Monstrous Creations

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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Blade Runner

This mount used primarily by elves can typically be found running wild in Ophid's Grasslands but is also found in the realm of Kh'ron (See the Kronos, God of Time topic thread). Created by magic for use in the war between the elves and the dwarves, Blade Runners are basically giant grasshoppers with the heads of horses. Similar to horses, Blade Runners have a sensitivity to the supernatural and potential psychic energy (P.P.E.).
When running wild, Blade Runners can be found in herds of 40 to 60. They are herbivores, eating most any plant materials they find. If left unchecked, the Blade Runner population would outnumber all other animals in the area, eating up all the grass and starving out other wildlife. For this reason, they must be regularly hunted by the elves to thin their numbers. The meat from this creature tastes like horse meat and is perfectly fine to eat if properly prepared.
They are captured and used as mounts, being excellent for crossing large distances in a hurry and leaping across chasms.

:shock: Just trying to picture this and I find myself oddly disturbed... yet strangely amused... :lol:
Also, would a gathering of these things be called a herd... or a swarm? Just wondering...
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I went back and edited the Spider Horse, due to fact that with recent additions it just seemed a bit slow for what it was intended to be. Also editing some of the others as I have time.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Blade Runner

This mount used primarily by elves can typically be found running wild in Ophid's Grasslands but is also found in the realm of Kh'ron (See the Kronos, God of Time topic thread). Created by magic for use in the war between the elves and the dwarves, Blade Runners are basically giant grasshoppers with the heads of horses. Similar to horses, Blade Runners have a sensitivity to the supernatural and potential psychic energy (P.P.E.).
When running wild, Blade Runners can be found in herds of 40 to 60. They are herbivores, eating most any plant materials they find. If left unchecked, the Blade Runner population would outnumber all other animals in the area, eating up all the grass and starving out other wildlife. For this reason, they must be regularly hunted by the elves to thin their numbers. The meat from this creature tastes like horse meat and is perfectly fine to eat if properly prepared.
They are captured and used as mounts, being excellent for crossing large distances in a hurry and leaping across chasms.

:shock: Just trying to picture this and I find myself oddly disturbed... yet strangely amused... :lol:
Also, would a gathering of these things be called a herd... or a swarm? Just wondering...
A herd. Mentally, they are the same as horses. Glad you like them.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I had to fix some of the mounts I did before. All mounts should have around 2d4 I.Q. (high animal intelligence) and have the ability to understand commands in and language so that it can be trained.
I wrote up a few cool ones over the weekend, but it might take a little while to get them all posted.

Ifrit Hound

Ifrit Hounds are creatures of magic created to be mounts. These creatures are part dog and part antelope, having large horns and hooves on a canine body. In addition to their use as mounts, Ifrit Hounds act as guard animals. They are magically protected against fire and also have fire as a breath weapon.
Ifrit Hounds do not exist in the wild but are bred in kennels. If by chance they escape, Ifrit Hounds are nearly impossible to capture again. Loyal to their owners, they are good companion animals and will generally only attempt to escape if mistreated.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 3d6X2
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +10
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+30
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 16
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, impervious to fire, nightvision 60 feet, prowl 35%, track (by smell) 80%, keen hearing, leap 10 fet high or 20 feet long, and like most canines can perform a leaping pounce, instinctively leaping and biting their prey, with a 01-55% chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and he suffers 1d6 damage from the impact and fall.
Sensitivity to the Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.): As a canine race, Ifrit Hounds are among the most sensitive in the world when it comes to sensing the presence of immense magic energy and the supernatural, particularly supernatural evil. This psychic awareness also enables the animal to see certain invisible supernatural beings, including entities, the energy essence of alien intelligences, most demons and elemental beings (does not include spell magic induced or other forms of invisibility). When supernatural evil is present, the creature becomes nervous, jumpy and agitated. The closer the source of evil or great magic, the more tense the animal becomes, pacing back and forth, growling, barking or howling in warning. When face to face with supernatural evil, the Ifrit Hound, a natural predator, will defend itself, its home or its master by attacking the creature. The animal will flee only if commanded to do so by its master or if its opponent proves to be too powerful; many Ifrit Hounds will fight to the death. This is an instinctive response. Range of Sensitivity: 1200 feet
The Ifrit Hound can also sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more). Range of Sensitivity: 600 feet
Fire Breath: Ifrit Hounds can perform two breath attacks per melee, doing 4d6 points of fire damage at a range of 100 feet.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round
Damage: Kick does 2d6 points of damage, head butt does 2d6+2 damage, bite does 2d4+3 damage, or by fire breath attack.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +4 to strike, +4 to dodge, +4 to save vs. Horror Factor, +2 to save vs. all magic
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 20 years, though some live up to 40
Value: 60,000 to 80,000 gold
Habitat: City areas where they are trained as guard dogs and mounts.
Languages: None, other than barks and growls, but can learn the basics of and language and be made to understand commands like a normal dog.
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None, animal; generally any humanoid they come to recognize as their master or trainer.
Physical Appearance: They look like over-sized dogs, typically with brown or black fur/hair, with hooves and antelope-like horns.
Size: 8-10 feet tall at the shoulder, roughly the size of a large horse
Weight: 800-1200 pounds
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


A bigger, more powerful cousin to the jackalope, the Jackamount is a creature having the traits of a giant rabbit mixed with an antelope. It has sharp claws, powerful teeth and large antlers. It should not be confused with its even larger, more powerful cousin, the Jackamoose, which has more powerful antlers and hooves. Jackamounts are easily trainable as mounts, partially due to their docile nature and willingness to be trained.
Jackamounts live naturally in herds of 3d6 members and are herbivores, preferring grasslands and lightly forested areas. They are generally shy and timid, especially when outnumbered, but will fight if backed into a corner.

Alignment: Any, but usually of good alignments
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 2d6+10, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 2d6+10, P.B. 2d6+10, Spd 3d6+20
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2
S.D.C.: 2d6+10
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: None, animal
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet, prowl 40%, and leap 30 feet high and 90 feet long
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round
Damage: Bite inflicts 2d4 points of damage, claws 2d6, kick (front) 1d6, kick rear (both legs) 4d6 points of damage, head butt 2d6+2 points of damage. A running charge does 5d6 points of damage.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +4 to dodge, +2 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 20 years, some have lived up to 40
Value: Fur: 100-200 gold, meat (whole animal): 400-800 gold. Untrained: 2000 to 6000 gold, trained: 8,000 to 24,000 gold
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Eastern Territory, Old Kingdom
Languages: None, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: None per se, though they are sometimes hunted for sport and fur, and they are captured and trained as mounts.
Allies: None, animal
Physical Appearance: They look like large rabbits with horns and sharp claws.
Size: 6-7 feet tall at the shoulder, about the size of a horse.
Weight: 600-1000 pounds
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Feriles are large predatory cats which have strong backs and are well suited for use as mounts. Due to their aggressive nature, training them can be problematic, but some say their ferocity in battle is well worth the trouble. Due to their resemblance to other large cats and to make them more recognizable as mounts, owners of these animals often take to dying their fur with their heraldic colors (green, blue, purple and bright red are most popular) to make them stand out on the battlefield. Feriles are used by many different races, including elves, humans, orcs and Tezcat.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 5d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +20
S.D.C.: 2d4X10
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 15
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 400 feet, climb 50%, swim 80%, prowl 70%, track by smell or sight 60%, and leap 15 feet high and 30 feet long. Can pounce on prey like a cat.
Sensitivity to the Supernatural and Potential Psychic Energy (P.P.E.): Felines can sense the supernatural and magical, but not as effectively as canines and horses. When supernatural evil is present, the cat becomes nervous, jumpy and agitated. The closer the source of evil or great magic, the more tense the animal becomes, pacing back and forth, growling and hissing in warning. When face to face with supernatural evil, the cat, a natural predator, will defend itself, its home or young, or even its master, by attacking the creature. The animal will flee only if its opponent proves to be too powerful; many will fight to the death. This is an instinctive response. Range of Sensitivity: 400 feet
Cats can also sense ley lines, nexuses, and places of power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1500 P.P.E. or more). Range of Sensitivity: 200 feet
Attacks Per Melee: Four per round
Damage: Claws do 2d6+8 points of damage, bite does 2d6+2 points of damage. Feriles instinctively leap and pounce on their prey, holding on with their claws and biting with their teeth. They can also strike/slash with their claws. A pouncing leap of a Ferile has a 01-65% chance of knocking human-size prey off his feet (victim loses initiative and one melee attack) and he suffers 1d6 damage from the impact and fall plus claws.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +7 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 12-20 years
Value: Fur: 300-600 gold. Untrained: 8,000 to 20,000 gold, trained: 60,000 to 120,000 gold
Habitat: Yin-Sloth Jungles, Land of the South Winds, Old Kingdom
Languages: None, other than growls and hisses, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: None per se, although sometimes hunted for sport and fur, and they are captured and trained as mounts
Allies: None, animal
Size: Body: 8-12 feet long, plus tail which measures about 48 inches
Weight: 600-900 pounds
Behavior: In the wild, Feriles are shy, nocturnal creatures and usually live alone. They respect each other's territory and seldom fight among themselves. Their home territory is usually about 6 square miles. They feed on wild pigs, deer, antelope, sheep, cattle and occasionally humanoids. Males and females associate for only a few days after mating. Litters of 1 or 2 young are born after a gestation of 3-4 months. Feriles love water and are excellent swimmers.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


The Jackamoose is a giant rabbit creature with hooves, antlers and powerful teeth. It should not be confused with the Jackamount, its smaller cousin which has claws. The Jackamoose is more difficult to train than most other mounts due to its aggressive nature.
The Jackamoose is generally solitary except in mating season. Only males have antlers, which they do not shed and keep all year, only losing them if they break off. They are highly aggressive and do not back down from a fight.

