Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

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Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

Unread post by Godslayer »

More Cosmo Knight questions. My Cosmo Knight has a 52 PS. (Our GM uses the rule where any attribute can be exceptional. I rolled a 20 PS +32 for Cosmo Knight).

A 52 PS alone lets you punch for 1d6x10 MD. As I read the Cosmo Knight weapon I noticed it says:
The weapon inflicts 1d4x10 M.D. plus the knight's normal hand to hand damage.

Does this mean that I would do 1d6+1d4x10?
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Re: Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

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Godslayer wrote:More Cosmo Knight questions. My Cosmo Knight has a 52 PS. (Our GM uses the rule where any attribute can be exceptional. I rolled a 20 PS +32 for Cosmo Knight).

A 52 PS alone lets you punch for 1d6x10 MD. As I read the Cosmo Knight weapon I noticed it says:
The weapon inflicts 1d4x10 M.D. plus the knight's normal hand to hand damage.

Does this mean that I would do 1d6+1d4x10?

The weapon damage is 1D4X10 MD (unless you took the extra damage power for it) and your PS Damage is 1d6X10 MD soooo..... You weapon hit something you will be doing 1d4X10 + 1d6X10 MD. Up to 100 total if you do get lucky.
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Re: Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

Unread post by Tor »

Godslayer wrote:Does this mean that I would do 1d6+1d4x10?

You would do (1D6+1D4) x 10, or 1D6x10 + 1D4x10. What you wrote might be interpreted as the equivalent of 1D4x10+1D6 based on order of math.

You might have an easier time if you got a damage upgrade so you could just write 2D6x10 :) Course most people who get that will splurge for the 2D4x10 so it's not much of a solution I guess.

I don't want to interfere with any force field / energy blast dreams.
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Re: Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

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Weapon plus ps damage.
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Re: Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Godslayer wrote:More Cosmo Knight questions. My Cosmo Knight has a 52 PS. (Our GM uses the rule where any attribute can be exceptional. I rolled a 20 PS +32 for Cosmo Knight).

A 52 PS alone lets you punch for 1d6x10 MD. As I read the Cosmo Knight weapon I noticed it says:
The weapon inflicts 1d4x10 M.D. plus the knight's normal hand to hand damage.

Does this mean that I would do 1d6+1d4x10?

Cosmo knights have Supernatural PS, and do damage based on that.

If you only have the old rifts main book then it wouldn't be there, it was introduced in Conversion Book One and is in the new RUE book.

It's also printed here and there elsewhere in the line.
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Re: Cosmo Knight Weapon Damage

Unread post by say652 »

In my game.

This ck would deal, one d six times ten plus one d four times ten mega damage.
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