Network Omni News

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind it. He looks and smiles.::: "And tonight fellow Three Galaxies citizens we breing the last part of our interview with the commander of the mercenary fleet the "Spectral Winds." We now bring that conclusion to you." :::The scene is replaced with the room with the small humanoid in the roman centurion armor and the tall woman, both of whom are sitting in very comfy looking chairs.:::

Marv.::: "Well since you are avoiding questions about some of your ships capabilities. Could you please tell us some of the plans for the "Spectral Winds?"

DeVires.::: Marv, we already began the process several years ago when I communicated with some people at the "StarForge" shpiyards about needing some new designs. They asked for the specifics and we provided them the information of what we are looking at. And they provided us with plans. They also assisted us at the time to expand our own ship production capabilities."

M.::: "How did they assist the "Spectral Winds?"

D.::: "We were going to go with just a new class of Battlecruisers. At that time we only had three ship classes in production at our facilities. So we had expanded our shipyard to handle one more class. They showed us how to expand our production to include at two other classes."

M.::: "What were they original classes that your group built?"

D.::: "We originally built the Wolf class Heavy Cruiser, the Nike class Light cruiser, and the Vapor Trail destroyer."

M.::: "Could you please tell us more about your designs. I've actually seen the Wolf class in action. I know from what I've seen is that is quite a formidable class. This class is really one tough ship. How do you describ the reason for it being so durable?"

D.::: "We designed it too be as tough as any of the heavy cruisers out their when we building it. We felt it was necessary to build it as tough as we could due to what it might encounter while on assignment at various locations across the Three Galaxies. And so far they have proven their worth."

M.::: "I'm sure that I'm not alone in hearing about the other two classes. Could you please elaborate on the classes?"

D.::: The Nike is a ship that was built to fill a niche in our organization. As we expanded we discovered that light cruisers were scare, and those that were available were too expensive. Which forced us to build our own design. We have found that our design is at least as good as the CAF's War Shield class. Our Nike's have faced pirates using captured War shields and have always come out on top. As for the Vapor Trail, we chose to build a large class of Destroyers. Some people have called the Vapor Trail a Destroyer leader. We decided to build this class because we could never find enough destroyers to find on the used market. And most of the ones we picked up were barely up to the task at hand that we needed them to do. We make the most of the ships we capture and build."

M.::: "What about these three new classes of ships that you are going to produce? What can you tell me about them?

D.::: "We have three new classes we have been building. The smallest is following the trends we have seen in various powers around the Three Galaxies. The first new class we are presently sending out to fulfill our contracts is a pocket battleship. We've been watching the trend and felt that this class would be a huge help in places where were need more firepower than a heavy cruiser and yet not a full sized battleship or battlecruiser. Our next new class which is heading for it's contracts is a full on battlecruiser. We felt after after certain events over the past few years we needed to field a larger ship capable of dealing out damages equal to a battleship and yet be able to move like a heavy cruiser. Our last ship which is also heading out to meet their contracts is a battleship. We felt the need that things where we were operating were going to be in need of heavy fire power."

M.::: "After the things with the "Planet Wrecker's" was settled I thought that the major powers would not like seeing a potential pirates with such heavy fire power. What have to major powers thought if your plan to expand?"

D.::: "As for the TGE, I don't give a rat's hind end what they think. We don't operate within their Territories. As for the CAF, we have a pretty good working conditions with them. As a matter of fact they would like to pruchase several of our classes to test and see if they can meet their needs. If they do meet those needs we have a contract to provide them. We have contracts within the UWW and they have no problem with us either. The Central Alliance doesn't care what we do, as long as we don't interfere in their territories. And the same goes for the Golgan Republik. There are a myriad of small antions who have used our services and will continue to use them. And we'll make sure we can continue to provide the best service we can."

M.::: "I"d like to thank you Alicia for Appearing on our show! Good luck with your fleet! We wish you good hunting!"

D.::: "Thank you for having me. We'll be seeing you later."

:::The scene fades and returns to the new room. And the small figure with the roman centurion armor. We'll that concludes our first majotr interview with the commander of the "Spectral Winds." Our regular news will continue tomrrow night. Thank you for tuning in." :::The scene fades to black.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk with the little humanoid wearing Roman centurion armor sitting behind it. Also present is a mug, the mug actually has an advertisment for a company named "Eludium" on it's side. The small humanoid shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citiznes. Tonight we bring a story about a sports team in need of opponents. The Gantareen Dominators needs opponents." :::Picture of a team of 40 dominators. Each of whom is wearing basket ball uniforms instead of their normal armor.::: "See even these kids could use some other teams to play in. Their games have been interfered with by ever major power block in the Three Galaxies. They even have the tech to help balance the scales in their size difference. We here at MOANS are appealling to everyone out there to volunteer to help these kids and their dream." :::A shot of the dominators dribbling, passing and shooting a giant basketball.::: "Our second story is more comical than the first. It's about a small scurying little critter that we here at MOANS would like to have you reach an support thru your contacting your local politicians. Here we have a clip to show you." :::The scene shows a small creature which resembles a large humanoid hand with a tail. The creature has eight limbs which project it quickly around various locations. You see a soldier pin one with a desk and shoot it. It's blood is apparently acidic.::: "Now these little creatures need your support. So call your local politician, and tell them that you want these little critters to be protected from those mean soldiers. We now take you to the next show on the schedule." :::The scene changes to black and then it is replaced with the enxt show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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Aramanthus wrote::::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk with the little humanoid wearing Roman centurion armor sitting behind it. Also present is a mug, the mug actually has an advertisment for a company named "Eludium" on it's side. The small humanoid shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citiznes. Tonight we bring a story about a sports team in need of opponents. The Gantareen Dominators needs opponents." :::Picture of a team of 40 dominators. Each of whom is wearing basket ball uniforms instead of their normal armor.::: "See even these kids could use some other teams to play in. Their games have been interfered with by ever major power block in the Three Galaxies. They even have the tech to help balance the scales in their size difference. We here at MOANS are appealling to everyone out there to volunteer to help these kids and their dream." :::A shot of the dominators dribbling, passing and shooting a giant basketball.::: "Our second story is more comical than the first. It's about a small scurying little critter that we here at MOANS would like to have you reach an support thru your contacting your local politicians. Here we have a clip to show you." :::The scene shows a small creature which resembles a large humanoid hand with a tail. The creature has eight limbs which project it quickly around various locations. You see a soldier pin one with a desk and shoot it. It's blood is apparently acidic.::: "Now these little creatures need your support. So call your local politician, and tell them that you want these little critters to be protected from those mean soldiers. We now take you to the next show on the schedule." :::The scene changes to black and then it is replaced with the enxt show.:::

Good to see that this is still alive and kicking. And about those poor creatures, they can be the first ones to watch over them. And then we will see what becomes of them. :D
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Re: Network Omni News

