We Gots The Skills

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Architecture: Zero Gravity(Mechanical)
I should think a drawing skill would also be required for an architecture skill. Nice work, though.

Perhaps re-title it "Design Construction: Zero Gravity"?

Drawing/Drafting might be more useful for the more 'artistic' space designs, such as orbital hotels/habitats, whereas more utilitarian modular 'stack-a-pod' designs would be more mathematics and computer sim plug-and-calculate.
You would still need to diagram it for the workers who actually build the thing to read, and that would include drawing it out on vellum to make blueprints.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Added a Drawing or Blueprinting(does that Technical Writing skill cover schematics?) To The Architecture: Zero-Gravity description.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Gossiping and starting rumors sounds easy, right? Maybe tattling the odd bit of gossip or starting the odd short-lived rumor is easy, but to plant long-lived rumors with staying power in society takes SKILL. The experienced rumor-mongerer knows who to target to get things rolling, how to pitch the story to get inception, and how to keep a rumor going. Telling the right shaded truth to the right receptive audience is key to getting a rumor spread through social networks. A high MA is also important, in order to establish the credibility of the ‘source’ of the rumor. A successful rumor-mongering roll means that the rumor has been planted and is rolling along(Optional: average lifespan of a rumor can be generalized as the success roll divided by 10 for the number of days the rumor is considered credible and ‘the buzz’---so a success roll of 75% will result in a rumor with a week-long lifespan before it becomes ‘yesterday’s news’). An UNsucessful roll means the rumor fizzles almost as soon as it is told, the teller is met with skepticism, and the rumor is quickly shot down. This skill can also be used to COUNTER rumors, by identifying the most likely audience, and starting a counter-rumor or information campaign akin to starting a backfire to stop a brushfire.
Note: It IS possible for this skill to go beyond the Palladium standard of 98%. These represent rumors with SERIOUS staying power, told by an adept rumor-mongerer or character assassin. The worst sorts of rumors take on lives of their own, and may even graduate to becoming memes.
Base Skill: 25 % + 5% per level of experience +M.A. rating, +5% if the Streetwise skill is also taken, another +5% if the Contacts skill is also possessed.
Modifiers: If countering a rumor, add +5% if Public Speaking is also taken.
Some occupational Character Classes are better predisposed towards the successful inception of rumors than others:
Rifts Black Market Information Brokers get a +10% to this skill.
Rifts Black Market Expediters, Con Men, Newscasters, and PFRPG Bards get a +5% to this skill.
GMs may want to impose a penalty of -5% to -15% for particularly implausible or ludicrous rumors. A rumor that “the Coalition States are going to cut electrical power to the ‘Burbs” sounds perfectly reasonable, but something like “Kevin Siembieda is really Bigfoot and is going to make a run for President of the United States in a special off-year runoff election” beggars belief.

Internet Modifier: Rumor-Mongering can also be applied to internet communications with a Computer Operation skill. There are no modifiers to the skill, as, despite the fact that the rumor-mongerer is able to reach a larger and broader spectrum of possible rumor-spreaders, the rumor is also liable to come under greater scrutiny from critics and cynics inclined to disprove it. Rumor-Mongering does NOT apply to the creation of viral videos.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

a dance specialization-tap!
in addition to the standard bonuses for specialization you gain a stomp attack good for 1d2 sdc/mdc depending on striangth!
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Tap dancing is really ideally performed with relatively small motions, not hauling up and down stomps. The skill is to be able to minutely and rapidly move your feet up and down without inadvertently grounding yourself in a shuffle or stumbling over your own shoes. It's more about control(agility), not power(strength). P.P., not P.S.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Pilot: Unicycle(Piloting)
The skill of balancing on, and pedaling at speed, unicycles. This skill is arguably as much a physical workout as any Physical skill, requiring, and building, a superior sense of balance, good lower body and leg strength, the ability to stop on a dime, and backpedal/reverse course almost instantaneously. A favorite skill among clowns, acrobats, and Crazies. Typically a unicycle can be peddled at HALF the speed of a regular bicycle, due to its lack of gearing.
Bonuses: +1 to P.P.,+1 P.S., +10% to Sense of Balance, +1 dodge on a backpedal.
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Pilot: Unicycle(Piloting)
The skill of balancing on, and pedaling at speed, unicycles. This skill is arguably as much a physical workout as any Physical skill, requiring, and building, a superior sense of balance, good lower body and leg strength, the ability to stop on a dime, and backpedal/reverse course almost instantaneously. A favorite skill among clowns, acrobats, and Crazies. Typically a unicycle can be peddled at HALF the speed of a regular bicycle, due to its lack of gearing.
Bonuses: +1 to P.P.,+1 P.S., +10% to Sense of Balance, +1 dodge on a backpedal.
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience
Nice one, T.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Nice one, T.

