Fan Races!!

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Taalismn, if it's ok I'd like to share the custom race/world you made for me.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:Taalismn, if it's ok I'd like to share the custom race/world you made for me.

By all means; if the need for GM secrecy has passed, you may repost away.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

A Home-world/System commission by Taalismn made for my canine-humanoid detective Big Brown Hound.
*Going back and reading the first page makes me wonder if I should try and work up the Fenril as a race. That might be a extremely tricky as there is an enormous amount of species diversity in Canines
I also hope to, as inspiration strikes, add on to this with bits about society, religion, ethno-diversity, and other topics. Fingers crossed for coherent and complete thoughts and no bans/warnings against post necromancy.
The Oh So Amazing Nate.

taalismn wrote:Here you go; some random rolling, some shoehorning, some BS'ing. As well as some frantic rewriting when I discovered Sirius is a binary star with no expected solar winds, which messed up the original draft.

Fun facts: Sirius A is 20 times brighter than the Sun. The Sirius system is moving closer to Sol, and is expected to peak in brightness in 60,000 years.
Sirius, being a younger star than Earth, would have less time to evolve an ecology as rich and diverse as Earth's...another reason to suspect that Fenril's ecology was imported or deliberately engineered...
Habitable zone for Sirius A is 2-5 AU. so the lifeworld should only be 4 AU out.
Still, unless its orbital rotation is faster, a Fenril year would be longer than Earth's.
So, that puts a new slant on 'What's that(Dogstar years) in Earth years?

Solar System (Kaynor/Sirius)
Number of Stars: 2(Binary star system)

Types of Stars: SiriusA(white main sequence/blue sub-giant)(Kaynor)
Sirius B( white dwarf) (Vulpor)---The smaller of the two stars

Number of Planets: 8
- Gas Giant(tiny)(Chinchul)----A ‘hot gas giant’, Chinchul may, at some time, have been orbiting further out long ago in the past, but something pushed it deeper into the gravity well around Kaynor. Chinchul has since lost any satellites it may have once had, and is being blown apart by the combined forces of Kaynor’s and Vulpor’s radiant bombardment and gravity. Over time, Chinchul has been whittled down to a dwindling shadow of its former self and it is now about the size of Sol System’s Neptune, only with a long comet-like tail shedding gas and dust into the outer solar system. Within another million years or so, Fenril astronomers estimate, Chinchul will be evaporated away and its solid portions become a brief-lived ring around Kaynor/Vulpor.

- Exotic---(Bohjan) Micro-Nebula----A massive cloud of energetic low-energy plasma barely detectable, and and covers 0.8th of a degree of arc around Kaynor/Vulpor), though it’s barely visible and has a density barely above that of interstellar vacuum. How it has managed to survive the solar radiation and not evaporated like Chinchul baffles Fenril astronomers, as do a number of other phenomena about the Bohjan, such as the radio and televison signals coming from it. Some astrophysicists believe the Bohjan is the visible manifestation of a micro-wormhole(the plasma the result of an outgassing from another star or nebula on the other end, interacting with gases shed by Chinchul’s gradual dissipation), others feel it is acting as a reflector for EM signals from Earth.
They’re partially right on both accounts; the Bohjan is the visible physical component of a vast energy being known as a Keemen known to collect and re-transmit EM signals across interstellar distances(see below).

- Terrestrial(Fenril)---The lifeworld of the Kaynor System. It’s nearly 22 AU out from the mean shared orbital diameter of Kaynor/Vulpor, but still receives only as much light as Earth due to the combined radiant energies of the binary stars being greater tha Sol’s.

-Terrestrial (Giant)(Bowser)---A giant world over 9 times Earth’s size, Bowser is a high gravity world with a surface pull punishing even by Fenrillian standards, but with a toxic atmosphere and tainted water, Bowser is not habitable, so for all but brief visits to the surface, studies of the planet are made from orbit. It does have a nice collection of small moons and a substantial ring made up of several broken up moonlets, which are the site of several research bases and space habitats.

-Gas Giant(mid-size)(Koli) ---Koli is a Jupiter-sized gas giant with a large moon system. Koli seems to act as Kaynor’s gravitational ‘sweeper’, sheparding up asteroids and space debris that would otherwise fall inward and hit the inner worlds.

-Terrestrial(tiny)(Kiwawa)--A tiny(Titan-size) rocky world barely able to retain a cold methane atmosphere. It’s been posited that Kiwawa was once a moon of Chinchul before it was pulled into the inner solar system.

-Terrestrial(Huge)(Rothwile) ---Almost as big as Bowser, Rothwile is noted for an ice- and dust-covered surface that apparently has taken quite a beating from numerous asteroid collisions. Its single large moon, Khewtoi, has also apparently been subject to multiple heavy strikes and appears to have broken apart several times, its debris recaptured by Rothwile, and pulled back together again into its current rather irregularly lumped, patchework-surfaced roughly spheroid shape.

-Terrestrial(mid-size)(Mushyr)---Plutonian ice ball, with little of interest, save that it’s the farthest out of the Kaynor worlds. During the recent ‘Space Spring’, Fenrillan astronauts planted the planetary flag on Mushyr.

Fenril is the lifeworld of the Kaynor system. It is inhabited by a dog-like species, although there is mounting evidence that the native Fenrillans did not naturally evolve on the planet, but may have been brought in from elsewhere by another ancient and more advanced species.

Type: Terrestrial

Diameter: Large, roughly 24,000 km in diameter

Gravity: Heavy: 6x Earth-gee

Temperature: Temperate, but cool, roughly equivalent to the average temperatures in Alaska, but the planet’s odd axial wobble leads to regional temperatues varying between deep polar cold and brief tropical steamy.

Unusual/Special Features:
-Unusual Axis---Fenril has an unusual axial ‘wobble’ that leads to extreme seasonal weather and day lengths, including hot and humid summer ‘dog days’ and especially cold and bitter winters.
-Moons(6)---Fenril has six moons; five tiny Phobos-sized moonlets and one slightly smaller than Earth’s Luna. The smaller moons Jumpa, Hopa, Fleyta, Sketer, Zuma, and Lepa, race around Fenril, while larger Houna makes a more leisurely path. The moons feature in many local mythologies, and are usually depicted as a group of avians or lupus-analogues fleeing from a pursuing hunter. Those occasions when Houna manages to ‘catch’ and ‘devour’(eclipse) one or more of the smaller moons are cause for large traditional celebrations on Fenril.

Atmosphere: Terrestrial and breathable, though it is tainted with several trace gases that make it poisonous, with month-long exposure, to terrestrial humans. The Fenrillans, however, are immune to the trace gases and don’t need them( though they can instantly tell if they’re missing, by the smell of the air).

(3) Roughly 70% of Fenril’s land surface is dominated by large plains that are windswept snow zones during the long winters, and grass-covered happy hunting grasslands during the short summers. These vast plains are the breadbaskets of Fenril, with explosions of quick planting, farming, herding, and hunting/gathering during the warm times.
Second are the protected well-watered valleys known as ‘Denlands’ where the majority of Fenril civilization is concentrated. Initially, each denland was home to a particular canine tribe/House, with the exception of a few particularly hardy nomadic tribes(Huskens, Jakl, Timbrens, Yote) who acted as both bandits and traders during the bitter winters when the Fenril retired to the warm denlands for warmth and safety. With the advent of a more technologically advanced global culture, the denlands have become more integrated, with a variety of different Fenril ethno-types to be found in each. Interestingly enough, the denlands seem clustered around warm springs, some of which have recently been discovered to be artificial in nature, maintained by some means against the normal tectonic forces(most likely by the same ancient species who settled the uplifted Fenril in the first place).
Finally, there a number of high plateaus, similar to the Himalayan foothills, and topped by permanent glaciers.

Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Copper
- Cobalt
- Gold/Silver
- Mercury
- Diamond
- Salt
- Quartz
- Graphite

Hydrosphere: Moist---roughly 60% of Fenril’s surface is covered by open water. Several large seas and multiple large lakes feed moisture to the atmosphere to make for annual winter global blizzards and flood-driving spring and autumn monsoons.

Biosphere: Verdant---Fenril has a RICH ecology that is also quite hardy, notably in species that can survive the long cold spells, such as grassland plants, some of which can continue growing UNDER the annual snowpack, and the various herbivores that constitute the majority of the Fenrillan diet.


