Rifts Trailer : My own creation

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Maryann »

That is soooo cooooolllll!!!!

I even called Kev right after I watched it to make sure he takes a look!

Good Work!!
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by LDMcFear™ »

I have to admit that was pretty darn cool :)
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Anthar »

Riftsgasm. :erm: :oops:
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Kevin »

Hey DerbyJack,

I loved the "unofficial" Rifts® Movie Trailer. I needed a pick me up today and it did the trick. I watched it three times. I had my guys watch it. I recommend it to Rifts® fans everywhere.

Of course, the end is what makes it. :-D I think it sums up the feelings of ALL of us. Nice. Funny. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

Ah, now if only Hollywood would listen.

Have a great weekend and keep that imagination burning bright.

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by AlexM »

You've got my vote. :ok:

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Shawn Merrow »

Excellent work on the trailer. :ok:

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by dhorn »

Very well done. Can't wait to see your feature length film!
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

I fear to say that the movie (If it is ever made) will never be that epic.

Good work, but now you've set the bar, and it needs to be raised by the movie :P

I have been working on a trailer as well, but since I've already gotten a nasty gram from the corprate dogs I stopped working on it and haven't posed it up online.

if you've read the first book my tailer starts off with some BSG overviews of the world then nukes, then a CGI shot of old Detriot. The battle setup with the GB and the CS was shot and edited.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

Thoughtful1 wrote:
Nomadic wrote:I fear to say that the movie (If it is ever made) will never be that epic.

Good work, but now you've set the bar, and it needs to be raised by the movie :P

Have you ever seen a SCIFI Jerry Bruckheimer movie? :P

Corrected. And for that matter have you ever seen JBfilms say they are going to make one? (Not trying to start a debate, just sayin)
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

Thoughtful1 wrote:
Nomadic wrote:
Thoughtful1 wrote:
Nomadic wrote:I fear to say that the movie (If it is ever made) will never be that epic.

Good work, but now you've set the bar, and it needs to be raised by the movie :P

Have you ever seen a SCIFI Jerry Bruckheimer movie? :P

Corrected. And for that matter have you ever seen JBfilms say they are going to make one? (Not trying to start a debate, just sayin)

Deja vu?

Sci-fi is not the right word to describe RIFTS. I'm not sure what better word there is to describe it, considering that the foundation of the entire game is the combination of multiple genres into one setting. But I know that you don't have dragons and wizards in a sci-fi movie. And Bruckheimer has made movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and now Prince of Persia. And if there was only one word to describe those movies, it would be "epic."

Did you see how bad Deja Vu failed? And I would compare his movies to Fantasy, before I would call them SCIFI.

Epic is not a word I would use either... James Cameron... now that is EPIC!
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

DerbyJack wrote:
Nomadic wrote:I fear to say that the movie (If it is ever made) will never be that epic.

Good work, but now you've set the bar, and it needs to be raised by the movie :P

I have been working on a trailer as well, but since I've already gotten a nasty gram from the corprate dogs I stopped working on it and haven't posed it up online.

if you've read the first book my tailer starts off with some BSG overviews of the world then nukes, then a CGI shot of old Detriot. The battle setup with the GB and the CS was shot and edited.

What are you shooting a Fan Film?

Pretty much but it was really a trailer for KS to take a look at, but got a C&D email.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

DerbyJack wrote:There is ways around that. How did they find out?

Posted it on the forums.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

Yours was fan based, mine was based on making a movie myself and pitching it.
Pouring money, no. But it was about a grand to make the trailer.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Nomadic wrote:Yours was fan based, mine was based on making a movie myself and pitching it.
Pouring money, no. But it was about a grand to make the trailer.

You just described your problem right there 'Making the movie and pitching it'. You pitch first, sort out licensing and THEN you make it. They do books differently, but for things like games and movies, there's a completely different way of doing things legally.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Nomadic »

Prince Artemis wrote:
Nomadic wrote:Yours was fan based, mine was based on making a movie myself and pitching it.
Pouring money, no. But it was about a grand to make the trailer.

You just described your problem right there 'Making the movie and pitching it'. You pitch first, sort out licensing and THEN you make it. They do books differently, but for things like games and movies, there's a completely different way of doing things legally.

Regardless I've sold all my books and wiped my hands. I wish everyone good luck in ever seeing a rifts movie worth a damn.

