Monstrous Creations

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Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

It was discussed here in a thread recently that there are no stats for a wyvern and other sub-types of dragons for PF2. That said, I was considering custom building some creatures and was wondering if anyone else has creations they might like to share. I am aware that the Chaos Lands book has a random monster generator, but I would like to see what people might have written up.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Believe it or not I was thinking about doing this same idea. The problem
was going thourgh all the D&D Monster Manuals and making sure I didn't
do anything similiar. Let me see what I can come up :D
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Thanks, I appreciate that. If enough people contributed, this could be an interesting thread.
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We've got some original creatures posted HERE, in the section named The Monster Tome. We've been too busy with work and the demands of daily life to post anything new in a good long while, to our continued chagrin. Anyway, here's a taste of what's there:

Alignment: None
Attributes: I.Q. 4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6 (animal), M.A. 1D6 (animal), P.S. 5D6+10, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6+10, P.B. 1D4, Spd. 3D6
Hit Points: P.E.+1D6x10
S.D.C.: 3D6x10
Natural A.R.: 16
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: None
I.S.P.: None
O.C.C.: None
Skills: None
Natural Abilities: Swim (98%), Prowl (90%)
Attacks Per Melee: 3
Hand to Hand Equivalent: Basic
Damage: Bite: 3D6+P.S. bonus (any successful attack that deals damage may cause infection--see GM Notes), Tail: 4D6+P.S. bonus, Claws: 2D6+P.S. bonus
Bonuses: +2 Strike for Grapple attacks
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 30-50 years
Value: Eggs, hide, and armor plating can fetch a handsome price in certain areas.
Habitat: Swamps or rivers and lakes in warm/tropical climates.
Languages: None
Enemies: Anything edible.
Allies: None
Height: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300-500 pounds

The crolok is a large, humanoid, reptilian predator that resides in swamps and lakes. It is cold-blooded, and thus restricted to warm climates. Scholars debate whether it is a descendant or evolutionary offshoot of another reptilian race, or the result of experimentation by some sorcerer of ages past.

It stands between 6 and 8 feet tall, and has a thick, muscular tail that is nearly as long as its height (typically around 4 or 5 feet). Its scaly skin runs the gamut from olive to dark green, and some gray-green and black varieties have been observed. The thick armor plating of its chest and belly is generally white, yellow, or tan. It is usually covered in moss that hangs from its extremities. A crolok’s arms are nearly as long as its body and end in clawed, three-fingered hands. Its head is long and flat and covered in plates similar to those covering its torso. The mouth is full of sharp teeth, and its jaws are among the strongest on record. Prey captured in a crolok’s massive mouth seldom escapes.

The crolok is barely above animal intelligence. Nevertheless, it is a cunning predator and quite tenacious. Since it spends nearly all of its life in the water, it is an expert swimmer and nearly silent when submerged (equivalent to Prowl at 90%). Its scaly skin provides excellent camouflage in brackish water. It may stalk prey for an hour or more, waiting for an unlucky creature (or adventurer) to venture into the water or close enough to shore to spring its attack. Once its prey is close enough, it will shoot from the water with blinding speed and grab an arm or leg with its hands or jaws and attempt to pull the prey into the water, dragging it down to the bottom. It will hold the prey there until it drowns and the crolok can dine at its leisure (a crolok may wait from several hours to a day or more before feeding). A crolok can and will dine on anything it finds, including carrion (and other croloks!); consequently, its mouth is full of microbes and disease-causing nastiness. Anything bitten by a crolok will likely be infected with potentially life-threatening disease(s).

Croloks are solitary creatures and very territorial. They will not venture more than 20 feet away from water, and then only when starving. They typically breed only once every 3-5 years. The average female crolok will give birth to only 4 or 5 offspring in the course of her lifetime. Crolok eggs are considered a delicacy in certain areas, and may fetch upwards of 200gp per egg in surrounding villages and towns. A crolok’s scaly hide and armor plating can fetch a handsome price in some markets, and can be fashioned into many different items: boots, bags, jackets, and often armor and shields. Its meat, however, is stringy and unpalatable (not to mention filthy).

GM Notes
Bite: the strength of a crolok’s bite is sufficient to pierce even plate armor (equivalent to P.S. 24). The bite itself causes 3D6 + P.S. bonus in damage, and any successful strike that deals damage means the crolok’s jaws have clamped onto its prey. A successful bite will cause an additional 3D6 points of damage per round until the crolok’s jaws have been pried apart (opposed P.S. check). Additionally, anyone bitten hard enough to be dealt damage must roll a Save vs. Disease or be infected with dysentery, typhus, hepatitis, or whichever disease the GM deems appropriate (subsequent bites from the same crolok will not affect those already infected).

Grapple: the crolok’s standard attack is to grab its prey with its hands or teeth and pull it underwater, then drag it to the bottom and wait for it to drown (a crolok can hold its breath for upwards of ten minutes). The grapple attack is an opposed P.S. check. Once established, the crolok gains a +2 versus any attempt to break out of its grip. If its prey breaks out of the grapple, the crolok will continue to try and re-establish its grip until the prey has gotten out of the water and staggered a sufficient distance away (about 10-15 feet or more). Keep in mind that croloks are natural swimmers, and much more at ease underwater than an adventurer encased in armor and laden with equipment; those dragged to the bottom by a crolok seldom return to land.

Tail: the crolok will routinely use its long, muscular tail as a bludgeon, swinging it back and forth to trip its prey, or merely to beat it into submission. Damage is 4D6 + P.S. bonus; trip attacks do no damage and are resolved as normal.

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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

I have something I could post, but I would need to make sure it wasn't a copywright issue first. I created a race of demons called Jesting Demons, which are known in the world at large as Gremlins. (Hence why I'm not sure if it could be posted.) I'll try and find out.
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

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These supremely beautiful horses are thought to be born from a pegasus
and a unicorn union, or they’re the creation of Epim. They are extremely
rare creatures who live in the highest mountains and hardly even venture
down below. They trust few humanoids, only those principled in alignment.
However, they will automatically come to the aid of any good being or
innocent person (child) in trouble. No Lightning has ever been captured
although many hunters and collectors boast they’ve come close. Lightnings
are far clever than most hunter give them credit.

