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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
ESREVER333 wrote:Ohhh, like a small community or town. A prison without walls, fences, bars, jail cell, or handcuffs. No guards patrolling the halls.
That is what I would presume. Making it as big as a planet would far exceed the limits of a Major power.

So, Taalismn, would a Major version of Adaptive Bio-Attack do ten times normal damage, or how would that work?

That would be like Ultimate Nemesis grist....but offhand, yah. But I can see the abuse already.
You'd have an assassin going around hunting down people's DNA to eat, then kakking them with an UBER-attack that slays the target outright....
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Taalismn wrote:That would be like Ultimate Nemesis grist....but offhand, yah. But I can see the abuse already.
You'd have an assassin going around hunting down people's DNA to eat, then kakking them with an UBER-attack that slays the target outright....
It would be no worse than a power which allowed you to mimic a victim's powers while killing them in the process. Surely there's gotta be a market for lethal powers out there. LOL
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Insanity Mist [Minor]
"Are you kidding me? I'm not fighting Dementi-Kid. I'm not crazy....and I'd like to stay that way"

The character can project a light pastel mist from his body, that surrounds him and his general area. The mists interact with the brain's natural operating, causing misfires and possibly worse.
Range: 20 feet radius, centered on the character's body
Actions:2 actions to generate the mist, and a further action every melee round to maintain.
Effect: anyone breathing in these mists will find thoughts hard to form clearly. Targets in the mist lose 1 ME point per level of the character, and skill use suffers a penalty of -15%. these penalties fade 1d4 rounds after leaving the mist.
In addition, each target in the area must make a saving throw every melee round (save vs psionics) or suffer additional penalties. -1 action per melee, -2 to all combat abilities and a further -10% to skill use. four failed saving throws means a target must also save vs insanity (14+) or acquire a temporary random insanity
Drawbacks: The mist is a real physical object and will not flow through breathing apparatus. a target not breathing the mist (holding breath, or has a face mask on) is immune, BUT if any blood barrier permeable surface is within the mist (eyes or an open wound for example) they are vulnerable again (but have +4 to their saving throws)
Also, as a physical mist, strong winds and running water, even heavy rain can negate this power.

Hydra regeneration: [Major]
'Strike me down if you can'

The character regenerates lost body parts rapidly, but retains their usage after he has discarded them.
When the character takes any damage from a cutting wound, or large explosive or crushing force he may elect to third the damage, literally coming apart upon impact. limbs and any body parts lost in this way return within a few seconds (1 action - though the damage remains) but the discarded limbs continue to show will and function - animated limbs have one attack, and use half the character's combat bonuses, but otherwise function as bodyfreak/anatomical independence (PU1) The limbs have no powers of their own, but the character can use his powers through them. Animated limbs live only about 5 minutes per level of the character.

Other bonuses:
+2d4 to PE
+6D6 HP
Heals 1 HP per minute. heals SDC at double his normal rate
Cannot bleed to death. Organs regrow so quickly that he is immune to critical strikes (normal damage)

heart of coal [Minor]
'I'm afraid your pleas for mercy fall upon a heart blacker than even your foul deeds. Be still.'

The character's heart is a solid, semi rigid organ, that transmutes the fluid that passes through it, literally carbonizing his blood. The character enjoys a +1d6+1 to PE and 15 extra Hitpoints. Blood based poisons, blood borne diseases and effects that target the heart directly or indirectly are useless against this character.
The character can also deliberately harden his heart. when he does this he becomes cool and unfeeling. For every 2 points of MA damage he inflicts on himself he gains +1 PE, Gains a bonus 1D6+1 SDC and gains +2 to save vs any control of his emotions (including empathic transmission and Horror/awe factor). Spent MA returns at a rate of 1 point every 15 minutes.

more to come
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Unread post by taalismn »

Iczer wrote:[
heart of coal [Minor]

"What's that?!"
"Black blood of the Earth."
"You mean oil?!"
"No, I mean Black Blood of the Earth!"

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what about heart of diamond(minor) which is the oppisite of heart of coal?
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abe wrote:what about heart of diamond(minor) which is the oppisite of heart of coal?

hardly the opposite.

I don't do copies or variants. Copying and pasting my own work isn't really my style. Also, I was being metaphorical with the use of the word 'Coal'. It's not a heart of literal carbon, it's a variant organ.

Though 'alter physical structure of Organ' has a nice ring to it.