Thanks. I'm rather surprised that there isn't an Advanced Bicycling skill that adds PE and PS for marathon-range work-outs and competitive biking, but I supposed if you were building a Tour-de-France professional, it would be a package deal of Pilot: Bicycle, Athletics, Running, and other physique-builders(or go Juicer).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Nice one, T.

Thanks. I'm rather surprised that there isn't an Advanced Bicycling skill that adds PE and PS for marathon-range work-outs and competitive biking, but I supposed if you were building a Tour-de-France professional, it would be a package deal of Pilot: Bicycle, Athletics, Running, and other physique-builders(or go Juicer).

I think a major limiter on Bicycling skills is a lack of rules for multi-speed bikes, or really any rules. The ones that are there are not uniform.

I would like to see bike skills similar to the Skiing and Ice Skating skills from Rifts Canada (I would probably write up the skills if those with more experience with bicycling could come up with some expanded mechanics).
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

And for the record, I'd consider Pogo-Sticks to be a Physical skill, not a Piloting skill.
Because I consider a piloting skill to be the operation of a device that allows you to move faster than you would normally . A pogo stick really doesn't give you the ability to move faster or leap (much) higher unless you've got a really tricked-out model. but it definitely takes some skill to stay on, practice to move around on one, and if you did it regularly, could probably add some muscle and increased sense of balance.
(wanders off to check what the record for pogo-stick jumping is).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

*Indoctrination(Espionage)---A specialization of Interrogation, Indoctrination is the art of brainwashing the old-fashioned way, without magic or psionics(though those simply make it easier). Via the use of techniques such as sensory deprivation, rote repetition, positive and negative reinforcement, and parlor hypnosis, a skilled indoctrinator (or team of them) can mold and manipulate the behavior of a subject, sometimes radically. While torture and intimidation can induce reaction out of fear, and instill trauma and insanity, an indoctrinator seeks more subtle effects, such as a change in behavior, attitude, and loyalties.
Indoctrination is essentially a battle of wills between the indoctrinator and the subject. While it is unlikely to be effective against PCs(who probably saw The Manchurian Candidate), this skill can conceivably used against NPCs with more effectiveness(and GM judgment).
Prerequisites: Interrogation, Psychology
Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience + any bonuses from the indoctrinator’s MA or PB. A successful Interrogation or Psychology roll against the subject being indoctrinated adds a +5% to the chance of success of subsequent brainwashing attempts.
(Optional) If they're aware of an indoctrination attempt being made on them, the NPC being indoctrinated can attempt to fight an Indoctrination roll by rolling under their ME stat on a D20. If successful. their ME stat is SUBTRACTED from the indoctrinator's skill roll.
*Minor Changes---Minor changes, such as physical posture or a minor behavior such tapping a pen or holding a particular pose, can be easily induced(a classic example is of the psychology class that ‘trained’ their instructor to favor one side of the lectern by having all the class members visibly pay more attention whenever the instructor walked over to that side of the classroom). No penalties.
*Modest Changes----This can include changes in lifestyle, such as giving up(or taking up) smoking, preferences for certain things, and a more open or closed mind on certain topics. -5%
*Substantial Changes---This may include hesitation to use a weapon, an abreaction to certain things(like seeing spiders, bald men, or particular people), or obsessive behavior(food-hoarding, always leaving lights on, etc.). -10%
*Radical Changes----These involve major changes in a person’s psyche, such as alignment shifts and changes in loyalties. -20%
Note that various other factors can modify the chances of success; sleep deprivation, certain drugs, Horror Factor, psionic or magic persuasion used in conjunction, and other things can be used(GM’s discretion) to break a person’s resistance and leave them more susceptible to indoctrination.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

A ludicrous skill to kill some brain cells...

