most notorious species of spider in the world. They are well known due to their unique coloration and patterning. Black Widows are glossy black with a red hourglass pattern on their abdomen. In addition, they may also display bright (not necessarily red) spots near the spinerettes. After capturing prey in their web, they prefer to rush over, bite the prey to paralyze it, and then quickly enshroud the prey in a cocoon of webbing. They are also noted for their neurotoxic venom.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1.5 inches
Weight: 2-3 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -7 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +1 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom (This venom does a whopping 1D6x10 damage, direct to hit points, every melee round for 3D4 melee rounds, unless a successful saving throw vs lethal poison is made each melee.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Cannibalism
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Black Widows are one of the most notorious species of spider in the world. They are well known due to their unique coloration and patterning. Black Widows are glossy black with a red hourglass pattern on their abdomen. In addition, they may also display bright (not necessarily red) spots near the spinerettes. After capturing prey in their web, they prefer to rush over, bite the prey to paralyze it, and then quickly enshroud the prey in a cocoon of webbing. They are also noted for their neurotoxic venom.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1.5 inches
Weight: 2-3 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -7 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +1 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom (This venom does a whopping 1D6x10 damage, direct to hit points, every melee round for 3D4 melee rounds, unless a successful saving throw vs lethal poison is made each melee.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Cannibalism
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: An unusual spider which does not spin a typical web. The usual method of hunting for the spider is creating a sticky blob of material on the end of a line used to capture prey snagging it after the blob is tossed. Since the spider's toss is often a whirling motion, similar to the bolas, giving them the name Bolas Spider. In addition to this unusual method of ensnaring prey, they often also emit an attraction pheremone of the species they usually eat.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to ½ inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Small
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -5 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
5 BIO-E for Web Bolas (Can be used to Entangle, Trip, or Disarm, used more like a grappling hook than true bolas, it can still be thrown some distance (30 feet))
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
15 BIO-E for Chemical Odor (Skunk Spray, 134) [Bolas Spiders]
15 BIO-E for Pheremone Attraction (Each spider produces a pheremone of one specific prey species and is often dependent on only that species for food, see Attraction Pheremone, 127-128)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Single Species*
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting.
5. Diet: Single Species: Yeah, Bolas Spiders are often limited solely to the one species they produce pheremones to attract. If Diet: Single Species is selected, Pheremone Attraction must be selected (however the reverse is not true).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: An unusual spider which does not spin a typical web. The usual method of hunting for the spider is creating a sticky blob of material on the end of a line used to capture prey snagging it after the blob is tossed. Since the spider's toss is often a whirling motion, similar to the bolas, giving them the name Bolas Spider. In addition to this unusual method of ensnaring prey, they often also emit an attraction pheremone of the species they usually eat.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to ½ inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Small
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -5 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
5 BIO-E for Web Bolas (Can be used to Entangle, Trip, or Disarm, used more like a grappling hook than true bolas, it can still be thrown some distance (30 feet))
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
15 BIO-E for Chemical Odor (Skunk Spray, 134) [Bolas Spiders]
15 BIO-E for Pheremone Attraction (Each spider produces a pheremone of one specific prey species and is often dependent on only that species for food, see Attraction Pheremone, 127-128)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Single Species*
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting.
5. Diet: Single Species: Yeah, Bolas Spiders are often limited solely to the one species they produce pheremones to attract. If Diet: Single Species is selected, Pheremone Attraction must be selected (however the reverse is not true).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: The Brown Recluse Spider is noted for it's extremely venomous bite. Because the spider's venom is a necrotoxin, it is quite lethal to victims. Typical coloration varies from brown to light tan. with dorsal markings consisting of a violin‑ or fiddle‑shape. Their six eyes are typically arranged with two lateral pairs and one median pair. Unlike many web‑weavers, these spiders leave their webs to hunt at night.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 3/4 inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +3 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom (Venom does 4D6 damage, direct to hit points, each melee round for 2D4 melee rounds. The poison is so toxic that the character must roll to save vs lethal poison each melee he/she is affected. A successful save means that no damage occurs that melee.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Cannibalism
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Brown Recluse Spiders have six eyes instead of the normal eight. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can only be chosen once.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: The Brown Recluse Spider is noted for it's extremely venomous bite. Because the spider's venom is a necrotoxin, it is quite lethal to victims. Typical coloration varies from brown to light tan. with dorsal markings consisting of a violin‑ or fiddle‑shape. Their six eyes are typically arranged with two lateral pairs and one median pair. Unlike many web‑weavers, these spiders leave their webs to hunt at night.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 3/4 inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +3 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Deadly Poison Venom (Venom does 4D6 damage, direct to hit points, each melee round for 2D4 melee rounds. The poison is so toxic that the character must roll to save vs lethal poison each melee he/she is affected. A successful save means that no damage occurs that melee.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Cannibalism
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Brown Recluse Spiders have six eyes instead of the normal eight. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can only be chosen once.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: The Daddy Long‑legs or Cellar Spider (Pholcus Phalangioides) is often confused with two other, unreleated arthropods of the same name, the crane fly and harvestman. These light grey colored spiders are notable for shaking their webs violenetly when disturbed in an attempt to blur the vision of predators. Unlike other spiders, their mouth spikes are too small to hold typical prey. Contrary to myth however, they are not very poisonous at all. They are also quite strong, able to pick up prey much larger than themselves in their claws.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1/3 inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +12 to P.S., Brute Strength, +2 to P.P., +6 to P.E., -2 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: The Daddy Long‑legs or Cellar Spider (Pholcus Phalangioides) is often confused with two other, unreleated arthropods of the same name, the crane fly and harvestman. These light grey colored spiders are notable for shaking their webs violenetly when disturbed in an attempt to blur the vision of predators. Unlike other spiders, their mouth spikes are too small to hold typical prey. Contrary to myth however, they are not very poisonous at all. They are also quite strong, able to pick up prey much larger than themselves in their claws.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1/3 inch
Weight: 1 ounce
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +12 to P.S., Brute Strength, +2 to P.P., +6 to P.E., -2 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Jumping Spiders are hunting spiders which have good vision and are capable of incredible jumping. They typically have eight eyes arranged in three or four rows, with the front row enlarged and forward facing and the others situated back on the cephalothorax. Coloration and patterns vary widely. Jumping Spiders are notable for leaping onto their prey and they can carry out complex maneuvers including detouring around obstacles. Their most notable trait is their curiosity. Some species of jumping spiders have two wing‑like flaps tucked underneath their abdomen which can be extended during a jump, allowing the spider to glide.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to ½ inch
Weight: 1 ounce or less
Build: Small
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -4 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Ultraviolet per set of eyes
10 BIO-E for Leaping Ability[/b]: Spider (can leap 200 feet high or lengthwise!)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Gliding
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
3. Spider Web & Line Options: Can NOT make Silk Webs/Netting
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Jumping Spiders are hunting spiders which have good vision and are capable of incredible jumping. They typically have eight eyes arranged in three or four rows, with the front row enlarged and forward facing and the others situated back on the cephalothorax. Coloration and patterns vary widely. Jumping Spiders are notable for leaping onto their prey and they can carry out complex maneuvers including detouring around obstacles. Their most notable trait is their curiosity. Some species of jumping spiders have two wing‑like flaps tucked underneath their abdomen which can be extended during a jump, allowing the spider to glide.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to ½ inch
Weight: 1 ounce or less
Build: Small
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -4 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +3 to P.E., -5 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Ultraviolet per set of eyes
10 BIO-E for Leaping Ability[/b]: Spider (can leap 200 feet high or lengthwise!)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Gliding
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
3. Spider Web & Line Options: Can NOT make Silk Webs/Netting
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Net‑Casting Spiders are nocturnal hunters with excellent nightvision who use an unusual technique to capture prey. They create a net of webbing which is suspended between their front legs, which they expand to two or three times its normal size and then leap onto their prey, entangling it in the webbing. Their nightvision eyes are so large that they typically appear to have only two eyes instead of eight. The most notable species has a face which appears quite similar to the mythological ogre.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -6 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +4 to P.E., -8 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Net-Casting (Snaring an opponent's weapon. The weapon becomes entangled and is pulled out of the persons hand.