Alignments: Good only
The Eight Attributes: 2D6+4, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. 2D6+6, P.S. 5D6,
P.P. 18+2D6, P.E. 14+2D6, P.B. 18+2D6, Spd running 40+6D6, flight
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 70
S.D.C.: 3D6x10
Natural A.R.: 6
Awe/Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 6D6x10
Natural Abilities: Fly, soar/hover on the wind, exceptional hawk-like
vision, (see rabbits 3 miles away), Nightvision 100 feet (30.4 m), track by
sight 45%, leap 40 feet (12.1 m) across and 20 feet (6 m), high, soaring
leap 100 feet (30.4 m), never tire, fire and cold resistance (half damage),
and imperious to lightning/electricity (natural and magical).
Attacks Per Melee: Four physical or psionic, two magic.
Damage: Front Kick 3D6, Rear Kick 5D6, Horn does 5D6 when ramming.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry, dodge, +4 on all
saving throws, and +6 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: All air elemental magic from levels 1-5 plus 1D6 from levels
6-8. Equal to a 4th level warlock.
Psionics: Sense evil, see the invisible, sixth sense, empathy,
telepathy, mind block, bio-regeneration, healing touch, and psychic
purification. I.S.P. equal to M.E. attribute x 3. Consider a major psionic
(needs a 12 or higher to save vs. psionics).
Value: A live one has never been caught (although there have been
rumors). A wild captive would fetch about 500,000 gold pieces. A trained
one would be worth at a minimum of 3 million. The horn is equal in value
to that of a unicorn.
Average Life Span: Ten to twenty thousand years.
Habitat: Extremely high and rugged mountains, they are rarely
seen before 2000 feet (609.6 m).
Range: All high altitude mountains (Old Kingdom, Northern
Mountains, Algor Mounains)
Language: Magically or psychically understand all language.
Enemies: Anything evil or attempts to capture or harm the animal.
Allies: All things good, especially fond of good faerie folk.
Size: 7 feet (2.13 m) at the shoulder. Wingfspan 20 feet (6 m).
Weight: 1100 lbs to 1300 lbs (495 to 585 kg).
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice creatures. I think they are very cool!
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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For centuries Wolfen told stories of large wolves that would come into
camps at night and snatch sleepers without anyone noticing. At first these
tales were considered mere fables, but when a large party of western
explorers was slaughtered in the middle of the night, accept for one lone
survivor, the truth about the terror wolf came to light. Unlike gray and
timber wolves, these wolves have no qualms about hunting and killing
humanoids. They will bravely venture into humanoid dwellings and cities,
sneaking into homes and snatching anything victims out of their beds.
They can just as easily take down large game animals. These wolves are
naturally invisible. It’s only before the last second before they attack that
they become visible, sometimes in mid leap. These silent killers are one
of the most feared beasts of the Northern Wilderness, but not by any of
the canine races who for some reason they ignore for the most part,
which has some scholars speculating if these wolves origin came about
during the Elf/Dwarf Wars. It may also explain why they respond to
elf/dragon language more than any other as puppies. Rumors suggest
Wolfen are training large numbers of these animals to be used in warfare.
The Wolfen deny such claims, but Coyles are a different story. For most
part their lives are quite similar to the northern timber wolf.

Alignments: Considered miscreant (evil)
Major Attribute: I.Q. 1D6+3.
Speed: 50 (35 mph/56 km), maximum speed is 55 (37.5 mph/60 km)
Hit Points: 4D6 + 12
S.D.C.: 6D6+18
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 8D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision (see in total darkness) 80 feet (24.3
m), Prowl 98%, Track by Smell 90%, can sense prey one mile away,
Swim 65%, Can leap 6 feet (1.8 m) high and 12 feet (3.6 m) across,
can perform a leaping pounce, they walk without making sound or leaving
footprints, they give off no odor nor can they be detected via motion or
heat, naturally invisible (equal to Invisibility Superior).
Attacks Per Melee: Four.
Damage: Bite: 3D6+6, Claws 1D6.
Bonuses: +5 on initiative (+7 on first melee attack), +3 to strike,
+2 to dodge, and +10 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Value: Their fur/pelt is valued at 200-300gp, a full set of teeth
40gp. However, their coat is valued by the rare alchemists who know
how to turn it into a cloak of invisibility (same as standard magic item,
cost around 35,000gp or more to do and takes 2-3 days). A trained
Terror Wolf can cost as much as 25,000gp.
Average Life Span: 20-30 years
Habitat: Mountains, tundra, grasslands and dense forests.
Range: Great Northern Wilderness, Ophid Grasslands, and
northern parts of the Eastern Territory.
Language: None, but if speak elf/dragon in attempts to domesticate
them as puppies, the chances of them staying tame increases.
Enemies: Anything two or four legged will be considered food.
Allies: Attacks against canine races are extremely rare, and they
are more likely to be domesticated by such races.
Size: 6-7 feet (1.8-2.1 m), tail 14-20 inches.
Weight: 90-160 lbs (40.5-72 kg.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Whenever someone disappears for unknown reasons in the Land of the
South, they use to say a phantom panther must have gotten them. This is
extremely unlikely in the cities, but out in the wilds it quite possible.
These large black leopards are notorious predators, who don’t hesitate to
strike out at what they consider easy prey. In fact some believe phantoms
enjoy killing for sheer pleasure, although there is no proof to this
speculation. These cats will lie and wait for hours, sometimes a day or
more waiting for prey to come close. They will use their ethereal ability to
sneak upon and take down prey twice their size. They cannot attack while
ethereal, nor can they interact with the physical world. While ethereal they
can sink into the ground up to their nose (still have to breath) and lie in
wait. They also stand in the middle of any solid object (with just a nose
sticking out). Phantoms are quite aware of the dangers of using their
ability while being in and around solid objects, although many panther
has lost a portion of his or her tail while misjudging a pounce. Panthers
can use their ability to walk on water or dense molecules like smoke or
fog. Panthers live in solitude accept for the female raising her 1D6 kittens.

Alignments: Considered miscreant (evil)
Main Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+2 (low animal).
Speed: 22, with spurts of speed 50 (35 mph/56 km) for 4D4 minutes.
Hit Points: 4D6 + 12
S.D.C.: 3D6+24
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 1D6x10
Natural Abilities: Nightvision (see in total darkness) 1000 feet
(304.8 m), See the Invisible, Prowl 90%, Climb 90%, Track by Smell or
Sight 60%, Exceptional hearing and eyesight, Swim 60%, Can leap 14 feet
(4.2 m) high and 50 feet (15.2 m) across, strong stamina-hardly fatigue,
can turn ethereal (intangible) for up to 5 minutes. This can be performed
up to four times a day. While ethereal, the cat is impervious to all physical
and energy attacks (except magic and psionics).
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Bite: 2D4, Claws 2D6
Bonuses: +5 on initiative (+7 on first melee attack), +2 to strike,
+1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 to automatic dodge (used to turn ethereal,
and +8 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: None
Psionics: None.
Value: Their fur/pelt is valued at 200-300gp. However, their pelt/fur
is valued by the rare alchemists who know how to turn it into a cloak of
ethereal travel (performs their natural ability, except it only works for 2
minutes/3x a day, cost around 250,000gp or more to do and takes 8-10
days). These animals cannot be domesticated.
Average Life Span: 15-20 years
Habitat: Yin Sloth Jungle and Land of the South Winds, although
there are unofficial reports that these cats live all over the world.
Range: Warm and humid environments, although they can adapt to
temper areas as long as the winters stay mild.
Language: None,
Enemies: Anything large enough to be killed will be considered food.
Allies: None, they are extremely solitary animals.
Size: 3-6 feet (.9-1.8 m) long, tail 2-4 feet (.6-1.2 m). Females are 15% smaller.
Weight: 85-200 lbs lbs (38-90 kg), Females are 20% lighter.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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There is nothing more cute and adorable then a golden panda bear. The
animal has a thick, wooly coat that is bright gold in color. There are almost
yellow patches around the eyes, cover the ears, legs, chest, and forms a
band around the shoulder. These gentle creatures eat only bamboo. They
live on remote islands around the Land of the South Wind and the Florency
Islands, far away from humanoids and predators. Until recently, explores
thought these bears spent most of their lives alone, with males and
females meeting only during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a
different picture, in which small groups of pandas share a large territory
and sometimes meet outside the breeding season. The Golden Panda is
favorite of traveling shows and arenas at least partly because many find
the animals has an appealing baby-like cuteness. It is usually depicted
floating peacefully eating bamboo which adds to its image of innocence.
These bears are almost completely docile, infact if they do attack
humanoids its out of irritation rather than predatory behavior, or out of
the need to protect its offspring.