“It’s like picking somebody’s pockets, only I take their entire pants.”
The art of getting somebody else’s clothes off them in as fast and efficient a manner as possible. The practitioner of this skill knows their way around clasps, zippers, closures, seams, and buttons, and can quickly get a dress or body armor off somebody else without damaging the garments in question, and in half the time it would take somebody else to do it. The practitioner can also quickly figure out how a garment is intended to be donned, and can find their way around clothing in the dark. Besides fun to practice in the bedroom, this skill is useful for valets and maids attending to their employers, acquiring disguises(see the trope ‘Mugged for Disguise’), muggings, and disarming opponents(especially if their weaponry is in their clothing) in situations where simply ripping or cutting clothing off a person isn’t possible or desired.
This skill can also be used on oneself to reflect rapid removal of clothing without damaging the garments. This aspect of the skill is particularly useful for actors, fashion models, and spies in quick-changes of wardrobe.
Note that this skill is less effective(and may be wholly INeffective) against power armors, mystic clothing, and certain superbeing garments, which may incorporate electronically keyed closure seams, magic clasps, or unstable molecules.
Bonuses: +5% to Pick Pockets, +5% to Detect Concealment(usable only on a person’s garments), +1 to disarm.
Base Skill: 40 % + 5% per level of experience, +15% if used on oneself. A single layer of clothing can be shucked in under 15 seconds using this skill; more complex garments(like armor and EVA suits) may take slightly longer. A failed roll means the disrober has hung up on a part of the garment(zipper stuck, can’t maneuver the person’s arm out of a sleeve, etc.) potentially giving the disrobee a chance to recover, strike back, or make a sarcastic remark about the practitioner’s inability to outwit velcro.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:A ludicrous skill to kill some brain cells...

“It’s like picking somebody’s pockets, only I take their entire pants.”
The art of getting somebody else’s clothes off them in as fast and efficient a manner as possible. The practitioner of this skill knows their way around clasps, zippers, closures, seams, and buttons, and can quickly get a dress or body armor off somebody else without damaging the garments in question, and in half the time it would take somebody else to do it. The practitioner can also quickly figure out how a garment is intended to be donned, and can find their way around clothing in the dark. Besides fun to practice in the bedroom, this skill is useful for valets and maids attending to their employers, acquiring disguises(see the trope ‘Mugged for Disguise’), muggings, and disarming opponents(especially if their weaponry is in their clothing) in situations where simply ripping or cutting clothing off a person isn’t possible or desired.
This skill can also be used on oneself to reflect rapid removal of clothing without damaging the garments. This aspect of the skill is particularly useful for actors, fashion models, and spies in quick-changes of wardrobe.
Note that this skill is less effective(and may be wholly INeffective) against power armors, mystic clothing, and certain superbeing garments, which may incorporate electronically keyed closure seams, magic clasps, or unstable molecules.
Bonuses: +5% to Pick Pockets, +5% to Detect Concealment(usable only on a person’s garments), +1 to disarm.
Base Skill: 40 % + 5% per level of experience, +15% if used on oneself. A single layer of clothing can be shucked in under 15 seconds using this skill; more complex garments(like armor and EVA suits) may take slightly longer. A failed roll means the disrober has hung up on a part of the garment(zipper stuck, can’t maneuver the person’s arm out of a sleeve, etc.) potentially giving the disrobee a chance to recover, strike back, or make a sarcastic remark about the practitioner’s inability to outwit velcro.