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I was thinking powerwise only with heart of diamond.
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Twin Tentacles (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The super being has a pair of tentacles which are prehensile and similar to those of an octopus. They can be used to operate machines, press buttons, pull levers, turn knobs, work a computer key pad, and pick up and carry items, tools and weapons with surprising agility. They can be located on his head, sprouting from his shoulders or back, coming out of his elbows or knees, or located on his sides under his arms or on his hips. Tentacles are 4-6 feet long.
P.S. of Tentacles: Regardless of the super being's usual level of strength, the tentacles have a P.S. of 2d6+10 which is considered Superhuman for the purpose of lifting and carrying. This is a separate P.S. rating specifically applied to the tentacles and does not affect the character's normal strength/P.S. attribute.
Damage: Tentacles can be used to punch or whip opponents to inflict 1d8 (or 2d4) damage.
Limitations: The character can only take this power once and cannot be taken more than once to stack bonuses; he is limited to two tentacles. If more tentacles are desired, it is recommended that the Tentacles power from the HU2 main rule book or Prodigious Multiple Limbs from PU3 be taken instead.
+25% to the climbing skill
+1 attack per melee round
+2 to strike, parry and entangle with tentacles
+2 to disarm with tentacles

I also did some earth elemental powers which I will be posting as I have time. They are my contribution to Gryphon Chick's efforts to do the Create Elemental Entity powers.
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Create Elemental Entity: Raising Rock (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows the character to create an anti-gravity field around a chunk of earth and turns it self-aware, making it capable of attacking on its own and moving within the range of the power.
Range: Affects an area of earth, causing it to separate from the ground to rise up and fly around within a 300 foot radius from the character, plus 30 feet per level of experience.
Size of Chunk of Rock: The chunk of earth can be any size up to about 10 feet long X 10 feet wide X 10 feet deep.
Duration: The anti-gravity field and self-awareness remain for ten minutes per level of experience of the character.
Attacks Per Melee: Uses 2 of the character's melee attacks/actions to create the anti-gravity field and separate the chunk of earth from the rest of the ground, which takes a full melee round in which the character can perform other actions. The chunk of earth itself has a number of attacks while self-aware equal to 3 at level one, plus an additional attack at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Movement: The chunk of rock can fly at a rate of speed equal to the character's ME attribute number.
Damage: The chunk of rock can slam into objects near it as a charge attack (using one of its melee attacks) for 5d6 damage, or crush objects under it by trapping them between it and the ground or other suitably large object/mass (uses 2 melee attacks), doing 2d4X10+40 damage (double damage to vehicles and large, crunchable objects).
Height/Altitude: Limited as per the range of the power from the character (300 feet up, plus 30 feet pet level of experience if the character is on the ground). By the character climbing onto the chunk of rock, however, the altitude become effectively unlimited. Travelling higher than 30,000 feet, however, requires a spacesuit and oxygen supply or environmental armor, or else the air will be too thin to breathe, as well as cold. Penalties: Loses 2 melee attacks per melee round and could lose consciousness and fall to earth (impact is automatic death). Breaking the ceiling of the atmosphere can send the character into outer space with the obvious lack of air and other deadly conditions. The character must also be careful to time his ascent and descent correctly to avoid being up in the air with no way to catch himself if the chunk of rock suddenly loses anti-gravity and he is unable to catch himself by using another chunk of earth to do so.
Last edited by Stone Gargoyle on Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I am considering adding attack damage to this power to account for it being used on targets, but then I would also have to go and do a revised version of CEF: Earth as well. Still considering it.

