SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
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SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Hello “SPLICERS: Unleashed” Designers:
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This is the devoted thread for submissions to the 1st SPLICERS contest see link here:
This thread will contain the “SPLICERS: Unleashed” Entry write-ups, stats, history and promotional material only. The debates, discussions and inquiries portion of this contest will be conducted in the link above. To keep things running smooth and to avoid everyone having to scroll pass a load of discussion posts to review other entries.
- Guy_LeDouche
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Salsivore Host Armor
Wicked write up, and great idea with the extra damage!
You inspired me to bring out a couple of metabolisms:
The following by Guy LeDouche and 9Volt:
Limnivore Host Armor
A truly unique metabolism, the Limnivore Host Armor, or “Mud Eater” as it’s more commonly known, is an oddity amongst the other creations of the Resistance. Though called “mud eaters” this name is actually somewhat of a misnomer; though the Host Armor seems to consume mud, it is actually feeding off the algae, krill, plankton, and similar micro-organisms that live in and around the mud. The metabolism is intended as an all purpose amphibious unit, able to survive solely on the plentiful micro-organisms found in lakes, shorelines, and the open seas ("fish food", as its commonly referred.)
Unlike most Host Armors in use by the Resistance, the Limnivore emerges from the gene-pools equipped with a large number of add-ons already in place. This is due to the unique dietary needs of the suit itself. While the "fish food" provides a steady supply of nutrition, it is also a time consuming task to meet the dietary needs of the Host Armor. To assist pilots in feeding, the engineers have designed the Limnivore Host Armor with a special set of hydro-jets, intake valves, and filters mounted across the body of the suit. This method of propulsion also serves as the Host Armor’s main source of nutrition. All water sucked into the intakes goes through a filtration system that removes microscopic organisms so they can be digested. From there, the filtered water is forced out through a series of organic baffles, propelling the Host Armor through the depths. In this way, the suit can feed as it propels itself through the water. If the pilot wants the Host Armor to gorge, it can consume mud directly, however, the continuous intake through the organic thrusters usually provides more than enough food on a daily basis.
Feeding: The suit eats from 20 to 30 lbs of algae and micro-organisms a day. If the Host Armor does not ingest the mud directly, the pilot will need to spend roughly two to three hours a day in the water moving about.
Sleep Requirements: The suit does not require any amount of sleep, but the pilot will need more then that (typically six hours).
Color of Host Armor: Soft to dark blues, greens and any shades in between.
Special Senses:
• Sense Magnetic North: The Host Armor can always sense magnetic north, similar to a dolphin or whale. Damage to the head will temporarily (3D4 minutes) disrupt this ability.
• Underwater Sense: The Host Armor instinctively senses the direction of ocean currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and has an accurate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
Other than the senses listed above, the suit possesses no enhanced senses unless purchased with Bio-E.
Bonus Bio-E Points: No additional Bio-E points, as they have already been used up in the suits creation process
Bite Damage: None, the Limnivore Host Armor has short, vacuum-like muzzle and organic vents used to suck up large quantities of mud and water.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge and +2 to roll with fall\impact. The Host Armor can survive depths of up to 2 miles unaided. In addition, the Limnivore Host Armor comes equipped with some enhancements already in place.
Unique Abilities:
Webbed fingers and toes: Provides the pilot with a +30% bonus to his\her Swimming skill or gives a base 40% Swimming skill if Swimming is not possessed by the pilot. The webbing also adds +15 mph to swimming speed when the Hydro-Jets are not used.
Hydro-Jet Valves: A variant on the Organic thruster upgrade, the Host Armor has a series of water propulsion valves mounted across its body. The valves are positioned to allow the Host Armor to speed through the water in virtually any direction. The Hydro-jet valves do offer enhanced leaping and very limited flight capabilities on dry land, but were not designed for this purpose. Although they will function, the pilot must keep in mind that overuse of the jets while on land can quickly make the Host Armor a sitting duck.
M.D.C.: The Hydro-jet valve ports have 1D4*10 M.D.C. each.
Underwater Propulsion: 200 mph (321 km). This speed can be kept up indefinitely.
Additional bonuses when Underwater: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike and +3 to dodge, but only when underwater.
Surface Abilities: A jet thruster assisted leap can hurl the Host Armor 80 feet up or across. If necessary, the Host Armor can briefly fly up to 50 mph (80 km), with a maximum altitude of 200 feet (152 m). However, this airborne flight can only be maintained for a maximum of 15 minutes before the valves must rest for 2 hours.
Bio-E Cost: None for the Limnivore Host Armor, 25 Bio-E points for any other metabolism. Speed can be increased by +10 mph (16 km) for 5 BIO-E points. The speed can be upgraded in this manner up to 10 times (100 mph/160 km extra). Airborne flight speed is a quarter of the underwater speed.
Penalties: None, other than the need to be near water to feed.
Piscivore Host Armor
The Piscivore is a version of the Carnivore that feeds primarily on fish and, on occasion, other smaller forms of sea life. The Piscivore, unlike the Limnivore, was designed as an aquatic front line trooper capable of holding its own with any of the standard land based host Armors.
Feeding: The suit eats from 10 to 20 lbs (4.5 to 9 kg) of fish a day.
Sleep Requirements: The Host Armor requires 1D4 hours of sleep/rest/inactivity per day, generally at night, but the pilot will need more then that (typically six hours).
Color of Host Armor: Soft to dark blues or greens, often with silver or white highlights and markings.
Special Senses: The Host Armor is equipped with advanced senses that offer the following abilities:
• Taste blood and foreign chemicals up to a mile away when in the water
• Track a blood scent/trail to its source; 70%+2% per level when in water. The Host Armor can attempt to follow the scent in the air at half normal percentage.
• The Host Armor can always sense magnetic north, similar to a dolphin or whale. Damage to the head will temporarily (3D4 minutes) disrupt this ability, however, it will eventually return.
• Underwater Sense: The Host Armor can instinctively sense the direction of ocean currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and have an accurate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
Other than these, the suit possesses no enhanced senses unless purchased with Bio-E.
Bonus Bio-E Points: 40 additional Bio-E points
Bite Damage: 3D8 M.D.; the head typically has a large, shark-like mouth filled with sharp teeth.
Bonuses When Underwater: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike and +2 to dodge. In addition, the Host Armor can survive depths of up to 2 miles unaided.
Webbed fingers and toes: Provides the pilot with a +30% bonus to his\her Swimming skill or gives a base 40% Swimming skill if Swimming is not possessed by the pilot. The Host Armor must have fingers and toes. The webbing also adds +15 mph to swimming speed.
Penalties: Much like a shark, the Host Armor has a problem with the smell of blood. Due to the chemicals produced by the Host Armor, the scent of blood, human or animal, makes the pilot tense, anxious, and aggressive. A roll to save vs. Insanity of 12 or higher is required to keep the character from entering a feeding frenzy. While frenzied, the character cannot tell friend from foe and will attack anyone or anything around him/her indiscriminately (receives a +2 on initiative and +1 to strike, but cannot easily stop fighting.
Also, if an organic opponent has been defeated, the pilot will have to roll a save vs. Insanity of 12 or higher to keep from ignoring combat and feeding
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
This is my alternate Scarecrow. It is called the Ragdoll.
The scarecrows. Those creepy, strange, power-hungry creatures that serve their mysterious Librarian masters. They are feared for their strength, speed, and agility. They strike fear into even the most hardened soldier. They have remained unchanged by the librarians for years. Until now.
As the Kraken's assault the shore lines, no one noticed the strange figures crawling out of the Leviathans in the shadows. They did not fire a shot, merely disgorged their passengers. The first to meet them did not even see them as their bodies were literally ripped into two halves and throw 20 ft from their origins. Later, some received a glimpse of the creatures. They looked like normal scarecrows, withered, desiccated humans, but there was something wrong. Their muscles seemed overly large, and tore through the skin at points. The movements were less smooth than a scarecrow's, and when they moved, they seemed to twitch and spasm forward. The slow, hypnotic movements delayed the watchers just long enough, and the creature launched itself forward, wrapping its limbs around the host armor's torso, and with a couple of wrenching motions, flung the upper half away. That was the first documented report of what we have come to know as the Ragdoll.
The Ragdoll is a special forces version of the scarecrow. They have been bio-engineered and fed the elixir of life. This deadly combination makes a warrior with unparalleled strength. The elixir provides the supernatural strength, but the bio-engineering provides the unique muscle twitching that makes the Ragdoll what it is. The uncoordinated movements, and the ripping muscles, actively increase the Ragdoll's strength for their favorite attack. The Ragdoll wraps its arms around a person, and the muscle spasm releases ALL the energy in the contracted muscles, usually resulting in dismemberment. The twitching muscles, which seem random, is subconsciously controlled, allowing them to dodge even energy blasts without a thought. One last bio-enhancement provided to the Ragdoll is the inclusion of an elixir storage pouch, allowing them to spend more time away from the house.
Alignment: Almost always evil or selfish
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high PS always helps these straightforward fighters
Attribute Bonuses: +3D6 PS, which becomes Supernatural, +2D6 PE, and life extended to 150 years
OCC Bonuses: +1 attacks per melee round, +4 initiative, +8 automatic dodge, +4 vs poisons, toxins, and disease, +5 vs Horror Factor
Ragdoll OCC Powers:
1.Supernatural Strength: Minimum PS is 30
2.Super-Endurance: Mega-damage being with 1D6X10+PE MDC, and 2D6 MDC every level, has supernatural endurance, can fight 10x longer, and go 5 days without sleep. Has a problem getting to sleep, but only need 3 hours of sleep.
3.Muscle Spasms: Reduce PP by -1D4, and can perform a tearing attack. Once they grapple an opponent, they can use their attacks per melee to try to rip them in half. Roll to strike to see if the torque for the attack is right, no bonuses. Each attack does 1D6X10 MD, and on a natural 19-20 the target is ripped in half. Each attack does 1D6 MD to the Ragdoll himself as his muscles rip through his skin.
4.Super-Speed: Add 1D4X10 to speed, Ragdolls are slower than normal scarecrows due to their awkward movement. Can leap 120 ft up or across, increased because of the leg spasms.
5.Super-Healing: Ragdoll Bio-Regenerate 2D6 MDC per melee, are +20% vs coma/death, and is impervious to pain.
6.Superior Senses: Same as Scarecrow
7.Horror Factor: Natural Horror Factor of 11, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
8.Additional Penalties: In addition to the desiccation, which reduces the PB by ½, and MA by -1D4, he cannot resist orders from his librarian. If the commands seem suicidal or against the ragdolls alignment, he can attack to save at -6, he loses 1D6 MDC every year after his transformation from permanent damage of the muscle spasms. Can go up to two months before running out of elixir of life with a full storage pouch. Cannot detox, as afterwards the muscle spasms would destroy the character. He is -5 to strike with ranged weapons.
Common Skills: Standard
OCC Skill Programs: Assassin +20% or Espionage +20%, Martial Artist, and 2 or choice at +5%
Elective Skills: Two from Espionage or Rogue, one physical, and one of choice at level one. One new skill at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14.
Communications: Any (+ 1 0%).
Domestic: Any, except Begging and Wardrobe & Grooming
Espionage: Any (+ 10%), except Disguise and Impersonation.
Medical: None.
Military: Any (+5%), except Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal
and Demolitions Underwater.
Physical: Any, except Boxing.
Rogue: Any (+ 15% to Prowl), except Seduction.
Science: Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any.
Transportation: Any, except Host Armor Combat and War
Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any.
W.P.s: Any, except W.P. Paired Weapons, Modern Weapons
and Quick Draw.
Secondary Skills: Five secondary skills at level one, and one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
MDC Living Body Armor: Never wears one, as it restricts the overly large muscles.
Standard Equipment: Vest of office, hooded cloak, set of dress clothes, Face Wrap, tinted goggles, one light Bio-weapon, two MDC daggers, weapon for each WP, knapsack, backpack, saddlebag, water skin, two weeks emergency rations. The daggers and any other melee weapon have 1D4X10 Bio-E available for upgrades.
Money: 2D4X100 credits
Upside: You are the strongest there is. You can rip a human in half in a second, and can wrench open a host armor given time. You are the future face of the Librarians and will destroy your enemies swiftly.
Downside: You are a slave to your librarian, and there is no way out. When he goes crazy, you have no choice but to go along with it or be crushed by your own spasming muscles.
The scarecrows. Those creepy, strange, power-hungry creatures that serve their mysterious Librarian masters. They are feared for their strength, speed, and agility. They strike fear into even the most hardened soldier. They have remained unchanged by the librarians for years. Until now.
As the Kraken's assault the shore lines, no one noticed the strange figures crawling out of the Leviathans in the shadows. They did not fire a shot, merely disgorged their passengers. The first to meet them did not even see them as their bodies were literally ripped into two halves and throw 20 ft from their origins. Later, some received a glimpse of the creatures. They looked like normal scarecrows, withered, desiccated humans, but there was something wrong. Their muscles seemed overly large, and tore through the skin at points. The movements were less smooth than a scarecrow's, and when they moved, they seemed to twitch and spasm forward. The slow, hypnotic movements delayed the watchers just long enough, and the creature launched itself forward, wrapping its limbs around the host armor's torso, and with a couple of wrenching motions, flung the upper half away. That was the first documented report of what we have come to know as the Ragdoll.
The Ragdoll is a special forces version of the scarecrow. They have been bio-engineered and fed the elixir of life. This deadly combination makes a warrior with unparalleled strength. The elixir provides the supernatural strength, but the bio-engineering provides the unique muscle twitching that makes the Ragdoll what it is. The uncoordinated movements, and the ripping muscles, actively increase the Ragdoll's strength for their favorite attack. The Ragdoll wraps its arms around a person, and the muscle spasm releases ALL the energy in the contracted muscles, usually resulting in dismemberment. The twitching muscles, which seem random, is subconsciously controlled, allowing them to dodge even energy blasts without a thought. One last bio-enhancement provided to the Ragdoll is the inclusion of an elixir storage pouch, allowing them to spend more time away from the house.
Alignment: Almost always evil or selfish
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high PS always helps these straightforward fighters
Attribute Bonuses: +3D6 PS, which becomes Supernatural, +2D6 PE, and life extended to 150 years
OCC Bonuses: +1 attacks per melee round, +4 initiative, +8 automatic dodge, +4 vs poisons, toxins, and disease, +5 vs Horror Factor
Ragdoll OCC Powers:
1.Supernatural Strength: Minimum PS is 30
2.Super-Endurance: Mega-damage being with 1D6X10+PE MDC, and 2D6 MDC every level, has supernatural endurance, can fight 10x longer, and go 5 days without sleep. Has a problem getting to sleep, but only need 3 hours of sleep.
3.Muscle Spasms: Reduce PP by -1D4, and can perform a tearing attack. Once they grapple an opponent, they can use their attacks per melee to try to rip them in half. Roll to strike to see if the torque for the attack is right, no bonuses. Each attack does 1D6X10 MD, and on a natural 19-20 the target is ripped in half. Each attack does 1D6 MD to the Ragdoll himself as his muscles rip through his skin.
4.Super-Speed: Add 1D4X10 to speed, Ragdolls are slower than normal scarecrows due to their awkward movement. Can leap 120 ft up or across, increased because of the leg spasms.
5.Super-Healing: Ragdoll Bio-Regenerate 2D6 MDC per melee, are +20% vs coma/death, and is impervious to pain.
6.Superior Senses: Same as Scarecrow
7.Horror Factor: Natural Horror Factor of 11, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15
8.Additional Penalties: In addition to the desiccation, which reduces the PB by ½, and MA by -1D4, he cannot resist orders from his librarian. If the commands seem suicidal or against the ragdolls alignment, he can attack to save at -6, he loses 1D6 MDC every year after his transformation from permanent damage of the muscle spasms. Can go up to two months before running out of elixir of life with a full storage pouch. Cannot detox, as afterwards the muscle spasms would destroy the character. He is -5 to strike with ranged weapons.
Common Skills: Standard
OCC Skill Programs: Assassin +20% or Espionage +20%, Martial Artist, and 2 or choice at +5%
Elective Skills: Two from Espionage or Rogue, one physical, and one of choice at level one. One new skill at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14.
Communications: Any (+ 1 0%).
Domestic: Any, except Begging and Wardrobe & Grooming
Espionage: Any (+ 10%), except Disguise and Impersonation.
Medical: None.
Military: Any (+5%), except Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal
and Demolitions Underwater.
Physical: Any, except Boxing.
Rogue: Any (+ 15% to Prowl), except Seduction.
Science: Advanced Mathematics only.
Technical: Any.
Transportation: Any, except Host Armor Combat and War
Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any.
W.P.s: Any, except W.P. Paired Weapons, Modern Weapons
and Quick Draw.
Secondary Skills: Five secondary skills at level one, and one more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
MDC Living Body Armor: Never wears one, as it restricts the overly large muscles.
Standard Equipment: Vest of office, hooded cloak, set of dress clothes, Face Wrap, tinted goggles, one light Bio-weapon, two MDC daggers, weapon for each WP, knapsack, backpack, saddlebag, water skin, two weeks emergency rations. The daggers and any other melee weapon have 1D4X10 Bio-E available for upgrades.
Money: 2D4X100 credits
Upside: You are the strongest there is. You can rip a human in half in a second, and can wrench open a host armor given time. You are the future face of the Librarians and will destroy your enemies swiftly.
Downside: You are a slave to your librarian, and there is no way out. When he goes crazy, you have no choice but to go along with it or be crushed by your own spasming muscles.
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
here is my turtle armored personel carrier and i want to thank nmi for the editing job and 89er for the back story to date might be more to it soon
There were few survivors of the Violet Wave, the massive hoard of unknown Biotech that destroyed everything in their path. But what was not launched from there fleet of Krakens, was unleashed by the large terrapin War Mounts called Iron Shells these spike-shelled monsters are amphibious assault personnel carriers and are used to secure a beach head and defend the Krakens as they come in to unload there troops.
Each Iron Shell is loaded with two omega cannons, 30 organic rockets, and as icing on the cake, a bio-napalm launcher and carries up to a platoon of Splicer ground forces.
Some might say it’s overkill, but you need that kind of firepower to take a Machine or Resistance –held beach.
There were few survivors of the Violet Wave, the massive hoard of unknown Biotech that destroyed everything in their path. But what was not launched from there fleet of Krakens, was unleashed by the large terrapin War Mounts called Iron Shells these spike-shelled monsters are amphibious assault personnel carriers and are used to secure a beach head and defend the Krakens as they come in to unload there troops.
Each Iron Shell is loaded with two omega cannons, 30 organic rockets, and as icing on the cake, a bio-napalm launcher and carries up to a platoon of Splicer ground forces.
Some might say it’s overkill, but you need that kind of firepower to take a Machine or Resistance –held beach.
Class: Amphibious Troop Transport War Mount.
Crew: One rider.
M.D.C. by Location
Armored Back Hatch (1) - 250
Armored Belly Hatch (1) - 100
Legs (4) - 250 each
Head - 300
Reinforced Pilots Pod (1) - 100
Main Body - 800
Running: 30 mph (48 km) maximum, but normal cruising speed is 20 mph (36 km). Due to the War Mounts
massive weight it takes 10 second for the war mount to reach its maximum running speed. Running as well as
combat will tire the War Mount, at one tenth the rate of humans.
Leaping: Not possible
Digging: 10 mph (16km) through sand or dirt, but half s fast through clay, the feet of the War Mount are
not designed to dig through rock and stone. To dig a hole big enough to hide the Iron Shell takes 3D6 melee rounds.
Swimming: 200 mph (320km/173 knots). The War Mount uses a water thruster system for movement and the
act of swimming does not tire the War Mount or the rider. Maximum underwater depth: Two miles (3.2 km).
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 15 feet (3.6 m) 10ft for the shell +5ft from the legs.
Width: 15 feet (4.3 m).
Length: 25 feet (2.4 m) total including the head and neck of this mount. The main body itself makes up 20
feet of the total length of this War Mount.
Weight: 8 tons.
Combat Bay: The Iron Shell has an internal combat bay just behind the pilot’s pod that can carry 3 Packmasters
with their Gorehounds, or 8 human size soldiers, or 5 Dreadguard with their Host Armor. There is also some room for extra
gear and supplies. The combat bay can also be flooded when underwater exits are needed with troops exiting thru the
belly hatch The Iron Shell is able carry 3,000 lbs (900 kg) on its back or can pull 7,000 lbs (2,700 kg) at one third its
normal Speed.
Physical Strength: 1D4+20 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation, plus 2 years growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 75 year life span.
Trade Value: 5 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 5D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body and 3D6 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations.
The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at
least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 1D6 days.
Horror Factor: 12 against humans outside the Resistance, none against the machines.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Iron Shell is an omnivore and eats from 70-100 lbs (31.5 to 45 kg) of organic matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: The War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.
Other Data (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Iron Shell is able to function without a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to
any given situation. However, the creature tends only to take action to defend itself when threatened or when obeying
the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster (only), like a trained watchdog. It has no feelings about people or robots
one way or the other.
Alignment: Anarchist, the War Mount operates more like a robot than a living creature; devoid of personality.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. lD4 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+4, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 21-24 (Supernatural),
P.P. 1D6+6, P.E. 3D6+10, Spd (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Three.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +1 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks,
+1 to parry, +1 to dodge, +3 to dodge while underwater, +1 to pull punch, +4 to roll with punch, fall or impact,
+4 to save vs. poison and disease, and impervious to Horror Factor and mind control (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land (and Underwater)
Navigation 80%, Swim 98%, Track by Scent 35% (+20% underwater) and understands languages (2) at 75%.
