ok where's my stuff?

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ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Conteshard »

I all.

I waited patiently till now, lurking now and then on the forum and on kickstarter, seeing everithing on the spectrum between:

- it's absolutely normal for a project like this to take (N --> infinite) months more then predicted: chill out guys!


- Palladium Book is a cover for the Illuminati (that's SJ Games by the way ;-) ) and with the money they took from this project (that they knew wuold fail, of course) they'll buy a mind controll ray!

I'm not going to excuse error and I'm not going to pop a vein over this money (even if I'm out by a "reckless" and they don't grow on trees around here).

BUT, and this is the big but (no pun, please) someone wrote us on the 29th of august that they were shipping and that in one week (give or take a couple of days to compensate for jetlag) we would have had more updates.

It's the 16th of september and:

1) nobody that writes here got more than paper (or am I wrong?), when THE GAME should have been shipping for more than two weeks
2) there hasn't been any update, and we are after Palladium did mea culpa (= my bad) and promised more serious and prompt updates
3) we don't know when if ever Europe (I'm here) and the rest of the world will get their stuff
4) no, I won't ever start talking about phase two: my interior peace would suffer


and please: don't start the next update with "Hi! Been super busy here!!" because I'm super busy on my job but if I give the client info with a delay of 10 days he WONT be sympathetic, trust me (or at least not the tenth time I do it).


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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Steve Carroll »

It will probably get locked because all of his questions have already been answered.

Answer: Reckless Pledge - You will be one of the last to receive your product, especially if you ordered Add-On's to go along with it. They were pretty clear about this. The more you ordered, the later your shipment goes out. They are sending out the product by the quickest to pack (thus smallest orders) first. Plus, they only have the core game (for the most part) so far. Because of this, he will have to wait as they do not have all of the Wave One products in.

All the OP has to do is follow the Weekly Updates and the Updates posted to the Kickstarter and they would know this.

Also, for a first post, it is very confrontational, not the best way to word it if they want answers, just a tip!

For reference, I am in for Reckless x2 plus an equal amount of money worth of Add-On's, so I will be one of the very last to get my product, when according to my backer number I was one of the first to pledge. Oh well. We get it when we get it, we know for a fact that people have begun receiving the product and that more is on the way. The delay sucks, but it isn't as bad as other miniature kickstarters.

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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by godsgopher »

Nice Post Steve. Very well said.

Yes were all anxious to receive our stuff but to be frank this is going to take a while yet. It is my understanding that there are four full containers required to fulfill the Wave One backers orders. Think about that for a moment, four FULL shipping containers! Lets see just for fun... There were 5342 "official" backers. I say official because I know I came in late and I suspect I was hardly the only one. But lets go with 5342. Now if everyone got a box set (Yes I know not everyone ordered a box, but some ordered much more as well. Remember this is for fun.) And each box set had 18 Battle Pods in them.

That would be 96,156 Battle Pods! I cant remember but I think that's more battle pods than are contained in a Zentradi Landing ship. So glad I'm not the guy packing all that!
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

godsgopher wrote:Nice Post Steve. Very well said.

Yes were all anxious to receive our stuff but to be frank this is going to take a while yet. It is my understanding that there are four full containers required to fulfill the Wave One backers orders. Think about that for a moment, four FULL shipping containers! Lets see just for fun... There were 5342 "official" backers. I say official because I know I came in late and I suspect I was hardly the only one. But lets go with 5342. Now if everyone got a box set (Yes I know not everyone ordered a box, but some ordered much more as well. Remember this is for fun.) And each box set had 18 Battle Pods in them.

That would be 96,156 Battle Pods! I cant remember but I think that's more battle pods than are contained in a Zentradi Landing ship. So glad I'm not the guy packing all that!

Your math is wrong somewhere.

Each Core Box has 12 battle pods. Each Battle Cry has 24. I'm sure it multiples out nicely for 18, but neither of the common shipment sizes (core box or BC/multiples of BC) contain that number of pods.

Also, be aware, but late backing can be a... contentious matter in the KS community. Getting in after all is said and done when your money might have helped (in aggregate with others) to get us further and still getting all the benefits of joining is a sore spot with some people. Not personally, it's PB's project, but FYI, it'll get you some dark looks from others.