Rend Earth (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This is based on the sub-ability of CEF: Earth, HU2 main book page 258.
The super being can split the earth like a mini-earthquake, creating a 15 foot wide, 20 foot deep, and 40 foot long crevice. These are the maximum measurements and can be adjusted to the super being's desire by increments of one foot. The opening can be made up to 300 feet away and can be performed once every melee round. Thus its creator can add to its length every 15 seconds or create several different chasms.
This ability also enables the superpowered character to create openings in the walls of concrete, rick, plaster or stone (not wood) buildings. Even after the super being closes the wall, there will still be a noticeable crack, and at least minor structural damage, varying with the size of the earlier opening.
Range: 300 feet + 30 feet per level of experience.
Duration: The openings in the earth will remain until closed by the super being.
Damage: Falling into the chasm does 3d6 damage. Climbing down takes about two melee rounds; climbing up its sheer wall, four melee rounds. Rappelling is the bast way up and down.
Vehicles falling into the chasm will suffer 1d4X10 damage if they weren't moving or were traveling under 10 mph. Otherwise, add 4d6 damage for every additional 10mph.
Crushing Damage: The creator of the opening can also close it at any time (counts as two melee actions) and only one can be closed per melee round, and not in the same round that it was opened. It will close in one melee round (15 seconds) and will crush everything that has fallen into it like a giant vise! Damage is 2d4X10+40 (double damage to vehicles and large, crunchable objects). Dense, solid objects will suffer one quarter the damage, but will be completely buried. Note: Those not killed by this are buried and will suffocate within 3-4 minutes. Super beings who can dig tunnels should be able to dig themselves out. Those with Superhuman or Supernatural PS may also be able to slowly dig their way out, provided they don't run out of air. Those who have vast amounts of SDC will survive the crushing but will suffocate unless they don't need to breathe air or can hold their breath for a long period. Those with energy expulsion powers will be able to blast themselves an underground cavity to avoid being crushed and may also be able to blast an opening to the surface. People trapped inside vehicles that survive the crushing damage may also have a pocket of air. In chasms opened in urban areas, sewer and drain pipes may be ripped open (or be opened) to provide an escape or temporary safe haven.
Attacks Per Melee: The opening or closing of a chasm can only be performed once per melee round and uses up two melee attacks/actions.
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Hurl Earth (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
Based on the sub-ability of CEF: Earth, HU2 main book page 257
The character can cause chunks of earth to raise up and then hurl them at a target at speeds of approximately 70-90mph. Up to 50 pounds can be affected per melee attack. This chunk of earth (dirt, clay, rock, concrete, etc.) can be hurled as one chunk or several small chunks.
Range: 300 feet, plus 30 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant- each earth hurling action counts as two melee attacks/actions whether it is one pound or 50.
1d6 per 10 pounds of dirt, sand or clay
2d6 damage from a 1-10 pound stone; baseball to grapefruit sized rock
5d6 damage from an 11-20 pound flying rock; football to soccer ball sized
1d6X10 damage from a 21-39 pound rock; basketball size
2d4X10 damage from a 40-50 pound rock
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Earthen Armor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
Based on the sub-ability Earthen Exoskeleton of the power Earth Possession, PU3 pages 57-58.
The character can control earth, sand, soil, rock and stone, making it coat his body, forming an elemental outer skin, doubling his size and providing considerable AR and SDC.
Physical Attribute Bonuses: PS is doubled and becomes Superhuman, PE increases +1d4 points. PB is reduced to 1d6, however, and PP is reduced -1d6 and speed is reduced by 75%. Using other superabilities while in the Earthen Armor doubles their normsal cost in terms of attacks and halves the range of said powers. The Earthen Armor will cause the character to sink in water, but provides an air-tight containment that enables the character to walk on the bottom of lakes without trouble (one hour air supply per level of experience). Wight is 1d4 tons.
AR and SDC: AR and SDC vary depending on what the armor is made of. Whatever they are, attacks that hit, but which fall under or equal to the AR do no damage. Physical attacks that are higher than the AR do full damage to the Earthen Armor; fire, plasma, and cold attacks do half damage.
Remember, the actual material from which the armor is made must be available in sufficient quantities for the super being to draw upon them to build his armor. Trace amounts are not sufficient. Fortunately, earth/soil, clay and sand are usually available everywhere.
Earth/Dirt/Soil: AR 13 - 275 SDC
Mud: AR 12 - 200 SDC
Sand: AR 13 - 300 SDC
Clay: AR 14 - 350 SDC
Rock: AR 15 - 425 SDC
Light Metals (nickel, aluminum, tin, etc.): AR 13 - 220 SDC
Heavy Metals (lead, silver, etc.): AR 15 - 450 SDC
Iron: AR 16 - 500 SDC
Range: Self; must be in contact with the ground or other source of elemental earth material (touch).
Duration: Can maintain the Elemental Armor for one hour per level of experience.
Damage: Layer of earth adds +1d6 damage to physical attacks when wearing the Earthen Armor.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating the Earthen Armor takes two melee attacks/actions. Physical attacks while wearing the Earthen Armor cost an additional atrack to perform on top of their normal attack cost.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Create Elemental Entity: Raising Rock (minor) by Stone Gargoyle.

"Say hello to my new pet rock. Heh-heh." :twisted:

Oh yeah, next to having a small sentient thundercloud, a blob of water, or a mini firestorm accompanying you, this power's visually awesome. 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Earthen Armor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle.

"There's a very GOOD reason I'm all covered in mud, Mom." :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Earthen Armor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
Based on the sub-ability Earthen Exoskeleton of the power Earth Possession, PU3 pages 57-58.
The character can control earth, sand, soil, rock and stone, making it coat his body, forming an elemental outer skin, doubling his size and providing considerable AR and SDC.
Physical Attribute Bonuses: PS is doubled and becomes Superhuman, PE increases +1d4 points. PB is reduced to 1d6, however, and PP is reduced -1d6 and speed is reduced by 75%. Using other superabilities while in the Earthen Armor doubles their normsal cost in terms of attacks and halves the range of said powers. The Earthen Armor will cause the character to sink in water, but provides an air-tight containment that enables the character to walk on the bottom of lakes without trouble (one hour air supply per level of experience). Wight is 1d4 tons.
AR and SDC: AR and SDC vary depending on what the armor is made of. Whatever they are, attacks that hit, but which fall under or equal to the AR do no damage. Physical attacks that are higher than the AR do full damage to the Earthen Armor; fire, plasma, and cold attacks do half damage.
Remember, the actual material from which the armor is made must be available in sufficient quantities for the super being to draw upon them to build his armor. Trace amounts are not sufficient. Fortunately, earth/soil, clay and sand are usually available everywhere.
Earth/Dirt/Soil: AR 13 - 275 SDC
Mud: AR 12 - 200 SDC
Sand: AR 13 - 300 SDC
Clay: AR 14 - 350 SDC
Rock: AR 15 - 425 SDC
Light Metals (nickel, aluminum, tin, etc.): AR 13 - 220 SDC
Heavy Metals (lead, silver, etc.): AR 15 - 450 SDC
Iron: AR 16 - 500 SDC
Range: Self; must be in contact with the ground or other source of elemental earth material (touch).
Duration: Can maintain the Elemental Armor for one hour per level of experience.
Damage: Layer of earth adds +1d6 damage to physical attacks when wearing the Earthen Armor.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating the Earthen Armor takes two melee attacks/actions. Physical attacks while wearing the Earthen Armor cost an additional atrack to perform on top of their normal attack cost.