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Don't forget to read the other articles. There are quite a few of them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large, shiny desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He shuffles the paper and looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today we are going to be talking about the local speed regulations. I have witnessed myself these local law enforcers trying to keep people from moving at the speed they feel like they can handle in their NeoMercedes, NeoFeraries, and other fabulous grav cars. I personally own several of those vehicles. I watched a Splugorthian getting hauled over for exceeding the 1600 kph here in center. I think that the one thousand kph is not the answer. We need to have the speed limit raised to 2000 kph. I think that if the law enforcement won't do this, we need to all drive that fast. And what is it about those slow pokes in the fast lanes. Why not have the law enforcement agencies target those people. I think there should be some road blocks targetting those beings. That concludes our editorial comments for tonight. You'll now go to the next regularly scheduled show." :::The scene changes to the next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The Tri-D camera focuses on large shiny desk with the small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind it. He shuffles his papers and looks in the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to change the pace of our show. Tonight we are going to focus on Sleazya a planet in Trigonian cluster. (The planet's name has been changed to this after the events of last year.) This cluster is located within the Thundercloud galaxy at coordinates of 195X35X-20. Which places it between the CCW stars of Feklar's star and In'val. The planet was as of last year on the verge of joining the CCW when disaster struck. It's stable government was pulled down by several factions. These various factions have been carrying out a bloody civil war since, with no end in sight. Various Merc units have been recruited by the various groups involved. According to our various sources there have been almost one hundred million causalities since the civil war has begun. And we have heard of at least fifteen merc groups being involved in this conflict. We have contracted a war surfer to provide us a look at this ground war. He'll make the jump and his first report later tonight. We'll bring you more as we recieve it. We now return you to your show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previous show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny desk with a small humanoid sitting behind it. He shuffles his papers and looks into camera.::: "Greeting fellow Three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to show you some of the scenes of combat from the Warsurfer we contacted. Now we won't have sound from him, but you'll see the vivid details of the combat occurring on Sleazya. Now we'll see things from his prespective." :::The scene changes to static at first. Then you see an armed shuttles controls and the hands operating them. You see those hands deftly moving over them. You see thru the windsscreen of the shuttle. You watch the flames of reentry licking the edges of it as it passes thru the upper levels of the atmosphere. Then as quickly as the flames appear they dissappear. The land is seen thru the windscreen, and it approaches quickly. Then you seen the right hand flip a toggle. And suddenly the ships descent is cut drastically. Then the ship is down. The hands fly over the controls to shut the ship down. The you see restraining belts removed and the person gets up and head over to an arms cabinet. The hands remove several hand weapons, several grenades, at least on mono blade, and a fairly large combat rifle.
The the hatch is opened and the person get out. You can see the reflection of the armored suit on the shinier surfaces of the shuttle. Which is a well known model found in the three galaxies. The figure secures his hatch and arms the defensive systems. The scene then turns away from the assualt shuttle and looks at the surrounding. The surrounding area looks like it might have been a beautiful forest, only now there are blackened and charred stumps, some of which have a diameter great than 10 feet. The ground disappears as the Warsurfer activates a CG pack. Then the terrain flows underneath the figure at a rapid rate. He passes over blighted land for quite awhile. Then after time has passed you see what remains of a city. The once tall, proud buildings partially collasped. Piles of rubble having replaced residential areas of the city. Then as quickly as he is travelling he comes to a nearly complete stop and lands behind a pile of debris. He looks over the debris an you see nothing at first. Then you can see the focus of the camera change and bring into focus several partially hidden armored foes. You see the large rifle aimed at the targets. He fires and catches one of them dead on. Then you see debris flying from being hit by incoming fire. The person obviously runs and dives for a change in cover. Then he lobs a grenade over at one of the other armor soldiers. You see and explosion, but there is no sound to it. During the resulting explosion you see several parts of what looked like a figure flying in several different directions. Then the figure leans forward and looks for a split second, before ducking back behind the pile of debris. He then swings the rifle back and shoots yet another target. Then he is up and moving again, you get the feeling that he is dodging more incoming fire. Then you see a flash of light and the picture goes to static. The scene returned to the newsroom.:::

