Cybermancer wrote:I gotta be holding one before we can talk about it being reality. Since I'm not, it's not.
LOL! In my defense of that last message, it sounded funnier late at night while I was sleep deprived.

Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Cybermancer wrote:I gotta be holding one before we can talk about it being reality. Since I'm not, it's not.
mrloucifer wrote:Cybermancer wrote:I gotta be holding one before we can talk about it being reality. Since I'm not, it's not.
LOL! In my defense of that last message, it sounded funnier late at night while I was sleep deprived.
mrloucifer wrote:Cybermancer wrote:I gotta be holding one before we can talk about it being reality. Since I'm not, it's not.
LOL! In my defense of that last message, it sounded funnier late at night while I was sleep deprived.
Trent wrote:Many people bought the new BTS 2nd Ed with the promise of two other very important books to soon follow only to wait and wait and be disappointed . Many built whole campaigns based on false promises . That is TIME and MONEY invested in good faith . Your fans are loyal and supportive of your line of products and they deserve better . Plus its just poor business practice . How many time have your fans had to be extreamely patient ? Yet we are still here . There is not much from palladium books that I haven't bought and have introduced your products to friends and family . With all the donated material sent into the RIFTER it seem much of the work has been done for you . We understand you have to make a living and run a business but remember the loyal fans that got you there . Thank you for your time
Dead Boy wrote:All hail Jefffar... King of the Mods
Trent wrote:I was neither selling or advertising . I was simply trying to get a valid point across . But fine . I apologize and will refrain from further post . Feel free to ban me .
Dead Boy wrote:All hail Jefffar... King of the Mods
Cybermancer wrote:mrloucifer wrote:Cybermancer wrote:I gotta be holding one before we can talk about it being reality. Since I'm not, it's not.
LOL! In my defense of that last message, it sounded funnier late at night while I was sleep deprived.
BtS is always best discussed late at night, is it not?
Trent wrote:I was neither selling or advertising . I was simply trying to get a valid point across . But fine . I apologize and will refrain from further post . Feel free to ban me .
gaby wrote:What do you think is a Must for Arcanum?
Hendrik wrote:That there is Arcanum soon![]()
Essentially, everything that was in BtS-I, only expanded, and then some.Arcanist revisited and expanded
Scholar type Arcanist
Spells, lots of spells BtS style, not just translations from other Palladium systems
Arcane Detective
Digital Mage
Rituals / Summoning
Magic Places / Ley Lines
Demonic Pacts
Relationship of Arcanists to "ambient" PPE: the lure of power (arcanists may actually have a tendency to be close to the supernatural for the power rush)
Arcanist real estate lore (why choose which "sorcerous tower" / abode)
"Beacon to the Supernatural" effect (the supernatural may be drawn to an arcanist)
I would love to see, BtS styledemonic "servants"
magic items
I am not such a big fan of the sorceror proficiencies from Nightbane, but something like that .. why not.
Trent wrote:A shaman and voodoo system . Also Native American spiritualism (no its not the same as shamanism) . And maybe a modern druid . As far as magic items also add cursed artifacts and items . A secret society that collects such things to keep them out of the wrong hands could lend to tons of adventures .
Trent wrote:Did you ever see the old Friday the 13th TV series ? Had nothing to do with the movies and I never really understood the name but for a B-ish TV show it had a good idea . A small group of people with a special understanding of cursed objects recovering them and keeping them safe . If they were psychics and / or mystics on top of it the scale of the adventures would be awesome . In real life you have the Warrens who have a small collection of items said to be cursed . Just think of the trouble (and fun) a gateway from hell disguised as a antique mirror could be . Cursed mardi gras mask that slowly change people's personalities (become a killer librarian ?) after they become helplessly addicted to some special (and temporary) ability it gives them . A dog collar that turns cute fluffy poodles into rabid hell hounds . A tie that turns a quiet and kind person into a lawyer (ohhh the evil) . So many possibilities .