These creatures of magic share a lot in common with faerie folk. They
avoid salt (won’t step on or over it) and holy symbls will hold them at bay.
Their ability to radiate a protective area around them (equal to a 2nd
level Sanctum spell) has made them extremely valuable as pets, but
Golden Pandas die whenever held in captivity within a few weeks unless
returned to the wild. Something about being held “captive” makes them
sad and no longer wish to remain alive. In fact if they are locked away
in a dark confining space or behind bars, the animals will usually die
within 24 hours (no form of magical healing can prevent this). They
prefere their islands homes rather they entrappings of humanoid society,
especially in cities and towns. To make matters worse, nobles of the
Western Empire have learned the magical properties of their blood and
eating their meat is considered a delicacy. As a result, the empire is
now actively hunting for these poor defenseless creatures. Whether or
not they can survive the onslaught remains unknown, already their
population is dwindling at an alarm rate. Faerie Folk are known to go
out of their way to try and save these animals.

Alignments: Considered good
Main Attribute: I.Q. 1D6+4 (child like) and P.B. 5D6.
Speed: 3D6 running/half when climbing in a tree.
Hit Points: 1D4x10+10
S.D.C.: 3D6+12
Natural A.R.: 7
Awe/Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 1D6x100
Natural Abilities: Float (equal to the psionic power at 10th level),
Nightvision (see in total darkness) 120 feet (36.5 m), See the Invisible,
Bio-Regeneration 1D6 every 4 melees (1 minute), Normal heat and cold
resistant (1/2 damage), Prowl 35%, Climb 90%, Track by Smell 66%,
and Good Swimmers 80%.
Attacks Per Melee: Two
Damage: Bite: 1D6, Claws 1D6+2
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge,
+5 on ALL saving throws, and Impervious to Horror Factor.
Magic: Radiate a Sanctum spell constantly (equal to a 2nd level wizard).
Psionics: Sense evil, Sixth Sense, Empathy, See Aura, Mind Block,
and Sense Magic. 45 I.S.P. Consider a minor psionic (3rd level). Needs a
12 or better to save vs. psionics.
Value: Their fur/pelt is valued at 15,000gp. Meat (whole animal)
10,000gp. Their blood can be used by the rare alchemists who know how
to turn it into a potion of youthful appearance that last for 15 years (cost
500,000gp). Eating their meat (cooked) within 6 hours of the animal’s
death is equal to drinking two potions of healing (superior), however the
meat must be cooked exactly right (-20% penalty) otherwise it will cause
the same effect as an Age spell permanently (-4 to save vs. magic).
Average Life Span: 180-200 years
Habitat: Tropical islands, far away from humanoids and predators.
Range: Remote tiny islands near the Land of the South Wind and
in the Florency Islands.
Language: They understand faerie folk, but they don’t speak it.
Enemies: Anything evil or wants to kill and eat them.
Allies: Good fairy folk.
Size: Adults measure around 5 feet (1.52 m) long and around 2 ½
feet (.75 m) tall at the shoulder. Males are 10-20% larger than females
Weight: Males can weigh up to 253 lbs (115 kg). Females are
generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 200 lbs
(100 kg).
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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These ugly birds not only eat carrion, but will attack the wounded and
sickly to speed up their demise. Attacks from these birds’ talons and
beaks do not heal naturally and can only close by magical or psionic
influence. They will also gang up on young and weak living animals and
raid the nests of other birds. A lone humanoid is also at risk as is an
injured member of the party. They will continue to harass injured prey
until they surcome to death. Their gray stone flesh feels as hard as stone,
and they are strong enough to cary off a small child, which they on
occasion have been known to snatch off the ground. These birds usually
operate in flocks of 6-12, but when a large animal is wounded, as many
as thirty will arrive for the feast.

Alignments: Considered Anarchist
Main Attributes: I.Q. 1D4 (low animal),
Speed: 1D4 walking, 2D4x10 in flight.
Hit Points: 3D6+8
S.D.C.: 6D6+8
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 2D6
Natural Abilities: Fly, prowl (silent glide attack) 55%, Exceptional
vision (2 miles/3.2 km), nightvision 300 feet (91.5 m), track by smell
85%, track by sight 70%, hard, dense flesh that looks like stone,
impervious to heat/fire, sense pain and suffering for 10 miles (3 km),
and their beaks and talons produce infectious wounds (same as magical weapon).
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Bite: 2D4, Talons 1D6+2, dive bomb attack does double
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to dodge, and
Impervious to Horror Factor.
Magic: Bites and talons produce infectious wounds.
Psionics: None,
Value: There is nothing of any value that can be taken from these birds.
Average Life Span: 12-18 years.
Habitat: Deserts and Grasslands/Plains.
Range: Baalgor Wastelands, Middle and Southern parts of the Old Kingdom.
Language: None,
Enemies: These animals have no predators, nothing wants to eat them.
Allies: Nothing wants to associate with them.
Size: 40-46 inches (1.0-1.1 m), 8.5 feet (2.5 m) wingspan.
Weight: 25-30 lbs (11.25-13.5 kg)..
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

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The rainbow fish is a intelligent species of salmonid native specifically to
the Old Kingdom River. However, every two years they migrate to the
Inland Sea, stay for two years then return to the fresh water river to
spawn. They are called Rainbow Fish because every color of the rainbow
appears on their body. When in the river, their colors are generally darker
and more brilliant. Their backs varies in each color from red to purple.
They always have multi-colored spots on their heads, backs, bellies and
across their dorsal fins and caudal fins. These fish do not die after
spawning, afterward they return to the ocean. Amazingly these fish can
live to the ripe old age of ten. Rainbows have a varied diet. They are
predators, eating any smaller fish from nearly the time they are born.
Insects make up a large portion of the diet, along with crayfish and
other crustaceans. Yet what really sets these fish apart from other
salmonoid spieces is their intelligence and magical nature. These fish
are as intelligent as the average human, which means they do not fall
for standard fishing techniques. They know to avoid fishing lures, hooks,
nets, traps, etc. They also are skilled in using elemental water magic as
a means to traveling the river and sea and as a means of defense
against predators. To catch one of these fish takes great skill and luck,
and sometimes a request to the god Khnum who is said to have created
them in the first place Those who catch and eat rainbows without giving
thanks to the god are according to legend cursed with ill luck for seven
days. Many western noble who has eaten rainbow meat refuses to believe
such a silly superstition, while fishermen of the Inland Sea and the Old
Kingdom River are stout believers, in fact if they do catch a rainbow,
they celebrate and return it to water, believing they have just received
a glorious blessing from the god himself.

Alignment: Considered anarchist
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 2D6+3
P.P.E.: 2D6x10+20.
Natural Abilities: Swim 98%, Fast Swimmers 24 mph (38.6 km),
Swim in incredible tight circles, Intellect equal to the average human (I.Q.
9-12), Nightvision 20 feet (6 m), Impervious to ice and cold, and Natural
Chameleon (same as Warlock spell at 4th level).
Attacks Per Melee: Four non-combat actions.
Damage: Only by spell magic.
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +6 to automatic dodge, +5 to save vs.
magic, and Impervious to psionics.
Magic: Color Water, Sense Direction Underwater, Change Current,
Create Water, Create Fog, Encase in Ice, and Command Fish. All magic is
equal to a 4th level water warlock.
Psionics: None,
Value: 100-200gp per fish, it is very difficult to catch them. Their
meat is a delicacy. According to legend, if you catch one and return it to
the water, the god of light Khnum (Lord of the Cool Waters) blesses the
fisherman with good fortune (same as the priest of light blessing of a
person). Furthermore, before the meat of these fish can be eaten by a
humanoid, a priest of light must perform a prayer of thanks to the god,
otherwise those who eat the fish have a 01-39% chance of receiving a 7th
level luck curse (save vs. magic of 13).
Average Life Span: 10 years
Habitat: Salt or Fresh Water.
Range: The Old Kingdom River and the Inland Sea (especially
nearby Phi and Lopan). Language: It’s believed the fish communicate with
each other through a series of clicks and chirps (like dolphins), noises
incapable for land based animals to make or hear.
Enemies: Anything that wants to kill and eat them.
Allies: None,
Size: 20 to 48 inches (.5 to 1.21 m) in length.
Weight: 5.5 - 22 pounds (2.5 to 10 kg)
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Purple frogs are quite noisy and annoying, loud enough to be heard a mile
away. Whenever they gather, the area has a purple hue to it. Their skin
glistens purple. The skin has a magical toxic glandular secretion that not
only poisoning anything that touches the frog via bare skin contact, but
causes any physical contact to turn the being/animal purple. To matters
worst, purple frogs boldly go wherever they want because other living
creatures fear their touch. These frogs will jump right after humanoids
trying to intimidate them. Should anyone choose to squish a frog
underfoot, he or she soon finds him or herself purple for the next two