At my last count, there are an estimated 6,300 "Battle Cry" boxes among the tiers on the KS page. This number drops when one accounts for the (according to PB) 1-2% that failed to contribute their pledge. This goes up when one accounts for the extra boxes other backers (late entries and pure upgrades alike) added during the PM. According to PB, the amount gained during the PM was roughly 10%, so this could be hundreds of boxes, but it's not an absurd amount (read: thousands).

So for a nice, easy number, let's say there are 6,400 Battle Cry boxes to go out (plus orders that just have a few expansions, or just a core box, or just decals, whatever). Across 4 containers, that would mean each would have to cover ~1,600 BC's. Given that there are 3,100 BC only backers (again, before losses and upgrades), that would mean we'll be lucky if the first 2 containers cover BC only backers. There is some wiggle room here with the EU backers all being wrapped up into X pallets and shipped across the ocean eventually, but those of us with Showdowns may well be waiting a while, and those with Recklesses may have an even longer wait yet.

Note @Steve: they did not specifically say they were shipping smallest to largest, they did say they were grouping like sized shipments for simplicity, and we've seen that they started with the Core boxes because that's what they have on hand. One can extrapolate forward that smaller BC (and BC plus a few add ons) would be the next up; satisfying thousands of backers with their boxes rather than half or a quarter as many (or less) shipping out to the "big spenders" means the same materials don't go as far in terms of spreading the joy around. And between delays and general unrest, it wouldn't surprise me to see a priority given to just getting as many people figuratively 'off the ledge' and as quickly as possible as they can.

At Double Reckless + a huge pile of add ons, I am in the same boat, but frankly, I can't fault the OP for being a bit assertive on the matter. Steve says to read the updates and newsletters, but that's not the end of it, one must also have been doing so for long enough to fluidly 'read between the lines'. Reading the updates one would know that shipping has begun! Reading the comments, one would know that, however, shipping of Battle Cry boxes apparently hasn't even started (some of the lowest Backer number and Backer Kit number single BC folks have checked in, and they have yet to get notification or boxes). Presumably Container 2 is necessary to get those started. So where is Container 2? Reading the updates, one would know that it's at sea. When is it due in port? At the warehouse? *shrug* While a customs delay is possible, backers have established a vague timeline based on the update notes for container 1, but C2 almost seems to be an afterthought from the updates, despite apparently being key to starting the shipping process for ~90% of backers.

Was the OP terse? Sure. Is it undeserved? Honestly, I don't think so.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Conteshard »

@Steve Carrol

I haven't seen any official answer about the sending order, but a lot of unofficial ones (by pledge number, by quantity, by hair colour... :)). If there were an official one about pledge size, my mistake.

BUT: can we have some update? It's too much to ask for? News about containers two and three, that should contain everything they need to fulfill all the pledges (phase one,of course)?

the only important question I have is:
What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?


Palladium can do the math too (correctly I hope :) ) and my question stands:

What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?

(Many thanks for the great painting thread by the way! :) )

Not my first rodeo, but the first totally blindfolded, so to speak (and not a good sensation, if you ask me).

As you said, assertiveness is not a crime (I hope: not a lawyer, and expecially not a US lawyer :) )

To summarize my point:

1) I don't argue the ORDER of fulfillment of the pledges: it's palladium's business.
2) I don't care for the REASONS of the big delay: I'm interested in the future, not the past.
3) I don't care for assigning blame: see point (2)

ONLY ONE QUESTION (all together now! :D ):

What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Conteshard »

@Steve Carrol

I haven't seen any official answer about the sending order, but a lot of unofficial ones (by pledge number, by quantity, by hair colour... :)). If there were an official one about pledge size, my mistake.

BUT: can we have some update? It's too much to ask for? News about containers two and three, that should contain everything they need to fulfill all the pledges (phase one,of course)?

the only important question I have is:
What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?


Palladium can do the math too (correctly I hope :) ) and my question stands:

What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?

(Many thanks for the great painting thread by the way! :) )

Not my first rodeo, but the first totally blindfolded, so to speak (and not a good sensation, if you ask me).

As you said, assertiveness is not a crime (I hope: not a lawyer, and expecially not a US lawyer :) )

To summarize my point:

1) I don't argue the ORDER of fulfillment of the pledges: it's palladium's business.
2) I don't care for the REASONS of the big delay: I'm interested in the future, not the past.
3) I don't care for assigning blame: see point (2)

ONLY ONE QUESTION (all together now! :D ):

What's the (extimated) deadline for fullfillmen of all the pledges (and by extension, mine)?
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by godsgopher »

Also, be aware, but late backing can be a... contentious matter in the KS community. Getting in after all is said and done when your money might have helped (in aggregate with others) to get us further and still getting all the benefits of joining is a sore spot with some people. Not personally, it's PB's project, but FYI, it'll get you some dark looks from others.


