Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Just watched the first episode of Season 2 of “Fear the Walking Dead.” It was interesting. I know all of you haters out there are pretty disappointed with the show and on some points I can agree with you. After all, the show does sometimes glaze over the exciting stuff to skip to the family drama. For example, I would have loved to have seen more of the action that the show skipped during the first few weeks of their neighborhood being in quarantine in Season 1. Also many of the characters I hate, good thing the Walking Dead franchise has a way of stripping away the dead weight and even main characters have weak plot armor. Many times I wonder if the characters or crazy or stupid, but then I imagine myself as a left wing school teacher or a spoiled, entitled teen on the cusp of the end of the world and go, “ohh…that makes sense now.” (no offense to left wing school teachers, just a far different mindset so I have to adjust my view.) Also, I have foresight on how the world will become as well as a zombie riddled pop culture, so I try to cut them a little slack.
So why do I like the show? For some odd reason, I find it more thought provoking than “Walking Dead.” I have never, for example, sought to post my ideas and views on a forum for “The Walking Dead,” but find myself posting several times during Fear’s season 1. Fear is definitely a different kind of show than “Walking Dead.” So with this disclaimer lets discuss season 2.
Again we find the families sheltered from the harsh reality of their situation. While others are starving, running, and fighting, they find themselves safe on a luxury yacht. While this safety allows them to catch their collective breath and grieve, it is also slowing their adaption to the new world order. Right now they are falling behind on the learning curve. If an emergency happens they are going to fall apart.
Should they have picked up the survivors on the boat? The answer is no. They would likely have had the boat taken from them before too long and then find themselves on the dingy. Or they would quickly run through their supplies. I myself would have chosen option C. I would have approached within shouting range and then conduct interviews. Oh, you are a doctor (mechanic, gunsmith, etc..)? You can come aboard. Even then I would have taken only a handful under gun point and if they could not prove their skills then over the side they go. At least it would have relieved the overpopulation on the small boat and perhaps I would have given them a few supplies so they did not rush my yacht. Of course, the family would need to be on board with that plan, but Strand can be persuasive. Oh..you don’t like my plan. You demand we save all of them?…oh well..(Sail away and save no one.)
My favorite character so far is Strand, this guy was definitely not born into his wealth. It would not be far fetched to imagine him winning the Abigail in a high stakes poker game. He definitely is a student of human nature, and he can see the writing on the wall. Right now there are some trust issues between him and the main group. It may take a wake up call to get the group to trust him, until then it is wise that he keeps an eye open when he sleeps. He may have a mutiny on his hands if he is not careful. Yes, the shot up boat is a warning sign, but the families can be pretty dense. I loved his comments about his boat and his being the captain. There are reasons for strict authority on ships, I wonder who will need to be flogged before that sinks in.
Nick. I am not sure about Strands judgement of Nick. What he calls fearlessness I would call stupidity. He also has a history of making bad decisions. I am not so sure that being a junkie makes you better prepared for the apocalypse but rather comes with a load of detrimental baggage. Sure junkies are used to living in a single set of clothes, eating from trashcans, and generally caring little about their own well being or that of others. On the other hand they can be single minded about getting their fix, even at the expense of others or themselves. And what is with this whole thing about Strand as a father figure to Nick, he is already a mentor, is he trying to can some control over Nick? I will however applaud him for grabbing the ship’s log. Although, it seems dumb for him to risk his life and come back with what may be a useless book, it may prove invaluable. The log book may describe the situation, which lead to the crews demise. Perhaps they had been answering a distress call that turned out to be an ambush? Maybe it details a supply cache or safe anchorage. Of course, it may contain nothing of value at all.
Alicia. Bad idea to let her use the radio. I guess she never heard of “Loose lips sink ships”. Go ahead Alicia, why don’t you give them your Lat/Long, number of fighting age males, number of guns, the fact you are on a yacht, etc… while you are at it. It is no coincidence that an unknown contact is bearing down on them at high speed near the end of the episode.
Chris. He needs to get that chip on his shoulder knocked off. After that maybe he can start learning and contributing. No one is impressed with the brooding teenager attitude.
Travis. Good thing you decided to grab you dead wife rather than a duffle bag of some of the supplies you had to leave on the beach. It is not like your son could hate you more if you left her body. Also, it seems like an abrupt change of circumstances from the last episode of season 1 to the 1st of season 2. In the 1st season it was day time (IIRC) and the beach was quiet, while in the 2nd it was night time and the beach was being swarmed. They could not have dealt with the dead mother in the interim?
Daniel, another favorite character. Not sure why Madison thinks she can trust him to side with her family over Strand, I guess they did share a torturing soldier bonding moment together, but still. Although he says he is keeping an eye on Strand, he is also likely keeping an eye on you Madison. I think that Daniel would see much sense in some of the cold decisions Strand is making and would never put his daughter’s safety at risk no matter how many people are stuck adrift on a small boat.
Note of reality: I forget who used the outboard motor to kill the zombie, but all I could do was shout NO!! While it was a cool piece of SFX and cinematography and zombie kill scene, it was foolish. That motor stood a fairly good chance of being damaged in the process of killing the walker. Great, instead of just zooming away, you killed one walker and destroyed your outboard motor. Now the other ten walkers lumber forth to kill you as you try to paddle away against the surf. Not to mention it would make clumsy weapon, good thing the walker was standing in the right spot, if he had moved even a little you would miss and likely be caught off balance.
So why do I like the show? For some odd reason, I find it more thought provoking than “Walking Dead.” I have never, for example, sought to post my ideas and views on a forum for “The Walking Dead,” but find myself posting several times during Fear’s season 1. Fear is definitely a different kind of show than “Walking Dead.” So with this disclaimer lets discuss season 2.
Again we find the families sheltered from the harsh reality of their situation. While others are starving, running, and fighting, they find themselves safe on a luxury yacht. While this safety allows them to catch their collective breath and grieve, it is also slowing their adaption to the new world order. Right now they are falling behind on the learning curve. If an emergency happens they are going to fall apart.