Some 85 million Fenrillans call Fenril home. Less than Earth’s, but there’s more land to go around, and the Fenrillans have a more advanced technology.

Late Information Age, generally. Roughly equal to Earth’s own modern era, give some 50 or so years of extra progress. Discovery of alien technology(the Uplifters?) and trade with other societies has given the Fenrillans some areas of more advanced technology(they have a more advanced space technology, though they still acquire their FTL systems from outsiders).

Service and Information---Fenril is/was developing into a trade hub, and its people hire out to alien concerns as accountants, information miners, scouts, mercenaries(including info/cybermercs), and attendants. Fenril seem to work very well as part of societal ‘packs’ and take organization direction well. However, the recent economic slump has led to the Fenril, of necessity, to underprice their services to outsiders. Some Fenril blame the alien Felias Information Network (FIN) of masterminding a conspiracy to either absorb the Fenril at cutrate wages as part of their network, or to knock them out of the galactic economy altogether as potential competitors. Still others feel that the Tagoniglomerate(TGE) is responsible for manipulating galactic trade to make Fenril/Kaynor System dependent on TGE as a closed market by closing opportunities for them and locking them into prejudiced service contracts favoring the TGE. However, there is little actual PROOF to support either of these allegations.

Despite their service economy, the planet is currently classed economically as ‘Depressed’ owing to Contact Shock. The same influx of alien technologies that have pushed progress on Fenril have also led to the collapse of a number of traditional House-dominated industries. A brief period of overly-zealous spending by both private and governmental concerns on things such as FTL spacecraft and alien technologies has ended in a burst economic bubble, and a global recession, with massive umemployment especially in native industries displaced by the new technologies.

Democracy---Though several different regional governments exist on Fenril, the majority are representational democracies. However, the biggest and most influential voting blocs are the numerous Family Houses that grew out of hereditary ethnic(‘breed’)-oriented guilds that specialized in various economic niches, many of which have been hurt by the recent economic downturns.

Law Level:
Authoritarian---Between traditional ‘pack’- and Family/House- disciplines, there’s a strong motivation to comply and conform. Some Fenril, however, feel that the ‘strong order’ has shifted to ‘strong arm’ as the government tries to keep order and protect vested concerns.

Unpopular---The sour economy has cooled public support for the current regimes. Some blame an over-conservative, or too-late conservative policy on regulating the new technologies, both domestically produced and alien-traded, for the current economic woes. Others feel the government is too protectionist, and hasn’t embraced outside trade fast ENOUGH, or have cut bad deals with exploitive alien traders. Some don’t like hiring out their people to alien concerns, while others feel they haven’t integrated themselves fast or thoroughly enough to carve an dispensible niche in the greater cosmic economies.

Stable---For now, though there’s a lot of grumbling, and it may not take much, if the economic situation continues to deteriorate, to push the situation over into more tumultous regime change. Whether the Fenril will change governments through democratic or more forceful means, is the real worry.

Once thought to be bizarre natural phenomena, Keemen are really vast nebulous energy lifeforms that stretch across interstellar distances. They appear as thin gasous nebulae that can somehow defy solar winds; in reality the Keemen extend over several levels of extradimensional subspace. Sufficiently advanced sensors will show evidence of active organization to the gas/dust clouds and energy fields that make up Keemen ‘nebulae’, as well movements(material and energy transfers) that are similar to biological processes.
Keemen seem drawn to particular solar systems and have the curious property of collecting and re-radiating EM signals from them across interstellar space; only they can transmit their gathered signals at FTL speeds, likely by moving the signals through the subspace portions of their beings. This means that transmissions that would -crawl- at light speed and eventually attenuate into virtual nothingness across interstellar distances instead can be heard almost in real time in solar systems hundreds of light years away from the signals’ points of origin. This property has earned the alien lifeforms the name ‘Keemen’, or ‘Voice Paths’ by the Danau explorers who first studied and identified the Keemen as alien(and ‘alien’ in a very extreme sense of the word) ORGANISMS, rather than subspace phenomena. The danaus based their belief in Keemen sapience in the fact that all EM signals from a particular source are not blindly re-radiated elsewhere; there seems to be filtration of signals going on. Danau and other observers have discerned signals collected and re-emitted varying by media, frequency, language, and even genre-types, suggesting that something other than random selection is going on.
Exactly how intelligent the Keemen are is uncertain. The organisms/structures seem to appear near inhabited solar systems, but it’s not known if there are multiple Keemen, or if they are all manifestations of one incredibly vast organism in subspace. Why they seem to filter/edit their collected EM transmissions, and to what end, remains unknown.
Keemen do not seem to be harmful, or interested in harming, the lifeforms of the solar systems they manifest in. Indeed, aside from their being conduits and filters of EM signals, they don’t do much at all, and all attempts to communicate with the Keemen have shown no results. Spacecraft can pass harmlessly through them, though localized microsingularities and exotic particles in the Keemen may interfere with gravitic drives and FRL systems.
It is possible that the Bohjan/Keemen in the Kaynor system was drawn by the original settlement of the Fenril people, and the Keemen stuck around long enough to see the Fenrillans emerge as a technological people, while the Keemen passed along the curious transmissions from Earth.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:A
*Going back and reading the first page makes me wonder if I should try and work up the Fenril as a race. That might be a extremely tricky as there is an enormous amount of species diversity in Canines
I also hope to, as inspiration strikes, add on to this with bits about society, religion, ethno-diversity, and other topics. Fingers crossed for coherent and complete thoughts and no bans/warnings against post necromancy.

Go for it, as your muse whacks you. Once you get the basics, the rest comes fairly fast and easily. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Chuckles at the Drunn's reproduction. "The female develops 1D4 cysts on her skin over the next 10 months that break open and a baby falls out.

Just saying the word choice and mental image is amusing. Creative, and I can totally envision it, which is part of what makes it amusing.

"is that an infant cyst on your hip or..... are you suffering from a crystal pox?"

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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The Hyperkittens were fun. Kinda liked um before the Ninjabunnies "Rescued/subverted" them, but as a concept, very appealing.

Question: Do they have hands? Some of the things they're indicated of doing seems to imply manipulator digits that would be difficult with out them. collecting knives and being little commandos and what not.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Absolutely LOVE the Wuzzyboogers. Totally putting them in my game.

Hell, _I_ Want one.....maybe.. three. (Though they need to come in green. Not just orange, pink or gray.)

They're like an attack trained cat/tribble hybrid.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:The Hyperkittens were fun. Kinda liked um before the Ninjabunnies "Rescued/subverted" them, but as a concept, very appealing.

Question: Do they have hands? Some of the things they're indicated of doing seems to imply manipulator digits that would be difficult with out them. collecting knives and being little commandos and what not.

Of course they have hands. Not that you'd know by looking at them. But you're likely looking at those-oh-so-adorable-eyes-yes-you-are-yes-you-are-you-wonderful-gullible-cat-person-you!
Meanwhile, the littermates are hacking your credit cards, Facebook account, and setting up your will to take care of your pets.

And Wuzzyboogers? Blame my cousin Denise for that one; she told it straightfaced up until the last line, and I've never forgotten it.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

taalismn wrote:
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:A
*Going back and reading the first page makes me wonder if I should try and work up the Fenril as a race. That might be a extremely tricky as there is an enormous amount of species diversity in Canines
I also hope to, as inspiration strikes, add on to this with bits about society, religion, ethno-diversity, and other topics. Fingers crossed for coherent and complete thoughts and no bans/warnings against post necromancy.

Go for it, as your muse whacks you. Once you get the basics, the rest comes fairly fast and easily. :D

I will do that! Also I realized after the fact that this probably should have went in your random interstellar kingdoms thread seeing as how it is about a home world/system and not about the race itself. If you want to move them I understand. If not, at least I know where to find them at the moment.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The Hyperkittens were fun. Kinda liked um before the Ninjabunnies "Rescued/subverted" them, but as a concept, very appealing.

Question: Do they have hands? Some of the things they're indicated of doing seems to imply manipulator digits that would be difficult with out them. collecting knives and being little commandos and what not.

