Help Make Characters for the Open House!

For discussion of the Palladium Open House, both past (May 2006 & May 2007) and possible future Open Houses. Who's going, games you're running or looking to play, etc.

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Help Make Characters for the Open House!

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I had an idea that may help Open House GMs, especially those doing pickup games and maybe even Kevin. We know that creating characters is the biggest time crunch for GMs. A player needs to make 1 and a GM needs to make 6+ for a convention game. I imagine with Kevin's schedule, he might need some help with his own game prep and I think all GMs effort is better spent on creating the adventure than crunching the character numbers.

Here's my idea:

1) GM's announce their needs for characters giving the number of characters, game system, level or XP limit and any other important parameters. Example: "Timmy needs 6 characters for a Nightbane game, give them 8,000 XP and $10,000 worth of equipment. I would like a mix of Nightbane and Human characters."

2) Anyone who wants to help (whether you are coming to the Open House or not) can post on this thread a fully developed character. This could be rolling up an all new character OR just cut and paste your favorite characters into the thread. Here's the important point - all characters need to be fully statted out and equipped with all numbers crunched AND give some general background / personality points as well.

3) Players at the Open House and the Ramada Late Night games are going to need characters for pick up games and on the spot adventures. The GMs for these games will need NPCs. My goal is that they could log in to this thread, cut and paste and BLAMMO they are playing instead of spending precious Open House hours just making characters.

4) This would be a very cool way for people unable to attend the Open House to be able to participate. Hopefully, we will hear about some of the adventures these "donated characters" had across the Megaverse!

So let's roll them dice, crunch them numbers and create some very cool characters!
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Unread post by Spinachcat »

gadrin wrote:I have 122 NPCs already built and ready to go. They're for Phase World, so may need to be adjusted or checked to see if they're ready for Rifts (several have Naruni Force Fields and Phase World weapons).

You're welcome to them. Most are moderate level say 3rd to 5th. A few might be "weirdo-combos" like things I was testing and Rifter OCCs or RCCs.

WOW. Thank you Gadrin!!!

Check out Gadrin's 122 characters right here! He also posted two very cool fully statted characters so you can see his excellent format!!

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Here are my characters for Rifts Rapa Nui. Feel free to cut, paste and mangle!

4th level Slave Borg

4th level ex-CS Grunt

3rd level Crazy

3rd level Juicer

4th level City Rat / minor psionic

4th level Rogue Scholar

OSCAR, the Saint of Garbage
6th level Vagabond / minor psionic

4th level Wilderness Scout

3rd level Shifter

3rd level Burster

1st level Ice Dragon

4th level Dog Pack
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Big Mecha Lucy

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4th level Partial Conversion Slave Borg

Alignment: Scrupulous
Description: Big Mecha Lucy is often mistaken for a D-bee because she is a mutant covered with a short blue fur and has large black eyes. The involuntary borg conversion left Big Lucy suffering from a rare neurosis. She believes she is a psychiatrist and tries to cure everyone around her.

Intelligence (IQ) 08 Physical Prowess (PP) 18
Mental Endurance (ME )10 Physical Endurance (PE) 14
Mental Affinity (MA) 09 Physical Beauty (PB) 10
Physical Strength (PS)22 Speed (Spd) 22

MDC 180

Ancient Weapon: Knife
Communications: Radio: Basic (65%)
Domestic: Cook (45%), Dance (45%), Fishing (55%)
Medical: First Aid (65%), Holistic Medicine (40%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Rifle
Science: Basic Math (60%)
Technical: Faerie Lore (40%), Speak Spanish (80%), Speak Faerie (80%)
Wilderness: Identify Plants & Fruits (45%)

Combat Bonuses: 5 Attacks per melee, +2 Strike, +4 Parry, +4 Dodge, +3 roll with punch, fall or impact, kick (1D6+7)
SAVING THROWS: +3 save vs. poison/magic
BIONICS: retractable vibro-blades (2D6), concealed ion rod (4D6), secret compartment, toxic filter lungs, oxygen storage cell
EQUIPMENT: LL-SB Light Labor Slave Borg armor (70 MDC), backpack, sacks, ammo belt, tinted goggles, gas mask, standard first aid kit, hand held communicator, small placard that reads “The Doctor is In”
WEAPONS: NG-P7 particle beam rifle, NG-Super Laser Pistol and Grenade Launcher, two SDC knives
TRADE GOODS: a handful of old coins, jewelry and a few trinkets
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Bad Luck Jimmy McGregor

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4th level ex-Coalition Grunt

Alignment: Unprincipled
Description: Sergeant Jimmy McGregor should have died at Tolkeen. He’s been the sole survivor of two infantry companies and his last squad dubbed him “Bad Luck Jimmy”…until they were wiped out too. Jimmy patched up a surviving Dog Boy and together they have gone AWOL. He has no hate for the CS, but he’s happier out of the army.