Should they have picked up the survivors on the boat? The answer is no. They would likely have had the boat taken from them before too long and then find themselves on the dingy. Or they would quickly run through their supplies. I myself would have chosen option C. I would have approached within shouting range and then conduct interviews. Oh, you are a doctor (mechanic, gunsmith, etc..)? You can come aboard. Even then I would have taken only a handful under gun point and if they could not prove their skills then over the side they go. At least it would have relieved the overpopulation on the small boat and perhaps I would have given them a few supplies so they did not rush my yacht. Of course, the family would need to be on board with that plan, but Strand can be persuasive. Oh..you don’t like my plan. You demand we save all of them?…oh well..(Sail away and save no one.)
My favorite character so far is Strand, this guy was definitely not born into his wealth. It would not be far fetched to imagine him winning the Abigail in a high stakes poker game. He definitely is a student of human nature, and he can see the writing on the wall. Right now there are some trust issues between him and the main group. It may take a wake up call to get the group to trust him, until then it is wise that he keeps an eye open when he sleeps. He may have a mutiny on his hands if he is not careful. Yes, the shot up boat is a warning sign, but the families can be pretty dense. I loved his comments about his boat and his being the captain. There are reasons for strict authority on ships, I wonder who will need to be flogged before that sinks in.
Nick. I am not sure about Strands judgement of Nick. What he calls fearlessness I would call stupidity. He also has a history of making bad decisions. I am not so sure that being a junkie makes you better prepared for the apocalypse but rather comes with a load of detrimental baggage. Sure junkies are used to living in a single set of clothes, eating from trashcans, and generally caring little about their own well being or that of others. On the other hand they can be single minded about getting their fix, even at the expense of others or themselves. And what is with this whole thing about Strand as a father figure to Nick, he is already a mentor, is he trying to can some control over Nick? I will however applaud him for grabbing the ship’s log. Although, it seems dumb for him to risk his life and come back with what may be a useless book, it may prove invaluable. The log book may describe the situation, which lead to the crews demise. Perhaps they had been answering a distress call that turned out to be an ambush? Maybe it details a supply cache or safe anchorage. Of course, it may contain nothing of value at all.
Alicia. Bad idea to let her use the radio. I guess she never heard of “Loose lips sink ships”. Go ahead Alicia, why don’t you give them your Lat/Long, number of fighting age males, number of guns, the fact you are on a yacht, etc… while you are at it. It is no coincidence that an unknown contact is bearing down on them at high speed near the end of the episode.
Chris. He needs to get that chip on his shoulder knocked off. After that maybe he can start learning and contributing. No one is impressed with the brooding teenager attitude.
Travis. Good thing you decided to grab you dead wife rather than a duffle bag of some of the supplies you had to leave on the beach. It is not like your son could hate you more if you left her body. Also, it seems like an abrupt change of circumstances from the last episode of season 1 to the 1st of season 2. In the 1st season it was day time (IIRC) and the beach was quiet, while in the 2nd it was night time and the beach was being swarmed. They could not have dealt with the dead mother in the interim?
Daniel, another favorite character. Not sure why Madison thinks she can trust him to side with her family over Strand, I guess they did share a torturing soldier bonding moment together, but still. Although he says he is keeping an eye on Strand, he is also likely keeping an eye on you Madison. I think that Daniel would see much sense in some of the cold decisions Strand is making and would never put his daughter’s safety at risk no matter how many people are stuck adrift on a small boat.
Note of reality: I forget who used the outboard motor to kill the zombie, but all I could do was shout NO!! While it was a cool piece of SFX and cinematography and zombie kill scene, it was foolish. That motor stood a fairly good chance of being damaged in the process of killing the walker. Great, instead of just zooming away, you killed one walker and destroyed your outboard motor. Now the other ten walkers lumber forth to kill you as you try to paddle away against the surf. Not to mention it would make clumsy weapon, good thing the walker was standing in the right spot, if he had moved even a little you would miss and likely be caught off balance.
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Another fine episode of Fear the Walking Dead.
So we meet the Gearys who have a fatalistic outlook on the state of the World. The patriarch, George, mentions that there are hundreds of undead on the island and apparently watched, as one by one his neighbors died off. Chris learns a new skill from Seth, yeah Chris there is hope for you yet!! The crew of the Abigail manage to lose their pursuers,….for now. I doubt that hiding out for a day will be enough to shake them. The intrepid crew of the Abigail discover that every major city on the West coast of the U.S. has been napalmed. Daniel finds maps to Mexico and an MP5 submachine gun ( guns on a boat are not too strange, buts the maps are of interest.) And Strand is in contact with someone via phone (looked like a cell but a sat phone would make more sense.)
Possible insights? Unlike TWD, major cities have been destroyed. Why the discrepancy? It could have to do with where the plague originated.
-Theory 1: Maybe it started on the West coast where it quickly grew out of control (perhaps taking a little longer to go full blown in the East). At the time the military had assets to take out the major walker concentrations (i.e. cities), but by the time the East coast was lost, the military was broken.
-Theory 2: East coast falls first. The Government initially has a weak response to the walker plague. They try quarantine, setting up camps for survivors, trying to cure victims etc… Soon the Government chain of command collapses leaving military in charge (or perhaps civilians still control things, but are desperate), and in order to protect “Uninfected areas” or military installations they attempt to eliminate the threat of being overrun by millions of walkers by burning the cities. They hope this will give their beleaguered outposts a fighting chance. Unfortunately it is too little and too late.
Whichever theory you ascribe to (theory 3..?), it is clear that they cannot let millions of walkers out to threaten the isolated remnants of humanity.
Strand. Either Strand knew what was coming down the road and made some kind of arrangements before things fell apart or he has some kind of contacts that also seemed to have survived. What this shady contact can offer Strand at this point is unclear nor how he could pay them for this mysterious service. He will need to confide in the group before then or else they will freak out (unless he plans on selling them into slavery.)
Alicia. Pretty idiotic to walk around with earbuds, playing music on your I-phone. Thankfully, the area was clear on walkers, but one never knows when a walker will pop up...so yeah..stupid.
