We Gots The Skills

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We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

I noticed that there is no New Skills thread, so was in lack of a place to post this.

Physical Skills:

Aerobics skill: The character stays in shape through regular aerobic workouts.
+2 initiative
+1 PS
+2 PP
+2 PE
+5% to Dance skill

Break Dancing: The character is able to perform headspins and other more wild forms of dance. Base Skill: 30%, +5% per level, plus 5% if Acrobatics is known, +10% if Gymnastics is known. A failed roll results in failure to execute the move, critical failure results in injury.
Prerequisite: Dance
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
+2 PP
+2 PE
+5% to Streetwise
Awe Factor: 8 or +2 to existing Awe Factor
Character is immune to dizziness and disorientation while dancing
+10% to Dance skill

Rogue Skills:

Pole Dancing: This is a specialized skill in which the dancer learns how to hang off of and spin around a pole in various states of undress. A successful roll means they avoid falling and potential friction burns associated with this type of dancing. Base Skill: 20%, +4% per level of experience, +1% for every PP point above 17
Bonuses: +5% to Seduction and Dance skills

Crossdressing: This is a specialized skill in which a member of one gender makes him/herself appear to be a member of the opposite gender. Base skill:20%, +5% per level. A failed roll means they are not fooling anyone. Adds +5% to Disguise and Cosmetology skills.
Last edited by Gryphon Chick on Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I think I would move or at least duplicate the pole dancing skill in the physical or domestic category as it's becoming an increasingly popular form of exercise. I might also remove the dance skill requirement.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I don't think the crossdressing skill really needs the disguise skill as a requirement either.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Fine, I edited them.

Technical Skills:

Bookkeeping: This entails keeping financial records and auditing books. Base skill: 30%, plus 5% per level. Requires Basic Math and Literacy.

Political Science and Statistics: Basic knowledge of national events and statistical data related to population distribution, land use, economic trends and social reform. This teaches one to anticipate changes in the political climate and find ways to combat types of changes one is opposed to. Base skill: 35%, plus 5% per level. Requires Basic Math and Literacy.

Stock Market: This allows one to wager money on the stock market and guess what stocks will succeed and which ones will fail. Base skill: 20%, plus 4% per level. Requires Literacy and Basic Math; +10% if Business and Finance is also known.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Technical/Legal Skills:

These all require Law (General), Basic Math and Literacy

Law: Accident and Injury: Study of law pertaining to parties injured and entering into lawsuits against private individuals, businesses and corporations. Base skill: 25%, plus 5% per level,plus 5% if Business and Finance is also known.

Law: Civil Code of Conduct: Law pertaining to domestic and civil behavior in residential and highly populated areas. Base skill: 25%, plus 5% per level. Adds 5% to Law (General).

Law: Property and Estates: Laws relating to Escrow and deeds whenever property and land is in the process of being transferred. Base skill: 25%, plus 5% per level.

Law: Traffic Codes and Regulations: The study of law as it relates to city streets and the movement of motor vehicles, including municipal codes related to transportation. Base skill: 25%, plus 5% per level. Adds +5% to Law (General).

Law: Wills and Probate: This pertains to the transfer of good and property, including financial assets and estates,of deceased and legally dead individuals. Base skill: 25%, plus 5% per level, plus 5% if Law: Property and Estates is also known. Adds +5% to Law (General) and Business and Finance.

Legal Interpretation: The study of law for the purpose of trying to make the laws fit a given situation so they will work in one's favor. Base skill: 8%, +2% per level.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

At one time I had wanted to create a lawyer and realized that the game had nothing that allowed me to do it. I should have them organized as skill programs somewhere and hope to get those up as well.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Incriptus »

*Communication Skill

Marketing: The marketing skill represents a character ability to sell an idea, to the public for mass consumption. The character understands all the major marketing principles for personal addresses, groud roots movements, Television & Radio broadcasts, and internet marketing. The skill has two percentages the first is to identify the target audience and method to reach them. The second represents the ability to succesfully reach the audiance. 50/35% per level of experience.