Intelligence (IQ) 11 Physical Prowess (PP) 15
Mental Endurance (ME )10 Physical Endurance (PE) 10
Mental Affinity (MA) 14 Physical Beauty (PB) 10
Physical Strength (PS)23 Speed (Spd) 19

Hit Points 23 SDC 40

Ancient Weapon: Blunt, Knife
Communications: Radio: Basic (70%), Radio: Scramblers (55%),
Domestic: Cook (50%), Fishing (55%), Play Musical Instrument (50%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics (45%)
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics (40%)
Medical: First Aid (60%)
Military: Demolitions (84%), Demolitions Disposal (69%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Heavy Weapons, Shotgun
Physical: Athletics, Body Building, Boxing, Climbing (50%), Prowl (40%), Running
Pilot: Automobile (66%), Boat: Sail (75%), Hovercraft (75%), Robot Combat: Basic, Tank & APC (62%)
Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment (55%), Weapon Systems (65%)
Rogue: Streetwise (32%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (50%)

Combat Bonuses: 6 attacks per melee, +2 strike, +6 dodge, +6 parry, +4 roll with punch, fall or impact, +8 hand to hand damage
EQUIPMENT: Coalition Dead Boy CA-1 heavy armor (80 MDC), backpack with 12 fragmentation mini-missiles (5D6), side pack with 6 armor piercing mini-missiles (1D4x10), 4 E-clips, 2 smoke grenades, 3 signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen and 10 solid slug shotgun rounds.
WEAPONS: C-18 Laser Pistol, CR-1 Rocket Launcher, Vibro-knife, Shotgun
TRADE GOODS: a sack of costume jewelry and 23 packets of seeds
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mister Shushers

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3rd level Crazy

Alignment: Unprincipled
Description: Mister Shushers is the poster child for why M.O.M. chop shops must be outlawed. His insanities include being frightened by loud noises and intimidated by spoken language. So he communicates by singing or telepathy.

Intelligence (IQ) 07 Physical Prowess (PP) 19
Mental Endurance (ME )13 Physical Endurance (PE) 18
Mental Affinity (MA) 15 Physical Beauty (PB) 09
Physical Strength (PS)21 Speed (Spd) 25

Hit Points 41
SDC 130
ISP 36

Ancient Weapon: Archery, Chain, Sword
Communications: Radio: Basic (65%), Radio: Scrambler (55%), Surveillance Systems (50%)
Domestic: Sing (45%)
Espionage: Detect Ambush (50%), Disguise (35%), Escape Artist (50%), Pick Locks (50%), Pick Pocket (45%), Sniper, Tracking (45%)
Military: Demolitions (86%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Revolver
Physical: Acrobatics (add 10%), Climbing (55%), Gymnastics (add 10%), Prowl (55%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (50%), Motorcycle (68%)
Rogue: Concealment (28%), Palming (45%), Streetwise (38%)
Technical: Art (45%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (54%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: super endurance, increased strength, increased speed, heightened reflexes, agility and senses, enhanced healing, bio-regeneration, minor psionics, suffers from delusions and insanity
PSIONICS: Clairvoyance (4), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +4 initiative, +2 strike, +5 dodge,
+5 parry, +11 roll with punch, fall or impact, automatic kick 2D4+6
SAVING THROWS: +2 vs. psionics, +6 vs. mind control, +6 vs. poison,
+2 vs. magic, +16% vs. coma or death
EQUIPMENT: Crusader Body Armor (55 MDC), dress clothing, ninja pajamas, gas mask, air filter, tinted goggles, 4 E-clips, knapsack, two canteens, emergency rations, bag of disguise costumes
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, NG-L5 Laser Rifle, Vibro-Sword, four SDC knives, SDC hatchet
TRADE GOODS: a burlap sack full of puzzle cubes and rubber mice toys
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Agent Orange

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3rd level Juicer

Alignment: Anarchist
Description: Agent Orange has some deep, horrible personal tragedy in his past, but he paid the clinic extra to install neural blockers to ensure he does not remember a thing. So now, it’s time to party and see the world. Agent Orange spent a year in China and likes to brag about his travels.