Nick. Good intel gathering. A good idea to try to understand the situation. Of course, I got the feeling that he was looking for drugs to get high. I hope it was just to try to find out what was really going on, but..he is a junkie.
Travis. I knew the actor was a Kiwi, but I assumed the show was trying to pass the character as being Hispanic perhaps. Anyway, we have another scene where Travis tries to shield his son from the new reality. He is cleary distraught with his son dispatching walkers as a daily chore of clearing the fence ( the first time he shields his son was when Daniel was discussing the over-under shotgun with Chris way back in season 1.) This activity would be something Travis would approach with revulsion, but he may step up if he had to, but he watches his son take to the task with some enthusiasm.
Ofelia. She feels that she understands her father more now that they are in the Walker Apocalypse. She sees the worlds as cruel as her father is cruel. Ouch! She is adapting to the world which is good and more than we can say about Alicia.
Madison: Risky move trying to remove the child. I am just glad she capitulated rather than get into a shootout with Seth. Strand may not be completely right about children being the definition of baggage, but there is no guarantee that Harry would grow into Carl. And until then he would need to be protected. In the end I felt that he would be better off with his brother (with the hopes that his brother will not kill him of course.)
The Pirates. We know so far they are in a big but fast boat (25kts) that is armed with at least a .50 cal heavy machine gun. They also have killed at least one boat. Likely they have radar. The Abigail can’t out run them and definitely cannot fight them head on, even if Strand has bigger guns hidden on board, his crew is not trained to repel boarders. The pirates may be using a radio to lure in unsuspecting ships. We assume that the Pirates had attacked the boat to loot and maybe pillage, but another theory is that it is a government ship trying to enforce a quarantine, perhaps just shooting any possibly infected vessels on site.
Survivor’s inventory: Here is what we know they have:
-Abigail (yacht). Top speed 20kts. Inflatable dingy with outboard. Radar. Radio. Desalientator. Undisclosed store of food and alcohol.
-Guns: Shot gun (double barrel) box of ammo. 25 shells per box? , 9mm Beretta (military issue M9) 15 round magazine (unknown how much ammo or spare mags), MP9 (9mm SMG with at least one 30 round mag, but may have numerous spare mags)
-Melee: Potentially any object at hand but nothing has been seen as a dedicated melee weapon.
-Skills: Daniel definitely and maybe Strand are trained shooters. Nick shows some promise as a potential medic and has skills breaking and entering and urban survival. Daniel has interrogation/torturing skills. Madison and Travis have teaching and counseling skills (consider the number of survivors that go crazy these could be valuable in keeping IT together.) Chris has some zombie slaying skills now. Strand can drive/navigate a yacht, negotiate/bargain, is a leader, and likely has many undisclosed skills). Ofelia can and has demonstrated seduction skills to gather info.
Am I missing anything?
Prediction: I predict that the next of the group to die will be Alicia. She is still pining away for her boyfriend. And is not adjusting well to the new world. She is falling well behind on the survival curve. If not her, then someone dies protecting her.
So we meet the Gearys who have a fatalistic outlook on the state of the World. The patriarch, George, mentions that there are hundreds of undead on the island and apparently watched, as one by one his neighbors died off. Chris learns a new skill from Seth, yeah Chris there is hope for you yet!! The crew of the Abigail manage to lose their pursuers,….for now. I doubt that hiding out for a day will be enough to shake them. The intrepid crew of the Abigail discover that every major city on the West coast of the U.S. has been napalmed. Daniel finds maps to Mexico and an MP5 submachine gun ( guns on a boat are not too strange, buts the maps are of interest.) And Strand is in contact with someone via phone (looked like a cell but a sat phone would make more sense.)
Possible insights? Unlike TWD, major cities have been destroyed. Why the discrepancy? It could have to do with where the plague originated.
-Theory 1: Maybe it started on the West coast where it quickly grew out of control (perhaps taking a little longer to go full blown in the East). At the time the military had assets to take out the major walker concentrations (i.e. cities), but by the time the East coast was lost, the military was broken.
-Theory 2: East coast falls first. The Government initially has a weak response to the walker plague. They try quarantine, setting up camps for survivors, trying to cure victims etc… Soon the Government chain of command collapses leaving military in charge (or perhaps civilians still control things, but are desperate), and in order to protect “Uninfected areas” or military installations they attempt to eliminate the threat of being overrun by millions of walkers by burning the cities. They hope this will give their beleaguered outposts a fighting chance. Unfortunately it is too little and too late.
Whichever theory you ascribe to (theory 3..?), it is clear that they cannot let millions of walkers out to threaten the isolated remnants of humanity.
Strand. Either Strand knew what was coming down the road and made some kind of arrangements before things fell apart or he has some kind of contacts that also seemed to have survived. What this shady contact can offer Strand at this point is unclear nor how he could pay them for this mysterious service. He will need to confide in the group before then or else they will freak out (unless he plans on selling them into slavery.)
Alicia. Pretty idiotic to walk around with earbuds, playing music on your I-phone. Thankfully, the area was clear on walkers, but one never knows when a walker will pop up...so yeah..stupid.
Nick. Good intel gathering. A good idea to try to understand the situation. Of course, I got the feeling that he was looking for drugs to get high. I hope it was just to try to find out what was really going on, but..he is a junkie.
Travis. I knew the actor was a Kiwi, but I assumed the show was trying to pass the character as being Hispanic perhaps. Anyway, we have another scene where Travis tries to shield his son from the new reality. He is cleary distraught with his son dispatching walkers as a daily chore of clearing the fence ( the first time he shields his son was when Daniel was discussing the over-under shotgun with Chris way back in season 1.) This activity would be something Travis would approach with revulsion, but he may step up if he had to, but he watches his son take to the task with some enthusiasm.
Ofelia. She feels that she understands her father more now that they are in the Walker Apocalypse. She sees the worlds as cruel as her father is cruel. Ouch! She is adapting to the world which is good and more than we can say about Alicia.
Madison: Risky move trying to remove the child. I am just glad she capitulated rather than get into a shootout with Seth. Strand may not be completely right about children being the definition of baggage, but there is no guarantee that Harry would grow into Carl. And until then he would need to be protected. In the end I felt that he would be better off with his brother (with the hopes that his brother will not kill him of course.)