*You know I wouldn't mind seeing all Communication skills absorbed into the technical catagory*
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have an idea for a more advanced weightlifting skill but not sure if it makes sense. Let me know what you think.

Advanced Weight Lifting: This skill is for the Mr.Universe types and major bodybuilders. It focuses more on weightlifting for competition than health. The character can attempt to lift twice his normal lifting limit in pounds once per hour, with a 20% chance, plus 4% per level, of successfully lifting an object. Failure will mean he cannot lift it; critical failure will result in a torn muscle or tendon.
Prerequisite: Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting skill.
Bonuses and Penalties:
+2 PS per level
+2 PE per level
+2 PB for men, -2 PB for women
-2 PP
-2 Spd
+2 Pull Punch
+2 Roll With Impact
+1d4 SDC per level
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:sg, what's with the PP and SPD penalties? care to explain? also, +2 per level seems a bit extreme... i do like the idea though.

His muscles are so big they interfere with range and motion of movement, hence the penalties. The +2 per level reflects that he is continuously becoming stronger.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Surfing: The character can balance on a board in the water to ride large waves.
Sense of Balance: 50%, +3% per level
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact
+30% base swimming ability or adds +5% to the swimming skill
+1 PS
+1 PP
+1 PE
+2d4 SDC
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Keep them coming. I am liking all these new skills.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have an idea for a more advanced weightlifting skill but not sure if it makes sense. Let me know what you think.

Advanced Weight Lifting: This skill is for the Mr.Universe types and major bodybuilders. It focuses more on weightlifting for competition than health. The character can attempt to lift twice his normal lifting limit in pounds once per hour, with a 20% chance, plus 4% per level, of successfully lifting an object. Failure will mean he cannot lift it; critical failure will result in a torn muscle or tendon.
Prerequisite: Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting skill.
Bonuses and Penalties:
+2 PS per level
+2 PE per level
+2 PB for men, -2 PB for women
-2 PP
-2 Spd
+2 Pull Punch
+2 Roll With Impact
+1d4 SDC per level

Honestly I don't really care for it. But rather than just say that, I'll do you better and make a counter-proposal:

Strongman (Physical Skill)
Note: must be part of a physical skill program (can not be a secondary skill) that also includes Body Building and Weight Lifting

This character focuses on developing strength and endurance in physically demanding exercises, such as moving buses or vans, lifting large heavy balls, chopping enormous amounts of wood and similar feats designed to provide extra strength to the characters body. Not only is the character extra strong, but the character can perform impressive Feats of Strength, such as pulling open a car door, tossing a motorcycle, holding onto a heavy object while holding onto the side of a building, and similar. The GM can decide the difficulty of the task, and determine a rating: 1-4 for easy tasks, 5-8 for medium, 9-12 for difficult, 13-18 for very hard and 19+ for incredibly difficult tasks. Feats of Strength bonuses are separate from Damage and lifting values to take into account other possible situational modifiers, such as the rolling effect of the motorcycle as he or she tries to lift it, the noise and wind of a helicopter as the character struggles to hold onto the side of the building, etc.
Other Bonuses and Effects:
+1D4+4 P.S. at level one, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
+2 P.E. at level one, +1 at levels 5, 10 and 15.
+1D6 S.D.C. every level, starting at level one.
+1D4 Hit Points at level one.
+6 for Feats of Strength, +2 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

I think both are equally valid skills. I must say Mephisto's is better, though.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have an idea for a more advanced weightlifting skill but not sure if it makes sense. Let me know what you think.

Advanced Weight Lifting: This skill is for the Mr.Universe types and major bodybuilders. It focuses more on weightlifting for competition than health. The character can attempt to lift twice his normal lifting limit in pounds once per hour, with a 20% chance, plus 4% per level, of successfully lifting an object. Failure will mean he cannot lift it; critical failure will result in a torn muscle or tendon.
Prerequisite: Bodybuilding and Weight Lifting skill.
Bonuses and Penalties:
+2 PS per level
+2 PE per level
+2 PB for men, -2 PB for women
-2 PP
-2 Spd
+2 Pull Punch
+2 Roll With Impact
+1d4 SDC per level