Of course they have hands. Not that you'd know by looking at them. But you're likely looking at those-oh-so-adorable-eyes-yes-you-are-yes-you-are-you-wonderful-gullible-cat-person-you!
Meanwhile, the littermates are hacking your credit cards, Facebook account, and setting up your will to take care of your pets.

And Wuzzyboogers? Blame my cousin Denise for that one; she told it straightfaced up until the last line, and I've never forgotten it.

Love them both. Totally took them into my files for future use.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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I'm currently working on a saurian race based off of dromaeosaurid theropods. Space faring ones. :D

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Pepsi Jedi wrote:I'm currently working on a saurian race based off of dromaeosaurid theropods. Space faring ones. :D

They skipped evolving into birds and went straight to starflight? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Maintained their forms and brains got more advanced but maintained their body type.

Gonna base them off of Utahraptor ostrommaysorum for the base.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Dude, absolutely LOVE the Myatel.

I had a home race (Like a decade ago) that could have been their Brothers from other mothers, or sisters from other misters.

Love what you've done there.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

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My third race. Again, curious as to what people think.


World Classification: High Gravity

Ground Terrain: Vast Forests, Large lakes, Gigantic mountains, Jutting buttes,

Atmospheric Conditions: Cool, largely overcast and cloudy. Not as dark as a twilight world, but perhaps a bit gloomy.
Occasionally bombarded by sudden and intense storms, including thunder, intense lightning, hail, even tornadoes, and hurricanes during the summer months. Sudden and intense snow storms, including thunder snow, and blizzards in the winter months. Note: These are not constant, but rather like Earth, they receive X number of major storms/hurricanes/blizzards a year but it’s not constant. Between storm events it defaults back to the cool largely overcast Atmospheric conditions.

Planetary Sapients: Mesozod (Mesozods, plural). Which are Theropod people that would appear to be, in appearance, a type of Dinosaur. Specifically the “Raptors”. Note these are not “Reptilian humanoids” but, look very much like a 5 or 6 foot tall raptor. Complete with body shape, head, legs, the works. They -are- intelligent and articulate. They just appear like dinosaurs out of earth’s history. Full detailed description in racial write up.

Technological Level: Star age: Interstellar travel, frequent travel to other star systems, knowledge of FTL and contragravity.

Architecture Appearance: The Mesozod are currently in what we would call a Streamline Moderne architectural phase. This are defined as being a later form of Art Deco Architecture, emphasizing sweeping curves and long horizontal lines. They also embrace what would appear to be “Steam Punk” Styling in their technology. The combination of Architecture and -appearance- of technology gives them quite an interesting ‘look’. Most especially considering the Mesozod physical appearance.

Located in the Thundercloud galaxy, Dromaes is a large planet with a very dense heavy metal core producing a high gravity biosphere. The atmosphere is usually cloud covered, resulting in a some what cool and dim world (Not twilight. They don’t live in darkness nor are the creatures of the planet overly sensitive to light.). Weather is usually rather mild, with starting exceptions to the rule. A number of powerful storms will strike each season, intense thunder and lightning storms, wind storms and even up to and including tornado bands and hurricanes in the summer. In the winter, snow storms, thunder snow, and blizzards. These events are -not- constant, but are sudden when they do occur giving the weather a some what schizophrenic feel. It could be calm for weeks or months then suddenly with in hours you could be dodging lightning bolts, or basket ball sized hail, or if winter, be cold and calm, then shift into a blizzard in the space of an afternoon.

Dromaes itself is large planet, roughly three times the size of Earth, and has some varied terrain. Many large forests stretch across the planet, broken by large lakes (Think great lakes on earth, but as it’s 3 times the size, they occur more often), more akin to inland freshwater seas. Jutting buttes sometimes emerge from the large forest bands. Other wise there are a few plains areas. A little bit of jungle (But not nearly as much as temperate forests,) and the massive sharp mountains that break up the terrain every 1000 or so miles. The mountains are astoundingly tall and imposing, extending far into the clouds and consist of purple and green stone of incredible density.
The inhabitants of Dromaes have taken millions of years to evolve to their current place, and advancement. Currently they have reached an evolutionary plateau. Where in as a people they’re not changing very much or very fast. Apex predators and sapients on their own world they’ve ‘topped out’ for the most part. This results in some what more ‘average’ attributes among the Mesozods. Smaller levels of individual variation in attributes are seen. There is still quite a bit of genetic distinction, it is just in a narrower more average ‘band’. (Fewer extremes. Fewer very very stupid people or fewer slow and clumsy sorts, etc)

Having taken 100s of millions of years to evolve, that evolution has been stretched out. It gives the Mesozods a rather unique aspect. They’ve had time along the way to ensure that they didn’t destroy their own planet. They’ve taken the care not to as well.

Urban area exist, cities, towns, hamlets. Etc. They are currently built with many ‘green’ aspects (Ecologically not color) Pollution is low. Recycling and recycled materials are high. Other aspects of green technology are every day and commonplace.

The ‘style’ of the Mesozods could be categorized as Streamline Moderne meets Steam Punk. While they are a species capable of FTL travel, and contra grav technology, using MDC materials, these guys have -style-. Sweeping curves, long lines that indicate motion and almost flight are present as architectural aspects in their society, and technology. Why do something simple and square when you could have it flow and look graceful and cool? The Mesozods love their ‘cool’ and it’s seen everywhere. From their viewscreens, to their “Rocket ships’ (Yes, Rocket ships). Sure they may use contragravity to move around but they’re ‘shaped’ like Rocket ships complete with fins and round view ports! Controls will be levers and buttons and joy sticks. They also dig flying saucers and have collaborated with the Veyzin in construction of such.

This design ascetic goes all the way down to every day items, fashion and weaponry. While the Mesozods have the equivalent of 3 Galaxy megadamage weaponry it will have a distinct Streamline Moderne or Steam punk design. Instead of a black laser pistol made out of md composite plastics, the Mesozoids would have “Ray guns” or “Blaster pistols” with disks and or nobs, fins, etc. This doesn’t change the -result- of the weaponry. An MD laser or particle beam is still a MD laser or particle beam, but Mesozod tech is highly distinctive and easy to pick out of a lineup. They love their chrome, brass, brushed steel etc as well. (Note this doesn’t mean the military runs around in shiny chrome armor with chromed out blasters. They’re smart enough to use camo etc. but as a society, they like flash) A common saying on Dromaes can be heard quite often “If you can’t do it with -style-, -Don’t- bother doing it!”


On this world, the Dromaes have evolved. Xenobiologists do not know if it is a case of Convergent Evolution, that gave rise to the race, or if some ancient species picked up Dinosaurs from Earth’s distant past and transplanted them, or if they fell through a rift of space and ended up on Dromaes. Regardless of the ‘how’, the Mesozods exist today.

At first glance many humans would point and go ‘that’s a Velociraptor’. They would be incorrect, first. Velociraptors were actually the size of turkeys. Not the man height super predators that are often imagined due to a very popular series of movies, and second. The Mesozods are fully sapient, intelligent advanced creatures. They just LOOK, nearly identical to what most humans THINK Velociraptor’s look like. 5 to 6 feet tall pack hunting dinosaurs ( dromaesaurid theropods ). They possess two powerful legs ending in feet with wicked claws including a large scythe claw. Their bodies are held more parallel to the ground instead of vertical. Arms end in hands that also posses claws. Only by looking closely would one notice that Mesazods possess fully articulated digits and an opposable thumb. The hands and feet, in addition to their razor sharp claws, possess grandular skin, which assists in climbing the massive trees, huge rocky outcroppings and mountains found on their home world. The head is large at the end of a flexible neck. A long boxy scull with pronounced muzzle possessing sharp teeth. Large slitted eyes give excellent vision and no visible ‘ears’ (Instead they have ear holes).

Other than the opposable thumb, the other ‘visible’ distinction between Mesozods and Theropod dinosaurs from earth’s past, is that Mesozods possess a ‘pouch’. When not in use the skin is pulled tight against the stomach and is practically invisible to the naked eye. Only when the Mesozods are carrying young would it be noticeable.