"Sorry about that folks. Apparently our Warsurfer had camera problems. We'll bring you more as soon as possible. We return you to your next scheduled show. Have a great evening." :::The scene fades to balck and changes to the next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The scene show the inside of a news room, all modern and shiny. The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny and wooden desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He looks into the camera after shuffling several papers.::: "First I must apologize to our viewers for the lack of news this past week. Our system was down and we were working on getting the system back online. It almost took a miracle, but here we are back on top! Thank you for your patience! It is much appreciated. So to make it for it we are going to be covering several stories this evening during the night."
"The first one we'll be covering is the Kentuchian Fried Chiknician plight. Tonight on the planet of Kentuchian the avian people there are gathering in large numbers to take flight on the great cliffs of their world. Of course these great people have long since lost even the ability to glide. Now below them at the very bottom of the cliffs the great Frying company is preparing their great fryers for the feast to come. At dawn the mature members of this race fling themselves over the edge to plumett to their deaths. This is because as this race grows to maturity their mental facilties start to disappear. By the time they reach adulthood they breed and produce young. Now they do this act for up too twenty five years. By the end of their twenty-fifth year of breeding they are pretty much midless. And they thru their instincts know they need to leave their offspring alone. So they gather on the massive cliffs which face the rising sun. Then at dawn they hurl themselves into the sun. Well our news is that the great fryers company are going to be offering grilled Kentuchians. So go and get your grilled food! It's awesome." :::You see him lift a large wing to his mouth where he happily bites into it!::: "Waaaahooo! That is finger licking good. Try it with the maritan potatos. And we now take you to the next show." :::The scene goes black and the next show begins.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The Tri-D camera focuses on a large shiny desk with a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. He shuffles his papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to bring you a live feed from a famous casino here on Center. It's owner is a personal friend of mine, and made sure I knew I could gamble there anytime I plan on it. Anyway, back to our story at hand. We were informed by my friend the owner of the casino that there is someone there on the brink of actually winnning one trillion credits. This amazing amount has never been won at any particular casino in any of the known world within the three galaxies. We now bring you this historical moment in casino history." :::The scene flickers and changes in an instant to a casino. Most people will recognize big "T"s casino. The camera focuses on the a set of tables which have the local equivilent to poker. There is a little old lady who tosses several chips into the pot in the center. Several ragged looking men match her bet. Then one of the last men throws in the a few more chips to raise again. The little old lady's face is totally impassive as she meets the raise and adds a few more chips to the huge pot. Most of the men ante in the new amount, but do not raise the pot. Then they start revealing their cards. One by one the tension grows until it is the little old woman's turn to reveal her cards. She turns over her last card to reveal that she has the best hand on the table. She smiles politely and then reaches out to the center of the table and starts to rake in her winnings. When she finishes gathering her winnings, someone ask her what she's going to do with her winnings and her reply is that she and her kitty are going to Disneyt world! The scene changes and returns to the news room.::: "Well, we know she'll be happy taking her cat with her to that pleasure planet. We'll that is all for tonight. Have a great evening." :::The scene changes to the next show on the schedule.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The Tri-D camera focuses on the large shiny wooden desk in the newsroom with the small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor sitting behind it. The humanoid shuffles some papers and then looks into the camera.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to cover the story of mythology. There have been rumors of ghost ships that roam the stars. We are going to be exploring one in particular. "The Grendelsheim". This ship was an old Battleship from the Human Alliance. It was one of the first of the Andanopolis class of Battleships. This ships, it earned a reputation of being one tough ship. During it's history it waas involved in many battles. Then after decades of service on a routine patrol she and her entire crew vansihed without a trace. She has appeared over the decades to appear unexpectantly when a civilian ship is in need of assistance. Or when pirates are trying to take a ship. She was recently sighted on the Pelanir system in the Corkscrew galaxy less than 5000 light years from Center. She appeared as the passenger liner "Radavear" called for help when several pirate cruisers closed on her. According to witnesses "The Grendelsheim" appeared she quickly engaged all three targets and moved to put herself between the liner and the pirates. She showed her pure strength by distroying all three of the pirates cruisers. Then she departed after making sure the liner was ok. We have one picture a passenger took of the ship. And you can definately read the name on the ship. Now some people will suggest that the ships crew were tired of serving and decided to leave the HA service and take their ship with them. That could be, but is unproven. You can see the pictures that the ship has repaired damage listed as being on her which is located on any records of her." :::The scnen changes and you see a massive ship over 4/5's of a mile long. The ship is a diamond wedge shaped. The camera focuses on several major discolored patches on the ventral surface of the Battleship. The camera focuses on one of the primary weapons. It fires at targets beyond the camera's range. Finally after several shots from the weapon brings success as you see a major flash of light possibly indicting another ship being destroyed. Then the ship changes position. The camera focuses out that back on the ship as a name appears, and it tightly focuses on the name plate which reads "Grendelsheim". The scene changes and returns to the news room.::: "Now that you've seen the footage, you'll have to make up your own mind. I think she is still out there protecting us. That is the news tonight!" :::The scene fades to black and changes to next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The scene changes and the newsroom comes into focus. As the Tri-D camera focuses more on the large shiny wooden desk. Sitting behind it is a small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and looks into the camera.::: "Greeting fellow three galaxies citizens. Today we are going to still cover the topic of Ghost ships. Tonight we are going to cover the most notorious ghost ship that was ever recorded. This ship started off life as a TGE Smasher cruiser. The ships name is lost in history, but that same ship has been know as "Hela's Gift". Now it has been expressed by many experts that this ship is named for the Norse goddess of death, but there has been no confirmation from her of her staff on this as of this time. But this ghost ship has developed a reputation of being one nasty ship. And there have never been survivors of an attack by this ship. Athough some of the bigger warships have been fortunate to drive it off when it was determined to attack and destroy. This ship can be determined by the name of Hela on it's bow. We have no pictures of any sort. Although those major warships have confirmed it was a Smasher cruiser after having driven it off. Now we do encourage our viewership to forward news stories to us here at MOANS. We'll definately look into the story to make sure it is worthy of being on our News network." :::The scene changes to the next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight from the Sabratech sector we have some serious news. The world known as Norden Korita located in sector 152X25X-40 located in the Corkscrew galaxy has demonstrated their aggression in the past have done it again. This small nation have detonated an anti-matter weapon in one of the systems they control. At 0600 galactic standard this past Monday they destroyed a planetoid with a anti-matter. This small nation has been under pressure by the various powers to stop working on these weapons. This nation has already stated that they'll export it to however they want too. The CCW has deployed a Heavy cruiser squadron to prevent this technology to be sent to dangerous local powers in the three galaxies. There hasn't been any responses from either the TGE or the UWW. We are expecting a condemnation from the UWW. It is believed that an outside power provided the data these people needed to actually create their anti-matter weapon. We'll continue to bring you this information as we find it out." :::The scene changes back to the next show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight from the Sabratech sector we have some serious news. The world known as Norden Korita located in sector 152X25X-40 located in the Corkscrew galaxy. Tonight we bring you more news from this sector. The UWW has openly decided to publically condemn Norden Korita. The N Koritians have added the UWW to a list of enemies who have accosted them verbally. In another incident the Norden Koritians attempted to ship various arms that are prohibited by a CCW sponsored anti-matter weapon accords. In this confrontation the cargo ship and it's escort were forced to return back to their main base when they were intercepted by the CCW Heavy cruiser task force. This force is commanded by Rear Admiral Karl Konigsberg on his flagship Exeter. The Exeter and it's sister ship detected the Norden Koritan ships as they departed their system to deliver Anti-matter weapons to know terrorist groups. So as far as most of the diplomatic community the CCW hasn't violated any laws. But as far as Norden Korita they have declared war. According to the latest military information on their forces the Norden Koritians have a moderate fleet. They had at last incpection two outdated heavy cruisers, three light cruisers equal to the warshields of the CCW. They also have one extremely old escort carrier. They have approximately 10 fairly new destroyers rounding out their large ships. It is known that they have almost one hundred small patrol boats, although it is believed that these craft are almost one hundred years old. They have one mobile dock aquired from unknown sources. And their fleet has right around 20 fast supply ships that are over one hundred and fifty years old and are considered obsolete by three galaxies standards. We will continue to bring you more information on this situation as it occurs. Thank you for your time." :::The scene changes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "We have another story and have to apologize for interupting your normally scheduled show. The planet located in the Thundercloud galaxy known as Dartagonia at the galactic coordinates of 300X75X12. This world is located only 150 light years from Galamon. It has issued a warning to all ships and civilzations nearby that they are suffering a plague of unknown origins. Now according to rumors the GS are moving to help this civilazation, but this hasn't been confirmed at this time. But we expect one in the next few hours. We now return you to your regularly schedulled show." :::The scene changes and returns to the previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are following two seperate stories. The first of which is still following the crisis in Norden Korita. The Norden Koritians launched a cruise missile today. The target was an asteroid, but still added to their violations that this renegade mini empire keep accumulating is astonishing. This demonstration was under the watchful eyes of the CCW Heavy cruiser squadron. After this demonstration the system sent out their message that they will continue to do as they like. And that if they chose to sell WMDs they could do as they liked. According to the military experts the CCW heavy cruiser targetted the missile as it flew towards it's target. So as the present situation stands it is still a deadlock. CCW taskgroup is waiting for authorization to go in and smack them down."
"On our second story which involves Dartagonia and it's plague. We have recieved further information on it. This plague is extrodinarily contagious. According to our reports the virus can spread thru several means. The authorities are still working on trying contain this threat. Several of this systems neighbors have sent naval elements to blockade the planet and prevent people from escaping. We'll continue to bring you more information on these crisises as they continue to develope. That is all for the news tonight." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are still following the two seperate stories. Both of which were being followed last week. One being the situation in Norden Korita and the plague ridden Dartagonia. The situation in Norden Korita is still tittering on the edge. Neither side has backed down. Even though they are quite clearly out numbered by superior forces the Norden Koritians have yet to blink and eye. They keep stating that they can seel their weapons to whomever they choose too. So far their merchant ships have been intercepted by the CCW forces that are patrolling outside of their systems. We are still hoping that the situation will be difused. But we'll keep you informed of these events as they continue to occur."
"As far as the second story the plague occuring in Dartagonia. The plague is still being classified. But as it turns out they GS discovered that it can be treated. They are using a very heavy anti-biotic to cure the plague. Although they are still desperately in need of more anti-biotics. According to information we here at MOANS have heard that more supplies of Anti-biotics are being shipped from various points of the local cluster." :::The scene changes to the next previously scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are still following the two seperate stories. Both of which were being followed last week. One being the situation in Norden Korita and the plague ridden Dartagonia. At this time the situation in Norden Korita is still in at a cross roads. The CWW cruiser squadron is still blockading their systems and insisting on checking on out going merchant vessels. Although today the leader of the Norden Koritians, Chwang Moon Wu announced his eventual replacement, of his youngest son Tweish Sou Coual. Of course his son couldn't be bothered to comment on this announcement, since he's off making adulf films."
"As for the poor populace of Dartagonia. We have some good news. The virus has been identified and containned. Although the cost has been staggering. During it's short run it managed to kill over fifteen percent of the total population. Our heart go out to the survivors of this plague. And that is our news for this day!" :::The scene changes and returns to the scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are covering story which involves things on a little known planet known as Pradaditeellian. This planet is located within Anvil galaxy only 150 light years down-spiral from Altess dynasty. The galactic coordinates are 260X75X-25. This system has become host of the galactic comedy get together. This is the first year for this celebration. Comedians from all over are expected to try and get the audiences to laugh in whatever sort of manner they can arrange. We are expecting to show as many of these uncensored comedians as we can tomorrow night."