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack)
or engage in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.
Head Butt or Stomp Attack: 5D6 M.D.
Kick Attack: 4D6 M.D.
Biting: 6D6 M.D.
Body Block/Ram: 5D6 M.D. and has a 1-75% chance of knocking an opponent off its feet and onto its back. If knocked off
its feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attack/actions. A ram attack counts as two melee attacks.
Iron Shell Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Horned Defense: The War Mounts shell is covered in horns to help protect it from any enemies that try to
get to close and or climb up on the War Mounts back. Any and all hand to hand attacks directed against the War Mount
with a strike roll of 12 or less mean the attacker will hit one of the horns and inflict damage to the attacker. The horn does
2D10 M.D. to the attacker.
Unfortunately these horns are too broad and mounted in too awkward of positions to be used as effective weapons in
hand to hand combat, but help to block and absorb attacks directed at the War Mount (represented by the additional M.D.C.).
The horns are strongly anchored to the armor and each has an M.D.C. of 22 points.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: As noted above, any attacker rolling a 12 or less cuts or impales himself on one or two of the horns
and takes 2D10 M.D. Meanwhile, a running ram/body block by the War Mount inflicts an extra 2D6 M.D. (in addition to the
usual punch/P.S. damage for the War Mount).
2. Omega Cannons (2): The Iron Shells primary long range weapon is a pair of powerful Omega Cannons these
two powerful Cannons come out of the shell above the opening for the neck. The two cannon barrels can be raised and
lowered 45 degrees and turn from side to side 60 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Bombardment.
Mega-Damage: 2D8x10 M.D., with a blast radius of 10 feet (3m) if a single Omega Cannon is used, or 4D8xl0 M.D.,
with blast radius of 20 feet (6.1 m), if both are fired simultaneously at the same target(s).
Maximum Effective Range: 5,000 feet (1524 m); nearly one mile.
Rate of Fire: The Omega Cannons can be fired one at a time or simultaneously at the same target. A single shot
or paired volley count as two melee attack/actions.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, since these are energy based weapons.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot,
3. Bio-Napalm Thrower: The Iron Shell can project sticky, long-lived napalm that is fired from the mouth. This
concentrated Mega-Damage fire does not dissipate quickly, but lasts for a period of 2D6 melee rounds, enough time to cook
most targets or to create a flaming barrier to hold foot soldiers and vehicles at bay (though not necessarily robots). During
this time, a target covered in the napalm continues to take damage (3D8 M.D. per melee round), and so does anyone (or thing)
that tries running through the flame (2D8 M.D.). Only by wiping the sticky flaming substance off can the target hope to survive.
Water will not dowse napalm (though flame retardant chemicals will).
Primary Purpose: Combat Support.
Secondary Purpose: Assault and Defense (blocking and destroying roads, bridges, fortifications, etc., as well as direct
assaults on robots/troops, vehicles, etc.).
Mega-Damage: 3D8 M.D. per fiery single blast, but the target hit with napalm continues to burn and take an additional
3D8 M.D. per melee round. If human, the character is on fire, loses half his attacks per melee, is -6 on all combat bonuses and
likely to be panicked and trying to put the fire out any way he can (half these penalties if the character is clad in M.D. armor,
and robots and drones only lose one melee attack and a penalty of -1 on all combat bonuses as they ignore the fire and continue
to fight). Three rapid-fire blasts will easily span a 20 foot (6.1 m) width/section of road. Note: The only way to douse the napalm
is to roll in dirt or sand for one entire melee round (15 seconds), rub the napalm off for one entire melee round (but takes double
damage; 4D8 M.D. that melee) or to be doused with napalm retardant chemicals (at the disposal of the Resistance) which puts it
out in 3 seconds/one melee action.
Rate of Fire: Each single bolt of napalm counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Payload: The Iron Shell holds ten napalm attacks and can manufacture enough napalm to replace its entire payload in only
1 D4 hours, and can regenerate spent napalm bolts before the entire payload is gone. However, each napalm blast requires 10
pounds (4.5 kg) of food (organic matter) it is not uncommon to see Iron Shells stopping to eat there fallen enemies to regenerate
there napalm blasts during long engagements.
Bonus: +1 to strike with napalm blast.
4. Organic Rockets (30): Mixed in with the horns on the War Mounts shell are 30 organic rocket launchers. Each
of the Organic Rockets has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose
of the rocket, allowing the rocket to see, track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Organic Rockets
with one attack per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot
down and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11 M.D.C. points, but the rocket is small target and -3 to hit on a “Called Shot” while still located
on the Host Armor before being fired. After launching, each rocket is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be
shot down as normal.
Mega-Damage: 5D10 M.D. per individual Organic Rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular Host Armor. Whether a
single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the
volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 30 organic rockets spread across the war mounts shell. it takes 6D6 hours to regrow its spent rockets or the
war mount can speed this process up by consuming 10lbs (4.5kg) of organic matter per rocket it wishes to regrow cutting the
time needed down to1D6 hours. It is not uncommon to see Iron Shells stopping to eat there fallen enemies to help regenerate
there organic rockets during long engagements.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
Class: Amphibious Troop Transport War Mount.
Crew: One rider.
M.D.C. by Location
Armored Back Hatch (1) - 250
Armored Belly Hatch (1) - 100
Legs (4) - 250 each
Head - 300
Reinforced Pilots Pod (1) - 100
Main Body - 800
Running: 30 mph (48 km) maximum, but normal cruising speed is 20 mph (36 km). Due to the War Mounts
massive weight it takes 10 second for the war mount to reach its maximum running speed. Running as well as
combat will tire the War Mount, at one tenth the rate of humans.
Leaping: Not possible
Digging: 10 mph (16km) through sand or dirt, but half s fast through clay, the feet of the War Mount are
not designed to dig through rock and stone. To dig a hole big enough to hide the Iron Shell takes 3D6 melee rounds.
Swimming: 200 mph (320km/173 knots). The War Mount uses a water thruster system for movement and the
act of swimming does not tire the War Mount or the rider. Maximum underwater depth: Two miles (3.2 km).
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 15 feet (3.6 m) 10ft for the shell +5ft from the legs.
Width: 15 feet (4.3 m).
Length: 25 feet (2.4 m) total including the head and neck of this mount. The main body itself makes up 20
feet of the total length of this War Mount.
Weight: 8 tons.
Combat Bay: The Iron Shell has an internal combat bay just behind the pilot’s pod that can carry 3 Packmasters
with their Gorehounds, or 8 human size soldiers, or 5 Dreadguard with their Host Armor. There is also some room for extra
gear and supplies. The combat bay can also be flooded when underwater exits are needed with troops exiting thru the
belly hatch The Iron Shell is able carry 3,000 lbs (900 kg) on its back or can pull 7,000 lbs (2,700 kg) at one third its
normal Speed.
Physical Strength: 1D4+20 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation, plus 2 years growth time.
Operational Lifetime: 75 year life span.
Trade Value: 5 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 5D6 M.D.C. per hour for the main body and 3D6 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations.
The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at
least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 1D6 days.
Horror Factor: 12 against humans outside the Resistance, none against the machines.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Iron Shell is an omnivore and eats from 70-100 lbs (31.5 to 45 kg) of organic matter a day.
Sleep Requirements: The War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.
Other Data (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Iron Shell is able to function without a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to
any given situation. However, the creature tends only to take action to defend itself when threatened or when obeying
the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster (only), like a trained watchdog. It has no feelings about people or robots
one way or the other.
Alignment: Anarchist, the War Mount operates more like a robot than a living creature; devoid of personality.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. lD4 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+4, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 21-24 (Supernatural),
P.P. 1D6+6, P.E. 3D6+10, Spd (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Three.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +1 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged attacks,
+1 to parry, +1 to dodge, +3 to dodge while underwater, +1 to pull punch, +4 to roll with punch, fall or impact,
+4 to save vs. poison and disease, and impervious to Horror Factor and mind control (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Identify Plants & Fruit (i.e., stuff it can eat) 80%, Land (and Underwater)
Navigation 80%, Swim 98%, Track by Scent 35% (+20% underwater) and understands languages (2) at 75%.
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack)
or engage in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.
Head Butt or Stomp Attack: 5D6 M.D.
Kick Attack: 4D6 M.D.
Biting: 6D6 M.D.
Body Block/Ram: 5D6 M.D. and has a 1-75% chance of knocking an opponent off its feet and onto its back. If knocked off
its feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attack/actions. A ram attack counts as two melee attacks.
Iron Shell Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Horned Defense: The War Mounts shell is covered in horns to help protect it from any enemies that try to
get to close and or climb up on the War Mounts back. Any and all hand to hand attacks directed against the War Mount
with a strike roll of 12 or less mean the attacker will hit one of the horns and inflict damage to the attacker. The horn does
2D10 M.D. to the attacker.
Unfortunately these horns are too broad and mounted in too awkward of positions to be used as effective weapons in
hand to hand combat, but help to block and absorb attacks directed at the War Mount (represented by the additional M.D.C.).
The horns are strongly anchored to the armor and each has an M.D.C. of 22 points.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Defense.
Mega-Damage: As noted above, any attacker rolling a 12 or less cuts or impales himself on one or two of the horns
and takes 2D10 M.D. Meanwhile, a running ram/body block by the War Mount inflicts an extra 2D6 M.D. (in addition to the
usual punch/P.S. damage for the War Mount).
2. Omega Cannons (2): The Iron Shells primary long range weapon is a pair of powerful Omega Cannons these
two powerful Cannons come out of the shell above the opening for the neck. The two cannon barrels can be raised and
lowered 45 degrees and turn from side to side 60 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Assault and Bombardment.
Mega-Damage: 2D8x10 M.D., with a blast radius of 10 feet (3m) if a single Omega Cannon is used, or 4D8xl0 M.D.,
with blast radius of 20 feet (6.1 m), if both are fired simultaneously at the same target(s).
Maximum Effective Range: 5,000 feet (1524 m); nearly one mile.
Rate of Fire: The Omega Cannons can be fired one at a time or simultaneously at the same target. A single shot
or paired volley count as two melee attack/actions.
Payload: Effectively unlimited, since these are energy based weapons.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot,
3. Bio-Napalm Thrower: The Iron Shell can project sticky, long-lived napalm that is fired from the mouth. This
concentrated Mega-Damage fire does not dissipate quickly, but lasts for a period of 2D6 melee rounds, enough time to cook
most targets or to create a flaming barrier to hold foot soldiers and vehicles at bay (though not necessarily robots). During
this time, a target covered in the napalm continues to take damage (3D8 M.D. per melee round), and so does anyone (or thing)
that tries running through the flame (2D8 M.D.). Only by wiping the sticky flaming substance off can the target hope to survive.
Water will not dowse napalm (though flame retardant chemicals will).
Primary Purpose: Combat Support.
Secondary Purpose: Assault and Defense (blocking and destroying roads, bridges, fortifications, etc., as well as direct
assaults on robots/troops, vehicles, etc.).
Mega-Damage: 3D8 M.D. per fiery single blast, but the target hit with napalm continues to burn and take an additional
3D8 M.D. per melee round. If human, the character is on fire, loses half his attacks per melee, is -6 on all combat bonuses and
likely to be panicked and trying to put the fire out any way he can (half these penalties if the character is clad in M.D. armor,
and robots and drones only lose one melee attack and a penalty of -1 on all combat bonuses as they ignore the fire and continue
to fight). Three rapid-fire blasts will easily span a 20 foot (6.1 m) width/section of road. Note: The only way to douse the napalm
is to roll in dirt or sand for one entire melee round (15 seconds), rub the napalm off for one entire melee round (but takes double
damage; 4D8 M.D. that melee) or to be doused with napalm retardant chemicals (at the disposal of the Resistance) which puts it
out in 3 seconds/one melee action.
Rate of Fire: Each single bolt of napalm counts as one melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Payload: The Iron Shell holds ten napalm attacks and can manufacture enough napalm to replace its entire payload in only
1 D4 hours, and can regenerate spent napalm bolts before the entire payload is gone. However, each napalm blast requires 10
pounds (4.5 kg) of food (organic matter) it is not uncommon to see Iron Shells stopping to eat there fallen enemies to regenerate
there napalm blasts during long engagements.
Bonus: +1 to strike with napalm blast.
4. Organic Rockets (30): Mixed in with the horns on the War Mounts shell are 30 organic rocket launchers. Each
of the Organic Rockets has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose
of the rocket, allowing the rocket to see, track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Organic Rockets
with one attack per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot
down and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11 M.D.C. points, but the rocket is small target and -3 to hit on a “Called Shot” while still located
on the Host Armor before being fired. After launching, each rocket is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be
shot down as normal.
Mega-Damage: 5D10 M.D. per individual Organic Rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular Host Armor. Whether a
single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the
volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 30 organic rockets spread across the war mounts shell. it takes 6D6 hours to regrow its spent rockets or the
war mount can speed this process up by consuming 10lbs (4.5kg) of organic matter per rocket it wishes to regrow cutting the
time needed down to1D6 hours. It is not uncommon to see Iron Shells stopping to eat there fallen enemies to help regenerate
there organic rockets during long engagements.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
Last edited by kevarin on Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
http://kevarin.deviantart.com/# my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world
My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
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My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
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- Snake Eyes
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- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
I would like to thank Guy_LeDouche for his great help.........
Nautilus Trooper OCC
“The purple Krackens? They are tough, but at least you see them coming. Those Nautilus troops, though…..Between them and the Krackens, I’m moving to the desert.”
After the first series of Kracken attacks, the survivors were awe-struck by the amount of damage and the ferocity of the attacks. The marauders had appeared seemingly out of nowhere and laid waste to all in their path. While the coastal areas had seen the most widespread damage, even areas far inland were affected. As the Houses and survivors began to gather and share information, it became apparent that the devastation inland was anything but widespread or chaotic. Quite the opposite; only high priority or strategic targets had been hit, and each with surgical precision. Defenses had been targeted, power or food supplies destroyed, and even specific individuals assassinated with ruthless efficiency. Witnesses stated the attacks moved like the wind and could disappear without a trace.
Dubbed “Nautilus troops”, these elite warriors are experts at infiltration and sabotage. Often sent ahead of attacking Krackens and forces, Nautilus Troopers are used in reconnoitering landing beaches, taking note of obstacles, sabotaging enemy defenses, and assassination of key personnel. The Troopers will frequently take advantage of the mass chaos caused by a Kracken attack to conduct surgical strikes deep inland, sometimes miles away from the original attack area.
All Nautilus troops are experienced and rigorously trained in all manner of unconventional warfare. Nautilus Troopers are deployed in a wide variety of missions, ranging from direct action to special reconnaissance operations. To assist in their roles, all Nautilus Troopers are issued a specialized suit of Host Armor. Outfitted with Chameleon Skin, Hydro-Jets, and a host of weapons and abilities for land and sea use, Nautilus Troopers are generally deployed underwater and then sneak ashore. The Nautilus armor is also outfitted with a number of tentacles, further enhancing their resembalence to their namesake. It requires a intense concentration and experience to master the intricacies of multiple tentacles; Troopers are unable to purchase any further enhancements or upgrades until achieving 3rd level. At this point, the character has learned to handle the demands of the multiple appendages and can now accept new bio-enhancements. With their specialized armor and intense training, the Nautilus forces are all but invisible until they strike.
Nautilus Trooper O.C.C.
Alignment: Any, but the majority are Anarchist or Aberrant.
Attribute Requirements: P.S. and P.E. of 11, and a P.P. of 14 or higher. A high I.Q. and M.E. are helpful, but not mandatory.
Attribute O.C.C. Bonuses: + 1D4 to M.E., P.S. P.P. and P.E.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +6D6 to S.D.C., +1 on initiative, +2 to disarm, +2 to save vs mind control (drugs, psionics, etc.) and +3 to save vs Horror Factor. Has Splicer P.S. when suited up in Host Armor.
Base S.D.C.: 45, plus bonuses and any from Physical skills.
Common Skills: Standard.
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Basic Military (+15%), Host Pilot (+25%), Wilderness Survival (+10%) and Saboteur (+10%) or Assassination (+10%) plus any one Skill Program of choice (except for Medical Doctor or Wingman).
Elective Skills: Select five Elective Skills from the following list at first level. Plus select another one Elective Skill at levels 3, 5, 8, 12 and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Intelligence, Interrogation and Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Medical: Field Surgery, First Aid and Paramedic only.
Military: Any (+ 10%).
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics.
Rogue: Gambling, Sleight of Hand and Streetwise only.
Science: Advance Mathematics or Astronomy & Navigation only.
Technical: Any (+5%).
Transportation: Any (+ 1 0%), except Pilot Wing Packs.
Wilderness: Any (+5%).
W.P.s: Any, except W.P. Modem Weapons (traditional guns).
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level one and one additional Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge starting without any special O.c.c. bonuses.
Nautilus Host Armor: The Nautilus Troopers receive their own specialty suit of Host Armor. The Trooper is genetically bonded to their Nautilus armor. Unlike standard suits, the Nautilus Host Armor comes equipped with a number of enhancements and features already in place. The Nautilus Trooper cannot purchase or receive any additional enhancements until reaching level 3. ( See descriptions of the Nautilus Host Armor below and Creating Host Armor starting on page 70 of the Splicers RPG Main Book for details ).
Once level 3 is achieved, the character gains an extra 1D4x10 Bio-E per level of experience for additional improvements to the Host Armor. If the Trooper’s Host Armor is destroyed, another will be bonded to him, but it will only have the most basic Bio-Enhancements, and any further augmentation will require the character to gain additional levels of experience or a special boon as a reward for outstanding service to the House or his Warlord.
M.D.C. "Living" Body Armor: The Trooper also gets a suit of Living Body Armor with 5DIO+50 Bio-E worth of augmentation as backup armor in case of an emergency and for the purpose of disguise. However, most Nautilus Troopers rarely use this armor and are seldom seen without their Host Armor.
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, a couple of sets of dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, fust-aid kit, a Face Wrap (gas mask), tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, one or two light Bio-Weapons of choice and one weapon for each W.P. with appropriate ammunition, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, emergency food rations (three week supply), and some personal items.
Money: Has 3D6xl00 credits worth of precious metals or tradeable items, as well as 6D6x 1 0 credits. As always, money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later needs.
The Upside: You are well trained, dedicated, deadly, and, best of all, feared. You and your fellow Troopers know the best ways to attack the enemy and remain unseen and your support is invaluable to your allies. Your Host Armor offers superior abilities on both land and water, allowing you to tackle a variety of missions and assignments.
The Downside: You are often on your own, with only your fellow Nautilus Troopers for support. You are often tasked for infiltrating and attacking some of the most heavily defended areas; often your assignments resemble little more than suicide missions. While your Host Armor is powerful, it takes all your concentration to control it, and enhancements are slow in coming. Additionally, though you can handle yourselves in battle, you are not really a front-line soldier.
Nautilus Host Armor
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One.
Base M.D.C. By Location:(NOTE: These are the starting, level 1 stats)
Hands (2): 60 each
Arms (2): 120 each
Legs (2): 180 each
Feet (2): 80 each
Head: 130
Main Body: 280
Tentacles (8): 50 each
Bio-E Vents (2): 45 each
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Running: 120 mph.
Leaping: 40 feet high or 80 feet across from a standing position
Digging: 20 mph through sand or dirt, but one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 80 mph
Underwater Depth: Can survive depths of up to 3000 feet unaided.
Flying: Not possible
Statistical Data:
Height, Width and Length: Standard
Weight: Adds 300 lbs. to the weight of the pilot.
Cargo: None, other than what the character can carry
Physical Strength: 32 Splicer/Robotic
Production Cycle: Standard
Lifetime: 50 years
Horror Factor: Standard
Feeding/Metabolism: Carnivore
Penalties: Likes to hunt, stalk and kill. Hates being penned up with nothing to do. The pilot must make regular fresh kills and needs to find enough food to sustain the Host Armor. The character may also exhibit a tendency to be aggressive.
Sleep Requirements: Requires 2D4 hours of sleep/rest/inactivity per day.
Senses and Features: Standard for all Host Armors
Combat Bonuses: (NOTE: These include all bonuses from enhancements and tentacles. These bonuses are in addition to all other bonuses, only applied when the character is in the Host Armor): +2 melee attacks, +4 melee “actions” (not attacks, this could be opening a door, pocketing an item, etc.) +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 dodge, +1 to pull punch, +2 entangle, +3 to roll with fall, +5% to Acrobatics, Climb, and Gymnastics skills.
Instinctive skills of Note: Land Navigation 70%, Track (people) 65%, Track Animals 80%, and Wilderness Survival 60%
• Bio-Regeneration: Enhanced
• Armored Eyes
• Underwater Eyes
• Sonar
• Chameleon Skin
• Floating Air Bladder
• Webbed Hands & Feet
• Resistance to Electricity
• Increased Metabolic Rate
• Enhanced Passive Nightvision (6000 ft.)
1. Hydro-Jet Valves: A variant on the Organic thruster upgrade, the Nautilus Armor has a series of water propulsion valves mounted across its body. The valves are positioned to allow the Nautilus to speed through the water in virtually any direction. While the Hydro-jet valves cannot provide flight on land, they can do offer jet-assisted leaping, enhancing the Armor's mobility.
M.D.C.: The Hydro-jet valve ports have 1D4*10 M.D.C. each (rolled at character creation.)