Not that ludicrous. Well done.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

This is the ability to remain balanced on, and bouncing with, a pogo-stick in motion. Simply staying upright on a stationary pogo-stick is an act of balance; getting it to lurch and bounce where you want it takes some skill. Though generally regarded as not the fastest way to travel (the record for distance is 42.195 kms in 16.24 hours, speed record is 100 m in 42 seconds) or the best way to leap(the records for vertical and horizontal jumping are 9.75 ft and 8.2 ft respectively), pogo-sticking is still an exotic and fun way to exercise, building sense of balance, stamina, and lower leg strength.
Base Skill: 25 % + 5% per level of experience, plus any bonuses from exceptional P.P..
Bonuses: +5% to sense of balance, +1 to Speed, +1 P.E.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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W.P. Rackets
A refinement of the W.P. Blunt skill, the W.P. Racket skill teaches the use of primarily sports-based instruments such as tennis rackets, baseball and cricket bats, lacross and hockey sticks, golf clubs, and polo mallets. The emphasis is less on using the racket as a direct striking weapon and more on using it to parry/deflect and accurately hit small objects(tennis ball, baseball, rock, badmitten birdy, grenade, etc.) where the practitioner wants them. An expert of W.P. Rackets can even hit a thrown weapon such as a club or a grenade back at the thrower.
+1 to strike/strike with a struck object at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
A failure roll of 1-2 means the skill-user has missed the intended projectile altogether, while 3-5 means they have managed to hit the object, but it has gone spinning off in a random direction.
+1 to parry w/ racket at levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14.
No bonus for throwing the racket
Bladed and pointed weapons can only be parried, and not deflected back at their source)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

burping the alphabet(silly I know but it's here for completeness)
you basically can burp the alphabet!
skill base is 56 + 7% per level
again I know it's a silly skill & probably no real use for it but it's here for completeness sake alone. :clown:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

The practice of manipulating and palpitating muscles to relax muscle tension, increase circulation, and relieve pain. This skill represents a professional degree of dedication to studying muscle interactions and proper technique. Training in Massage also covers the basics of anatomy, chiropractic practice, the Eastern principles of acupuncture and accupressure, and heat therapy(with regards to the application of heat, such as hot rocks).
A successful Massage roll can have the following effects:
*Accelerate healing rates from muscle injuries by 20%
* Restores 1d4 PE points after heavy exertion, or accelerates recovery from heavy exertion by 20%
*+1 to save versus stress-induced insanity
*Relieve chronic pain from muscular maladies for 4d6 hours
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience, +5% if an Atemi power(see Ninjas and Superspies for Atemi techniques) is also possessed. Plus use any P.P. bonus 'to strike' as an extra percentile bonus, for those 'magic fingers'.
Other Bonuses: +5% to Advanced Sexual Techniques and Seduction
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:burping the alphabet(silly I know but it's here for completeness)
you basically can burp the alphabet!
skill base is 56 + 7% per level
again I know it's a silly skill & probably no real use for it but it's here for completeness sake alone. :clown:

I'd consider Nate's Competitive Belching skill to already cover that quite comprehensively as it allows the practitioner to 'talk and belch at the same time'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Massage(Medical)
The practice of manipulating and palpitating muscles to relax muscle tension, increase circulation, and relieve pain. This skill represents a professional degree of dedication to studying muscle interactions and proper technique. Training in Massage also covers the basics of anatomy, chiropractic practice, the Eastern principles of acupuncture and accupressure, and heat therapy(with regards to the application of heat, such as hot rocks).
A successful Massage roll can have the following effects:
*Accelerate healing rates from muscle injuries by 20%
* Restores 1d4 PE points after heavy exertion, or accelerates recovery from heavy exertion by 20%
*+1 to save versus stress-induced insanity
*Relieve chronic pain from muscular maladies for 4d6 hours
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience, +5% if an Atemi power is also possessed. Plus use any P.P. bonus 'to strike' as an extra percentile bonus, for those 'magic fingers'.
Other Bonuses: +5% to Advanced Sexual Techniques and Seduction
What is an Atemi power? Did you mean Anatomy?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Massage(Medical)
The practice of manipulating and palpitating muscles to relax muscle tension, increase circulation, and relieve pain. This skill represents a professional degree of dedication to studying muscle interactions and proper technique. Training in Massage also covers the basics of anatomy, chiropractic practice, the Eastern principles of acupuncture and accupressure, and heat therapy(with regards to the application of heat, such as hot rocks).
A successful Massage roll can have the following effects:
*Accelerate healing rates from muscle injuries by 20%
* Restores 1d4 PE points after heavy exertion, or accelerates recovery from heavy exertion by 20%
*+1 to save versus stress-induced insanity
*Relieve chronic pain from muscular maladies for 4d6 hours
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience, +5% if an Atemi power is also possessed. Plus use any P.P. bonus 'to strike' as an extra percentile bonus, for those 'magic fingers'.
Other Bonuses: +5% to Advanced Sexual Techniques and Seduction
What is an Atemi power? Did you mean Anatomy?