Alignments: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6+10, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6+10, P.B. 2d6+10, Spd 3d6+20
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X3
S.D.C.: 3d6+10
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 100 feet, prowl 40%, and leap 20 feet high and 60 feet long.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round
Damage: Bite inflicts 2d4 points of damage, rear kick does 3d6+4 points of damage, front kick does 1d6 points of damage, head butt 2d6+4 points of damage. A running charge does 6d6 points of damage.
Bonuses: +4 initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to dodge, +4 to save vs. Horror Factor
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 20 years, some have lived up to 40
Value: Fur: 150-300 gold, meat (whole animal): 450-900 gold. Untrained: 2000 to 6000 gold, trained: 10,000 to 30,000 gold
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Eastern Territory, Old Kingdom
Languages: None, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: None per se, although they are sometimes hunted for sport and fur, and they are captured and trained as mounts.
Allies: None, animal
Physical Appearance: They look like large rabbits with antlers and hooves.
Size: 8-10 feet at the shoulder
Weight: 900-1500 pounds
Behavior: A Jackamoose must be trained from a young age if they are to be effective mounts. A fully grown adult will be next to impossible to train. Trained Jackamoose mounts show an astonishing amount of composure during combat, even when subjected to loud or confusing noises, as well as great loyalty.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Duck Dragon

A Duck Dragon is not a true dragon but so named based on its appearance and abilities. Created by magic, this giant monstrosity can serve as a mount for larger creatures such as trolls. It is basically a giant duck, 17 to 20 feet tall, with fine scales covering much of its body but having tail feathers and wing feathers like a duck which allow it to fly.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1d6, M.A. 1d6, P.S. 6d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6 (X5 flying)
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X3
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+20
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 2d4X10
Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, considered to be the equivalent of supernatural physical P.S. and P.E., fly, swim 95%, nightvision 60 feet, magic fire and cold does half damage, see the invisible.
Poison Gas Breath: Toxic breath does 6d6 damage to any who breathe it unless victim saves vs. poison (14 to save; if save is successful, takes only half damage). Range: 60 feet, covers a 20 foot area. Dissipates instantly; can perform two breath attacks per melee.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round
Damage: Bite does 1d6 damage, kick does 2d4, wing slap does 2d4+2 plus P.S. damage bonus
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +1 to strike, +4 dodge
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 100 years, though some have lived to 200
Value: Alive: At least 40,000 gold, trained 80,000 to 120,000
Habitat: Baalgor Wastelands, Land of the Damned
Languages: None, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None, animal
Physical Appearance: They appear to be giant ducks with scales on much of their bodies. There is much dimorphism between the sexes. Females have a copper brown coloration, while the males have bright green, white and brown coloration.
Size: 17-20 feet tall; 16 feet plus 1d4 additional
Weight: 800-1200 pounds
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Great stuff. Out of the recent mounts, I like the Ifrit Hound the best. Not sure what to think about the Duck Dragon. :P
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:Great stuff. Out of the recent mounts, I like the Ifrit Hound the best. Not sure what to think about the Duck Dragon. :P
Well, I wanted something big for giant-sized characters, and I decided to do a giant duck. The dragon part was influenced by a friend of mine who I asked for suggestions on what to call it.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I have some ideas for more mounts, just not gotten to them yet. More on the way.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have some ideas for more mounts, just not gotten to them yet. More on the way.
Oh, okay, cool. Maybe you could do some based on unconventional creatures like insects and snakes.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I have some ideas for more mounts, just not gotten to them yet. More on the way.
Oh, okay, cool. Maybe you could do some based on unconventional creatures like insects and snakes.
One I might possibly do is a giant worm mount. Not sure exactly how to write it up, though.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Found in the arid desert regions of the world, the Cactus Cat is a solitary animal that
spends its days sitting under the shade of cacti or napping on a large rock. They appear
lazy, but in truth it’s usually because they’re hung over. During the night it uses its sharp
knifelike bone blades on its forearms to slash the trunks of cactus plants, causing the sap
to ooze out. A few nights later after the sap has fermented to form a sweet sickly
substance, the cat drinks it up. The animal quickly becomes intoxicated. This will result in
the animal breaking out into song and dance, grating its bony extensions together, and
letting out the most ear piercing noise ever heard. Many campers have been frightened
away by this horrid sound in the night, and those who’ve seen it, are thought to have been
drinking cactus juice themselves. For the most part, the cat is harmless to travelers only
while under the influence does it streak across the sands, attacking anything in its way. It
feeds on rodents, which it hunts by stealth, usually after it’s sobered up. The cat is an
expert when it comes to finding water and it’s a creature of habit. Once it finds a cactus it
likes, the cat will go back to the same plant over and over again. Besides fermented cactus
sap they enjoy the taste of just about any type of alcohol produced by fermentation of
grains and fruits (beer and wine). They don’t care for mead or beverages that require
distillation after fermentation. Why would anyone intentionally get a Cactus Cat intoxicated,
perhaps out of simple amusement, or because its believed that these creatures supposedly
know the location to the ruins of the Golden City of Baalgor, the place where allegedly they
acquired their taste for alcohol.

Alignment: Considered anarchist
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 2D6,
P.P. 3D6+4, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 5D6+6.
Hit Points: 4D6
S.D.C.: 3D6
Natural A.R.: 7
Horror Factor: 7
P.P.E.: 3D6
Magic: None
Psionics: None, however it has the same sensitivity to the supernatural and potential
psychic energy as most felines.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision and sense of smell, nightvision 400 feet (122 m), climb 90%,
prowl 88%, swim 40%, land navigation 80%, dowsing 85%, can leap 10 feet (3 m) high and
20 feet (6 m) across.
Special Abilities: Reduce the damage, penalty, duration, and effect of ingested poisons by
one-half, but they possess no such immunity with alcohol (increase by 50%).
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Claws do 1D6 points of damage, bite 1D4+2 damage, and knife blades 2D4
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +6 to strike, +4 to parry, +2 to dodge, +5 to save vs. poison, and
+3 to save vs. horror factor. These are in addition to attribute bonuses.
Average Life Span: 20 years
Value: Fur: 30-40 gold.
Habitat: Baalgor Wastelands and the southwest deserts of the Old Kingdom.
Language: None, but its known to shriek throughout the night.
Enemies: They are wary of the many dangerous creatures of the desert.
Allies: Though they are weary of humanoids, they enjoy the taste of fermented
alcohol enough to consider following them wherever they go.
Physical Appearance: A bobcat-like creature, covered in hair-like thorns. Large
clumps of especially rigid and vicious bards rest just above each ear. The cat’s three-
branched tail is also covered with the quills and its forearms are covered in sharp, hooked
Size: Body 3 feet (0.9) with a 10-14 inch (25-35 cm) branching tail
Weight: 20-30 lbs (9-13.5 kg).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


According to Wolfen lore, the god Hoknar bragged to his brother Locknar that boar hunting
had become too easy for him, so the god of mischief created a race of wild boar so savage
and ferocious that his brother gave up boar hunting after being mauled by a single one. If
the legend is true its remains to be seen, but anyone who hunts Demon Boars is likely to
admit one almost needs to be a god to go after one. Demon Boars like their smaller cousins,
are omnivorous scavengers, eating almost anything organic they come across, as well as
young deer, fish, and small mammals. Anything that appears threatening is attacked with
savage vigor. It lacks any sense of fear or caution and will tenaciously fight to the death. A
male lowers its head, charges, and then slashes upward with his tusks, sometimes trample
the opponent with its immense girth. Females are just as dangerous, perhaps even more so
when they are protecting their young. It’s easy to get the pigs mad. If wounded enough,
they go into blood frenzy, attack everything in sight (a sow will never attack her offspring)
until it’s dead or no longer poses a threat. Climbing into a tree won’t do any good either, for
the hog will collide into the tree until it topples. Even for a group of experienced Wolfen
hunters taking on a single Demon Boar can be risky, yet for some it’s worth the risk. Demon
Boar are farmed for their meat, and in the Western Empire only the nobility are able to
afford even a single slice on a dinner plate. In the Eastern Territory, Demon Boar meat ranks
among the highest priced types of meat and only the finest taverns and inns offer in on
their menus.

Males are solitary animals while females and their offspring (both sub-adult males and
females) live in groups numbering around 20 animals, although groups of over 50 have been
seen in the Northern Hinterlands. They forage in the early morning and late afternoon or at
night, but rest for periods during both night and day. The pigs can be lured into the open
with prodigious amounts of food, especially sweet apples and piles of raw meat. However,
once the pig makes an appearance, it will attack any humanoids in the area before turning
its attention to the food pile.