Underwater Propulsion: 200 mph (321 km). This speed can be kept up indefinitely while in the water.
Surface Ability: The jets can propel the Host Armor up to 100ft. high and 200 feet across, though it cannot attain actual flight.
Additional bonuses when Underwater: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike and +3 to dodge, but only when underwater.
2. Tentacles (4 pairs, 8 total): The Nautilus Armor as 4 pairs of tentacles, growing from its rib cage, back, and shoulders. Each pair of tentacles is actually a semi-aware creature and can function independently of the Host Armor. This allows the Nautilus to fight, open a door, and set a bomb all at the same time. The Nautilus Trooper can seize control when the pilot needs to use the limb, however, most will simply allow the tentacles to behave on their own. While the tentacles are not as articulated as hands with opposable thumbs, they can hold and carry objects, can use melee weapons and tools, open doors, and operate basic equipment. The tentacles do the same damage as a punch when striking in combat. The bonuses for the tentacles are factored into the Host Armor’s stats. Skills that require fingers and a delicate touch, such as Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Medical and Mechanical skills, and similar, suffer a skill penalty of -20% when performed with the tentacles alone. Likewise, tentacles only get half the character's usual combat bonuses to strike and parry when using a handheld weapon.
Bonuses: The tentacles themselves are +4 to parry, and +3 to dodge and auto-dodge, but only against attacks directed against them.
M.D.C. of the Tentacles: 1D6x10+16 each pair, roll at Host Armor creation. Additionally, destroyed tentacles regenerate completely in 3D8 hours.
Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Bio-E Expulsion Vents (2):
Damage: 2D8 + PE attribute
Range: 1800 feet (900 feet underwater)
Payload: Unlimited, however, firing more than 20 blasts per minute
weakens the pilot.
Bonus: +3 on an aimed shot only
2. Omni-Lightning Discharger: Can generate/discharge a blast of electricity by touch or fire a blast at range.
Damage: 4D12 M.D. per blast; 5D12 M.D. when used underwater.
Range: increased to 200 ft.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot

Nautilus Trooper OCC
“The purple Krackens? They are tough, but at least you see them coming. Those Nautilus troops, though…..Between them and the Krackens, I’m moving to the desert.”
After the first series of Kracken attacks, the survivors were awe-struck by the amount of damage and the ferocity of the attacks. The marauders had appeared seemingly out of nowhere and laid waste to all in their path. While the coastal areas had seen the most widespread damage, even areas far inland were affected. As the Houses and survivors began to gather and share information, it became apparent that the devastation inland was anything but widespread or chaotic. Quite the opposite; only high priority or strategic targets had been hit, and each with surgical precision. Defenses had been targeted, power or food supplies destroyed, and even specific individuals assassinated with ruthless efficiency. Witnesses stated the attacks moved like the wind and could disappear without a trace.
Dubbed “Nautilus troops”, these elite warriors are experts at infiltration and sabotage. Often sent ahead of attacking Krackens and forces, Nautilus Troopers are used in reconnoitering landing beaches, taking note of obstacles, sabotaging enemy defenses, and assassination of key personnel. The Troopers will frequently take advantage of the mass chaos caused by a Kracken attack to conduct surgical strikes deep inland, sometimes miles away from the original attack area.
All Nautilus troops are experienced and rigorously trained in all manner of unconventional warfare. Nautilus Troopers are deployed in a wide variety of missions, ranging from direct action to special reconnaissance operations. To assist in their roles, all Nautilus Troopers are issued a specialized suit of Host Armor. Outfitted with Chameleon Skin, Hydro-Jets, and a host of weapons and abilities for land and sea use, Nautilus Troopers are generally deployed underwater and then sneak ashore. The Nautilus armor is also outfitted with a number of tentacles, further enhancing their resembalence to their namesake. It requires a intense concentration and experience to master the intricacies of multiple tentacles; Troopers are unable to purchase any further enhancements or upgrades until achieving 3rd level. At this point, the character has learned to handle the demands of the multiple appendages and can now accept new bio-enhancements. With their specialized armor and intense training, the Nautilus forces are all but invisible until they strike.
Nautilus Trooper O.C.C.
Alignment: Any, but the majority are Anarchist or Aberrant.
Attribute Requirements: P.S. and P.E. of 11, and a P.P. of 14 or higher. A high I.Q. and M.E. are helpful, but not mandatory.
Attribute O.C.C. Bonuses: + 1D4 to M.E., P.S. P.P. and P.E.
O.C.C. Bonuses: +6D6 to S.D.C., +1 on initiative, +2 to disarm, +2 to save vs mind control (drugs, psionics, etc.) and +3 to save vs Horror Factor. Has Splicer P.S. when suited up in Host Armor.
Base S.D.C.: 45, plus bonuses and any from Physical skills.
Common Skills: Standard.
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Basic Military (+15%), Host Pilot (+25%), Wilderness Survival (+10%) and Saboteur (+10%) or Assassination (+10%) plus any one Skill Program of choice (except for Medical Doctor or Wingman).
Elective Skills: Select five Elective Skills from the following list at first level. Plus select another one Elective Skill at levels 3, 5, 8, 12 and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Intelligence, Interrogation and Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Medical: Field Surgery, First Aid and Paramedic only.
Military: Any (+ 10%).
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics.
Rogue: Gambling, Sleight of Hand and Streetwise only.
Science: Advance Mathematics or Astronomy & Navigation only.
Technical: Any (+5%).
Transportation: Any (+ 1 0%), except Pilot Wing Packs.
Wilderness: Any (+5%).
W.P.s: Any, except W.P. Modem Weapons (traditional guns).
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills at level one and one additional Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. These are additional areas of knowledge starting without any special O.c.c. bonuses.
Nautilus Host Armor: The Nautilus Troopers receive their own specialty suit of Host Armor. The Trooper is genetically bonded to their Nautilus armor. Unlike standard suits, the Nautilus Host Armor comes equipped with a number of enhancements and features already in place. The Nautilus Trooper cannot purchase or receive any additional enhancements until reaching level 3. ( See descriptions of the Nautilus Host Armor below and Creating Host Armor starting on page 70 of the Splicers RPG Main Book for details ).
Once level 3 is achieved, the character gains an extra 1D4x10 Bio-E per level of experience for additional improvements to the Host Armor. If the Trooper’s Host Armor is destroyed, another will be bonded to him, but it will only have the most basic Bio-Enhancements, and any further augmentation will require the character to gain additional levels of experience or a special boon as a reward for outstanding service to the House or his Warlord.
M.D.C. "Living" Body Armor: The Trooper also gets a suit of Living Body Armor with 5DIO+50 Bio-E worth of augmentation as backup armor in case of an emergency and for the purpose of disguise. However, most Nautilus Troopers rarely use this armor and are seldom seen without their Host Armor.
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, a couple of sets of dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, fust-aid kit, a Face Wrap (gas mask), tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, one or two light Bio-Weapons of choice and one weapon for each W.P. with appropriate ammunition, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, emergency food rations (three week supply), and some personal items.
Money: Has 3D6xl00 credits worth of precious metals or tradeable items, as well as 6D6x 1 0 credits. As always, money can be spent now on additional equipment or saved for later needs.
The Upside: You are well trained, dedicated, deadly, and, best of all, feared. You and your fellow Troopers know the best ways to attack the enemy and remain unseen and your support is invaluable to your allies. Your Host Armor offers superior abilities on both land and water, allowing you to tackle a variety of missions and assignments.
The Downside: You are often on your own, with only your fellow Nautilus Troopers for support. You are often tasked for infiltrating and attacking some of the most heavily defended areas; often your assignments resemble little more than suicide missions. While your Host Armor is powerful, it takes all your concentration to control it, and enhancements are slow in coming. Additionally, though you can handle yourselves in battle, you are not really a front-line soldier.
Nautilus Host Armor
Class: Host Armor
Crew: One.
Base M.D.C. By Location:(NOTE: These are the starting, level 1 stats)
Hands (2): 60 each
Arms (2): 120 each
Legs (2): 180 each
Feet (2): 80 each
Head: 130
Main Body: 280
Tentacles (8): 50 each
Bio-E Vents (2): 45 each
Armored Eyes (2): 10 each
Running: 120 mph.
Leaping: 40 feet high or 80 feet across from a standing position
Digging: 20 mph through sand or dirt, but one quarter as fast through rock or concrete.
Swimming: 80 mph
Underwater Depth: Can survive depths of up to 3000 feet unaided.
Flying: Not possible
Statistical Data:
Height, Width and Length: Standard
Weight: Adds 300 lbs. to the weight of the pilot.
Cargo: None, other than what the character can carry
Physical Strength: 32 Splicer/Robotic
Production Cycle: Standard
Lifetime: 50 years
Horror Factor: Standard
Feeding/Metabolism: Carnivore
Penalties: Likes to hunt, stalk and kill. Hates being penned up with nothing to do. The pilot must make regular fresh kills and needs to find enough food to sustain the Host Armor. The character may also exhibit a tendency to be aggressive.
Sleep Requirements: Requires 2D4 hours of sleep/rest/inactivity per day.
Senses and Features: Standard for all Host Armors
Combat Bonuses: (NOTE: These include all bonuses from enhancements and tentacles. These bonuses are in addition to all other bonuses, only applied when the character is in the Host Armor): +2 melee attacks, +4 melee “actions” (not attacks, this could be opening a door, pocketing an item, etc.) +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 dodge, +1 to pull punch, +2 entangle, +3 to roll with fall, +5% to Acrobatics, Climb, and Gymnastics skills.
Instinctive skills of Note: Land Navigation 70%, Track (people) 65%, Track Animals 80%, and Wilderness Survival 60%
• Bio-Regeneration: Enhanced
• Armored Eyes
• Underwater Eyes
• Sonar
• Chameleon Skin
• Floating Air Bladder
• Webbed Hands & Feet
• Resistance to Electricity
• Increased Metabolic Rate
• Enhanced Passive Nightvision (6000 ft.)
1. Hydro-Jet Valves: A variant on the Organic thruster upgrade, the Nautilus Armor has a series of water propulsion valves mounted across its body. The valves are positioned to allow the Nautilus to speed through the water in virtually any direction. While the Hydro-jet valves cannot provide flight on land, they can do offer jet-assisted leaping, enhancing the Armor's mobility.
M.D.C.: The Hydro-jet valve ports have 1D4*10 M.D.C. each (rolled at character creation.)
Underwater Propulsion: 200 mph (321 km). This speed can be kept up indefinitely while in the water.
Surface Ability: The jets can propel the Host Armor up to 100ft. high and 200 feet across, though it cannot attain actual flight.
Additional bonuses when Underwater: +3 on initiative, +1 to strike and +3 to dodge, but only when underwater.
2. Tentacles (4 pairs, 8 total): The Nautilus Armor as 4 pairs of tentacles, growing from its rib cage, back, and shoulders. Each pair of tentacles is actually a semi-aware creature and can function independently of the Host Armor. This allows the Nautilus to fight, open a door, and set a bomb all at the same time. The Nautilus Trooper can seize control when the pilot needs to use the limb, however, most will simply allow the tentacles to behave on their own. While the tentacles are not as articulated as hands with opposable thumbs, they can hold and carry objects, can use melee weapons and tools, open doors, and operate basic equipment. The tentacles do the same damage as a punch when striking in combat. The bonuses for the tentacles are factored into the Host Armor’s stats. Skills that require fingers and a delicate touch, such as Demolitions, Palming, Pick Pockets, Pick Locks, Medical and Mechanical skills, and similar, suffer a skill penalty of -20% when performed with the tentacles alone. Likewise, tentacles only get half the character's usual combat bonuses to strike and parry when using a handheld weapon.
Bonuses: The tentacles themselves are +4 to parry, and +3 to dodge and auto-dodge, but only against attacks directed against them.
M.D.C. of the Tentacles: 1D6x10+16 each pair, roll at Host Armor creation. Additionally, destroyed tentacles regenerate completely in 3D8 hours.
Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Bio-E Expulsion Vents (2):
Damage: 2D8 + PE attribute
Range: 1800 feet (900 feet underwater)
Payload: Unlimited, however, firing more than 20 blasts per minute
weakens the pilot.
Bonus: +3 on an aimed shot only
2. Omni-Lightning Discharger: Can generate/discharge a blast of electricity by touch or fire a blast at range.
Damage: 4D12 M.D. per blast; 5D12 M.D. when used underwater.
Range: increased to 200 ft.
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot
The Dragon Has Spoken
- Guy_LeDouche
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Snake Eyes wrote:I would like to thank Guy_LeDouche for his great help.........![]()
Three cheers for our creation! Hip hip!!

Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3
If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
- Snake Eyes
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- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
- Location: Mary Esther, Florida
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Now that i really look at it, it turned out quite well
The Dragon Has Spoken
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
I was thinking of something like this for awhile. Great minds think alike!
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator
My GoFund Me - Help Me Walk Again
Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator
My GoFund Me - Help Me Walk Again
- Snake Eyes
- Hero
- Posts: 1025
- Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:34 am
- Comment: Living in Florida, soon to be Dinosaur Swamp
- Location: Mary Esther, Florida
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
My thanks and fair share of credit to Guy_LeDouche for the stats and part of the backstory.
Akhult War Mount
“These things are creepy, even for bio-tech. Fins and fur just shouldn’t go together; especially in something with an attitude this bad.”
Named after an ancient Inuit spirit, the Akhlut appears to be a strange fusion of small orca and monstrous wolf. Traveling in packs, the Akhlut and their riders continue to defend the areas attacked by the violet Krackens. These amphibious War Mounts average about 6 ft. at the shoulder and 10-12 ft. in length. The War Mount’s body is sleek and somewhat torpedo shaped, complete with dorsal and pectoral fins, tail flukes and four legs. When on land, the dorsal and pectoral fins can be pulled tight against the body; though many riders will leave the dorsal fin standing erect. Likewise, the legs are tucked snug against the body to reduce drag when in the water. Like all cetaceans, the body is smooth, flexible, and streamlined. The entire creature is covered in a fine fur that offers excellent protection from the cold. When glimpsed or felt underneath the fur, the skin is rubbery, warm and smooth, rather like an inner tube.
Despite the aquatic nature of the body, the head is definitely canine, though somewhat rounder than a natural wolf. The Mount has a large toothy mouth, pronounced muzzle, and small, raised ears. The Rider sits in a comfortable, armored saddle just in front of the dorsal fin and behind the blow hole. Aside from the fearsome jaws, the Akhult is equipped with a variant of the Gore Cannon dubbed the “Gut Geyser”. While it retains the corrosive aspect of the Gore Cannon, the globs launched by the Gut Geyser is also extremely sticky, slowing and hindering the movement of the target.
Attacking alongside “The Indigo Wave”, packs of these strange War Mounts and their riders have continued to roam the shores, ferociously defending the beaches and surrounding areas. The Akhult and their riders normally congregate in groups of six to seven; they seem to act in a combination role of fast attack, border patrol and coast guard.
The Akhult jealously guard the beached areas under the Indigo Wave’s dominance from attacks from land or sea. A few brave souls have acquired the DNA for the Akhlut, but many more are wondering: are they remaining vigil for a withdrawal of the Indigo Wave or, worse a return?
Class: Amphibious Assault War Mount.
Crew: One rider.
M.D.C. by Location:Front Legs (2)-140 each
Hind Legs (2)-200 each
*Pectoral Fins (2)-60 each
*Dorsal Fin -80
**Head -210
***Main Body-380
Rider Saddle-100
* A single asterisk indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.
** Destroying the head eliminates all optics and sensory systems and will stop the War Mount in its tracks. Reduce the speed to 20% of maximum, reduce the number of melee attacks by half (including the rider's) and negates all bonuses from the animal, but the rider can still pilot the body like a headless puppet to continue fighting for as long as 18 hours after the head is gone.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the War Mount.
Note: Under normal circumstances, shooting the rider requires a "Called Shot" with a penalty of -3 to strike.
Running: 80 mph maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 30 mph. The Akhult can run nonstop for four hours at full speed before needing 1D6x10+60 minutes of rest to go for another two hours before needing rest. The Akhult can run at a leisurely pace of 50 mph without pause for up to eight hours straight before requiring rest or 10 hours if it periodically pauses for 10-20 minutes every hour or so. Note: Reduce speed by 30% in forests and rocky and other difficult, obstacle-filled terrain.
Leaping: 20 feet (6.1 m) high or across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt, but half that speed through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire the War Mount. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 2 D8 minutes.
Swimming: The War Mount can maintain a steady speed of 60 mph on the surface or underwater for up to 12 hours before requiring 2 hours rest.
Underwater Depth: The War Mount can withstand depths of one mile unaided, but the rider may need specialized equipment.
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 6-7 feet at the shoulder. The upright angular dorsal fin adds an additional 4 feet.
Width: 3 feet from shoulder to shoulder; the tail flukes are roughly 6 feet wide.
Length: 7-8 feet from nose to rump; the tail adds an additional 4 feet.
Weight: 1200-2000lbs.
Cargo: Can carry 1200lbs (540 kg) on its back, or drag twice that amount along the ground.
Physical Strength: 1D8+30 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: 8 month gestation period followed by 1 year of growth.
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span.
Trade Value: 3.5 to 4 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 5D6 M.D.C. per hour to the main body and 2D6 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations. The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 104+ I days.
Horror Factor: 12 against humans outside the Resistance, none against robots.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Akhult is a carnivore and eats 50-80 lbs. of meat a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.
Other Data: (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Akhult is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. Without a pilot, it attacks only when threatened, provoked or hungry, however, the beast is loyal to its Rider and any humans it knows. It will obey the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster. The Akhult is loyal to its “pack” and will usually come to a known human's defense, especially against robots (hates them). Akhults have been known to stand guard over an injured Rider or favored human until help arrives.
Alignment: Any; but the majority (80%) fall into the selfish categories and are friendly and protective toward their humans.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+ 4 (medium animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+8, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 36-40 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D8+14, P.E. 1D8+14, Speed: (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Five.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +3 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged weapons, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, + 1 to roll with punch, fall or impact, + 1 to disarm, and is impervious to Horror Factor, disease and poison.
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 50%/0%, Land Navigation 78%, Prowl 66%, Swim 98%, Track by Scent 75%, and understands the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one other common language at 70% (cannot speak or read).
Combat Capabilities: The Akhult may use its long-range weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack) or engage in hand to hand combat.
Bite: 6D6 M.D.
Claw Strike: 3D6 M.D.
Tail Strike: 4D6 M.D.
Head Butt: 2D6 M.D.
Leap Attack: 3D6 M.D. + 1 to strike and has a 01-70% likelihood of knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off his feet and onto his back (also a 01-65% chance the victim drops whatever he was holding). If knocked off his feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attacks/actions), and the Akhult is poised for a fast bite attack (+2 to strike for the next attack). A leap attack uses up one melee attack for the Akhult.
Running Leap Attack: 4D6 M.D. has a 01-85% likelihood of knocking down an opponent and counts as two of the Akhult's attacks, otherwise the same as Leap Attack.
Akhult Natural Abilities:
Hold Breath: The Akhult can hold its breath for 2D10+60 minutes (roll once to determine at War Mount creation.)
Sense Magnetic North: The Akhult can always tell where magnetic north is precisely located. Damage to the head will temporarily (3D4 minutes) disrupt this ability, however, it will eventually return.
Underwater Sense: The Akhult can instinctively sense the direction of ocean currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and have an accurate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
Sonar: The Akhult posses the Sonar ability as detailed in the Splicers RPG, pg. 82. All ranges for this ability are doubled.
Weapon Systems and Defenses:
Resistance to Cold: The Akhult’s layers of fur and blubber provide excellent protection from the cold. Temperatures as low as -20 below zero Fahrenheit have no adverse effect. Magic cold and super-cold attacks do half damage.
Resistance to Physical Attacks: The Akhult posses a layer of fatty tissue filled with impact resistant fluid. This cushions the War Mount from blunt attacks (punches, kicks, bludgeons, etc.), as well as falls, explosive concussion and impacts. These attacks all inflict half damage. Note: Bullets, arrows, and cutting and stabbing attacks (knives, swords, spears, etc.) do full damage, as do energy blasts and fire.
Gut Geyser: The Akhult can expel a repulsive blast of energized slime from its blow hole. These blasts can be fired at targets directly or lobbed like mortar round to strike targets at extreme ranges. The globs splatter on impact, making the weapon excellent against massed troops. In addition to causing damage, the sticky slime hinders the movement and mobility of the target.
Primary Purpose: Tactical Bombardment.
Secondary Purpose: Infantry Support.
Mega-Damage: 6D8 M.D. per blast to the target 2D8 M.D. to anyone within a 10ft. radius from the splatter effect. In addition, the main target is temporarily slowed by the sticky, sap-like material. The target has their speed reduced by 20% for the turn and loses two melee actions/attacks from the effort of pulling free.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet for direct attack. However, the globs can arched to hit targets up to 6000 feet away. When lobbing the attack, there is a penalty of -3 to strike, unless the target is large or immobile.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 50 blasts per full meal over a 24 hour period (double if the Akhult was allowed to gorge itself, but reduce Spd by 10% and initiative bonus by half for 1D4 hours while gorged).
Akhult War Mount
“These things are creepy, even for bio-tech. Fins and fur just shouldn’t go together; especially in something with an attitude this bad.”