What is the users PS is already at EO, Superhuman or Supernatural to begin with?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Create Elemental Entity: Raising Rock (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows the character to create an anti-gravity field around a chunk of earth and turns it self-aware, making it capable of attacking on its own and moving within the range of the power.
Size of Chunk of Rock: The chunk of earth can be any size up to about 30 feet long X 30 feet wide X 30 feet deep.

This isn't a "rock" or even a "chunk of earth" 30x30x30 = 27,000 cubic feet of rock!! You are floating around a (I don't know what to call it but it is friggin' enormous) ... 0225-2.jpg

This is a 30ft tall rock

I believe this may need nerfed, or that or you need to ramp up the weight of the stone and the damage it does. Take the following into account

The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was almost 10 metres (33 ft) high and weighed 82 tons;

your 30x30x30 rock would be considerably larger.
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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NMI wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Earthen Armor (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
Based on the sub-ability Earthen Exoskeleton of the power Earth Possession, PU3 pages 57-58.
The character can control earth, sand, soil, rock and stone, making it coat his body, forming an elemental outer skin, doubling his size and providing considerable AR and SDC.
Physical Attribute Bonuses: PS is doubled and becomes Superhuman, PE increases +1d4 points. PB is reduced to 1d6, however, and PP is reduced -1d6 and speed is reduced by 75%. Using other superabilities while in the Earthen Armor doubles their normsal cost in terms of attacks and halves the range of said powers. The Earthen Armor will cause the character to sink in water, but provides an air-tight containment that enables the character to walk on the bottom of lakes without trouble (one hour air supply per level of experience). Wight is 1d4 tons.
AR and SDC: AR and SDC vary depending on what the armor is made of. Whatever they are, attacks that hit, but which fall under or equal to the AR do no damage. Physical attacks that are higher than the AR do full damage to the Earthen Armor; fire, plasma, and cold attacks do half damage.
Remember, the actual material from which the armor is made must be available in sufficient quantities for the super being to draw upon them to build his armor. Trace amounts are not sufficient. Fortunately, earth/soil, clay and sand are usually available everywhere.
Earth/Dirt/Soil: AR 13 - 275 SDC
Mud: AR 12 - 200 SDC
Sand: AR 13 - 300 SDC
Clay: AR 14 - 350 SDC
Rock: AR 15 - 425 SDC
Light Metals (nickel, aluminum, tin, etc.): AR 13 - 220 SDC
Heavy Metals (lead, silver, etc.): AR 15 - 450 SDC
Iron: AR 16 - 500 SDC
Range: Self; must be in contact with the ground or other source of elemental earth material (touch).
Duration: Can maintain the Elemental Armor for one hour per level of experience.
Damage: Layer of earth adds +1d6 damage to physical attacks when wearing the Earthen Armor.
Attacks Per Melee: Creating the Earthen Armor takes two melee attacks/actions. Physical attacks while wearing the Earthen Armor cost an additional atrack to perform on top of their normal attack cost.

What is the users PS is already at EO, Superhuman or Supernatural to begin with?
I was basing the strength on how it is listed in the book for Earth Possession. I would have to say, though, that if you are already at Supernatural strength then the strength would not be doubled, it would remain the same. If you are at Extraordinary or normal strength, then yes, it would double and be considered Superhuman. If you are at Superhuman Strength, it would double and become Supernatural. Does that sound about right? I have not done the math to see what the numbers wind up like, but that sounds about right to me.
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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Create Elemental Entity: Raising Rock (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
This power allows the character to create an anti-gravity field around a chunk of earth and turns it self-aware, making it capable of attacking on its own and moving within the range of the power.
Size of Chunk of Rock: The chunk of earth can be any size up to about 30 feet long X 30 feet wide X 30 feet deep.

This isn't a "rock" or even a "chunk of earth" 30x30x30 = 27,000 cubic feet of rock!! You are floating around a (I don't know what to call it but it is friggin' enormous) ... 0225-2.jpg

This is a 30ft tall rock

I believe this may need nerfed, or that or you need to ramp up the weight of the stone and the damage it does. Take the following into account

The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was almost 10 metres (33 ft) high and weighed 82 tons;

your 30x30x30 rock would be considerably larger.
It sounded about right when I wrote it, but it might have to be a third the size I thought, perhaps 10X10X10. I just wanted it to be big enough to do the damage I had listed, not try and make it do more.
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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:[ ... 0225-2.jpg

This is a 30ft tall rock

I believe this may need nerfed, or that or you need to ramp up the weight of the stone and the damage it does. Take the following into account