The Pirates. We know so far they are in a big but fast boat (25kts) that is armed with at least a .50 cal heavy machine gun. They also have killed at least one boat. Likely they have radar. The Abigail can’t out run them and definitely cannot fight them head on, even if Strand has bigger guns hidden on board, his crew is not trained to repel boarders. The pirates may be using a radio to lure in unsuspecting ships. We assume that the Pirates had attacked the boat to loot and maybe pillage, but another theory is that it is a government ship trying to enforce a quarantine, perhaps just shooting any possibly infected vessels on site.
Survivor’s inventory: Here is what we know they have:
-Abigail (yacht). Top speed 20kts. Inflatable dingy with outboard. Radar. Radio. Desalientator. Undisclosed store of food and alcohol.
-Guns: Shot gun (double barrel) box of ammo. 25 shells per box? , 9mm Beretta (military issue M9) 15 round magazine (unknown how much ammo or spare mags), MP9 (9mm SMG with at least one 30 round mag, but may have numerous spare mags)
-Melee: Potentially any object at hand but nothing has been seen as a dedicated melee weapon.
-Skills: Daniel definitely and maybe Strand are trained shooters. Nick shows some promise as a potential medic and has skills breaking and entering and urban survival. Daniel has interrogation/torturing skills. Madison and Travis have teaching and counseling skills (consider the number of survivors that go crazy these could be valuable in keeping IT together.) Chris has some zombie slaying skills now. Strand can drive/navigate a yacht, negotiate/bargain, is a leader, and likely has many undisclosed skills). Ofelia can and has demonstrated seduction skills to gather info.
Am I missing anything?
Prediction: I predict that the next of the group to die will be Alicia. She is still pining away for her boyfriend. And is not adjusting well to the new world. She is falling well behind on the survival curve. If not her, then someone dies protecting her.
- say652
- Palladin
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Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Great show actually.
Though the raiding and robbing started way earlier on the west coast.
Heartless. Lol
Though the raiding and robbing started way earlier on the west coast.
Heartless. Lol
- Dungeon Crawler
- Posts: 328
- Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:09 pm
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
I was not a huge fan of the first season. I felt like it didn't give you characters that you could actually like. This season started off strong on the first episode. I still haven't seen the second, but after reading this I am excited.
cyber-yukongil v2.5 wrote:man-day-dreaming of how you would take out terrorists if they jumped through the windows in the dentist's office (answer; with badass kung fu and that pencil the lady next to you is doing her suidoku puzzle with) and wondering what it would feel like to kill someone, are two completely different things.
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Well, well, ,well….things have certainly started to pick up this episode.
So, Alex is willing to kill not one but two healthy men, in order to save the badly burned teen, who will likely die anyway? I find that loyalty a bit hard to believe. Sure he helped her out by passing a knitting needle to her in her fight with the walker on the plane, but really that is asking a lot.
Hey, Nick gets a fresh shirt…..uggg nevermind. At least he has discovered how to camouflage himself from walkers. Good scrounger skills.
The useless teens learn to fight the walkers. That is all well and good, but I kept yelling at the TV, “Just get the boat in the water and leave!” A quick, common sense assessment would reveal that they are not going to kill fifty to one hundred walkers and their chance of getting bitten is increased dramatically. What were they thinking? A holding action while the boat was dragged into the water would be acceptable, but that was not what they were doing. They should be fighting the walkers on their terms, not the other way around. I suppose this was supposed to be an empowering moment for the characters but really. By the way, excellent shooting Daniel but you only took down at most 15 of the many many walkers. Alex had the right idea when she ran by yelling “Run, their coming!”
Strand cuts Alex and Jake away from the boat. Yes, it was dumb towing their inflatable because it would limit how fast you could go without swamping or capsizing the inflatable. My only criticism of Strand’s decision to cut them away was that he should have interviewed Alex first. She seems to have some special knowledge of walkers and seems to know how to fight. Of course he would have to insist that Jake be killed or left behind, which would have likely been a deal breaker for Alex joining considering her previous reaction to the Jake Haters on the life raft in the beginning. But he could have at least asked.
Travis shows his worth as a scuba diver and as a mechanic/handyman.
I liked the visual of the crabs eating the trapped walker who in term was eating the crabs. However, this brings up a good question of scavengers and walkers. We have never really seen this behavior of animals before. Shouldn’t there be clouds of flies constantly around walkers and masses of maggots? No turkey vultures chowing down on trapped walkers either. Very strange.
So, Alex is willing to kill not one but two healthy men, in order to save the badly burned teen, who will likely die anyway? I find that loyalty a bit hard to believe. Sure he helped her out by passing a knitting needle to her in her fight with the walker on the plane, but really that is asking a lot.
Hey, Nick gets a fresh shirt…..uggg nevermind. At least he has discovered how to camouflage himself from walkers. Good scrounger skills.
The useless teens learn to fight the walkers. That is all well and good, but I kept yelling at the TV, “Just get the boat in the water and leave!” A quick, common sense assessment would reveal that they are not going to kill fifty to one hundred walkers and their chance of getting bitten is increased dramatically. What were they thinking? A holding action while the boat was dragged into the water would be acceptable, but that was not what they were doing. They should be fighting the walkers on their terms, not the other way around. I suppose this was supposed to be an empowering moment for the characters but really. By the way, excellent shooting Daniel but you only took down at most 15 of the many many walkers. Alex had the right idea when she ran by yelling “Run, their coming!”
Strand cuts Alex and Jake away from the boat. Yes, it was dumb towing their inflatable because it would limit how fast you could go without swamping or capsizing the inflatable. My only criticism of Strand’s decision to cut them away was that he should have interviewed Alex first. She seems to have some special knowledge of walkers and seems to know how to fight. Of course he would have to insist that Jake be killed or left behind, which would have likely been a deal breaker for Alex joining considering her previous reaction to the Jake Haters on the life raft in the beginning. But he could have at least asked.
Travis shows his worth as a scuba diver and as a mechanic/handyman.