Named after an ancient Inuit spirit, the Akhlut appears to be a strange fusion of small orca and monstrous wolf. Traveling in packs, the Akhlut and their riders continue to defend the areas attacked by the violet Krackens. These amphibious War Mounts average about 6 ft. at the shoulder and 10-12 ft. in length. The War Mount’s body is sleek and somewhat torpedo shaped, complete with dorsal and pectoral fins, tail flukes and four legs. When on land, the dorsal and pectoral fins can be pulled tight against the body; though many riders will leave the dorsal fin standing erect. Likewise, the legs are tucked snug against the body to reduce drag when in the water. Like all cetaceans, the body is smooth, flexible, and streamlined. The entire creature is covered in a fine fur that offers excellent protection from the cold. When glimpsed or felt underneath the fur, the skin is rubbery, warm and smooth, rather like an inner tube.
Despite the aquatic nature of the body, the head is definitely canine, though somewhat rounder than a natural wolf. The Mount has a large toothy mouth, pronounced muzzle, and small, raised ears. The Rider sits in a comfortable, armored saddle just in front of the dorsal fin and behind the blow hole. Aside from the fearsome jaws, the Akhult is equipped with a variant of the Gore Cannon dubbed the “Gut Geyser”. While it retains the corrosive aspect of the Gore Cannon, the globs launched by the Gut Geyser is also extremely sticky, slowing and hindering the movement of the target.
Attacking alongside “The Indigo Wave”, packs of these strange War Mounts and their riders have continued to roam the shores, ferociously defending the beaches and surrounding areas. The Akhult and their riders normally congregate in groups of six to seven; they seem to act in a combination role of fast attack, border patrol and coast guard.
The Akhult jealously guard the beached areas under the Indigo Wave’s dominance from attacks from land or sea. A few brave souls have acquired the DNA for the Akhlut, but many more are wondering: are they remaining vigil for a withdrawal of the Indigo Wave or, worse a return?
Class: Amphibious Assault War Mount.
Crew: One rider.
M.D.C. by Location:Front Legs (2)-140 each
Hind Legs (2)-200 each
*Pectoral Fins (2)-60 each
*Dorsal Fin -80
**Head -210
***Main Body-380
Rider Saddle-100
* A single asterisk indicates a small, low profile, or shielded target that is difficult to hit. An attacker must aim and make a "Called Shot" to hit such targets, and even then is -3 to strike.
** Destroying the head eliminates all optics and sensory systems and will stop the War Mount in its tracks. Reduce the speed to 20% of maximum, reduce the number of melee attacks by half (including the rider's) and negates all bonuses from the animal, but the rider can still pilot the body like a headless puppet to continue fighting for as long as 18 hours after the head is gone.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the War Mount.
Note: Under normal circumstances, shooting the rider requires a "Called Shot" with a penalty of -3 to strike.
Running: 80 mph maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 30 mph. The Akhult can run nonstop for four hours at full speed before needing 1D6x10+60 minutes of rest to go for another two hours before needing rest. The Akhult can run at a leisurely pace of 50 mph without pause for up to eight hours straight before requiring rest or 10 hours if it periodically pauses for 10-20 minutes every hour or so. Note: Reduce speed by 30% in forests and rocky and other difficult, obstacle-filled terrain.
Leaping: 20 feet (6.1 m) high or across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: 20 mph (32 km) through sand or dirt, but half that speed through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire the War Mount. To dig down enough to adequately bury itself and hide takes 2 D8 minutes.
Swimming: The War Mount can maintain a steady speed of 60 mph on the surface or underwater for up to 12 hours before requiring 2 hours rest.
Underwater Depth: The War Mount can withstand depths of one mile unaided, but the rider may need specialized equipment.
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 6-7 feet at the shoulder. The upright angular dorsal fin adds an additional 4 feet.
Width: 3 feet from shoulder to shoulder; the tail flukes are roughly 6 feet wide.
Length: 7-8 feet from nose to rump; the tail adds an additional 4 feet.
Weight: 1200-2000lbs.
Cargo: Can carry 1200lbs (540 kg) on its back, or drag twice that amount along the ground.
Physical Strength: 1D8+30 (Supernatural P.S.).
Production Cycle: 8 month gestation period followed by 1 year of growth.
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span.
Trade Value: 3.5 to 4 million credits for a healthy, undamaged unit.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 5D6 M.D.C. per hour to the main body and 2D6 M.D.C. per hour for all other locations. The War Mount cannot regrow severed limbs or destroyed weapon systems (reduced to zero or less), there must be at least two M.D.C. points remaining to regenerate lost limbs, and such extensive regeneration takes 104+ I days.
Horror Factor: 12 against humans outside the Resistance, none against robots.
Senses & Features: Standard for War Mounts.
Feeding: The Akhult is a carnivore and eats 50-80 lbs. of meat a day.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificial organism, the War Mount requires only four hours of sleep/rest per day.
Other Data: (used when the War Mount is without a rider):
An unmanned Akhult is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. Without a pilot, it attacks only when threatened, provoked or hungry, however, the beast is loyal to its Rider and any humans it knows. It will obey the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster. The Akhult is loyal to its “pack” and will usually come to a known human's defense, especially against robots (hates them). Akhults have been known to stand guard over an injured Rider or favored human until help arrives.
Alignment: Any; but the majority (80%) fall into the selfish categories and are friendly and protective toward their humans.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+ 4 (medium animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+8, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 36-40 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D8+14, P.E. 1D8+14, Speed: (see Speed above).
Number of Attacks per Melee: Five.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +3 on initiative, +2 to strike with ranged weapons, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, + 1 to roll with punch, fall or impact, + 1 to disarm, and is impervious to Horror Factor, disease and poison.
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 50%/0%, Land Navigation 78%, Prowl 66%, Swim 98%, Track by Scent 75%, and understands the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one other common language at 70% (cannot speak or read).
Combat Capabilities: The Akhult may use its long-range weapons (each use counts as one melee action/attack) or engage in hand to hand combat.
Bite: 6D6 M.D.
Claw Strike: 3D6 M.D.
Tail Strike: 4D6 M.D.
Head Butt: 2D6 M.D.
Leap Attack: 3D6 M.D. + 1 to strike and has a 01-70% likelihood of knocking an opponent as large as 12 feet (3.6 m) tall off his feet and onto his back (also a 01-65% chance the victim drops whatever he was holding). If knocked off his feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attacks/actions), and the Akhult is poised for a fast bite attack (+2 to strike for the next attack). A leap attack uses up one melee attack for the Akhult.
Running Leap Attack: 4D6 M.D. has a 01-85% likelihood of knocking down an opponent and counts as two of the Akhult's attacks, otherwise the same as Leap Attack.
Akhult Natural Abilities:
Hold Breath: The Akhult can hold its breath for 2D10+60 minutes (roll once to determine at War Mount creation.)
Sense Magnetic North: The Akhult can always tell where magnetic north is precisely located. Damage to the head will temporarily (3D4 minutes) disrupt this ability, however, it will eventually return.
Underwater Sense: The Akhult can instinctively sense the direction of ocean currents, changes in the current, approximate current speed, and have an accurate idea of depth, even in total darkness.
Sonar: The Akhult posses the Sonar ability as detailed in the Splicers RPG, pg. 82. All ranges for this ability are doubled.
Weapon Systems and Defenses:
Resistance to Cold: The Akhult’s layers of fur and blubber provide excellent protection from the cold. Temperatures as low as -20 below zero Fahrenheit have no adverse effect. Magic cold and super-cold attacks do half damage.
Resistance to Physical Attacks: The Akhult posses a layer of fatty tissue filled with impact resistant fluid. This cushions the War Mount from blunt attacks (punches, kicks, bludgeons, etc.), as well as falls, explosive concussion and impacts. These attacks all inflict half damage. Note: Bullets, arrows, and cutting and stabbing attacks (knives, swords, spears, etc.) do full damage, as do energy blasts and fire.
Gut Geyser: The Akhult can expel a repulsive blast of energized slime from its blow hole. These blasts can be fired at targets directly or lobbed like mortar round to strike targets at extreme ranges. The globs splatter on impact, making the weapon excellent against massed troops. In addition to causing damage, the sticky slime hinders the movement and mobility of the target.
Primary Purpose: Tactical Bombardment.
Secondary Purpose: Infantry Support.
Mega-Damage: 6D8 M.D. per blast to the target 2D8 M.D. to anyone within a 10ft. radius from the splatter effect. In addition, the main target is temporarily slowed by the sticky, sap-like material. The target has their speed reduced by 20% for the turn and loses two melee actions/attacks from the effort of pulling free.
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet for direct attack. However, the globs can arched to hit targets up to 6000 feet away. When lobbing the attack, there is a penalty of -3 to strike, unless the target is large or immobile.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 50 blasts per full meal over a 24 hour period (double if the Akhult was allowed to gorge itself, but reduce Spd by 10% and initiative bonus by half for 1D4 hours while gorged).
- krispy
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- Comment: Luck favors the prepared
- Location: Down Under
barracuda or piranha HA
The Piranha Template Host Armor
Uniformity brings unity. Unity is strength
When house Shiva revealed to the world the Pariah Template Host Armour, it showed direction and determination. It sent a message to all – ‘A House United’ Their neighboring houses reciprocated.
This new house decided to create their oceanic version of the template HA and thus the Piranha was born providing the core of their HA units (they still have champion HA separate from the schools).
Watching a school of Piranha swarm on their prey is a terrifying sight. And that is what the house wanted to emulate in all their designs.
Armored Eyes – 10 pts
Underwater Eyes – 5 pts
Sonar – 30 pts
Enhanced Neurological Connection – 20 pts
2 sets of Combat Spurs – 20 pts (forearms & shins)
Bone Blade fin on back – 10 pts
Bone Blade “ripclaw” hand (just one hand) – 10 pts
1 pair of tentacles – 25 pts
Organic Thrusters – 35 pts
2 B.E.E.V – 20 pts
10 simple light cells – 10 pts
* New Underwater Depth Regulation System – 25 pts
Total – 220
Take 40 for carnivore makes – 180
And Bio-E through the levels is like Pariah
* This new oceanic house created a new depth regulation system on the lines of the big sharks & sperm whales… Combining “Resistance to Physical Attack” with “Resistance to Cold” (all bonuses apply) and a couple of other additions, their HA can reach a safe depth of “2 MILES”
To improve on the armors ‘Depth Regulation System’ by incorporating ‘Reinforced Exoskeleton’ (all bonuses apply) by only putting 5 light cells on the HA and the other 5 points to the exoskel.
Options – don’t have the ‘pair of tentacles’ and instead 10 points towards the other hand as ripclaw ‘bone blades’, & 15 points towards Large Bite (fangs, tusks, saber teeth) - + 4D8 to bite.
which now gives the HA a bite of 7D8 (1D4*10 + 16)
Uniformity brings unity. Unity is strength
When house Shiva revealed to the world the Pariah Template Host Armour, it showed direction and determination. It sent a message to all – ‘A House United’ Their neighboring houses reciprocated.
This new house decided to create their oceanic version of the template HA and thus the Piranha was born providing the core of their HA units (they still have champion HA separate from the schools).
Watching a school of Piranha swarm on their prey is a terrifying sight. And that is what the house wanted to emulate in all their designs.
Armored Eyes – 10 pts
Underwater Eyes – 5 pts
Sonar – 30 pts
Enhanced Neurological Connection – 20 pts
2 sets of Combat Spurs – 20 pts (forearms & shins)
Bone Blade fin on back – 10 pts
Bone Blade “ripclaw” hand (just one hand) – 10 pts
1 pair of tentacles – 25 pts
Organic Thrusters – 35 pts
2 B.E.E.V – 20 pts
10 simple light cells – 10 pts
* New Underwater Depth Regulation System – 25 pts
Total – 220
Take 40 for carnivore makes – 180
And Bio-E through the levels is like Pariah
* This new oceanic house created a new depth regulation system on the lines of the big sharks & sperm whales… Combining “Resistance to Physical Attack” with “Resistance to Cold” (all bonuses apply) and a couple of other additions, their HA can reach a safe depth of “2 MILES”
To improve on the armors ‘Depth Regulation System’ by incorporating ‘Reinforced Exoskeleton’ (all bonuses apply) by only putting 5 light cells on the HA and the other 5 points to the exoskel.
Options – don’t have the ‘pair of tentacles’ and instead 10 points towards the other hand as ripclaw ‘bone blades’, & 15 points towards Large Bite (fangs, tusks, saber teeth) - + 4D8 to bite.
which now gives the HA a bite of 7D8 (1D4*10 + 16)
Last edited by krispy on Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
connecting the dots
- krispy
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- Posts: 910
- Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:12 pm
- Comment: Luck favors the prepared
- Location: Down Under
Shark Warmount
ever since i found this pic (by josh nizzi) i thought it would be a terrifying WM
and now we have this new oceanic house, what better time to bring it into the fold
and now we have this new oceanic house, what better time to bring it into the fold
connecting the dots
- krispy
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- Posts: 910
- Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:12 pm
- Comment: Luck favors the prepared
- Location: Down Under
Croshak War Mount
There is a reason why we left the oceans, and why we struggle to escape our primordial fears of the monsters that dwell in its depths. This WM is the embodiment of fear, it is fear incarnate.
Croshak WM – a nightmarish blend of shark & crocodile
With the 4 legs & skin/hide of the crocodile with the head, tail, dorsal & pectoral fins of the shark (you can amalgamate the head concepts together – pilot choice)
(Salt water croc, with either Great White, Tiger or Hammer Head)
You get a 24 - 30 ft long 4 tonne WM that can fight in the ocean depths and on land
• Bone Blades on Dorsal & Pectoral fins - 6D6 damage initially for each 3 regions
- can be upgraded to their max of 1D6*10 + extra 2D6 damage per 20 km/h of speed to max of + 1D6*10
• Powerful maw - 2D6*10 + 20 MD (more??) due to powerful musculature & numerous rows of teeth (1D10*10 + 10 for hammerhead)
• Sonar - as per main book
• Lateral Line - an amazing ability to sense motion/vibration in the water (rg ?? either the same as motion detection or seismic sense)
• Great sense of smell - due to chemoreceptors in nose & mouth they can smell one part per million of blood or waste and track from a minimum of a mile (1.5 miles for hammerhead)
• Exceptional level of hearing (sound travels faster in water) - better than 'enhanced hearing'
• Electroception/Electroreception - pits dot the nose of the WM allowing it to sense the most minute electrical signals. mainly used to hunt for prey in the water - rg ?? 11 m (18m for hammerhead)
• Hydro-cutters - as per the leviathon
• New Underwater Depth Regulation System (see my template armour) which allows depths of 3 miles for the WM
• Spit compressed Salt Acid * - rg ? 18.3m as per acid nodule - for land/air targets as the acid dilutes quickly in water (half damage, range & duration if used underwater)
• Organic Thrusters - water/air is fed through the gills & the jets main exhaust ports are below and behind the dorsal fins
• Powerful clawed feet 5D8 damage
• Needle Death Blossum - on the abdomen of the WM as another devastating attack when it chases down it prey on land & pinning it & as defensive mechanism for anthing that tries to attack the WM from below when in the water
• One pilot - that enters the WM through the mouth
Rough MDC
head - 280
black as night armored eyes (4) - 20/25e (if the hammer head design is chosen a pair is at ends of head and the other pair is central)
mouth & teeth - 120 (100 for hammerhead)
Main Body - 700
legs (4) - 200e
feet (4) - 110e
fins (3) - 85e
tail - 160
This WM is an apex predator, fast, powerful, destructive, an absolute nightmare - 5 attacks per melee round
the ingenious design of the tail acts like a powerful accelerator (ever seen a crocs explosive speed on shore) so the croshak can reach 100 km/h in 3.5 sec and the WM max speed of 200 km /h in 8 sec (should it be faster?)
* not sure how (or if i should) to incorperate the organic thrusters into ground speed
the Croshak being part crocodile has its famous attack - "Death Role" whilst holding a bite attack, the Croshak can spin repeatedly & shred/tear off a huge chunck/or limb off its prey. The pilot can choose how many attack they wish to dedicate to the attack (minimum of 2 - one for the initial bite and another for the spin) 2 - all 5 attacks. this spinning & thrashing of a 4 tonne WM is extremely debilitating & disorientating for the prey
or the pilot can maintain a bite attack while spitting salt acid onto its prey
Due to the amazing combination of sensory systems the Croshak CANNOT be ambushed.
Their electroception allows them to sense splicers hidden with their steallth field ... you CANNOT hide
* The system that provides the water for the hydro-cutter has had a slight modification done to it. An additional organ filters the seawater (reverse osmosis) collecting the salt, which is fed into the WM salivary glands and like a cobra spitting venom the WM can spit a compressed salt acid (damage std for acid but no need for acid blood pre-req) against its target. And with a little genetic help from the flamingo (they are immune to extreme salt levels) the WM is not harmed
The house wanted a versatile WM & thus the Croshak was created. The crocodile & shark are both ancient apex predators that have survived through the ages. The splicing of the 2 was a natural progression.
The Croshak’s versatility is reflected in its many roles
Escort (whisker) / Scout – the WM travels alongside & ahead of the Kraken as extra eyes (early warning) & as a defender of the Kraken & rapid deployment for gorilla strikes
Rear Guard – ‘protect the flank’. Numerous units (blend of croshak, piranha & …) are deployed prior to initiating attack to protect the Kraken and forward advancing units
Front Line – seeing the croshack charge up the shore and engage the target with tooth & claw.
A psychological warfare tactic – the croshak will either bite into a target & drag it back into the water or simply bite the target and hurl it into the water where awaiting allies tear it to shreds
Ambush – certain Croshak pilots add Chameleon skin, then Stealth Filed and become ambush predators (mainly underwater). They also add a modification to the dorsal fin which can retract along the back of the WM to give a more streamline appearance in shallow water. The crocodile is notorious for staying motionless just under the surface at the waters edge or the bottom of deep rivers or further out to sea. There they would wait till prey came their way, and with explosive speed would strike. Sharks are notorious for circling their prey just out of view, where they will eventually descend and then ascend rapidly from beneath to strike at their prey
Q - should i put BEEVs on it as per Dr evil's request
stupid joke but had to do it
That link again that inspired me
Croshak WM – a nightmarish blend of shark & crocodile
With the 4 legs & skin/hide of the crocodile with the head, tail, dorsal & pectoral fins of the shark (you can amalgamate the head concepts together – pilot choice)
(Salt water croc, with either Great White, Tiger or Hammer Head)
You get a 24 - 30 ft long 4 tonne WM that can fight in the ocean depths and on land
• Bone Blades on Dorsal & Pectoral fins - 6D6 damage initially for each 3 regions
- can be upgraded to their max of 1D6*10 + extra 2D6 damage per 20 km/h of speed to max of + 1D6*10
• Powerful maw - 2D6*10 + 20 MD (more??) due to powerful musculature & numerous rows of teeth (1D10*10 + 10 for hammerhead)
• Sonar - as per main book
• Lateral Line - an amazing ability to sense motion/vibration in the water (rg ?? either the same as motion detection or seismic sense)
• Great sense of smell - due to chemoreceptors in nose & mouth they can smell one part per million of blood or waste and track from a minimum of a mile (1.5 miles for hammerhead)
• Exceptional level of hearing (sound travels faster in water) - better than 'enhanced hearing'
• Electroception/Electroreception - pits dot the nose of the WM allowing it to sense the most minute electrical signals. mainly used to hunt for prey in the water - rg ?? 11 m (18m for hammerhead)
• Hydro-cutters - as per the leviathon
• New Underwater Depth Regulation System (see my template armour) which allows depths of 3 miles for the WM
• Spit compressed Salt Acid * - rg ? 18.3m as per acid nodule - for land/air targets as the acid dilutes quickly in water (half damage, range & duration if used underwater)
• Organic Thrusters - water/air is fed through the gills & the jets main exhaust ports are below and behind the dorsal fins
• Powerful clawed feet 5D8 damage
• Needle Death Blossum - on the abdomen of the WM as another devastating attack when it chases down it prey on land & pinning it & as defensive mechanism for anthing that tries to attack the WM from below when in the water
• One pilot - that enters the WM through the mouth
Rough MDC
head - 280
black as night armored eyes (4) - 20/25e (if the hammer head design is chosen a pair is at ends of head and the other pair is central)
mouth & teeth - 120 (100 for hammerhead)
Main Body - 700
legs (4) - 200e
feet (4) - 110e
fins (3) - 85e
tail - 160
This WM is an apex predator, fast, powerful, destructive, an absolute nightmare - 5 attacks per melee round
the ingenious design of the tail acts like a powerful accelerator (ever seen a crocs explosive speed on shore) so the croshak can reach 100 km/h in 3.5 sec and the WM max speed of 200 km /h in 8 sec (should it be faster?)
* not sure how (or if i should) to incorperate the organic thrusters into ground speed
the Croshak being part crocodile has its famous attack - "Death Role" whilst holding a bite attack, the Croshak can spin repeatedly & shred/tear off a huge chunck/or limb off its prey. The pilot can choose how many attack they wish to dedicate to the attack (minimum of 2 - one for the initial bite and another for the spin) 2 - all 5 attacks. this spinning & thrashing of a 4 tonne WM is extremely debilitating & disorientating for the prey
or the pilot can maintain a bite attack while spitting salt acid onto its prey
Due to the amazing combination of sensory systems the Croshak CANNOT be ambushed.
Their electroception allows them to sense splicers hidden with their steallth field ... you CANNOT hide
* The system that provides the water for the hydro-cutter has had a slight modification done to it. An additional organ filters the seawater (reverse osmosis) collecting the salt, which is fed into the WM salivary glands and like a cobra spitting venom the WM can spit a compressed salt acid (damage std for acid but no need for acid blood pre-req) against its target. And with a little genetic help from the flamingo (they are immune to extreme salt levels) the WM is not harmed
The house wanted a versatile WM & thus the Croshak was created. The crocodile & shark are both ancient apex predators that have survived through the ages. The splicing of the 2 was a natural progression.