The tallest moai erected, called Paro, was almost 10 metres (33 ft) high and weighed 82 tons;

your 30x30x30 rock would be considerably larger. some serious stompy goodness....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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My friend thinks Stone's Raising rock power should be renamed "Big Damn Rock" Our first thought is to use it to interrupt spell casters by breaking their concentration. Pelt them with "rock" interrupt spell. and maybe crush them to paste in the process
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keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:My friend thinks Stone's Raising rock power should be renamed "Big Damn Rock" Our first thought is to use it to interrupt spell casters by breaking their concentration. Pelt them with "rock" interrupt spell. and maybe crush them to paste in the process
"Puny humans go squish." Seriously, though, glad you like it.
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Can we have a 'freeze frame' sub-power added to it so we can snap pictures of their expressions as they see the small mountain looming over them?
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Can we have a 'freeze frame' sub-power added to it so we can snap pictures of their expressions as they see the small mountain looming over them?
That is what digital cameras are for, sir. My friend even has one built into his cell phone.
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I came up with several anti-gravity flight powers.

Here is the first:

Anti-Gravity Sphere (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can create a sphere of anti-gravity particles which allow him to hover and fly at low speeds while carrying objects within the field. Also, as an anti-gravity power, the character can use it to breach a planet's gravitational pull and float into outer space.
Range: Self, but can also use it to carry objects within a radius of 10 feet from himself, plus 1 foot per level of experience.
Weight Limit: The sphere can carry the character plus items (or people or animals) up to a weight limit of 100 pounds, plus 10 pounds per level of experience.
Maximum Speed: 50 mph
Height/Altitude: Effectively unlimited, right up into outer space. However, traveling higher than 30,000 feet requires the use of a spacesuit or environmental armor. The sphere contains enough oxygen to breathe for an hour (if the character is a high enough level for the sphere to last that long), but any time after that would require the use of an oxygen supply, and he would still need protection from the cold.
Duration: The sphere can be maintained for up to ten minutes per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Uses one melee attack/action to activate the sphere or shut it down.
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Here is the second anti-gravity flight power:

Anti-Gravity Flight (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The super being can hover and fly but at low speeds. However, as an anti-gravity power, the character can use it to breach a planet's gravitational pull and float into outer space. The character can also use the power to tow people or objects along with him in a type of gravitational tractor beam.
Range: Self, and can tow objects or people within 10 feet of himself, plus one foot per level of experience.
Weight Limit: The character can tow a total weight of 100 pounds per level of experience.
Number of Objects/People Towed: Can lock onto one object/person at level one, plus an additional object or person at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Maximum Speed: 20 mph
Height/Altitude: Effectively unlimited, right up into outer space. However, traveling higher than 30,000 feet requires the use of a spacesuit and oxygen supply or environmental armor. The character may be able to go into space, but he still needs protection from the cold and an air supply to breathe. Note: If the character goes into a thin atmosphere unprotected, he loses two melee attacks/actions per round and he could lose consciousness and fall to earth (impact is automatic death from that height).
Duration: Flying is unlimited, though the power will shut off if the character is knocked unconscious. Towing objects/people can be done for up to ten minutes per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Flying requires no attacks/actions to perform. Locking onto an object/person to tow them uses one melee attack/action and then one melee attack/action per melee round to maintain.
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And here is the third anti-gravity flight power:

Sky Surfing (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The super being can affect an object with anti-gravity and then ride on it. He must be touching the object for this to work, so he cannot merely affect an object with anti-gravity for any other purpose.
Range: Touch
Weight Limit: The object affected along with any items carried cannot exceed a total weight of 100 pounds per level of experience.
Maximum Speed: 20 mph
Height/Altitude: Effectively unlimited, right up into outer space. However, traveling higher than 30,000 feet requires the use of a spacesuit and oxygen supply or environmental armor. The character may be able to go into space, but he still needs protection from the cold and an air supply to breathe. Note: If the character goes into a thin atmosphere unprotected, he loses two melee attacks/actions per round and he could lose consciousness and fall to earth (impact is automatic death from that height).
Duration: Ten minutes per level of experience
Attacks Per Melee: Affecting an object with anti-gravity uses one melee attack/action.
Other Notes: If using a piece of wood or concrete, the character may choose to ram objects, typically doing 5d6 damage (at GM's discretion).
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Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:I came up with several anti-gravity flight powers.

Here is the first:

Anti-Gravity Sphere (minor) by Stone Gargoyle
The superbeing can create a sphere of anti-gravity particles which allow him to hover and fly at low speeds while carrying objects within the field. Also, as an anti-gravity power, the character can use it to breach a planet's gravitational pull and float into outer space..

"You're either Princess Light or Glenda the Good Witch, with THAT entrance!" :D
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I am considering doing a major version of an Anti-Gravity Flight power as well,but it is still in the thought stages.
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Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Super-Matter Expulsion (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by znbrtn

This power is similar to matter expulsion powers but is more powerful and random.