Alignment: Considered anarchist
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 1D4
P.P.E.: 1D6+4
Natural Abilities: Swim 90%, Climb 80%, Prowl 80%, and the
Purple Touch (touching the frog requires the victim to make two saving
throws; first bare skin contact requires making a save vs. lethal poison or
the victims suffers 1D6 points of damage for 1D4+1 melees. The second
is save is one against magic (13 or better) or the victim and everything on
his or her person turns purple for 48 hours.
Attacks Per Melee: Two non-combat actions.
Damage: The frog secretes a magical poison to ward of predators.
Magic: Magic Poison.
Psionics: None,
Value: 25 gold (for alchemical purpose).
Average Life Span: 5-10 years
Habitat: Forest and Swamps, always nearby water.
Range: Yin Sloth Jungle and Land of the South Wind.
Language: None,
Enemies: Anything that wants to kill and eat them.
Allies: None,
Size: 6 inches (.15 m)
Weight: 5-7 oz (140-196 grams).
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Northern Ranger wrote:I have something I could post, but I would need to make sure it wasn't a copywright issue first. I created a race of demons called Jesting Demons, which are known in the world at large as Gremlins. (Hence why I'm not sure if it could be posted.) I'll try and find out.

There are Gremlins in 1st Ed. Beyond the Supernatural, so unless yours have a severe allergy to water and late night snacks, you're probably ok.

↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A select start
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Rainbow fish? My kid loves the books by that title, and the TV show. (Not the same thing, of course.) Just reminded of my daughters books. Kewl critter though. Might just have to snag it for my next sea adventure!
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

300 Geek Points (So Far)
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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These birds of prey were once favored by Elves prior to the Elf/Dwarf
Wars as assassins and messengers. The war devestated their populations
to the point it was thought the birds were extinct. However, small pockets
found homes in the dense northern forest of the Eastern Territory. Slowly
the species has begun to repopulate, moving south and westward.
These birds are jet black in color, making them almost invisible at night.
They have errie yellow eyes. A pair of Death Hawks remains together for
life. They build several eyries within their territory and use them
alternately for several years. The nest consists of heavy tree branches,
upholstered with grass. Old eyries may be 6 ½ (2 m) in diameter and 3 ½
feet (1.06 m) in height, as the birds enlarge their nests every year. If the
eyrie is situated on a tree, supporting tree branches may break because
of the weight of the nest. The female lays two to four eggs in early winter
and late spring (depending on the area). After 45 days the young hatch.
They are entirely white and are fed for fifty days before they are able
to make their first flight attempts and eat on their own. The parents try
to their best to make sure all the chicks survive, but in some cases the
smallest chick dies without leaving the eyrie. These birds are extrmely
territoral when it comes to the nest. They regard anything that comes
within 100 feet of their nest as a poltential predator. If it comes within
30 feet of the eyrie, both birds will attack until it is killed/driven off or
they are killed. These birds mate for life, and if one is killed, it partner
will perform either a suicidal plunge or will stop eating/drinking and
no longer defend itself as it lays besides its fallen partner.

Death Hawks use a division of labor while hunting: one partner drives
the prey to its waiting partner. They have very superior eyesight and
can spot prey from a long distance. The birds can spit bolts of lightning
that can hit moving targets as if they were sitting still. These birds are
such skilled marksman, a trained bird is said to be able to hit a gold
piece tossed from its owner hand in mid air. The birds prey upon other
birds, rodents, martens, foxes, young deer, and livestock including
lambs and young goats. During winter months when prey is scarce,
Death Hawks scavenge on carrion to supplement their diet.

Death Hawks can be trained for falconry, but they are quite difficult to
do so, unless raised after hatching. Unfortunatley regardless of training,
if the birds see one of the opposite sex, they will attempt to fly off
together. Those who have trained Death Hawks are able to make a
good life for themselves. These birds can be made into deadly body
guards and assassins, striking down enemies with deadly pin point
accuracy without warning, usually with a head shot.

Alignment: Considered anarchist
Hit Points/S.D.C. Combined: 4D6+10
P.P.E.: 1D4x10+10
Natural Abilities: Fly, exceptional vision (2 miles/3.2 km),
nightvision 400 feet (121.9 m), See the Invisible, Prowl (silent swooping
attack) 70%, Track by Smell 50%, Track by Sight 90%, and Superior
Speed: 90 (63 mph/101.4 km), but can reach speeds of 200 (140
mph/225.4 km) in a dive bomb.
Attacks Per Melee: Four
Damage: Talons do 2D6+2, Bite does 2D4, dive attacks do double
damage, Spit Lightning 3D6+6, Range: 300 feet (81.4 m). The birds can
spit lightning four times in a melee (one minute). They can produce 10
lightning strikes in a single day.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to strike with lightning,
and +6 to dodge. Note: These birds can hit fast moving objects and/or tiny
small objects (the size of a tennis ball) without penalty while standing
still or in flight with their lightning bolts.
Magic: None, except their lightning attacks.
Psionics: None,
Value: 1500gp for eggs and up to 6000gp for a trained bird. These
birds are quite difficult to train (-15% on falconry).
Average Life Span: 20 years
Habitat: Seacoasts and along the banks of rivers, lake, and dense
forest and mountains.
Range: Small islands on the Inland Sea, along the Old Kingdom
and Great River, they are starting to be being seen more often throughout
the Eastern Territory (more so in the Disputed Region).
Language: None,
Enemies: They are very territorial when it comes to their nest
when there are eggs or chicks being raised.
Allies: None,
Size: 2½ to 3½ feet tall (.75 to 1 m); Wingspan 8-10 feet (2.4 to 3 m).
Weight: 5 ½ -15¼ lb (2.5 to 7 kg)
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This creature look like a cross between a brown bear, a porcupine, and
a lizard. Their underbellys are the only place on their bodies not covered
with an armor of quills up to a foot long (.3 m). Their armor hide is strong
enough to protect them from any sort of physical attack, but it’s the
powerful magnetic field generated on their back the protects them from
any iron or iron based alloy. Metal items are riped from scabbards, pulled
from pockets, and if wearing a suit of iron armor (with person inside)
is dragged toward the creature. Even magic items are effected. Metal
objects become trapped within their quills. So even if the creature
suffers damage, the attacker cannot remove his or her weapon from
the creature’s back. Sometimes these creatuers are seen with up to
1D4 metal magic items stuck on their bodies. The magnetic field is so
powerful it can protect them from metal projectiles (even bullets) without
harming their bodies. Unfortunately the creature cannot turn off the field,
so sometimes they get overburrden (has a P.S. equal to 20) with a back
full of metal objects. The only way to turn off the field is to kill the
creature. These creatures also have a deadly poisonous bite that can
kill instantly.