Intelligence (IQ) 13 Physical Prowess (PP) 20
Mental Endurance (ME )09 Physical Endurance (PE) 24
Mental Affinity (MA) 12 Physical Beauty (PB) 13
Physical Strength (PS)27 Speed (Spd) 98

Hit Points 55
SDC 250

Ancient Weapon: Knife, Sword
Communications: Radio: Basic (65%)
Domestic: Dance (40%)
Espionage: Detect Ambush (45%), Detect Concealment (40%), Escape Artist (45%), Intelligence (45%), Sniper
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Heavy Weapons
Physical: Athletics, Body Building, Boxing, Climbing (50%), Running, Swimming (60%), Prowl (40%)
Pilot: Automobile (74%), Motorcycle (78%)
Technical: Photography (45%), Speak Chinese (70%), Speak Gobbley (70%), Speak Spanish (70%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (49%), Wilderness Survival (45%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: super endurance, super strength, super speed, super leaps, super reflexes and reaction time, can not sleep without tranquilizers, enhanced healing, will die in less than 3 years

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +5 strike, +9 dodge, +9 parry,
+8 roll with punch, fall or impact, +4 initiative, Automatic Dodge and Parry even from behind/surprise, karate kick (1D8+11)
SAVING THROWS: +38% vs. coma/death, +4 vs. psionics, +6 vs. mind control, +13 vs. poison, +5 vs. magic
EQUIPMENT: bio-comp and bio-data implants, drug harness and drug supply, Juicer armor (45 MDC), optic helmet, portable IRMSS kit, assorted camouflage fatigues, boots with knife holster, gloves, back pack, utility belt, 8 E-clips, polarized sunglasses, canteen, compass
WEAPONS: JA-11 Energy Rifle, NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, Vibro-Blade, SDC sword, 4 SDC knives
TRADE GOODS: a stack of ancient music disks and Chinese fireworks
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Downtown Mickey

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4th level City Rat

Alignment: Principled
Description: Downtown Mickey is imposing street punk who is actually a really nice guy and computer geek. He hacked Emperor Prosek’s email and now he’s on the run as both a traitor and a psychic. Who would have known “RE: I’ll take the ham and swiss” would result in a death sentence? Oh well, dear old mum always said the great outdoors would do him good.

Intelligence (IQ) 10 Physical Prowess (PP) 07
Mental Endurance (ME )11 Physical Endurance (PE) 12
Mental Affinity (MA) 09 Physical Beauty (PB) 14
Physical Strength (PS)19 Speed (Spd) 25

Hit Points 20
SDC 35
ISP 30

Ancient Weapon: Knife, Blunt
Communications: Cryptography (40%), Optic Systems (45%), Radio Basic (60%), Radio: Scramblers (50%), Surveillance Systems (45%), TV/Video (47%)
Domestic: Play Musical Instrument (50%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics (50%)
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics (40%),
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol, Revolver, Submachinegun
Physical: Acrobatics, Boxing, Body Building, Climbing (50%), Running
Pilot: Automobile (76%), Motorcycle (87%)
Pilot Related: Navigation (55%), Read Sensory Equipment (45%)
Rogue: Streetwise (52%), Computer Hacking (45%), Prowl (55%),
Science: Basic Math (70%), Advanced Math (60%)
Technical: Computer Operation (65%), Computer Programming (55%), Literacy (55%), Speak Techno-Can (75%)

PSIONICS: Astral Projection (8), Sense Evil (2), Speed Reading (2)

Combat Bonuses: 6 attacks per melee, +2 strike, +5 dodge, +5 parry,
+6 roll with punch, fall or impact, karate kick (D8+4)
CYBERNETIC IMPLANTS: Fingerjack, Clock Calendar, Gyro-Compass, Thermo-Imager Eye, Targeting Eye
EQUIPMENT: gang colors (HTML Hellrods), black leather, chains, long gloves and cape, nylon cord and grappling hook, 2 E-clips, RMK/Robot Medical Kit, PDD/Pocket Digital Disc player, CA-2 Body Armor (50 MDC), PC-3000 hand held computer
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, Vibro-knife
TRADE GOODS: a dozen maps of the Chi-Town sewage system
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Professor Neemoy

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4th level Rogue Scholar / minor psionic

Alignment: Anarchist
Description: Professor Neemoy grew up in a secret commune with over 10,000 ancient books. After he read them all five times, he knew it was time to get some more. Neemoy believes in “knowledge for knowledge’s sake” and often ignores the need for practical application.