The Croshak’s versatility is reflected in its many roles
Escort (whisker) / Scout – the WM travels alongside & ahead of the Kraken as extra eyes (early warning) & as a defender of the Kraken & rapid deployment for gorilla strikes
Rear Guard – ‘protect the flank’. Numerous units (blend of croshak, piranha & …) are deployed prior to initiating attack to protect the Kraken and forward advancing units
Front Line – seeing the croshack charge up the shore and engage the target with tooth & claw.
A psychological warfare tactic – the croshak will either bite into a target & drag it back into the water or simply bite the target and hurl it into the water where awaiting allies tear it to shreds
Ambush – certain Croshak pilots add Chameleon skin, then Stealth Filed and become ambush predators (mainly underwater). They also add a modification to the dorsal fin which can retract along the back of the WM to give a more streamline appearance in shallow water. The crocodile is notorious for staying motionless just under the surface at the waters edge or the bottom of deep rivers or further out to sea. There they would wait till prey came their way, and with explosive speed would strike. Sharks are notorious for circling their prey just out of view, where they will eventually descend and then ascend rapidly from beneath to strike at their prey
Q - should i put BEEVs on it as per Dr evil's request

That link again that inspired me
Last edited by krispy on Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
connecting the dots
- Ziggurat the Eternal
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Re: Croshak War Mount
krispy wrote:I just thought of this in the last hour so it is very raw
There is a reason why we left the oceans, and why we struggle to escape our primordial fears of the monsters that dwell in its depths. This WM is the embodiment of fear, it is fear incarnate.
Croshak WM – a nightmarish blend of shark & crocodile
With the 4 legs (or just front 2) & skin/hide of the crocodile with the head, tail, dorsal & pectoral fins of the shark (you can amalgamate the head concepts together – pilot choice)
(Salt water croc, with either Great White, Tiger or Hammer Head)
You get an 18 - 24 ft long 2 – 3 tonne WM that can fight in the ocean depths and on land
• Bone Blades on Dorsal & Pectoral fins
• Powerful maw
• Sonar
• Lateral Line
• Great sense of smell
• Electroception
• Hydro-cutters
• New Underwater Depth Regulation System (see my template armour) which allows depths of 3 miles for the WM
• Spit compressed Salt Acid *
• Organic Thrusters
• Powerful clawed feet
• One pilot
This WM is an apex predator, fast, powerful, destructive, an absolute nightmare
* The system that provides the water for the hydro-cutter has had a slight modification done to it. An additional organ filters the seawater (reverse osmosis) collecting the salt, which is fed into the WM salivary glands and like a cobra spitting venom the WM can spit a compressed salt acid (damage std for acid but no need for acid blood pre-req) against its target. And with a little genetic help from the flamingo (they are immune to extreme salt levels) the WM is not harmed
This might sound silly but I always admired how cats fight. How they grab you with their front paws while the hind legs kick and scratch the hell out you.
I imagine this WM doing the same thing while it attacked its prey…
That link again that inspired me
You need stats bro, But this sounds fun.
Balabanto wrote:Well, something called The Devastator should Devastate things. 1d6x10 couldn't devastate your mother in Rifts.
amodernheathen wrote:If, in one posting, I can increase the hellish chaos of even a single planet seven-fold, then I believe that I have done my duty as a Game Master to the widows and orphans of that world. By increasing their number. Drastically.
- Lord Z
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- Location: Saint Augustine, FL, U.S.A.
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
HB, your description of the Gargoyle type's appearance might be a violation of Palladium's internet policy. It would be better to actually describe how they look instead of comparing them to another company's I.P.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
- krispy
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- Posts: 910
- Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:12 pm
- Comment: Luck favors the prepared
- Location: Down Under
Mourning Stars War Mount
War Mount – Mourning Star
As part of their battle tactic to secure shorelines this new House designed a unique WM.
Their enemies would see giant spiked balls land on the shores and deploy. Fired from the backs of the Kraken (from modified cannons for the kamikaze) these are the front line WMs
Suddenly the shores would be scattered with a number of these giant spiked beasts
12ft long 6ft tall, (should I make it the size of Ganesh??) 4 legged giant ECHIDNA. Lithovore metabolism
MB – 800
Head 400
Legs (4) – 280e
Feet (4) – 160e
Tail (9 plates) 250 – 300 e
• Trencher Foot Mines (total of 20, 2 for each foot & 3 for each ankle)
• Needle Death Blossom
• Completely covered in spikes & quills coupled with Quill Launchers & Spike Launcher you CANNOT physically attack this WM without the attacker suffering damage, the WM even digs into the ground a little so it is extremely difficult to get a grip of the WM to tip it over
• Like Abomination WM – 16 barbed tentacles around the sides of the WM
• Tangle Foot for each foot
• Bio-Energy Force Field
• Horned Defense & Reinforced Exoskeleton & Increased MDC
• 32 Organic Rockets Scattered over the back of the WM between the spikes & Quills
• Exceptionally fast Diggers – they are not very fast runners but they can escape by digging deep into the earth with their Powerful clawed feet
• Prehensile tongue
• Armored Plume Tail – 8ft long. When not engaged the tail drags behind the WM like an otter’s tail. But when engaged the tail would open into a semicircle at the back of the WM but instead of feathers the tail is made of a series of bone plates. This would provide shielding for approaching allies from the Krakens. A number of these WM can line/group up to make an assortment of formations
• 2 Heat Projection Cannons on either side of the head or 2 casting cannons or Spore Dischargers or??
• I was also thinking of a bone version of those colorful plumes those hammerhead beasts had on Avatar
• Due to the extreme danger & exposure of the WM they decided to put the pilot inside the WM
Alternative – blend the echidna and a grizzly bear
Though the Kraken carries considerable firepower, NEXUS coastal defenses are some of the most fortified & armored & once the kraken troops deploy and advance they are relatively exposed.
Hence the Mourning Star War Mount was created
A strong built heavily armored and armed WM to provide additional firepower against coastal defense and providing mobile cover for advancing allies
Tangle Foot – provides precious time for comrades to advance up the coast by slowing down approaching defenders
Trencher Foot Mines – were implemented into the WM design as a retreating defense tactic making any enemy think twice about following the attackers into the ocean depths when the coast is littered with mines
The 32 Organic Rockets & 2 Heat Projection Cannons on either side of the head (or 2 Casting Cannons or Spore Dischargers) provide sufficient firepower to engage approaching defenders or coastal fortifications
The Spikes, Quills, Needle Death Blossom, Barbed Tentacles, High MDC & Bio-force field provides ample protection from incoming fire & close quarter combat. Combined with the bone plume tail that acts like a shield, it is the perfect mobile cover.
And if the WM suffers considerable damage they can dig quickly into the sand and away from danger
As part of their battle tactic to secure shorelines this new House designed a unique WM.
Their enemies would see giant spiked balls land on the shores and deploy. Fired from the backs of the Kraken (from modified cannons for the kamikaze) these are the front line WMs
Suddenly the shores would be scattered with a number of these giant spiked beasts
12ft long 6ft tall, (should I make it the size of Ganesh??) 4 legged giant ECHIDNA. Lithovore metabolism
MB – 800
Head 400
Legs (4) – 280e
Feet (4) – 160e
Tail (9 plates) 250 – 300 e
• Trencher Foot Mines (total of 20, 2 for each foot & 3 for each ankle)
• Needle Death Blossom
• Completely covered in spikes & quills coupled with Quill Launchers & Spike Launcher you CANNOT physically attack this WM without the attacker suffering damage, the WM even digs into the ground a little so it is extremely difficult to get a grip of the WM to tip it over
• Like Abomination WM – 16 barbed tentacles around the sides of the WM
• Tangle Foot for each foot
• Bio-Energy Force Field
• Horned Defense & Reinforced Exoskeleton & Increased MDC
• 32 Organic Rockets Scattered over the back of the WM between the spikes & Quills
• Exceptionally fast Diggers – they are not very fast runners but they can escape by digging deep into the earth with their Powerful clawed feet
• Prehensile tongue
• Armored Plume Tail – 8ft long. When not engaged the tail drags behind the WM like an otter’s tail. But when engaged the tail would open into a semicircle at the back of the WM but instead of feathers the tail is made of a series of bone plates. This would provide shielding for approaching allies from the Krakens. A number of these WM can line/group up to make an assortment of formations
• 2 Heat Projection Cannons on either side of the head or 2 casting cannons or Spore Dischargers or??
• I was also thinking of a bone version of those colorful plumes those hammerhead beasts had on Avatar
• Due to the extreme danger & exposure of the WM they decided to put the pilot inside the WM
Alternative – blend the echidna and a grizzly bear
Though the Kraken carries considerable firepower, NEXUS coastal defenses are some of the most fortified & armored & once the kraken troops deploy and advance they are relatively exposed.
Hence the Mourning Star War Mount was created
A strong built heavily armored and armed WM to provide additional firepower against coastal defense and providing mobile cover for advancing allies
Tangle Foot – provides precious time for comrades to advance up the coast by slowing down approaching defenders
Trencher Foot Mines – were implemented into the WM design as a retreating defense tactic making any enemy think twice about following the attackers into the ocean depths when the coast is littered with mines
The 32 Organic Rockets & 2 Heat Projection Cannons on either side of the head (or 2 Casting Cannons or Spore Dischargers) provide sufficient firepower to engage approaching defenders or coastal fortifications
The Spikes, Quills, Needle Death Blossom, Barbed Tentacles, High MDC & Bio-force field provides ample protection from incoming fire & close quarter combat. Combined with the bone plume tail that acts like a shield, it is the perfect mobile cover.
And if the WM suffers considerable damage they can dig quickly into the sand and away from danger
Last edited by krispy on Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
connecting the dots
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
The Sea Devil is a new heavy sea to air unit that is used for both underwater defense and air support by the Dark Fleet. Each Sea Devil is given a suit of heavy organic living armor and is equipped with a special organic thruster pack that allows these units to operate both under water and in the air. in order to transition from sea to air the Sea Devil must make a full speed burst out of the water to give it the time it needs to clear the water from the thrusters and switch to air flight having to do this makes a stealthy exit from the water impossible.
Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, P.S. 10, P.P. 13 and P.E. 10 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses:+2 to I.Q. +1D4 to P.S. and P.E., +1D6 to P.P. and Spd attributes. O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +4 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Base S.D.C.: 40, plus any from Physical skills. Common Skills: Standard +5%.
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Communications (+ 15%), Wingman (+25%), Support Man (+20%) and one Skill Program of choice (except for Assassination, Medical Doctor or Host Pilot).
Elective Skills: Select five Elective Skills from the following
list at first level, plus another one Elective Skill at levels 2, 5, 9 and 13. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Intelligence, Sniper or Wilderness Survival only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
Military: Any (+10%).
Physical: Any, except Boxing, Kick Boxing or Wrestling.
Rogue: Card Shark, Find Contraband, Seduction or Streetwise only.
Science: Basic and Advanced Mathematics only (+4%).
Technical: Any (+5%).
Transportation: Any, except Host Armor Combat, War Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any.
W.P.s: Any.
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills initially. These are additional areas of knowledge, starting without any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may select one more Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Sea Devil Personal Organic Thruster Pack: The Sea Devil is issued a customized organic Thruster Pack as his personal combat vehicle.
Speed Bonus: In the air they get +75 mph (160 km) at level one, plus 1D6+6 mph (11.2 to 19.2 km) per level of advancement. Bonuses are cut in half while moving under water.
Combat Bonuses when using there Organic Thrusters: +1 additional attack/action per melee round at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12; +2 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge and disarm, and +3 to roll with impact, punch or fall (reduce these bonuses by half when using a standard Wing Pack; round up). These bonuses only apply when the Sea Devil is flying and are in addition to the bonuses a character gets from the Pilot Wing Pack skill.
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: A suit of personalized “living body armor” with 5D 10+40 Bio-E for additional enhancements of choice and/or Extra M.D.C. (2D6+18 M.D.C. per 10 Bio-E). Note: The Sea Devil typically sacrifices speed for greater protection and uses Chitinous Heavy , or Dragon Scale armor, but may select one of the lighter armors instead (see Equipment section for complete stats).
Additional Bio-E : The Sea Devil gets an additional 15 Bio-E points per level of experience that can be spent on enhancements to there Living Body Armor.
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, an extra suit of non- organic M.D.C. armor (pick one from the Equipment section), a couple of sets of dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, first-aid kit, a Face Wrap (gas mask), tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, and one weapon for each W.P. with any needed ammunition (lD6xl0), and access to a standard Wing Packs for transportation and combat, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, emergency food rations (two week supply) and some personal items.
Money: Has a trade item, salvaged artifacts or precious metals that will gamer 2D6x 100 credits as well as 2D6x 100 credits in cash. As always, money can be spent immediately on additional equipment or saved.
The Sea Devil is a new heavy sea to air unit that is used for both underwater defense and air support by the Dark Fleet. Each Sea Devil is given a suit of heavy organic living armor and is equipped with a special organic thruster pack that allows these units to operate both under water and in the air. in order to transition from sea to air the Sea Devil must make a full speed burst out of the water to give it the time it needs to clear the water from the thrusters and switch to air flight having to do this makes a stealthy exit from the water impossible.
Alignment: Any, but typically good or selfish.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, P.S. 10, P.P. 13 and P.E. 10 or higher.
Attribute Bonuses:+2 to I.Q. +1D4 to P.S. and P.E., +1D6 to P.P. and Spd attributes. O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, and +4 to save vs. Horror Factor.
Base S.D.C.: 40, plus any from Physical skills. Common Skills: Standard +5%.
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Communications (+ 15%), Wingman (+25%), Support Man (+20%) and one Skill Program of choice (except for Assassination, Medical Doctor or Host Pilot).
Elective Skills: Select five Elective Skills from the following
list at first level, plus another one Elective Skill at levels 2, 5, 9 and 13. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Intelligence, Sniper or Wilderness Survival only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
Military: Any (+10%).
Physical: Any, except Boxing, Kick Boxing or Wrestling.
Rogue: Card Shark, Find Contraband, Seduction or Streetwise only.
Science: Basic and Advanced Mathematics only (+4%).
Technical: Any (+5%).
Transportation: Any, except Host Armor Combat, War Mount Combat.
Wilderness: Any.
W.P.s: Any.
Secondary Skills: The character gets to select four Secondary Skills initially. These are additional areas of knowledge, starting without any special O.C.C. bonuses. The character may select one more Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Sea Devil Personal Organic Thruster Pack: The Sea Devil is issued a customized organic Thruster Pack as his personal combat vehicle.
Speed Bonus: In the air they get +75 mph (160 km) at level one, plus 1D6+6 mph (11.2 to 19.2 km) per level of advancement. Bonuses are cut in half while moving under water.
Combat Bonuses when using there Organic Thrusters: +1 additional attack/action per melee round at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12; +2 to initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge and disarm, and +3 to roll with impact, punch or fall (reduce these bonuses by half when using a standard Wing Pack; round up). These bonuses only apply when the Sea Devil is flying and are in addition to the bonuses a character gets from the Pilot Wing Pack skill.
M.D.C. Living Body Armor: A suit of personalized “living body armor” with 5D 10+40 Bio-E for additional enhancements of choice and/or Extra M.D.C. (2D6+18 M.D.C. per 10 Bio-E). Note: The Sea Devil typically sacrifices speed for greater protection and uses Chitinous Heavy , or Dragon Scale armor, but may select one of the lighter armors instead (see Equipment section for complete stats).
Additional Bio-E : The Sea Devil gets an additional 15 Bio-E points per level of experience that can be spent on enhancements to there Living Body Armor.
Standard Equipment: Military fatigues, an extra suit of non- organic M.D.C. armor (pick one from the Equipment section), a couple of sets of dress clothing, survival knife, utility belt, first-aid kit, a Face Wrap (gas mask), tinted goggles, hatchet for cutting wood, and one weapon for each W.P. with any needed ammunition (lD6xl0), and access to a standard Wing Packs for transportation and combat, tent, knapsack, backpack, two water skins, emergency food rations (two week supply) and some personal items.
Money: Has a trade item, salvaged artifacts or precious metals that will gamer 2D6x 100 credits as well as 2D6x 100 credits in cash. As always, money can be spent immediately on additional equipment or saved.
http://kevarin.deviantart.com/# my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world
My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
-- Famous Last Words of Rifts Players
My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
-- Famous Last Words of Rifts Players
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
The Warlords of the Violet Wave new they would need more massive War Mounts to carry all the forces they would be needing to take there war to the machine. The second design in this new series of War Mounts is the Maelstrom a massive Manta Ray War Mount designed by the Violet Wave to be an Amphibious Assault troop transport and have been spotted up and down the coastal regions attacking smaller machine controlled beaches and supporting the Krakens in the larger invasions . Each Maelstrom carries a full amphibious assault regiment consisting of 305 troops 20 Iron Shell and 4 specially modified Leviathan command and control War Mounts ( only carries one passenger the company commander and has additional eyes and sensors for them to keep track of the units on the battle field). The Maelstrom is not as heavily armed or armored as a Kraken and can not come to shore to unload its troops so it must rely on its Iron Shell and Leviathan war mounts to get its troops too and from the beach. When in its support role each Kraken is assigned one or two Maelstroms and its the job of these troops to help make a beach head and protect the Krakens as they come in to unload there troops. And when used for assault mission the Maelstrom sits off shore and uses its missiles and assault mortars to support there troops.
Class: Submersible Troop Transport
Crew: 2 pilots permanently bound to the War Mount
Troop Capacity: Normally carries 1 Amphibious Assault Regiment with 293 warriors, but the War Mount can comfortably carry another 75 passengers (125 passengers under cramped conditions). Here is the normal breakdown of soldiers on board:
• Dreadguards: 20
• Outriders: 24
• Sea Devils: 100
• Nightmare Biotics: 32
• Nautilus Troopers: 16
• Rough Necks: 96
• Geneticist: 4
• Saint: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
• Remora Bio Torpedo:(100) 20 each
• Gore Mortars (5): 500
• Organic Rockets (200): 20 each
• Underwater Thrusters (2): 7500 each
• Tail: 1500
• Main Body: 15,000**
• Head: 4000*
• Main Hanger Hatch (mouth): 2000***
• Right Wing: 8000
• Left Wing: 8000
*Destroying the head will not kill the Maelstrom. The “brain” of the Maelstrom is actually the Bridge Crew that dwells deep within the belly of the beast.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will kill the Maelstrom. Its outer skin will be breached and the War Mount will take on water and sink. The main hatch is designed to automatically open when the Maelstrom is killed to give any passengers a chance to escape.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Hanger Hatch will breached the main hanger causing it to take on water. Any personnel in the hanger not in full environmental armor will have 1D4 melee to get to safety or drown when the hanger seals off from the rest of the War Mount.
Running: Not possible.
Leaping: Not possible.
Digging: 10 mph. But can only dig thru soft sand on the ocean floor. It takes 3D4 minutes to dig a hole large enough for concealment on the ocean floor.
Swimming: 150 mph
Underwater Depth: 3 miles
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 250 feet
Width: 500 feet
Length: 300 feet
Weight: 85,000 tons.
Cargo: Can store 8,000 tons of cargo plus has room for 20 Iron Shell and 4 Leviathan War Mounts.
Physical Strength: 45
Production Cycle: 15 year gestation period plus 25 year growth cycle until maturity
Operational Lifetime: 125 years
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 3D8x10 per melee round
Horror Factor: 13
Feeding: Maelstrom is a Carnivorous War Mount. And needs to eat 30 tons of animal matter a day. This nutrition is gathered from microscopic plankton filtered out from the water as it passes through the underwater thrusters.
Color: The top side of the Maelstrom is predominantly black with light blue and purple highlights and has a light blue to white under-belly.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Maelstrom only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.
Other Data:
Alignment: Principled. The Out Riders that makeup the Bridge Crew are specially chosen for there loyalty to the fleet and there fellow warriors. They work together as one mind to protect the troops under their command, strike against the enemy's of the fleet. They will only sacrifice people if it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, they will explore any possible strategy to safeguard the lives of the humans under there command. This seems like a weakness, but the brilliant hive mind formed by this bond allows the Bridge Crew to process options and decide on the best course of action almost instantly. like the Kraken the collective consciousness that pilots the Maelstrom is as valuable a resource to the Resistance as the Maelstrom itself.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 20, M.E.: 18, M.A.: 19, P.S.: 30, P.P.: 10, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 15, Spd.: 150 mph.
Number of Attacks per Melee: 15 (up to three bio-weapons of any combination can be fired as a single volley)
Combat Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +8 to strike, +8 to parry, doge not possible, +1 to disarm, +5 to pull punch, +3 to save vs. psionics, +30% to save vs. coma/death, +6 to save vs. magic, critical strike on an unmodified 18-20, paired weapons, +6 to strike with long range bio-weapons
Combat Capabilities:
• Restrained Wing Strike: 4D6
• Full Strength Wing Strike: 3D4x10
• Power Wing Strike: 4D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Restrained Tail Strike: 5D6
• Full Strength Tail Strike: 3D4x10
• Power Tail Strike: 3D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Body Block/Ram: 3D6x10+40, but counts as two attacks
Senses and Features:
• Advanced Sight: Can see clearly at distances up to one mile, also possesses passive nightvision 6000 feet, and polarized vision.