TBH If I decide to make something LIKE rifts I think you will enjoy it even more. Look for the trailer of Rifts Earth coming soon!
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

1. I liked it. Good Job!
2. The intro was a bit long, and I nearly turned it off when all the artwork started flipping past, thinking that THAT was the extent of the trailer.
3. The whole thing was a bit too long. Less is often more in sales and advertising.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

DerbyJack wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:1. I liked it. Good Job!
2. The intro was a bit long, and I nearly turned it off when all the artwork started flipping past, thinking that THAT was the extent of the trailer.
3. The whole thing was a bit too long. Less is often more in sales and advertising.

You must have seen my older one. That was way to long. I've since made a faster version with a ton more new material. Please check it out at:

And thanks for the compliments

Better. :ok:
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by LostOne »

I like the music choice better in this version. Good clips in both, a few repeats a lot not.

I wish the movie would happen already. :(
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Tearstone »

Hey Jack, I've watched both trailers, love both of them! I see a lot of stuff I recognize, but a lot of stuff I don't. Would you be willing to send me a list of your source material of games and movies in PM? I wanna expand my collection of stuff to watch. :D

Awesome awesome work. Both trailers are favorited, and given the thumbs up.

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by LostOne »

Tearstone wrote:Would you be willing to send me a list of your source material of games and movies in PM? I wanna expand my collection of stuff to watch. :D

Don't PM it, I'd like to see that list too. Post it here for everyone. Or if you do PM it, include me. ;)
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

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Well, he hasn't sent it yet... :(

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by JuliusCreed »


Okay that was more than one word, so choose whichever one you want! All of them and more apply! I only hope the movie actually is as good as these can make it out to be!
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Snake Eyes »

:shock: OMG...That was soooooo cool!! (viewed both trailers)
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by cornholioprime »

:shock: :eek: :shock: :eek:

Excuse me, kind Sir, whilst I pick up my jaw from off the floor.

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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by LostOne »

Ogre4hire wrote:the trailer was awesome, but my BIG question is has hollywood been trying to option RIFTS for a feature film? And I hope it doesn't become a movie on the sheer point of how horribly they seem to mutilate R.P.G. adaptations. Case in point, The Dungeons & Dragons films
as wonderful of an idea it would be a soul crushing defeat for all the people that comprise the Palladium family developers and players alike. I know this may be a bittersweet concept for many, the idea of RIFTS being optioned as a film is awesome, while the end result
would kill the universe we all love.

sorry if I may have Offended,


I can't tell if you're serious or not, so I will answer seriously just in case (since it looks like you're fairly new here).

There is an entire forum about the Rifts Movie, it's the top on the Board Index page. It's been optioned two or three times, it's been stalled for a long time and I have little real hope of it happening because Hollywood is too busy rebooting every franchise that ever made a nickel and making movies from every comic book they can get the rights to.

While I understand your fears, any intellectual property optioned for a movie could turn out awesome or horrible depending on a number of factors, but usually the key factors tend to be: script, director, budget, cast, studio meddling.

If they get a great script and great director, chances are great cast won't be hard to sign on. It was optioned by Jerry Bruckheimer studios which has turned out some great action flicks and has a good rep in Hollywood. So that is positive. I'm guessing the big hold up is script and for Bruckheimer studios to have a "slot" in the budget open up to greenlight it and start getting the director and cast together.

But if you want details, and more up to date than I am since I haven't been following it closely due to lack of time (kids, work, etc), go check out the forum.
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Re: Rifts Trailer : My own creation

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Ogre4hire wrote:thanks LostOne, yes I was serious, but no worries on that. I do appreciate your input, although I would like to see someone like Ridley Scott in the director's chair on a good number of reasons besides the big facts that every one knows like his work with Alien, Legend, Blade runner. I'm also not trying make it seem like Bruckheimer couldn't do it. this is more of a personal preference for directing styles, but overall i would just love to see a live action Glitter Boy, think we all would though. I also have faith that Siembieda will go in the direction he feels he and Rifts need to in the matter of Hollywood. Witch I think will require an almost immaculate screen play, director and cast(Let's not get into this topic.) So we can all rest assured
that when we see a Rifts feature film we will know the stars have aligned and Kevin Siembieda approved. So until that day we can dream.

:love: OOOOoooooo...., Glittor Boy... :love:
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