Intelligence (IQ) 14 Physical Prowess (PP) 14
Mental Endurance (ME )17 Physical Endurance (PE) 10
Mental Affinity (MA) 10 Physical Beauty (PB) 11
Physical Strength (PS)06 Speed (Spd) 19

Hit Points 20
SDC 15

Ancient Weapon: Sword
Communications: Cryptography (40%), TV/Video (37%)
Domestic: Cook (50%)
Electrical: Basic Electronics (45%), Computer Repair (40%), Electrical Engineer (45%), Robot Electronics (50%)
Medical: Criminal Sciences (50%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol
Physical: Running, Swimming (65%)
Pilot: Automobile (76%), Horsemanship (52%)
Science: Anthropology (45%), Archaeology (35%), Astronomy (50%), Biology (55%), Botany (50%), Chemistry (45%), Chemistry – Analytical (40%), Math - Basic (85%), Math – Advanced (70%)
Technical: Art (70%), Computer Operation (75%), Computer Programming (65%), Literacy (95%), Lore – Demons & Monsters (60%), Lore – Faerie (60%), Photography (80%), Speak Euro (95%), Speak Techno-Can (95%), Writing (60%)
Wilderness: Identify Plants & Fruits (45%), Preserve Food (45%)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 parry, +2 dodge, +2 roll with punch, fall or impact, kick (1D6)
SAVING THROWS: +1 vs. psionics
EQUIPMENT: portable CD recorder/player, video player, portable language translator, notebook, sketch pad, pencils, markers, dip pen & ink, 2 E-clips, magnifying glass, binoculars, traveling & dress clothes, knapsack, backpack, carrying case, book sack, Huntsman body armor (40 MDC), PC-3000 hand held computer
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, Vibro-Saber, SDC knife
TRADE GOODS: discs full of badly written anime fan fiction
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loomber Jacque

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4th level Wilderness Scout

Alignment: Unprincipled
Description: Loomber Jacque is a big, hearty fellow who lives for the simple pleasures of hunting, fishing and learning the languages of odd creatures that wander out of rifts. He taught how to read and looks forward to traveling to more literate lands.

Intelligence (IQ) 13 Physical Prowess (PP) 07
Mental Endurance (ME )10 Physical Endurance (PE) 20
Mental Affinity (MA) 06 Physical Beauty (PB) 07
Physical Strength (PS)17 Speed (Spd) 20

Hit Points 30
SDC 65

Ancient Weapon: Archery, Knife
Communications: Radio Basic (60%)
Domestic: Cooking (60%), Fishing (65%), Sewing (55%)
Espionage: Detect Ambush (55%), Tracking (50%), Wilderness Survival (70%), Sniper
Medical: First Aid (70%)
Modern Weapon: Bolt Action Rifle, Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle
Physical: Athletics, Body Building, Climbing (75%), Prowl (55%), Running,
SCUBA (75%), Swimming (75%), Wrestling
Pilot: Automobile (66%), Boat – Sail (75%), Horsemanship (72%)
Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment (45%)
Science: Anthropology (35%)
Technical: Literacy (45%), Speak Dragonese (80%), Speak Euro (80%), Speak Gargoyle (80%),
Wilderness: Boat Building (60%), Hunting, Identify Plants (60%), Land Navigation (68%), Preserve Food (60%), Track Animals (60%), Skin Animals (70%)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 strike, +4 dodge, +4 parry, +5 roll with punch, fall or impact, Tackle (1D4+2), Pin on 18-20, Crush (1D4+2)
SAVING THROWS: +10% vs. coma/death, +3 vs. poison, +3 vs. magic
EQUIPMENT: buckskin clothing, boots, Huntsman body armor (40 MDC), pith helmet, tinted visor, air filter, first aid kit, knapsack, backpack, utility / ammo belt, couple sacks, cord, 100ft rope, 6 iron spikes, 6 wooden stakes, hammer, mallet, hand axe, utility knives, skinning knife, fishing line and hooks, animal snares, six flares, IR binoculars with distance readout, passive nightvision goggles, telescopic gun sight, 2 E-clips
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, L-20 Laser Rifle, SDC bow and arrows, SDC knives
TRADE GOODS: mutant beaver pelts and jug of maple syrup
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Oscar, Saint of Garbage

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6th level Vagabond / minor psionic

Alignment: Principled
Description: Oscar is a homeless scavenger and amateur exorcist. He is registered with the CS as a psychic and enjoys going through Coalition garbage dumps looking for interesting odds and ends. He is currently compiling his memories and cataloguing possession in Michigan.