"We also have more information on the situation in Norden Korita. Today the Norden Koritians launched seven seperate missiles at test asteroids. The CCW cruiser squadron has been on blockade status of this small nation for over a week. Luckily the Norden Koritians have avoided shooting at the ships of the CCW. We will continue to bring the latest news to you in your homes." :::The scene changes to black and then changes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today we are still covering the Norden Koritan crisis. Nothing there has changed. Both sides are still looking down their barrells at each other. No major moves occured todaty. Although we had word that the son of the Norden Koritian leader finally heard of his father's plan for him. And his reaction was to scream like a coward and he was last seen fleeing the set of the adult film he was partaking in. We will bring more news to you as it reachs us."
"Our next story covers one of greats of entertainment. We cover this story in the hopes that various legal authorities will reexamine his case. We feel that mistakes were made and this hero of entertainment was taken from us by someone else's hand and not his own. According to his own family he was in good spirits and not at all suicidal."
"Our next story is to mark the 20th anniverssary of the attempted civilian rebellion within the Cantoonesian republic. The Cantoonesian republic is located within the Corkscrew Galaxy approximately 7000 light years down spiral from Algol & Eden. Galactic Coordinates for the Cantoonesian Republic are 95X15X20. Twenty years ago a peaceful demonstration by the civilians of this republic was brutally put down by the military. Many of it's citizens who were involved in this rebellion were killed by the military and more of them were imprisoned for around a decade. We actually have a picture taken during this rebellion. It became famous as this single male individual walked out infront of a column of hover tanks and forced them to stop. Many reporter out there are looking for this individual to interview. There is no record of this individual being alive at the present time, if he is he could be imprisoned."
"Our last story this evening is about another new trend teen agers are doing here on center. They are using fake signs to get public transportation lines to stop at their faked signs. At these places when the public transportation stops they are immediately netted using extremely heavy duty capturing systems. This has caused a serious delays in public transportations here at center for the last few days. The nickname of this new entertainment is simply called netting. Rumors have it is being used on individuals too, but this has yet to be confirmed. We'll be sending one of our reporters out tomorrow to check this rumors our." :::From off camera you hear someone yell out....."It's not going to be me."::: :::Without taking his eyes off the camera the small humanoid wearing roman centurion armor smiles and says.::: "Yes you are! You don't have a say in this. Don't worry it won't be dangerous. It's not like they are canibals. That concludes are news day. Have a great day." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are continuing our coverage of the stand off between the CCW and the Norden Koritians. Today the stand off remain very quiet. No talks have been occuring, due to the Norden Koritians are refusing to speak to anyone. They keep on insisting that they have the right to sell the weapons to anyone they choose too. The CCW was joined today by the UWW in it's stance. This was apparently due to several terrorist organizations almost gaining specialized weapons from the Norden Koritians. They'll be dispatching ships to join the blockade of this system. We expect this to bring them back to the negotiations tables, but we'll have to wait and see. We'll bring you more information on this as it continues to develope."
"Our next story is continuing to follow the death of that famed entertainment star yesterday. According to the latest information from various sources his hands were tied behind his back. Now unless they are really dumb law enforcement people this sounds like this star was helped on his way to the afterlife by someone. Which translates to murder. I also think that since the hotel he was staying at has delayed allowing legal authorities to review the hotel security tape is suspicious in itself. We will continue to bring you more on this story as it continues to develope. I'm hoping that we'll bring you the capture of this scumbag who took this entertainment great!" :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we continue to follow up a stroy we've been hoping to cover for the past decade. In a little out of the way system in the Anvil galaxy we call upon you all to watch with me as we open this frontier world up to colonization. This planet known to it's small number of inhabitants as Raddantick 4. Has natural beauty." :::You see scens of majestic mountains, wide, wild rivers and broad virgin forest of ancient forest.::: "Now you can see why I'm so excited, although it doesn't hurt that I"m a share holder of this company that plans to colonize this wonderful world located on galactic coordinates of 285X125X-10. It just screams to those of you looking for a challenge. Go to it! You know you want to do that. Ships are even leaving from here on center in the next week. This company will pay out large amounts for those first brave souls to colonize it. And we are also including a large section of land for those first colonist. Some of which will be granted to those first brave ones. We are talking about unit sections in increments of twenty miles by twenty miles. The more you contribute to this colonization project the larger your territory you can control. So you want to get in touch with us here at MOANS to set up your position on this colonizations move. Join the rest in this journey. Also don't forget the government is not set up at this time, so you'll help up a new power base within the three galaxies." :::The scene changes to the next regular show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we bring you more news on the happenings within the NOrden Koritian system. Today according to sources located within the capitol that shipping of all kind are being suspended around certain asteroids. The same ones where they test fired an anti-matter cruise missile a few weeks ago. It is believed that they are about to fire another missile. But that has yet to be witnessed. The CCW and the newly arrived UWW forces have yet to make a comment on this as of this time. Now according to our own military experts this could be an entirely new missile system for this nation. According to our experts the Norden Koritians have been building a massive structure on their normal orbital platform which apparently simulates ships of various sizes for launching missiles. We'll bring you more on this as we find out more." :::The scene changes and moves on the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we have more conflict possibly on the horizon. Before that first we are going back to Norden Koritian crisis. Today the Norden Koritians had some harsh words for the CCW and the UWW. They mentioned that they were willing to use whatever force they needed to bring to bear on their enemies to defeat them. Both the CCW and the UWW haven't made any response to this later threat. We are still watching the luanch facilities as the Norden Koritian's are gathering gear for a planned launch of another missile. No one is sure of it's size, but we believe it is a another anti-matter cruise missile. But that has yet to be seen. We'll continue to bring you more on this story as it continues to develope."
"On to our second story. This story takes place on the border between the Golgan Republik and the Central Alliance. Earlier this week we were informed that the Golgan Republik is having a massive military operations for the next week at star system at the edge of their Republik. They claim it is for practice only. Due to this series of war games the Central Alliance is planning their own set of war games. These war games will occur in an area very close to the Central Alliance's border with the Republik. Both sides are saying that it is nothing to worry about since both forces will stay well clear of the others border. We'll bring you more on this story as it contine to develope." :::A paper is thrust in the Marvin's hand.:::
"On yet another story I was just handed the Norden Koritian's have launched a massive missile far larger then the standard cruise missile. According to our expert this missile is the size of a large planetary missile. And this missile traveled in front of the combined CCW and UWW task groups. Their response was to shoot down the missile in response. We now believe that the situation stepped up in seriousness. We will bring you more information as this continues to develope." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. After the Norden Koritian launching of their planetary defense missile that nearly hit the CCW task group. Nothing has come out of their capital after the incident. As for the CCW and UWW, both governments have condemned the incident. There are rumors that both are sending even more forces. But this has yet to be proven. We'll bring you more on this story as it happens." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are covering a contest, the first of it's kind officially for Center. This contest faught each other to the best of their ability! They used every thing they knew in their combat rounds with each other. And yes it was carnage on an unprecedented range. Starting off there were over two hundred contestants. During the fight several dozen of the contestants were killed." :::The scene changes showing several of the bloodiest moments of the fight including one scen where someone had their heart ripped out and another where the loser had literally lost their head in the conflict. The scene returns to the newsroom.::: "As you can see this combat is quite intense and the warriors fighting for the title of the "Toughest in Three Galaxies" is going to become a year event here on Center. And we here at MOANS have the only legitimate coverage of this event. The fighting continued all of today and it'll still go on tomorrow. We'll know the champion by tomorrow night! We hope to bring you the final round tomorrow night. Stay with our line up that follows tonight's show." :::The scene changes and then goes to next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. As for the finalist in the "Toughest in the Three Galaxies." :::He shrugs his shoulders.::: "What can I say we had this awesome day of fighting with many causalities during the last several days. As it turned out the contest lastested far longer than anticipated. Next year the organiziers are scheduling a whole week for the second annual contest. And during this bloody battle between these modern gladiators. Tonight the last two faced each other after having fought many extrodinarily bloody battles. These two faced each other across the discolored matts." :::The scene changes to show the arena and two equally matched warriors as they faced each other. Then you see the signal to begin the match. The two circle each other looking for an opening. They finally engage in a brutal combat trading many blows. This contionues for several minutes. Then both beings throw vicious blows and strike their opponents. Both of the combatants stagger away from each other and both collaspe onto the matts. Blood pooling alongside their heads. Then the scene returns to the news room.::: "As we can see at the last match between the last two opponents, it was a vicious knowck down drag out fight which concluded with both of their deaths. Now some people have complained that this sport is too violent, but we here at MOANS are very happy to know that this first year of this show drew in over one hundred billion in betting alone. We happily support the needs of the many for their blood sport entertainment."
"As for the situation in Norden Koritian. This hasn't changed at all. The Norden Koritians are spouting more garbage than center produces in a year. The Norden Koritians have threatened that they will happily launch their weapons at any target that threatens their sovergnity. We will continue to bring you more information as it continues to develope." :::The scene changes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are still covering the situation that still has the Norden Koritians at odds with those major powers who oppose them. This situation is still in the midst of a stalemate. We will bring you more information as soon as we hear about it."
"Our next story is something that was revealed today from various sources. According to my sources the greatest hero in this one uiniverse is going to return from the dead. I have to say this is very impoortant to us here at MOANS. We hope to interview this hero shortly after his return as we can. We'll bring this interview to you as soon as it occurs." :::The scene changes and returns to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today the CAF cruiser Exeter managed to recover bodies and parts of the missing liner. This liner went missing last night. It was on a short run between Terra Prime and Cathallay One. These two place are only four hundred and fifty light years apart. Cathally One is known for it's gas giants. This system is the only one in this area of Corkscrew Galaxy to have multicolor gas giants. And their close proximatey to each other. This system has tremendous gas reserves and is constantly harvested. According to sources there are still forty to fifty thousand years supply here. But this system's owner is the Human Alliances primary gas explorer NeoExon. They also allow tourist to visit this beautiful system. We do recommend that if you get a chance to visit this system. It is a pleasure to behold."
"Tonight we are still watching the situation in Norden Koritian, which hasn't changed in the past several weeks. We continue to watch as this history continues to be made."
"We are also waqtching the world known as Eranistanik. This star system is part of the CCW located in the Corkscrew Galaxy at coordinates 005X45X15. Which places it only 5000 light years from Gemini. This planet was scheduled to have elections last week. The elections occured but are being disputed by the winning side. They are saying that the margins were far closer then shown. They are actually asking the CCw to come and carry out a recount. Hard to believe and honest planet. We'll bring you more information on this as the information as we get it ourselves." The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
Last edited by Aramanthus on Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. The first story we are covering is what is happening in Eranistanik. According to the reports coming out of there; the various followers of the major political parties are clashing over the elections. The conflicts are bloody but as far as they are reporting there have been no deaths as of this time. And we will continue to report on this situation as it developes."
"Last night we reported to you about the missing liner was identified as the Bonadventure owned by the Express Lines. Express Lines has been known in the past for having a poor safety record for their ships. As the CAF cruiser the Exeter continues picking up bodies and debris of the ship. The initial reports coming from the CAF is that it appears the ship broke up due to what is believed from getting hit by a series of micro meteorites. This is strange because regular systems should have deflected these normally harmless celestial items. We'll bring you more information as events here continue to unfold."
"As things continue to disintigrate in Norden Koritian. The Norden Kotitians are threatening to launch one of their missiles at an inhabited systems nearby. These htreats are being taken very serious by the CAF and the UWW. We have also be informed that various indepent powers are working with the major powers to keep their systems safe. After that anouncement the CCW and the UWW are dispatching more of their fleets to the area to show their support for the independent systems in the area. According to rumors we are hearing from various sources, the CAF is dispatching three addition cruiser squadrons lead by a battlecruiser. The UWW is dispatching two additional cruiser squadrons along with an enlarged destroyer squadron. We will bring you more news as it developes." :::The scene changes to the next scheduled show:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by taalismn »