Snare one's opponent. By throwing a large net completely over the opponent (up to size level 7), one can snare him. The intended victim must dodge or be netted. If caught in the net, the victim is ‑8 to strike, ‑10 to dodge, and ‑6 to parry. It will require 1D4 melees to break from the net, unless one has superior weapons or strength (Beastly Strength of 35+ or Crushing Strength of 24+). Note that though quite helpless while in the net, those attacking him will be doing a lot of damage to the net, thereby destroying it in a melee. If the person dodges the net, the net thrower will be without a weapon (it takes two hands and two melee attacks to throw a net) until he can draw another. Even if the net has a drawstring attached to it, the thrower will need one melee attack/action to pull it back to him or grab a different weapon. If the net is being used to parry, entangle, or whip an opponent, it can be used with one hand, while the other wields a sword or other weapon; parry the same as usual. Using the net as a whipping weapon does 1D4 damage.)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision (as per standard Nightvision, 71)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Net‑Casting Spiders are nocturnal hunters with excellent nightvision who use an unusual technique to capture prey. They create a net of webbing which is suspended between their front legs, which they expand to two or three times its normal size and then leap onto their prey, entangling it in the webbing. Their nightvision eyes are so large that they typically appear to have only two eyes instead of eight. The most notable species has a face which appears quite similar to the mythological ogre.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -6 to I.Q., +6 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.P., +4 to P.E., -8 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Net-Casting (Snaring an opponent's weapon. The weapon becomes entangled and is pulled out of the persons hand.
Snare one's opponent. By throwing a large net completely over the opponent (up to size level 7), one can snare him. The intended victim must dodge or be netted. If caught in the net, the victim is ‑8 to strike, ‑10 to dodge, and ‑6 to parry. It will require 1D4 melees to break from the net, unless one has superior weapons or strength (Beastly Strength of 35+ or Crushing Strength of 24+). Note that though quite helpless while in the net, those attacking him will be doing a lot of damage to the net, thereby destroying it in a melee. If the person dodges the net, the net thrower will be without a weapon (it takes two hands and two melee attacks to throw a net) until he can draw another. Even if the net has a drawstring attached to it, the thrower will need one melee attack/action to pull it back to him or grab a different weapon. If the net is being used to parry, entangle, or whip an opponent, it can be used with one hand, while the other wields a sword or other weapon; parry the same as usual. Using the net as a whipping weapon does 1D4 damage.)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision (as per standard Nightvision, 71)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Spitting Spiders are notable for spitting an immobilizing fluid composed of webbing and poison at their prey. They have six eyes arranged in three pairs. Coloration varies widely, though a flecked pattern of spots which may resemble writing is notable.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1/4 inch
Weight: less than 1 ounce
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +5 to P.S., Brute Strength, +5 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
10 BIO-E for Spit Poisonous Goo (Spitting Spiders are named such because they spit a fluid mixture of webbing and poison which immobilizes it’s victim by congealing on contact into a sticky and poisonous mass. To ensure that the victim is ensnared they sway from side to side, allowing them to cover the target in a Z-shaped pattern. Once someone is hit with this stuff they’ll discover that pulling it off is useless, it just keeps sticking to hands, feet, clothing, etc. It will also stick to cement, cars, telephone polls, other characters and anything else someone might use to try and scrape it off. Every melee round after being hit with the poisonous goo, the victim will have to make TWO saving throws. The first is a save vs Entanglement, this is a roll on percentile dice under the victim’s P.P. Failing a save means that the character is completely immobile until they can break free or the elasticity is neutralized. Characters with a Beastly Strength of 35+ or Crushing Strength of 24+ can break free within one melee round. Characters with a Brute Strength of 24 or better can break free withing 6 melee rounds of concentrated effort. The goo will stick to anything and keeps it’s elasticity for about 2 hours. It is waterproof (although it can be neutralized with kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and other chemical solvents) and it can’t be cleaned off, it just has to wear off. The second saving throw is vs non-lethal poison, to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. Range is 200 feet.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spitting Spiders have six eyes instead of the normal eight. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can only be chosen once.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Spitting Spiders are notable for spitting an immobilizing fluid composed of webbing and poison at their prey. They have six eyes arranged in three pairs. Coloration varies widely, though a flecked pattern of spots which may resemble writing is notable.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1/4 inch
Weight: less than 1 ounce
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -8 to I.Q., +5 to P.S., Brute Strength, +5 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
10 BIO-E for Spit Poisonous Goo (Spitting Spiders are named such because they spit a fluid mixture of webbing and poison which immobilizes it’s victim by congealing on contact into a sticky and poisonous mass. To ensure that the victim is ensnared they sway from side to side, allowing them to cover the target in a Z-shaped pattern. Once someone is hit with this stuff they’ll discover that pulling it off is useless, it just keeps sticking to hands, feet, clothing, etc. It will also stick to cement, cars, telephone polls, other characters and anything else someone might use to try and scrape it off. Every melee round after being hit with the poisonous goo, the victim will have to make TWO saving throws. The first is a save vs Entanglement, this is a roll on percentile dice under the victim’s P.P. Failing a save means that the character is completely immobile until they can break free or the elasticity is neutralized. Characters with a Beastly Strength of 35+ or Crushing Strength of 24+ can break free within one melee round. Characters with a Brute Strength of 24 or better can break free withing 6 melee rounds of concentrated effort. The goo will stick to anything and keeps it’s elasticity for about 2 hours. It is waterproof (although it can be neutralized with kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and other chemical solvents) and it can’t be cleaned off, it just has to wear off. The second saving throw is vs non-lethal poison, to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. Range is 200 feet.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spitting Spiders have six eyes instead of the normal eight. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can only be chosen once.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Tarantulas are a commonly known group of large, hairy spiders. Unlike web‑spinners, they actively hunt prey, typically with speed or from ambush. Most notable is the unique defense of some species of Tarantula, urticating hairs, which act as irritating (and occassionally) lethal barbs, can be found on the legs. The small eyes are typically set in two rows of four on the forward thorax. These eyes tend to be extremely poor in quality, often able to distinguish only light, darkness, and motion. Tarantulas typically hunt at night.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 13 inches