Intelligence (IQ) 09 Physical Prowess (PP) 12
Mental Endurance (ME )19 Physical Endurance (PE) 06
Mental Affinity (MA) 07 Physical Beauty (PB) 10
Physical Strength (PS)09 Speed (Spd) 13

Hit Points 25
SDC 20
ISP 40

Communications: TV/Video (41%),
Domestic: Cook (70%), Dance (65%), Sing (70%)
Medical: First Aid (65%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol
Physical: Boxing, Swimming (70%)
Pilot: Automobile (75%)
Rogue: Concealment (42%), Palming (47%), Prowl (52%)
Science: Archaeology (35%), Astronomy (45%)
Technical: Literacy (57%), Lore – Demon & Monsters (52%), Speak Faerie (98%), Writing (52%)

PSIONICS: Detect Psionics (6), Exorcism (10), Induce Sleep (4)

Combat Bonuses: 6 attacks per melee, +1 strike, +4 dodge, +4 parry, +3 roll with punch, fall or impact, karate kick (1D6), Critical Strike 19-20
SAVING THROWS: +2 vs. psionics
EQUIPMENT: baseball cap, bomber jacket, trenchcoat, 2 E-clips, comb, toothpaste, pocket full of candy, portable video recorder, Huntsman body armor (40 MDC), notebook, pens, several bars of soap, TK-Glider
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster
TRADE GOODS: a dozen solar toothbrushes, box of anti-lice combs, sack of keyring flashlights, pockets full of ancient paper money
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 10:15 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Barry Rotter

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3rd level Shifter

Alignment: Principled
Description: Barry Rotter talks about leaving Rifts Earth forever, but always finds himself in Iowa after a few months. He has a good reputation for “looking before leaping” so he often leads expeditions, even though he is no natural leader! Barry has no link to a supernatural being and doesn’t ever plan to be some monster’s magic puppet.

Intelligence (IQ) 15 Physical Prowess (PP) 11
Mental Endurance (ME )12 Physical Endurance (PE) 13
Mental Affinity (MA) 04 Physical Beauty (PB) 10
Physical Strength (PS)08 Speed (Spd) 22

Hit Points 30
SDC 15
PPE 85

Ancient Weapon: Sword
Espionage: Intelligence (45%)
Medical: Holistic Medicine (35%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Rifle
Physical: Running, Prowl (35%)
Pilot: Horsemanship (48%)
Rogue: Streetwise (28%)
Science: Anthropology (35%), Astronomy (55%), Biology (45%), Botany (40%), Math – Basic (70%)
Technical: Computer Operation (50%), Literacy (40%), Lore – Demon & Monsters (55%), Lore – Faerie (50), Photography (45%), Speak Dragonese (75%), Speak Faerie (75%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (54%), Wilderness Survival (45%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: spells to summon and control, dimensional rift home (150), sense rifts, familiar link (Ronny the Weasel – 9 HP), special endurance, link to the supernatural

Armor of Ithan (10), Call Lightning (15), Chameleon (6), Concealment (6), Constrain Being (20), Globe of Daylight (2), Heavy Breathing (3), Levitation (5), See the Invisible (4), Sense Aura (6), Sense Magic (4), Shadow Meld (10), Summon & Control Canine (50), Summon Lesser Being (425), Time Slip (20), Trance (10), Turn Dead (6)

Combat Bonuses: 4 attacks per melee, +2 dodge, +2 parry, +2 roll with punch, fall or impact, kick (1D6)
SAVING THROWS: +7 vs. horror, +1 vs. magic, +1 vs. poison, +1 mind control
EQUIPMENT: traveling clothes, Huntsman body armor (40 MDC), knapsack, backpack, 3 sacks, pocket mirror, silver cross, 4 cloves of garlic, 6 wooden stakes, mallet, salt, canteen, binoculars, sunglasses, air filter, gas mask, pocket laser distancer, pocket video recorder, hand held computer, hooded robes, javelin iron rod, 3 E-clips
WEAPONS: L-20 Laser Rifle. SDC knife
TRADE GOODS: weird rocks from some Hell dimension
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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1st level Ice Dragon Hatchling