Good post, I appreciate your precision. Now regarding my late arrival it was not intentional. I did not find out about the Kickstarter until it had been over for a month. So I count myself very fortunate to have been able to support it at all. No doubt that may cause some people to feel a little :badbad: but I can not do anything about that.

Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods. So like I said four containers and I'm SO glad I don't have to pack a one of them! However since I'm such a bum and refuse to help out it may take a few months to get all that accomplished.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Steve Carroll »

Kryptt wrote:You know Steve just because the man is anxious to get his stuff doesn't mean you have to be condescending to him. He's upset at how long this is taking. Maybe it's his first ks and doesn't know how these things work. If you want more people to support PB then maybe being understanding to first time posters would be more helpful than answering the man in such a condescending way.

Perhaps you didn't quite read that right. He has obviously been following the updates to this point (as he points out) and if so would know that there was not going to be an update for two weeks. Also, I wasn't being condescending, but was responding matter-of-factly. Also, I am not trying to convince anyone to try and support PB, not sure where you got that from.

If this is their first KS, in a way that is a good thing I think. He will see how they can (and often do) turn out. Hopefully it doesn't turn him off because they can turn out quite well, even if they do run late.

If the OP takes what I said as condescending, all I can do is apologize is that is not how it was intended.

Now, on a separate point. Yes...Palladium NEEDS to post a Kickstarter Update and quickly. They should be posting those BEFORE the weekly update or at exactly the same time, even if they are just a copy/paste of the info. On THAT, I agree fully!
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Conteshard »

guys: your posts are subject to admin authorization on a one on one basis? Mine are so will be late in coming.

@Steve Carrol: you say

"He has obviously been following the updates to this point (as he points out) and if so would know that there was not going to be an update for two weeks."

I read in the update:

"Because I’ll be in China next week, there won’t be a new Update until the week after. "

this was posted on the 29th of august; granted, "the week after" started monday the 8th and ended sunday the 14th, but...
that say, let's not bicker on this: you say "Palladium NEEDS to post a Kickstarter Update and quickly" so we are on the same page :)

about the condecending tone: I usualy don't give much tought to the tone of mails and posts because it's easy misunderstood, so no arm done, no apologies needed :)
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

godsgopher wrote:Good post, I appreciate your precision. Now regarding my late arrival it was not intentional. I did not find out about the Kickstarter until it had been over for a month. So I count myself very fortunate to have been able to support it at all. No doubt that may cause some people to feel a little :badbad: but I can not do anything about that.

Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods. So like I said four containers and I'm SO glad I don't have to pack a one of them! However since I'm such a bum and refuse to help out it may take a few months to get all that accomplished.

It need not be intentional to garner a little ire, but I'm glad you were able to get in. A lot of people said they missed the project as well, despite it going on for a month and being one of the biggest KS's to date at the time. There'll always be people who miss out though, and a cutoff has to be established somewhere. That said, they did note publicly that some late entries would be allowed, so it shouldn't really be that big a surprise to anyone.

Also, generally to the topic, it's worth noting that the original estimate was "4-5 containers" in a newsletter, which was more recently altered to "3-4 containers", though the latest newsletter notes there are at least 5, but I'm guessing at least one (or part of one) of those covers a lot of retail.

The simply massive pile of core boxes they've shown images of (900+, I've seen estimates of) means either they intended to sell a lot at Gencon, or C2 is extra loaded with BC packs to help turn those core sets into something useful for backer shipping.

Until they start shipping BC's and we can see what they can get out from update to update (assuming they choose to give that info, or we have to imply it from seeing who posts about getting their notification/tracking info), it's all still up in the air. C2 was at the port as of August 28th. As of September 12th, it was at sea. Best case scenario, the ship makes port at the end of the week, but even that might be overly optimistic. Even if we avoid customs time, and are lucky to be an early box off the ship, it might not be at the warehouse until the end of next week or even early October.

And then shipping can begin in earnest, and becomes a race to fire off everything and then snap pallets out for distribution to retail in time for the holidays. Assuming they want this stuff out in stores before December (at least), that's a mere 75 days away, and half of that or more could be eaten up with getting containers 4 and 5 loaded, on the ship, across the sea, unloaded, and to the warehouse (hopefully without getting stuck in customs).