1. Matter Expulsion: The player must choose the general type of matter his character expels: Wood, metal, stone, bio-organic (bones, etc) or man-made material (plastic, etc.). The exact nature of the objects unleashed depends on the type of matter chosen, but the effects are similar regardless of type. The damage can be controlled by altering the weight, number and size of the objects expelled, with each object's damage being in increments of 1d6 (1d6 per 20 pounds of matter expelled).
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.

2. Absorb and Expel Matter: The character can absorb objects and melee weapons if they strike for less than 80 damage, pulling them into himself and then shooting them back out. The absorption of the object will stop any resulting trauma or bleeding since they never penetrate the skin.
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.
Deadly Limitation: Absorbing sharp objects do half their normal damage directly to Hit Points.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character takes no damage from matter of the type he normally expels.
The character takes half damage physical strikes from unarmed attacks and melee weapons.

So this power can be used to absorb bullets from guns if you choose a matter that matches the bullets used around the world. You turn around and fire these bullet-like matter back at them. Would you fire a single bullet or burst fire several bullets or go all out with Full Auto with this power?
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ESREVER333 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Super-Matter Expulsion (Major) by Stone Gargoyle, from an idea by znbrtn

This power is similar to matter expulsion powers but is more powerful and random.

1. Matter Expulsion: The player must choose the general type of matter his character expels: Wood, metal, stone, bio-organic (bones, etc) or man-made material (plastic, etc.). The exact nature of the objects unleashed depends on the type of matter chosen, but the effects are similar regardless of type. The damage can be controlled by altering the weight, number and size of the objects expelled, with each object's damage being in increments of 1d6 (1d6 per 20 pounds of matter expelled).
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.

2. Absorb and Expel Matter: The character can absorb objects and melee weapons if they strike for less than 80 damage, pulling them into himself and then shooting them back out. The absorption of the object will stop any resulting trauma or bleeding since they never penetrate the skin.
Range: 60 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience
Duration: Instant.
Damage: Normal expulsion: 3d6 plus 1d6 per level
Super-Expulsion: 1d6X10+1d6 per level (+30 damage for characters 6th level or higher), but must be done as the character's first attack and uses up all but one of the character's attacks for the melee round.
Attacks per Melee: Each normal blast uses one melee attack/action. Attacks can be done as a spray attack (with granular or particulate matter) on multiple targets only using one attack/action.
Bonuses: +3 for an aimed shot, +1 for wild or spraying shot.
Deadly Limitation: Absorbing sharp objects do half their normal damage directly to Hit Points.

3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
The character takes no damage from matter of the type he normally expels.
The character takes half damage physical strikes from unarmed attacks and melee weapons.

So this power can be used to absorb bullets from guns if you choose a matter that matches the bullets used around the world. You turn around and fire these bullet-like matter back at them. Would you fire a single bullet or burst fire several bullets or go all out with Full Auto with this power?
You would take half the damage from bullets direct to Hit Points if you tried to absorb them, as most bullets are made from several kinds of metal, not just one. Trying to absorb blunt weapon damage and expelling it as shrapnel would be much safer. Bullets and sharp weapons are not recommended generally.
As for what you expel, your Normal Expulsion would be your single shot, with the Super-Expulsion option for if you want to go full auto, though I believe the damage is actually less than what you would get by firing an actual weapon at full auto.
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Unread post by ESREVER333 »

Iczer wrote:
Energy Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by Iczer
"I wonder what I'll get this time...Oh...Fire'
The character can project a wave of energy at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what energy he will be using.
The character posesses three energy expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more energy expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

With this power I'd like to make a hero at level 1: EE-Fire, EE-Electricity, and EE-Light. Great against undead, shadow monsters, cyborgs, robots, and vampires!!

Love this power. Here's my idea.

Matter Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by ESREVER333 inspired by Iczer.
"I wonder what I'll get this time...Oh...Mud'
The character can project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using.
The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

With this power I'd like to make a hero at level 1: ME-Iron, ME-Silver, and ME-Wood. Great against demons, devils, werewolves, and vampires!!
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Unread post by taalismn »

ESREVER333 wrote:[
Matter Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by ESREVER333 inspired by Iczer.
"I wonder what I'll get this time...Oh...Mud'
The character can project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using.
The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

With this power I'd like to make a hero at level 1: ME-Iron, ME-Silver, and ME-Wood. Great against demons, devils, werewolves, and vampires!!

Might wanna kludge up a mechanism for randomly coming up with selections from the character's 'menu' rolling out of 3 possible selections on a six-sided dice, out of four on a 1d4, out of five on a 1d10, etc, just so you don't waste rolls initially. Once you start getting into numbers like 7 and 9, of course, it gets a little clumsy.
Just to make it perfectly clear for folks who don't catch on too quick.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

ESREVER333 wrote:
Iczer wrote:
Energy Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by Iczer
"I wonder what I'll get this time...Oh...Fire'
The character can project a wave of energy at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what energy he will be using.
The character posesses three energy expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more energy expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

With this power I'd like to make a hero at level 1: EE-Fire, EE-Electricity, and EE-Light. Great against undead, shadow monsters, cyborgs, robots, and vampires!!

