I'm now skipping through to Veteran Tier, and I find myself looking at the Master of Magic edge (which allows access to the Mega Power version of spells). This has made my GM and I stop and think REAL hard about how this applies to a Technomage that takes the spell.
First off, unlike most frameworks under the "Master of Magic" section - Technomage does not start with this edge, they have to purchase it. Which, hey, I am TOTALLY okay with that. Makes sense to pay an edge tax for how flexible this framework is in every aspect. However, how does it work for the Technomage?
1. We assume that it can be taken, and would allow the Technomage to use his Arcane Background Gizmos to cast both the regular and Mega version of the powers he has chosen... however...
2. If someone ELSE picks up my Gizmo... can THEY use the Mega Version with the proper PPE/ISP spent?
3. Now, what about the Arcane Machinist "Gadget" as I call it? The ability states that I can "produce a magical gadget replicating any power available to Techno-Wizards." My GM isn't sure how to read this - and my lawyer self tends to read things as written... it appears to say that I can cast any power available to Techno-Wizards at large... NOT specifically myself... and I can cast Mega, not the techno-wizard at large population. Yeah, I know that means I gimp myself and any self respecting power gamer should be ashamed for arguing their way out of something powerful... but hey, I've never been the power gamer sort.
4. Which also lends again the question - if someone else uses it, can they use the Mega Version of the spell?
5. And final question - Techno Wizard Conversions. I can add an Edge to a device. IF I add Master of Magic - does the Edge only apply to a power already in the device, or does it grant itself entirely to the wielder (thus allowing Mega spells to someone who normally can't cast it - with proper ISP/PPE spent, of course).
So.... any clarification would be appreciated