I liked the visual of the crabs eating the trapped walker who in term was eating the crabs. However, this brings up a good question of scavengers and walkers. We have never really seen this behavior of animals before. Shouldn’t there be clouds of flies constantly around walkers and masses of maggots? No turkey vultures chowing down on trapped walkers either. Very strange.
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Another good episode, this series is starting to gain traction.
Once Strand recovers from his hypothermia, he gets to say “I told you so” to his crew of ingrates. Alicia’s chickens seem to have come home to roost with the arrival of the pirates. Things would have turned out much different if Salazar had not taken Strand’s ammo magazine or if Strand had been on watch. When they came aboard Strand tried to leave, presumably to link up with Nick and Carlos, since plan ‘A’ just went to hell.
If I had been on watch, I may have let the female on board under guard but made the guys stay on the raft at gun point. The families totally lost control of the situation once the pirates came aboard. And where in the heck was Madison taking the girl? No way chick, you have a seat on the back deck until we sort this situation out. And once it was discovered that she was faking and they were armed, I would throw her into the boat, hole it, and drive away.
Maybe after this Chris and Ofelia will take watch standing seriously. If you are on watch you own the boat and maintain control and yes that may mean shooting people. However, I will cut them some slack that this has not been trained into them (Strand should have been training them on watch standing protocols), but they had better learn from this situation. Bit disappointed in Salazar, really you distrust Strand enough to disarm him but you let a couple strangers on a raft come aboard and disarm you? Also, were they actually set up to be on a watch or was it mere happenstance that they were up?
Travis, I am not sure about your little plan. You should have stuck Reed in the engine room with the screw driver, that would have had the most chance for success. He could have then taken out the other two captors one at a time. Instead he smuggles the tools up to his companions (who are stilled tied up!) with the hopes that they would have a better opportunity and then rigs the controls. Of course, he dithers so long that Connor arrives with more armed pirates and takes Alicia and Travis away. At this point they are pretty screwed until Nick Arrives with Carlos to save the day. But Travis and Alicia are still in a pickle.
Again Nick has really stepped up his game. I have a much better appreciation of Strand’s appraisal of Nick’s Fearlessness as being an asset. Although I will admit, that it did cross my mind for a second that Nick may have been slipping ashore on his own to raid a pharmacy for drugs. Nice move using the tent mesh to make a safe and clean kill. He is definitely the group scrounger/scout and does it much better the TWD’s Glenn.
We meet Carlos Abigail and Thomas Abigail, the boat’s namesake. Although, I had predicted that the boat was named after a lover that was not what I had in mind. Strangely, enough Strand sends Nick ashore to contact Carlos and escort him back to the boat. This is odd for the following reasons: a.) Carlos seems very capable. Sniping from a small boat is professional level shooting and he seemed very comfortable assassinating the pirates. B.) Strand has communication either directly to Carlos or indirectly through Thomas. We know this since Carlos has been expecting Strand to take him out of there on a boat. C.) Carlos furnishes the means of getting to the Abigail via boat. So why would Strand not have simply told Carlos to come out to meet the Abigail, rather than send a junkie to go fetch him? Not reality shattering but…odd.
It’s funny how the pirates are more loyal to their leader, Connor, than the families are to Strand. After all Connor did save Reed and Jake’s life, so he owes him even if they don’t completely agree with his tactics. The pirates are also smart to grab Travis and Alicia. Besides their use as hostages against retribution, they have skills. Travis is turning out to be a bit of a mechanic and electrician. I think they grabbed Alicia to use her to conduct radio broad casts, to draw other unsuspecting boats into their trap. Also, Jake probably made a case for bringing her over due to her potential as a love interest.
Amazingly, Reed is still alive at the end with a large screw driver stuck in his back and out his chest. And it looks like he is about to be interrogated by Salazar. Of course the smartest thing to do at this time is to mention how your crewmates will tear Daniel’s daughter apart. Then again he has no idea that Daniel is a trained and experienced torturer, but it still seems foolish. Perhaps Daniel will actually get useful intel as he is having his fun.
So they are on the U.S. side of the boarder and it looks like someone is maintaining a quarantine zone and keeping U.S. survivors from entering Mexico. Some people point out that the irony of Mexican border agents keeping U.S. citizens out, but I don’t see the irony. Mexico has always had a much stricter border security than the United States and would turn back or arrest gringos for illegally crossing their border without the need for a ZA quarantine. Mexico is actually one reason there are not hordes of South Americans crossing the U.S. borders every day (some still get through but it is a comparative trickle, so thank you Mexico). The borders ships and helicopters could also be a joint effort or even U.S. assets just trying to control the spread of infected. But the efforts are definitely well funded and resourced by someone’s government, so all of the world governments have not collapsed yet.
Theory: We don’t know if the U.S. government has collapsed at this time but if it has collapsed before Mexico then we can speculate on some things. It could mean that the illness spread more quickly or even originated in the U.S. Since the United States has a larger military and vast assets to draw upon to stem the tide of the disease and walkers, it would presumably take a bit longer to lose control. One draw back to the U.S. is that we would take a bit longer to implement draconian measures. You can look at how the Federal and State governments treated healthcare workers exposed to Ebola. The Government was slow to quarantine these people and were even slowed further when these workers brought in lawyers. Mexico on the other hand would not bat an eye to lock you up and eventually get around to letting you see a lawyer. The fact that, by the time Rick Grimes meets Dr. Jenner the CDC still knew very little about the disease also supports the U.S. being struck unprepared with little warning.
Once Strand recovers from his hypothermia, he gets to say “I told you so” to his crew of ingrates. Alicia’s chickens seem to have come home to roost with the arrival of the pirates. Things would have turned out much different if Salazar had not taken Strand’s ammo magazine or if Strand had been on watch. When they came aboard Strand tried to leave, presumably to link up with Nick and Carlos, since plan ‘A’ just went to hell.
If I had been on watch, I may have let the female on board under guard but made the guys stay on the raft at gun point. The families totally lost control of the situation once the pirates came aboard. And where in the heck was Madison taking the girl? No way chick, you have a seat on the back deck until we sort this situation out. And once it was discovered that she was faking and they were armed, I would throw her into the boat, hole it, and drive away.