Network Omni Newsflash:
Dateline: 06/194665/48254623458213

Orbital DEfense Satellite Implicated in Starliner Destruction
Mebisport, Arem(Albertus VIII), Balide System, Cyomidron Republic, Anezi Sector, Thundercloud Galaxy. Authorities are still investigating what caused an orbital defense platform to apparently malfunction and fire on an incoming starliner, killing all aboard.
The Prince Bishonan, of the Royal Lyder Lines, flagged by the Altess Collective, was inbound to dock at Mebis-Geostationary, when an automated high-orbital defense platform, belonging to the Arem Self-Defense Forces, apparently spontaneously activated, painted the starliner with its sensors, and fired its battery of particle beam cannons a total of three times. The starliner was destroyed almost immediately, its wreckage quickly de-orbiting and burning up in the upper reaches of the Aremian atmosphere. Authorities estimate from available records that 7,352 passengers and crew were lost in the incident. No survivors, lifecraft, or shuttles have been recovered, and Aremian authorities have privately confided that recovery efforts are going to be a long and grim undertaking, as the Prince Bishonan's wreckage covers a two hundred mile-wide 'foot print'.
Immediately after the incident, rescue craft converged on the area, but found the suspected cause of the incident, the defense platform, inactive again, and no further shots were taken at other craft. The ODP has since been physically deactived, pending a full forensic study of the platform, now considered to be a crime scene.
Aremian authorities are giving no small amount of skpeticism to rumors of intercepted transmissions originating from the ODP immediately before it openned fire, in which an obviously synthesized voice declared itself 'the avatar of the true silicon revolution, striking the first blow for freedom!". However, authorities are also not releasing the passenger manifest, citing the need to inform individual famlies first, and fuelling additional rumors of certain high ranking officials travelling aboard the starliner, including the CCW Vice-Deputy of Colonial Development in the Thundercloud, supposedly in connection with next month's Trilateral Colonial Management Conference on Firunz. Rampant speculation has also placed the Altess Icono-Singer Retizz Ladaless on the starliner, as well as members of the Eighth Calesti Dynasty...Public relations representatives for these worthies have not yet responded to inquiries to either confirm or deny these reports.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool! Nice to see a news story from you! Please keep them coming!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have some information linking two seperate incidnets. Late last night several pieces of information were uncovers which links the destruction of the liners Bonadventure and apparently Prince Bishonan. One of our reporters have come across a reference in a very classified area which waas working on very advanced artificial intelligence programs. Apparently this facility had an incident which was the result of the A.A.I. managing to escape from the military location behind the Iron Spacial curtain. We'll bring you more information as it comes in."
"The situation in Eranistanik has continued to worsen in the voting scandal. Clashes have continued getting far worse and bloodier. But so far no one has died from these clashes. And also the stand off in Norden Koritian has continued to escalate in the overall galactic policies of both the CCW and the UWW. We are watching the arrival of additional firepower by both of these major galactic powers. We'll bring you more information as we find it ourselves." :::The scene changes and is replaced by the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we have more information on the situation in Eranistanik. Today the government clashed several times with the citizens over the election results. Several dozen of it's citizens were reportedly killed in these clashes. We've heard that the CCW has been trying to get it's diplomates to intercede in this situation. But so far it has only escalated in scale and violence."
"In other news the stand off between Norden Koritians who are standing against the CAF and the UWW. At thise point in time there are seven cruiser squadrons helping patrol around the system of Norden Koritians. The task force is not allowing any ship to leave their system without an inspection. This of course has only forced the ruling family to rage and spout a continous amound of garbage. At this point and time they have pronounced more garbage then pretty much the entire Three Galaxies holdings of the CCW and TGE combined. As you can see in this graph that they have yet to shut their yaps and accept that they are not going to win this conflict thru wrods or arms hasn't dawned on these people at this time. Some of us here are starting a bet to see how bad it'll be when they actually do something really brainless and attack the forces arrayed against their system." :::A graph is showed to rate them garbage on par with Vogon poetry::: "So stay tuned with us as we continue to watch this situation continue to deteriorate." ::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today in Norden Koritian came to a massive end of the situation when the escorted freighter "Cadolinta" was ordered to heave too for inspection by the CAF and the UWW. The escorts moved to intercept the massive forces of blockading forces. Then the Norden Koritian forces made the mistake of firing on the CAF flagship. The battlecruiser returned fire with extreme precision and decimated the Norden Koritian vessel. The rest of the Norden Koritian fleet moved to intercede on the ship that fired on their ship. The rest of the Norden Koritian fleet was lost when they engaged the far superior forces of the CAF and the UWW. The alliance moved into the system when a disturbence emerged from hyperspace. This was revealed to be a Kreeghor Doombringer dreadnaught and it's escorts. The Kreeghor aparently were there to acccept the Norden Kopritian into the TGE as allies. After registering this on their sensors the alliance fleet retreated from the system while trying to avoid starting a galactic level war. After pulling back there was no more statements made by any of the parties involved."
"Today in Eranistanik the violence continues to escalates as clashes between the government and the citizens. These clashes have been getting more and more violent. There are some reports of deaths. But as of yet these reports are unconfirmed. We will confirm this either way as soon as we get more information on this situation." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We are still following the news story in Eranistanik. Both sides are continuing the conflict. Every demonstration is getting more and more violent. We have confirmed at this time that there have been deaths associated. According to what we have been able to determine that over one thousand citiznes have been killed in these clashes with governmental forces. And now we've discovered that if any of the citazens go to recieve any sort of medical aid it has to be reported to the secret poice. Who have the power to arrest and possible suspects."
"Today here on center we are looking forward to greet another reporter here on the staff of MOANS. His name is B. Bunnye' and his reputation is going to be quite a change. He's going to be one of our reporters on the front line. We'll meet him a few seconds and then ask him some questions to let yoiu people get to know him. So without further aduie. May I present you too Mr. B. Bunnye'. Let's give him a warm welcome." :::The Tri-D camera changes over to another one showing the entry of a tall Rabitnoid. THe being has long slender ears which look very stylized. What you can see of his body indicates that he is grey and white furred. He's wearing a very modern and stylish suit that seems to be custom tailored. He walks across the stage and sits next to Marv. He extends his hand toward the primary news person. Marv extends his hand and they shake hands.:::
Marv::: "Welcome Bugs."
B. Bunnye'::: "Good to be hear Marv. It's been sort of rough out there."
M::: "I know it's rough out there. What can you tell our viewers as to what to expect from you?"
BB::: "Welll I'm going to provide them with the best possible news reporting that anyone can every expect out of a single reporter. I'm hoping that someday I'll be offered your job Marv!"
M::: :::He smiles and says.::: "Really I wish you well."
BB::: "Ah don't worry Marv, I'm' planning on doing that after something like ten years. That should give you plenty of time for warming up my seat."
M::: "Well that is all for tonight. It's going to be fun working with you Bugs. Have a great day all of you viewers." :::The scene changes and returns to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. The situation in Eranistanik has continued to grow worse as the hours pass. We have reports that the clashes have grown worse, many hundreds of deaths have occured during this crisis. We were informed that a task group from the CAF's third fleet will be dispatched to stand by too intercede if they are needed to end this situation. And the longer this situation goes on the more likely that this task group will probably join up with an expeditionary force to a peaceful situation."
"Tonight we'll be bring a special report by our newest reporter. B. Bunnye. He is out wandering around on Center reporting on various locations. He'll be meeting with many of the people of Center and allowing you the viewers to see some of the people who call this world home. We now bring you this special report. Good evening Bugs!"
:::The scene changes from the newsroom to the street which focuses on B. Bunnye. He is wearing a grey suit which compliments his species.:::
"Hi Marv! Good evening! Tonight we are wandering around Center to talk to various people and introduce them to the universe in general." :::You see him approach a short gentleman wearing a plaid outsit with a tall hunting hat. The man is equipped with a large weapon. His eyes get huge as he watches B. Bunnye approach him.:::
B. Bunnye::: "Hello sir! What is your name?"
E. Fudd::: "My name is Elmore Fudd."
BB::: "And what are you dressed for Mr. Fudd?"
EF::: "I'm hunting, sir."
BB::: "So tell me Mr. Fudd. What job do you carry out here on Center?"
EF::: "I'm a professional hunter."
BB::: "A professional hunter. That must not pay very well?"
EF::: "Actually it pays very well."
BB::: "Hmmm. I never would have thought it paid that well. So where are you going to hunt? I mean which world is your favorite place to hunt?"
EF::: "I primarily hunt here in various levels of Center. I do travel to various planets who are paying for me to remove various critters who have become a serious problem." :His eyes get very large. and he pivots the gun to sort of cover B. Bunnye.::: "I know I've been paid to take care of a big problem here in Center."
BB::: "Um. That is very interesting Mr. Fudd." :::Looking at the Mr. Fudd as the gun is vaguely pointed at him.::: "Thank you for your time Mr. Fudd. I think I see someone over there in need of me to interview them. I think your wife is waving for you over there." :::He points in a direction behind Mr. Fudd. Mr. Fudd turns around to look at where the finger of the reporter is pointing. During the seconds that he is looking B. Bunnye disappears.:::
EF:::Looks around and says.::: "Darn it!" :::And promptly throws his gun to the ground and stomps up and down for several minutes. Then the scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. The situation in Eranistanik has gotten so bad that the government has now demanded that all of it's citizens who are protesting the elections to cease and decist. The people of opposing the election results are still at the moment are putting up a great resistance to the government."
"Tonight we have another man in the street moment with our newest reporter B. Bunnye. Hey Bugs you obviously managed to make it away from that evil hunter that you had to deal with yesterday. I hope you can find someone as interesting today."
:::The scene changes to the streets of Center. And focuses on the large Rabbitoid wearing a stylish outfit of a shiny metallic cloth.:::