Weight: 3D6 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -7 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.E., -5 to P.B., +4 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
10 BIO-E for Crushing Claws (2D6 damage)
10 BIO-E for Urticating Hairs (These are small, barbed hairs used as a defense mechanism. Victim must save vs pain or take 3D4 damage.)
20 BIO-E for Launching Urticating Hairs (Same as Urticating Hairs above, but can be launched up to 30 feet away.)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting.
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Tarantulas are a commonly known group of large, hairy spiders. Unlike web‑spinners, they actively hunt prey, typically with speed or from ambush. Most notable is the unique defense of some species of Tarantula, urticating hairs, which act as irritating (and occassionally) lethal barbs, can be found on the legs. The small eyes are typically set in two rows of four on the forward thorax. These eyes tend to be extremely poor in quality, often able to distinguish only light, darkness, and motion. Tarantulas typically hunt at night.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 13 inches
Weight: 3D6 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -7 to I.Q., +8 to P.S., Brute Strength, +4 to P.E., -5 to P.B., +4 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
10 BIO-E for Crushing Claws (2D6 damage)
10 BIO-E for Urticating Hairs (These are small, barbed hairs used as a defense mechanism. Victim must save vs pain or take 3D4 damage.)
20 BIO-E for Launching Urticating Hairs (Same as Urticating Hairs above, but can be launched up to 30 feet away.)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
15 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting.
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Trapdoor spiders construct underground burrows covered by a hinged trapdoor made from soil, spider silk, and vegetation. Coloration is typically dark; black, brown, and grey colors being most common. They are ambush predators, alert to vibrations near their burrow, from which they spring out to capture prey which wanders too close.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 2/3 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Web & Line Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Trapdoor spiders construct underground burrows covered by a hinged trapdoor made from soil, spider silk, and vegetation. Coloration is typically dark; black, brown, and grey colors being most common. They are ambush predators, alert to vibrations near their burrow, from which they spring out to capture prey which wanders too close.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 2/3 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Web & Line Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Spiders are typically web-spinning insectivores or carnivores who build a web to catch prey. They are typically nocturnal and prefer to bite prey as soon as possible.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -10 to I.Q., +2 to P.S., Brute Strength, +2 to P.P., +2 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Web & Line Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Spiders are typically web-spinning insectivores or carnivores who build a web to catch prey. They are typically nocturnal and prefer to bite prey as soon as possible.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 1 inch
Weight: 1-2 ounces
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -10 to I.Q., +2 to P.S., Brute Strength, +2 to P.P., +2 to P.E., -4 to P.B.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
20 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at running speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets* (115)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Web & Line Options: Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Wolf spiders are typically wandering hunters rather than ambush predators. They typically have good eyesight and are both day and night hunters.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 2 inches
Weight: 2-4 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -6 to I.Q., +10 to P.S., Brute Strength, +5 to P.P., +4 to P.E., -6 to P.B., +5 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People
), this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
3. Spider Legs & Hands Options. Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting
Original Animal Characteristics
Description: Wolf spiders are typically wandering hunters rather than ambush predators. They typically have good eyesight and are both day and night hunters.
Size Level: 1
Height: up to 2 inches
Weight: 2-4 ounces
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E: 105
Attribute Bonuses: -6 to I.Q., +10 to P.S., Brute Strength, +5 to P.P., +4 to P.E., -6 to P.B., +5 to Spd.
Human Features
Hands: 10 BIO-E for one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
15 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet (MiO, page 42; spiders have eight legs, otherwise unchanged)
20 BIO-E for two sets of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
25 BIO-E for two sets of Full Humanoid arms and Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
30 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Partial Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
35 BIO-E for one set of Clawed hands and feet and one set of Full Humanoid Arms & Hands (Still has four legs for walking)
Biped: 2 BIO-E for Eight legs for walking (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Eight legs for running (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for jumping (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Eight legs for Burrowing (as per digging claws, 69, the maximum running/walking speed is as per Eight legs for Jumping)
15 BIO-E for Eight Legs for Climbing & Clinging at walking speed (MiO, page 42)
5 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped (MiO, page 42)
10 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a second pair of partial limbs used as both arms and legs (MiO, page 42)
15 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a third pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
20 BIO-E for Two-legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs used both as arms and legs.
10 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid (Like Two-legged Biped without partial limbs, the other legs (those not turned into Hands) are shriveled, useless stumps).
20 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with a set of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can only be used with one set of Hand/Claw Options.)
30 BIO-E for Four-Legged Centauroid with two sets of partial limbs used both as arms and legs. (Can not be used with any Hand/Claw Options.)