Honestly I don't really care for it. But rather than just say that, I'll do you better and make a counter-proposal:

Strongman (Physical Skill)
Note: must be part of a physical skill program (can not be a secondary skill) that also includes Body Building and Weight Lifting

This character focuses on developing strength and endurance in physically demanding exercises, such as moving buses or vans, lifting large heavy balls, chopping enormous amounts of wood and similar feats designed to provide extra strength to the characters body. Not only is the character extra strong, but the character can perform impressive Feats of Strength, such as pulling open a car door, tossing a motorcycle, holding onto a heavy object while holding onto the side of a building, and similar. The GM can decide the difficulty of the task, and determine a rating: 1-4 for easy tasks, 5-8 for medium, 9-12 for difficult, 13-18 for very hard and 19+ for incredibly difficult tasks. Feats of Strength bonuses are separate from Damage and lifting values to take into account other possible situational modifiers, such as the rolling effect of the motorcycle as he or she tries to lift it, the noise and wind of a helicopter as the character struggles to hold onto the side of the building, etc.
Other Bonuses and Effects:
+1D4+4 P.S. at level one, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.
+2 P.E. at level one, +1 at levels 5, 10 and 15.
+1D6 S.D.C. every level, starting at level one.
+1D4 Hit Points at level one.
+6 for Feats of Strength, +2 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.

Interesting, but part of my idea was to work in penalties due to the added muscle as well.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Now for some more Lawyer skills:


Court Etiquette: This involves the proper behavior inside a courtroom and when dealing with judges. Base skill: 40%, +5% per level.

Law: Corporate: This involves the legalities involved in creating a corporation and tax breaks and funding acquisition, as well as laws related to company stock trading. Base Skill: 35%, +5% per level. Requires Business and Finance.

Law: Tax: This allows the lawyer to find loopholes in the tax system and find tax breaks for clients, as well as the legal ramifications of debt to tax collection agencies and the I.R.S. Base Skill: 35%, +5% per level, plus 5% if Business and finance are known. Adds +5% to Law: Properties and Estates, Law: Wills and Probate and Law: Corporate.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Certain skills will be limited by education level, so none of the law skills, political science, stock market, marketing or bookkeeping would be able to be taken as secondaries. The advanced weightlifting would not be available as a secondary, either. I can see Cross-Dressing, Aerobics, Surfing, Pole Dancing and Breakdancing all available as secondaries.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Certain skills will be limited by education level, so none of the law skills, political science, stock market, marketing or bookkeeping would be able to be taken as secondaries. The advanced weightlifting would not be available as a secondary, either. I can see Cross-Dressing, Aerobics, Surfing, Pole Dancing and Breakdancing all available as secondaries.

That sounds about right.

Physical Skills:

Ballet: The character has been trained in balance and poise, as well as maintaining balance and leaping. Base Skill: 30%, +5% per level. Must be taken as part of a physical skill program, cannot be taken as a secondary.
+4/20% to maintain balance/sense of balance
+5% to prowl
30% base dance ability (does not increase) or adds +5% to dance ability
Adds 2 feet to leaping distance
+1 PP
+1 PE
+1d4 PB
+1 Spd
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact
Last edited by Gryphon Chick on Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

gmapprentice wrote:why is Ballet so different from regular dancing? and what about that other dance skill?

Regular dancing does not involve leaping high in the air or lifting your leg over your head. You have to go to school to learn ballet and it is very physically challenging. It does not require regular dancing to begin learning but you learn rhythm, which is why the dance skill is one of its bonuses. Regular dancing is mainly footwork, arm movement and turns. I took beginner ballet when I was little.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:and of course, as a guy, i didn't. thanks for explaining.

Dude, that is extremely sexist.

gmapprentice wrote:to be honest i hate dancing. i just like to know as much as i can.