Alignment: None Yet
Description: Snowball was born yesterday and he is ready to party! Hours after hatching, he wandered into a camp of vicious brigands and iced them over, figuring it was his good deed for the day. Luckily he found a much better band of humans to join now. Too bad those brigands had friends…

Intelligence (IQ) 15 Physical Prowess (PP) 11
Mental Endurance (ME )13 Physical Endurance (PE) 13
Mental Affinity (MA) 15 Physical Beauty (PB) 19
Physical Strength (PS)14 Speed (Spd) 24

MDC 215
PPE 80
ISP 40

Domestic: Sing (45%)
Science: Math – Basic (98%),
Technical: Art (35%), Lore – Demons & Monsters (25%), Lore – Faerie (25%), Speak and Read Dragonese (100%), Speak American (98%)
Wilderness: Track Animals (20%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: bio-regenerate (1D4x10 every 5 minutes), fly (50 mph), ice breath (5D6 - 60ft range), impervious to cold, metamorphosis (2 hours), night vision 90 feet, read magic and use scrolls, recognize magic circles and enchantment, see the invisible, sense ley lines, nexus points and dragons (20m radius), teleport (22%), impress/charm 45%

PSIONICS: Empathy (4), Impervious to Fire (4), Mind Block (4), Psychic Diagnosis (4), Psychic Purification (8), Psychic Surgery (14)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 roll with punch, fall or impact, dragon claws (2D6), dragon bite (2D4)
TRADE GOODS: his egg shell?
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 10:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Charlene McGee

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3rd level Burster

Alignment: Scrupulous
Description: Charlene McGee is a tough, self-reliant girl. She considers herself a “flame artist” and would much prefer to use her talents for entertainment than warfare. Charlene looks forward to traveling to places where her power can be appreciated for more than its destructive potential.

Intelligence (IQ) 10 Physical Prowess (PP) 06
Mental Endurance (ME )15 Physical Endurance (PE) 08
Mental Affinity (MA) 13 Physical Beauty (PB) 15
Physical Strength (PS)14 Speed (Spd) 29

Hit Points 20
SDC 40
ISP 105

Ancient Weapon: Knife
Communications: Video/TV (33%)
Domestic: Dance (45%)
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics (35%)
Medical: First Aid (55%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol
Physical: Athletics, Body Building, Boxing, Prowl (45%), Running
Pilot: Automobile (74%), Hover Craft (60%), Motorcycle (68%)
Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment (40%)
Technical: Art (55%), Computer Operation (60%), Speak Dragon (90%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (54%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Impervious to fire and heat, extinguish fires (4), flame burst (4 / 6), fire bolt (2 / 4), fire eruption (56%), sense fire (2), super fuel flame (8)

PSIONICS: Levitation (varies), Mind Block (4), Resist Fatigue (4)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 strike, +5 parry, +5 dodge, +3 roll with punch, fall or impact
EQUIPMENT: several sets of clothing, Huntsman body armor (40 MDC), sleeping back, backpack, utility belt, canteen, sunglasses, gas mask, food rations, portable video player/recorder, extra memory discs
WEAPONS: NG-57 Heavy Duty Ion Blaster, SDC knife
TRADE GOODS: a stack of video CDs of her fiery performances
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Red Rover

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4th level Dog Pack (Irish setter)

Alignment: Scrupulous
Description: Red Rover loves to go fast! He is an expert pilot and very pleased to have been assigned to a CS mechanized assault squad. A bad fight with some Brodkil left the squad decimated and Sergeant McGregor pulled him from the UAR-1 wreckage. So now, the Sergeant says we have been reassigned to a new mission! Wonder what it will be?