Speech : 5 BIO-E for Partial or 10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: None; Spiders have two body segments (tagmata); the cephalothorax or prosoma, where the head and thorax are joined and a opisthosoma or abdomen. The two segments are connected by a pedicle (thin waist) which allows them to move the opisthosoma in all directions. All spiders have eight legs. In addition to the liquid sucking mouth, spiders have two pedipalps which help in digesting food. They also typically have fangs.
10 BIO-E for Partial; Likely centauroid in appearance (multiple legs), with claws instead of regular hands, a hard carapace, multiple eyes, and mandible-style mouth.
20 BIO-E for Full; Only possible with the purchase of one set of full humanoid arms & hands and Two-Legged Biped. The character appears as a long and spindly humanoid with a distinctively rounded waist and rounded shoulder region (the so-called “hourglass” figure), lacking ears, a separate nose and mouth (quite grotesque), and still having multiple eyes. GMs may feel free to use a Horror Factor of 1D4+6.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for Claws (1D6 damage)
5 BIO-E for Mouth Spikes (1D8 damage)
Mutant Animal Powers:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations (MiO, page 43)
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track by Sound Alone (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Light Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks (115‑116)
5 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify common, known objects/substances by touch (MiO, page 43)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters* (115)
10 BIO-E for Spider Adhesion Pads (116)
10 BIO-E for Medium Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Color Vision (not standard) per set of eyes ( as per Normal Human Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Hear Ultrasonic Sounds; super keen hearing
10 BIO-E for Vision: Nightvision per set of eyes (as per Limited Nightvision Eyes, 116)
10 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Track and Maneuver by Smell Alone (MiO, page 43)
10 BIO-E for Vision: Telescopic Eyes per set of eyes (116)
20 BIO-E for Heavy Exoskeleton Body Armor (MiO, page 43)
20 BIO-E for Paralytic Poison Venom (Victims must save vs non-lethal poison to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds.)
35 BIO-E for Digestive Fluid (see Chemical Attack, MIO 43)
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes*
-5 BIO-E for Vision: Standard Spider Eyes*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator*
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey*
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid [Basically the same as insectivore, with no diet restrictions, but must liquify whatever food source is to be used before it can be consumed (this can be through pulping, use of digestive fluid, or some other method of turning the food source into a liquid).
-15 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Insectivore (Similar to the liquid diet, except the only source of food is insects.)
-20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
1. Spider Eyesight: Spiders usually have eight eyes in various arrangement. These eyes are typically very poor in quality, combining both color blindness and nearsightedness in the same eye. Some spiders have more advanced eyes, allowing them to see at night, into the ultraviolet range, or as well as some birds of prey. For each set of eyes, the standard is both Color Blindness and Near-Sighted. Purchasing any vision option for a set of eyes eliminates this vestigial disadvantage from that set of eyes. Prey Eyes can be chosen for up to two sets of eyes.
2. Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled (like the Sand People

3. Spider Legs & Hands Options. Eight Legged Biped Options cannot be used with any of the Hand Features. Two-Legged Biped options can only be purchased up to the total number of legs, minus the hand options (i.e. Two-Legged Biped with a fourth pair of partial limbs cannot be purchased if a single set of partial, full, or clawed hands is selected).
4. Spider Web & Line Options: Cannot make Silk Webs/Netting
duck-foot wrote:Venus Fly-Trap (mutant plant: carnivorous)
Description: The venus-fly trap is a insectivorous flowering plant that has one central large "mouth". The plant stands on a few inches tall stalk and has very few leaves.
Size Level: 1
Hight: a few inches
Weight: a few grams
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 120
Attribute Bonuses: -4 I.Q., -4 P.B., +6 P.S., +2 P.E. -2 Speed
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. The mutant has no hands, just branches.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant plant grows thicker arm-like branches with a semi-opposable thumb. The "arm" has very few leaves.
15 BIO-E for Full. The branches form into human-like arms capable of complete movement; the thumb is opposable.
Biped: Automatically None. The mutant cannot move what so ever. His torso and lower body are immobile. His body ends in a "trunk" with many roots.
10 BIO-E for Partial: The roots come to togather to form thick "legs". The branches, although they now alloy movement, still do not have the finess of actual legs.
15 BIO-E for Full: The branches form into leg-like structures capable of complete human movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial. Voice is harsh and demonic.
10 BIO-E for Full. The mutants voice is just a little deeper than the average human.
Looks: Automatically None. The mutant appears as a green stalked plant with one colossal center yellow "mouth".
5 BIO-E for Partial. Green humanoid appearance, including a definable head and torso. The body has few noticable leaves and the central mouth only takes up the head not the entire body.
Full Human Looks is not possible.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 central mouth
10 BIO-E for 2D6 central mouth
15 BIO-E for 3D6 central mouth
20 BIO-E for 4D6 central mouth (not possible with partial looks)
Mutant Plant Powers:
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automaticall y gets Weather Resistance. All non-magical cold and heat based attacks deal only 3/4 thier normal damage.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: Plants breath carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and cannot be smothered.
Automatically gets Advanced Taste
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
10 BIO-E for Eyes. Plants have no eyes mutants might, however. The eyes appear as a set of glassy black lenses on the side of the"head". Grants sight equal to a regular humans.
10 BIO-E for Smell. Plants have no sense of smell. With this power the plant grows tiny slits where a humans nose would be. Giving the mutant asense of smell equal to a humans.
5 BIO-E for Touch. Plants have no sense of feeling. With this ability the plant can sense objects and physical interactions as a human would.
5 BIO-E Hearing. Plants cannot hear. This allows the plant to hear as well as a human.
10 for Photosynthesis. Plants, all plants (even carnivorous ones) subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the plants "body". This effectivly feeds the plant, negating the need for physical food. However, the plant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
10 BIO-E for Increased Healing. The plant heals SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an animal or human. The plant mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), including the "head". Note: the plants central nervous system or heart is in its foot (either one).
10 BIO-E for Healing Resin. The clear thick resin acts like a natural bandage and seals wounds from infection and further damage (such as blood loss) and allows for faster healing (heals an additional 1D6 to SDC or HP every hour). The resin hardens in 1D4 melees. The plant can produce one ounce of resin per P.E. point.