It's a category of martial arts techniques/powers from Ninjas and Superspies, that covers things like pressure point attacks(I'll insert the reference to N&SS into the text), up to nastiness like the Dim Mak 'slow death' attack. They're related to chi abilities.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
taalismn wrote:Massage(Medical)
The practice of manipulating and palpitating muscles to relax muscle tension, increase circulation, and relieve pain. This skill represents a professional degree of dedication to studying muscle interactions and proper technique. Training in Massage also covers the basics of anatomy, chiropractic practice, the Eastern principles of acupuncture and accupressure, and heat therapy(with regards to the application of heat, such as hot rocks).
A successful Massage roll can have the following effects:
*Accelerate healing rates from muscle injuries by 20%
* Restores 1d4 PE points after heavy exertion, or accelerates recovery from heavy exertion by 20%
*+1 to save versus stress-induced insanity
*Relieve chronic pain from muscular maladies for 4d6 hours
Base Skill: 30 % + 5% per level of experience, +5% if an Atemi power is also possessed. Plus use any P.P. bonus 'to strike' as an extra percentile bonus, for those 'magic fingers'.
Other Bonuses: +5% to Advanced Sexual Techniques and Seduction
What is an Atemi power? Did you mean Anatomy?

It's a category of martial arts techniques/powers from Ninjas and Superspies, that covers things like pressure point attacks(I'll insert the reference to N&SS into the text), up to nastiness like the Dim Mak 'slow death' attack. They're related to chi abilities.
Okay, thanks for clarifying that for me.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

You're welcome. All part of my job description. :D
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

I don't remember if this has been done already, dentestry
the medical version is the proper care & mantence of OTHER peoples teeth, the cosmetic version is just tooth shaping
base chance of success is (medical)32 +3% per level (cosmetic)45+2% per level.
if this has been done before please let me know if this version is better or worse that what's written.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Dentistry appears in both After the Bomb and Splicers.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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taalismn wrote:Dentistry appears in both After the Bomb and Splicers.

cosmetic of medical?
and again I wasn't sure if it had been done before anyway.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:
taalismn wrote:Dentistry appears in both After the Bomb and Splicers.

cosmetic of medical?
and again I wasn't sure if it had been done before anyway.

Medical. Dentistry is considered Medical, and even doing cosmetic work, you want a trained medical professional who knows enough not to damage the tooth's functionality(and as a consequence, the patient's health).
Anything else is dangerous hackwork, and you're putting your health at risk.

Rifter #0, which is still available from this Palladium site as a PDF, has an excellent listing of skills that have appeared in Palladium canon products as of May 2008. It's a good investment.
For anything else recognized here, there's SG's Black Vault.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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The Aztec people had cometic dentistry & they didn't have knowledge of dental anatomy.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:The Aztec people had cometic dentistry & they didn't have knowledge of dental anatomy.

Dentistry AS WE KNOW IT(in our modern age). In order to sculpt living teeth, and not destroy the person's mouth, you have to have SOME knowledge of how teeth are constructed(even if you're wholly in the dark about blood cells and blood vessels). I'd consider it a primitive form of dentistry(with an appropriate reduction in proficiency for primitive circumstances, tools, and technology), rather than spin it off as a separate cosmetic speciality. The reasons we don't see it applied to larger swathes of the population? Same reason we don't see prosthetic hips in third world populations----restricted access of care. The wealthier folks get access to the medical professionals.

