Mechanurgist wrote:Perhaps I misunderstood Atomic Ray's post but he said the store owner refunded him, so where's the misfortune? I assume the store owner will deliver the books to you later at no delivery cost because of the screwup, right? Seems you're ahead, not behind.
>talk about violating one of the fundamental rules of the game; immunity to psychic atack if inside a Robot or PA
I'm curious, could you tell me where this rule is stated? Thanks.
Certainly, p.366 of the RUE, bottom left side of the page; "#2) Psionics that affect the mind and emotions can affect people inside a locked room or car. ...They cannot affect someone in a fast moving vehicle, because they are going too fast to make a connection...Nor can it affect someone in a sealed, enviromental M.D.C. vehicle like a tank, APC, giant robot or heavy power armor (250 M.D.C. or more for the main body)."
So by that rule if I'm inside a SAMAS or a Hellraiser or GB and I'm in Madhaven then I should be immunne to the psychic emanations, but the Madhaven book disallows that defense/immunity.
I prefer not to rail-road my players, it takes away from the fun of the game. If you tried to rail-road me I tell you (in character) to eff off and die and go the
other direction. DM: "Hey, Bad Guy X just ran into Madhaven, let's go get him!" My PC's response: "Well he's dead. Anyone for a trip to the Wildcat Saloon? I hear Wildcat herself is 'performing' tonight and I've got enought credits that I won't be out bid for her 'favors' tonight!"
If the villain was stupid enoughto go into Madhaven I'll just sit back and wait until he comes out or until sufficient time has passed that he's most likely gone insane and died (about a week to a month depending on wether or not he has a strong M.E. and other factors).
Treasures of a lost Golden Age, hmmm, lesse, Denver (no psychic scar there), Detroit (same deal), Boston, New London, New Haven, Los Angeles, SanDiego, SanFransisco, basically ANY major (and even minor) city in the US/Canada will work.
The scientist part I'll grant you but MY scientist/ scholar ain't THAT crazy/stupid, that's where I use that scientific genius to develop a different way of studying the effect. Namely one that doesn't drive me literally insane or get me auto killed.