Love this power. Here's my idea.

Matter Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by ESREVER333 inspired by Iczer.
"I wonder what I'll get this time...Oh...Mud'
The character can project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using.
The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

With this power I'd like to make a hero at level 1: ME-Iron, ME-Silver, and ME-Wood. Great against demons, devils, werewolves, and vampires!!

All you did was show examples of how you would use the power. That hardly qualifies you for a credit in writing the power, as you just basdically rewrote what Iczer did and gave examples. Not cool.
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I'm sorry. I'm a Noob to this forum, don't know how to make correct format for new power creation. I suppose I could write a list of Matter Expulsion to roll up for random powers. Example: 01-05% Iron, 06-10% Wood, 11-15% Silver, and etc etc etc. But I don't know if I could list all the Matters. Some advice or suggestions about how to create New Powers for a Noob would help out. I'm not looking to offend anyone, just wanted to give out idea for new power that someone else can make better for all of us gamers.
I feel like you all have a lot to teach us.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Random choice of powers or 'Superpower Roullete' might better be served by making it a power class, rather than a superpower in itself.
That way you could extend it to not just Matter Expulsion, but Energy Expulsion, and other related 'families' of powers; the superbeing might, for instance, take of their 'x' number of superpowers they can take, the general category of 'Minor Flying Powers', not knowing from use to use whether they'd be sonically levitating, flapping with wings, or riding a flying boogie-board.

Of course, the problem still persists that it falls to the player(or the GM, if he's feeling generous enough to do the extra paperwork) to create a random roll table for the powers available to him....not all players are willing to do extra work if a power concept proves particularly cumbersome to operate.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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The problem with a matter expulsion table is that there are so very many types of matter, and each one has to be very specific, so you wind up having to create a table you have to use with percentile dice because you wind up with a hundred options.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:The problem with a matter expulsion table is that there are so very many types of matter, and each one has to be very specific, so you wind up having to create a table you have to use with percentile dice because you wind up with a hundred options.

Well, if I understand the original concept correctly, the superbeing gets 'x' number of power slots for his power-pool(think of it as a lottery random draw ball machine), so if the superbeing at his level of experience has four potential powers, he can look at the available powers(say, under Energy Expulsion) and select those powers he wants in his pool.

The fist fights, however, will break out whether the available choices will include fan creations or not. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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I think what he was initially referring to was a table for determining the random Matter Expulsion abilities generated by Iczer's Matter Expulsion: Random power. If you select the abilities and then randomly roll for the effect to be used at a given attack, that is one thing, but you could also randomly select the matter expulsions that are produced initially rather than select the three at first level.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think what he was initially referring to was a table for determining the random Matter Expulsion abilities generated by Iczer's Matter Expulsion: Random power. If you select the abilities and then randomly roll for the effect to be used at a given attack, that is one thing, but you could also randomly select the matter expulsions that are produced initially rather than select the three at first level. becomes so clear now with a caffeine-fortified reread....Thank you. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I think what he was initially referring to was a table for determining the random Matter Expulsion abilities generated by Iczer's Matter Expulsion: Random power. If you select the abilities and then randomly roll for the effect to be used at a given attack, that is one thing, but you could also randomly select the matter expulsions that are produced initially rather than select the three at first level. becomes so clear now with a caffeine-fortified reread....Thank you. :D
My point being that there are hundreds if not thousands of potential types of matter to expel. The possibilities are endless.
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Matter Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by Esrever333
'Would you like some mayonnaise, bacon, and cheese to go with that? '
The character can absorb and project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using.
The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

Roll D20 dice to determine which 3 Matter Expulsion you get at level 1(Range, Damage , and Duration various with each power. Need to look up each matter to determine each effects):
6-Chump change
10-Acid spray
15-Paint ball

You could ask, which 20 matters, that the players wish to replace with another matter on this list before they random roll up what they gain at every even levels.
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Might wanna call that power Matter Expulsion: Random Fan-canon :bandit:
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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ESREVER333 wrote:Matter Expulsion: Random. [Minor] by Esrever333
'Would you like some mayonnaise, bacon, and cheese to go with that? '
The character can absorb and project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using.
The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. He gains versitility without control.

Roll D20 dice to determine which 3 Matter Expulsion you get at level 1(Range, Damage , and Duration various with each power. Need to look up each matter to determine each effects):
6-Chump change
10-Acid spray
15-Paint ball

You could ask, which 20 matters, that the players wish to replace with another matter on this list before they random roll up what they gain at every even levels.