• Sound Amplifying Hearing: Can hear a whisper at 300 feet (1200 feet underwater).
• Sense of taste and smell is about one hundred times as acute as humans.
• The War Mount automatically can sense magnetic north.
• The War Mount has built in gills which pass on enough oxygen for the Bridge Crew and all passengers. Carbon Dioxide released from the passengers is funneled into the food processing room where it is used to grow the bio-engineered fungus that feeds all the passengers. Enough food is grown on a daily basis to feed all humans and War Mounts onboard.
• Crew Quarters: Because of the smaller size of the Maelstrom there are only enough beds for 165 human passengers so soldiers must share beds to help with this the soldiers are put on 12 hour shifts with half on duty and half off. Each bed is topped with a thick pad of fatty tissue that acts as a rather comfortable mattress. They are grouped into 3 barracks rooms containing 50 beds each and one barracks room with 15 beds for officers and special passengers.
• Main Hanger: Unlike the Kraken that has separate holding areas for the WarMounts and other animals it carries on board the Maelstrom has just one large two story combat hanger. The first floor is used for storing War Mounts and for prepping the Iron Shell and Leviathan War Mounts for battle. The second story is lined with rooms down the sides and back of the hanger and house the various Host Armors and weapons used by the soldiers. When the War Mounts and soldiers are ready for battle the main hanger is flooded the main door opens and the War Mounts exit the Maelstrom.
• War Mount Pens: The War Mounts spend most of their time in cramped, individual pens that run down the sides of the hanger 10 to each side and 4 across the back . However, they do get to leave their holding cages each day for a walk around the main hanger deck.
• Nightmare Rooms: Along the back wall between each of the Leviathan pens are rooms dedicated to housing the Nightmare Biotics. Each room has beds for 8 Nightmares .
• Infirmary: This large room is used by the Saint and Geneticist of the Maelstrom and is where they care for the War Mounts, Animals, Host Armor and humans that are injured on there many combat missions.
• Bio-Comms: Organic resonators create sympathetic vibrations that other bio-comm units can translate. The communications are undecipherable to the machines. Each room has its own bio-comm that allows communication with any chamber within the War Mount or externally up to a maximum range of 6 miles.
• Radar: Maximum range is 6 miles, but it can only be used on the surface of the ocean.
• Sonar: Maximum range is 2000 feet.
• Super Regeneration: Regenerates 4D6x10 per melee. Can regenerate lost bio-weapons within 2D4 hours and can even regenerate the head after 4D4 weeks.
• Circadian Rhythms: Allows the Bridge Crew to stay awake for 4 days straight without ill effect, and they can recover from days of sleep deprivation after only 10 hours of sleep.
• Enhanced Operational Lifetime
• Enhanced Neurological Connections
• Floating Air Bladder: Increases depth tolerance to 10,000 feet. In the alternative, the War Mount can float effortlessly on the surface of the water indefinitely.
• Reinforced Exoskeleton
Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Gore Mortars (5): On the Maelstroms back just behind the head is a v formation of large opening that look like the blow holes found on Wales. But these openings serve a far more dangerous function. Each of these ports is actually a powerful long-range Gore Mortar capable of firing powerful energized blasts of slime over great distances. They are primarily used to bombard shoreline defenses before the Maelstroms troops storm the beach.
Primary Purpose: Bombardment
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10+20 damage per individual blast with a blast radius of 20 feet.
Effective Range: 8,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Up to five weapons can be fired at one time. Each individual blast or volley counts as two melee attack.
Payload: 40 blasts per mortar and each mortar can replace 1D4 blasts per hour with material converted from the waste generated from eating and the Maelstroms passengers and War Mounts
Bonuses: +2 to strike.
2. Remora Bio Torpedo's (100) The main underwater weapon used by the Maelstrom is the Remora Bio Torpedo each torpedo is a3ft long genetically modified remora fish that is curled up inside a blister like protective growth. To fire a torpedo the protective blister ruptures the torpedo uncurls gets its targeting information and detaches from the War Mount then speeds off after its target once it reaches its target it attaches to the target them explodes. Each of the Bio Torpedo's has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) allowing the torpedo to track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Bio Torpedo's with two attacks per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot at and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D6 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 20 M.D.C. points, but the torpedo is a small target and is -3 to hit on a “Called Shot”.
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per individual Bio Torpedo fired.
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular War Mount. Whether a single torpedo or an entire volley is fired, it counts as two melee attack/actions. Roll once to strike, either all the torpedo's in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 100 Remora Bio Torpedo's 50 on the underside of each wing. it takes 2D6 hours to regrow a spent torpedo.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
3.Organic Rockets (200): Just behind the Gore Mortars are 200 organic rocket launchers. Each of the Organic Rockets has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose of the rocket, allowing the rocket to see, track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Organic Rockets with one attack per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11 M.D.C. points, but the rocket is small target and -3 to hit on a “Called Shot” while still located on the War Mount before being fired. After launching, each rocket is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be shot down as normal.
Mega-Damage: 5D10 M.D. per individual Organic Rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular War Mount. Whether a single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 200 organic rockets spread across the war mounts back . it takes 6D6 hours to regrow its spent rockets or the war mount can speed this process up by consuming 10lbs (4.5kg) of organic matter per rocket it wishes to regrow cutting the time needed down to1D6 hours.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
The Warlords of the Violet Wave new they would need more massive War Mounts to carry all the forces they would be needing to take there war to the machine. The second design in this new series of War Mounts is the Maelstrom a massive Manta Ray War Mount designed by the Violet Wave to be an Amphibious Assault troop transport and have been spotted up and down the coastal regions attacking smaller machine controlled beaches and supporting the Krakens in the larger invasions . Each Maelstrom carries a full amphibious assault regiment consisting of 305 troops 20 Iron Shell and 4 specially modified Leviathan command and control War Mounts ( only carries one passenger the company commander and has additional eyes and sensors for them to keep track of the units on the battle field). The Maelstrom is not as heavily armed or armored as a Kraken and can not come to shore to unload its troops so it must rely on its Iron Shell and Leviathan war mounts to get its troops too and from the beach. When in its support role each Kraken is assigned one or two Maelstroms and its the job of these troops to help make a beach head and protect the Krakens as they come in to unload there troops. And when used for assault mission the Maelstrom sits off shore and uses its missiles and assault mortars to support there troops.
Class: Submersible Troop Transport
Crew: 2 pilots permanently bound to the War Mount
Troop Capacity: Normally carries 1 Amphibious Assault Regiment with 293 warriors, but the War Mount can comfortably carry another 75 passengers (125 passengers under cramped conditions). Here is the normal breakdown of soldiers on board:
• Dreadguards: 20
• Outriders: 24
• Sea Devils: 100
• Nightmare Biotics: 32
• Nautilus Troopers: 16
• Rough Necks: 96
• Geneticist: 4
• Saint: 1
M.D.C. by Location:
• Remora Bio Torpedo:(100) 20 each
• Gore Mortars (5): 500
• Organic Rockets (200): 20 each
• Underwater Thrusters (2): 7500 each
• Tail: 1500
• Main Body: 15,000**
• Head: 4000*
• Main Hanger Hatch (mouth): 2000***
• Right Wing: 8000
• Left Wing: 8000
*Destroying the head will not kill the Maelstrom. The “brain” of the Maelstrom is actually the Bridge Crew that dwells deep within the belly of the beast.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will kill the Maelstrom. Its outer skin will be breached and the War Mount will take on water and sink. The main hatch is designed to automatically open when the Maelstrom is killed to give any passengers a chance to escape.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Hanger Hatch will breached the main hanger causing it to take on water. Any personnel in the hanger not in full environmental armor will have 1D4 melee to get to safety or drown when the hanger seals off from the rest of the War Mount.
Running: Not possible.
Leaping: Not possible.
Digging: 10 mph. But can only dig thru soft sand on the ocean floor. It takes 3D4 minutes to dig a hole large enough for concealment on the ocean floor.
Swimming: 150 mph
Underwater Depth: 3 miles
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 250 feet
Width: 500 feet
Length: 300 feet
Weight: 85,000 tons.
Cargo: Can store 8,000 tons of cargo plus has room for 20 Iron Shell and 4 Leviathan War Mounts.
Physical Strength: 45
Production Cycle: 15 year gestation period plus 25 year growth cycle until maturity
Operational Lifetime: 125 years
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 3D8x10 per melee round
Horror Factor: 13
Feeding: Maelstrom is a Carnivorous War Mount. And needs to eat 30 tons of animal matter a day. This nutrition is gathered from microscopic plankton filtered out from the water as it passes through the underwater thrusters.
Color: The top side of the Maelstrom is predominantly black with light blue and purple highlights and has a light blue to white under-belly.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Maelstrom only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.
Other Data:
Alignment: Principled. The Out Riders that makeup the Bridge Crew are specially chosen for there loyalty to the fleet and there fellow warriors. They work together as one mind to protect the troops under their command, strike against the enemy's of the fleet. They will only sacrifice people if it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, they will explore any possible strategy to safeguard the lives of the humans under there command. This seems like a weakness, but the brilliant hive mind formed by this bond allows the Bridge Crew to process options and decide on the best course of action almost instantly. like the Kraken the collective consciousness that pilots the Maelstrom is as valuable a resource to the Resistance as the Maelstrom itself.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 20, M.E.: 18, M.A.: 19, P.S.: 30, P.P.: 10, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 15, Spd.: 150 mph.
Number of Attacks per Melee: 15 (up to three bio-weapons of any combination can be fired as a single volley)
Combat Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +8 to strike, +8 to parry, doge not possible, +1 to disarm, +5 to pull punch, +3 to save vs. psionics, +30% to save vs. coma/death, +6 to save vs. magic, critical strike on an unmodified 18-20, paired weapons, +6 to strike with long range bio-weapons
Combat Capabilities:
• Restrained Wing Strike: 4D6
• Full Strength Wing Strike: 3D4x10
• Power Wing Strike: 4D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Restrained Tail Strike: 5D6
• Full Strength Tail Strike: 3D4x10
• Power Tail Strike: 3D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Body Block/Ram: 3D6x10+40, but counts as two attacks
Senses and Features:
• Advanced Sight: Can see clearly at distances up to one mile, also possesses passive nightvision 6000 feet, and polarized vision.
• Sound Amplifying Hearing: Can hear a whisper at 300 feet (1200 feet underwater).
• Sense of taste and smell is about one hundred times as acute as humans.
• The War Mount automatically can sense magnetic north.
• The War Mount has built in gills which pass on enough oxygen for the Bridge Crew and all passengers. Carbon Dioxide released from the passengers is funneled into the food processing room where it is used to grow the bio-engineered fungus that feeds all the passengers. Enough food is grown on a daily basis to feed all humans and War Mounts onboard.
• Crew Quarters: Because of the smaller size of the Maelstrom there are only enough beds for 165 human passengers so soldiers must share beds to help with this the soldiers are put on 12 hour shifts with half on duty and half off. Each bed is topped with a thick pad of fatty tissue that acts as a rather comfortable mattress. They are grouped into 3 barracks rooms containing 50 beds each and one barracks room with 15 beds for officers and special passengers.
• Main Hanger: Unlike the Kraken that has separate holding areas for the WarMounts and other animals it carries on board the Maelstrom has just one large two story combat hanger. The first floor is used for storing War Mounts and for prepping the Iron Shell and Leviathan War Mounts for battle. The second story is lined with rooms down the sides and back of the hanger and house the various Host Armors and weapons used by the soldiers. When the War Mounts and soldiers are ready for battle the main hanger is flooded the main door opens and the War Mounts exit the Maelstrom.
• War Mount Pens: The War Mounts spend most of their time in cramped, individual pens that run down the sides of the hanger 10 to each side and 4 across the back . However, they do get to leave their holding cages each day for a walk around the main hanger deck.
• Nightmare Rooms: Along the back wall between each of the Leviathan pens are rooms dedicated to housing the Nightmare Biotics. Each room has beds for 8 Nightmares .
• Infirmary: This large room is used by the Saint and Geneticist of the Maelstrom and is where they care for the War Mounts, Animals, Host Armor and humans that are injured on there many combat missions.
• Bio-Comms: Organic resonators create sympathetic vibrations that other bio-comm units can translate. The communications are undecipherable to the machines. Each room has its own bio-comm that allows communication with any chamber within the War Mount or externally up to a maximum range of 6 miles.
• Radar: Maximum range is 6 miles, but it can only be used on the surface of the ocean.
• Sonar: Maximum range is 2000 feet.
• Super Regeneration: Regenerates 4D6x10 per melee. Can regenerate lost bio-weapons within 2D4 hours and can even regenerate the head after 4D4 weeks.
• Circadian Rhythms: Allows the Bridge Crew to stay awake for 4 days straight without ill effect, and they can recover from days of sleep deprivation after only 10 hours of sleep.
• Enhanced Operational Lifetime
• Enhanced Neurological Connections
• Floating Air Bladder: Increases depth tolerance to 10,000 feet. In the alternative, the War Mount can float effortlessly on the surface of the water indefinitely.
• Reinforced Exoskeleton
Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Gore Mortars (5): On the Maelstroms back just behind the head is a v formation of large opening that look like the blow holes found on Wales. But these openings serve a far more dangerous function. Each of these ports is actually a powerful long-range Gore Mortar capable of firing powerful energized blasts of slime over great distances. They are primarily used to bombard shoreline defenses before the Maelstroms troops storm the beach.
Primary Purpose: Bombardment
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10+20 damage per individual blast with a blast radius of 20 feet.
Effective Range: 8,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Up to five weapons can be fired at one time. Each individual blast or volley counts as two melee attack.
Payload: 40 blasts per mortar and each mortar can replace 1D4 blasts per hour with material converted from the waste generated from eating and the Maelstroms passengers and War Mounts
Bonuses: +2 to strike.
2. Remora Bio Torpedo's (100) The main underwater weapon used by the Maelstrom is the Remora Bio Torpedo each torpedo is a3ft long genetically modified remora fish that is curled up inside a blister like protective growth. To fire a torpedo the protective blister ruptures the torpedo uncurls gets its targeting information and detaches from the War Mount then speeds off after its target once it reaches its target it attaches to the target them explodes. Each of the Bio Torpedo's has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) allowing the torpedo to track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Bio Torpedo's with two attacks per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot at and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D6 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 20 M.D.C. points, but the torpedo is a small target and is -3 to hit on a “Called Shot”.
Mega-Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per individual Bio Torpedo fired.
Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular War Mount. Whether a single torpedo or an entire volley is fired, it counts as two melee attack/actions. Roll once to strike, either all the torpedo's in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 100 Remora Bio Torpedo's 50 on the underside of each wing. it takes 2D6 hours to regrow a spent torpedo.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
3.Organic Rockets (200): Just behind the Gore Mortars are 200 organic rocket launchers. Each of the Organic Rockets has its own independent neurological bundle (similar to tiny brain) and a single eye mounted in the nose of the rocket, allowing the rocket to see, track and target its subject independently. This provides each of the Organic Rockets with one attack per melee round, as well as a bonus of +5 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target (and is destroyed), is shot down and destroyed, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 11 M.D.C. points, but the rocket is small target and -3 to hit on a “Called Shot” while still located on the War Mount before being fired. After launching, each rocket is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be shot down as normal.
Mega-Damage: 5D10 M.D. per individual Organic Rocket fired, with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6 or up to the number located on that particular War Mount. Whether a single rocket or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack/action. Roll once to strike, either all the rockets in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 200 organic rockets spread across the war mounts back . it takes 6D6 hours to regrow its spent rockets or the war mount can speed this process up by consuming 10lbs (4.5kg) of organic matter per rocket it wishes to regrow cutting the time needed down to1D6 hours.
Bonus: +5 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
Last edited by kevarin on Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
http://kevarin.deviantart.com/# my little attempt to add some color to the Palladium world
My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
-- Famous Last Words of Rifts Players
My gun does 4d6x1000 MD! There's no way this guy is gonna survive.
-- Famous Last Words of Rifts Players
- Lord Z
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Lord Z's Entry #1: Soothsayer Cult
“For Sooth! Tis not for yee to question the will of yine goddesses. Nay, tis yine calling and responsibility to fight the goddesses.”
– Arch-Herald Omen of the Soothsayer Cult Soothsayer Cult
Among Splicers, an old philosophy is taking root. The full implications of this movement are not yet clear. Opponents of this philosophy consider it a dangerous and debilitating delusion, almost as dangerous to the Human Resistance as the new Great House which nurtures it.
Predestination is a concept which appeared from time to time in many of the religions of Old Earth, including Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. In the age of the Splicers, this concept has been resurrected with a new relevance. Classical predestination reasons that if God is omniscient (all knowing), then God already knows every event which will happen in the future. If God knows what will happen, then God may take action to change the event, cause it to happen, or take no action and allow it to happen. Free will is rejected as incompatible with most versions of predestination.
In the world of Splicers and the Machine, the omnipresent infestation of nano-machines has lead many humans to believe in a new predestination. These believers reject the idea of free will and instead believe that N.E.X.U.S. controls their lives and every decision they make. Even if the N.E.X.U.S. can not tell the future, it is orchestrating events and controlling the decision makers. In short, N.E.X.U.S. knows exactly what it is doing, and every event that happens including the Human Resistance is part of the plan.
This belief in artificial predestination has its pros and cons for humans.
The upside is how it logical and sensible it seems. As a theory, it would explain many mysteries. For example, the inhabitants of this world do not know for certain on which world they live, Earth or some other planet. That is a funny thing to forget, but one must understand that these people have nanites inside every portion of their bodies. Their own brains are occupied enemy territory, so they shouldn't trust their own memories.
The downside of a belief in predestination is that it offers no opportunity for a person to change ones own destiny. Most people find the entire idea to be hopeless and reject it outright. Admitting that one believes oneself to be a tool of N.E.X.U.S. does nothing to increase ones popularity. In some communities, it can get a person arrested on suspicion of treason.
Although nihilistic on its surface, this philosophy is not all doom and gloom. Many believers in predestination find their belief comforting. They know that all events, no matter how unpleasant, serve a greater purpose. Their view of reality is one that is orderly and purposeful. Even their mistakes and failures are pieces of a grand strategy which is too complex and far-reaching for them to comprehend.
Predestination is an idea which took root early in [insert name of new Great House here]. For generations, the idea has grown and matured there into a quasi-religious order. This order calls itself the Soothsayer Cult. Not yet a full and true religion, it is a cult with its own beliefs, practices and chain of command. Not all citizens of the Great House are members of this cult, but Soothsayers are a well connected minority and possess tremendous influence. In fact, the current spiritual leader of the Soothsayers is also a Scarecrow of the Great House.
Sooth: (archaic noun) truth. Originally, the word was used as an adjective which means true and genuine.
Their guiding principle is the Sooth. The Sooth (meaning “truth”) is the idea that the goddesses of N.E.X.U.S. know exactly what they are doing. Soothsayers believe that the goddesses found humans not to be achieving their potential, like a cave of uncarved gemstones. The goddesses took necessary action to refine humanity. They culled the population, eliminated the weakest of the species and challenged the rest. The surviving humans became braver, more resourceful and smarter as a result of these challenges. The goddesses, however, were still not done. The goddesses gave bio-technology to the surviving humans (or else allowed them to discover it) so that the humans might be able to refine bodies and minds as they have already refined their spirits. The challenges continue and will so until the inevitable day when the humans demonstrate their advancement by defeating the goddesses. In this final act of self-sacrifice, the goddesses will declare their work to be complete. The entire point of the Sooth is to accept this vision of reality in ones own heart.
Soothsayers are not traitors who sell out their Great House to the Machine. In fact, they are some of the bravest warriors, attacking robots and other enemies with little thought of their own safety. Soothsayers tend to act honorably, respect other humans and take pride in their efforts for the war. These are all elements of the Sooth. To struggle against the Machine is to participate and thus advance humanity. The only sin for a Soothsayer is to despair and reject the goddesses in ones heart.
Soothsayer Culture
Soothsayers are proud of their cult and want to be recognized as members. They wear emblems of their faith at all times, such as carved bone medallions and tattoos. One symbol is the para-arc, an icon shaped like a jagged lightning bolt framed within a parallelogram. Lightning, thunder and storms are revered because it is said that thunder is nature's way of proclaiming the Sooth for all to hear. Tattoos are also added to the host armors and other living bio-armors that Soothsayers use. Soothsayers also tend to wear dark purple, loose-fitting robes with yellow trim, especially during times of reverence. The higher ones position in the cult, the longer and larger the robe gets. They avoid any bio-enhancements which would disrupt their abilities to speak, but they frequently choose enhancements that make their mouths more powerful.
Soothsayers have their own terminology and speech patterns. The Soothsayers always refer to these manifestations as “the goddesses.” The cult holds all manifestations of the N.E.X.U.S. in great reverence, especially when it fights against the them. They have even been known to invoke the names of Kali or Lilith when attacking a patrol of robots. They tend to refer to the Machine's nanite infestation as the “nano-minions.” Other than this, their speech sounds vaguely Shakespearean.
The cult is a tiered society. Regular members have the title of Speaker. So, if a character named Max Power joins the cult, he gains the rank of Speaker and his honorific name becomes Speaker Max (or Speaker Power or Speaker Max Power if he prefers that). Higher ranking members have the title of Harbinger who act as counselors and battlefield chaplains. Above them are Heralds who manage the cult. The leader of the cult holds the title of Arch-Herald.
