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Unread post by Bill »

I'm not as savy with Palladium magic as I should be. What means have been detailed to make a spell effect permanent? Where can I find the rules?
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Bill wrote:I'm not as savy with Palladium magic as I should be. What means have been detailed to make a spell effect permanent? Where can I find the rules?

Only thing that springs to mind is the Permanence Ward from PFRPG.
I don't have the book handy, so I can't give you the exact page number.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Bill wrote:I'm not as savy with Palladium magic as I should be. What means have been detailed to make a spell effect permanent? Where can I find the rules?

The only way to make a spell permanent is to sew a permancy ward into your skin/onto the object as the spell is being cast.
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Re: Permanence

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Page reference, please.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Grug »

PFRPG book, page 132. In my opinion Diabolists are a very underplayed class. People need to play them more often.
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Re: Permanence

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The description of the permanence ward does not indicate that it is the only means of rendering an effect permanent. Any others?
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Damian Magecraft »

Bill wrote:The description of the permanence ward does not indicate that it is the only means of rendering an effect permanent. Any others?

None at this time, sadly.
However; with the use of "Through the Glass Darkly" one could modify the talisman or amulet spell to produce permanent effects...
Or so I would surmise (never tried it myself although the thought has crossed my mind).
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Zamion138 »

rune objects can have a spell constently empowered , but your players or yourself can not readly make thoose id assume
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

amulet via the spell or the TtGD are permanent items.
there are a few spells that the permanence is achieved with the sacrifice of perm PE points.
permanency rune: this needs to be carved on the bone of a (I think) a demon bone or the bone of a deity.

"Rune!" stuff have a captured entity/soul powering the item.

There are a few PC available classes that can make perm magic items as a part of the class powers. TW, mystic Kazuna, L15 traditional samurai are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Bill wrote:The description of the permanence ward does not indicate that it is the only means of rendering an effect permanent. Any others?

There are no others that are not one-off things for specific individual spells. Hence it is the only option by default.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Zamion138 »

you could make a machine that is a TW device that functions of the sun/ambiant ppe/ traped immortal something...and it could probaly keep something going for ever...well till it broke or what not.
Blue flame magic has a permenet spell or two but they were not so powerfull that you would care.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

Zamion138 wrote:you could make a machine that is a TW device that functions of the sun/ambient ppe/ trapped immortal something...and it could probably keep something going for ever...well till it broke or what not.
Blue flame magic has a permanent spell or two but they were not so powerful that you would care.

""Please check your writing and re apply the question in complete thoughts so we do not have to play "Guess'em"""

The above is what my thoughts on the quoted post.

However, I will play geuss'em. and the the question was that "Is there any way that a TW device be powered or to say recharged by the sun (sunlight) or from the ambient PPE, or from an emured entity (like with rune stuff)?

Sunlight? No
ambient PPE? no, not pure tw items
entity? no, with an optional yes. the optionality can be found in R13.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by finn69 »

there are a couple of chi spells that come to mind not sure of the exact names as i dont have my books handy but

gather chi come tomind when combined with convert chi to ppe is also used, just include these into a spell chain for a tw device and you have the basis for a ppe powered device or permanent ppe generator to power a permanenet or rechargeable tw FF or camoflage field or whatever your little psychopathic TW mage can come up with (provided your gm allows you to learn these spells and gain the gems needed to make whatever you have in mind)
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

We know there are ways of achieving permanence with magic. Specially for Transformations.

They usually involve a Ritual, a sacrific of PPE/ISP energy or SDC/HP in some form or amount. Or just a unique ability for a special type of magic's effects.

I would say it depends on what your trying to do of course.

Take the spell Metamorphesis Dragon a SoL. A enterprising Wizard could figure out a wat to make the effects permanent for himself or another. It might just involve casting the spell as Ritual in a special ward/circle with the permanence ward on the ground under the target. However I would require a sacrifice of some kind too. Be like PPE, HP or x3 as much PPE than the spell requires.


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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Tadrith »

Dweomer Mages from the article by James Calder have a spell to make any other spell permanent.
There written up in Rifter 17 Pg 56. A very nice caster class.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Nightmask »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Bill wrote:The description of the permanence ward does not indicate that it is the only means of rendering an effect permanent. Any others?

There are no others that are not one-off things for specific individual spells. Hence it is the only option by default.

I believe there is also a Nazcan Line Maker spell that can also render a spell permanent, but it's got a permanent PPE cost that's pretty high if memory serves. It's something they use or something like it for creating those Runestaff Warriors of theirs in South America.
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Re: Permanence

Unread post by Tor »

If you don't have any demon/dragon bone on hand to make wards with, ANY spell can have a permanent variation made of it via TTGD's rules (you just up the duration, which increases the level and PPE cost). It's pretty hard to do though.
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