A terror beasts kills and eats anything equal or smaller then itself,
however it will defend itself from anything that feel is threatening,
especially trolls and giants who like to wear their furs/pelts as decorative
armor pieces and eat their meat. With their population waining, giants
of Mt. Nimiro are moving more into the Yin Sloth and Land of the South
to hunt these creatures, which as a result mean southern humans are
having more encounters with these dangerous creatures, a true terror
for any knight in shinning armor.

Alignment: Considered miscreant
Hit Points: 1D6x10
S.D.C.: 3D6+24
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 12 with melee/18 with projectiles.
P.P.E.: 1D6x10
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 20 feet (6 m), Prowl 25%, Track by
Smell 70%, Swimming 80%, Climbing 65%, Quill Defense-any hand to
hand attack that fails to by-pass the natural armor rating will have contact
with the quills causing 3D6 point of damage (pulling them out causes an
extra 1D4), Bio-Regeneration 2D6 per minute, Electromagnetic Field
(equal to a 2nd level version of the air elemental spell)-it takes a P.S.
of 80 (Supernatural 16) to remove metal objects from their quills. The
creature can carry 400 lbs (180 kg) of metal material on its back.
Speed: 22 (15 mph/24 km), but maximum speed is 50 (35 mph/56
m), which can be maintained for 4D6 minutes.
Attacks Per Melee: Four
Damage: Claws do 3D6+6 points of damage, Body Block does 4D6,
Bear Hug does 5D6 per melee round, Bite 2D4+2, plus victim must make
a save vs. lethal poison (14) or take 6D6 points of damage direct to hit
points. Those who make the save take the damage to their S.D.C.
Regardless if the save is made or not, the victim suffers -3 to strike,
parry, and dodge. Lose 2 attacks/actions and reduce Spd by 30%.
Damage is accumulative.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +8 to save vs.
Horror Factor, +6 to save vs. poison/disease. The creature takes ½
damage from poison and the effect and duration is also reduce by one-
Magic: None, except their electromagnetic field
Psionics: None,
Value: Quill Fur/Pelt 300gp; meat (whole animal 50 gold).
Average Life Span: 30-40 years
Habitat: Warm Forests and Swamps
Range: Yin Sloth Jungles and Land of the South Wind. There are a
few in the southern part of the giant territory near Mount Nimiro.
Language: None,
Enemies: They are killers/predators of medium or small humanoids.
Allies: None,
Size: 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m), Tail is 4-5 feet (1.21 to 1.52 m).
Weight: 700-1000 lbs (315 to 450 kg).
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Wherever these hairy sharks go, they become the dominant predator.
Vermin are nocturnal carnivores. In a suitable environment a female will
breed throughout the year, with a female producing three to six litters of
up to fifteen young. Females may regulate their production of offspring
during times when food is scarce, throwing as few as only one litter a
year. The rats live in large hierarchical groups either in burrows or
subsurface places such as sewers and cellars. When food is in short
supply, the rats lower in social order are the first to die. If a large fraction
of a rat population is exterminated, the remaining rats will increase their
reproductive rate, and quickly restore the old population level. Their coat
is usually black to light brown in color with a lighter underside. Their eyes
are orange in color.

When Vermin smell blood, the entire group will seek it out no matter
where it goes. These creatures fear nothing, anything daring to come
near them suffers the effect of their deadly electric discharge. This
discharges increases in damage, range, duration, and effect with the
increased number of rats. A social group of 60 rats for example generates
enough electrical energy to equal a bolt of lightning. Any living thing
that happens upon a large group of these rats will swarmed upon,
electroquted, and eaten. Even a Wooly Dragon is smart enough to
avoid these huge swarms.

By orders of the Emperor, Vermin are to be killed on sight in the Western
Empire after the town of Xyphis was destroyed by an aleged swarm of two
hundred. Ratling are known to keep indiviudal rats as pets and the Church
of Kirgi considers them to be the god’s elite army, one that could be used
to destroy other cities of the Empire if they fail to establish Chuches in
the rat god’s name.

Alignment: Considered miscreant
Hit Points: 2D4+2
S.D.C.: 1D6+2
P.P.E.: 3D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 300 feet (91 m), Swimming 65%,
Climbing 75%, Acrobatics 40%, Prowl 80%, Acute hearing and sensitive
to ultrasound, Track Blood Scent-3000 feet (914 km) away at a base skill
of 80%, Impervious to lightning (magical as well), Sixth Sense (same
as psionic power except the range is 30 feet 9.1 m) and doesn’t require
I.S.P, and Electrical Discharge.
Speed: 13 (9.1 mph/14.6 km).
Attacks Per Melee: Two
Damage: Bite does 1D4+1 point of damage, Electric Discharge-the
rat can produce a 3 foot (.9 m) electric field that inflicts 1D6 damage with
a 01-50% of losing a single attack/action. The rat can maintain the field
for two minutes. It can perform the discharge up to six times a day.
While a single rat cannot inflict a lot of damage, when the rats gather in
group of five or more, the damage increases by 1D6, the duration and
range increases by 50%. Five rats can produce an electric discharge that
has a 01-50% of stunning a victim for 1D6 melees. This also increased
by 3% for each five rats and the stun duration increased by an extra 1D6
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge, and
Impervious to Horror Factor.
Magic: None, except their electric field
Psionics: None,
Value: For alchemist purpose 50gp for a single rat.
Average Life Span: 3-5 years.
Habitat: Anyplace, they have amazing adaptive qualities.
Range: It is believed they were natives of the Land of the Damned,
until someone brought them to the Western Empire, now they can be found anyway.
Language: None,
Enemies: They have none. Every living thing is considered food.
Allies: See above.
Size: A foot long (.3 m) with an 18-20 inch (45 to 50 cm) tail.
Weight: Up to 2 ½ lbs (1.12 kg).
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very awesome additions! I've got to check on this more often! These are very cool!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Thanks, more stuff is coming :D.
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Can't wait to see more material! But take your time. It's great quality!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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rifter them.
If Archie 3 were to read every palladium book every made would his head explode immediatly do to inconsitancies, or would it take him a couple of days to reason out there is no reason and thus kill himself? ~ Rolling Bear
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These creatures are the ones I willing to give up for free, I've got whole different batch I'm using for something else.
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These giant snakes are a rare encounter. Both elves and dwarves
mercilessly hunted them down in an effort to protect livestock and
individuals living in the country prior the Elf/Dwarf Wars. The massive
snakes lie in wait to ambush prey or drift in the wind appearing as a
cloud of ash and drift down on the unsuspecting travelers or prey animal.
Because of sheer size, the snakes will attempt to kill anything large
enough to be eaten which can include ogre size humanoids, and although
beings larger then 12 feet (3.65 m) will not be considered prey, they might
still be attacked as the snakes are highly aggressive and territorial. Little
is actually known about these creatures, no one has ever decided to learn
about them, and those who have tried have never been seen or heard
from again.