At this point, getting 4 and 5 stuck in customs could threaten their ability to even deliver before the holidays.
Last edited by Forar on Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kryptt »

Which begs the question if there's going to be another vote? Basically would it be ok for PB to send out the game to retailers first and then backers? I hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does...
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Phaze »

godsgopher wrote:Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods.

Ok, that's about right for my pledge...So what are you going to play with? :lol:
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

Kryptt wrote:Which begs the question if there's going to be another vote? Basically would it be ok for PB to send out the game to retailers first and then backers? I hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does...

Given what people have expressed to date, I think it'd be flat out rioting in the comments. There'd be a few voices that would praise them for their ability to make the tough choices and 'do what's right to generate Hype(tm) and Buzz(c) for the game', but it'd get ugly.

Like, "Spartangate" and "The Great Gencon Situation of 2014" would probably pale in comparison, especially if those early retail shipments meant boxes not going out until containers 4/5/6+, especially if they arrive (not a projection, but actually arrive) in November/December. "Starting shipping" in late August 2014 and finishing shipping in early 2015" would be a wee bit more than the "3-4 weeks" they estimated shipping would take.

Yes, yes, C2 being held up was beyond their control, and if they could mail anything, it was probably best to get it out, but 1 month becoming 4-6+ would not help matters settle.

And before someone accuses me of 'getting worked up over nothing', I'm stating this purely based on what we've seen and extrapolating forward. In my ideal world, C2 arrives in the next week or two and they fire off thousands of boxes into the mail in short order.

But I'm not expecting it, and the EU/Retail/Holiday situation is going to loom for months to come.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by devillin »

godsgopher wrote:Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods. So like I said four containers and I'm SO glad I don't have to pack a one of them! However since I'm such a bum and refuse to help out it may take a few months to get all that accomplished.

Forget packing them, I'd hate to be the one who has to ship all of the orders out. Or the poor UPS guy who has to put each day's packages on his truck. I hope they hired some extra people to help out with the shipping process.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Dirty Herby »

godsgopher wrote:Forar,

Good post, I appreciate your precision. Now regarding my late arrival it was not intentional. I did not find out about the Kickstarter until it had been over for a month. So I count myself very fortunate to have been able to support it at all. No doubt that may cause some people to feel a little :badbad: but I can not do anything about that.

Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods. So like I said four containers and I'm SO glad I don't have to pack a one of them! However since I'm such a bum and refuse to help out it may take a few months to get all that accomplished.

I too was a late comer to the KS, I only happened to know about it because my son was on YouTube and happened across the Ninja Division video showing the game play demo. After seeing the video I high tailed it to KS to see if I could get in on RRT, I missed it by a day, if I had heard about it sooner I would have been an official backer. Prior to this I have never done anything with KS, in fact RRT was how I was introduced to KS.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by godsgopher »

godsgopher wrote:
Lets see 6300 Battle Cries give or take at 24 Pods is 152,200 Pods.

Ok, that's about right for my pledge...So what are you going to play with? :lol:

Alright Phaze I see your going to play hard ball here. So what am I going to bring, what to bring huummm... I'm going to bring the Grand Cannon! That's it, my Grand Cannon vs. Your 152,200 Battle Pods!

@ Dirty Herby
Yes, I'm right there with you. Before I heard about the RTT Kickstarter I knew about KS but never really followed it to see what people were up to. None the less I'm very grateful I was able to get in though honestly I don't think there are many KS projects that are quick to say no to more money. None the less, for myself and many of you this is about Robotech and getting to relive the excitement many of us first discovered so many years ago before heading off to school in the mornings.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by McPherson »

godsgopher wrote:
Alright Phaze I see your going to play hard ball here. So what am I going to bring, what to bring huummm... I'm going to bring the Grand Cannon! That's it, my Grand Cannon vs. Your 152,200 Battle Pods!

Poor choice my friend, Grand Cannon has a horrible Rate of Fire and a severely limited Line of Sight.

Stick with the classics - take the SDF-1, much more mobile and packing a nice punch :P

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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by godsgopher »

Poor choice my friend, Grand Cannon has a horrible Rate of Fire and a severely limited Line of Sight.