Maybe after this Chris and Ofelia will take watch standing seriously. If you are on watch you own the boat and maintain control and yes that may mean shooting people. However, I will cut them some slack that this has not been trained into them (Strand should have been training them on watch standing protocols), but they had better learn from this situation. Bit disappointed in Salazar, really you distrust Strand enough to disarm him but you let a couple strangers on a raft come aboard and disarm you? Also, were they actually set up to be on a watch or was it mere happenstance that they were up?
Travis, I am not sure about your little plan. You should have stuck Reed in the engine room with the screw driver, that would have had the most chance for success. He could have then taken out the other two captors one at a time. Instead he smuggles the tools up to his companions (who are stilled tied up!) with the hopes that they would have a better opportunity and then rigs the controls. Of course, he dithers so long that Connor arrives with more armed pirates and takes Alicia and Travis away. At this point they are pretty screwed until Nick Arrives with Carlos to save the day. But Travis and Alicia are still in a pickle.
Again Nick has really stepped up his game. I have a much better appreciation of Strand’s appraisal of Nick’s Fearlessness as being an asset. Although I will admit, that it did cross my mind for a second that Nick may have been slipping ashore on his own to raid a pharmacy for drugs. Nice move using the tent mesh to make a safe and clean kill. He is definitely the group scrounger/scout and does it much better the TWD’s Glenn.
We meet Carlos Abigail and Thomas Abigail, the boat’s namesake. Although, I had predicted that the boat was named after a lover that was not what I had in mind. Strangely, enough Strand sends Nick ashore to contact Carlos and escort him back to the boat. This is odd for the following reasons: a.) Carlos seems very capable. Sniping from a small boat is professional level shooting and he seemed very comfortable assassinating the pirates. B.) Strand has communication either directly to Carlos or indirectly through Thomas. We know this since Carlos has been expecting Strand to take him out of there on a boat. C.) Carlos furnishes the means of getting to the Abigail via boat. So why would Strand not have simply told Carlos to come out to meet the Abigail, rather than send a junkie to go fetch him? Not reality shattering but…odd.
It’s funny how the pirates are more loyal to their leader, Connor, than the families are to Strand. After all Connor did save Reed and Jake’s life, so he owes him even if they don’t completely agree with his tactics. The pirates are also smart to grab Travis and Alicia. Besides their use as hostages against retribution, they have skills. Travis is turning out to be a bit of a mechanic and electrician. I think they grabbed Alicia to use her to conduct radio broad casts, to draw other unsuspecting boats into their trap. Also, Jake probably made a case for bringing her over due to her potential as a love interest.
Amazingly, Reed is still alive at the end with a large screw driver stuck in his back and out his chest. And it looks like he is about to be interrogated by Salazar. Of course the smartest thing to do at this time is to mention how your crewmates will tear Daniel’s daughter apart. Then again he has no idea that Daniel is a trained and experienced torturer, but it still seems foolish. Perhaps Daniel will actually get useful intel as he is having his fun.
So they are on the U.S. side of the boarder and it looks like someone is maintaining a quarantine zone and keeping U.S. survivors from entering Mexico. Some people point out that the irony of Mexican border agents keeping U.S. citizens out, but I don’t see the irony. Mexico has always had a much stricter border security than the United States and would turn back or arrest gringos for illegally crossing their border without the need for a ZA quarantine. Mexico is actually one reason there are not hordes of South Americans crossing the U.S. borders every day (some still get through but it is a comparative trickle, so thank you Mexico). The borders ships and helicopters could also be a joint effort or even U.S. assets just trying to control the spread of infected. But the efforts are definitely well funded and resourced by someone’s government, so all of the world governments have not collapsed yet.
Theory: We don’t know if the U.S. government has collapsed at this time but if it has collapsed before Mexico then we can speculate on some things. It could mean that the illness spread more quickly or even originated in the U.S. Since the United States has a larger military and vast assets to draw upon to stem the tide of the disease and walkers, it would presumably take a bit longer to lose control. One draw back to the U.S. is that we would take a bit longer to implement draconian measures. You can look at how the Federal and State governments treated healthcare workers exposed to Ebola. The Government was slow to quarantine these people and were even slowed further when these workers brought in lawyers. Mexico on the other hand would not bat an eye to lock you up and eventually get around to letting you see a lawyer. The fact that, by the time Rick Grimes meets Dr. Jenner the CDC still knew very little about the disease also supports the U.S. being struck unprepared with little warning.
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Another good episode, this series is starting to gain traction.
Once Strand recovers from his hypothermia, he gets to say “I told you so” to his crew of ingrates. Alicia’s chickens seem to have come home to roost with the arrival of the pirates. Things would have turned out much different if Salazar had not taken Strand’s ammo magazine or if Strand had been on watch. When they came aboard Strand tried to leave, presumably to link up with Nick and Carlos, since plan ‘A’ just went to hell.
If I had been on watch, I may have let the female on board under guard but made the guys stay on the raft at gun point. The families totally lost control of the situation once the pirates came aboard. And where in the heck was Madison taking the girl? No way chick, you have a seat on the back deck until we sort this situation out. And once it was discovered that she was faking and they were armed, I would throw her into the boat, hole it, and drive away.
Maybe after this Chris and Ofelia will take watch standing seriously. If you are on watch you own the boat and maintain control and yes that may mean shooting people. However, I will cut them some slack that this has not been trained into them (Strand should have been training them on watch standing protocols), but they had better learn from this situation. Bit disappointed in Salazar, really you distrust Strand enough to disarm him but you let a couple strangers on a raft come aboard and disarm you? Also, were they actually set up to be on a watch or was it mere happenstance that they were up?
Travis, I am not sure about your little plan. You should have stuck Reed in the engine room with the screw driver, that would have had the most chance for success. He could have then taken out the other two captors one at a time. Instead he smuggles the tools up to his companions (who are stilled tied up!) with the hopes that they would have a better opportunity and then rigs the controls. Of course, he dithers so long that Connor arrives with more armed pirates and takes Alicia and Travis away. At this point they are pretty screwed until Nick Arrives with Carlos to save the day. But Travis and Alicia are still in a pickle.