O.C.C.: Creature of Magic
Alignments: Considered Miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (animal), M.E. 1D4+2, M.A. 1D4,
P.S. 18+3D6, P.P. 2D6+3, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 1D4+2, Spd 1D6 on land, 14 in
ash form.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute +5D6
S.D.C.: 2D6+60
Natural A.R.: 7
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 6D6+10
Natural Abilities: Prowl 80%, Climb 65%, Swim 65%, Impervious to
fire/heat (including magic), Nightvision 300 feet (91.m), Turn Self into a
Cloud of Ash (same as the fire elemental spell at 3rd level with some stats
equal to Metamorphosis: Mist-Prowl 80%, Hover 100 feet/30 m,
impervious to physical and energy attacks).
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Bite: 2D6, Constriction does 6D6 + P.S. attribute bonus
of damage each melee (counts as one attack)-only killing the serpent or
rendering it unconscious will cause it to release its hold. Victims cannot
attack while trapped in the creature embraced (limbs are pinned and
only a creature with a Supernatural P.S. of 25 or better can attempts
an escape).
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +1 to dodge (+2 in water), and +7 to save
vs. Horror Factor.
Magic: Only its natural abilities.
Psionics: None,
Value: Skin for alchemy purposes (50gp per foot).
Average Life Span: 300-400 years.
Habitat: Deserts, Grasslands/Plains, and Jungles
Range: Baalgor Wastelands, Land of the South Wind, and Yin Sloth
Language: None,
Enemies: It fears nothing. It looks like food it will try to eat it.
Allies: None,
Size: 60-80 feet (18.2-24.3 m).
Weight: 900-1800 lbs (405-810 kg).
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool creatures! So you have some more creatures? What are they for? Just curious....
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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I'm saving them for a rainy manuscript day. Doing some research right
now to make sure they are as original as can be. I want to make sure
they are not similiar to anything found in manuals belonging to
another RPG company. Got a few more critters to put up. Look for them soon.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is another nice set of monsters! Please keep them coming! :ok:
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Been taking a break to let the imagination recharge. Got a few more
critters to post. Look for them soon.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'm looking forward to seeing more of those very cool critters!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Like Kevin I love fairy folk and I use them to annoy my players
all the time :mrgreen:.

So here are the first of several fairy folk race for GMs to use against


Of all the fairy folk none is more annoying then the 3 inch (17 cm) Doodle.
These tiny bearded looking gnomes with greenish skin live in close night
communities 4D4x10 strong in secluded forests, meadows, and
grasslands. Like all fairy folk, they have an endless need for fun and
mischief, but that’s only after work is done. Doodles are always busy
doing something, whether it’s gardening, fixing, building, crafting, sewing,
cooking, etc. Doodles believe one must never have idle hands. In fact
Doodles spend 18 hours a day working. The rest of the time if for enjoying
life, eating sweets, and of course singing and dancing. Doodles are also
compelled to fix broken things. If a Doodle sees a broken down cart on
the side of the road, he or she will alert the entire community, which will
result in half of them coming over to fix it. They do the same thing for
anything they come across, be it a gate, a shoe, even an entire building.
Humans and elves whose homes have been destroyed sometimes return
to see their home completely restored because of a hundred thankless
Doodles. Of course, sticking around while Doodles work can be hazardous
to ones health. Whenever Doodles work, they sing and if anyone but
another fairy folk hears their song, then he or she is compelled to sing
and dance or mimic the same physical actions of the nearest Doodle.
A helpless knight could be found marching in place or a soldier might be
mimicking the action of repairing a shoe or washing clothes. Perhaps a
dwarf mercenary will be found jumping up and down. The typical Doodle
song last 1D6x10 minutes, but when the entire community is working on
a single project, the song could last for hours, days, or perhaps until the
project is completed. And when one Doodle sings, you can be sure the
rest will join in too.

For thousands of years, monster races (ogres in particular) have been
gobbling up Doodles because of their alleged tasty flesh. Orcs and goblins
have decimated entire communities by setting fire to them, and then
afterward picking out the roasted one and eating them. Evil alchemist
use their blood to make magic potions and pay a hefty fee for anyone
willing to capture them alive or sell them vials of their blood. Perhaps this
is why Doodles possess such powerful magic and their always singing.
Then again, who has time to worry about dying when there is so much
work to do.

Race.: Faerie Folk
Alignments: Any, but lean toward selfish ones.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 1D4,
P.P. 3D6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 1D6+2.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x2
S.D.C.: 2D6
Natural A.R.: 7
Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1D6x100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around
them from ley lines and nexus points.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 98%, Speak
Elf/Dragonese 80%, identify plants & fruits 90%, land navigation 80%,
wilderness survival 80%, climbing 85%, preserve food 70%, tracking
(people) 70%, track animals 80%, faerie lore 90%, ventriloquism 50%,
sing 98%, dance 98%, play musical instruments (any) 80%, cook 65%,
sew 75%, brewing 65%, holistic medicine 65%, general repair &
maintenance 80%, carpentry 90%, dowsing 50%, forced march, and
prowl 98%. Skills do not increase.
Natural Abilities: Never fatigue-tireless, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), can
speak as loud as 90 decibels, keen sense of smell, track by smell 70%,
leap 6 feet (1.82 m) straight up or 14 feet (4.26 m) across (double with
running starts), see the invisible, sense the location of ley lines 50%,
and the Faerie Song & Dance (special). Whenever one or more Doodle
sing, all who hear it within 100 feet (30.49 m) must save vs. faerie magic
(16 or better) or suffer the effects of Faerie’ Dance or mimic a Doodles’
physical actions (marching, fixing a broken gate, baking a cake, etc)
and the victim begin to sing along. While singing, the victim cannot say
or speak anything but the words to the Doodle song, nor is it possible
to engage in any other physical/mental action or activity. Victims can
only be saved by being forcibly pulled from the vocal range (100
feet/30.49 m), or rendered unconscious (a globe of silence will not quiet
the song or negate its effect). Individuals cannot perform skills, have no
initiative, and are -10 to strike, parry, and dodge. Note: Regardless of
how many Doodles sing, only one saving throw needs to be made, but
it must be made at the beginning of each melee round until every Doodle
stop singing (which almost never happens).
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical hand to hand attack or four using magic.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to auto dodge, +4 to roll
with impact, +3 on all saving throws, and +6 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Same means used to protect oneself from all faerie folk.
Magic Spells: Purple Mist, Fireball, Wind Rush, Befuddle, Animate
Objects, Grow Plants, Repel Animals, and Earth Rumble. Like all faerie
magic requires a saving throw vs. magic of 16 or higher and has the spell
strength, duration, range, and damage equal to a 10th level
Psionics: None
Value: Some monster races (ogres in particular) consider Doodle
flesh tasty. Their blood is also used by alchemist to make various magic
potions, although it takes at least a dozen or more to make enough for a
single vial. 1 tablespoon (14.7 mL) of Doodle blood is worth 10,000 gold.
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere
Range: Anywhere
Language: See above.
Enemies: Evil faerie folk, goblins, orcs, ogres, trolls, and giant kind.
They also have a strong dislike for dwarves and wolfen. They go out of
their way to sing “really loud” whenever dwarves and wolfen come by.
Allies: Good faerie folk and other good creatures of magic. They
have a fondness for elves. They are distrustful of humans, but are always
willing to help those in need, however the simply adore children. In fact
they are quite protective of babies.
Size: 3 inches (17.78 cm) tall.
Weight: 2 ounces (56 grams).
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