Now, admittedly you can do tattooing, without a knowledge of dermatology, but doubtless there was some trial and error in that 'this doesn't go well in living skin', but sculpting teeth takes a lot more skill and knowledge. Coming from an extended family with several dental hygienists and dentists, I can attest to that.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Skill in impregnating living skin with ink to produce skin art. Tattooing has been around for a long time(the famous ‘Ice Man’ sported simple tattoos). The practitioner learns basic composition, proper selection of tools and inks, and procedure in preparing the skin and doing the tattoo. Also includes skill in slightly scarring the skin for aesthetic effect. A failed roll means the ink has blurred and bled, the tattoo quickly fades/is absorbed, or the skin has become infected and inflamed(25% chance on a failed roll).
Prerequisite: Art(Drawing)
Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Taking this skill twice reflects a professional level of skill with the ability to draw in multi-layered compositions.
Note: A species-specific First Aid skill proficiency may also be required if tattooing non-humans/non-mammals to avoid possible allergic reactions from poor selection of tattooing inks.
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:Tattooing(Domestic)
Skill in impregnating living skin with ink to produce skin art. Tattooing has been around for a long time(the famous ‘Ice Man’ sported simple tattoos). The practitioner learns basic composition, proper selection of tools and inks, and procedure in preparing the skin and doing the tattoo. Also includes skill in slightly scarring the skin for aesthetic effect. A failed roll means the ink has blurred and bled, the tattoo quickly fades/is absorbed, or the skin has become infected and inflamed(25% chance on a failed roll).
Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. Taking this skill twice reflects a professional level of skill with the ability to draw in multi-layered compositions..
Bonuses: +5% if the Art(Drawing) skill is also taken. A species-specific First Aid skill proficiency may also be required if tattooing non-humans/non-mammals to avoid possible allergic reactions from poor selection of tattooing inks.
Art: Drawing should be a prerequisite, I would think.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Art: Drawing should be a prerequisite, I would think.

Even if you were doing simple symbols like patterns of stripes or dots? (I'm thinking again of the Ice Man's tats, that weren't terribly sophisticated, yet probably carried considerable meaning).
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[Art: Drawing should be a prerequisite, I would think.

Even if you were doing simple symbols like patterns of stripes or dots? (I'm thinking again of the Ice Man's tats, that weren't terribly sophisticated, yet probably carried considerable meaning).
You would need a certain amount of control to be able to do the patterns to keep your hand from shaking, which I would attribute to at least some artistic talent. You would at least need the ability to draw a straight line.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Good point. I know people who couldn't draw a straight line with a ruler and an arm brace. OP revised. Thank you.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

just a potential house rule-holiday lore should get a bonus 25% for the followers of the religion that has the specific holiday in question a -15% for non-followers of the religion in question if the holiday is religious in nature no bonus or minus to the roll if it's non religious in nature, what do you think?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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abe wrote:just a potential house rule-holiday lore should get a bonus 25% for the followers of the religion that has the specific holiday in question a -15% for non-followers of the religion in question if the holiday is religious in nature no bonus or minus to the roll if it's non religious in nature, what do you think?

+25% bonus(for WHAT? Skills? Hand to hand bonuses? Mental attributes?) is ridiculous. And a -15% for non-believers is even worse.
And in a megaverse where time is fluid, and in cultures where holidays can 'float' over time from their original dates of significance at the whims of popular demand, failing generational memory, or calendar reform, it could be argued that somewhere, somewhen, AT THIS VERY INSTANT, it is the religious holiday that gives my belief system power and I can benefit because I am a Believer. Tomorrow will be the same, because, again, somewhere in the Megaverse it is Nxla's Birthday, and I am a TRUE Believer.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:just a potential house rule-holiday lore should get a bonus 25% for the followers of the religion that has the specific holiday in question a -15% for non-followers of the religion in question if the holiday is religious in nature no bonus or minus to the roll if it's non religious in nature, what do you think?

