Some new stuff.

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Some new stuff.

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

All right, so there has been some good feedback to the previous postings I've made regarding my own spells. A few of you have even asked me to post some more of my stuff on here. So... your wish is my command. Read on, and feel free to use them, if you wish.

Level: Six
PPE: 25
Damage: Varies
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 melee / level
Description: This protection spell enables the spell caster to absorb the magic energy directed at him/her and then redirect it at a target of their choice. The damage done by the spell is exactly the same as if the original casting mage had succeeded, regardless of the redirecting mage’s level. Since this is a protection spell, it must be cast at the beginning of combat.

Level: Seven
PPE: 55
Damage: None
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 round of combat
Description: This spell is unique in that, when cast, it will tell the spell caster, in advance, what all the enemies will do in their next round of combat. (NOT the current round the spell caster is in, but the next round of the melee.) The mage may then prepare for the round as he/she sees fit.

Anti-Magic Shell-
Level: Ten
PPE: 75
Damage: None
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 melee / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will place an invisible shell of energy around the spell caster and/or a person of his/her choice. This energy shell will then absorb any and all magical attacks directed at it for the duration of the spell. (Note: It will not block psionic attacks.)

Chain Lightning (Warlock Only)-
Level: Six
PPE: 35
Damage: Special
Saving Throw: None, Dodge Only (Natural 18, Modified 25 or higher)
Duration: Instant
Description: This Air Elemental spell is a powerful alteration of the standard call lighting. The mage will cast a simple lightning bolt that will strike a target unless dodged, (same as a regular call lightning). This target will then take 6d6 points of damage. Once that target has been hit, the lightning bolt then moves onto another target, which, unless dodged, will take 5d6 points of damage. This continues from target to target until the damage of the lightning is 1d6, then the lightning dissipates. (Note: The lightning will automatically strike the next person closest to it, which could include allies of the mage, so use with caution.)

Level: Four
PPE: 35
Damage: None
Saving Throw: Standard
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Description: This spell cannot take effect unless the spellcaster and the one to be hypnotized maintain eye contact for at least one round of combat/actions. (Note: If hypnosis is the casters will, then the affected person will not be able to look away unless a save of 20 or higher is made. They will feel as if they are falling into the casters gaze, and really have no desire to stop.) Once hypnotized, the character will be at the mercy of the caster, following any and all commands. Also, the caster may then implant hypnotic suggestions, (example: “Whenever you hear the ringing of a bell, you will kiss the closest man to you with fiery passion!” or “Upon hearing the words “Now is the Time” you will drop everything you are doing and assassinate the Emperor of the Western Empire.) You see how this spell could be handy.

Lightning Curtain (Warlock)-
Level: Ten
PPE: 65
Damage: 1d12 / level
Saving Throw: Dodge Only
Duration: 1 round / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will cause a sheet of lightning to fall from the sky, creating a wall of electricity in front of the caster or up to 50’ away per level of the caster. The wall is 15’ long and increases in size by 15’ per each subsequent level of experience. The damage done is 1d12 per level of the caster, making this a potentially devastating spell.

Quit Hitting Yourself- (Ludicrous Mage) Level: Ten
PPE: 60
Damage: Victims own punch and PS damage bonus.
Saving Throw: Standard
Duration: 1 melee round
Description: When the clown mage casts this upon an unsuspecting victim, the individual, should they fail their saving throw, will be forced to hit themselves repeatedly. The damage done is equal to the characters own punch damage, plus any PS modifiers. The spell is potentially quite damaging to the victim, and distracting to anyone else in the area who can see it. The sight of someone repeatedly punching themselves is quite humorous. (Save versus a humor factor of 12 or lose all initiative and attacks for the rest of that round. Simply laughing too hard to fight.)

All right y'all, let's hear what you think.
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Nice concepts, way too cheep PPE wise.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

The PPE levels work in my games, but if you think they need to be upped, up 'em! That's the beauty of this system!
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Northern Ranger wrote:The PPE levels work in my games, but if you think they need to be upped, up 'em! That's the beauty of this system!

High powered game, even by my standards.

*shrugs* I'd say half of them deserve to be levels 14 or 15 if not spells of legend.
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Unread post by Talavar »

Spells of Legend? That seems extreme, though I would up the PPE as well.

Also, the chain lightning one based off Call Lightning: last I checked, Call Lightning doesn't allow a dodge saving throw, unless that's a house rule of yours.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Talavar wrote:Spells of Legend? That seems extreme, though I would up the PPE as well.