Intelligence (IQ) 08 Physical Prowess (PP) 18
Mental Endurance (ME )07 Physical Endurance (PE) 15
Mental Affinity (MA) 09 Physical Beauty (PB) 13
Physical Strength (PS)15 Speed (Spd) 27

Hit Points 30
SDC 45
ISP 70

Ancient Weapon: Blunt, Knife
Communications: Radio – Basic (70%), Radio – Scramblers (55%)
Espionage: Intelligence (50%)
Medical: First Aid (65%)
Military: Demolitions (74%), Demolitions Disposal (74%)
Modern Weapon: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Heavy Energy Weapons
Physical: Climbing (55%), Prowl (45%), Running, Swimming (40%)
Pilot: Automobile (66%), Helicopter (50%), Hover Craft (75%), Jet Fighters (52%), Robots & Power Armor (65%), Robot Combat: Basic, Tanks & APC (52%), Truck (52%)
Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment (55%), Weapon Systems (65%)
Technical: Computer Operation (55%), Lore – Demons & Monsters (40%), Speak Dragonese (90%)
Wilderness: Land Navigation (58%), Wilderness Survival (55%)

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Sense psychic and magic energy (50%), recognize psychic scent (14%), sense supernatural being (68%), superior sense of smell (79%), identify specific odor (60%), track by smell (48%), keen hearing, master psionic, growling speech

PSIONICS: Empathy (4), Object Read (6), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3), Sixth Sense (2)

Combat Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 initiative, +3 strike, +4 parry,
+4 dodge, +3 roll with punch, fall or impact, dog bite (1D6), kick (1D8)
SAVING THROWS: +1 vs. psionics
EQUIPMENT: back pack, two sacks, Dog Pack Armor (30 MDC), 4 E-clips, 2 fragmentation grenades, 3 signal flares, survival knife, utility belt, air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, uniform, combat boots, canteen,
WEAPONS: C-18 Laser Pistol, C-12 Heavy Assault Laser Rifle, Vibro-Blade, Neuro-Mace
TRADE GOODS: official CS driver’s training manuals on CD, includes the piloting lessons for the Coalition sky cycle and UAR-1 robots
Last edited by Spinachcat on Wed May 02, 2007 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by NMI »

Spinachat - I think you are forgetting the "Two Attacks For Living" in the combat for your NPC's

My contribution. This is one of the pre-gens I will be handing out for my game...

G'rynit - Natteri Physical Combat Athlete - 5th Level

IQ - 8 ME - 19 MA - 16 PS - 35 (normal) PP - 20 PE - 25 PB - 7 SPD 30 (300 in water)

Hit Points - 65 S.D.C. - 140 Natural A.R. 15
Height - 8' Weight - 320 lbs.
Horror/ Awe Factor 14

Abilities: Healing Factor, Lightning Reflexes, Power Punch, Power Kick & Force of Will

Skills -
Physical: Gymanstics, Prowl, Climbing, Running, Swimming, Athletics, Body Building, Depressurization Training & Zero Gravity Combat - Elite
Weapon Proficiencies: Recognize Weapon Quality, Paired, Knife, Blunt, Sword, Shield, Energy Pistol & Energy Rifle
Pilot: Hovercycle, Hovercar, Jet Pack, Water Scooter
Pilot Related: Navigation: Land/Air/Water
Espionage: Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Track - Animals, Pick Locks
Communications: Radio - Basic

Physical Training Focus & Orientation: Precision Training
Physical Training Combat: Mixed-Martial Arts

Number of Attacks - 5 Initiative - 9 (Wow!!!) Strike - 4 Parry - 6 Dodge - 6 Auto-Dodge 6 (3 from Lightning Reflexes, 3 from Prowess), Roll - 5 Pull - 8 Damage - 20 Disarm - 2 Maintain Balance - 2

Moves: Automatic Parry, Disarm, Maintain Balance, Roll w/ Punch,Fall & Impact, Pull Punch, Body Flip/Throw, Karate Punch, Karate Kick, Backward Sweep, Arm Hold, Finger Lock, Wrist Lock, Body Hold, Elbow, Snap Kick, Knee

Special Equipment:
Nano-Gloves (Paired Item)
Body Weapons (Body Weapons can only be formed on entire arm)
Power Weapon (at 5th Level), +3D6 SDC Damage (a sword from the Body Weapon would do a total of 6D6 + PS, or Energy Bolt 3D6, 500' (The power Weapon affects only the Weapons formed by the gloves. Does not apply to weapons held in hand!)
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Re: Charlene McGee

Unread post by Spinachcat »

Thank you! - Fixed the attacks

If anyone else sees any problems, let me know!

FYI, they are pre-Ultimate Edition and only use the core book for all information.
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