Remember what I said about there being a difference between being negative and being a jerk? You are coming close to crossing the line again.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

BARQ wrote:hi all this skills come from a campaign i ran some time ago, feel free to expand or critique.
scam: the ability to set up, or put into motion ideas that have no real merit or usually only net a few money. I. E. ponzy schemes, real estate, and market share. 25% +4% per lvl.
+1 to iq( got to be quick on feet)
+1 to me( need to know when some one is trying to scam you)
+2 to perception when dealing with "customers"
+1D4 to speed (for when a scam goes wrong)

body language: this specific skill makes one an expert on reading body language and using it to make judgement calls. I.E. profiler.
some body language is universal a wave, a certian finger in the air.
base skill 25% +4% per lvl.
perception rolls
+5 for reading own culture
foreign culture+1 to -3
trying to get accurate reading in stressful situation +1 to -2 (combat, time constraint etc.)
accurate reading on someone with mental condition -1 to -3 (bi-polar, scitso, multiple personalaties.)
asses some one who is insane-2 to -4
asses insane genius -3 to -6
psychology skill +1
sociology skill +1

let me know what you think.

Sociology and Psychology are actual skills separate from perception. A +1 would be the equivalent of +5% to those skills.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

gmapprentice wrote:and of course, as a guy, i didn't. thanks for explaining.

For your information,some of the best ballet dancers have been men because their legs are stronger generally. It is harder for them to learn the stretches due to the difference in attachments to the groin muscle between men and women. But your parents didn't have you learn ballet because you are right, it is a sterotype that women are more suited to ballet, or maybe it was because you showed no talent.

gmapprentice wrote:to be honest i hate dancing. i just like to know as much as i can.

I have never heard you really say you like anything, so that is hardly surprising. You know, with you having such a closed mind, I am surprised you can learn anything.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Certain skills will be limited by education level, so none of the law skills, political science, stock market, marketing or bookkeeping would be able to be taken as secondaries. The advanced weightlifting would not be available as a secondary, either. I can see Cross-Dressing, Aerobics, Surfing, Pole Dancing and Breakdancing all available as secondaries.

That sounds about right.

Physical Skills:

Ballet: The character has been trained in balance and poise, as well as maintaining balance and leaping. Base Skill: 30%, +5% per level. Must be taken as part of a physical skill program, cannot be taken as a secondary.
+4/20% to maintain balance/sense of balance
+5% to prowl
30% base dance ability (does not increase) or adds +5% to dance ability
Adds 2 feet to leaping distance
+2 PE
+1d4 PB
+2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

I'm curious as to why it gets a prowl bonus? Everything else seems pretty spot on. I'd personally drop the P.E. bonus to +1 and add +1 to P.P. and +1 to Spd., but that is just me (I've seen some ballerinas cover a lot of ground very quickly, hence the P.P. and Spd. bonuses).

Ballerinas are taught to walk on their toes and make less noise. You are probably right about the rest, I will adjust them.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Physical Skills:

Synchronized Swimming: This skill focuses on combining dance with swimming, though dance is not a requirement to learn it, swimming is, however. Base Skill: 30%, plus 5% per level, adds +5% to swimming.
Prerequisite: Swimming
+1 initiative when working in a group
+2 perception (for timing)

Line Dancing (can also be a domestic skill): This type of dancing focuses on moving with others as a group in a line and synchronizing movement. Base Skill: 30%, plus 5% per level, adds +5% to dance skill.
Prerequisite: Dance
+1 initiative
+2 perception (for timing)

Contra Dancing: This type of dancing involves a lot of spinning and switching partners. Base Skill: 30%, plus 5% per level, adds +10% to dance skill if also taken.
+ 2/+10% to maintain balance/sense of balance
+2 perception (for timing)
+2 to save vs.dizziness and disorientation

Jazz Dance: This is an advanced form of dance involving spinning one's partner, kicking and lifting. Base Skill: 30%, plus 5% per level
Prerequisite: Dance
Gains Automatic Kick 1d6
+1/5% to maintain balance/sense of balance
+2 perception (for timing)
+1 PS
+1 PP
+1 PE
+1 Spd
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Nice. I've done contra dancing and it is very easy to get disoriented when you first do it, so I like the save vs. dizziness/disorientation.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Science Skills:
All these must be taken as part of an educational skill program unless otherwise noted.