Also, the chain lightning one based off Call Lightning: last I checked, Call Lightning doesn't allow a dodge saving throw, unless that's a house rule of yours.

Negative Talavar. PF2E, pg 198 says specifically that the spell always hits, UNLESS the player rolls a natural 20 or modified 24 or higher! It seems I may have been a little lax on Chain Lightnings dodge roll, but it has been so effective in my games that it is hardly noticeable. And I think the PPE levels are comparable to spells of similar power in the game, but as I've stated, that's a matter of taste from GM to GM. These things aren't set in stone. Change them as you see fit. I only put them here for you to use if you liked. 8)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Northern Ranger wrote:
Talavar wrote:Spells of Legend? That seems extreme, though I would up the PPE as well.

Also, the chain lightning one based off Call Lightning: last I checked, Call Lightning doesn't allow a dodge saving throw, unless that's a house rule of yours.

Negative Talavar. PF2E, pg 198 says specifically that the spell always hits, UNLESS the player rolls a natural 20 or modified 24 or higher! It seems I may have been a little lax on Chain Lightnings dodge roll, but it has been so effective in my games that it is hardly noticeable. And I think the PPE levels are comparable to spells of similar power in the game, but as I've stated, that's a matter of taste from GM to GM. These things aren't set in stone. Change them as you see fit. I only put them here for you to use if you liked. 8)

Dude, I can't think of ANYTHING of equivlent power to Anticipation or absorbtion.
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Okay, I'll grant you, those two are unique. But there are other powerful spells in the game that I would think, while different, are of equal power to them. Looking at things like Finger of Lictalon, or perhaps Sanctuary, I may have understated the PPE a bit. I never said they were perfect! lol
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Unread post by verdilak »

I like, though I would tweak them a bit for my game, And I would love to keep seeing more spells and anything else you got in your bag NRanger.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

verdilak wrote:I like, though I would tweak them a bit for my game, And I would love to keep seeing more spells and anything else you got in your bag NRanger.

That's a tall order verdilak. Very tall indeed. 8)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Talavar wrote:Spells of Legend? That seems extreme, though I would up the PPE as well.

Also, the chain lightning one based off Call Lightning: last I checked, Call Lightning doesn't allow a dodge saving throw, unless that's a house rule of yours.

in rifts you are correct there is no save...
but...according to the PFRPG main book...
1st collum
bottom of the page
Saving throw: None; it always hits unless ones opponet rolls a natural 20 or a modified 24 or higher to dodge!

additionally in the HU2 main book
pg 327
2nd collum
1/2 way down the page
states exactly the same wording for the spell

so in effect i would say if any thing the save on the chain lightning is a tad low but an effective balancer.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

I have all those books in question Damian, but being primarily a PF player (and GM), I didn't even bother to look at them. When I create something for the game (and I've created a lot, lol), it's always with the PF setting in mind. Still, I appreciate that you agree the spell works with the save as is. (I had entertained the thought that I put it a little low, but maybe not.) Perhaps in the future, I should cross reference these things between games. But if PB doesn't make their spells static from game to game, why should I? 8)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Re: Some new stuff.

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Northern Ranger wrote:All right, so there has been some good feedback to the previous postings I've made regarding my own spells. A few of you have even asked me to post some more of my stuff on here. So... your wish is my command. Read on, and feel free to use them, if you wish.

Level: Six
PPE: 25
Damage: Varies
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 melee / level
Description: This protection spell enables the spell caster to absorb the magic energy directed at him/her and then redirect it at a target of their choice. The damage done by the spell is exactly the same as if the original casting mage had succeeded, regardless of the redirecting mage’s level. Since this is a protection spell, it must be cast at the beginning of combat.

Level and PPE cost is too low, IMO; I'd add a level or two, and double the PPE cost, unless you're intending it to be a one-shot protection (i.e. it will take care of the first spell to hit you, then dissipate). Can it only target the spellcaster? I would require the spellcaster to pass a saving throw vs. magic at his enemy's spell strength in order to benefit from this spell; failure, and it doesn't discharge. I'd also specify that the redirect requires an attack.

Level: Seven
PPE: 55
Damage: None
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 round of combat
Description: This spell is unique in that, when cast, it will tell the spell caster, in advance, what all the enemies will do in their next round of combat. (NOT the current round the spell caster is in, but the next round of the melee.) The mage may then prepare for the round as he/she sees fit.