I've refrained from posting for a while to this thread because, to be perfectly honest, I haven't found that much that was appeling in a lot of these critters. (Sorry, Reagren, but you can't please all the people all the time!) Anyways, that changed with the Gray Hairs! Awesome job man! I love undead, so that one was a winner with me. I love it. I'm not a fan yet, but the future looks bright! Keep it up!
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those little Doddles can be a great pain in the backside for the players. I think it is a great one!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Droll are among the larger of the fairy folk, and often get called
leprechauns. The main difference between then is sheer looks Drolls look
like gaunt, elderly minstrels, standing two feet (1.2 m) tall, wearing some
sort of bright red apparel (a cap, shoes, backpack, a patch like pocket,
etc). They walk with a distinct hobble, but this lameness seemingly
disappears the moment a Droll becomes angry or frightened. Drolls carry
with them solid gold musical instruments. Only they possess the unique
fairy magic to construct these magical objects and make them play.
Each droll crafts his or her own unique instrument. Although the droll can
choose to make any kind of instrument, most prefer wind (flutes,
panpipes, horns) over string (lute, mandolin, or harp). Though they look
and sound like minstrels, drolls are anything but entertainers. They are
skilled thieves and con-artist. When encountered, these sly fairy folk will
be pleasant and helpful, but this is done in order to gain, the non-faerie
folks trust. The moment one decides to allow the droll to eat and drink
with them, this is when the trap is sprung. Drolls musical instruments
have the power to turn all food (including those growing on plants) and
beverage within a 50 foot (15. 2 m) radius into fairy food equivalents.
So a person drinks his or her ale or eats some beef jerky only to discover
they’ve ingested “magic mushroom.” Once under the influence of fairy
magic, the droll will attempt to steal any valuables they can and hide
them in their bright red apparel, which functions as a dimensional pocket.
Then the lame scoundrel will make a quick escape, laughing all the way.

Sometimes a droll trap doesn’t work and greedy travelers see the gold
instrument as an item that should belong to them. Drolls are more than
capable of defending themselves with their faerie magic and natural
abilities. They will protect their magical instruments to the very end, and
if one should manage to take it, one better kill the droll for he surely
hunt down the thieves and take his revenge. Drolls are one of the few
faire folk that will enter humanoid civilization, especially if they want their
magical instruments back, even though they can make another. To steal
from a Droll is to invite one of the worst wraths known to mortal kind,
takes a thief to anger a thief.

Alignments: Almost always anarchist (miscreant or aberrant are the
next most likely), however, a Droll will never deliberately hurt, steal, or
betray another of the Faerie Folk.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+3, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 2D6,
P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6 (minimum of 6, Spd 1D6 (pretending)
6D6+8 (actual).
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x3
S.D.C.: 4D6
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1D6x100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around
them from ley lines and nexus points.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 98%, Speak
Elf/Dragonese and Dwarf 80%, speak one additional language at the base
skill +25% bonus. Other skills includes play musical instrument (any)
98%, sing 90%, jesting 85%, dance 80%, tumbling 70%, juggling 65%,
land navigation 70%, pick pocket 65%, palming 50%, prowl 65%,
concealment 70%, general repair/maintenance 75%, metalworking 80%,
sculpting & whittling 80%, carpentry 70%, and W.P. knife. Skills do not
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet (18.2 m), keen normal vision
and superior hearing (cannot be surprised or snuck up from behind), turn
invisible at will, see the invisible, dimensional pocket, and build magical
gold instruments that possess Jinx Magic (make all food and beverage
within 50 feet (15.2 m) have the same magical effects as Faerie Food,
including Faerie drinks and ointments.). Duration: 1D4 hours.
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical hand to hand attack or three using magic.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +2 to roll with
impact, +3 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. all other saving throws, and
+6 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Same means used to protect oneself from all faerie folk.
Magic Spells: Charm, Mute, Blind, Escape, Create Bread & Milk,
Reduce Self (to six inches), and Faerie Dance.
Psionics: None
Value: Their gold instruments although useless as magical items,
can fetch 3x their replacement value (Some Instruments in Adventures on
the High Seas, page 20-21).
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere
Range: Anywhere
Language: See above.
Enemies: Humanoids of all sorts. They are especially fearful of
large monster races (ogres, trolls, and giant kind) who think their gnomes
and therefore edible.
Allies: Good and evil faerie folk. They are distrustful of other
creatures of magic, especially those who are good in alignment.
Size: 2 feet (.6 m) tall.
Weight: 35-40 lbs (15-18 kg).
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The origin of Faerie Folk remains a mystery, one that even those
effectively immortal know nothing of. But one particular race exists
because of the will of Erva the Void, one of the Old Ones. After Xy was
gone and the Old Ones began warring with one another, Erva created a
race of tiny, magical beings whose sole purpose is cause as much death
and destruction as possible. But these “fairy creatures” despite their
devastating potential, refused to be murderous, cruel, or wicked. Instead
they choose to be helpful, kindhearted, and gentle. Yet by doing so, they
became a nuisance far worst then the Zavor. Green Jenny radiates an
anti-magic field that functions just like an anti-magic cloud, which
affectively negates all magic except their own. These creatures thrive on
helping others and lending assistance, but they make life miserable for
others because magic will not work around them. Furthermore, these
creatures are seemingly oblivious to what their doing, nor will they
acknowledge themselves as the cause of any misfortune (nega-psychic
type disbelief). When others attempt to persuade them to leave, the
Green Jenny will refuse, sighting him or she has not helped enough or
proven that he or she could be a valuable team player. Anyone attempting
to remove one by force will anger the faerie creature, who will see it
as an immediate show of ungratefulness, which most often results an in
immediate temper tantrum of retaliation, and without the use magic to
protect them, the Green Jenny’s associates are likely to be killed by the
enraged faerie.

Green Jennies are not intentionally evil, more or less incapable of
recognizing their flawed existence and detrimental effects they have on
others. A mercenary group might welcome Green Jennies assistance.
They can be powerful allies, possessing a willingness to do almost
anything to save those they decide to protect (accept self-sacrifice),
of course this could to the aggravation of magic users and/or possessors
of magic items. Green Jenny look like tree sprites only their taller, have
green skin, and transparent wings.

Race.: Faerie Folk
Alignments: Always aberrant. More than willing to protect/help
others as long as they show appreciation, betrayal and disloyalty will be
punishable by a quick death.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 1D6, P.P.
3D6+6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6+6 (minimum of 12), Spd 3D6 (running)
3D6x10 (flying).
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x4
S.D.C.: 4D6
Natural A.R.: 7
Horror Factor/Awe: 8 for Men of Magic 17.
P.P.E.: 1D6x100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around them from ley lines and nexus points.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player character
can learn two additional languages at the base skill of +10% skill bonus,
identify plants & fruits 90%, land navigation 90%, wilderness survival
90%, preserve food 70%, faerie lore 98%, prowl 80%, climb 70%/60%,
surveillance 75%, track humanoid 50%, history (always knows 12 races)
80%, sing 30%, dance 30%, and dowsing 50%. Skills do not increase.
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see
the invisible, keen normal vision, 18.2 m), turn invisible at will, sixth sense
(uses no I.S.P), and anti-magic field (same as a 1st level anti-magic cloud,
always on, has no effect on other faerie folk). Range: 100 feet (30.5 m).
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical hand to hand attack or four using magic.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to parry, +4 to automatic dodge in
flight, +3 to save vs. psionics, and +8 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Same means used to protect oneself from all faerie folk.
Magic Spells: Ball Lightning, Protection from Lightning, Electric Field,
Call Lightning, and Thunderclap. Remember the spell strength, duration,
range, and damage is equal to a 10th level wizard/warlock.
Psionics: None.
Value: Their wings are worth 20,000 to 40,000 gold per pair. Poor
mages or alchemist who have been befriend by these pest have paid as
much as 100,000 gold to remove the pest.
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Anywhere
Range: Anywhere
Language: See above.
Enemies: As far as their concern, they have no enemies. Anyone
can be a friend or foe, but anyone who shows no appreciation or betrayal
is automatically considered an enemy, regardless if they where a friend
for centuries.
Allies: Everyone is their friend. Everyone loves them.
Size: 6 inches (15.24 cm) tall.
Weight: 6 ounces (.25 kg).
Note: They never wear clothes or armor, have no need for
weapons, and want to be everyone’s friend and helper. They live alone,
hardly ever associate with other faerie folk.