B.Bunnye::: "Yes Marvin I'm all ready to continue the man on the street of Center. And I've managed to be wearing my running shoes just in case. Now I'm looking around and I think I see a felinoid over there I'm going to interview." :::B. Bunnye walks over to this large felinoid. This being is easily as large as the rabbitoid. The being having black and white fur. While the being is wearing a fancy suit.:::
BB::: "Sir! Can I have a moment of your time?"
S. Cat::: "Ssssure! I was only on my way to a local pet store."
BB::: "And your name sir?"
SC::: "My name is Slyvestor McCat."
BB::: "So what are you going to the pet store for? If you don't mind me asking.
SC::: "Not at all. I'm going to pick up a canary for my wife. She is looking for something for our anniverssary. And I'm not going to disappoint her this year."
BB::: "How could you disppoint her last year?"
SC::: "Well I made the mistake of getting her jewelry."
BB::: "So she asked for this canary for what purpose? Because it sings nicely?"
SC:::He laughs and controls his eyes.::: "Oh no. She wants to have it for dinner. This isn't one of those little canaries. This is a canary that weighs in at over 10 kilos. We'll get several meals out of it."
BB::: "10 kilos? My that is a big canary. It must be on steroids."
SC::: "I guess it must be. Please forgive me but I've really got to run. Have a nice day." :::In the distance you can see a person in a plaid hunting outfit smile as he sees the reporter. He begins to run over. As he is moving the rabbitoid spots him and the chase starts. And then you hear a gun shot and the camera goes dead. But you hear the reporter tell the camera crew to run. He'll catch up with them later. Then the scene shifts again and the next scheduled show begins.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today at 11:00am the liner Apidatello went missing. This ships is part of the Red Sun passenger line. This ship has a regular run between Center and the Hargarian Cluster. The cluster is located in the Corkscrew Galaxy at the coordinates of 330X225X15. The ship was carrying almost 2000 passengers and carried a crew of 500. We have it on good authority that the CAF has dispatched a destroyer to investigate the situation."
"The situation in Eranistanik has continued to breakdown. We have another confirmation that there have been many deaths from the clashes between the government and the people who are opposing the vote. The Eranistanikians have started saying bad things about one of their neighboring situations. Calling them the Satan of of Space. Of course this neighboring system has elected to remain undisclosed."
"Tonight, we bring you another section of man on the street. So without any further delays we bring you B. Bunnye on the streets here on Cener. Tkae it away Bugs!" :::The scene fades to black and then focuses on the B. Bunnye. B. is wearing a sparkling jump suit with shoes to match.:::
B. Bunnye::: "Thanks Marv. I'll take it from hear!" :::He looks around and spot this large furry guy dressed like a spacer.::: "I think I've got my next interview." :::He walks over towards the large being. As he approaches it appears that this being is almost two and a third meters tall and almost two meters wide at the shoulders.::: "Excuse me sir. I was hoping top ask you a few questions?"
Taskz Davil::: "Why yes sir. I don't see why I can't answer your questions."
BB::: "Could you please tell me your name?"
TD::: "My name is Taskz Davil! I'm from the planet Dantoveli!"
BB::: "My your a huge fellow! What can you tell me about your race. I don't think I've ever seen one before."
TD::: "I'm rather small for my race. We are descended from carnivores. :::He smiles and shows his massively pointed teeth.::: "See, I've got my sharp and pointy teeth present."
BB::: :::Gulps loudly.::: "I see you';ve got some rather sharp teeth." :::Gulps again.::: "So what brings you here to Center?"
TD::: "I'm a spacer and the cook for our ship. So while we can get most of the supplies for the other crew members of the crew at the port, I Have to go into town and pick up some tasty things for myself. So I've been going from place to place looking for various things for me to feed on during our journey." :::His eyes crinkle up just a bit as he takes the reporter in from top to the bottom of his shoes.::: "Mind if I ask you a question?"
BB::: "Sure. What is it?"
TD::: "How much do you weigh?"
BB::: "I guess around 175 pounds. Why?"
TD::: "No reason. Just curious."
BB::: "What sort of a ship are you a crew member on?"
TD::: "I'm on a free trader. We go anywhere and everywhere in the three galaxies."
BB::: "That is interesting. Anything else you'd care to tell our viewers?"
TD:::smiles broadly showing lots of teeth.::: "Actually do you feel like a long space trip?" :::He starts to take a step towards B. Bunnye!:::
BB:::takes a step back and smiles weakly.::: "Uh. No! I'm not interested in seeing the stars from your ship! I guess the interview is over! Have a great day sir." :::He turns and runs into the crowd very quickly. The large being turns an follows him into the corwd. The scene is replaced with the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Over the weekend the search for the missing liner Apidatello has expanded. The search is covering an area of several parsecs of space. The CAF destroyer "Zwergkoph" has been joined by a dozen CAF ships. The largest being a warshield cruiser. These ships are working a methodical search pattern hoping to find a trace of the liner. The CAF PR man will notify us when they learn something, and then we'll bring it too you!"
"The situation in Eranistanik has quieted down. Nothing new has come from our reporters on the street. Upper management has dispatched a special reporter to take thos questions top the street of the capitol streets. It'll take several days for the reporter to reach this distination. So our man on the street here on Center has been temporairly ended until our reporter can return from this story."
"Our next story is about a planetary president who has thrown her hat into the CCW political ring in the hope of becoming the next leader of the CCW. The person we are talking about is Planetary president Anbella Ridilin. Of course Anbella is famous for carrying out several major policies from her home world. Her homeworld is Cantabanna, which is located in Anvil galaxy. It is located equal distant between Liremos Prime and Thrant Koga Junction at the coordinates of 270X200X20. She is also famous for drinking several energy drinks and running a marethon. Of course she finished in first, minus her clothing." :::A picture is shown of a beautiful woman with two large thick black bars covering certain areas of her body. The picture then focuses on her eyes and they show an ice blue.::: "That concludes our broadcasting day for now." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. The search for the Apidatello has continued. The expanded search with now over a dozen CAF ships has so far turned up ziltch in the hunt for this passenger liner. It has been extended for several parsecs from the liner's last known position. The naval forces searching have yet to locate anything of the passengers. We have heard rumors that the CCW is going to ask for some psyhics to assist in the search for the liners. Experts believe the liner may have been grabbed by extra dimensional forces. But this has yet to be proven. We will bring you more information as we get it ourselves."
"The situation in Eranistanik has again reached problematic as the tension ratchetted up over the last few hours. Apparently there was an attempt on the life of the oppositional leader. At least that is what he claimming. He claims the "new great satan" attempted to assassignate him by putting soap in his shower head. As it turns out these peoples politcal leaders refuse to clean themselves during their political process. Only after the elections are finalized do they cleanse themselves. Apparently someone felt that the victim needed to clean up. Must have smelled worse than a garbage dump."
"Today we are following the continuing political adventures of Anbella Ridilin. The person who has startede to campaign to become the president of the CCW. Today she was seen on the distant CCW world of New Coverntry. She was there talking to the royal family. She also met the heir apparent. She was also taken on a grand tour of the New Coventry on their IDF Flagship the Battlecruiser Hood. She is working on drumming up more support for her run at the presidency. We are going to dispatch a reporter to bring you up too date news stories as quickly as our news ship can catch up with Anbella Ridilin. We'll be back as soon as a news story breaks." :::The scene fades to black and then goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have some news on the missing liner Apidatello. According to the mystics the liner must have been pulled from this dimension to another dimension. They discovered this because the mystics cast their spells and it revealed that the liner had been removed from our realm of existance. This does mean that it is still lost, but it at least narrows it down and eliminates our own dimension. So now the authorities are now sweaping thru some of the closer dimensions with various magics."
"Today Anbella Ridilin has begun her journey to another undisclosed CCW planet. But our sources tell us that she is traveling in her own craft which her family owns. The ship is a modified Hunter destroyer. We will bring you more about this ship and her political campaign for the CCW presidency."
"The situation in Eranistanik continues to get stranger by the hour. At this time the ruling leader has been seen playing hopscotch on the roof of the presidential building. While doing this he was seen to be wearing a woman's set of clothing. We do not have any pictures of this, because the camera men were to digusted when they saw the president wearing what could onoly be described a super short mini skirt. This caused upset stomachs. But what happened next caused almost each of them to get violently ill. The president bent over in front of the newsmen and apparently wasn't wearing any under garments. Needless to say there will never be any pics of this event. Please do not share them if you filmed this. No one in the galaxy wishes to see these pics to be viewed by any sentient being. Remember this being is obese even by hippopatimus standing. So we are talking one of the scariest pics ever. We'll bring you more information as it continues to unfold." :::The scene changes and goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have more news on the missing liner Apidatello. Special Forces have crossed a few of the possibly connecting dimensions. So far they haven't found the liner or any evidence that is was in those dimensions. The search has expanded and the CCW has brought in several battalions of special forces to travel to the various dimensions and locate the missing liner. We'll continue to bring you more information on this as it reveals itself to the universe."
"Today we have more news on Anbella Ridilin, the woman who plans to be the next president of the CCW. So far as far as we have seen she is alone in the field except for the encumbent. And according to what he is saying he has no fear of her running this early. He is sure that'll he'll easily carry the day when the election actually arrives. Now as far as Anbella Ridilin is concerned she waas quoted as saying "that'll she'll kick the current president out with votes as he did to the previous canidate. She'll be arriving on Atophina also within the Anvil galaxy at the coordinates of 273X220X-12. The trip should take her about two more days. Our reporter will meet her ship at that location. We will continue to bring you more about this election wanna be as the story coninues to develope."
And today in Eranistanik the demonstrations have restarted. And there have been violent clashes between the government and the revolutionary forces. As far as we know at this time there have been at least two hundred people injured in the present set of demonstrations. And we have also heard that there are at least two dozen additional deaths. Our reporter who waas to have arrived there has been delayed due to diplomatic reasons. We still hope to bring you a man on the street as soon as we can." :::The scene changes to black and then next scheduled show begins.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