5 BIO-E for Roots: The plant has tiny strands hanging of its feet that look like green strands. They effectivly let the plant eat with its feet.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for taking Diet: Insectavore
-5 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Spider
-15 BIO-E for taking Plant Brain: Without focus the mutant may temporarily get lost in the enviourment around him. Oblivious to the passage of time and events around him. These peroids last only a few minutes (1D6) at a time. This only happens when the plant has lost focus or is bored and with nothing to do or when overwhelmed (save 14, P.E. bonuses are added in). During this time the mutant may not react with any one or any thing, and cannot defend himself even when attacked.
duck-foot wrote:Aloe Plant (mutant plant)
Description: Aloe are medium-sized plants that have many long fern-like branches. The branches are often used for thier soothing properties.
Size Level: 1 to 4
Hight: 1 foot to 4 foot tall (.3 to 1.2m)
Weight: 1 to 20 lbs (1/2 to 8 kg)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 100 (atleast 30 must be spent in Size Level)
Attribute Bonuses: None.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. The mutant has no hands, just branches.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant plant grows thicker arm-like branches with a semi-opposable thumb. The "arm" has very few leaves.
15 BIO-E for Full. The branches form into human-like arms capable of complete movement; the thumb is opposable.
Biped: Automatically None. The mutant cannot move what so ever. His torso and lower body are immobile. His body ends in a "trunk" with many roots.
10 BIO-E for Partial: The roots come to togather to form thick "legs". The branches, although they now alloy movement, still do not have the finess of actual legs.
15 BIO-E for Full: The branches form into leg-like structures capable of complete human movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: Automatically None. The mutant appears as a green stalked plant with many pedals on the "head" and few branches
5 BIO-E for Partial. Green humanoid appearance, including a definable head and torso.
10 BIO-E for Full. The plant looks basically human although the ever present leaves and vines will let one know it is a plant.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D4 forearm spikes
Mutant Plant Powers:
Automatically gets Plant Senses. Sense location of sun and moon at 90%, tell the exact time of day (within 15 to 20 minutes), can survive for one week per P.E. point without sunlight or water.
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: Plants breath carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and cannot be smothered.
10 BIO-E for Aloe Resin. This is very soothing chemical the mutant plant can secrete to treat rashes and skin irritations. It also makes the skin more soft and smoother. It can also heal minor wounds and cuts/scars. Heals 1 hit point per application ( 4 ounces), the aloe plant can make upto one ounce per P.E. point every eight hours.
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
10 BIO-E for Eyes. Plants have no eyes mutants might, however. The eyes appear as a set of glassy black lenses on the side of the"head". Grants sight equal to a regular humans.
10 BIO-E for Smell. Plants have no sense of smell. With this power the plant grows tiny slits where a humans nose would be. Giving the mutant a sense of smell equal to a humans.
5 BIO-E for Touch. Plants have no sense of feeling. With this ability the plant can sense objects and physical interactions as a human would.
5 BIO-E Hearing. Plants cannot hear. This allows the plant to hear as well as a human.
10 for Photosynthesis. Plants, all plants (even carnivorous ones) subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the plants "body". This effectively feeds the plant, negating the need for physical food. However, the plant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
10 BIO-E for Increased Healing. The plant heals SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an animal or human. The plant mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), including the "head". Note: the plants central nervous system or heart is in its foot (either one).
10 BIO-E for Healing Resin. The clear thick resin acts like a natural bandage and seals wounds from infection and further damage (such as blood loss) and allows for faster healing (heals an additional 1D6 to SDC or HP every hour). The resin hardens in 1D4 melees. The plant can produce one ounce of resin per P.E. point.
5 BIO-E for Roots: The plant has tiny strands hanging of its feet that look like green strands. They effectively let the plant eat with its feet.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey
-15 BIO-E for taking Plant Brain: Without focus the mutant may temporarily get lost in the enviornment around him. Oblivious to the passage of time and events around him. These periods last only a few minutes (1D6) at a time. This only happens when the plant has lost focus or is bored and with nothing to do or when overwhelmed (save 14, P.E. bonuses are added in). During this time the mutant may not react with any one or any thing, and cannot defend himself even when attacked.
duck-foot wrote:Oak Tree (mutant plant)
Description: The mighty oak is an impossing image of power even in a post-apocaliptic world. These flowering plants are massive and can stand over 100ft (30 m)tall. Note: that this can also be used for other trees such as pine, palm, redwood (Size Level: 50) and birch.
Size Level: 35
Hight: up to 100 ft tall (30 m)
Weight: tons
Build: Tall
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +20 P.S. (Crushing), +6 P.E., -4 P.P., -6 Speed
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. The mutant has no hands, just branches.
15 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant plant grows thicker arm-like branches with a semi-opposable thumb. The "arm" has very few leaves.
20 BIO-E for Full. The branches form into human-like arms capable of complete movement; the thumb is opposable.
Biped: Automatically None. The mutant cannot move what so ever. His torso and lower body are immobile. His body ends in a "trunk" with many roots.
20 BIO-E for Partial: The roots come to togather to form thick "legs". The branches, although they now alloy movement, still do not have the finess of actual legs.
25 BIO-E for Full: The branches form into leg-like structures capable of complete human movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial.
10 BIO-E for Full.
Looks: Automatically None. The mutant looks just like an oak tree, complete with bark and a vast amount of branches and leaves.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Brown (as in tree brown) or gray humanoid appearance, including a definable head and torso.
20 BIO-E for Full. The plant looks basically human although with brown or gray bark instead of skin, and the ever present leaves and vines will let one know it is a plant.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 1D6 log fists
10 BIO-E for 2D4 log fists
15 BIO-E for 2D6 log fists
20 BIO-E for 3D6 log fists (must ba atleast size level 15)
25 BIO-E for 4D6 log fists ( must be atleast size level 17)
30 BIO-E for 5D6 log fists (must be atleast size level 20)
40 BIO-E for 6D6 log fists (must be atleast size level 20)
Mutant Plant Powers:
Automatically gets Plant Senses. Sense location of sun and moon at 90%, tell the exact time of day (within 15 to 20 minutes), can survive for one week per P.E. point without sunlight or water.
Automatically gets Water Dowsing. The ability to find water 2D6+4 feet (roll once at character creation) under the ground at a range of 2 miles.
Automatically gets Plant Breathing: Plants breath carbon-dioxide throughout the entire body and cannot be smothered.