Alignment: Considered miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D6 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S.
5D6+6, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 6D6, P.B. 1D6+4, Spd 5D6, but can double its speed in burst lasting
Hit Points: 6D6+8
S.D.C.: 6D6+20
Natural Armor Rating: 8
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 4D6
Magic: None
Psionics: None.
Natural Abilities: Superior endurance, nightvision 40 feet (12 m), track by smell 70%,
swimming 40%, and takes half damage from cold (even magical).
Special Abilities: When the boar loses all of its S.D.C., it goes into a frenzy state, attacking
everything in sight with full force. It will not stop attacking until everything around it is
killed or incapacitated. Frenzy bonuses and abilities: One additional attack per melee, +30%
increases to hit points and Spd attribute, +1D6 damage, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge. The
pig feels no pain, ignores all damage inflicted upon it, and cannot be subdued by charm,
sleep, fear magic, and becomes impervious to horror factor, and most psionics. This frenzy
last equal to P.E. attribute in melee rounds.
Damage: Tusks do 3D6+2 points of damage, head butt 2D6 damage, and trample 3D6
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs.
poison & disease, +8 to save vs. horror factor.
Value: Hide 75-100 gold; meat (whole animal 250-400 gold). They cannot be domesticated.
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Habitat: Ophid Grasslands and the western forests of the Great Northern Wilderness. There
are alleged sightings in the Disputed Region of the Eastern Territory but have yet to be
Language: None.
Enemies: They are a prey animal for wolves, tigers, bears, mountain lions, and Wolfen. Full
grown adults, due to their size, strength, and vicious aggression, are generally avoided.
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: They are a giant species of wild boar and domestic pig. Unlike a
normal boar, they lack fur on their body. Their skin is ochre in color, becoming bright red
when they frenzy. Both adult males and females develop huge tusks from their upper and
lower canine teeth. The upper tusks are bent upwards in males. There is a sharp rigid
running down the length of the male’s spine.
Size: Full grown adults are 10 to 12 feet (3.0 to 3.6 m) from snout to tail. A full grown
male’s tusks measure 20-28 inches (50-70 cm).
Weight: Full grown adults can weight over a 1000 lbs (450 kg).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Many lumberjacks tells the tale of working alongside a friend one minute to only have him
killed a second later by these deadly “kamikaze” creatures. The Flitterbick is a flying squirrel
with the astounding ability to fly so fast that it virtually becomes invisible to the naked eye.
The animal for the most part is harmless to humanoids, yet it chooses to travel at sub-sonic
through the forest which can lead to a collision that will kill both the squirrel and anything
unfortunate enough to get in its path. The Flitterbick is an amazing acrobat, capable of
traveling full speed through the dense forests of the Great Northern Wilderness without so
much as a scratch. That being said, despite its amazing reflexes, superior eye coordination,
and the ability to make mid-flight adjustments at sub-sonic speeds, it often has accidental
encounters with humanoids or any large animal (grizzly bear) that just happens to step out
from behind a tree. If the squirrel was smart, it fly over the trees or at a slow, near gliding
speed, but instead it deliberately flies at half to full speed straight through the middle of the
forest. Why the squirrel chooses to do this remains a mystery. Their diet consist lichens, all
mast-crop nuts, tree sap, insects, carrion, bird eggs & nestlings, buds and flowers. Yet they
seem to have an obsession for mushrooms that is so essential they race about the forest
trying to get to the next mushroom before another Flitterbick does. They also fly as fast as
they can to escape predators (owls, hawks, foxes, etc), even though nothing in the forest
has the slightest chance of catching them.

Flitterbicks nest in hotels in trees, preferring large-diameter trunks and dead trees. They
sometimes use cavities created by woodpeckers. Accept when rearing young, the squirrel
will frequently go from nest to nest. They often share nests. In one nests, over 30
individuals can be found co-habituating, although usually nests contain 2-5 individuals. The
sharing of nests is important in maintaining body temperature in the winter, as flitterbicks do
not hibernate. In all but the most severe weather conditions, the squirrels are active

The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+1 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D4, M.A. 1D4, P.S.
1D6, P.P. 3D6+12, P.E. 2D6+6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D6 (on the ground), 2D4x100 (flying).
Hit Points: 1D6 + P.E. attribute
S.D.C.: 2D6+6
Horror Factor: 9 if you know one might be in the area.
P.P.E.: 3D6
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Natural Abilities: Fly at sub-sonic speed (can reach maximum speed in four seconds),
flight is silent, can stop quickly, make sharp turns and hover at will, extraordinary vision
(see a two foot/0.6 m object with perfect clarity, two miles away), can fly through a thick
forest without hitting a tree at full speed, nightvision 1000 feet (305 m), acrobatics 90%,
prowl 85%, climbing 85%, swimming 65%, land navigation 55%, escape artist 70%, and leap
12 feet (3.6 m) high and 45 feet (13.7 m) long from a standing position.
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Damage: Bite does 1D4 points of damage, a collision at half to full speed inflicts
1D6x10 points of damage, plus humanoid opponents weighting under 400 lbs (180 kg) are
knocked off their feet and tumble for 1D6 yards/meters. Note: Unfortunately, the Flitterbick
will also take the same amount of damage unless it makes a successful roll with punch, but
that is not likely enough to save the poor creature.
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike (+3 in flight only), +3 to automatic dodge (+5
in flight only), and +5 to roll with punch/impact. These are in addition to attribute bonuses.
Value: Fur/Pelt: 15 gold; meat (whole animal 10 gold). Western Alchemist will pay 70
gold per animal because they use some unknown part of the squirrel to make potions of
Fleet Feet and Superhuman Speed. These animals are next to impossible to domesticate or
train. To hyperactive and refuse to stay put.
Average Life Span: 3-5 years, although they should live for 8 but most never make it.
Habitat: Great Northern Wilderness, Eastern Territory, and eastern forests of the Timiro Kingdom.
Language: None
Enemies: They are their own worst enemies, but as rodent they are prey upon by
numerous predators if they can catch them.
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: A flying squirrel with thick light brown or cinnamon fur on their
upper body with a furry membrane between the front and rear leg. It is grey in color on the
flanks and whitish underneath. They have large eyes and a flat tail.
Size: 1-1.5 feet (.30-.45 m) long.
Weight: 6.5-8 lbs (2.92-3.6 kg).
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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This wild cat can be found in the forests lounging lazily up in the tree. Even if approached,
the cat will do nothing to suggest it’s even dangerous. If threatened, they will use their
unique chameleon ability to blend into their surroundings, and seemingly disappear. But one
must not be fooled by its sloth behavior. Sliver cats have an incredibly long tail that is
prehensile and extremely muscular. It ends in a thick, round knob roughly a foot (.3 m) in
diameter. One side of the knob is smooth and reinforced by thick bone, while the other side
is studded with long, vicious spikes. The cat uses its tail like a military flail and lashes out at
amazing speed. Sliver Cat lurk in branches about four to eight feet (1.21 to 2.43 m) from
the ground waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass underneath, when it will strike with its tail,
knocking the prey down, rendering them senseless. After the prey has been stunned, the
cat reverses its tail and strikes out again, impaling the hapless victim with its tremendous
spike then it hosts them up into the tree to feed on. While humanoids do need to worry
about becoming food, they are not the main food source. Sliver Cat’s typical prey consists
of rabbits, rodents, and young deer. However, the cat is notorious territorial and doesn’t
take kindly to any disturbance. Quite often a lumberjack has started working on a tree to
only end up knocked senseless from behind. During the day the cat does as little as
possible, it’s more or less active during the night, but even then it will almost never leave
the tree. While agile and efficient amid the branches, the cat is clumsy and slow on the
ground. Males and females avoid each other accept during mating season. Females usually
have a litter of 2 to 4 young. Domestication is possible but only with cubs. The older the
cats get, the more lethargic they become. In a Silver Cat’s entire life time, it may only
spend a week or less out of a tree.

Alignment: Considered anarchist
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S.
3D6+8, P.P. 1D6+6, P.E. 2D6+4, P.B. 2D6+4, Spd 1D6+4.
Hit Points: 4D6+12
S.D.C.: 2D6+24
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 6
P.P.E.: 3D6
Magic: None
Psionics: None, however it has the same sensitivity to the supernatural and potential
psychic energy as most felines.
Natural Abilities: Keen vision, nightvision 400 feet (122 m), climb 98%, prowl 85%,
swim 35%, prehensile tail, and leap 12 feet (3.6 m) high and 20 feet (6 m) across, W.P.
chain (equal to 10th level). Note: The tail is incredibly strong, able to carry 20 times their
P.S. in pounds, and lift/drag twice as much as it can carry.
Special Abilities: Chameleon (same as the wizard spell, unlimited duration) and critical
strike or knockout from behind or by surprise attack.
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Claws do 2D6 points of damage, bite 2D4 damage, and club tail 3D6+2
damage + P.S. attribute bonus (if any).
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +1 to strike (+5 with the tail), +1 to parry (+3 with the
tail), +5 to dodge for the tail itself, and +4 to save vs. horror factor.
Vulnerability: These lazy animals tire rather quickly if they engage intense physical
activity for any length of time (6 minutes the most). They are easily spooked by fire,
especially if torches are waved in their face. Once grounded, the cat is slow and clumsy
and can be easily killed.
Average Life Span: 15-20 years
Value: Fur: 50-60 gold.
Habitat: The southern forests of the Great Northern Wilderness and the woodlands of
the Eastern Territory, Timiro Kingdom, and Western Empire.
Language: None
Enemies: They don’t care for lumberjacks or anyone else that trespasses into their
Allies: Though weary of humanoids, the can be domestic under the right amount of training.
Physical Appearance: A large cougar with a beautiful silver colored coat, with white
around the eyes and paws, and an incredibly long tail with a spiked club at the end. It has
bright red eyes that are vertical slit. The eyes are a dead give away at night or chameleon.
Size: Body 3 ½ -5 ½ feet (1-1.67 m), plus tail: 9 to 12 feet (2.74-3.65 m).
Weight: 200-300 lbs (90 to 135 kg).