Again Nick has really stepped up his game. I have a much better appreciation of Strand’s appraisal of Nick’s Fearlessness as being an asset. Although I will admit, that it did cross my mind for a second that Nick may have been slipping ashore on his own to raid a pharmacy for drugs. Nice move using the tent mesh to make a safe and clean kill. He is definitely the group scrounger/scout and does it much better the TWD’s Glenn.
We meet Carlos Abigail and Thomas Abigail, the boat’s namesake. Although, I had predicted that the boat was named after a lover that was not what I had in mind. Strangely, enough Strand sends Nick ashore to contact Carlos and escort him back to the boat. This is odd for the following reasons: a.) Carlos seems very capable. Sniping from a small boat is professional level shooting and he seemed very comfortable assassinating the pirates. B.) Strand has communication either directly to Carlos or indirectly through Thomas. We know this since Carlos has been expecting Strand to take him out of there on a boat. C.) Carlos furnishes the means of getting to the Abigail via boat. So why would Strand not have simply told Carlos to come out to meet the Abigail, rather than send a junkie to go fetch him? Not reality shattering but…odd.
It’s funny how the pirates are more loyal to their leader, Connor, than the families are to Strand. After all Connor did save Reed and Jake’s life, so he owes him even if they don’t completely agree with his tactics. The pirates are also smart to grab Travis and Alicia. Besides their use as hostages against retribution, they have skills. Travis is turning out to be a bit of a mechanic and electrician. I think they grabbed Alicia to use her to conduct radio broad casts, to draw other unsuspecting boats into their trap. Also, Jake probably made a case for bringing her over due to her potential as a love interest.
Amazingly, Reed is still alive at the end with a large screw driver stuck in his back and out his chest. And it looks like he is about to be interrogated by Salazar. Of course the smartest thing to do at this time is to mention how your crewmates will tear Daniel’s daughter apart. Then again he has no idea that Daniel is a trained and experienced torturer, but it still seems foolish. Perhaps Daniel will actually get useful intel as he is having his fun.
So they are on the U.S. side of the boarder and it looks like someone is maintaining a quarantine zone and keeping U.S. survivors from entering Mexico. Some people point out that the irony of Mexican border agents keeping U.S. citizens out, but I don’t see the irony. Mexico has always had a much stricter border security than the United States and would turn back or arrest gringos for illegally crossing their border without the need for a ZA quarantine. Mexico is actually one reason there are not hordes of South Americans crossing the U.S. borders every day (some still get through but it is a comparative trickle, so thank you Mexico). The borders ships and helicopters could also be a joint effort or even U.S. assets just trying to control the spread of infected. But the efforts are definitely well funded and resourced by someone’s government, so all of the world governments have not collapsed yet.
Theory: We don’t know if the U.S. government has collapsed at this time but if it has collapsed before Mexico then we can speculate on some things. It could mean that the illness spread more quickly or even originated in the U.S. Since the United States has a larger military and vast assets to draw upon to stem the tide of the disease and walkers, it would presumably take a bit longer to lose control. One draw back to the U.S. is that we would take a bit longer to implement draconian measures. You can look at how the Federal and State governments treated healthcare workers exposed to Ebola. The Government was slow to quarantine these people and were even slowed further when these workers brought in lawyers. Mexico on the other hand would not bat an eye to lock you up and eventually get around to letting you see a lawyer. The fact that, by the time Rick Grimes meets Dr. Jenner the CDC still knew very little about the disease also supports the U.S. being struck unprepared with little warning.
Once Strand recovers from his hypothermia, he gets to say “I told you so” to his crew of ingrates. Alicia’s chickens seem to have come home to roost with the arrival of the pirates. Things would have turned out much different if Salazar had not taken Strand’s ammo magazine or if Strand had been on watch. When they came aboard Strand tried to leave, presumably to link up with Nick and Carlos, since plan ‘A’ just went to hell.
If I had been on watch, I may have let the female on board under guard but made the guys stay on the raft at gun point. The families totally lost control of the situation once the pirates came aboard. And where in the heck was Madison taking the girl? No way chick, you have a seat on the back deck until we sort this situation out. And once it was discovered that she was faking and they were armed, I would throw her into the boat, hole it, and drive away.
Maybe after this Chris and Ofelia will take watch standing seriously. If you are on watch you own the boat and maintain control and yes that may mean shooting people. However, I will cut them some slack that this has not been trained into them (Strand should have been training them on watch standing protocols), but they had better learn from this situation. Bit disappointed in Salazar, really you distrust Strand enough to disarm him but you let a couple strangers on a raft come aboard and disarm you? Also, were they actually set up to be on a watch or was it mere happenstance that they were up?
Travis, I am not sure about your little plan. You should have stuck Reed in the engine room with the screw driver, that would have had the most chance for success. He could have then taken out the other two captors one at a time. Instead he smuggles the tools up to his companions (who are stilled tied up!) with the hopes that they would have a better opportunity and then rigs the controls. Of course, he dithers so long that Connor arrives with more armed pirates and takes Alicia and Travis away. At this point they are pretty screwed until Nick Arrives with Carlos to save the day. But Travis and Alicia are still in a pickle.
Again Nick has really stepped up his game. I have a much better appreciation of Strand’s appraisal of Nick’s Fearlessness as being an asset. Although I will admit, that it did cross my mind for a second that Nick may have been slipping ashore on his own to raid a pharmacy for drugs. Nice move using the tent mesh to make a safe and clean kill. He is definitely the group scrounger/scout and does it much better the TWD’s Glenn.
We meet Carlos Abigail and Thomas Abigail, the boat’s namesake. Although, I had predicted that the boat was named after a lover that was not what I had in mind. Strangely, enough Strand sends Nick ashore to contact Carlos and escort him back to the boat. This is odd for the following reasons: a.) Carlos seems very capable. Sniping from a small boat is professional level shooting and he seemed very comfortable assassinating the pirates. B.) Strand has communication either directly to Carlos or indirectly through Thomas. We know this since Carlos has been expecting Strand to take him out of there on a boat. C.) Carlos furnishes the means of getting to the Abigail via boat. So why would Strand not have simply told Carlos to come out to meet the Abigail, rather than send a junkie to go fetch him? Not reality shattering but…odd.