There are two distinct sub-type, ‘variations’ or ‘races’ of Mesozod. One possesses the ‘classic’ look. That of a bipedal theropod with thick pebbly skin, in colors from Green to reds yellows and browns, some with stripes or other patterns, depending on ancestry. A few spiny type accents are common(but not universal). Atop the head, over the brow ridge and or down the spine and tail. The colors can be muted browns and greens and almost camouflage like to blend in with flora, or even brighter and more brilliant, rich jewel tones and the like. The colorations are found roughly in equal measure (Each color and ‘natural’ vs ‘vibrant’, as well as patterns, stripes, splotches, rosettes etc are all found in roughly equal number.)
The second sub-type or ‘race’ of Mesozods are feathered. Possessing feathers over the same body type and build. Much like their non feathered cousins, the feathering can range from muted dun browns and greens, all the way to brilliant jewel tones that would make a peacock envious. Like the non feathered sub-type, the feathered Mesozods can show a wide variation of patterns, but all are encountered in roughly equal numbers. No single pattern/color prevails over another.

Xenobiologists believe that the Feathered Mesozods are descendant of Mesozods that evolved in area’s closer to Dromaes’ poles, and that the feathers were used as insulation. It should be noted that due to size Mesozods do not achieve flight. Even if they have feathers. Smaller creatures on their planet did indeed achieve that distinction but the Mesozods themselves were never fliers. They -are- warm blooded monotreme marsupials. Meaning that they lay eggs, yet are still warm blooded, and once the eggs hatch, carry their young in pouches.

Heterosexual in nature, the Mesozods show a distinct sexual dimorphism. The females are 20-30% larger than the males. Breeding occurs in heterosexual couples. After successful mating the Female will lay 1-6 eggs, which both parents tend to. Upon hatching both the males and females will transfer young to a Marsupial like pouch, and carry them along until they learn to walk and run and keep up with their parents. Usually only two or three young can/will be carried per pouch, thus both parents share this duty, If one parent dies another Mesozod can assist the remaining parent in this nature. The offspring (Joeys) reside in the pouch and over the next 1-3 years start to venture out on their own more and more. Seldom does a Mesozod remain pouch bound more than 3 years. They grow to exceed the capacity and need to ‘move out’. Many Mesozod are polygamists with one female often having more than one husband and breeding partner. Depending on size and standing, the Wife can have between 1 and 12. It also depends on the people, and whom likes whom and how well they get along.

The young go though adolescence and attain puberty at roughly 12 to 14 years of age (Where in they ‘can’ breed) “Adulthood/ Age of Majority on Dromaes is considered 20. (Much like humans, the Mesozods ‘can’ have sex far younger than perhaps they ‘should’ have sex. They are still maturing well into their second decade)

Mesozods are interesting when it comes to clothing. By and large being mega damage creatures they don’t often ‘need’ it. That’s no to say that they don’t use it. Many Mesozods can be found in highly stylish flight jackets or vests, They help with holding stuff. I mean everyone needs pockets right? Scarves and goggles are also in vogue, the Mesozods think it makes them look rakish and daring. Again here one can often find aspects of “steam punk” style. (with out the ‘steam’). Still ‘pants’ and such are not nearly as common, and usually only seen in protective type garments (Armor/space suits, etc). Said space suits look like stuff you’d find in a 60s Pulp movie. Jump suits with belts, Fins at the shoulders. Bubble helmets, which allow their unique heads to move around. These are all constructed from high tech MDC materials and equate to the same sort of protection other race’s mdc armors and space suits would give. The style and cut is just different.

As MDC beings, they don’t often have the same ‘need’ for heavier MD armors that SDC creatures might. They’ll still don such when heading into known battle with heavy hitters, but it’s not uncommon to see Mesozod commandos charging into battle full speed with nothing more than a few bandoleers for ‘energy packs’ for their ‘Ray guns’ and goggles on while roaring or hissing as they blast enemy emplacements.

As a people the Mesozod are a unique blend. Highly Matriarchal, the leaders of the Mesozods have always been women. While this isn’t so rigid as to not allow for men it’s just a cultural norm that is not often challenged. It happens more ‘today’ than it may have 100 or 1000 years ago, but the majority of leadership positions are held by women (85+%). The sexual dimorphism of the species is distinct. Females being a good 20-30% larger and stronger than their male counterparts. It should be noted that even with this distinction there’s very little sexism in the species itself. Males are not looked down upon for being smaller and less powerful. Nor are they discriminated against in Mesazod society.

Along with the sexual dimorphism, there are more cultural breakdowns as well. Women tend to be leaders and fill the police, peace keeping, and military roles (Again about 85% or so) and men tend to fill the more scholarly, engineering and technical aspects. It works with them as a society.

This does not mean that the female Mesozods are ‘butch’ or that the males are ‘fem’. They still maintain gender identity. The Females are just bigger and stronger and the males, less so. As descendant of pack hunters they have strong instincts. Instincts that they have not let fall to the wayside.

The Mesozods have an intense curiosity of the world and universe around them. Always sticking their snouts into things and seeking new things to learn, explore and experience. They love to find out what’s on the other side of the door… on the other side of town, the other side of the forest, on the other side of the mountain, on one of their moons, on the next planet in their system and across the universe.

It’s speculated that the aggression of their predatory past has channeled itself into this intense curiosity, and it’s quite possible but as a species it does well for them.

The Mesozods do maintain their history though. Having such a long uninterrupted one there’s a lot of history to maintain. One aspect of this is the tradition of “The Wild”

When a Mesozod reaches the age of Majority (Roughly 20 terran years) He or she goes on a sort of pilgrimage or walkabout. Often in groups or…. Packs, they venture forth into the wilds of their planet to live as their ancestors did. Carrying very little to no technology with them (Other than trackers with emergency beacons if need be) they go out into the wilder areas of Dromaes. Here they pit themselves against the wilderness and learn more about their predatory natures. They run and hunt. They live by their wits and their skill. This might seem simple at first glance. Megadamage creatures with superhuman strength in the wild? No biggie. It’s not quite so clear cut. The predators on Dromaes are megadamage as well and have evolved right along with the Mesozods. Larger stronger and just as, if not more, fierce. They present quite a threat to a lone Mesozod, or even a pack if they’re not careful. The sudden extreme weather can also be problematic. “The Wild” is not to be taken lightly and many Mesozod’s take classes and prepare for more than a year prior to the trip. Even with this prior training and the fact that most Mesozods conduct their trips in packs of 4 to 6, it’s not uncommon for roughly 10% of the youths to ‘fail’ their transition (I.E. Die). After a lunar year the youths return and are inducted fully into adult society. Tapping out early is not seen as ‘shameful’ but one is expected to return and complete the ritual. And yes, you have to start over. If you’re out on “The Wild” For 11 months and have a serious injury or sickness, you can hit your emergency beacon and call for aid. They -will- come. You will be taken back to civilization, healed and or cured, but you have not passed your trials yet. You will still be expected to return and conduct another Wild. Lasting 12 full months. Not the ‘1’ month you had remaining. This transition works for the species. Reminds them of what they once were and makes most Mesozods -appreciate- their technology and ease of life in the modern era.

It’s not at all uncommon for Mesozods to return on subsequent trips into the wilds as they age. Usually about once per decade (If able) With friends and family. Again taking a year out of their lives to ‘return to nature’. These aren’t seen as vacations, but as an accepted necessity for the species, and something that keeps them levelheaded and civil in their social interactions.

Crime on Domaes is surprisingly low considering the evolution of the species. Again that slow gradual build has helped in these aspects. Also, when others whom you might commit crime upon could BITE YOUR FACE OFF, it makes it a touch more intense an action, and one that would take more forethought.

Just as they have an intense curiosity for exploration, they have that same curiosity for the world around them. Sciences and Technology are explored just as intensely as the world and cosmos. The Scientists(Mostly male) of Domaes are heralded as heroes. The movers and shakers in the scientific fields are treated almost like rockstars. Teachers are treated with reverence and paid accordingly. (YOU try and keep 30 different MDC Dinosaurs on task and learning to read!)

Conversely, Politics are considered boring and only indulged in “Because SOMEONE has to do it, to keep the hover buses running on time” The less government the better is a prevailing mindset of the Mesozod people. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They just see it as a necessary requirement. Nothing to strive for.

The Military of Domaes is robust. This is for a number of reasons. 1) It serves to defend the planet and people. 2) It defends the exploration fleets and colonies, 3) It serves as a sword, held ready in case of aggression against the Mesozod people.