Cryptozoology: The ability to identify rare, extinct, and otherwise unknown creatures and animals. Requires Biology and Zoology. Base Skill: 25%, +5% per level.

Egyptology: Adds +10% to the Anthropology and Archaeology rolls related to ancient Egypt. Denotes specialization (all other skill checks using Anthropology and Archaeology are -5%)

Paleantology: This is the study of fossilized remains, involving the conducting of digs and excavations, as well as dinosaurs and other extinct species of animals. Requires Anthropology and Zoology. Base Skill: 25%, +5% per level, plus 10% if Cryptozoology is also taken.

Paleobotany: This is the study of extinct plants based on fossilized remains. Requires Anthropology and Botany (adds +5%). Base Skill: 20%, +5% per level

Pyramidology: Specialized study of pyramids around the world, including ziggurats and step pyramids. Denotes specialization. Adds +10% to Archaeology rolls related to pyramids, +5% if Egyptology is also taken. Requires Advanced Math.

Ufology: The study of UFOs and crop circles, as well as other phenomena related to possible extra-terrestrial visitation, abductions, etc. Adds +5% to all Research rolls made regarding aliens. Base Skill: 20%, +5% per level. May be taken as a secondary skill.

Zoology: This is the study of different animal types by type, species and breed. The person who studies this will know the diet, breeding habits, hibernation, growth rate and migratory pattern of different animals. Base Skill: Base Skill: 25%, plus 5% per level.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

TrumbachD wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Science Skills:
All these must be taken as part of an educational skill program unless otherwise noted.

Cryptozoology: The ability to identify rare, extinct, and otherwise unknown creatures and animals. Requires Biology and Zoology. Base Skill: 25%, +5% per level.

Egyptology: Adds +10% to the Anthropology and Archaeology rolls related to ancient Egypt. Denotes specialization (all other skill checks using Anthropology and Archaeology are -5%)

Paleantology: This is the study of fossilized remains, involving the conducting of digs and excavations, as well as dinosaurs and other extinct species of animals. Requires Anthropology and Zoology. Base Skill: 25%, +5% per level, plus 10% if Cryptozoology is also taken.

Paleobotany: This is the study of extinct plants based on fossilized remains. Requires Anthropology and Botany (adds +5%). Base Skill: 20%, +5% per level

Pyramidology: Specialized study of pyramids around the world, including ziggurats and step pyramids. Denotes specialization. Adds +10% to Archaeology rolls related to pyramids, +5% if Egyptology is also taken. Requires Advanced Math.

Ufology: The study of UFOs and crop circles, as well as other phenomena related to possible extra-terrestrial visitation, abductions, etc. Adds +5% to all Research rolls made regarding aliens. Base Skill: 20%, +5% per level. May be taken as a secondary skill.

Zoology: This is the study of different animal types by type, species and breed. The person who studies this will know the diet, breeding habits, hibernation, growth rate and migratory pattern of different animals. Base Skill: Base Skill: 25%, plus 5% per level.

Love the Egyptology and Pyramidology Specializations. I like the Idea of making specilizations on existing skill, very cool 8)

It just seemed more realistic than making them entirely separate skills. I am glad you like them.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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gmapprentice wrote:i know i have no right to comment here after what i said yesterday, but, good job on the new skills.

No one has a problem with you commenting, just try to be a little nicer about it.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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gmapprentice wrote:i know i have no right to comment here after what i said yesterday, but, good job on the new skills.

I was a little upset by your comments yesterday, but please don't take that to mean you are not welcome to comment at all.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:i know i have no right to comment here after what i said yesterday, but, good job on the new skills.

I was a little upset by your comments yesterday, but please don't take that to mean you are not welcome to comment at all.

Right! And feel free to post ideas for skills. These things don't write themselves, you know.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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gmapprentice wrote:well, here's a thought..

astrophysics is a skill... why not regular physics? or geology, geography, and meteorology? been a while since i actually DID any of that in school, but still....