This power relies too much on the works of others. To stand alone as its own power, you should have a set range and damage base for the power. As written, I would have twenty different ranges for the power and who knows how many different damage listings. It would be better to set a limited range, say 100 feet plus ten feet per level, and have the damage be 1d6 +2 points of damage per level. Ribbon and pillows would then need to be taken out since they would not do that kind of damage.
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Mephisto wrote:Also some of the options are pretty weird. Spawn? Bacon (mmmmm....Bacon), Chump Change. Matter Expulsion: Plant is kind of interesting I wonder how much overlap is with Matter Expulsion: Wood? For metals I'd add Gold and Potassium (blinding flare more than physical damage when reacted with water; otherwise it does less damage than silver as a direct attack), and why isn't there a Matter Expulsion: Water power? That could be combined with EE: Fire for a Steam based power, or a Hydrokinetic with Evaporation powers thanks to CEF: Fire.
He was basing the options on the powers written by various people on the boards. He did not add much as far as new options. In order for a power like this to work, though, it has to be simplified to ranges and damages of the various types of matter and there need to be a lot more options, as you say. If it is truly random, you would be expelling all sorts of random types of matter, not just what has been already written up. You would have to figure out the damages and effects for a great number of things.
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Mephisto wrote:Random Matter Expulsion sounds better as a spell anyways than a super power. Eggplant Wizard and Orko are perfect examples of that (no it's not a conversion attempt just an example). There aren't that many examples of comic characters with completely random powers, other than maybe Superman.
Well, whether as spell or a power, the thing would be downright complex to write up. There's simply no way around that if you are going to do it right.
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Matter Expulsion: Random (Minor) By Esrever333
'Wonder what I'll get this time... Oh... Mud '
The character can absorb, store inside body, and project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using. He gains versitility without control.

Range: 100 ft. +10 ft. per level.
Damage: single shot does 1d6 +5 per level. Volley 2-4 doing 2d6, 3d6, or 4d6 +5 per level.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per melee: Each single shot or volley 2-4 counts as one melee attack.

The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. Roll D20 dice to determine which 3 Matter Expulsion you get at level 1, then at level 2 and every even level thereafter. You could ask, which 20 matters, that the players wish to replace with another matter on this list before they random roll up what they gain. No matter which "Matter" is replaced on the list; the range, damage, and attacks per melee remains the same.

8-Acid spray

Yes this Mutant Minor Super Ability can be combined with Energy Expulsion but you have no control which random matter will be expelled. For example you use EE: Fire with MM: Random at level 1 your choices were Wood, Water, and Sand. The Fire mixed with Water gives you Steam! The Fire mixed with Wood gives you Flaming Wooden Arrows! The Fire mixed with Sand gives you Glass Shards! But remember MM: Random is something you have no control which matters are expelled. So have fun coming up with Awesome combos!! When trying to figure out the damage, range, and attacks per melee for the new combo; follow the MM: Random from above.
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Stone Gargoyle
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ESREVER333 wrote:Matter Expulsion: Random (Minor) By Esrever333
'Wonder what I'll get this time... Oh... Mud '
The character can absorb, store inside body, and project a wave of matter at a target, damaging him without positively identifying what matter he will be using. He gains versitility without control.

Range: 100 ft. +10 ft. per level.
Damage: single shot does 1d6 +5 per level. Volley 2-4 doing 2d6, 3d6, or 4d6 +5 per level.
Duration: Instant.
Attacks per melee: Each single shot or volley 2-4 counts as one melee attack.

The character posesses three matter expulsion powers initially. whenever he uses this power, he randomly selects which one goes off. At level 2 and every even level thereafter, he adds one more matter expulsion power to the mix. Roll D20 dice to determine which 3 Matter Expulsion you get at level 1, then at level 2 and every even level thereafter. You could ask, which 20 matters, that the players wish to replace with another matter on this list before they random roll up what they gain. No matter which "Matter" is replaced on the list; the range, damage, and attacks per melee remains the same.

8-Acid spray

Yes this Mutant Minor Super Ability can be combined with Energy Expulsion but you have no control which random matter will be expelled. For example you use EE: Fire with MM: Random at level 1 your choices were Wood, Water, and Sand. The Fire mixed with Water gives you Steam! The Fire mixed with Wood gives you Flaming Wooden Arrows! The Fire mixed with Sand gives you Glass Shards! But remember MM: Random is something you have no control which matters are expelled. So have fun coming up with Awesome combos!! When trying to figure out the damage, range, and attacks per melee for the new combo; follow the MM: Random from above.

This is better, though the gems expulsion could be expanded, as you would have greater density to a diamond than you would other types of gems. The same goes for wood, as certain types of wood are stronger and more dense. Also, I would use what you have for damage as your base but have some matter expulsions do more damage than others. For the different types of metals, you should list what is different about each one and have individual effects, such as penetration value for piercing different types of armor and ability to conduct electricity, magnetism, etc.
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Sorry I have not been able to do more powers, but I have been very busy and have no idea right now when I will be posting any.
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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Mephisto wrote:
Gryphon Chick wrote:Sorry I have not been able to do more powers, but I have been very busy and have no idea right now when I will be posting any.

Can I blame the Government Shutdown for your inactivity? I already blame it on SCRET not apprehending the Masters of Speed and for shutting down the SLJ. Meanwhile the Freakmaker is getting good engineers that have been furloughed to work for him and no one at NASA is paid to keep tabs on the Dark Tribunal.
No, I have just been very busy with work and life events.
"Sorry, I'm busy tonight...Same thing I do every night...Trying the take over the world..."
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