Once they achieved interstellar travel, the Mesozod people were rather astounded to learn that the galactic standard was… not built on the Therapod model (As all their science fiction had assumed).

In fact the prevalence of humanoids shocked them. Most of the peoples of the 3 Galaxies are built on a model that… the Mesozod people don’t readily share. Sure they’re bipedal with two legs, a torso, two arms, hands and a head but they’re put together in different ways. Their shock increased when they found out that among the stars, the life forms that DO share their shape, are often seen as little more than animals at best, monsters at worst.

The typical reaction of a human the first time a Mesozod rounds a corner and starts towards them is of shock and surprise at the very best, or intense abject terror. Even if the Mesozod is nothing more than a day care worker or janitor. This is intensified if the Mesozod isn’t wearing clothes or a uniform (As many of them do not, or very minimal clothes) As the human thinks they’re a wild dinosaur on the loose.

This has lead to some less than favorable first contacts by the Mesozods in the galactic scene and very much not their fault! While they DO descend from pack hunting super predators, they are just as civilized and modern as Human, Wulfen, Nero, or any other people in the galactic community. Indeed they’re less aggressive towards other species than many.

To this extent the Mesozods have been known to hire on Human, Nero, Wulfen or other bipedal species as first contact specialists with their exploration fleets. Not that the Mesozods don’t possess the knowledge themselves, but.. with the “Galactic standard’ being bipedal humanoids, sometimes it’s just a lot easier to have one along to help you break the ice, and stop people from screaming and opening fire with heavy weaponry when you wave and ask “What’s up?”

Alien Race/RCC: Mesozod

Alignments: Any. Show a wide variation, same as humans. Perhaps a slightly higher tendency towards ‘honorable’ sorts, but these can be Aberrant as well.

Lifespan: 110-150 years. A mortal race but with space age medicine, life spans are pretty decent.

Size: Height: 5-6ft (1.5M-1.8M), but due to build are ‘longer’. 9.8-11.4ft(3-3.5M) Much of that is tail and can be curled or maneuvered out of the way( Figure half of length is tail and can be tucked or yanked out of the way if needed).
165-330Lbs(75-150kg). Females are roughly 20-30% larger than the males and on the upper end of the spectrum (6ft and 250lbs)

Gender: Heterosexual, warm blooded monotreme (Egg layers)/marsupials . After successful mating the Female will lay 1-6 eggs, which both parents tend to. Upon hatching both the males and females will transfer young to a Marsupial like pouch, and carry them along until they learn to walk and run and keep up with their parents. Distinctly sexually dimorphic. Females are 20-30% larger than males.

Physical Description/Appearance: Appear very much akin to dromaesaurid theropods from earth’s past. Specifically they are roughly 5 or 6 foot tall ‘Raptors’. The females are 20-30% larger than the males.
Bipedal, with powerful legs, a large scythe claw on the foot. Long slender but powerful arms ending in hands with 3 fingers and an opposable thumb. The hands are quite dexterous, and possess a full range of motion, suitable for everything from holding and manipulating tools and weapons to rapid fire typing on keyboards, and fine artistic endeavor. (They have little caps for their claws for typing. Don’t want to rip through the keyboards after all.) Fingers and toes both possess claws. Head is shaped like the classic ‘Raptor’ with a pronounced muzzle filled with razor sharp teeth. Eyes are large and possess slitted vs round iris. Roughly as tall as humans but due to body type are longer. Half of ‘length’ is a strong prehensile tail. It’s powerful and can be used as a rudder when running full out. Through evolution it has become more dexterous and can even be used as a fine manipulator.
Unique to the species and ‘different’ from a classic theropod, the Mesozods possesses a ‘pouch’ to carry live young upon hatching. Both males and females possess the pouch. It’s quite elastic and if not carrying young sits flush to the body and is practically invisible.
There are two distinct sub-type, ‘variations’ or ‘races’ of Mesozod. One possesses the ‘classic’ look. That of a bipedal theropod with thick pebbly skin, in colors from Green to reds yellows and brows, many with stripes or other patterns, depending on ancestry. A few spiny type accents are common(but not universal). Atop the head, over the brow ridge and or down the spine and tail. The colors can be muted browns and greens and almost camouflage like to blend in with flora, or even brighter and more brilliant, rich jewel tones and the like. The colorations are found roughly in equal measure (Each color and ‘natural’ vs ‘vibrant’, as well as patterns, stripes, splotches, rosettes etc are all found in roughly equal number.)
The second sub-type or ‘race’ of Mesozods are feathered. Possessing feathers over the same body type and build. Much like their non feathered cousins, the feathering can range from muted dun browns and greens, all the way to brilliant jewel tones that would make a peacock envious. Like the non feathered sub-type, the feathered Mesozods can show a wide variation of patterns, but all are encountered in roughly equal numbers. No single pattern/color prevails over another.
Xenobiologists believe that the Feathered Mesozods are descendant of Mesozods that evolved in area’s closer to Dromae’s poles, and that the feathers were used as insulation. It should be noted that due to size Mesozods do not achieve flight. Even if they have feathers. Smaller creatures on their planet did indeed achieve that distinction but the Mesozods themselves were never fliers. They -are- warm blooded monotreme marsupials. Meaning that they lay eggs, yet are still warm blooded, and once the eggs hatch, carry their young in pouches.

Disposition/Attitudes: Show a wide variation, as a complex people. A cultural tenancy towards honor prevails (Personal honor defined by the individual and or family not nation or religion), along with intense curiosity of both their own world, sciences, art, and the universe around them. Born explorers, always looking over the next hill, across the next river, over the next mountain and across the next sea or interstellar expanse.

Physical Attributes: (Note, due to long evolution and evolutionary plateau, the stats lack some of the variation of other races. Instead of 3D6 giving results of 3-18, they have more consistent attributes. Rerolls still occur for a 15 or 16, showing that even at evolutionary plateau, extraordinary people exist)

IQ: 1D4+10 (Males 1D6+10)
ME: 1D6+9
MA: 1D6+9
PS: 2D4+20(“Superhuman” which is Robotic Strength, Rifts Ultimate Pg 285)
PE: 1D6+20 (Extraordinary)
PP: 1D6+20
PB: 2D6+4 (Remember PB is based on human standards. They can find each other beautiful or ugly)
SP: 44+2D6 (Average speed of 50: 35mph/56kph) (Multiply by 3 when off their homeworld)

(ISP): Standard
(PPE): Standard

MDC: (Minor mega damage creatures in MD environments: Rifts/3 Galaxies)
Head: 85(Female) 70(Male)
Arms: (2) 3D6+12 each
Legs: (2) 4D6+40 each
Tail: (1) 3D6+20
Main Body: 6D6+54(Females) 6D6+34(Males)

(For non MD environments/conversions)
Hit Points: 4D6+20
SDC: 3D6+12, with an AR of 9

Horror Factor: 9 for one, 12 for a pack of 4-8, 14 for a pack larger than 10. (Initial once you get to know them personally it’s different but rounding the corner and seeing a group of Mesozods looking at you with those large slitted eyes, teeth and claws will give anyone the jumps.

Natural Abilities:
Superhuman strength which equates to Robotic Strength, Rifts Ultimate Pg 285 can carry 200 times their P.S. and lift 300 times their P.S. Also fatigues at HALF the normal rate. Punches and Kicks CAN do megadamage in the higher P.S. ranges.
Excellent speed, can run without pause and without exhaustion for 8 hours,
Leap up to 20 ft (6 m) high and 30 feet (9 m) long (increase by 30% when running at maximum speed). Can go without food or water: for two weeks without ill effect.
Sense of smell like a Dog boy: Smell blood one mile (1.6 km) away, can track blood scent 65%, track animals and humanoids by scent and vision 65%,
Excellent raptor like vision. Can see acutely at a much greater distance than humans. Night Vision 1000ft
Prowl 86%,
Detect ambush 76%,
Climb 75%/25%.
*Nonskid Palms/Feet: the pads of the hands and feet are covered with granular skin that can be used to grip most smoothe surfaces. Character is stable and will not slip on smooth surfaces such as glass or metal. (Taken from Tree kangaroos, Mutants Down Under) +20% to Climb rolls, when Free climbing. Not repelling.
* Predator Burst: +2 Inits in the first melee round, +2 attacks the first melee round +1 attack the second melee round. Cannot pull punch during predator burst. Can only be used when first entering combat, (Cannot have been in combat in the previous 4 melees. Once a predator burst can be used, you cannot use it again with out resting out side of combat for 2D6 Minutes.