Palladium already has a physics skill and geology skill in canon (I have all the Palladium skills saved in a file on my computer). Geography and meteorology don't seem to have been covered yet, though.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:well, here's a thought..

astrophysics is a skill... why not regular physics? or geology, geography, and meteorology? been a while since i actually DID any of that in school, but still....

Palladium already has a physics skill and geology skill in canon (I have all the Palladium skills saved in a file on my computer). Geography and meteorology don't seem to have been covered yet, though.

Science Skills
These must be taken as part of a science program and cannot be taken as secondary skills. All require Basic Math and Literacy.

Cartography: This is the study and practice of making geographical maps. Requires Art: Drawing and Physical Geography. Base Skill: 30%, +5% per level.

Geography: This is the study of the Earth and its features, inhabitants and phenomena. This includes man's relationship to the earth, global changes, and natural disasters. There are two types, human geography and physical geography, so the exact type must be selected when the skill is taken, though it can be taken again to get a full education in the wonders of geography.
Human Geography: This focuses on geographical impacts on populations. Base Skill: 30%, +5 % per level, +5% if Anthropology is also known, +10% if Political Science and statistics are known.
Physical Geography: This is a study of natural disasters and effects on climate and nature. Base Skill: 30%, +5% per level, +5% Cartography is known, +10% if Meterorology is known.

Meteorology: This is the study of atmospheric conditions as they pertain to weather processes and forecasting. Base Skill: 20%, +4% per level
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:in response to gc... where are the geology and physics skills? i don't have any books older than the After the Bomb sourcebooks (Road Hogs, Mutants Down Under...) and the skills aren't in there.

That's the problem with the way the skills are strung out between all the different books. I seem to recall the physics skill in Nightbane but I'm not sure.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

If anyone knows where to find the various skill listings, perhaps someone could create an index listing the Palladium skills and what books to find them in. I posted a request for something like that in the All Things Palladium Books area of the forum as well.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:If anyone knows where to find the various skill listings, perhaps someone could create an index listing the Palladium skills and what books to find them in. I posted a request for something like that in the All Things Palladium Books area of the forum as well.

Here is the response Prysus gave:

Prysus wrote:Greetings and Salutations. Unless I'm totally missing the point of what you're asking, such a list should be located in Rifter 0 (the first completely electronic one). Mind you, it's only a list of where to find the skills and their base % plus per level (page 49 to 62). I'm fairly sure Kuseru Satsujin also had a list on his site (without the %) and where to find it, but that was a geocities site and I think those were being taken down (could be wrong). I don't know about the completeness or accuracy of the information, or if it's exactly what you're looking for (neither contains the skill descriptions). Hope that helps and please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:in response to gc... where are the geology and physics skills? i don't have any books older than the After the Bomb sourcebooks (Road Hogs, Mutants Down Under...) and the skills aren't in there.

That's the problem with the way the skills are strung out between all the different books. I seem to recall the physics skill in Nightbane but I'm not sure.

we can get crazier if we pulled out the skills from the original TMNT books!
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Mephisto wrote:Maybe it's just me, but I'm going to put on my Deevil's Advocate hat right now...do we really need all of these separate skills? For law as an example, I could see Basic Law as a secondary skill, with the Scholastic Law skill for those taking it as a skill program. Then have about 8+ specializations for that skill (such as international law, tort/liability law, criminal law, traffic law, etc) (with the character starting with one or two, depending on the character) and the character can either choose an additional area of knowledge OR a percentile increase, to represent new learning, or reinforced/experienced knowledge in that existing skill bracket. I could see the same for other knowledge skills such as Artisan, Writing, Lore, Mechanics, Science, etc. I'd keep physical skills, W.P. skills and Hand to Hand separate (and to some degree, Military and Rogue skills as well), but the purely knowledge based ones have so much crossover knowledge it's hard to justify them as separate skills.

I can see it being done that way, but I think GMs should have the option of doing it either way. I can see Stone Gargoyle's reasoning in having them separate for programs such as Trial Lawyer and Claims Adjustment. Simply adding a percentile increase would not let someone specialize in a specific branch of law.

DeficNMI wrote:we can get crazier if we pulled out the skills from the original TMNT books!

Bring it.