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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Nice additions, Reagren. Kind of taken aback by how slow that last cat was, however. 1D6+4 seems REALLY slow for a large cat.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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That cat never leaves the tree and its slowness is a natural part of it anatomy. What's really
scary is there are some in this country who believe the Sliver Cat is REAL!!!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Reagren Wright wrote:What's really scary is there are some in this country who believe the Sliver Cat is REAL!!!
That is true of many creatures. Many people believe that faeries, dragons and unicorns are real.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Chickagos are large flightless birds used for riding. Extremely shy, these birds are hard to capture. Once trained, however, Chickagos are highly loyal and obedient. Excellent swimmers and climbers, they do well on any type of terrain. With sharp claws for digging into ice, they can even be made to cross ice shelves and glaciers.
Chickago racing establishments have started popping up in some areas where gambling on them is a popular pastime. Fighting them against one another in illegal gambling dens has also cropped up, particularly amongst the trolls and orcs. Abuse of these birds has made them a protected species in some kingdoms where their well-being is a concern.
Chickagos live in flocks of 2d6 members, typically near bodies of water (lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, etc.). They will wander into plains areas when seeking food sources, making them easy prey for larger predatory animals.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1d6+4, M.A. 1d6+4, P.S. 4d6+2, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 3d6+10, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6X2+2
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2
S.D.C.: 1d4X10+10
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 6
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Climb 90%, swim 90%, keen eyesight and hearing, can leap 8 feet high or 16 feet lengthwise. Only 01-05% of Chickagos are capable of flight (flying at ground speed X2).
Attacks Per Melee: Two per round
Damage: Kick with clawed feet does 3d6 points of damage, bite 2d4+2 damage, head butt or peck 1d6
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and parry, +2 dodge
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 12-30 years
Value: Meat (whole animal): 80 gold; untrained: 1,000 to 6,000 gold, trained: 12,000 to 72,000 gold
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Northern Mountains, Great Northern Wilderness, Old Kingdom
Language: None, other than squawks and chirps, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: Large predatory animals, and they are captured and trained as mounts.
Allies: None, animal
Physical Appearance: They are very pretty birds with short feathers not suited for flight. Most remain the yellow plumage color of their early years, but males will develop other colors in later years, including feathers in red, pink, white, light blue, indigo, light green, violet, magenta, black and silver.
Size: 6-8 feet tall
Weight: 300-800 pounds
Behavior: Chickagos are herbivores, feeding mainly on plant materials such as grass and plants, as well as fruit and seeds. They nest on the ground and are fierce in protection of their young. They are a species nearing extinction and considered endangered in much of the Palladium World.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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According to the Field Guide to North American Monsters by W. Haden Blackman (a book used
by monsterologist, copyright 1998) 12 Sliver Cats live in the forests of the Great Lakes region
and central Canada. Unfortunately it only got two stars or two jersey devils meaning the
chance of you finding one are just above slim.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Worm Mount

Worm Mounts have been trained by riders in some areas due to their ability to cross quicksand and to burrow through the ground. Trey are popular with ogres, orcs, goblins and trolls. As the continue to get bigger and bigger as they age, they vary in size, so a rider seeking a mount specifically suited to their size will have quite a selection.
Worm Mounts prove difficult to train for many, which is why the best Worm Mounts are raised in pits where their escape is prevented by magical means. As Worm Mounts grow increasingly larger as they age, smaller ones more suited to smaller riders will be more immature, less trained and more temperamental. Those of advanced age found in the wild, however, are likely to be completely untrainable, as they are typically cranky, aggressive and hostile. Worm mounts also require large amounts of food the older they get, so a wild one will be capable of eating those who approach it rather than allow itself to be captured. Training is not needed in some cases where the rider can control the animal magically or by psionic means, also.

Alignment: Considered Anarchist
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1d6, M.A. 1d6, P.S. 4d6+2, P.P. 1d6+10, P.E. 2d6+10, P.B. 1d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X2
S.D.C.: 2d6+10, plus 2 points per foot of length
Natural A.R.: 12
P.P.E.: 2d4
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: The Worm Mount is virtually blind, but has an excellent sense of smell and the head is encircled by dozens of small motion detectors that act as sensors, registering every minute movement (range of detection: 200 feet). The acute sense of smell and natural motion detectors enables the worm to accurately locate and track prey; track by smell 89%. Other Abilities: Swim in quicksand as if in water 90% at twice ground speed, burrow through dirt/soil at half ground speed, and swim through water 30%.
Attacks Per Melee: Two per round
Damage: Bite does 2d6 damage, or slamming an opponent with its body doing 1d6 damage per 5 feet of length.
Bonuses: +1 to attack with body, +2 to strike with bite, +5 to save vs. poisons and toxins
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 60 years
Value: Trained: 10,000 gold
Habitat: Baalgor Wastelands, Land of the Damned
Languages: None, but can learn to understand commands in any language
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None, animal
Size: 5 feet long per year of age; 5-300 feet long
Weight: 15 pounds per foot of length

Not sure about the weight, so any feedback would be helpful.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Well, the world didn't end, so I'd better get busy with more monsters. I will have three days with nothing else to do since I won't be able to get online, so I hope to have more posted on Wednesday. Merry Christmas everyone.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Frog Prince

Frog Princes are the basis for many folk tales telling of frogs who are magically transformed into princes. In truth, Frog Princes are humanoid amphibians with the ability to transform into elf form when the need arises. Contrary to the name, Frog Princes can be male or female. Their frog-like appearance allows them to go unnoticed, blending in with their surroundings. They live in swampy areas in families of 2d6 members. When dealing with other humanoids, they assume an elven form, but they will remain in frog-like form when dealing with faerie folk.
Many have captured Frog Princes believing them to be capable of magically bestowing great wealth only to discover that they are incapable of such magic, and such has led to their deaths. Thus Frog Princes limit their dealings with humanoids in general.

Alignment: Any, but most are of good alignments
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+4, M.E. 3d6+2, M.A. 3d6+2, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6+2, P.E. 3d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 2d6+10 plus any bonuses gained from O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: None; needs armor to protect itself
Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E.: 4d6
O.C.C.s Available to Frog Princes: Any, but typically become thieves, men at arms and entertainers.
Natural Abilities: Swim 95%, prowl 75%, nightvision 40 feet, can hold breath 1d4+4 minutes, leap 20 feet up or 40 feet across. Their own shapechanging ability enables them to recognize or sense a Changeling 40% +4% per level of experience (they are -30% to recognize other shapechangers).
Limited Metamorphosis (Special): Frog Princes can transform at will into an elf of their same gender and general age (height and weight double, adds +1d6 to P.S., P.E. and P.B., and doubles S.D.C.). They cannot change into any other race. Duration of the metamorphosis is indefinite- will change to his natural form when slain, unconscious, sleeping or too drunk to concentrate.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to dodge, +1 save vs. magic
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 400 years; some have lived to 600
Habitat: Varied; any moist area near ponds, marshes and swamps
Languages: Elven and two of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se
Allies: Elves and Faerie Folk
Physical Appearance: They look like humanoid frogs. They vary in coloration from brown or gray to green and yellow.
Size: 2-4 feet tall
Weight: 50-150 pounds
Behavior: Frog Princes are shy and unassuming. When in leadership roles, they will often allow others to act in their place, leading from a place of safety. They are very mindful of their surroundings, using them to advantage. They can be aggressive in battle and make excellent tacticians. Frog Princes lay eggs underwater which develop into tadpoles, and they spend much of their formative years in the water.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Shield Bear

The Shield bear is a very intelligent animal which can be trained to guard in the same way a dog can be trained. It is an animal that is very much ursine but has a thick skin like a dragon, having a dense, shell-like exterior which makes it resemble an armadillo. Its sharp claws and teeth are like a bear's, making it quite formidable.

Alignment: Any
Attributes: I.Q. 2d4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 3d6+4, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: 1d4X10+40
S.D.C.: 2d4X10+30
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 3d6
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, nightvision 20 feet, prowl 35%, track by small 70% and swim 70%.
Attacks Per Melee: 4
Damage: Claws do 3d6+6 points of damage, bite does 2d6 damage, and a bear hug does 2d6+6 damage per melee round.
Bonuses: +3 initiative, +5 to strike, +2 to parry, +10 to save vs. horror factor and +2 to save vs. poison and disease
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 20-30 years
Value: 60,000 gold
Habitat: Forest; Baalgor Wastelands
Languages: None, but can learn commands in any language
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None, animal
Size: Body: 5-6 feet tall
Weight: 1200-2600 pounds
Behavior: This creature feeds largely on leaves, roots, fruit and nuts, but is also known to kill deer, bison and small animals as well. Shield Bears do not hibernate. Females give birth to a litter of 1 or 2 young after a gestation of 6-8 months. The young remain with their mother for about one year. They are generally solitary animals and have home ranges of up to 20 square miles. They are too heavy to climb trees and are not built for such activity.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Swan Maiden

Contrary to the name, Swan Maidens can be male or female. They appear as elves wearing feathered cloaks, but in truth the "cloaks" are plumage and wings which allow them to fly even when they are not transformed into swans. These shapechangers are akin to faerie folk, being very graceful, tall and slender, and having pointed ears. They are very calm and regal most of the time. They do not typically wear clothing, as the feathers and wings cover them when not in flight, and their magical nature causes the air and light around their bodies to have a shimmering effect, obscuring their bodies from view, but they can wear clothing if they so choose.
Until recent years, they were believed to have become extinct, yet over the last two decades they have been popping up in the land of the South Winds.