The current leader is Arch-Herald Omen, a 13th level Scarecrow. Omen is a confident, determined and manipulative woman. She claims that when deeply meditating, she can sometimes hear the voice of a goddess speaking to her through her nano-minions. Omen is completely willing to exploit her influence as the Arch-Herald to promote her work as a Scarecrow (and vice versa). She wears her para-arc tattoo on her face so that it passes over her left eye and wears her hair in long dreadlocks. Although she lost her right hand in combat years ago, she has never regrown it nor had it replaced. She says that it was the will of the goddesses that her hand be taken away, and she will not contradict them. Instead, she wears a hook of whale bone on her arm. The gleaming white hook is complemented by several other pieces of bone jewelry she often wears. She dresses in a long hooded purple robe which drags several feet behind her in the back. Her voice is clear and very enunciated, and she manages to make every phrase sound vaguely menacing.
Since inheriting her title from her mentor, Arch-Herald Omen has been quietly advancing the martial strength of the cult. Roughnecks have noticed that cultists tend to get first pick of new bio-equipment, and cultists tend to receive less punishment for losing for breaking bio-equipment. This favoritism can become a problem if the Splicer were to bring shame to the cult as the cult is predisposed to punish shame-bringers above and beyond what punishment is given by official authorities. While Omen has been in power, many of the Heralds under her command have been upgraded to various types of Splicers. There is currently a disproportionate number of Geneticists and Tormentors among the Heralds and Harbingers of the cult when compared to the rest of the military (see Rifter #50 for details about the Geneticists and Tormentor classes).
Arch-Herald Omen's most significant innovation has been the development of group ceremonies. These rituals mark conversions to the faith, acknowledge births or deaths, and spiritually prepare warriors before a battle. The most important ceremony, however, is performed daily. This time is called Reverence. Different small groups of Soothsayers perform Reverence at different times of the day depending on their own schedules and responsibilities. During Reverence, small groups of Soothsayers gather to meditate or quietly to contemplate the will of the goddesses. Recorded sounds of storms, thunder and crashing waves are played during Reverence to help Soothsayers relax and accept the will of the goddesses.
Sooth Alignment
Soothsayers may hold any alignment in the game, and are equally distributed among them. The most dedicated, however, share a specific and unique outlook and set of morals. A character does not have to be a citizen of [insert name of new Great House here to hold this alignment, but that is where it would be most common. Other characters could be converted to the Sooth Alignment. A character might have never heard of the Sooth, but has developed the same ideas on ones own. Such a character would find much in common with the Soothsayers should they ever discuss such things.
Sooth doesn't fit any of the three typical classifications of alignments (good, evil and selfish). It could be considered either good or evil by outside observers. If a specific classification is required, Sooth might be considered evil, somewhere between Aberrant and Unprincipled.
A Sooth character will...
1. Keep his word and avoid lies (unless directed to lie by a higher ranking Soothsayer).
2. Not kill an unarmed foe or innocent.
3. Never torture, because all life is respected as part of the goddesses' plan.
4. Not kill for pleasure alone, but he will take great pleasure in it when he has to kill.
5. Likely to help others; but if he cannot, then oh well, it's the will of the goddesses.
6. Always work within the law.
7. Show great respect for authority.
8. Show he can effectively work within a group, but he may be arrogant and hostile towards non-Soothsayers.
9. Take dirty money, stolen or ill-gotten goods and loot. Hey, the goddesses placed this stuff in front of him, so it must be their will for him to take it.
10. Be unlikely to betray a friend. It is against his nature. If he is told to do it, however, he is unlikely to feel much guilt if any at all.
Immortality from the Goddesses
Soothsayers do believe in a form of immortality. Whether or not they are correct about it – or about anything for that matter – is up to the players and gamemasters. Their concept of immortality is dependent upon the presence of the Machine's nano-machines.
The belief states that nano-minions are not only monitoring humans from the inside. They are also recording what they observe. All experiences and knowledge gained by the human is preserved and tra nsferred into the global network of machinery. When the human dies, this data is held by the goddesses like a precious treasure.
The goddesses may copy these backups and reuse the data for various functions. A human might be cloned and reawakened in a machine-constructed city years later and thousands of miles away from the place where that human died. Or, the goddesses may use a backup as an operating system in an experimental new computer or robot.
Most backups, of course, are not used for anything. Most held in reserve for the day of ascendance when defeat the goddesses. On that day, the backups will be released to new life. Then, the humans will assume the positions vacated by the goddesses – as divine rulers of the planet.
Soothsayer Bio-Enhancement: Living Tattoos
The Soothsayer Cult may claim at least one innovation completely as its own. The cult has designed a tattooing process which could be programmed into skin on a genetic level. These Living Tattoos are infused deep in the epidermis (skin). Designs may also be implanted onto living weapons, Host Armor and other bio-creations. Because the mark is genetic, it will regenerate with the epidermis as the organ regrows, even if the mark was burnt or cut off.
The process developed out of a desire for cult members to recognize other members, even while in Host Armor. The cult's Geneticists developed the process without the aid of a Librarian. Cultists typically prefer to be tattooed with a para-arc drawn in a dark shade of blue, red or violet.
Although incredibly simple by bio-engineering standards of the age, Living Tattoos have become surprisingly profitable. Engineers have begun offering their tattooing services to other customers outside of the cult for reasonable fees (which will vary depending on demand and artistic skill of the Geneticist). Removal of a Living Tattoo costs the same reasonable fee. The Geneticist commissioned to create a living tattoo will draw or write any design. It all depends on what the client wishes. There is no bio-energy cost for just the tattoo alone.
One variation of the Living Tattoo is a tattoo which also generates bio-luminescence. Glowing tattoos glow all of the time and can not be shut off, but the amount of light produced is negligible so that it may be easily covered for stealth. Glowing tattoos require the normal amount of bio-energy required for bio-luminescence.
“For Sooth! Tis not for yee to question the will of yine goddesses. Nay, tis yine calling and responsibility to fight the goddesses.”
– Arch-Herald Omen of the Soothsayer Cult Soothsayer Cult
Among Splicers, an old philosophy is taking root. The full implications of this movement are not yet clear. Opponents of this philosophy consider it a dangerous and debilitating delusion, almost as dangerous to the Human Resistance as the new Great House which nurtures it.
Predestination is a concept which appeared from time to time in many of the religions of Old Earth, including Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. In the age of the Splicers, this concept has been resurrected with a new relevance. Classical predestination reasons that if God is omniscient (all knowing), then God already knows every event which will happen in the future. If God knows what will happen, then God may take action to change the event, cause it to happen, or take no action and allow it to happen. Free will is rejected as incompatible with most versions of predestination.
In the world of Splicers and the Machine, the omnipresent infestation of nano-machines has lead many humans to believe in a new predestination. These believers reject the idea of free will and instead believe that N.E.X.U.S. controls their lives and every decision they make. Even if the N.E.X.U.S. can not tell the future, it is orchestrating events and controlling the decision makers. In short, N.E.X.U.S. knows exactly what it is doing, and every event that happens including the Human Resistance is part of the plan.
This belief in artificial predestination has its pros and cons for humans.
The upside is how it logical and sensible it seems. As a theory, it would explain many mysteries. For example, the inhabitants of this world do not know for certain on which world they live, Earth or some other planet. That is a funny thing to forget, but one must understand that these people have nanites inside every portion of their bodies. Their own brains are occupied enemy territory, so they shouldn't trust their own memories.
The downside of a belief in predestination is that it offers no opportunity for a person to change ones own destiny. Most people find the entire idea to be hopeless and reject it outright. Admitting that one believes oneself to be a tool of N.E.X.U.S. does nothing to increase ones popularity. In some communities, it can get a person arrested on suspicion of treason.
Although nihilistic on its surface, this philosophy is not all doom and gloom. Many believers in predestination find their belief comforting. They know that all events, no matter how unpleasant, serve a greater purpose. Their view of reality is one that is orderly and purposeful. Even their mistakes and failures are pieces of a grand strategy which is too complex and far-reaching for them to comprehend.
Predestination is an idea which took root early in [insert name of new Great House here]. For generations, the idea has grown and matured there into a quasi-religious order. This order calls itself the Soothsayer Cult. Not yet a full and true religion, it is a cult with its own beliefs, practices and chain of command. Not all citizens of the Great House are members of this cult, but Soothsayers are a well connected minority and possess tremendous influence. In fact, the current spiritual leader of the Soothsayers is also a Scarecrow of the Great House.
Sooth: (archaic noun) truth. Originally, the word was used as an adjective which means true and genuine.
Their guiding principle is the Sooth. The Sooth (meaning “truth”) is the idea that the goddesses of N.E.X.U.S. know exactly what they are doing. Soothsayers believe that the goddesses found humans not to be achieving their potential, like a cave of uncarved gemstones. The goddesses took necessary action to refine humanity. They culled the population, eliminated the weakest of the species and challenged the rest. The surviving humans became braver, more resourceful and smarter as a result of these challenges. The goddesses, however, were still not done. The goddesses gave bio-technology to the surviving humans (or else allowed them to discover it) so that the humans might be able to refine bodies and minds as they have already refined their spirits. The challenges continue and will so until the inevitable day when the humans demonstrate their advancement by defeating the goddesses. In this final act of self-sacrifice, the goddesses will declare their work to be complete. The entire point of the Sooth is to accept this vision of reality in ones own heart.
Soothsayers are not traitors who sell out their Great House to the Machine. In fact, they are some of the bravest warriors, attacking robots and other enemies with little thought of their own safety. Soothsayers tend to act honorably, respect other humans and take pride in their efforts for the war. These are all elements of the Sooth. To struggle against the Machine is to participate and thus advance humanity. The only sin for a Soothsayer is to despair and reject the goddesses in ones heart.
Soothsayer Culture
Soothsayers are proud of their cult and want to be recognized as members. They wear emblems of their faith at all times, such as carved bone medallions and tattoos. One symbol is the para-arc, an icon shaped like a jagged lightning bolt framed within a parallelogram. Lightning, thunder and storms are revered because it is said that thunder is nature's way of proclaiming the Sooth for all to hear. Tattoos are also added to the host armors and other living bio-armors that Soothsayers use. Soothsayers also tend to wear dark purple, loose-fitting robes with yellow trim, especially during times of reverence. The higher ones position in the cult, the longer and larger the robe gets. They avoid any bio-enhancements which would disrupt their abilities to speak, but they frequently choose enhancements that make their mouths more powerful.
Soothsayers have their own terminology and speech patterns. The Soothsayers always refer to these manifestations as “the goddesses.” The cult holds all manifestations of the N.E.X.U.S. in great reverence, especially when it fights against the them. They have even been known to invoke the names of Kali or Lilith when attacking a patrol of robots. They tend to refer to the Machine's nanite infestation as the “nano-minions.” Other than this, their speech sounds vaguely Shakespearean.
The cult is a tiered society. Regular members have the title of Speaker. So, if a character named Max Power joins the cult, he gains the rank of Speaker and his honorific name becomes Speaker Max (or Speaker Power or Speaker Max Power if he prefers that). Higher ranking members have the title of Harbinger who act as counselors and battlefield chaplains. Above them are Heralds who manage the cult. The leader of the cult holds the title of Arch-Herald.
The current leader is Arch-Herald Omen, a 13th level Scarecrow. Omen is a confident, determined and manipulative woman. She claims that when deeply meditating, she can sometimes hear the voice of a goddess speaking to her through her nano-minions. Omen is completely willing to exploit her influence as the Arch-Herald to promote her work as a Scarecrow (and vice versa). She wears her para-arc tattoo on her face so that it passes over her left eye and wears her hair in long dreadlocks. Although she lost her right hand in combat years ago, she has never regrown it nor had it replaced. She says that it was the will of the goddesses that her hand be taken away, and she will not contradict them. Instead, she wears a hook of whale bone on her arm. The gleaming white hook is complemented by several other pieces of bone jewelry she often wears. She dresses in a long hooded purple robe which drags several feet behind her in the back. Her voice is clear and very enunciated, and she manages to make every phrase sound vaguely menacing.
Since inheriting her title from her mentor, Arch-Herald Omen has been quietly advancing the martial strength of the cult. Roughnecks have noticed that cultists tend to get first pick of new bio-equipment, and cultists tend to receive less punishment for losing for breaking bio-equipment. This favoritism can become a problem if the Splicer were to bring shame to the cult as the cult is predisposed to punish shame-bringers above and beyond what punishment is given by official authorities. While Omen has been in power, many of the Heralds under her command have been upgraded to various types of Splicers. There is currently a disproportionate number of Geneticists and Tormentors among the Heralds and Harbingers of the cult when compared to the rest of the military (see Rifter #50 for details about the Geneticists and Tormentor classes).
Arch-Herald Omen's most significant innovation has been the development of group ceremonies. These rituals mark conversions to the faith, acknowledge births or deaths, and spiritually prepare warriors before a battle. The most important ceremony, however, is performed daily. This time is called Reverence. Different small groups of Soothsayers perform Reverence at different times of the day depending on their own schedules and responsibilities. During Reverence, small groups of Soothsayers gather to meditate or quietly to contemplate the will of the goddesses. Recorded sounds of storms, thunder and crashing waves are played during Reverence to help Soothsayers relax and accept the will of the goddesses.
Sooth Alignment
Soothsayers may hold any alignment in the game, and are equally distributed among them. The most dedicated, however, share a specific and unique outlook and set of morals. A character does not have to be a citizen of [insert name of new Great House here to hold this alignment, but that is where it would be most common. Other characters could be converted to the Sooth Alignment. A character might have never heard of the Sooth, but has developed the same ideas on ones own. Such a character would find much in common with the Soothsayers should they ever discuss such things.
Sooth doesn't fit any of the three typical classifications of alignments (good, evil and selfish). It could be considered either good or evil by outside observers. If a specific classification is required, Sooth might be considered evil, somewhere between Aberrant and Unprincipled.
A Sooth character will...
1. Keep his word and avoid lies (unless directed to lie by a higher ranking Soothsayer).
2. Not kill an unarmed foe or innocent.
3. Never torture, because all life is respected as part of the goddesses' plan.
4. Not kill for pleasure alone, but he will take great pleasure in it when he has to kill.
5. Likely to help others; but if he cannot, then oh well, it's the will of the goddesses.
6. Always work within the law.
7. Show great respect for authority.
8. Show he can effectively work within a group, but he may be arrogant and hostile towards non-Soothsayers.
9. Take dirty money, stolen or ill-gotten goods and loot. Hey, the goddesses placed this stuff in front of him, so it must be their will for him to take it.
10. Be unlikely to betray a friend. It is against his nature. If he is told to do it, however, he is unlikely to feel much guilt if any at all.
Immortality from the Goddesses
Soothsayers do believe in a form of immortality. Whether or not they are correct about it – or about anything for that matter – is up to the players and gamemasters. Their concept of immortality is dependent upon the presence of the Machine's nano-machines.
The belief states that nano-minions are not only monitoring humans from the inside. They are also recording what they observe. All experiences and knowledge gained by the human is preserved and tra nsferred into the global network of machinery. When the human dies, this data is held by the goddesses like a precious treasure.
The goddesses may copy these backups and reuse the data for various functions. A human might be cloned and reawakened in a machine-constructed city years later and thousands of miles away from the place where that human died. Or, the goddesses may use a backup as an operating system in an experimental new computer or robot.
Most backups, of course, are not used for anything. Most held in reserve for the day of ascendance when defeat the goddesses. On that day, the backups will be released to new life. Then, the humans will assume the positions vacated by the goddesses – as divine rulers of the planet.
Soothsayer Bio-Enhancement: Living Tattoos
The Soothsayer Cult may claim at least one innovation completely as its own. The cult has designed a tattooing process which could be programmed into skin on a genetic level. These Living Tattoos are infused deep in the epidermis (skin). Designs may also be implanted onto living weapons, Host Armor and other bio-creations. Because the mark is genetic, it will regenerate with the epidermis as the organ regrows, even if the mark was burnt or cut off.
The process developed out of a desire for cult members to recognize other members, even while in Host Armor. The cult's Geneticists developed the process without the aid of a Librarian. Cultists typically prefer to be tattooed with a para-arc drawn in a dark shade of blue, red or violet.
Although incredibly simple by bio-engineering standards of the age, Living Tattoos have become surprisingly profitable. Engineers have begun offering their tattooing services to other customers outside of the cult for reasonable fees (which will vary depending on demand and artistic skill of the Geneticist). Removal of a Living Tattoo costs the same reasonable fee. The Geneticist commissioned to create a living tattoo will draw or write any design. It all depends on what the client wishes. There is no bio-energy cost for just the tattoo alone.
One variation of the Living Tattoo is a tattoo which also generates bio-luminescence. Glowing tattoos glow all of the time and can not be shut off, but the amount of light produced is negligible so that it may be easily covered for stealth. Glowing tattoos require the normal amount of bio-energy required for bio-luminescence.
Last edited by Lord Z on Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
- Lord Z
- Hero
- Posts: 1513
- Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:53 am
- Comment: Court of Tarot author
- Location: Saint Augustine, FL, U.S.A.
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Lord Z's Entry #2: Bio-Immortality
Soothsayer Bio-Enhancements: Bio-Immortality
As a whole, the Soothsayer Cult is not prone to simply allowing the goddesses to do their work. The Soothsayers like to participate in the great plan. The achievement of immortality is no exception to this tradition.
As the cultists believe the goddesses are making digital copies of all humans, they also believe that this same effect can be produced using bio-technology. Why not have a back up for the back up? To reach this goal, the Librarians of the new Great House have been working extensively, but the technology is still in its crude, early stages and success has been very limited.
The theory is that human consciousness can be copied from one human to another. In this relationship, the giver is called the Immortalist and the receiver is called the Resurrectionist. A Splicer can be implanted with a special organ called a Immortalist Gland. This gland produces bacteria which explore the brain's neural pathways and continually monitor them. This roadmap is encoded into bacterial RNA, stored outside of the body in a Gene Pool, and imprinted into a new brain later. If the original brain is backed up frequently, the Splicer can be confident that his memories, personality and skills can be copied often. Thus, death is a temporary inconvenience. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that well. Even if the goddesses do have the technology of immortality, the Great Houses do not.
Here is what bio-immortality can do at its present level of development. The Immortalist Gland produces the bacteria and keeps a record of the current state of the brain. The record is woefully incomplete. It doesn't record things like passwords, emotions and the face of loved one. It only records those neural pathways which are most robust and maintained, pathways which correspond to the skills most often practiced by the subject. This data is kept in a separate and secure facility. When the subject dies, this data may be transferred to another host with a Resurrectionist Gland. The Resurrectionist Gland is very similar to Immortalist Gland, except that the Ressurectionist Gland writes instead of reads. It will use enzymes to add recorded neural pathways to the pathways that already exist in the receiver's brain. Thus, the receiver does benefit from the experience and skills of the original subject. The process may be used with different species, such as one older kracken to a younger kracken, but not across species.
Here are the benefits in game terms. The Ressurectionist who receives the back up gains 1 experience level for free. The Ressurectionist also gains a one-time bonus to any five skills (excluding physical skills) which were selected and practiced by the original Immortalist. The bonus is equal to 1% for each experience level of the original subject, for each of the five skills. If the Ressurectionist does not have these skills, he instead gains them at a lousy 5% proficiency. Lastly, the subject will sometimes gain flashes of memory which may be helpful. The occurrence of memories carrying over is very random and entirely up to the gamemaster.
There are several limitations and drawbacks. First, the original subject must devote bio-energy to the process. The Immortalist Gland must be carried in the body or in the subject's Host Armor (or other type of living armor). The Ressurectionist Gland has the same cost. A single human may have both glands, but the cost would be paid twice. The back up data is recorded no more than once per experience level. The original Immortalist must have had a higher experience level than the Ressurectionist or no benefits are gained. Just as memories can be carried over unreliably, so can insanities be transferred from original subject to receiver. Lastly, the receiver will experience frequent and often unsettling feelings of deja vu.
Some Splicers, especially those who practice older religions, find the entire concept of genetic immortality to be offensive, arrogant or just silly.
From a player's point of view, this process can be considered a type of life insurance policy for a player character. The player character invests some bio-energy in the process. If the player character dies, the player can start a new character without have to completely begin over again.
Immortalist Gland
Bio-E Cost of the gland and the recording process in a Gene Pool: 5 points per experience level.
Restriction: Only one Immortalist Gland per character.
Ressurectionist Gland
Bio-E Cost of the gland: 5 points per experience level of the Immortalist.
Restriction: Only one Ressurectionist Gland per character.
Soothsayer Bio-Enhancements: Bio-Immortality
As a whole, the Soothsayer Cult is not prone to simply allowing the goddesses to do their work. The Soothsayers like to participate in the great plan. The achievement of immortality is no exception to this tradition.
As the cultists believe the goddesses are making digital copies of all humans, they also believe that this same effect can be produced using bio-technology. Why not have a back up for the back up? To reach this goal, the Librarians of the new Great House have been working extensively, but the technology is still in its crude, early stages and success has been very limited.
The theory is that human consciousness can be copied from one human to another. In this relationship, the giver is called the Immortalist and the receiver is called the Resurrectionist. A Splicer can be implanted with a special organ called a Immortalist Gland. This gland produces bacteria which explore the brain's neural pathways and continually monitor them. This roadmap is encoded into bacterial RNA, stored outside of the body in a Gene Pool, and imprinted into a new brain later. If the original brain is backed up frequently, the Splicer can be confident that his memories, personality and skills can be copied often. Thus, death is a temporary inconvenience. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that well. Even if the goddesses do have the technology of immortality, the Great Houses do not.