5 BIO-E for Hibernation
10 BIO-E for Sap Secretion. Sap is a sticky gooey adhesive that can be produced by the mutant. When spread over an area with a half inch of sap it can momentarily (1D6 rounds) glue and hold an object in place equal to a P.S. 24. A combined P.S. of 25 or higher is needed to pull free. A P.S. 30 or higher if a lot of sap was used (1/2 lb or more). The character can produce half a pound of sap per six hours.
10 BIO-E for Medium Bark Armor-AR:11 +40 SDC
20 BIO-E for Heavy Bark Armor-AR:14 +60 SDC
10 BIO-E for Eyes. Plants have no eyes mutants might, however. The eyes appear as a set of glassy black lenses on the side of the"head". Grants sight equal to a regular humans.
10 BIO-E for Smell. Plants have no sense of smell. With this power the plant grows tiny slits where a humans nose would be. Giving the mutant a sense of smell equal to a humans.
5 BIO-E for Touch. Plants have no sense of feeling. With this ability the plant can sense objects and physical interactions as a human would.
5 BIO-E Hearing. Plants cannot hear. This allows the plant to hear as well as a human.
10 for Photosynthesis. Plants, all plants (even carnivorous ones) subsists mainly on sugar created by water, soil and a chemical process that takes place in the plants "body". This effectively feeds the plant, negating the need for physical food. However, the plant will begin to starve after 3 days of no natural sun light.
10 BIO-E for Increased Healing. The plant heals SDC and Hit Points three times faster than an animal or human. The plant mutant can re-grow lost limbs in a matter of days (2D4), including the "head". Note: the plants central nervous system or heart is in its foot (either one).
10 BIO-E for Healing Resin. The clear thick resin acts like a natural bandage and seals wounds from infection and further damage (such as blood loss) and allows for faster healing (heals an additional 1D6 to SDC or HP every hour). The resin hardens in 1D4 melees. The plant can produce one ounce of resin per P.E. point.
5 BIO-E for Roots: The plant has tiny strands hanging of its feet that look like green strands. They effectively let the plant eat with its feet.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for taking Plant Brain: Without focus the mutant may temporarily get lost in the enviornment around him. Oblivious to the passage of time and events around him. These periods last only a few minutes (1D6) at a time. This only happens when the plant has lost focus or is bored and with nothing to do or when overwhelmed (save 14, P.E. bonuses are added in). During this time the mutant may not react with any one or any thing, and cannot defend himself even when attacked.
-5 BIO-E for taking Booming Voice. Everything the character says will be in a low-pitched, slow manner. The word "hi becomes "hhhhhhiiiiii". The character cannot speak quietly.
duck-foot wrote:Mosquito (insect):
Description: Mosquitos are flying nocturnal insects. The females subsits on a diet of blood to feed thier larva, whereas the males subsits on nectar. The females are much larger and more powerful than the males
Size Level: 1
Length: 1/2 cm to 1 inch (2 1/2 cm)
Weight: Negligable
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 150 (60 must be spent on size levels)
Attribute Bonuses: +2 P.P., +4 P.E. (save not applicable against magic), -5 P.B.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial (must pay BIO-E for each pair)
15 BIO-E for Full (must pay for each pair)
Biped: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Speech: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial
15 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically None. Tall, standing on six long legs that jut out from the side. A large abdomen hangs down just below the waist. The head has long antennae, multi facated eyes and a long proboscis. A pair of glisining wings are on ther back near the thorax. The chitin "skin" is thick.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Still tall mand thin, but looks more humanoid. The abdomen and thorax have been shortend and are less distinct. The main eyes and all insect features are reduced in size. The ocelli have disappeared and the anteanna are short and thick. The wings and proboscis are also reduced in size.
Full Human Looks is not possible.
Natural Weapon: females only
Automatically gets 1D4 proboscis stab
5 BIO-E for 1D6 proboscis stab
10 BIO-E for 2D4 proboscis stab
15 BIO-E for 2D6 proboscis stab
Mutant Animal Powers:
Note: see Mutants in Orbit pages 39-42 for some of these powers.
Automatically gets Optic Bonus: (+2 initiative, +1 strike and dodge)
Automatically gets Chemical Love (females only)
Automatically gets Advanced Vision
Automatically gets Wings and Basic Flight
-- 10 BIO-E for Soaring Flight
-- 10 BIO-E for Silent Flight
-- 15 BIO-E for Acrobatic Flight
Automatically gets Nightvision
Automatically gets 180* Vision ( +1 dodge)
Automatically gets Antennae: Smelling Powers
Automatically gets Advanced Taste
5 BIO-E for Antennae: Touch Powers
5 BIO-E for Antennae: Sensing Powers
5 BIO-E for Light Natural Exo-skeleton. A.R.: 9, +25 SDC
10 BIO-E for Medium Natural Exo-skeleton A.R.: 11, +40 SDC
5 BIO-E for Multiple Limbs: Arms (+1 attack and parry)
5 BIO-E for Multiple Limbs: Legs (+1 automatic dodge)
5 BIO-E for Adhesion (see HU2 pg 228)
10 BIO-E for Brute Strength
15 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
20 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary Physical Endurance
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Nocturnal
-5 BIO-E for taking Stupidity. Gives the mutant a -4 I.Q.
-5 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Prey
-10 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Wings
-10 BIO-E for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Light. The mutant insect must be around some type of minor light source (such as a lantern) at all times during the night. This is not a fear of the dark, rather the mutant just can't seem to get over wanting to be around light. The mutant must make a saving throw versus poison (12) or it will not leave the light source. Most mutants with this disadvantsge carry a lantern around with them.
-10 BIO-E for taking Phobia Fire. The mutant insect will not want to be around fire. It must save vs Horror Factor at a 14 or higher to be around fire (even camp fire scares the character) the mutant must remain atleast 50ft away form fire at all times. If the save fails the character flees in terror for 1D6+6 minutes in a random direction away from the fire.
-10 BIO-E for taking Diet: Hemovore. Character must drink blood to survive. Needs a number of pints of blood equal to size level per week. Without blood the character will starve to death.
duck-foot wrote:Europterid (Sea Scorpion):
Description: The europterid has a long thick segmented body covered by a chitaneous exo-skeleton. There are two or three pairs of insect-like fins (2-3 fins on each side), a squat, round spider-like head complete with gills and a scorpion-like tail. It lived 300 million years ago.