Alignment: Any, but most are of good alignments
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 3d6+2, M.A. 3d6+2, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6+2, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 4d6, Spd 4d6 (X2 for flight)
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 3d6+5 plus and bonuses gained by O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: None; needs armor to protect itself
Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E.: 2d4X10 plus P.E. attribute number. These P.P.E. points are added to those available if an occupation as a practitioner of magic is pursued.
O.C.C.s Available to Swan Maidens: Any
Natural Abilities; Fly, swim 95%, dive and swim up to four feet underwater, and has insulated, water repellant feathers in her "cloak". Their own shapechanging ability enables them to recognize or sense a Changeling 40% +4% per level of experience (they are -30% to recognize other shapechangers).
Limited Metamorphosis (special): Swan Maidens can transform at will into swans; swimming speed is doubled and flying speed is triple normal. Duration of the metamorphosis is indefinite- will change to her natural form when slain, unconscious, sleeping or too drunk to concentrate.
Attacks Per Melee: Three or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater, or two by magic.
Bonuses: +1 to save vs. magic
Magic: ALL Swan Maidens have the following natural magic abilities: Change wind direction, create mild wind, wind rush, call lightning, dissipate gases, calm storms, levitate. Equal to a 4th level warlock. Note: These magical abilities are in addition to any possible magic powers derived from a magic O.C.C.
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 300 years; some have lived to 500
Habitat: Land of the South Winds
Languages: Elven and two of choice (+20%)
Enemies: None per se
Allies: Elves and Faerie Folk
Physical Appearance: They look like elves with feathered cloaks which are actually plumage and wings.
Size: 5-6 feet tall, wingspan 4-5 feet
Weight: 120-180 pounds
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Demon Cat Dwarves

Demon Cat Dwarves are a race of magically altered dwarves with deformities which give them animal abilities. They are short, grotesque people who are hairless, with the females typically covering their bald heads with wigs. They are not actually demons, though some seem to have the abilities of such. The reason they are called Cat Dwarves is that most are born with thin whiskers on their faces resembling cats, which they keep throughout life, cat-like fangs and claws, and vestigial tails.
The Demon Cat Dwarves were originally normal dwarves who were magically altered for use as weapons in the great dwarf/elf wars, but their alterations made them incapable of breeding with regular dwarves. They live in underground tunnels and caves of mountains in groups of 2d8 members.
Demon Cat Dwarves are ill-tempered and wicked, disliking most other peoples. They are tolerated by dwarves and dwarvlings, goblins and trolls. They are hated, however, by actual demonic races for some unknown offense in times past.

Alignment: Any, but usually selfish or evil
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 3d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number plus 1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 4d6 plus bonuses gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills, or if gained as part of a Special Ability (see Demon Cat Dwarves Abilities Table)
Horror Factor: 12-18; 10 plus 2d8 additional
P.P.E.: 1d4X10+10
O.C.C.s Available to Demon Cat Dwarves: Any except long bowman (too short), knight, palladin or priest
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet, good day vision, impervious to fire, as well as any Special Abilities (Roll on Demon Cat Dwarves Abilities Table).
Attacks Per Melee: Three or by hand to hand combat training, whichever is greater.
Damage: Bite 1d6 damage, claws 1d6, or by weapon (These damages may be replaced by increased damage for bite and claws, and other natural weapons are available as Special Abilities on the Demon Cat Dwarves Abilities Table)
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +2 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. horror factor
Magic: ALL Demon Cat Dwarves have the following natural magic abilities: Mend stone, mend metal, tongues, repel animals and concealment. Equal to a 4th level wizard. Note: These magical abilities are in addition to and possible magic powers derived from a magic O.C.C.
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 300 years; some have lived to 500
Habitat: Land of the Damned, The Northern Mountains and the Old Kingdom
Languages: Dwarven and two of choice (+15%)
Enemies: Demonic races
Allies: Dwarves and Dwarvlings
Physical Appearance: They are short, hairless, ugly dwarves with claws and tails, as well as other types of various mutations.
Size: 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet tall
Weight: 100-180 pounds

Demon Cat Dwarves Abilities Table
Roll four times to determine random abilities. Only one type of bite and one type of claws can be selected, bonuses do not stack.
01-05% - See the invisible
06-10% - Impervious to cold
11-15% - Impervious to Electricity
16-20% - Bite: 2d6 damage
21-25% - Bite: 3d6 damage
26-30% - Bite: 4d6 damage
31-35% - Claws: 2d6 damage
36-40% - Claws: 3d6 damage
41-45% - Hooves: 3d6 kick damage
46-50% - Combat Tail: 2d6 blunt damage
51-55% - Fire Breath: 3d6 damage, range 20 feet, can perform two breath attacks per melee round
56-60% - Spit Acid: 4d6 damage, range 20 feet, can perform twice per melee round
61-65% - Single Horn: Add +1d6 to ram attack and head butt
66-70% - Pair of Horns: Add +2d4 to ram attack and head butt
71-75% - Triple-Horned: Add 3d6 to ram attack and head butt
76-80% - Gills: Breathe without air/underwater
81-85% - Glider Flaps: Allows flying/gliding leap for 200 feet across or down
86-90% - Feathered Arms/Wings: Allows flight at X3 ground speed
91-95% - Natural A.R. of 8, +10 S.D.C.
96-00% - Natural A.R. or 10, +20 S.D.C.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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The Hootari are a race of evil humanoid owl people with a dislike for other humanoid creatures. They hunt other sentient creatures for food, including Frog Princes, Lizard Men, Wabbits, Hoppitti, and Ratlings, in addition to other non-sentient creatures such as amphibians, lizards and rodents. They are nocturnal hunters, being magically linked to the night. They are giant humanoids, between 10 and 15 feet tall, but they can magically change size to try and pass for normal humans. Hootari are most powerful at night, having their mass and strength decrease during the daylight hours (Hit Points, S.D.C. and P.S. are halved during daylight hours). They also gain strength during the full moon (Hit Points, S.D.C. and P.S. attribute number is doubled during the nights of the full moon).
Hootari are solitary creatures, living alone unless taking a mate for breeding purposes, and highly territorial. If two males occupy the same 20 square mile territory, they will fight for dominance until one is either killed or forced to leave. They are most prevalent in the Great Northern Wilderness and have been seen in the Land of the Damned. When threats to their territory have been discovered, Hootari will try to walk among humans, using their ability to change size and disguises so as to blend in.

Alignment: Miscreant or diabolic evil
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+4, M.E. 2d6+4, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 4d6+6, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6+1, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6 (X5 for flight)
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 1d6X10+20 plus any from O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 6
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 6d6
O.C.C.s Available to Hootari: Any
Natural Abilities: Superior strength and endurance, poor daylight vision (100 feet), exceptional nightvision 1000 feet, exceptional sense of smell enables it to pinpoint its prey in the dark (2000 foot range), can turn head 200 degrees, track by smell 80%, track by sound 60%, see the invisible, fly, and prowl (silent glide attack) 50%
Reduce Size (special): The Hootari can half its size once per night to become a 5-7 foot tall humanoid, halving its Hit Points, S.D.C. and P.S. attribute number. This metamorphosis lasts for one hour; can be canceled any time. Does not change the Hootari's appearance at all, so additional measures must be taken for the Hootari to disguise itself. Remember, the Hootari sees its Hit Points, S.D.C. and P.S. doubled during the full moon, so halving doubled stats will make the Hootari's stats the same as normal when reducing its size during the nights of the full moon.
Attacks Per Melee: Three or by hand to hand combat, whichever is greater
Damage: Bite does 2d4 points of damage, claws/talons add 3d6 damage to kicks.
Special Combat Considerations for Hootari: As giants, Hootari inflict more damage than human-sized creatures, even bare-handed. Open-handed slap does 1d6 damage, a restrained punch does 2d4 damage, a full strength punch does 2d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus, a full strength kick does 3d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus (even before adding additional claw damage), a power punch does 4d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus but counts as two attacks. Said increased damage in not applicable when Hootari are reduced in size.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to dodge, +8 to save vs. horror factor
Magic: ALL Hootari have the following natural magic ability: Fear. Equal to a 4th level wizard. Note: This magic ability is in addition to any possible magic powers derived from a magic O.C.C.
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 500 years, some have lived to 800
Habitat: Great Northern Wilderness, Land of the Damned
Languages: Three of choice (+10%)
Enemies: Wolfen, giant humanoids in general
Allies: None
Appearance: Hootari are giant humanoids with the heads and wings of owls, but their upper torsos are completely human, including having human arms and hands. Their lower torsos are birdlike, having birdlike feet and talons/claws.
Size: 10-15 feet tall; 9 feet plus 1d6 additional
Weight: 300-500 pounds
Notes: Hootari are capable of using swords which humans must use two-handed as single-hand weapons. They prefer swords but will also use axes and other types of weapons. They cannot wear armor, as this interferes with flight, unless it is custom made or they wear only partial armor which leaves their back exposed. Hootari generally dislike clothing, as it hinders their movement and it is costly for them to have made, but they will strip clothing off of dead bodies or steal them in order to try and pass for human when reducing their size.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I like the Demon Cat Dwarves. It is interesting to see creatures that have lots of optional extra abilities.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:I like the Demon Cat Dwarves. It is interesting to see creatures that have lots of optional extra abilities.
It was a lot of fun doing that one.
Anything anyone would like to see done?
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Shield Giant

Shield Giants are said to have been created as the minions of a very powerful and ancient god, but if so, that god no longer lays any claim to them. Few in number, it is said that only one of them is born in a century. Shield Giants are solitary, usually not living within 200 miles of one another, and will only live in family groups when raising a child.
Having thick hide like dragons, they are imposing opponents. If not for their sense of fair play, Shield Giants could easily defeat other giants, being magically able to change their size to tower over the tallest of them. When meeting other peoples, Shield Giants will change size to be a closer match to those they are meeting with. This does, however, leave them more vulnerable to attack. They rarely assume their larger, increased size, using this only when facing much larger opponents and monsters.