+25% bonus(for WHAT? Skills? Hand to hand bonuses? Mental attributes?) is ridiculous. And a -15% for non-believers is even worse.
And in a megaverse where time is fluid, and in cultures where holidays can 'float' over time from their original dates of significance at the whims of popular demand, failing generational memory, or calendar reform, it could be argued that somewhere, somewhen, AT THIS VERY INSTANT, it is the religious holiday that gives my belief system power and I can benefit because I am a Believer. Tomorrow will be the same, because, again, somewhere in the Megaverse it is Nxla's Birthday, and I am a TRUE Believer.

for skill rolls silly.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:[
for skill rolls silly.

Then you have to specify that. And what SORT of skill rolls? Technical skills? Domestic skills? Are physical skills covered? I don't think Christians should become instant ninjas on their Prowl rolls just because it's Christmas. Or Hindus getting bonuses on Demolitions Disposal because it's Monsoon Festival days.
Abe, you have to think your posts through, and be clear, concise, spellchecked, and relevant. Re-think it, revise it, grammar-check it, and consider if it is balanced.
THEN post a product that can be used/played without the reader having to do most of the work of trying to figure out what you meant. We're not all mind-readers on the boards, so you have to be clearer and more thorough in your presentation. I'd rather than you present too MUCH information and details in a post than too little, because it's far easier for readers to offer suggestions on how to pare something down, than to attempt to construct your intent.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

abe wrote:sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.

Then re-write it to make that clear.
But it still won't make much sense unless you're dealing with mystery cults. A person of a particular religious persuasion doesn't necessarily know +25% more about a particular religious holiday than anybody willing to do the research. In fact, in some cases, a lay person of a religious persuasion would know LESS than a priest of that religion, and might know LESS than a non-believer anthropologist or sociologist, or even a theologian of a different faith, looking at other religions. For example, a practitioner of a particular religion might be ignorant of the pagan origins of one of their holidays, or that the date has changed to coincide with a more convenient event, such as a winter or summer solstice, or that events it celebrates correspond with other historical events(or fail to correspond as the case may be). All they know is 'today is for worship, there are some of the things we do on this day for these reasons', which can be information readily open and available to other people not of that faith as well.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:[
for skill rolls silly.

Then you have to specify that. And what SORT of skill rolls? Technical skills? Domestic skills? Are physical skills covered? I don't think Christians should become instant ninjas on their Prowl rolls just because it's Christmas. Or Hindus getting bonuses on Demolitions Disposal because it's Monsoon Festival days.
Abe, you have to think your posts through, and be clear, concise, spellchecked, and relevant. Re-think it, revise it, grammar-check it, and consider if it is balanced.
THEN post a product that can be used/played without the reader having to do most of the work of trying to figure out what you meant. We're not all mind-readers on the boards, so you have to be clearer and more thorough in your presentation. I'd rather than you present too MUCH information and details in a post than too little, because it's far easier for readers to offer suggestions on how to pare something down, than to attempt to construct your intent.

taalismn wrote:
abe wrote:sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.

Then re-write it to make that clear.
But it still won't make much sense unless you're dealing with mystery cults. A person of a particular religious persuasion doesn't necessarily know +25% more about a particular religious holiday than anybody willing to do the research. In fact, in some cases, a lay person of a religious persuasion would know LESS than a priest of that religion, and might know LESS than a non-believer anthropologist or sociologist, or even a theologian of a different faith, looking at other religions. For example, a practitioner of a particular religion might be ignorant of the pagan origins of one of their holidays, or that the date has changed to coincide with a more convenient event, such as a winter or summer solstice, or that events it celebrates correspond with other historical events(or fail to correspond as the case may be). All they know is 'today is for worship, there are some of the things we do on this day for these reasons', which can be information readily open and available to other people not of that faith as well.

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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Nightmask »

abe wrote:sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.

Looked clear to me.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

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Nightmask wrote:
abe wrote:sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.

Looked clear to me.