Stick with the classics - take the SDF-1, much more mobile and packing a nice punch :P

- End of Line -

I'm ashamed to say I did not consider the SDF-1. However, I feel the Grand Cannon is still a valid choice. For one, while your right its not mobile it is the most heavily defended UEF Base on the planet. The SDF-1 on the other hand only has 400-600 Mecha available to it. Secondly, the personnel stationed at Alaska Base are the best and brightest of the UEF! So I expect to have quite a few veteran troops. Last, as the command and control center for UN Spacey I can call in unlimited reinforcements from anywhere on the globe including the SDF-1.

Not even Phaze's glittering legions of colored perfection can stand against that kind of concentrating firepower!
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Phaze »

godsgopher wrote:Not even Phaze's glittering legions of colored perfection can stand against that kind of concentrating firepower!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

I just ran across this thread, so let me post a quick couple of answers. I am working on a bigger update for the Kickstarter page that will go up tonight.

It isn't quite correct to say that the bigger the pledge, the later it will ship. What I said in an update was that we'd go roughly in order of BackerKit ID number, but that it would largely depend on what we had in our warehouse to ship, i.e. when we have everything in your Wave One rewards, we can ship your goodies. We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

We WILL NOT ship to retailers until all backer rewards go out. Please don't start any speculation about a vote on that. It's not going to happen. It's not a situation like Gen Con was, which obviously we couldn't push back by a week or a month (if only we could have). The retailers and distributors know that they have to wait until the backer rewards ship.

So, to answer the OP's question: Where's your stuff?
Some of it might be in our warehouse, waiting for the rest of it to arrive. Some of it might be in container #2, which was picked up from the port today, is being loaded into another container, and will depart LA by train tomorrow. Or in container #3, which is at sea right now. Or in container #4, which was delivered to the port in China yesterday, etc.

As for when we'll be finished shipping to backers, we're expecting to finish shipping Wave One rewards sometime in October. That's when we should have received enough containers full of product to fulfill all the backers' Wave One rewards. Once we have the goods, we should be able to ship them out pretty quickly by then.

I'm sorry it's taking so long. I really am. And I'm sorry I didn't post an update last week. It was 2:30am by the time I got our regular Weekly Update posted and left the office last Friday night, and I just couldn't do any more. I've been working on it sporadically this week, but other things have pulled me away, including today (which is why I'm not done with it yet). Don't be surprised if a bunch of this ends up in it.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kendachi »

Wayne Smith wrote:We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

What? Are there things from Wave 1 that will still be missing from stock even when Container 3 arrives? How will this effect Battle Cries, as they're pretty much the remaining orders to ship.

Sorry, maybe I'm not understanding what you wrote and perhaps the actual update will be clearer.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

Kendachi wrote:
Wayne Smith wrote:We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

What? Are there things from Wave 1 that will still be missing from stock even when Container 3 arrives? How will this effect Battle Cries, as they're pretty much the remaining orders to ship.

Sorry, maybe I'm not understanding what you wrote and perhaps the actual update will be clearer.

No, sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. Once container #3 arrives, there will not be things missing from stock. After we've mailed out a couple thousand packages, we might be temporarily out of stock unless container #4 arrives first. That will depend how quickly we can send out the packages.

What I was getting at is that the last backers' Wave One rewards won't be shipped until container #5 or maybe #6 comes in, because it will take that many containers to ship us the quantities necessary to fulfill them all.

Once container #3 arrives, there will not be any single backer to whom we couldn't ship their Wave One rewards. We just won't be able to ship all 5,000 of them, because we won't have enough stock yet. We will be able to ship about 2,000 at that time, however, and another 2k or so more when container #4 arrives, and so on. We'll ship them as quickly as possible as long as we have the stock to do so.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Tiree »

So Wayne - if I understand this correctly:

For Wave 1 Shipments, it will take a collective 3 Containers to arrive to fulfill all the different options that were selected by backers for the Wave 1 setup. Containers 4+ is just extra parts and pieces to the items you already have (No new spru's).
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kryptt »

Wayne you the man. Thanks for clearing things up. Be sure to get some rest.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

Tiree wrote:So Wayne - if I understand this correctly:

For Wave 1 Shipments, it will take a collective 3 Containers to arrive to fulfill all the different options that were selected by backers for the Wave 1 setup. Containers 4+ is just extra parts and pieces to the items you already have (No new spru's).