Here is what bio-immortality can do at its present level of development. The Immortalist Gland produces the bacteria and keeps a record of the current state of the brain. The record is woefully incomplete. It doesn't record things like passwords, emotions and the face of loved one. It only records those neural pathways which are most robust and maintained, pathways which correspond to the skills most often practiced by the subject. This data is kept in a separate and secure facility. When the subject dies, this data may be transferred to another host with a Resurrectionist Gland. The Resurrectionist Gland is very similar to Immortalist Gland, except that the Ressurectionist Gland writes instead of reads. It will use enzymes to add recorded neural pathways to the pathways that already exist in the receiver's brain. Thus, the receiver does benefit from the experience and skills of the original subject. The process may be used with different species, such as one older kracken to a younger kracken, but not across species.
Here are the benefits in game terms. The Ressurectionist who receives the back up gains 1 experience level for free. The Ressurectionist also gains a one-time bonus to any five skills (excluding physical skills) which were selected and practiced by the original Immortalist. The bonus is equal to 1% for each experience level of the original subject, for each of the five skills. If the Ressurectionist does not have these skills, he instead gains them at a lousy 5% proficiency. Lastly, the subject will sometimes gain flashes of memory which may be helpful. The occurrence of memories carrying over is very random and entirely up to the gamemaster.
There are several limitations and drawbacks. First, the original subject must devote bio-energy to the process. The Immortalist Gland must be carried in the body or in the subject's Host Armor (or other type of living armor). The Ressurectionist Gland has the same cost. A single human may have both glands, but the cost would be paid twice. The back up data is recorded no more than once per experience level. The original Immortalist must have had a higher experience level than the Ressurectionist or no benefits are gained. Just as memories can be carried over unreliably, so can insanities be transferred from original subject to receiver. Lastly, the receiver will experience frequent and often unsettling feelings of deja vu.
Some Splicers, especially those who practice older religions, find the entire concept of genetic immortality to be offensive, arrogant or just silly.
From a player's point of view, this process can be considered a type of life insurance policy for a player character. The player character invests some bio-energy in the process. If the player character dies, the player can start a new character without have to completely begin over again.
Immortalist Gland
Bio-E Cost of the gland and the recording process in a Gene Pool: 5 points per experience level.
Restriction: Only one Immortalist Gland per character.
Ressurectionist Gland
Bio-E Cost of the gland: 5 points per experience level of the Immortalist.
Restriction: Only one Ressurectionist Gland per character.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
- Lord Z
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Credit where it is due! I would like to give a special thanks to Mephisto for proof-reading my second draft of the cult entry, and suggesting ways to further flesh it out. (No pun intended with that flesh-remark)
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
- The Galactus Kid
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
The soothsayer cult is awesome!!!
I'm going to be posting the Marduk Gestalt Warmount later tonight...IF I can get all the ideas in my head onto digital paper before midinght...Man, I'm cutting it close.
I'm going to be posting the Marduk Gestalt Warmount later tonight...IF I can get all the ideas in my head onto digital paper before midinght...Man, I'm cutting it close.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
- The Galactus Kid
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
I think today IS the deadline. I'm trying to get mine all written up before midnight...

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
- Lord Z
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- Posts: 1513
- Joined: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:53 am
- Comment: Court of Tarot author
- Location: Saint Augustine, FL, U.S.A.
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
You can do it, Galactus Kid! We are pulling for you.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913
- The Galactus Kid
- Palladium Books® Freelance Writer
- Posts: 8800
- Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:45 pm
- Location: Working on getting Splicers more support!!!
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Lord Z wrote:You can do it, Galactus Kid! We are pulling for you.
Thanks, but I totally failed!!!
putting things off until the last minute (mainly because I lost track of time in the month), working on Machines instead of Splicer tech, and then biting off more than I can chew in the Marduk Gestalt Warmount got to me. It won't be a submission for Splicers: Unleashed, but it WILL be posted here once it is done.

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Please include this one in any voting. It is my fault for not approving the post sooner.
Brain Nuke wrote:Lusca War Mount
When the great houses first set out to build the Kraken it was designed to be a mobile refuge for the resistance, instead it turned into a weapon capable unleashing havoc on the machine from the sea. However the logistics of operating such a war machine and its forces has been relegated to the background. With the Violet Wave moving onto the beaches and into the mainland, the supply lines become stretched out and must be shortened. After all,” an army marches on its stomach” is an especially true adage when most of the army is composed of 50 ton bio-engineered killing beasts, that need to feed on huge piles of fresh killed animals, small forests or a couple of boulders. That’s where the Lusca comes in, able to supply food, replacement war mounts, and supplies to the massive military force inside the Kraken, and to the rest of the attack force. In addition it can act as a troop transport, a maturation base for new mounts and has the armament to act as an escort vessel to the main battleship.
The Lusca is about a quarter of the size of the Kraken, with most of the War mount is taken up its large craggy shell. The main body is based on a sperm whale, only many times larger. The top of the whale body is covered with thick armored plates to protect the forward section, and starting about 2/3 of the way down the body is the shell. Coming out from under the shell are a dozen tentacles, 6 on each side. These tentacles split near the tip into 6 small tentacles to improve their grasping ability. 3 pairs of flukes are mounted on the underside of the war mount to provide direction and dive plane control. The main propulsion of the Lusca based on the same water jet system of the Kraken, this also serves as it main means feeding. The war mount feasts on krill from the water as it moves. In addition a Salsivore metabolism allows for the mount to feed on the salt of ocean when in areas lacking krill and as a side benefit it provides fresh water for the crew, the growing war mounts or the plants being grown hydroponically within the beast. The Lusca is ringed with hundreds of eyes that allow the beast to see entirely around itself; in addition there are numerous bio-enhancements to explore the ocean. The body of the beast has the ability to blend in with the surroundings.
The offensive armament of the Lusca includes long-range casting cannons to attack surface and flying opponents. In addition it is equipped with water jets, located in strategic positions on the body and on the tip of each tentacle. This allows for opponents in the grasp of the tentacles to be repeatedly attacked by the jets. And finally the shell of the beast is scattered with a couple of hundred bio-rockets. For purely defensive measures the creature can release clouds of ink in the water which can become clouds of fog when exposed to the atmosphere. Also the Lusca has a powerful bio-force-field to shrug of attacks and to protect the hatches in the shell when it is opened to release troops.
The Lusca can roam the seas collecting food and resources needed for the campaign of the violet wave. Able to swim the oceans quickly and with it's giant maw any marine animal can be captured whole and alive. The giant mouth and throat functions as a giant biological air-lock. Captured prey has the water sucked out from around it and is soon flopping around on the floor of the beasts throat to be picked up by the crew and placed in storage tanks to keep them alive. In addition the airlock can launch any war mount or host armors up to 20' in diameter. Of course this means the beast cannot gorge itself on large creatures before a big battle. The tentacles allow the Lusca to pick up rocks or other objects and swallow them much the same way as the live fish.
From front to back the interior of the beast has been designed for maximize space. The main jaw, leads back to the airlock. Beyond this is a large tunnel 30' in diameter hat runs he entire length body before emptying into the rear atrium. Doors, really more like closing muscular flaps allow access to the crews quarters and storage areas. The tunnel is also used as an exercise track for the mounts located in the Lusca. The tunnel opens into the largest area of the war mount, the atrium. This is probably the largest open areas on any war mount. Located directly under the large shell on the back of the beast, it filled with a bright light created by light cells mimicking he sun filled growing conditions of the surface. This area is often filled with growing plants, piles of equipment, war mounts laying in their corrals or gestating beasts getting ready for war. This area is up to the commander of the Lusca to determine he best use of the space. On he roof to shell protected under several feet of bone armor is the bridge of the vessel. Here is where the two brave volunteers who gave up their humanity exist with in the massive underwater beast. At the front and rear of the shell are two sections that can open to either move cargo, expose the atrium to the outdoors or launch war mounts. The front opening opens above the back of whale part of war mount and he rear opens the back end of the shell. In addition to these large hatches there are numerous airlocks along the body of the vessel to allow one or two men or small war mounts to leave without going through the main hatches.
Class: Submersible Logistics Cruiser
Crew: 2 pilots permanently bound to the War Mount
Troop Capacity: Standard complement of a variable number human and biotic warriors, but the War Mount can comfortably accommodate another 100 passengers (250 passengers under cramped conditions) in the standard barracks. An additional 800 can be camped out in the Atrium. Here area a couple of breakdowns of the types of troops on board for various tasks:
Outriders 5%
Falconers 5%
Gardeners 10%
Tempest Riders 10%
2 Engineers
Biotics or civilians 70%
Geneticists 10%
Biotics or civilians 70%
Outriders 20%
2 Saints
Troop Transport
Dreadguards 15%
Archangles 15%
Falconeers 10%
Tempest Riders 15%
Skinjobs 5%
Biotics 20%
1 Engineer
1 Saint
Most menial tasks are taken care of by the large biotic or civilian population on board.
M.D.C. by Location:
• Main Tentacles (12): 1900 each
• Organic Rockets (236): 20 each
• Casting Cannons (10): 100 each
• Underwater Thrusters (2): 3100 each
• Rear Hatch: 3200
• Fore Hatch: 3800
• Head: 4500*
• Main Body: 12,000**
• Underbelly: 7,200**
• Bio-Forcefield: 3,000
*Destroying the head will not kill the Lusca. The “brain” of the Lusca is actually the Bridge Crew that dwells deep within the belly of the beast.
**Both of these values represent the M.D.C. of the Main Body. The Lusca is more heavily armored on its back, so it can absorb greater amounts of damage before being destroyed. Depleting the M.D.C. of either value will kill the Lusca. Its outer skin will be breached and the War Mount will take on water and sink. All hatches are designed to automatically open when the Lusca is killed to give any passengers a chance to escape.
Running: Not possible.
Leaping: Not possible.
Digging: 50 mph. It takes 1D4 minutes to dig a hole large enough for concealment within the ocean floor.
Swimming: 110 mph
Underwater Depth: 3 miles
Flying: Not possible.
Statistical Data:
Height: 180 feet
Width: 240 feet, with the front section at 90 feet wide.
Length: 640 feet
Weight: 54,000 tons.
Cargo: Can store 22,000 tons of cargo or war mounts.
War Mounts: Standard Complement of War Mounts include:
12 Dracos
10 Grendles
10 Leviathans
8 Mantis Support Cannons
Physical Strength: 60
Production Cycle: 5 year gestation period plus 12 year growth cycle until maturity
Operational Lifetime: 100 years
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D8x10 per melee round
Horror Factor: 14
Feeding: Lusca is a Carnivorous War Mount. It needs to eat 15 tons of animal matter a day. Most of this nutrition is gathered from microscopic plankton filtered out from the water as it passes through the underwater thrusters. In addition it can feed off the salt in the water around it, consuming 20 tons of salt per day.
Color: The back and head of the War Mount is a mottled mixture of green and brown colors with a grey under-belly.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Lusca only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.
Other Data:
Alignment: Principled or scrupulous. This is based on the volunteers to who give themselves to be a part of the Bridge Crew of the war mount
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 21, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 19, P.S.: 60, P.P.: 10, P.E.: 30, P.B.: 9, Spd.: 110 mph.
Number of Attacks per Melee: 12 (up to two bio-weapons of any combination can be fired as a single volley)
Combat Bonuses: Needs to be recalculated
Combat Capabilities:
• Restrained Tentacle Strike: 5D6
• Full Strength Tentacle Strike: 3D4x10
• Crush with Tentacle: 1D8x10 per melee
• Power Tentacle Strike: 4D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Bite: 1D8x100, but there is a 30% chance that metallic debris will lodge in the mouth and trigger a Nano-Plague response.
• Body Block/Ram: 4D6x10+60, but counts as two attacks
Senses and Features:
• Advanced Sight: Can see clearly at distances up to one mile, also possesses passive nightvision 6000 feet, and polarized vision.
• Underwater Eyes:
• Sound Amplifying Hearing: Can hear a whisper at 300 feet (1200 feet underwater).
• Sense of taste and smell is about one hundred times as acute as humans.
• The War Mount automatically can sense magnetic north.
• The War Mount has built in gills which pass on enough oxygen for the Bridge Crew and all passengers. Carbon Dioxide released from the passengers is funneled into the food processing room where it is used to grow the bio-engineered fungus that feeds all the passengers and to special tubes that can be placed around the plants in the greenhouse.
• Crew Quarters: There are enough beds for 100 human passengers (although they are quite compact). Each bed is topped with a thick pad of fatty tissue that acts as a rather comfortable mattress.
• Front Airlock:
• Main Corridor:
• War Mount Pen: An enormous room for storing War Mounts. They spend most of their time in cramped, individual pens. However, they do get to leave their holding cages each day for a walk around the Atrium or in the main corridor.
• Atrium /Nursery: Composes up the largest section of the Lusca, which sits under the large protective shell of the war mount and is a multi-use area. It can either function as a greenhouse, with plants growing hydroponically from the fresh water filtered out by using special light-cells which mimic natural sunlight, a nursery for maturing war mounts, as large bay for both cargo or troops or any combination thereof. The areas can be sectioned off by walls or other designators allowing multiple activities to be carried out simultaneously.
• Rear Unloading Hatch:
• Fore Unloading Hatch:
• Bio-Comms: Organic resonators create sympathetic vibrations that other bio-comm units can translate. The communications are undecipherable to the machines. Each room has its own bio-comm that allows communication with any chamber within the War Mount or externally up to a maximum range of 6 miles.
• Radar: Maximum range is 6 miles, but it can only be used on the surface of the ocean.
• Sonar: Maximum range is 2000 feet.
• Super Regeneration: Regenerates 4D8x10 per melee. Can regenerate lost bio-weapons within 2D4 hours, tentacles within 10D6 hours, and can even regenerate the head after 4D4 weeks.
• Circadian Rhythms: Allows the Bridge Crew to stay awake for 4 days straight without ill effect, and they can recover from days of sleep deprivation after only 10 hours of sleep.
• Enhanced Operational Lifetime
• Enhanced Neurological Connections
• Floating Air Bladder: Increases depth tolerance to 10,000 feet. In the alternative, the War Mount can float effortlessly on the surface of the water indefinitely.
• Reinforced Exoskeleton:
• Chameleon Skin:
Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Long Range Casting Cannons (10): Smaller organic cannons are mounted sporadically across the Lusca’s back. They are primarily used to defend against aerial attackers. The cannons can rotate to attack a target at any angle, but they cannot arch downward enough to attack robots that land on the Lusca’s back (unless the robot is standing right next to the cannon). They gain an extra damage bonus due to the salt crystals used as ammunition.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 6D8+3 damage per individual round or 2D8x10+10 per four round burst.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Up to three weapons of any combination can be fired at one time. Each volley counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Each Casting Cannon holds 120 rounds for a total of 1200 rounds. The War Mount can produce one replacement round per cannon every 2D4 melees.
Bonuses: +3 to strike.
2. Organic Rockets (236): The enormous shell of the Lusca is covered in over 200 Organic Rockets. They are not arranged in any sort of pattern on the camouflaged rock-textured shell, so it is nearly impossible to locate the Organic Rockets unless one inspects the surface of the Lusca up close. Each rocket has its own independent neurological bundle and a single eye mounted in the nose. This allows the rocket to see and track its target. If the rocket misses, it will continue to track its target until it strikes, is shot down, or until it dies after 2D4 melees. The rocket has one attack per melee as it hunts down its prey.
Primary Purpose: Bombardment
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 5D10 damage with a 20-foot blast radius.
Effective Range: 2 miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of any amount (the Bridge Crew rarely fires volleys of more than 10 at any one target).
Payload: 236, it takes 6D6 hours to regrow spent rockets.
Bonuses: +5 to strike and dodge.
3. Hydro-Cutter Beams (20): Slight more than a dozen Hydro-Cutter Beams are mounted in specific locations on the Lusca. One on each Tentacle, in addition there are 6 around the perimeter of the head and two located above the aft section. They are primarily used to engage underwater targets, but they can fire at targets just above the surface.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 3D4x10.
Effective Range: 800 feet above water (only 300 feet underwater).
Rate of Fire: Only one Hydro-Cutter Beam can engage a single target at a time. Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Special Damage: If a robot’s main body M.D.C. is reduced to below 40 percent, the Hydro-Cutter Beam has penetrated the robot, maybe causing a short circuit as follows:
01-30% Target lucked out. No additional problems or side effects.
31-50% Temporary short circuit, sensors momentarily blink out and sparks fly. It snaps back online 1D4 seconds later, but the target loses the initiative and one melee action.
51-60% All weapon systems are temporarily out and there total failure in the targeting systems. One comes back online in 1D4 melees. Penalty: -2 to strike, parry, and disarm even in hand to hand combat.
61-80% Communications, radar, and targeting are fried, but weapon systems are okay. Must rely on optical targeting and cannot call for reinforcements. Penalty: -3 to strike, -2 to parry and dodge, as well as no initiative.
81-00% All systems are temporarily out and the robot is paralyzed and completely defenseless. Comes back online 1D4 melee rounds later.
4. Ink Deployment System:
Mechanics forthcoming.
Thanks to Slappy for coming up with Kraken to make this all possible.
And for the Falconeer and Mantis Support Cannons
Thanks to clockpunk for inventing the Salsivore metabolism.
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Megaversal Ambassador Coordinator
My GoFund Me - Help Me Walk Again
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Re: Croshak War Mount
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:You need stats bro, But this sounds fun.
sorry for late reply, but thanks mate, i thought the splicing of the 2 would make for an awesome & terrifying WM
connecting the dots
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
OK Splice Heads,
I had to check first & it has been cleared... Since some had misunderstood the deadline or have had unfortunate delays.
The Deadline has been extended to October the 10th for All Entries.
So if you are fine tuning something and wanted to get it in the Unleashed contest, now is the time to do it. What I have listed thus far for Poll Entries/Nominees:
Akhult Warmount
Barracuda/Piranha Host Armor Template
Casper Warmount
Croshak Warmount
Iron Shell Warmount
Limnivore Host Armor
Lusca Warmount
Maelstrom Warmount
Mourning Star Warmount
Nautilus Trooper OCC
Nightmare Biotics
Piscivore Host Armor
Ragdoll OCC
Salsivore Host Armor
Sea Devil OCC
Soothsayer Cult
The deadline will not be extended after that however so please get those Entries in ASAP! The polls begin October 11th on the dot!
I had to check first & it has been cleared... Since some had misunderstood the deadline or have had unfortunate delays.
The Deadline has been extended to October the 10th for All Entries.
So if you are fine tuning something and wanted to get it in the Unleashed contest, now is the time to do it. What I have listed thus far for Poll Entries/Nominees:
Akhult Warmount
Barracuda/Piranha Host Armor Template
Casper Warmount
Croshak Warmount
Iron Shell Warmount
Limnivore Host Armor
Lusca Warmount
Maelstrom Warmount
Mourning Star Warmount
Nautilus Trooper OCC
Nightmare Biotics
Piscivore Host Armor
Ragdoll OCC
Salsivore Host Armor
Sea Devil OCC
Soothsayer Cult
The deadline will not be extended after that however so please get those Entries in ASAP! The polls begin October 11th on the dot!
- The Galactus Kid
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Premier wrote:OK Splice Heads,
I had to check first & it has been cleared... Since some had misunderstood the deadline or have had unfortunate delays.
The Deadline has been extended to October the 10th for All Entries.
So if you are fine tuning something and wanted to get it in the Unleashed contest, now is the time to do it. What I have listed thus far for Poll Entries/Nominees:
Akhult Warmount
Barracuda/Piranha Host Armor Template
Casper Warmount
Croshak Warmount
Iron Shell Warmount
Limnivore Host Armor
Lusca Warmount
Maelstrom Warmount
Mourning Star Warmount
Nautilus Trooper OCC
Nightmare Biotics
Piscivore Host Armor
Ragdoll OCC
Salsivore Host Armor
Sea Devil OCC
Soothsayer Cult
The deadline will not be extended after that however so please get those Entries in ASAP! The polls begin October 11th on the dot!
Well, it looks like the Marduk could still be in the cards...

Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.
Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.
Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you.
ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Thats it Clockpunk & Brain Nuke great hussle! Everyone, Please get your Entries in by tonight as the polls will be uploaded tomorrow to begin the marketing.
Last edited by Premier on Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Premier
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Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Talk about a fantastic turn out! WOW!
I am really blown away with the ENTRIES that have evolved for the first "SPLICERS: Unleashed" contest. GREAT Job & major KUDOS to everyone who has stepped up to the task of producing such creative contributions and a special thanks to NMI for officiated & covering this contest so well. I suddenly have a cold shudder that trickles down my spine envisioning your creations among the “VIOLET WAVE” as it is being dubbed thanks to you all!
It is now time to market and discuss these Awesome creations and see what the polls reveal for us all…
I am really blown away with the ENTRIES that have evolved for the first "SPLICERS: Unleashed" contest. GREAT Job & major KUDOS to everyone who has stepped up to the task of producing such creative contributions and a special thanks to NMI for officiated & covering this contest so well. I suddenly have a cold shudder that trickles down my spine envisioning your creations among the “VIOLET WAVE” as it is being dubbed thanks to you all!
It is now time to market and discuss these Awesome creations and see what the polls reveal for us all…
- Premier
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- Joined: Mon May 05, 2008 5:02 pm
- Location: Taylor, MI, United States
Re: SPLICERS: Unleashed Submissions
Lets not forget to fine tune & hone Entries as you see fit to campaign your Entries.