Size Level: 4
Length: upto 3 ft (.9 m)
Weight: upto 60 lbs (26 kg)
Build: Long
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 90 (at least 20 must be used for size level)
Attribute Bonuses: +6 P.S. (Brute), +4 P.E., +2 M.E., +6 to swimming Speed, -3 P.P., -4 P.B., +10 SDC
Human Features;
Hands: Automatically None (insectoid fins)
5 BIO-E for Partial (must pay for each pair of arms)
10 BIO-E for Full (must pay for each pair of arms)
Biped: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Segmented Legs. The mutant gains a centuaroid posture with two pairs of segmented legs becoming thick and strong enough to take the character out of water for more than a few minutes.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The character gains a partial human-like posture with one pair of the fins becoming thick leg-like structures capable of limited movement.
15 BIO-E for Full. The mutant's pair of fins become thicker and more leg-like including a "ball" that acts as a knee giving the character complete human-like movement.
Speecg: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial. Characters voice is harsh and demonic
10 BIO-E for Full. Characters voice is still demonic, but can be understood better.
Looks: Automatically None. Looks like an aquatic scorpion with 2 or 3 pairs of segmented fins, and 2 or 3 pairs of legs.
10 BIO-E for Partial. The mutant has a humanoid like appearance. Three part Segmented body. An insect-like head, powerful chitaneous thorax, and an abdomen that hangs below the waist.
Cannot purchase Full Human Looks.
Natural Weapons:
Note: Must pay for each pair of arms.
5 BIO-E for 1D6 mandible bite
5 BIO-E for 1D6 pincer claws
10 BIO-E for 2D6 pincer claws
15 BIO-E for 3D6 pincer claws
5 BIO-E for 2D6 tail stinger
10 BIO-E for 3D6 tail stinger
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Natural Light Exo-skeleton. A.R.9 +25 SDC
-- 10 BIO-E for Medium Natural Exo-skeleton. A.R.11 +40 SDC
-- 15 BIO-E for Heavy Natural Exo-skeleton. A.R.14 +60 SDC
-- 25 BIO-E for Ex.Heavy Natural Exo-skeleton. A.R.16 +80 SDC
-- 35 BIO-E for Very Heavy Natural Exo-skeleton. A.R.18, +100 SDC
Automatically has Advanced Vision
Automatically has Ultravoilet Vision
Automatically has 180* Vision. +1 dodge
Automatically has Master Swimming. Equal to advanced swimming skill. Can survive depths upto 1/2 mile under water. Swimming 90%
Automatically has Gills. Lets the mutant breath both on land and in the water.
5 BIO-E for Polarized Vision (tell direction by sun 90%)
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for 360* Vision. Can not be surprised. +1 parry and dodge
5 BIO-E for Extraordinary Physical Endurance
5 BIO-E for Sensory Organ. An or on the bottom of the stomach (or feet if bipedal) gives the mutant the ability to feel vibrations on the ground. Equal to Antennae: Vibration Sensing Ability. See MIO pg.43
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Aquatic Respitory System
duck-foot wrote:Styracosauras (Mutant Dinosaur: Ceratopid)
Description:The styracosauras is a lumbering quadrupedal. Ornithischian (bird hipped) ceratopid. Styracosaurs have large neck frills ornated with 3 pairs of horns on the side, that serves as a defense against predators. They have huge central horn above the nostrils on their beaks.
Size Level: 22
Length: 24 feet long (7.5 m)
Weight: upto 8 tons
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +10 P.S. (Brute), +4 P.E., -3 P.P., +10 SDC
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial. 5 fingered hands on stubby short arms.
15 BIO-E for Full. 4 fingered hands on arms proportioned to a humans of the characters size.
Biped: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial. Legs are short and thick, but allow for clumsy movement
20 BIO-E for Full. Character gains a human-like torso and legs capable of full movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically None. Character has a large thick neck frill with many stubby spikes on the side. Frill is 1 1/2 times bigger than the skull. The face has a short powerful beak, and a large central nose horn. A thick tail fully half the size of the character trails behind him.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Bony nudges adorn the characters skull, with small beady eyes under a thick brow. Body is wide and powerful, like a body-builders. Character has a short stubby tail no bigger than 2ft long.
10 BIO-E for Full. The character looks essentually human only the fine scales and small 2 inch horn on the nose will set him apart. Can pass easily for a human if wearing a lot of clothing.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D4 hooked beak
10 BIO-E for 2D6+3 frill supported hooked beak
5 BIO-E for 1D6 nose horn
10 BIO-E for 2D6 nose horn
5 BIO-E for 1D6 frill spikes
10 BIO-E for 2D6 frill spikes
5 BIO-E for 2D4 tail slap
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Extra Strength. Add 1D6+8 to P.S.
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor: A.R.:9 +25 SDC
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor: A.R.:11, +40 SDC
5 BIO-E for Extra Tough. Add +20 to SDC
5 BIO-E for Internal Compass
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Colarblindness
-10 BIO-E for taking Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Herbivore
-10 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Horns
duck-foot wrote:Daspletasauras (Mutant Dinosaur: Carnosaur)
Description:The daspletasauras is a carnosaur that resembles the tyrannosaurs. There are a few differences, however. The daspletasauras is shorter, but more muscular, and has a thicker tail and more stout build, its arms are also longer in proportioned to its body.
Size Level: 23
Length: 30 feet long (7.5 m)
Weight: upto 4 tons
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 0
Attribute Bonuses: +12 P.S. (Brute), +1 P.P., +4 P.E., -2 M.E., -1 M.A., +15 SDC
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial. 4 fingered hands on stubby short arms.
15 BIO-E for Full. 3 fingered hands on arms proportioned to a humans of the characters size.
Biped: Automatically None
10 BIO-E for Partial. Legs are short and thick, but allow for clumsy movement
20 BIO-E for Full. Character gains a human-like torso and legs capable of full movement.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically None. Character has a carnosaur-like head, with round black eyes, and sharp steak knife like teeth. Fine scales adorn the characters body. A thick tail fully the size of the character trails behind him.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Thick scales adorn the characters flanks and shoulders. The head although human-like has a mouth filled with sharp teeth. Body is wide and powerful, like a body-builders. Character has a short stubby tail no bigger than 2ft long.