Someone also recently posted this thread on upgrading existing skills:

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

TrumbachD wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:
gmapprentice wrote:well, here's a thought..

astrophysics is a skill... why not regular physics? or geology, geography, and meteorology? been a while since i actually DID any of that in school, but still....

Palladium already has a physics skill and geology skill in canon (I have all the Palladium skills saved in a file on my computer). Geography and meteorology don't seem to have been covered yet, though.

on the topic of avoiding posting skills that Palladium may already have, Are there any existing Steam Power Engineering or Clockwork engineering skills out there yet?
If not, should they be considered specializations of Mechanical engineering much like SGs Egyptology specialization?

No, nothing specifically steampunk is canon in Palladium skills. I suppose you could make them specializations or new skills as desired, but most mechanical skills like mechanical engineering, robot mechanics and weapon engineering would cover it. I guess it depends on how you would want to see it.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Mephisto wrote:Maybe it's just me, but I'm going to put on my Deevil's Advocate hat right now...do we really need all of these separate skills? For law as an example, I could see Basic Law as a secondary skill, with the Scholastic Law skill for those taking it as a skill program. Then have about 8+ specializations for that skill (such as international law, tort/liability law, criminal law, traffic law, etc) (with the character starting with one or two, depending on the character) and the character can either choose an additional area of knowledge OR a percentile increase, to represent new learning, or reinforced/experienced knowledge in that existing skill bracket. I could see the same for other knowledge skills such as Artisan, Writing, Lore, Mechanics, Science, etc. I'd keep physical skills, W.P. skills and Hand to Hand separate (and to some degree, Military and Rogue skills as well), but the purely knowledge based ones have so much crossover knowledge it's hard to justify them as separate skills.

Certain legal skills require prerequisites which are not limited to law. I really see no harm in adding a lot of skills to the options, because that is exactly what they are. If someone wants to use the skills as I have written, so be it, but if they would like it the way you suggest, that would be okay, too. Swimming and S.C.U.B.A. are listed as separate skills, though one is more a specialization, as well as Demolitions, Underwater Demolitions and Demolitions Disposal being a base skill and specializations which are listed as separate skills. As with anything, if you don't like the way I write something up, don't use it.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I don't know if we could get away with posting a list here or not.

Domestic Skills

Bird Watching: Identification of different birds based on size, color, wing shape and eggs. Base Skill: 20%, +4% per level, adds +10% to Ornithology bonus.

Science Skills
Requires Literacy and Basic Math

Ornithology: This is the branch of Zoology focusing on the study of birds, focusing on differentiation of species, nesting habits, migratory patterns, etc. Denotes Specialization. Adds +10% to Zoology rolls related to birds, with a -5% penalty to all other Zoology skill rolls.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:...sorry about that.

i can't afford to buy any new books for at least a month because i have to buy college textbooks, and i can't EVER get rifter #0 because our computers are crud. but i REALLY want a list of all the skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dangit!!!!!!!! :( :x does anyone else have this problem????

Trust me, I've been complaining about that for quite some time. We cannot repost materials from books because that is against forum rules, so we would have to get permission to even post an index telling you where to find the skills. If you can find someone with them in a file, you might be able to get them to send you a copy, though Palladium would prefer you used their materials. They really do need a sourcebook of just skills.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Law: Criminal: This body of law deals with assault, violent crimes and murder. The study of this will be either on Criminal Defense or Criminal Prosecution, though it may be taken twice to cover all facets. Requirements: Court Etiquette, Research and Law: Civil Code of Conduct. Base Skill: 25%, +5% per level.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This was originally designed for my Baker Mage but might be taken as part of the education of a professional chef.

Domestic Skills

Baking: The baker is skilled in knowing how much heat and in what measure ingredients must be added to successfully create tasty dessert items, pastries and other foodstuff. A failed roll means his cake fell, the cookies were burnt or hard, or it just tastes bad. Base Skill: 30%,+5% per level. Adds +15% to the Cook skill.

The next one was designed for my Tailor Mage.