Damage:(note Superhuman str is “Robotic” In Rifts or 3Galaxies, so the damage bonuses will add to these default, depending on what, the character rolls for PS)
Bite: 2D6md (+4 Females)
Clawed Feet: 3D6md (+1D6 Females)
Tail slash: 2D6 SDC+ps bonus for males (1D4 md for females)
Hand claws: 4D6 SDC+ps bonus for males, (1D6md for females.)
Headbutt: 2D4sdc

Psionics: Nope: The Mesozods Are not a psionic species. Just not in their bag of tricks. Blame the evolved dino brain if you must.
Magic: Possible but not innate, the Mesozod do not possess a magical culture of their own. If off planet and exposed to other magic users, a Mesozod may be able to learn magic. Just not magic culture or tradition of their own. Highly unlikely to even try.

Cybernetics/Bionics: Standard 3 Galaxy usage. Both for health and replacement of missing limbs as well as weaponry. Especially vibro or energy claws. But over all in the Mesozod Society, cybernetics/bionics are uncommon. They prefer to rely on their own innate strength. A Mesozod using cyber claws instead of her OWN claws would be seen as overcompensating or such. Sort of like if a human uses a Desert Eagle hand gun. Sure.. it’s a gun but sheesh man. What are you making up for??

Available OCCs: Most any, non psionic and non magical. Needless to say Juicer tech doesn’t work on their alien physiology, but they possess many men at arms, adventurer, military, law enforcement, and scholarly OOCs. The Mesozod have an intense curiosity of the world and universe around them so they produce just as many scholars and scientists as they do warriors. The OCCs do tend to break down some what along gender roles. Females are a bit more prone to physical/combat OOC’s and males are a bit more prone to scholarly, but it’s NOT a rigid thing. It’s more a ‘preference’ than any sort of hard solid rule. A societal tendency vs a restriction.

RCC Skills:
*See Prowl, Climbing, Detect ambush above
Wilderness Survival +30%
HTH: Basic. (May be upgraded to Martial arts for one secondary skill or Martial arts for one “Other” or two secondary skills
Last edited by Pepsi Jedi on Sat Apr 21, 2018 5:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Blue Eyes wrote:The Senge RCC
Physical Description: The Senge are small humanoid aquatics carnivores, mammals (dolphin-like in origins) with lungs, and webbed feet, brightly colored smooth but tough skin, with minimal body hair. Colors vary greatly are usually hues of blue, gray, green, yellow and white. They have elongated upper bodies, long arms, a large elongated head and big eyes (Blue, green, black or purple). They have two clawed fingers and a clawed opposable thumb on each hand. Senge can function equally well in and out of water, but most prefer having access to or living in water. The Senge only wear clothes when out of water, usually togas.
Tattoos: Males often have their large foreheads tattooed with symbols, which is a proud tradition. The tattoos tell the family’s history, the individual’s accomplishments and possibly their goals in life. It is very painful to get these tattoos but it is considered an honor to have them. Females tattoo their legs for similar reasons..

I like the detail of tattoos. I imagine there's an entire cultural current of applying the tats, getting them faked or altered or covered up for whatever reasons, or outright removed(some families or subcultures might regard obliteration of tats to be a way of disowning or removing members from a family line. Scarred foreheads or legs might be regarded as effectively 'scarlet letters' if the carrier is known to have suffered some grave dishonor.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Great update,Love to see New Races.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Great update,Love to see New Races.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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gaby wrote:Great update,Love to see New Races.

Write up your own, post it, and join the fun.
There are at least three Palladium books that allow you to create your own alien species....Rifts Phaseworld, Aliens Unlimited, and PFRPG Land of the Damned that allow you to random roll stats for aliens. And I;m sure, with a little effort, you can find online random generators for names, cultures, and planets(or use those in Rifts, the Rifter, Megaversal Builder, and the forums here) to help you further fill in the gaps. The tools are out there, and you have your brain for the rest.
Then you kick in your imagination, set your fingers to the keyboard, and let your mind start running.
Don't be simply a spectator, be a participant, be a CREATOR.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

So Taali, What do you think about my most recent?

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Blue Eyes
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Re: Fan Races!!

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taalismn wrote:
Blue Eyes wrote:The Senge RCC
Physical Description: The Senge are small humanoid aquatics carnivores, mammals (dolphin-like in origins) with lungs, and webbed feet, brightly colored smooth but tough skin, with minimal body hair. Colors vary greatly are usually hues of blue, gray, green, yellow and white. They have elongated upper bodies, long arms, a large elongated head and big eyes (Blue, green, black or purple). They have two clawed fingers and a clawed opposable thumb on each hand. Senge can function equally well in and out of water, but most prefer having access to or living in water. The Senge only wear clothes when out of water, usually togas.
Tattoos: Males often have their large foreheads tattooed with symbols, which is a proud tradition. The tattoos tell the family’s history, the individual’s accomplishments and possibly their goals in life. It is very painful to get these tattoos but it is considered an honor to have them. Females tattoo their legs for similar reasons..

I like the detail of tattoos. I imagine there's an entire cultural current of applying the tats, getting them faked or altered or covered up for whatever reasons, or outright removed(some families or subcultures might regard obliteration of tats to be a way of disowning or removing members from a family line. Scarred foreheads or legs might be regarded as effectively 'scarlet letters' if the carrier is known to have suffered some grave dishonor.

Thanks, and yes I had similar thoughts when I wrote it :)
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:So Taali, What do you think about my most recent?

Bit of utopia building in the 'sciences are lauded, politics are seen as a grim necessity'? :fool:

That, and the 'time-outs' to stay calm and civil and not bite peoples' faces off....

Son as I'm able, I'm hardcopying yours and Blue Eyes' entries.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

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(aka ‘Eye-bat’, ‘Splugorth pigeons’, ‘Eylorian mosquito’)

“Mmmrem are the worst pests imaginable! They attack in flocks, they’re relatively smart, they’re not above using weapons, and they aren’t good eating....”
-Kydian rancher

The Mmmrem are a race of diminutive insectoid beings who resemble nothing so much as a flying eyeball with batwings, bird-like foot-paws, and a long stinger tail.
Mmmrem evolved as communal symbiotes living in cooperation with the massive airborne and surface-roaming herbivores of their homeworld, eating parasites and insects that swarmed about the massive moving walls of meat as they foraged the savannahs and skies of the Mmmrem homeworld, Osmmem. Entire nomadic Mmmrem ‘nations’ would follow the herds, ocassional meeting as the animals merged herds seasonally, and taking advantage of the ocassions to meet other Mmmrem, exchange news, and meet prospective mates. In time, the Mmmrem evolved elaborate networks of couriers interlinking the migrant nations, exchanging data on climate changes, grazing coverage, and the state of health of their symbiotic great-beasts. Armed with this information, the Mmmrem could slowly steer their larger halves away from treacherous regions, drought-hit pastures, predators, and other beasts inflicted with contagious diseases. The Mmmrem could also elect to share resources, allowing survivors from dying herds to join with other, healthier herds and great-beasts. It wasn’t always some cases there were no safer routes, or disease might be spread by the symbiotes themselves, but it was the beginning of global cooperation.
Osmmem had the misfortune of catching the eye of a Splugorth Intelligence that decided the verdant world would serve better as a breeding ground for its Kydian minions. Osmmrem was thus quickly invaded and colonized, its vast savannahs either paved over and developed into barrack-tenements, or corralled off into vast farms where the native wildlife would be herded and slaughtered to feed new generations of young Kydian warriors. The Mmmrem were largely ignored by the Kydian herdsmen, or else were treated as disease-carrying vermin, and driven away from the animal stockades. Thousands of Mmmrem ‘vermin’ were killed by herdsmen, or starved to death when they couldn’t find suitable host-beasts to feed themselves.
The Mmmrem have since learned to integrate themselves into the Splugorth network, sneaking between worlds hidden among cargoes or transplanted herds of livestock(or slaves), and surviving as best they can in the shadows of the Splugorth. For the most part they go unnoticed by the Splugorth and their Minions, and most others dismiss them as ‘alien vermin’, even going so far as to call them ‘Splugorth pigeons’. The more paranoid of slaves mistake them for Eye of Eylor or modified biowizardry constructs sent to spy on them and try to avoid contact with them.
A few flock-nations(and individuals cut off from their flocks) have made contact with other sapients, including on Rifts Earth, where they have headed for the Great Plains and other regions where large herd animals can be found. The Mmmrem have attached themselves to such creatures as the Great Plains Buffalo. These Mmmrem have learned to operate simple machines(such as computer keyboards, flashlights, and flares). They have also learned how to carry and use high-tech weapons like vibroblades, grenades, and light energy weapons(they like derringer-sized weapons like the Wilks’ Laser Derringer for their light weight). In general, these small flocks of Mmmrem wander the savannahs and plains of Rifts Earth following herds and protecting them, while making their living from the great beasts.
Mmmrem get along best with those who allow them their freedom and don’t harm their host-beasts. On Rifts Earth they get along best with the Fennodi, Native Americans, Cactus People, and the occasional liberal-minded Simvan and Cowboy herdsman.