Note: Penalties for dealing with tiny people. Penalties are accumulative.

-6 to ht with projectile or missile/thrown
-3 to hit with melee weapon or punch
-4 to hit with a kick
-3 to hit while moving or hovering
-6 to hit if moving more than 30 mph (48.4 km)
-3 to hit if more than 30 feet (9.1 m) away
-6 to hit if more than 50 feet (15. 24 m) away.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey Northern Ranger, glad you like the Gray Hairs. Use them and make
your PC a bunch of old folks :lol: . And as for the rest of my critters if
your not impressed, no problem. This writer is pretty thick skinned, in fact
I'm my own worst critic. As I've said, these are merely critters I've
been using for years and willing to give to the boards as freebies for
anyone out there who wants to use them. So enjoy or not :-D .
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Hey, Reagren

I can totally relate, having shared some of my own work with the forums to mixed results. (Ask Xynar about a certain skills list that took me months to do.) I've read some of your other stuff, and most of it is good.

Got any more undead?
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Okay because the Collector of Dice was inquiring about Faerie Healers and
the idea caught my imagination, I decided to roll with it.


Of all the faerie folk, Moon Sprites are among the most welcomed and
well-regarded. For whatever reason, these tiny creatures are attracted
to pain and suffering. They seek out the source and attempt to rid the
victim’s misery. One could say these creatures are natural healers, who
unlike humanoids don’t ask for anything in return, although they will
accept rewards of sweets and alcohol (they enjoy alcohol as much as
leprechauns). Those who attempt to capture or make friends with a
moon sprite in order to make use of its healing powers soon discover
that despite their apparent benevolence, they are faerie folk, and will
soon make themselves a major nuisance. Moon sprites are natural
invisible during daylight hours, but after sunset they become visible,
showing off their pale skin, purple hair, and dark blue flickering wings.
Moon Sprites prefer to live in thick, dark forest. They also attracted to
lie in places inhabited by evil supernatural menaces, not that they
welcome their company, but they are perfect places to make use of
their talents.

Race.: Faerie Folk
Alignments: Any good. .
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+6, P.S. 1D6,
P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6+8 (minimum of 12), Spd 4D6 (running)
3D6x10+20 (flying).
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x3
S.D.C.: 3D6
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor/Awe: 10
P.P.E.: 1D6x100, plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E. around
them from ley lines and nexus points.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player character
can learn two additional languages at the base skill of +10% skill bonus,
identify plants & fruits 90%, holistic medicine 98%, land navigation 90%,
wilderness survival 90%, preserve food 70%, faerie lore 98%, prowl 80%,
climb 70%/60%, surveillance 75%, first aid 90%, track humanoid 50%,
animal husbandry 70%, brewing 80%, sing 60%, dance 50%, and dowsing
50%. Skills do not increase.
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see
the invisible, keen normal vision, naturally invisible during daylight hours,
become visible at night, sense pain and suffering 3 miles (4.8 km), locate
the exact position of wounded and dying within a 500 foot (152.4 m)
Attacks Per Melee: Two physical hand to hand attack or three using
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to automatic dodge in
flight, +3 to on all saving throws, and +8 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Vulnerabilities: Same means used to protect oneself from all faerie folk.
Magic Spells: Turn Dead, Negate Poison/Toxin, Repel Animals,
Heal Wounds, Cure Illness, Purification, Exorcism, Remove Curse, Breath
of Life, Charm, Darkness, and Ball Lightning. Remember the spell
strength, duration, range, and damage is equal to a 10th level
Psionics: None.
Value: Their wings are worth 20,000 to 40,000 gold per pair.
Average Life Span: Immortal until slain.
Habitat: Forests only
Range: Anywhere
Language: See above.
Enemies: Undead and animate dead, they attempt to destroy such
things. They will attempt to drive any necromancer out of their forest
should he or she dare enter it. Moon Sprites have also been known to
heal ones enemy while he or she is engaging him or her in the middle
of a fight.
Allies: They are willing to help any living thing that’s in pain or anguish.
Size: 4 inches (10.16 cm) tall.
Weight: 4 ounces (.11 kg).
Note: They never wear clothes or armor, have no need for
weapons, and want to be everyone’s friend and helper. They live in
groups of 4D4 and associate with all type of faerie folk.

Note: Penalties for dealing with tiny people. Penalties are accumulative.

-6 to ht with projectile or missile/thrown
-3 to hit with melee weapon or punch
-4 to hit with a kick
-3 to hit while moving or hovering
-6 to hit if moving more than 30 mph (48.4 km)
-3 to hit if more than 30 feet (9.1 m) away
-6 to hit if more than 50 feet (15. 24 m) away.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Northern Ranger, I don't have any new undead yet, but if I think about it
long enough, I think I can craft up some spooks. I'll do my best to make
sure their original and unique as can be.
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Reagren Wright wrote:Northern Ranger, I don't have any new undead yet, but if I think about it
long enough, I think I can craft up some spooks. I'll do my best to make
sure their original and unique as can be.

Kewl. But don't go out of your way on my account. Any and all creativity is welcome. (But I do love those undead!) :lol:
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Unread post by DiceCollector »

Thanks Reagren!!! That is what I was looking for. I will print this out and make a NEW HEALER!!!! This is going to be so MUCH FUN!! THANKS Buddy Your the BEST!
"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was NO match fo me at kick boxing" -Emo Philips
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Actually the only "original" undead I've ever come up with are the Gray
Hairs. That's why I want to "exercise" my imagination and develope
some for the boards, but if I do too well job, I'm afraid they go into
the "keeper" folder.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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To the Collector of Dice, your welcome, now all we have to do is find
a moment to use him or her in a game :( :-( .
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Unread post by Northern Ranger »

Reagren Wright wrote:Actually the only "original" undead I've ever come up with are the Gray
Hairs. That's why I want to "exercise" my imagination and develope
some for the boards, but if I do too well job, I'm afraid they go into
the "keeper" folder.

Hey, I've got one of those "keeper" folders myself, and it's got a lot of stuff in it! I've only just recently come to realize that there are people on these boards who actually like my stuff. (I always kind of thought before that it was only my group, and they only liked it cause they didn't want to tick off the GM.) Anyways, I can certainly relate to your reasoning.
This world is far too small not to want to see it all, but life is far too short to allow that to happen. - Falcon, Ranger (My primary hero in PFRPG setting)

"Unhand me you slobbering son of an Orcish whore!" - Ariana Moonstone, Palladin (Another primary character of mine.)

"Bastard!" War cry of Strut, Barbarian Mercenary. (That's for you James!)

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice new creations! Thank you for sharing them with us. Sorry I'm been a little under observant lately due too my cold. I'll pay better attention as I heal.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Opps! Sorry for the double post! :eek: :shock: :? :D
Last edited by Aramanthus on Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Reagren Wright
Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
Posts: 3239
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

That's why the board is actually a great place to try stuff out before a
target audience before yeah send them to the Rifter to see if Wayne and/or
Kevin like them which means their good enough to be unofficial Palladium
material. And from there anything is possible with a lot of hard work and
patience. Just ask any of the freelancers.
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