Alignment: Principled
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 4d6, P.S. 5d6+2, P.P. 4d6, P.E. 4d6+6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 2d4X10+20 plus any from O.C.C.s and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 1d4X10+20
O.C.C.s Available to Shield Giants: Any, typically men of arms
Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance, considered supernatural. Resistant to heat and fire (half damage), nightvision 40 feet, good overall vision and hearing.
Change Size (special): Shield Giants can change their size to become smaller, closer to the size of humans, or increase their size to become even larger. Either size change/metamorphosis lasts for only one hour and can be canceled any time.
Reduce Size: The Shield Giant halves his size to become a 6-8 foot tall humanoid. -1d6 to all unarmed physical strike damage, -2 to Horror Factor, -3 to A.R.; weight, P.S., Hit Points and S.D.C. are halved.
Increase Size: The Shield Giant doubles his size to become a 24-32 foot tall giant. +1d6 to all unarmed physical strike damage, +2 to Horror Factor, +3 to A.R.; weight, P.S., Hit Points and S.D.C. are doubled.
Attacks Per Melee: Three per round or by hand to hand combat, whichever is greater.
Damage: Restrained, open-handed slap does 1d6 damage, a restrained punch does 2d4 damage, a full strength punch inflicts 2d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus, a full strength kick does 3d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus, a power punch does 4d6 damage +P.S. damage bonus but counts as two attacks, or by weapon.
Bonuses: +2 initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to pull punch, +1 to roll with impact or fall, +8 to save vs. horror factor, +1 to save vs. poison, drugs and disease.
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 600 years, but some have lived to 1000!
Habitat: Baalgor Wastelands, Old Kingdom
Languages: Troll/Giantese and two of choice (+10%)
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None per se
Physical Appearance: Giant, with golden or bronze reptilian skin, dark eyes.
Size: 12-16 feet tall
Weight: 1200-1600 pounds
Favorite Weapons: Giant-sized large swords, battle axes, ball and chain, and blunt. They typically do not wear armor, or clothing for that matter.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I like the Demon Cat Dwarves. It is interesting to see creatures that have lots of optional extra abilities.
It was a lot of fun doing that one.
Anything anyone would like to see done?
More variants and offshoots of Dwarves. Maybe a type of undead dwarf.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:I like the Demon Cat Dwarves. It is interesting to see creatures that have lots of optional extra abilities.
It was a lot of fun doing that one.
Anything anyone would like to see done?
More variants and offshoots of Dwarves. Maybe a type of undead dwarf.
I'll keep that in mind. I have a few other ideas brewing as well...
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »


Knockers are supernatural creatures resembling dead dwarves and are mistakenly believed to be undead. What they are are carnivorous creatures which will eat living flesh as well as carrion who dwell underground where they are known to prey on miners. They are known for frequenting graveyards as well. They are blind creatures which track by smell and sense where people are by their heat, and they are most attracted by the scent of blood. They are sometimes found on the battlefield gnawing on corpses.

Alignment: Selfish or evil
Attributes: I.Q. 1d6 (animal intelligence), M.E. 2d6, M.A. 1d6, P.S. 3d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 2d6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number X3
S.D.C.: 3d4X10
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 13
P.P.E.: 1d4X10
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Sense/smell prey 90%, track by smell 85%, can sense heat of prey in a fight, allowing it to fight without penalties for being blind and gets an additional bonus of +1 to strike. Vulnerable to fire (double damage), impervious to cold, immune to poisons and toxins, impervious to disease, and can burrow through dirt at half normal ground speed.
Attacks Per Melee: Two
Damage: Bite 1d6, claws 1d4, punch 1d6, kick 2d4
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to save vs. magic, +6 to save vs. horror factor
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: Immortal (unless killed)
Value: None
Habitat: Found in mountains; Land of the Damned, the Northern Mountains, Old Kingdom Mountains
Languages: None
Enemies: All intelligent, handsome or pretty beings
Allies: None, animal
Size: 3 to 3 and 1/2 feet tall
Weight: 80-120 pounds
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Urgogs are a race of toad-like humanoids who are warlike and predatory, attacking other peoples whom they perceive as threats. They are ugly, bloated people, yet are highly vain, believing themselves to be beautiful, and they typically spend large amounts of money in attempts to make themselves more attractive. This includes collecting jewelry and clothing. Their homes are often also filled with art that they collect from other peoples, for in spite of having no real talent for art themselves, they like the social status of owning such things. The less honest of their race will attack other peoples to steal their possessions.
Urgogs have toxic skin and poisonous venom sacs and are rather nasty to come into contact with. The acid in their skin stains any clothing they wear, eventually ruining it, but they would rather wear stained and ruined clothing than appear destitute.
They live in areas with lots of grass, and around ponds and lakes.

Alignments: Any, but lean toward selfish or evil
Attributes: I.Q. 2d6+2, M.E. 2d6, M.A. 2d6, P.S. 3d6+4, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 2d6+10, P.B. 1d6, Spd 2d6+10
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
S.D.C.: 1d4X10, plus any gained by O.C.C. and physical skills
Natural A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 2d6
O.C.C.s Available to Urgogs: Any
Natural Abilities: Swim 70%, nightvision 40 feet, prowl 30%, and resistant to poisons and toxins (half damage). Leap up to 7 feet high and 20 feet long.
Attacks Per Melee: Three or by hand to hand combat, whichever is greater
Damage: Bite does 2 points of damage, can spit/secrete poison for 2d6 damage at a range of 20 feet (half damage if a successful save vs. poison is made; 14 or better, P.E. bonus applies). They also exude toxic secretions when they are touched, causing irritation to mucous membranes, causing 1d4 points of damage for 1d4 melee rounds unless washed off with soap and water.
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to dodge, +4 to save vs. poisons (immune to its own poison and toxicity, resistant to all other poisons, taking only half damage), +2 to save vs. horror factor
Magic: By O.C.C. only
Psionics: Standard
Average Life Span: 40 years, but some have lived to 60
Habitat: Ophid's Grasslands, Land of the South Winds, Eastern Territory Grasslands
Languages: Own language, both spoken and written, plus two of choice (+15%)
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None per se
Size: 4 to 4 and 1/2 feet tall
Weight: 75-100 pounds
Notes: They tend to be very hostile, aggressive and territorial. They are highly materialistic, with social status being based on how many things they have accumulated. Fatness is considered a sign of wealth, also. A typical small tribe of Urgog will have 1d4X10 members. They build their homes in mud mounds and are known to accumulate large amounts of treasure.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

This one is one that could be used in a Steampunk type setting.


Gremlins are a type of pixie with gray reptilian skin. They possess a type of jinx magic that is different from other faerie folk, as theirs causes tools to break when used and machines to malfunction. They stand approximately one foot tall and have black or gray hair. They prefer to live in towns there they can have access to things built by men, and delight in causing wagon wheels to fall off, doorknobs to come loose, and machines to malfunction or fall apart. They thrive on mischief, basically. The larger a town the better, since the more havoc they cause the better they feel.

Alignment: Any, but most lean toward anarchist and miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6+2, M.A. 2d6+2, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 3d6+6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 2d6+1 (minimum of 6), Spd 4d6 running and 2d6X10+50 flying
Size: 12 inches tall and weighs one pound
Natural A.R.: 9
Hit Points: P.E.X6
S.D.C.: 5d6
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1d6X100
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet, keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, sense location of ley lines 30%, and they can pass through metal much like a ghost.
Jinx Machines and Tools: Causes constructs, vehicles, buildings and tools to break or fall apart and machines to become inoperable and unable to be repaired for 1d4 hours. Attempts to fix said objects and structures will automatically fail or cause the item further damage.
Magic Spells: Sleep, mend stone, mend metal and chameleon
Psionics: None
Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, +6 to save vs. horror factor
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +25% skill bonus, basic mechanics 70%, masonry 70%, carpentry 70%, pick locks 80%, pick pockets 60%, prowl 60%, climb 70/60%, faerie lore 90%, gymnastics 64% and select one W.P. of choice. Skills do not increase.
Average Life Span: As pixies, they are effectively immortal and can only die when being slain.
Habitat: Villages and towns, wherever large concentrations of people live. Found in all areas of the Palladium World and in the Realm of Kh'ron (See Kronos God of Time topic thread).
Notes: May wear soft leather armor or colorful clothes. They don't trust most big folk but are more daring than faeries when approaching humanoids. Knives are a favorite weapon and tool. Mischievous and destructive.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by JuliusCreed »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:This one is one that could be used in a Steampunk type setting.