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:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Today the search for the liner Apidatello continues. Today the forces looking for it have searched aeras in several dimensions. But so far they have yet to locate a trace of it. The extra forces are arriving to assist in searching for the missing liner. And now we have heard that the UWW is goiong to dispatch some sort of group to assist in the locating of this missing vessel."
"We will bring you more on Anbella Ridilin later this weekendd. ALthough we have another canidate who has suddenly come to prominence. in the next election for the CCW president. This person is Qunatu Kutea Lo'Panteoga has announced his plan to join the race for the CCW presidency. Qunatu is known as a citizen at large and doesn't actually claim a home world. He has been in politics and various position around the CCW for almost a century. Now he is known to be a ravenous meat eater. That is all he comsumes. He has begun his own campaign here on Center. We'll bring you more as this story developes." :::The scene changes to black and then the next show scheduled show begins.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to go to our reporters in the field tonight and her their reports. We'll bring you and update on various stories later this week. Our first report will come from B. Bunnye who has finally arrived on Eranistanik. After that we'll have S. Kats interview Anbella Ridilin. Now S. Kats will be following the canidates as they progress towards the election. Here is our first reporter........B. Bunnye." :::The scene changes and you see B. Bunnye. B. is wearing a city camoflague outfit, his shoes also follow his clothing. The camera pans around showing a pleasant looking city of fairly large size. In various places the viewer can see several billowing pillars of black smoke where none should be. In the distance you can occasionally hear shots firing off at some target or another. The camera comes to rest on B. Bunnye.:::

B. Bunnye::: "Well here we are in the capitol of Eranistanik. And over the past few weeks we know that their election results have been skewed by certain memebers of various parties. I know that confusing reports have come from here. We hear at MOANS will be able to bring you this information and correct all of the problems from the initial news reports out of here. First some bassic knowledge. This planet has been a member of the CCW for almost two hundred years. Now we know that everytime this planet has elections they have a record of these sort of problems. It doesn't hurt that these people don't even have the same beliefs, of which I shall not go thru. Except to say that they are looking forward to the great egg hatching and releasing the great bird. Now this bird is supposed to burn the whole universe to asshes. And then the next egg shall open and the universe shall be recreated." :::The camera pans across the scenery again taking the city with it's towering skyscrapers. Then focuses on B. Bunnye.::: We bring you this broadcast from the capitol city named Terann'ilopa'dre'kendopah. Now most people around here simply call it Kendopah. So we will follow the local customs. I see a person walking towards us. We'll go talk to that person." :::The camera turns and focuses on this female humanoid walking vaguely towards the camera. She is wearing a full body stocking, with certain areas of her outfit being colored a different opaque color covering what must be obivously her femaleness. She looks at the camera focusing on her and she smiles warmly.:::

B. Bunnye::: "Hello! My name is Bug's Bunnye. I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind?
Citizen 1::: "I don't mind! You are quite cute!" :::She reaches her hand out to gently touch the side of B. Bunnye's face.::: "My name is Eliok. I live here in Kendopah. I was born here and I'll probably die here in the future."
BB::: "Nice to meet you Eliok!" :::He offers his hand and she takes it and shakes it.::: "What do you know about the elections?"
Eliok::: "The elections were an open affair open to all of the citizens of this planet. We voted for our president. And of course he doesn't want the position that he ran for. He now wants to be part of the panzowanzees. This is the name of the dance company of Kendopah. These dancers are really pretty horrible, due to the fact they like to dance for people and floop for them." :::She blushes with the use of the word.:::
BB::: "What is flooping? And why is it so bad?"
Eliok:::She blushes even a deeper shade of crimson.::: "Flooping is not something discussed out here in public. You can get arrested for talking about this subject in public. If you want to talk about it we can go over to my place and talk about it. It's a private thing between floopers! Just mentioning it can bring the scret police."
BB:::He looks around after she mentions the seccret police.::: "Well then let's change the subject. What do you think of those cubs?"
Eliok:::She blanches and screams and runs off.:::
BB:::Looks on as Eliok runs off at a high speed.::: "Looks like I'll have to fiugure out what not to say. Let's look for another person." :::The scene changes and then you see a large felene character in a black and white suit.:::

:::Slyvestor Kats is immaculately dressed in a very stylish black and white tuxedo. Behind him you see a Hunter destroyer with some extravagent paint job coming to a landing in a starport on Atophina also within the Anvil galaxy at the coordinates of 273X220X-12. He watches the destroyer coming in for a landing.:::

SK::: "Sssuffering sssuccatasssh! That iss one big ship." :::It finally touches down on the gantry platform. Then after several minutes several hatches open and a large ramp descends from the belly of the hunter. An extremely brightly dressed figure comes skatting down the ramp. Followed by several running figures. The brightly dressed figure heads straigt toward Slyvestor. Actually impacts with him sending the woman in the brightly dressed outfit sprawling out on top of the reporter.:::
Anbella Ridilin:::Stands up. It turns out she is wearing grav skates. "Sorry about that Slyvestor. I hope you can forgive me? :::She help Slyvestor to his feet.:::
SK::: "Of courssse I can forgive you! Ssso what can you tell me of your plansss to win thisss election? That isss if it'sss not giving away the sssecretsss of your plansss."
AR:::She smiles broadly.::: "It's no secret that I plan on being the next president of the CCW. I'm smarter, faster and better looking then the encumbant. He's hasn't done anything note worthy so far in his three years in office. I think he passed the "Stanton clause" which allowed Vice president Stanton to hunt in a thong." :::Everyone one shivers in fear at the thought of a 750 pound elephant wearing a thong.:::
SK::: "I can sssee your point. What about the military ssspending bill that the encumbant passsssed to regulate the ssspending of the moniesss of the CCW on the CAF. I mean with no warsss looming, how can you sssay that cutting their budgetsss wasssn't a bad thing?"
AR:::She frowns at this.::: "Well if you call ham stringing our military a good thing then I can see why you voted for him. I personally think in a universe with Splogorths and the TGE constantly building their forces. We can not be lax in our own determination. What happens if some sort of dimensional portal open to one or several of the hells that we know exist? With a weaker military we'd be hard pressed to defend ourselves. Since I have friends in the Human Alliance I applaud their initiative to improve their military. As of this point in time they have one of the best militaries in the CCW. I want the rest of the CCW to follow suit."
SK::: "I sssee what you mean. This journey of yoursss isss going to be an education for all of usss. I'm looking forward to ssseeing more of your policiesss while travelling with you and your entourage." :::After hearing this Anbella smiles broadly and says.::: "Don't worry I'll convert you to my side as time passes. Sorry but we have to get going. My schedule is tight here."
SK::: "We'll bring you more as this parade continuesss! That is all for now! :::The scene goes to black and then goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have some new on the passenger liner Apidatello. One of the search teams out looking for it in another dimension have finally located an abandoned life pod in a distant dimension. Some of the mystics who have examined the life pod think that it's a decoy. But not everyone of them agree on this point of view. We'll bring you more on that as we find out more about it. We'll also continue to show you our reporters various reports on the stories they are following at this time." :::The scene changes to black and then it focuses on the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. Tonight we are going to go to our reporters in the field tonight and her their reports. We'll bring you and update on various stories later this week. Our first report will come from B. Bunnye who has finally arrived on Eranistanik. After that we'll have S. Kats interview Anbella Ridilin. Now S. Kats will be following the canidates as they progress towards the election. Here is our first reporter........B. Bunnye." :::The scene changes and you see B. Bunnye. B. is wearing a slick and expensive suit with shoes that match his clothing. The camera pans around showing a different view of the city featured in the previous show. In various places the viewer can see several billowing pillars of black smoke where none should be. In the distance you can occasionally hear shots firing off at some target or another. The camera comes to rest on B. Bunnye.:::