Correct. It's just the sheer quantity of backers that means we'll still need containers #4, #5, and maybe #6 before we have enough of everything to finish sending out everyone's Wave One rewards.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

any news to share on the wave 2 figures?
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

Wayne Smith wrote:We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

According to the earlier Gencon updates, the only things from Wave One that were not going to be available at the convention were the Spartan/Phalanx expansion and the Veritech expansion. Given that the core boxes contain Veritechs, one could conclude that either the expansion itself just didn't get packed, or the number of them available was limited.

So, does container 2 contain Spartan/Phalanx expansions and Veritech expansions?

Will Battle Cry boxes be able to start shipping with Container 2?

We WILL NOT ship to retailers until all backer rewards go out. Please don't start any speculation about a vote on that. It's not going to happen.

Given the importance of the Nov/Dec holiday sales period, I am pleasantly surprised to hear this. Thank you for your reassurance.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Wayne Smith »

Forar wrote:So, does container 2 contain Spartan/Phalanx expansions and Veritech expansions?

Will Battle Cry boxes be able to start shipping with Container 2?

Yes, it does; and yes, they will; respectively.

Forar wrote:Given the importance of the Nov/Dec holiday sales period, I am pleasantly surprised to hear this.

Oh believe me, we know. All the more reason we want to get everyone's rewards out in October and get things shipping to distributors as soon as that's done.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

Thank you.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Battle Damage »

This is good info. Thankyou very much.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kendachi »

Yes, this is good information. Thank you!

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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by McPherson »

A bit late I know to catch Wayne (timezones and all that)

Any idea on the ETA of the Euro / RoW stuff? I'm assuming we'll be getting pulled out of the later containers and having extra delays as you ship to your international re distributors. Just curious as to what kind of time frame you are looking towards (if you have an idea of one atm)


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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by LtPebbles »

Thank you, Wayne, for the detailed info.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by winterdyne »

Thanks for posting some info, Wayne.

Can you please let us in the EU know what's going on with our stuff too? When can we expect anything?
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Dirty Herby »

winterdyne wrote:Thanks for posting some info, Wayne.

Can you please let us in the EU know what's going on with our stuff too? When can we expect anything?

Sorry for the wall of text you're about to read, if you do.

This is all a guess for how long it could take for the EU backers to get their rewards but I would say December or, at the latest, January. Here's why I say that:

NOTE: If anyone has better information about some of the time frames I am using please feel free to add a more accurate explanation.

According to Wayne's update on the RRT KS page the middle to end of October is expected to be when the very last of backer rewards for wave one are to go out - I am assuming (I know I shouldn't assume) that statement also includes the EU rewards. Most likely the EU rewards will head to an East coast port for shipment to Europe, without knowing for sure which port the rewards will go to I have to guess which one. I did a quick Google search for "the largest east coast port" and got the USDOT (US Dept. of Transportation) website for all ports on the east coast. A huge chunk of the ports are around New Jersey, New York and Delaware (I'm using full state names for the benefit of the European backers who may not know what the state abbreviations are) and so with that I'm going to guess yet again that a tri-state port will be used.

I used to live in New Jersey (on the coast about 45 min. North of Atlantic City) but now live in Illinois (up by the Wisconsin border about middle of the state), I have driven from Illinois to the coast of New Jersey and it takes about 18 - 20 hours traffic permitting. Knowing that I can say it will take two days, maybe, three to get the rewards from Michigan to a tri-state port. If the rewards go to a port other then a tri-state port it could take four or five days. With unloading/loading of the rewards from the truck to the ship I'm, again, guessing that could be another few days - so let's say a week to a week and a half from Michigan to happily sitting on a ship ready to go to Europe. Then we need to add a few days to allow for the ship to fill up with containers before it actually leaves.

For six years I was in the US Navy and did several Mediterranean cruises (Navy parlance for a six month deployment) on an aircraft carrier and it usually took a week to cross the Atlantic to the rock of Gibraltar. And that was with the ship fartzing around with doing circles to allow for training and flight ops, since a cargo ship moves much slower than a US aircraft carrier but does go straight from port to port we can safely say that it will take the cargo ship, the rewards is on, about a week or so to get to a port in Europe or the UK. Again, allowing for a few days of unloading/loading and any possible delays it should be about two weeks to go from the US to the rewards sitting on a truck in Europe or the UK. Now I don't know if European countries have customs like the US does so if there is a customs check then add, what, a week on to that number.