Great spell, but almost impossible to adjudicate. How do you prepare for the next melee with this melee's actions? It pretty much requires moving the caster's actions to the end of the melee and giving him his remaining actions (after defenses) to prepare as he sees fit, according to a general plan of what the enemy wants to do... though that may go to Hell in the first action after initiative.

Anti-Magic Shell-
Level: Ten
PPE: 75
Damage: None
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 melee / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will place an invisible shell of energy around the spell caster and/or a person of his/her choice. This energy shell will then absorb any and all magical attacks directed at it for the duration of the spell. (Note: It will not block psionic attacks.)

Is this just a shell of anti magic, with magic working normally inside and out, or is it a small, portable, anti-magic cloud? Is it portable? What's the range on person of choice? Does it work on just attacks, or can it be used "creatively"? Is there any chance of getting through it (q.v. negate magic and anti-magic cloud)?

Chain Lightning (Warlock Only)-
Level: Six

Nice anti-formation spell.

Level: Four
PPE: 35
Damage: None
Saving Throw: Standard
Duration: 10 minutes / level
Description: This spell cannot take effect unless the spellcaster and the one to be hypnotized maintain eye contact for at least one round of combat/actions. (Note: If hypnosis is the casters will, then the affected person will not be able to look away unless a save of 20 or higher is made. They will feel as if they are falling into the casters gaze, and really have no desire to stop.) Once hypnotized, the character will be at the mercy of the caster, following any and all commands. Also, the caster may then implant hypnotic suggestions, (example: “Whenever you hear the ringing of a bell, you will kiss the closest man to you with fiery passion!” or “Upon hearing the words “Now is the Time” you will drop everything you are doing and assassinate the Emperor of the Western Empire.) You see how this spell could be handy.

Do these hypnotic suggestions fade after the end of the duration? This looks very similar to Domination and Charm; a little more complete than Charm, not as befuddled as Domination, longer-term than both, for a higher PPE cost (higher than is common for 4th level spells; more on par with 7th level, IIRC) and a melee round concentration requirement. Why shouldn't I use this one outside of combat, since it will be available as part of my starting allotment for a wizard (I can pick 4th level spells). No range is listed.

Lightning Curtain (Warlock)-
Level: Ten
PPE: 65
Damage: 1d12 / level
Saving Throw: Dodge Only
Duration: 1 round / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will cause a sheet of lightning to fall from the sky, creating a wall of electricity in front of the caster or up to 50’ away per level of the caster. The wall is 15’ long and increases in size by 15’ per each subsequent level of experience. The damage done is 1d12 per level of the caster, making this a potentially devastating spell.

The damage looks out of synch with other wall-type spells; they usually have fixed damages. While this is a curtain, and therefore not thick, it's worth noting.

Overall, these are some great spell ideas; they just need some tweaking and explanations.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

That's exactly why I post these things on here Mr. Hall. So that folks like you can help me to improve them. (Or in some cases, so I can say why I don't feel they need improvement.) However, you made some good points. (I'm actually really glad you liked Chain Lightning!) I'll consider all your thoughts (and those of the other posters, of course) carefully. Thanx for the input! 8)
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Unread post by Lukterran »

Doesn't Palladium already have a spell under the name "Chain Lighting" in the Library of Bletherad Book? It also sounds very much an AD&D conversion of the spell of the same name.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

The spell was written as a counteracting spell for magics specifically directed at the mage (ie- fireball, call lightning, etc.). But if you want to modify it to include any magic he blunders onto, feel free. It's easily modified, no matter what you want to do with it!
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

My last post was written in response to Kevin Backmans question Semi, not your post. I just neglected to quote him, as I should have. (I doubt I would have bothered to respond to your post, as it was far too negative a response to something was put here by request of others. I appreciate constructive criticism, but it is possible to take it too far.) That having been said, Semi, I do appreciate the fact that you took the time to respond at all, and if I were little thicker skinned, it might not have bothered me. I'll have to work on that. 8)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Lukterran wrote:Doesn't Palladium already have a spell under the name "Chain Lighting" in the Library of Bletherad Book? It also sounds very much an AD&D conversion of the spell of the same name.

I have converted some D&D spells in the past, but I didn't even know that they had a Chain Lightning spell. And this version was written before I acquired Bletherad, so I can't speak to that, though I'll have to check it out. If it is in there, I may have to remove my spell from my personal spell book! 8)
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Northern Ranger wrote:
Lukterran wrote:Doesn't Palladium already have a spell under the name "Chain Lighting" in the Library of Bletherad Book? It also sounds very much an AD&D conversion of the spell of the same name.