Gremlins are a type of pixie with gray reptilian skin. They possess a type of jinx magic that is different from other faerie folk, as theirs causes tools to break when used and machines to malfunction. They stand approximately one foot tall and have black or gray hair. They prefer to live in towns there they can have access to things built by men, and delight in causing wagon wheels to fall off, doorknobs to come loose, and machines to malfunction or fall apart. They thrive on mischief, basically. The larger a town the better, since the more havoc they cause the better they feel.

Alignment: Any, but most lean toward anarchist and miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6+2, M.A. 2d6+2, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 3d6+6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 2d6+1 (minimum of 6), Spd 4d6 running and 2d6X10+50 flying
Size: 12 inches tall and weighs one pound
Natural A.R.: 9
Hit Points: P.E.X6
S.D.C.: 5d6
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1d6X100
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet, keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, sense location of ley lines 30%, and they can pass through metal much like a ghost.
Jinx Machines and Tools: Causes constructs, vehicles, buildings and tools to break or fall apart and machines to become inoperable and unable to be repaired for 1d4 hours. Attempts to fix said objects and structures will automatically fail or cause the item further damage.
Magic Spells: Sleep, mend stone, mend metal and chameleon
Psionics: None
Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, +6 to save vs. horror factor
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +25% skill bonus, basic mechanics 70%, masonry 70%, carpentry 70%, pick locks 80%, pick pockets 60%, prowl 60%, climb 70/60%, faerie lore 90%, gymnastics 64% and select one W.P. of choice. Skills do not increase.
Average Life Span: As pixies, they are effectively immortal and can only die when being slain.
Habitat: Villages and towns, wherever large concentrations of people live. Found in all areas of the Palladium World and in the Realm of Kh'ron (See Kronos God of Time topic thread).
Notes: May wear soft leather armor or colorful clothes. They don't trust most big folk but are more daring than faeries when approaching humanoids. Knives are a favorite weapon and tool. Mischievous and destructive.

Steampunk nothing! Cut a few of these buggers loose in Rifts and watch the CS scramble for cover! :lol:
Sure, lions and tigers are stronger...
But I've never seen a wolf jump through hoops in a circus
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Gryphon Chick »

JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This one is one that could be used in a Steampunk type setting.


Gremlins are a type of pixie with gray reptilian skin. They possess a type of jinx magic that is different from other faerie folk, as theirs causes tools to break when used and machines to malfunction. They stand approximately one foot tall and have black or gray hair. They prefer to live in towns there they can have access to things built by men, and delight in causing wagon wheels to fall off, doorknobs to come loose, and machines to malfunction or fall apart. They thrive on mischief, basically. The larger a town the better, since the more havoc they cause the better they feel.

Alignment: Any, but most lean toward anarchist and miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6+2, M.A. 2d6+2, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 3d6+6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 2d6+1 (minimum of 6), Spd 4d6 running and 2d6X10+50 flying
Size: 12 inches tall and weighs one pound
Natural A.R.: 9
Hit Points: P.E.X6
S.D.C.: 5d6
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1d6X100
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet, keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, sense location of ley lines 30%, and they can pass through metal much like a ghost.
Jinx Machines and Tools: Causes constructs, vehicles, buildings and tools to break or fall apart and machines to become inoperable and unable to be repaired for 1d4 hours. Attempts to fix said objects and structures will automatically fail or cause the item further damage.
Magic Spells: Sleep, mend stone, mend metal and chameleon
Psionics: None
Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, +6 to save vs. horror factor
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +25% skill bonus, basic mechanics 70%, masonry 70%, carpentry 70%, pick locks 80%, pick pockets 60%, prowl 60%, climb 70/60%, faerie lore 90%, gymnastics 64% and select one W.P. of choice. Skills do not increase.
Average Life Span: As pixies, they are effectively immortal and can only die when being slain.
Habitat: Villages and towns, wherever large concentrations of people live. Found in all areas of the Palladium World and in the Realm of Kh'ron (See Kronos God of Time topic thread).
Notes: May wear soft leather armor or colorful clothes. They don't trust most big folk but are more daring than faeries when approaching humanoids. Knives are a favorite weapon and tool. Mischievous and destructive.

Steampunk nothing! Cut a few of these buggers loose in Rifts and watch the CS scramble for cover! :lol:
Yes, I can see them wreaking havok on battle armor. Oh, the humanity!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Gryphon Chick wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This one is one that could be used in a Steampunk type setting.


Gremlins are a type of pixie with gray reptilian skin. They possess a type of jinx magic that is different from other faerie folk, as theirs causes tools to break when used and machines to malfunction. They stand approximately one foot tall and have black or gray hair. They prefer to live in towns there they can have access to things built by men, and delight in causing wagon wheels to fall off, doorknobs to come loose, and machines to malfunction or fall apart. They thrive on mischief, basically. The larger a town the better, since the more havoc they cause the better they feel.

Alignment: Any, but most lean toward anarchist and miscreant
Attributes: I.Q. 3d6, M.E. 2d6+2, M.A. 2d6+2, P.S. 1d6, P.P. 3d6+6, P.E. 2d6, P.B. 2d6+1 (minimum of 6), Spd 4d6 running and 2d6X10+50 flying
Size: 12 inches tall and weighs one pound
Natural A.R.: 9
Hit Points: P.E.X6
S.D.C.: 5d6
Horror Factor/Awe: 8
P.P.E.: 1d6X100
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet, keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, sense location of ley lines 30%, and they can pass through metal much like a ghost.
Jinx Machines and Tools: Causes constructs, vehicles, buildings and tools to break or fall apart and machines to become inoperable and unable to be repaired for 1d4 hours. Attempts to fix said objects and structures will automatically fail or cause the item further damage.
Magic Spells: Sleep, mend stone, mend metal and chameleon
Psionics: None
Combat: Four physical hand to hand attacks per melee or two using magic
Bonuses: +1 initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry, +2 dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, +6 to save vs. horror factor
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player characters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +25% skill bonus, basic mechanics 70%, masonry 70%, carpentry 70%, pick locks 80%, pick pockets 60%, prowl 60%, climb 70/60%, faerie lore 90%, gymnastics 64% and select one W.P. of choice. Skills do not increase.
Average Life Span: As pixies, they are effectively immortal and can only die when being slain.
Habitat: Villages and towns, wherever large concentrations of people live. Found in all areas of the Palladium World and in the Realm of Kh'ron (See Kronos God of Time topic thread).
Notes: May wear soft leather armor or colorful clothes. They don't trust most big folk but are more daring than faeries when approaching humanoids. Knives are a favorite weapon and tool. Mischievous and destructive.

Steampunk nothing! Cut a few of these buggers loose in Rifts and watch the CS scramble for cover! :lol:
Yes, I can see them wreaking havok on battle armor. Oh, the humanity!

I was thinking strictly in terms of PFRPG, but I suppose they would do well to wreak havoc in other settings as well. :lol:
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Reagren Wright wrote:DEMON BOAR

According to Wolfen lore, the god Hoknar bragged to his brother Locknar that boar hunting
had become too easy for him, so the god of mischief created a race of wild boar so savage
and ferocious that his brother gave up boar hunting after being mauled by a single one. If
the legend is true its remains to be seen, but anyone who hunts Demon Boars is likely to
admit one almost needs to be a god to go after one. Demon Boars like their smaller cousins,
are omnivorous scavengers, eating almost anything organic they come across, as well as
young deer, fish, and small mammals. Anything that appears threatening is attacked with
savage vigor. It lacks any sense of fear or caution and will tenaciously fight to the death. A
male lowers its head, charges, and then slashes upward with his tusks, sometimes trample
the opponent with its immense girth. Females are just as dangerous, perhaps even more so
when they are protecting their young. It’s easy to get the pigs mad. If wounded enough,
they go into blood frenzy, attack everything in sight (a sow will never attack her offspring)
until it’s dead or no longer poses a threat. Climbing into a tree won’t do any good either, for
the hog will collide into the tree until it topples. Even for a group of experienced Wolfen
hunters taking on a single Demon Boar can be risky, yet for some it’s worth the risk. Demon
Boar are farmed for their meat, and in the Western Empire only the nobility are able to
afford even a single slice on a dinner plate. In the Eastern Territory, Demon Boar meat ranks
among the highest priced types of meat and only the finest taverns and inns offer in on
their menus.

Males are solitary animals while females and their offspring (both sub-adult males and
females) live in groups numbering around 20 animals, although groups of over 50 have been
seen in the Northern Hinterlands. They forage in the early morning and late afternoon or at
night, but rest for periods during both night and day. The pigs can be lured into the open
with prodigious amounts of food, especially sweet apples and piles of raw meat. However,
once the pig makes an appearance, it will attack any humanoids in the area before turning
its attention to the food pile.