It’s funny how the pirates are more loyal to their leader, Connor, than the families are to Strand. After all Connor did save Reed and Jake’s life, so he owes him even if they don’t completely agree with his tactics. The pirates are also smart to grab Travis and Alicia. Besides their use as hostages against retribution, they have skills. Travis is turning out to be a bit of a mechanic and electrician. I think they grabbed Alicia to use her to conduct radio broad casts, to draw other unsuspecting boats into their trap. Also, Jake probably made a case for bringing her over due to her potential as a love interest.
Amazingly, Reed is still alive at the end with a large screw driver stuck in his back and out his chest. And it looks like he is about to be interrogated by Salazar. Of course the smartest thing to do at this time is to mention how your crewmates will tear Daniel’s daughter apart. Then again he has no idea that Daniel is a trained and experienced torturer, but it still seems foolish. Perhaps Daniel will actually get useful intel as he is having his fun.
So they are on the U.S. side of the boarder and it looks like someone is maintaining a quarantine zone and keeping U.S. survivors from entering Mexico. Some people point out that the irony of Mexican border agents keeping U.S. citizens out, but I don’t see the irony. Mexico has always had a much stricter border security than the United States and would turn back or arrest gringos for illegally crossing their border without the need for a ZA quarantine. Mexico is actually one reason there are not hordes of South Americans crossing the U.S. borders every day (some still get through but it is a comparative trickle, so thank you Mexico). The borders ships and helicopters could also be a joint effort or even U.S. assets just trying to control the spread of infected. But the efforts are definitely well funded and resourced by someone’s government, so all of the world governments have not collapsed yet.
Theory: We don’t know if the U.S. government has collapsed at this time but if it has collapsed before Mexico then we can speculate on some things. It could mean that the illness spread more quickly or even originated in the U.S. Since the United States has a larger military and vast assets to draw upon to stem the tide of the disease and walkers, it would presumably take a bit longer to lose control. One draw back to the U.S. is that we would take a bit longer to implement draconian measures. You can look at how the Federal and State governments treated healthcare workers exposed to Ebola. The Government was slow to quarantine these people and were even slowed further when these workers brought in lawyers. Mexico on the other hand would not bat an eye to lock you up and eventually get around to letting you see a lawyer. The fact that, by the time Rick Grimes meets Dr. Jenner the CDC still knew very little about the disease also supports the U.S. being struck unprepared with little warning.
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
I've been watching this as well. Looking forward to possible TWD/FTWD crossover cameos.
The daughter of the barber seems to be in a possible future love triangle between drug addict son of the mom (step-son of the husband) and non-addict son of the dad (step-son of the wife?) although she seems older like early to late 20s to them being teens, but it's the apocalypse. Seemed like both were sorta flirting with her.
What would be convenient is if dad's son hooked up with the mom's daughter so that addict son could hook up with the barber's daughter.
*needs to stop shipping people, was all about Daryl+X years ago*
The daughter of the barber seems to be in a possible future love triangle between drug addict son of the mom (step-son of the husband) and non-addict son of the dad (step-son of the wife?) although she seems older like early to late 20s to them being teens, but it's the apocalypse. Seemed like both were sorta flirting with her.
What would be convenient is if dad's son hooked up with the mom's daughter so that addict son could hook up with the barber's daughter.
*needs to stop shipping people, was all about Daryl+X years ago*
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Genetically speaking you want Nick+Ofelia and Chris+Alicia. But there are others in the world, so they could breed outside of the group as well. Chris was getting pretty close to Alicia in Season 1 when they played dress up in the abandoned house. My impression of Nick is that he is very asexual, at least at this time. The only thing he seems to feel passionate about is drugs.
I think a cross over would be fairly unlikely at this point. The group in TWD may as well be on the moon geographically speaking as well as displaced a few years into FTWD's future. Of course, the writers can fast forward time at some point (or multiple points) and give the group means of closing the distance, say a working airplane and pilot. This group would also need a reason to go East.
Boat ride would suck. You either sail the long way under Africa and then across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, through the Panama canal (not likely with the need to activate locks and being vulnerable in the canal), or sail around the tip on South America which has very bad storms. Plus their boat would need to refuel many times on each of those journeys.
I think a cross over would be fairly unlikely at this point. The group in TWD may as well be on the moon geographically speaking as well as displaced a few years into FTWD's future. Of course, the writers can fast forward time at some point (or multiple points) and give the group means of closing the distance, say a working airplane and pilot. This group would also need a reason to go East.
Boat ride would suck. You either sail the long way under Africa and then across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, through the Panama canal (not likely with the need to activate locks and being vulnerable in the canal), or sail around the tip on South America which has very bad storms. Plus their boat would need to refuel many times on each of those journeys.
- Josh Hilden
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Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Chris is the one to keep your eye on, in my opinion, he started out scared and nearly paralyzed with doubt and fear but after his mom died the kid found a streak of steel in his spine. I think it's a matter of time before he really starts questioning decisions the others make, especially since he knew he should've shot the pirates but doubted his own instincts and they took Alicia and Travis.
Josh Hilden
"The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them." - Gene Roddenberry
Re: Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Chris is just annoying me. I thought Nick was cool and playing along to get shelter but it seems he drank the Kool-Aid, disappointing. Hoping they introduce some new characters as there's not anyone left who I like besides boat captain guy. He swerved me a bit when I thought he would an hero to be with his love but looks like he was faking or came to his senses. I guess Nick could still come back to his.
Even though he used it to retrieve son why wasn't Matriarch upset that he covered up in walker blood to do it? Doesn't he kill them to slice them open every time he dons the armor?
Even though he used it to retrieve son why wasn't Matriarch upset that he covered up in walker blood to do it? Doesn't he kill them to slice them open every time he dons the armor?