Alignments: Any, but most are Good and Selfish
Lifespan: 45 years
Size: 2-3 feet long, 2-3 ft wingspan. Weigh 2-5 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual egg-layers producing 1-3 eggs/offspring at a time. Eggs are webbed to the side of a host-animal for safety and body-warmth, and incubate for 3 weeks before hatching. Mmmrem hatchlings with stay on or close to the host-animal for nineteen months while being attended to and fed by their parents, before fledging and joining the larger flock.
Physical Description/Appearance:
A large naked eyeball with a long whip-like, prehensile tail with a stinger-tip and two ‘fingers’ along its end-length, two small parrot-like claws, and two bat-like wings. The eye sports a triangular hood that can close up around the eye along a horizontal axis. A sharp beak is concealed under and behind the large eyeball. Smell is through a series of pores atop the ‘eyelid’. They communicate with a loud insectile hum, clicks, and squeaks, but find it difficult, if not impossible, to speak the language of other beings, and must rely on psionics, magical translation, or simple codes(“Yes”, “No”, “Danger”) to communicate with others, unless they make a concerted effort to mimic the sounds of others. Coloration is generally earth-tones, the better to fit in against the hides of their host-beasts. They can carry small woven bags around their bodies, sometimes wear garlands of plants, and will sometimes paint or tattoo their wings and eye-hoods with tribal symbols.
Mmmrem are insectivores who also supplement their diet with small amounts of blood. On Earth they will attempt to feed from large animals and livestock; only the most desperate will feed off sentient beings like humans, and only then when the person is asleep(and less likely to resist or try to hurt the Mmmrem). A typical daily Mmmrem feeding does 1d4 SDC and temporarily drains 1d4 Hit Points’ worth of blood. They prefer to feed off warm-blooded mammals, but can feed off dinosaurs and reptilean beasts(it’s just that the blood isn’t as appetizing or nutritious).
Mmmrem prefer to sleep hanging or clinging batlike to a high perch or the side of a host-beast.
Typically survival-minded. They don’t like to be confined or penned in, and value their freedom of movement. They are surprisingly tolerant of others, especially in large (and ideally nomadic) communitiies, so they get along just fine with herdsmen, Simvan, gypsies, and other nomadic peoples.
Mmmrem also tend to be group/flock oriented, and feel most comfortable if they have a large ‘home base’ from which to move about...this ‘home base’ can be a large vehicle, or large living companion. A lone solitary Mmmrem by itself in the middle of nowhere is a truly miserable Mmmrem.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: 1d6
PP: 5d6
PB: 1d6
PE: 4d6
SPD:(Crawling) 1d6+3
(Flying) 1d4x10+8
(PPE): 2d6
Hit Points:----
MDC: 2d4 +1 per level of experience
Horror Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
*Minor Megadamage Beings
*Flying---Can fly at a sustained speed of up to 30 MPH.
*Prehensile Tail---The long tail acts as a third hand, and can curl around objects/perches.
*Stinger Tail---a smaller more narrow tail that sits within a recessed channel in the longer tail. The stinger can deliver a paralyzing venom that can lock up the limbs of human-sized animals, or numb larger ones. Sting itself does 1d4 SDC, while the poison, on a failed role vs non-lethal poison, will cause beings of less than 300 lbs mass to suffer complete motor paralysis. Those of greater mass will suffer only localized paralysis(reduce Spd by 90% if a leg, -2 to parry/dodge, and -1 APM and lose initiative in stung in the torso or head). Effects last for 1d6x10 minutes. The Mmmrem has as many doses of venom as it has P.E. points, and regenerates fresh doses at a rate equal to its P.E./2 per hour.
*Excellent Nightvision----600 ft
Psionics: None
Magic: None
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; Mmmrem really have had little exposure to such technology and generally equate it with the Splugorth or their slaves. Still, the more courageous Mmmrem MIGHT consider very minor and limited cybernetic augmentation(such as vocalizer chips or optical enhancements) if patiently explained to them and non-restricting terms offered them.
RCC Skills:
*Weather Sense---Mmmrem have an almost supernatural ability to predict the weather within the next 28 hours; 60%+3% per level of experience
Wilderness Survival(+10%)
Rope Works(+10%)

Skills: Select 4 ‘other’ skills at Level One, plus an additional 1 at levels 3, 6 and 9.
Domestic: Any(+5%) except Cooking, Brewing, Gardening, and Flower Arranging.
Electrical: None
Espionage:Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Tracking(People) only, all at +5%
Mechanical: None
Medical: First Aide and Holistic only(+15%)
Military: Camouflage only(+10%)
Physical: Limited to Swimming and the equivalents of Acrobatics and Athletics.
Pilot: Limited to Horsemanship skills only(+10%)
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Limited to Pick Locks and Pick Pockets(+5%) Some Mmmrem have learned how to pick corral locks and pick the pockets of unwary ranchers.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Botany only.
Technical: Math Basic, Computer Operation(but requires a Literacy skill), Language, Literacy, and Lore. Learning to understand others’ languages takes one skill selection, but learning to understand AND speak a language, takes TWO selections.
Wilderness: Any(+5%)(BoatBuilding is -20%)
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Limited to light weapons; knives, handguns, and energy pistols

Secondary Skills: Can select four secondary skills without benefit of any bonuses.

Experience Tables: Use Wilderness Scout tables.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
Tail does 1d4 SDC on a sting, 1d6 SDC on a stab
Claws and beak do 1d4 SDC.

Form flock-nations or tribes of 50-1,000 members under a Flock-master and advisory wing...larger flocks may form if conditions permit, forming continental nations kept in communication by courier-fliers. A flock may ride a single or a dozen host-beasts, and herd dozens more.
Mmmrem make nest-baskets of gathered fibers that they fasten to the hides of host-beasts, These baskets carry gathered food, tools, hatchlings, and ‘stavo sticks’ which are hardwood rods marked with very small pictographs that act as Mmmrem records and books.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

(aka ‘mallsquatch’, ‘Coatrack Yeti’, ‘Racksloth’ , ‘ninjaknits’)

“When that gunman came into the mall looking for targets, I was sure we were all goners. People were screaming and running for cover in the clothing racks, but that maniac came right in like he was hunting ducks or deer. When he came around the aisle where I was trying to hide, I was writing myself off when IT happened. Not sure where that arm came from that grabbed that guy...only it was long, hairy, and it came out from between the leather jackets. Nabbed him like a steel vise and pulled him screaming in among the long coats...then the other sounds began...then the screaming cut off. By that time, though, I was already out the fire exit.
Hear when the police found him, he had a coat hanger wrapped around his neck. The medical examiners think he tripped and strangled himself trying to push through the coat racks eiteher looking for more victims, or trying the evade the police...but I know better.”

“....You say your drycleaning just attacked you?”