So right now as it stands we are looking at almost a month to a little over a month (accounting for possible delays along the way) to go from Palladium's warehouse to a truck in the UK or Europe.

Now, I have no idea what it takes for delivery trucks to make their delivery's around/from the UK or Europe. For arguments sake lets assume (again, I know I shouldn't be assuming) that it takes a week for the truck to go from the port to Palladium's chosen re-distributor. Another week, possibly two weeks, for the re-distrbutor to organize and re-pack the rewards for delivery to the homes of the backers and then up to a week to be delivered to the homes.

So now we are looking at a month or so for the rewards to travel through Europe or the UK. Of course, I am erring on the side of lengthy time frames when the rewards are in Europe, as I said I have no idea what it takes for delivery's to be made or distances to be driven around the UK or Europe. I sincerely hope that the EU backers receive their rewards sooner than this but you also have to be realistic about what it takes, in terms of time, for things to travel around the world.

So a final tally of total time, IF I am correct, of about two to two and a half months for the rewards to travel from Michigan to the doorsteps of EU backers. Like I said I hope that this guess-timate is very much on the long side and that the EU backers receive their rewards sooner.
Last edited by Dirty Herby on Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by godsgopher »

*Reads all of Dirty's Post*

Wow... I never stopped to consider the sheer logistics involved in all this. I have no way to knowing if your guess's on the time table are anywhere near correct, but nothing you have said seems unreasonable. Considering the probably size of the European shipment, a ship is the only way it can travel. So I do fear it will still be quite a while before our fellow European backers see their stuff.

Hang in there guys, its worth it!
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kryptt »

Now that were in the home stretch I'm waiting in anticipation.

Wayne will the wave two vf-1 models be redone? Like the tail fins on the guardian version, will they be redone? Thanks.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Forar »

Kryptt wrote:Now that were in the home stretch I'm waiting in anticipation.

Just to be clear, you mean the "home stretch" of wave one, right?

'Cause, man, we're gonna be here a while for wave two. :-P

Though while we're on the topic;

@Wayne: given that the container is supposed to arrive next Friday or the following Monday, which could put it out of the usual Thurs/Fri/Sat range for updates, any chance next week's update might address the status of Wave Two? I'm aware PB isn't giving an estimate (probably prudent), but information as to where it stands would be great.

3D Models approved? Sprue Breakdowns done? 3D Printed Prototypes made? Molds milled? Test plastic punched? Revisions done?

With something like twice as many sprues involved in Wave 2, it'd be awesome to get a feeling for how that's progressing, even though the focus is obviously going to be on W1 now that shipping is... happending.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Kryptt »

Yes I meant wave one. As for wave two it's a waiting game.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by wilycoyote »

Thanks Dirty Herby, sadly that tallies roughly with my own guesswork.

The big assumption is that EU/UK shipping will not really start to move until after contaner 4 at best more likely five or six, either way even the end of October from PB moght be overly optimistic (I assume nothing goes till the last EU order is on the pallet?). Me, I would guess nearer mid Movember to be more realistic. TRansport , shipping , customs and holidays and I would expect something in February 2015.

Its going to be a lomg, long wait.

Sadly once our stuff leaves PB, then they can sell to retail and with it the possibility of pre orders from some retailers getting here first - c'est la vie
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by The Beast »

Wayne Smith wrote:I just ran across this thread, so let me post a quick couple of answers. I am working on a bigger update for the Kickstarter page that will go up tonight.

It isn't quite correct to say that the bigger the pledge, the later it will ship. What I said in an update was that we'd go roughly in order of BackerKit ID number, but that it would largely depend on what we had in our warehouse to ship, i.e. when we have everything in your Wave One rewards, we can ship your goodies. We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

We WILL NOT ship to retailers until all backer rewards go out. Please don't start any speculation about a vote on that. It's not going to happen. It's not a situation like Gen Con was, which obviously we couldn't push back by a week or a month (if only we could have). The retailers and distributors know that they have to wait until the backer rewards ship.

So, to answer the OP's question: Where's your stuff?
Some of it might be in our warehouse, waiting for the rest of it to arrive. Some of it might be in container #2, which was picked up from the port today, is being loaded into another container, and will depart LA by train tomorrow. Or in container #3, which is at sea right now. Or in container #4, which was delivered to the port in China yesterday, etc.