I have converted some D&D spells in the past, but I didn't even know that they had a Chain Lightning spell. And this version was written before I acquired Bletherad, so I can't speak to that, though I'll have to check it out. If it is in there, I may have to remove my spell from my personal spell book! 8)

it is indeed in the LoB book....Pg 84
it is however a bit more powerful in some aspects to yours and limited in others

I do have one question concerning your Chain lightning spell...
why the flat rate damage? Tradionally such spells have the damage based upon the casters level.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

I do like the thought of adding damage to the spell with later levels, and maybe I did place it wrong in scheme of what level it should be. You guys might have a good point there.
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"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

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Unread post by Scrud »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:
Talavar wrote:Spells of Legend? That seems extreme, though I would up the PPE as well.

Also, the chain lightning one based off Call Lightning: last I checked, Call Lightning doesn't allow a dodge saving throw, unless that's a house rule of yours.

Negative Talavar. PF2E, pg 198 says specifically that the spell always hits, UNLESS the player rolls a natural 20 or modified 24 or higher! It seems I may have been a little lax on Chain Lightnings dodge roll, but it has been so effective in my games that it is hardly noticeable. And I think the PPE levels are comparable to spells of similar power in the game, but as I've stated, that's a matter of taste from GM to GM. These things aren't set in stone. Change them as you see fit. I only put them here for you to use if you liked. 8)

Dude, I can't think of ANYTHING of equivalent power to Anticipation or absorbtion.
Man do I feel like a munchkin, I mean I know I was running with high end game. But my character has a set of bracers that literality give him a constant effect absortion (northern rangers spell) all he has to do is make a parry. (these things also got the deflect spell on them :? ...oops...
-Floops of the Megaverse beware, Scrud the Flooper Slayer is on the Prowl

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Re: Some new stuff.

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Northern Ranger wrote:snip......
Chain Lightning (Warlock Only)-
Level: Six
PPE: 35
Damage: Special
Saving Throw: None, Dodge Only (Natural 18, Modified 25 or higher)
Duration: Instant
Description: This Air Elemental spell is a powerful alteration of the standard call lighting. The mage will cast a simple lightning bolt that will strike a target unless dodged, (same as a regular call lightning). This target will then take 6d6 points of damage. Once that target has been hit, the lightning bolt then moves onto another target, which, unless dodged, will take 5d6 points of damage. This continues from target to target until the damage of the lightning is 1d6, then the lightning dissipates. (Note: The lightning will automatically strike the next person closest to it, which could include allies of the mage, so use with caution.)


Lightning Curtain (Warlock)-
Level: Ten
PPE: 65
Damage: 1d12 / level
Saving Throw: Dodge Only
Duration: 1 round / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will cause a sheet of lightning to fall from the sky, creating a wall of electricity in front of the caster or up to 50’ away per level of the caster. The wall is 15’ long and increases in size by 15’ per each subsequent level of experience. The damage done is 1d12 per level of the caster, making this a potentially devastating spell.


See Library of Bletherad for cannon verions of these two...

hummm... actully all of you should Buy, Library of Bletherad to see them.
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Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Some new stuff.

Unread post by Northern Ranger »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
See Library of Bletherad for cannon verions of these two...

hummm... actully all of you should Buy, Library of Bletherad to see them.

I have Library of Bletherad, I simply acquired it after I wrote these spells. Go figure. 8)
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Unread post by Marcethus »

Anti-Magic Shell-
Level: Ten
PPE: 75
Damage: None
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 melee / level
Description: This spell, when cast, will place an invisible shell of energy around the spell caster and/or a person of his/her choice. This energy shell will then absorb any and all magical attacks directed at it for the duration of the spell. (Note: It will not block psionic attacks.)

A few things that I noticed, 1st off; I think that this spell is a bit on the high side for level. Considering that Anti-Magic Cloud is level 11. I would lower it down to like 6-8th level. Other than that it's cool spell and all the spells are cool IMO, and I know nothing as to there being LoB versions since I haven't gotten that book yet. I just started building my collection of PF books. I would also love to see any other spells you have in your bag o' Tricks.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those are some interesting new spells! Thanks for sharing them.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Thank you all for your feedback. I appreciate it all, even if I don't always sound like I do! :-P
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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