Lucifer_Drake wrote:Trent wrote:Did you ever see the old Friday the 13th TV series ? Had nothing to do with the movies and I never really understood the name but for a B-ish TV show it had a good idea . A small group of people with a special understanding of cursed objects recovering them and keeping them safe . If they were psychics and / or mystics on top of it the scale of the adventures would be awesome . In real life you have the Warrens who have a small collection of items said to be cursed . Just think of the trouble (and fun) a gateway from hell disguised as a antique mirror could be . Cursed mardi gras mask that slowly change people's personalities (become a killer librarian ?) after they become helplessly addicted to some special (and temporary) ability it gives them . A dog collar that turns cute fluffy poodles into rabid hell hounds . A tie that turns a quiet and kind person into a lawyer (ohhh the evil) . So many possibilities .
Kind of like Warehouse 13?
gaby wrote:You can have a Museum that is on a Magic fade,sothe powers of Crused Artifacts are Reduced.
I love ideas for Crused and Magic idems and Weapons.
gaby wrote:yes,I think so.
MurderCityDisciple wrote:Here's a question...can I run Chaosium Dead Reign at the Open House or is it Palladium only zone? I figure it is...I just hate the hour it takes rolling up NPC's and Pre-Gens.
taalismn wrote:Because Palladium Books is not vanity press where authors pay to have whatever they throw up/vomit fourth is printed, and thus every book is a financial gamble. Ideally, a publisher wants to back ideas that can be fully developed and for which they can sense there is a better than passing interest in, and that enough people will actually buy over time to justify the investment in printing and the ongoing expenses of storing stock and paying author fees/royalties. And if a publisher has multiple lines and limited manpower to handle business and proofread manuscripts, they'll dedicate their efforts to the product lines most likely to pay the bills and keep the lights on. That means that some product lines may wane and suffer lack of attention, or bottlenecks in putting new material out.
That's even before they parse manuscripts to see if anybody's re-inventing the wheel, plagerizing, will turn off or alienate the fanbase, simply serving up the same old material re-warmed, or are pumping and padding a one-trick pony/single idea book.
And they're not going to publish for those three or four loud demanders in left field constantly wanting books specifically for them in mind, and for which other folks really could pass.
It's the ecology of the publishing industry.
Trent wrote:[
The fact that people keep asking for (and were promised) these books proves its not a one trick pony . Palladium has a bad habit of making promises they dont keep . They have a loyal fan base then few have . And should be proud of . Keeping that fan base takes commitment .
taalismn wrote:Trent wrote:[
The fact that people keep asking for (and were promised) these books proves its not a one trick pony . Palladium has a bad habit of making promises they dont keep . They have a loyal fan base then few have . And should be proud of . Keeping that fan base takes commitment .
What I mean by 'one trick pony' is a book based around one idea and not much else....Say, if I tried to make a book about my fan company Paladin Steel...all very good, a lot of material, but as it comes out it's all tech-wank, lists of stuff it builds, and not much else. Unless I throw in adventure stuff, world details, and more world-building, or I've had several previous books establish the company's place in the game universe and fan interest in it(as with the Rift Triax books), I doubt many people would buy what amounts to a shopping catalogue based on one company.
BTS, IMHO, is a lot more fun to game in because GMs can use their everyday surroundings to make adventures that much more intimate and immediate ("There's a rash of mysterious beheadings on the next town over from yours, Jerry...."), but also harder to write to write for, because it can't overpower the setting. The threats have to be serious and dangerous, bit not so blatantly obvious that the player characters are muscled aside by the authorities with the firepower of the military and the media is all over the place, covering Godzilla's rampage. At that point it becomes more akin to Dead Reign...Games like Rifts, you can throw out all constraints and run wild. BTS has to be more constrained, but still interesting and intriguing.
But yeah, promised books and Palladium? Some of us still await Mechanoids: Space....
Trent wrote:[
There is so much you can do with BTS .