10 BIO-E for Full. The character looks essentually human only the fine scales, tiny ears and small pointy teeth will set him apart. Can pass easily for a human if wearing clothing.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 4D6+4 teeth
5 BIO-E for Power Bite. Gives the character P.S. damage bonus in bite attacks.
10 BIO-E for Infectious Bite
5 BIO-E for 2D4 claws on the hands
10 BIO-E for 2D6 claws on the hands
15 BIO-E for 3D6 claws on the hands
5 BIO-E for 2D6 talons on the feet
10 BIO-E for 3D6 talons on the feet
5 BIO-E for 2D4 tail slap
10 BIO-E for 2D6 tail slap
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Extra Strength. Add 1D6+8 to P.S.
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Leaping: Standard
10 BIO-E for Leaping: Rodent
15 BIO-E for Leaping: Feline
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
10 BIO-E for Extra Physical Endurance
10 BIO-E for Extra Speed
10 BIO-E for Light Natural Armor: A.R.:9 +25 SDC
20 BIO-E for Medium Natural Armor: A.R.:11, +40 SDC
5 BIO-E for Extra Tough. Add +20 to SDC
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-5 BIO-E for taking Colarblindness
-10 BIO-E for taking Prey Eyes
-10 BIO-E for taking Reptile Brain: Predator
-5 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for taking Vestigial Tail
-10 BIO-E for taking Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for taking Musk Glands
-10 BIO-E for taking Stupidity. Gives the mutant -4 I.Q.
duck-foot wrote:Gastornis (Flightless bird of Prey)
Description: The "terror crane" was a flightless hunting ground bird the size of a horse that lived 50 million to 20,000 years ago. The gastornis used running to pursue prey, once caught the animal was torn apart by the terror cranes ferocious beak and claws on its wings.
Size Level: 12
Height: 7 to 8 ft tall (2.1 to 2.4 m)
Weight: 200 to 400 lbs (90 to 180 kg)
Build: Tall
Mutant Changes & Cos:
Total BIO-E: 25
Attribute Bonuses: +7 P.S. (Brute), +4 P.P., +2 P.E.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically Partial: The character has short wings with three fingers ending in sharp claws. Character has a semi-opposable thumb.
5 BIO-E for Full. Character has ull human sized arm-wings, ending in three sharp claws and a fully opposable thumb.
Speech: Automatically None
5 BIO-E for Partial. Characters voice is annoying and he tends to squawk
10 BIO-E for Full human like voice
Biped: Automatically Full. Character has a fully developed erect stance. The knees are inverted and he stands on his toes, like a dog.
Looks: Automatically None. Eyes set in the middle of the head right above a large curved beak.Body is feathered and muscular, with long legs ending in three curved sharp talons.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Wide bony face with small black eyes set wide on the sides. A small sharp hooked beak, long legs and large feet.
10 BIO-E for Full. Looks like a normal human, only feathers replace the head hair and the character has small beady eyes, and a large curved nose.
Natural Weapons:
*Note: Beaks and talons are not available for characters with full looks.
5 BIO-E for sharp claws on the hands 2D6
10 BIO-E for sharp claws on the hands 3D6
5 BIO-E for talons on the feet 2D4
10 BIO-E for talons on the feet 2D6
5 BIO-E for 2D6 beak
10 BIO-E for 3D6 beak
15 BIO-E for 4D6 beak
Mutant Animal Powers:
10 BIO-E for Beastly Strength
15 BIO-E for Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Extra Speed Runner
10 BIO-E for Extra Endurance
20 BIO-E for Glide
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
10 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
Vestigial Disadvantages:
Automatically has Vestigial Wings and tail, but without the usual penalities.
-10 BIO-E for taking Nocturnal
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes
-5 BIO-E for Nearsightedness
duck-foot wrote:Killer Whale
Description: A killer is the largest dolphin in the world. The killer whale or orca is a large carnivorous aquatic mammal. The orca has black skin a white belly and white markings on its side.
Size Level: 22
Length: upto 30 ft long ( 10m)
Weight: upto 6 tons
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Cost:
Total BIO-E: 20
Attribute Bonuses: + 1 I.Q., +15 P.S. (Beastly), +4 P.E., +10 to underwater Speed.
Human Features:
Hands: Automatically None. A pair of flippers.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Develops stubby and heavy short fingers.
15 BIO-E for Full. Three fingereds hands with fully developed thumbs and joints.
Biped: Automatically None. Has thick long flukes set atop a long tail.
10 BIO-E for Partial. Tail becomes two thick and stubby legs
15 BIO-E for Full. Character develops fully functional human-like legs.
Speech: Automatically None.
5 BIO-E for Partial
10 BIO-E for Full
Looks: Automatically None. Character has a large powerful build, with a thick wide head filled with sharp teeth, small dark eyes, a dark black complextion with white sides and a dorsal fin.
5 BIO-E for Partial. Body is more human-like, with flat thick features. Character has large amounts of both fat and muscle. Character has "orca" skin pattern and a small dorsal fin.
10 BIO-E for Full. Character has large thick rolls of muscle and fat on the body, small pointy teeth and "orca" skin pattern.
15 BIO-E for Perfect. Only pointy "elven" like ears, hairless body and orca skin pattern and coloration will set him apart.
Natural Weapons:
5 BIO-E for 2D6 teeth
10 BIO-E for 3D6 teeth
15 BIO-E for 4D6 teeth
Mutant Animal Powers:
Automatically has Hold Breath
Automatically has Aquatic Swimming. Can survive depths at 3,000 feet -1,000 feet the more human the character looks. Perfect looks is 500 feet maximum depth. Gets Swimming skill at 90%
10 BIO-E Crushing Strength
5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell
5 BIO-E for Advanced Vision
5 BIO-E for Nightvision
5 BIO-E for Extra Tough +20 SDC
10 BIO-E for Predator Burst
5 BIO-E for Synaptic Sleeper. Character enters a form of semi-conscious sleep. Can attack, walk and do most skills at 50% profiency when in this half sleep state.
10 BIO-E for Blubber. Character has a thick layer of insulating fat all over his body (+25% to weight) blunt, cold, and piercing attacks do 1/2 damage. +30 SDC.
Vestigial Disadvantages:
-10 BIO-E for Diet: Carnivore
-10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Predator
-5 BIO-E for Webbed Hands (can only be taken if character has hands). The webbing in between the fingers interferes with manual tasks. All skills that require the hands are at a -10%.