Yeah, I understood that it was a bonus for a Lore skill. Doesn't change the fact that .... :frust: :frust: :badbad: :badbad: :frust: :frust: :lol: haha not going to trick me into getting another warning. Sneaky forums
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Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
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Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmask wrote:
abe wrote:sorry, this option is for lore rolls, should have made that clear in the beginning,my bad.

Looked clear to me.

Perhaps, but 'Lore' covers a lot of ground. It should be Lore: Religion, because 'lore' could be (mis)interpreted, for example, as "Those of the Jewish persuasion have a +25% to their 'Lore: Demons and Monsters' skill with regards to Jewish folklore creatures like golems". If multiple lore skills are affected by this house rule, the specific lores should be stated.
Of course, when you're dealing with an RPG, where creatures from myth and religion often turn out to be real in-game,the distinction between factual account, folklore, and religious practice as covered in lore skills can get a little blurred.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

for primative cultures-ink making
you can make ink sticks or other means of ink preperation according to your culture,not sure what chance of success,maybe 35% + 4% per level?
what do you think & if this has been done before I appologize in advance.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by NMI »

abe wrote:for primative cultures-ink making
you can make ink sticks or other means of ink preperation according to your culture,not sure what chance of success,maybe 35% + 4% per level?
what do you think & if this has been done before I appologize in advance.

What class of skill would this be? Technical? Cultural?
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

NMI wrote:
abe wrote:for primative cultures-ink making
you can make ink sticks or other means of ink preperation according to your culture,not sure what chance of success,maybe 35% + 4% per level?
what do you think & if this has been done before I appologize in advance.

What class of skill would this be? Technical? Cultural?

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Re: We Gots The Skills

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The skill of being able to produce the basic stock(cloth, thread) for Sewing from raw materials like cotton, wool, and and other natural materials(Silk Manufacture is a separate and more specialized skill described in RWB25) . Clothmaking includes the basics of fiber separation, spinning, washing(and in the case of wool, fulling to remove oils), dying, drying, weaving, and looming to produce serviceable cloth and thread. A general knowledge of weave types and pattern-making is also included.
Base Skill: 45 % + 5% per level of experience
Taking this skill TWICE reflects a professional and higher-quality end product, or a SPECIALIZATION in a particular fabric, such as cotton, angora, or wool, or specialized styles such as lace.
Note that large -scale weaving/loom operations will require a Carpentry skill if building the frames and equipment from scratch.
Bonus: Add +5% to the Appraise Goods if evaluating the value of clothing and cloth items.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

taalismn wrote: Cloth-Making(Domestic)
The skill of being able to produce the basic stock(cloth, thread) for Sewing from raw materials like cotton, wool, and and other natural materials(Silk Manufacture is a separate and more specialized skill described in RWB25) . Clothmaking includes the basics of fiber separation, spinning, washing(and in the case of wool, fulling to remove oils), dying, drying, weaving, and looming to produce serviceable cloth and thread. A general knowledge of weave types and pattern-making is also included.
Base Skill: 45 % + 5% per level of experience
Taking this skill TWICE reflects a professional and higher-quality end product, or a SPECIALIZATION in a particular fabric, such as cotton, angora, or wool, or specialized styles such as lace.
Note that large -scale weaving/loom operations will require a Carpentry skill if building the frames and equipment from scratch.
Bonus: Add +5% to the Appraise Goods if evaluating the value of clothing and cloth items.
I might have to add this to the skills of my Tailor Mage.
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by taalismn »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:[I might have to add this to the skills of my Tailor Mage.

Thanks. Got the idea thinking about a favorite walking place of mine some time back: Fulling Mill Brook, which got me curious about what a 'fulling mill' was. :D
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Re: We Gots The Skills

Unread post by abe »

taalismn wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[I might have to add this to the skills of my Tailor Mage.

Thanks. Got the idea thinking about a favorite walking place of mine some time back: Fulling Mill Brook, which got me curious about what a 'fulling mill' was. :D

along these lines how about loom-making?
just not sure how to make this a skill, that's all.
howdey folks!!!!!!!!
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