Alignment: Considered miscreant
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 1D6 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S.
5D6+6, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 6D6, P.B. 1D6+4, Spd 5D6, but can double its speed in burst lasting
Hit Points: 6D6+8
S.D.C.: 6D6+20
Natural Armor Rating: 8
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 4D6
Magic: None
Psionics: None.
Natural Abilities: Superior endurance, nightvision 40 feet (12 m), track by smell 70%,
swimming 40%, and takes half damage from cold (even magical).
Special Abilities: When the boar loses all of its S.D.C., it goes into a frenzy state, attacking
everything in sight with full force. It will not stop attacking until everything around it is
killed or incapacitated. Frenzy bonuses and abilities: One additional attack per melee, +30%
increases to hit points and Spd attribute, +1D6 damage, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge. The
pig feels no pain, ignores all damage inflicted upon it, and cannot be subdued by charm,
sleep, fear magic, and becomes impervious to horror factor, and most psionics. This frenzy
last equal to P.E. attribute in melee rounds.
Damage: Tusks do 3D6+2 points of damage, head butt 2D6 damage, and trample 3D6
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs.
poison & disease, +8 to save vs. horror factor.
Value: Hide 75-100 gold; meat (whole animal 250-400 gold). They cannot be domesticated.
Average Life Span: 10-12 years
Habitat: Ophid Grasslands and the western forests of the Great Northern Wilderness. There
are alleged sightings in the Disputed Region of the Eastern Territory but have yet to be
Language: None.
Enemies: They are a prey animal for wolves, tigers, bears, mountain lions, and Wolfen. Full
grown adults, due to their size, strength, and vicious aggression, are generally avoided.
Allies: None
Physical Appearance: They are a giant species of wild boar and domestic pig. Unlike a
normal boar, they lack fur on their body. Their skin is ochre in color, becoming bright red
when they frenzy. Both adult males and females develop huge tusks from their upper and
lower canine teeth. The upper tusks are bent upwards in males. There is a sharp rigid
running down the length of the male’s spine.
Size: Full grown adults are 10 to 12 feet (3.0 to 3.6 m) from snout to tail. A full grown
male’s tusks measure 20-28 inches (50-70 cm).
Weight: Full grown adults can weight over a 1000 lbs (450 kg).

Mate, I see where my GM got the idea for last nights game! LOL South Watch had offered a sizable reward (title and land 200 acres or 500,000 gold in old kingdom coinage) to anyone who could kill one and instruct others to do the same. A short solo mission that I opted to take and do as a solo mission. Apparently there is an over population of them there or a big banquet or something. I don't know!

Thankfully they can't fly or jump 60' high! I must confess though, the GM acted rather shocked when I first encountered it through the eyes of my falcon familiar. I didn't freak out! First I cast invisibility superior (didn't want it knowing I was coming), then fly like an eagle found my falcon and my mighty quarry, and flew up to 60'. And proceeded to lob lightning at it.

I fight smart, or at least I try to.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Glad you survived your encounter. The tale of how two party members and a half dozen
hunters npcs (in red shirts) got slaughtered by four boars takes to long to tell but its a funny
one. The idea of a vicious hogzilla I've always found deliciously wicked :twisted:
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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I forgot 1 key thing. Before he started calling lightning, he did 4 concentric, though not really evenly spaced, wall of ivy around the boar. He knows enough about wounded animals from personal experience with regular boars to at least try to avoid that. Plus I did not want that thing hurting anyone, and there happened to be a village near by. So, for my added precaution I earned 1000 exp. For a flawless victory against a great menace I got 300 exp. :lol: Well, I really can't gripe too much...after all, he's new to our house rules so, it's cool.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:Thankfully they can't fly or jump 60' high!
It would not take much to give them bat-like leathery wings, though, for flight at X3 ground speed!
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Thankfully they can't fly or jump 60' high!
It would not take much to give them bat-like leathery wings, though, for flight at X3 ground speed!

Perhaps the god who created them will add that feature now that some smart*** wizard has mastered them and told others how to conquer them. Or make them like this: Or perhaps not.

But I do expect to hear from the gods Hoknar and his brother, Locknar just any game now. Look at what this mortal has done. Provided my GM used that background.

Neat, concept though. Based on actual bores too. I remember an issue of bow hunters. Check out: ... 24&bih=616

One thing about it though, my PC sure as hell fed some people with that kill.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Thankfully they can't fly or jump 60' high!
It would not take much to give them bat-like leathery wings, though, for flight at X3 ground speed!

Perhaps the god who created them will add that feature now that some smart*** wizard has mastered them and told others how to conquer them. Or make them like this: Or perhaps not.
Hmmm... firebreathing bipedal pig people... I think I am inspired to create such a thing. :-)
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Thankfully they can't fly or jump 60' high!
It would not take much to give them bat-like leathery wings, though, for flight at X3 ground speed!

Perhaps the god who created them will add that feature now that some smart*** wizard has mastered them and told others how to conquer them. Or make them like this: Or perhaps not.
Hmmm... firebreathing bipedal pig people... I think I am inspired to create such a thing. :-)
Okay, here is my take on a dragon-type boar:

Dragon Boar

The Dragon Boar is not a true dragon, but is so named because of its fire breath and great leather wings. It is a creature created by magic. Legend has it that it was created to keep hunters from poaching boars in the forest of an old kingdom.
Dragon Boars are ferocious, aggressive and mean-spirited creatures of low intelligence.

Alignment: Evil
Attributes: I.Q. 1d4 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1d6, M.A. 1d6, P.S. 5d6, P.P. 3d6, P.E. 4d6, P.B. 2d6, Spd 4d6 (as quadruped, ground speed is 1/4 for bipedal movement; X4 in flight)
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +40
S.D.C.: 2d6X10+20
Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 2d4X10
O.C.C.: Not applicable
Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 60 feet, impervious to fire, prowl 44%, track by smell 44%, and swim 50%. Heals twice as quickly as a human. Can walk as biped or quadruped.
Fire Breath: Inflicts 4d6 points of damage; range: 10 feet. Can be used once per melee round.
Attacks Per Melee: Three
Damage: Tusks do 2d6+3 points of damage, head butt 1d6 damage, trample 4d6 damage, front leg kick 1d6, back leg 2d6, flying or running charge and ram with head down does 5d6 damage
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to dodge on ground, +4 to dodge in flight, and +2 to save vs. magic
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Average Life Span: 1000 years, though some have lived to 1800
Value: Hide: 500 gold, Meat (whole animal): 1000-2000 gold, Bones: 400-500 gold.
Habitat: Land of the Damned, the Great Northern Wilderness
Languages: None, except for grunts and squeals
Enemies: Large predatory animals
Allies: None, animal
Size: Body: 10-12 feet; tail: 2-3 feet; wingspan: 18-22 feet
Weight: 2000-4000 pounds
Behavior: Dragon Boars live in groups of up to 8 members. They prefer to have a source of water and shelter close by. They are carnivores primarily and feed on mall to medium sized mammals, but they will also eat grass, fruit and roots. They are aggressive and mean-spirited and are known to attack anything if startled. They breed in the spring, but typically only do so once every ten years, and 2-4 young are born after a gestation period of 5-6 months.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:The Dragon Boar is not a true dragon, but is so named because of its fire breath and great leather wings. It is a creature created by magic. Legend has it that it was created to keep hunters from poaching boars in the forest of an old kingdom.
Dragon Boars are ferocious, aggressive and mean-spirited creatures of low intelligence.

If I didn't know better, I would swear you were referring to my ex. :lol:

Guys...Meat (whole animal): 200-400 gold? Guys, come on! Think, reason! That's 2000-4000 pounds of nice lean pork. And this isn't D&D, so please stop devaluing meat. I could feed a large village or small town. Also, there is also ivory in those teeth to be priced.

I believe my 7th level wizard could take one. If you're willing to run the game, Stone. One thing though, my web cam broke a few days ago, but I can order another next month. Figure his fame with killing the one will most likely spread to other kingdoms and fiefdoms, they will send riders, blah, blah, blah. Which will gives me another chance to think out side the box.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

pblackcrow wrote:Guys...Meat (whole animal): 200-400 gold? Guys, come on! Think, reason! That's 2000-4000 pounds of nice lean pork. And this isn't D&D, so please stop devaluing meat. I could feed a large village or small town. Also, there is also ivory in those teeth to be priced.
True, I have a hard time knowing how much to value the meat at. And, yes, should probably set a value on the bones. I will give it some thought and fix the prices when I figure out how much they are worth.

pblackcrow wrote:I believe my 7th level wizard could take one. If you're willing to run the game, Stone. One thing though, my web cam broke a few days ago, but I can order another next month. Figure his fame with killing the one will most likely spread to other kingdoms and fiefdoms, they will send riders, blah, blah, blah. Which will gives me another chance to think out side the box.
Possibly. I don't have a decent webcam either, though, and my time online in limited to times when I am at the public library. We would have to figure something out. Contact me by PM about it. 8)

Update: Okay, it does appear I undervalued the meat. Going by prices for the wild boar, and considering it is ten times the meat, you are looking at 1000-2000 gold for the meat. I also seem to have undervalued the hide, which will now be valued at 500 gold. The bones would probably go for 400-500 gold. I will edit the entry accordingly.
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Re: Monstrous Creations

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

The weight of an animal does not determine the value of its meat. In Monsters and Animals,
the meat of a blue whale is 600-1200 gold. Meat/oil of a gray whale is 200 gold. Wild boar is
100-200 gold for the whole animal. For the value of the Demon boar I is simply doubled the
value of the boar. I think its important to remember non-adventure characters are doing the
majority of the hunting for these animals so the price should be based on availability, difficult
of acquiring, processing, and demand of ordinary people.
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