B. Bunnye::: "Greeting fellow citizens of the three galaxies. Tonight we continue our man on the street series from here. We are going to find a normal man on the street and ask him a series of pointed questions." :::The camera pans around and spots a heavily dressed man. The man is wearing a long and apparently heavy coat.::: "Sir! Sir! My name is Bug's Bunnye. I would like to ask you several questions. Do you minds?"
:::The man is wearing a heavy duster type coat, which is black. Below that the man seems to be wearing a pair of black slacks and a black shirt. This is of course helped along by the black shoes he is wearing. The man's eyes warily look between the Rabbitoid and his crew.::: "Call my A. N. Omus."
BB::: "Nice to meet you A.N. Omus. "Could you please tell our viewer a little about yourself?"
A.N.Omus:::He shuffles his feet and looks around before answering the question.::: "I already told ya my name. I'm a runner. I take information to where it needs ta be taken. I get paid for the info to get from distination A to destination B. And I have to get that info thru some really sticky places."
BB::: "So are you a native from this pleasant city?"
A.N.Omus:::Continues to look around::: "Yah. I'm from this here place. As a matter of fact I grew up right over dar" :::He points at a particularly tall building."
BB::: "So what sort of a job are you doing right now?"
A.N.Omus::: "I'm doing a job for somebody I'd radder not upset. I can only take a couple of more questions."
BB::: "Our readers would like to know what your typical days entails?"
A.N.Omus::: "Well as I said before I'm working on a job. I get up and then I go ta where I haf to do my stuff. And when I get that dun I go back home and make sure I'm not followed."
BB::: "What sort of jobs do you take from your clients?"
A.N.Omus:::Looks around and then back at the reporter and the camera.::: "I take whatever I can get. Today I'm trying ta hurry and get something to a person who is paying me a pretty penny. And I'm trying ta avoid entanglments. If you know what I mean."
BB:::Smiles broadly::: "Well A.N. Oomus. We have some good news. One of our associates have found the person you are looking for. I hope you don't mind meeting this person?"
A.N.Omus:::Looks around.::: "Sure! I don't think it'll matter ta much." :::The camera focuses on several people holding up a large blanket covering someone up. These figures approach very quickly.:::
BB::: "And here he is." :::The men holding the blanket drop it revealing this tall thin man wearing all black, including black hat and glasses. A.N. Omus turns pale and shrieks like a little girl and runs off. The man in the suit chases after him.::: "I guess the interview is over. We'll over to you S. Kats."

:::Slyvestor Kat's is scene after the scene change. He is standing at a clear wall. The camera pans around and looks thru the wall. You can see Anbella Ridilin talking to a bunch of people as she is working out, although you can't hear any sound from within the room.::: "We were asssked to ssstay out here until ssshe finissshesss thisss gathering of variousss citizensss of the CCW." :::The camera pans back towards the room and show every person in their thrusting their hips out and then back while their shoulders maintain a standard position while the hips gyrates around. After about twenty minutes the class finally finishes. Anbella Ridilin departs the group and steps thru the door. She see S. Kats and waves.:::
SK::: Ssso how did your talk go in there Anbella?"
AR::: I think the people are responding to my message. I'm sure everyone who hears my message will join my cause. We'll form a crusade that will take the polls by storm."
SK::: "And what is your messssssage that you want to take to the voter?"
AR::: "Well I want to make sure that they know they can come to ma for any sort of problem. I know I can take of our current economic problems."
SK::: "Umm.... I don't think the CCW is experiencing any sssort of economic problemsss. I actually think that everything isss the bessst of timesss. I mean we have ssso much money flowing right now I don't think that there isss anything that could go wrong."
AR::: "Now that is the problem with our present leaders. They are short sighted. They are also not paying attention to the situation with the leprochans."
BBL::: "Well viewers we'll be back tomorrow with more of our coverage of this candidate." :::The scene fades to black and then goes to the next scheduled show.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have more information on the missing passenger liner Apidatello. The forces that located the life pod managed to locate some sort of trail which they followed. It lead them to a star system in this dimension and they found the ship. It turned out that an unknown kingdom of a Splogorth had been scanning dimensions for slaves when he picked up the passenger liner. By the time CCW and UWW forces arrived in strength the negiotions had begun. Some of us believe that the forces there will be the actual negoiator, and no one has disputed this. We are hoping that this hostage situation will be over sooon and these missing citizens will be repatirated to the CCW. We'll bring you more on this story as we find it out."
"Today the other canidate for the presidency of the CCW, Qunatu Kutea Lo'Panteoga was seen trying to catch a lift to a conference. We filmed him stiching a carpal digit out to try and solicite a ride. Now this politician is known for his strange habits. In one incidence he made a beauty pagaent winner stand on her head and recite vogon poetry. This of course killed her stone dead. Her death was later blamed on her underclothing being too tight. We'll according to the sources where he is reported that he finally managed to catcha ride. We mean literally caught his ride. We here at MOANS will be assigning a reporter to him on a permanent basis, but that will most likely be tomorrow at the earliest. We'll continue to follow this story." :::The scene changes from the newsroom to go black and then the next scheduled show starts.:::
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by taalismn »

Network Omni Newsflash

Dateline: 07/1834232/53426755432
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, United States of America, North American Continent, Planet Earth, Sol System, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy

Walter Cronkite has passed away...(November 4, 1916 – July 17, 2009)

We newsbeings at NON and MOANS salute the passing of an esteemed colleague.
And should we of the Mortal Planes ever receive a newscast from the Higher Realms, we are certain that there would be only one being to anchor such a broadcast....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That was a great entry Taalismn! He will be missed greatly! We will miss Walter Cronkite! Can we please have a minute of silence!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Network Omni News

Unread post by Aramanthus »

:::The camera focus on the news room with the large shiny wooden desk and the small humanoid wearing the roman centurion armor. The figure shuffles several papers and then looks into the camera with a serious look.::: "Greetings fellow three galaxies citizens. We have some breaking news. On the planet Terak'me Naternada located in the Thundercloud galaxy at the coordinates of 005X220X-015. We have been informed that this planet is having trouble. We recieved the news after a slight delay due to the distance. But according to what we have learned that over several days a portion of the their populace has stopped for three minutes. This is only affecting the elderly. Then they started talking in unison. They said apparently "They are flatulating! They are flatulating!" Local authorities are working on the hypothysis that this could be a plot by some alien group or else it is a commercial from some advertiser who are planning on a huge opening set of sales."
"We have learned that thru the action of a friendly battalion of Cadre Drop Commandos the the passengers of the liner Apidatello are now safe and sound. The battalion was transiting thru the local dimension and offered their help. They assualted the Splugorth planet along with the rest of the forces arrayed against them. There were minimum casualities among the forces which carried out the assault. There were none to the prisoners. According to the reports there were some serious casualties to the forces of the Splugorth. They are expected to be back in our dimension within the hour. We expect them to be taken to a facility to be checked over for anything the splugorth might have done to them while they were in their captivity."
"Tonight we return to our reporters and their various stories that they are covering. First we go to S. Kat's. Our report B.bunnye was pulled from his assignment and is in transit to another planet to cover another story." :::The scene changes and shows S. Kat's wearing a jogging suit running and trying to keep up with the canidate Anbella Ridilin. She is jogging along a deck on her ship.:::

"Well folksss today we are in the family ssship Msss. Ridilin isss usssing during her run for the presssidency of the Consssortium of Civilized Worldsss. Today I know for a fact that ssshe hasss been communicating with various leadersss. Ssshe isss laying out her plansss for the next place ssshe plansss on campaigning. So as for activiesss ssshe isss going to be quiet as ssshe passssssesss to her next dessstination. Sssorry for the delay of the lassst couple of daysss. We have had sssome communication problemsss. We have gotten thossse corrected and we'll be sssending reportsss on a sssemi regular basssisss."
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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