As for when we'll be finished shipping to backers, we're expecting to finish shipping Wave One rewards sometime in October. That's when we should have received enough containers full of product to fulfill all the backers' Wave One rewards. Once we have the goods, we should be able to ship them out pretty quickly by then.

I'm sorry it's taking so long. I really am. And I'm sorry I didn't post an update last week. It was 2:30am by the time I got our regular Weekly Update posted and left the office last Friday night, and I just couldn't do any more. I've been working on it sporadically this week, but other things have pulled me away, including today (which is why I'm not done with it yet). Don't be surprised if a bunch of this ends up in it.

So what changed? Why is your company now going back on its word and shipping to retailers before the rest of the backers have their product?
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by rosco60559 »

Dude call their office. Hit up their Facebook page. I've all ready noticed a store owner that cancelled all product due what's going on.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Could it be, that maybe something has changed? Maybe they need to start making money on it to help them out? All I'm saying is we should just ask them why nicely. They might have a good reason. Or I could be completely wrong.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by TagsPB »

The Beast wrote:
Wayne Smith wrote:I just ran across this thread, so let me post a quick couple of answers. I am working on a bigger update for the Kickstarter page that will go up tonight.

It isn't quite correct to say that the bigger the pledge, the later it will ship. What I said in an update was that we'd go roughly in order of BackerKit ID number, but that it would largely depend on what we had in our warehouse to ship, i.e. when we have everything in your Wave One rewards, we can ship your goodies. We didn't get some of everything in container #1, we only got certain items. The same goes for container #2, but it will get us much, much closer, and a bunch more people can get their rewards once #2 comes in, with a whole lot more a week later when #3 comes in. With container #3, we'll have all of most items, and 2,000+ of everything. After that, each container will just bring more to restock us as we ship things out.

We WILL NOT ship to retailers until all backer rewards go out. Please don't start any speculation about a vote on that. It's not going to happen. It's not a situation like Gen Con was, which obviously we couldn't push back by a week or a month (if only we could have). The retailers and distributors know that they have to wait until the backer rewards ship.

So, to answer the OP's question: Where's your stuff?
Some of it might be in our warehouse, waiting for the rest of it to arrive. Some of it might be in container #2, which was picked up from the port today, is being loaded into another container, and will depart LA by train tomorrow. Or in container #3, which is at sea right now. Or in container #4, which was delivered to the port in China yesterday, etc.

As for when we'll be finished shipping to backers, we're expecting to finish shipping Wave One rewards sometime in October. That's when we should have received enough containers full of product to fulfill all the backers' Wave One rewards. Once we have the goods, we should be able to ship them out pretty quickly by then.

I'm sorry it's taking so long. I really am. And I'm sorry I didn't post an update last week. It was 2:30am by the time I got our regular Weekly Update posted and left the office last Friday night, and I just couldn't do any more. I've been working on it sporadically this week, but other things have pulled me away, including today (which is why I'm not done with it yet). Don't be surprised if a bunch of this ends up in it.

So what changed? Why is your company now going back on its word and shipping to retailers before the rest of the backers have their product?

Actually if you read that again......it says backer orders are out the door.......not in backers hands
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by winterdyne »

My backer rewards are most certainly not out the door yet, as I am a uk backer.
The announcement above makes no distinction between backer locations.
The kickstarter main page and all announcements make no distinction about backer location.
Non-us backers have been misled, misinformed and mistreated.
Palladium books lied to us. I can order product for delivery here to the UK from numerous sources now, and get my stuff almost at kickstarter pricing, and a lot faster. I have been used as a source of interest free development cash, and nothing more.
I expect a flimsy excuse of 'oh, we always meant to regionalise distribution and backer shipping, but shucks we forgot, we've never done this before'. A lie of omission is still a lie.
Utter crap.
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Re: ok where's my stuff?

Unread post by NMI »

Locked for now. Referred to Palladium as liars or thieves, and similar insults will not be tolerated on their forums.

I personally understand why some of you are upset or angry, however, the manner in which "some" of you are voicing said feelings is not appropriate or constructive.

If you have a problem with your Kickstarter pledge, Palladium has posted numerous times how to reach them. These forums, the PB Facebook page and similar are not gauranteed forms of communication as they are not always checked.

I would advise for you to call the office @ 734.721.2903 [most likely someone will answer if you call after 9am EST - probably Jeff Burke] - Yes, I know international calling can be a pain, but it's honestly, the best option.
email via: kickstarter@palladiumbooks.com
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