Weapon Proficiencies

W.P. Scissors: +1 to strike with scissors at levels 1, 3, 7, 10 and 13; +1 to parry with scissors at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13; +1 to throw scissors at levels 4, 8 and 12, scissors not designed to be thrown. A typical pair of small scissors inflict 1d4 damage, medium to large inflict 1d6 damage, and large fabric shears do 2d4 damage.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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I wonder what other weird Weapon Proficiencies people have come up with... :?:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Voice Training: This is the training of the larynx to reach painful limits to get greater vocal range. Does not get a skill percentage but adds +15% to singing and Imitation and Impersonation skills.

Opera: This is a type of endurance singing performance skill and requires Singing and Voice Training to learn. Base Skill: 25%, plus 5 % per level.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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gmapprentice wrote:i had an idea for a Weapon skill, but i don't know how it would work... it's something i saw on tv once... THREE weapons at once. anyone think they can figure out how it would work?

Juggling covers this, but you might also do it this way:

WP Weapon Balancing: This style of fighting is done by a character balancing a third weapon on two others. The third weapon must be a thrown weapon, with the other two being melee weapons. This allows the character to attack with THREE weapons at once by throwing the balanced weapon and striking with the other two simultaneously.

Lv. 1: -2 Strike with thrown weapon, -1 to Strike and -2 to Parry with the first two weapons.
Lv. 2: -1 Strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 3: No bonus or penalty to strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 4: Reduce penalty to Parry with first two weapons to -1.
Lv. 6, 9, and 13: +1 Strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 15: Eliminate the penalties with the first two weapons.
Last edited by Gryphon Chick on Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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gmapprentice wrote:not what i had in mind, but that'd work too... my idea is based off the fighting technique of this guy in an anime series... he holds a third sword with his teeth.

Not sure if that would actually work, but I kind of understand what they were going for.

gmapprentice wrote:as for W.P. Weapon Balancing... i'll try to work on the bonuses and penalties for that.

Penalties: -1 to Strike and -2 to Parry with the first two weapons.
Lv. 1: -2 Strike with thrown weapon. Lv. 2: -1 Strike with thrown weapon. Lv. 3: No bonus or penalty to strike with thrown weapon. Lv. 4: Reduce penalty to Parry with first two weapons to -1. Lv. 6, 9, and 13: +1 Strike with thrown weapon, and at Lv. 15, eliminate the penalties with the first two weapons. That sound good?

That works. I'll edit the skill to add this. :)
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:WP Weapon Balancing: This style of fighting is done by a character balancing a third weapon on two others. The third weapon must be a thrown weapon, with the other two being melee weapons. This allows the character to attack with THREE weapons at once by throwing the balanced weapon and striking with the other two simultaneously.

Lv. 1: -2 Strike with thrown weapon, -1 to Strike and -2 to Parry with the first two weapons.
Lv. 2: -1 Strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 3: No bonus or penalty to strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 4: Reduce penalty to Parry with first two weapons to -1.
Lv. 6, 9, and 13: +1 Strike with thrown weapon.
Lv. 15: Eliminate the penalties with the first two weapons.

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:yes, yes it is. now i just need to figure out the other one.

Part of the problem would be no reach or control with the third sword, and being so close to the face, it would leave you open to getting an eye gouged out by the enemy.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Well, be that as it may, we still need more suggestions for new skills that are applicable to the game, not just a cool idea.

This thread had a number of interesting skills posted by Prysus:

Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

gmapprentice wrote:is there a Dermatology skill in the medical skills in any of the books???

No, but I don't think it needs to be its own skill since that would not really be something that comes up in game. It does, however, inspire this:

Cosmetic Surgeon: This is a specialized area of medical study which focuses on altering bone structure for reconstructing of facial tissue for burn victims and just plain vanity. This would be rolled after a Medical Doctor skill roll when doing reconstructive surgery or as a check during beautification procedures. A failed roll during reconstruction means that while the face might be rebuilt medically, it is still appearing disfigured. Requires: Medical Doctor and Art: Sculpture skills. Base Skill: 50%/40%, plus 5% per level. A doctor trying to rebuild a face without having this skill does so with a -40% penalty.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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