Rackyapes are supernatural creatures that are part of a niche menagerie of creatures increasingly being identified by modern parascience as belonging to a previously unknown ‘urban colonization’ of supernatural creatures adapting to and moving into the environs of modern man.
Believed to be a form of faerie-folk(possibly related to the Domovoi), rackyapes are small, hairy, ape-like humanoids that have traded trees for clothing racks, hiding in amongst the vast racks of clothing generated by modern industries and economies. Originally thought to have originated in southeast Asia where they initially ‘colonized’ sweatshop warehouses, rackyapes have spread around the modern world via the international textiles trade, traveling unseen (and sometimes unaware)in racks of clothing. From there they have spread to clothing store chains and large househould closets the world over. The larger stores may host small tribes of rackyapes and not know it, and large department stores may house colonies of several dozen of the creatures. Rackyapes may also seek refuge in clothes hampers, clothing donation bins, and locker rooms.
Rackyapes have sloth-like metabolisms, typically using very little energy in the course of their daily activities. They generally live off a diet of lint, supplementing it with small insects(moths especially) and, when the opportunity presents itself, raiding shop employee breakrooms for unattended lunches, loose food, and coffee supplies(these typically high-calorie food sources give the rackyapes the energy for their alligator-like surges of speed and strength). In high-magic environs they can, like faerie-folk, absorb ambient PPE from their surroundings.
Rackyapes tolerate synthetic fibers like nylon and spandex, but prefer natural fibers like wool and cotton. Fur is a serious turn-on for the coatrack yeti, while lycra tends to make them antsy and irritable.
Rackyapes tend to not interact with people around them, avoiding contact and moving out in the open only after hours when the stores are closed or people are asleep. If disturbed, they can be quite fierce in self-defense.
Rackyapes are annoyed by, but not detered by, drycleaning, and some have even taken to using garment covers and bags as a convenient camouflage for their nests. They may also do minor chores for hosts that are particularly kind or unobstrusive; the rackyapes may perform minor mending and cleaning to clothing, retrieve lost buttons, and find lost socks.
Tailor Mages are known to cultivate the good graces of rackyapes, as they make good assistants(though they can sometimes become attached...literally and certain pieces of clothing, and will refuse to part with them). Some have even taken rackyapes as Greater Familars or mystic apprentices.

Rifts Earth Notes:
On Rifts Earth, Rackyapes are both more powerful, becoming minor megadamage beings due to the greater ambient PPE, but also more scarce, due to the depletion of their prefered environment(large clothing stores). Rackyape ‘infestations’ are a constant problem for the sweatshops and retail stores of the Chi-town ‘burbs, with psi-stalker and dogboy patrols making frequent raids and surprise inspections to ferret out mallsquatches hiding in piles of clothing.

Alignments: Generally Unprincipled and Anarchist
Lifespan: Unknown; as relatives of faerie folk, they may have extremely long lifespans, but sightings of young would suggest finite lifespans. Generally believed to have a lifespan, in mundane realms, of 80 years
Size: 2-3 ft tall, with arms up to 4 ft long. Weight 10-25 lbs
Gender: Hermaphrodites; equally at home living in men’s or women’s clothing selections.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Small, monkey-like humanoids with hairy bodies and extremely long and muscular upper arms(they spend most of their time hanging around sloth-like from their upper arms). Their short fur can subltly blend to match their surroundings. They reportedly smell slightly of mothballs(other sources claim they smell attractive TO moths).
Quiet, stealthy, and unprepossessing. Generally avoid contact with other creatures, but will viciously fight to defend themselves if cornered. May grow fond and protective of those who treat them and their clothing well.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d4
MA: 2d4
PS: 4d6+18(and considered to be Superhuman)
PP: 1d6+23
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 2d6+6
SPD: 2d6+5 running on their hind legs, but can brachiate at 4d6+20 if there’s enough overheads for them to swing by(sneaking through suspended ceilings is a favorite avenue of travel for rackyapes on the move)

(ISP): M.E. +6d6
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points: 55
SDC: 110
Natural A.R.: 7
MDC: Becomes a minor megadamage being in MDC settings like Rifts Earth
Horror Factor: 11(especially if you surprise one while looking through the discount coat rack)

Natural Abilities:
*Nightvision----90 ft(can see in total darkness).

*Excellent Hearing--Can hear conversations and footsteps, even through the muffling effect of several layers of thick clothing. Effective range of 100 ft. +1 to initiative, +2 to dodge.

*Acute Sense of Smell----Can sense dirty and fresh laundry like sharks following blood in the water; identify and track textiles by smell at 70%+3% per level of experience. Can identify specific garments(such as a favorite blanky) and the individuals associated with them at 58%+3% per level of experience.

*Rubber Bones---Can squeeze themselves as thin as 2 inches and squirm through narrow opennings. Rackyapes are expert contortionists who can squeeze themselves into coat sleeves and bundle themselves into laundrybags. They also take HALF damage from impacts, falls, punches, kicks, amd crushing pressure.

*Chameleon Fur---Rackyapes have a chameleon-like ability to match their surroundings. 90% undetectable if holding still, 70% if moving at 2 feet per melee or less, 20% if moving at 6 ft per melee, and the effect is lost if the person is moving any faster.

*Hiding---This is similar to the ninja martial ability of Inpo, except that rackyapes know it instinctually. Rackyapes are adept at twisting, contorting and posturing to hide in shadows, behind store mannequins(or AS store mannequins) and under displays. 80% +3% per level of experience.

*Evasion---This is similar to the ninja martial ability of Hsing Tsia, except that rackyapes know it instinctually. This is the art of always being on the side of people where they aren’t looking, and remaining one step out of sight. 70% +3% per level of experience.

Considered to be Major Psionics; they communicate with each other using psychic abilities, and use psionics to cloud the minds of other creatures.
*Sixth Sense(2)
*Alter Aura(2)
*Ectoplasmic Disguise(12)
*Psionic Invisibility(10)

Magic: None initially, but some rackyapes have alledged learned Tailoring Magic.

Cybernetics/Bionics: None

Skills of Note:
Pick Pockets(+10%)
Escape Artist (+15%)
Spelunking(buildings) (+15%)
Speak Gobbley and Faerie 98%
Speak and Read 3 additional languages at +10%

Can choose 5 Secondary Skills(plus an additional +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15) from the following categories:
Communications: Language/Literacy only
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
Medical: None
Military: None
Physical: Any, except Hand to Hand combat styles
Pilot: Bicycles, Motorcycles/Motorscooters, Automobiles, and Trucks only(these are the vehicles most likely to be involved in moving textiles and laundry)
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any
Science: None
Technical: Computer Operation, Lanuage, Literacy, and Lore only.
Wilderness: None
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Knife, Blunt, Chain, Rope, Targeting, Handguns and Energy Pistols only(these are the sorts of weapons most likely to able to be iimprovised from things found around stores, or accidentally left in pockets).

Experience Table: Use the Dog Boy table.

Typically solitary but, if local conditions allow, small bands of 3-10 individuals may gather, living in secret. Cooperative pack members, but if an individual member threatens to compromise the secrecy and safety of the rest of the group, the other rackyapes will chase it out of their territory. Females give birth to 1-2 offspring, who stay with their mothers for the first 5 years of their lives, before striking out on their own(or staying around as part of the larger family group if conditions allow).

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 7
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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The Oh So Amazing Nate
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

taalismn wrote:Rackyapes
(aka ‘mallsquatch’, ‘Coatrack Yeti’, ‘Racksloth’ , ‘ninjaknits’)

Overall I've got to say I like this race. I kind of picture them like the Demiguise from the Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them movie. If I could change anything about it I would have there be racial variations for the different names. I think that would be cool.
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Love it Taali. Great stuff.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
taalismn wrote:Rackyapes
(aka ‘mallsquatch’, ‘Coatrack Yeti’, ‘Racksloth’ , ‘ninjaknits’)

Overall I've got to say I like this race. I kind of picture them like the Demiguise from the Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them movie. If I could change anything about it I would have there be racial variations for the different names. I think that would be cool.

Or maybe their fabric preferences?
Maybe Coatrack Yeti are particularly drawn to cashmere? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“Given that in the last week you’ve exploded twice, been thrown through the front window and onto the windshield of a passing taxi cab, died of and spread a virulent disease, suddenly stopped breathing and living while behind the wheel of a fully loaded forklift, and been run through with a rocket nose cone that pinned a customer to a chair through their coat, I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. Don’t misunderstand me, you have passion for the work, and if you ever want to talk, you have my number-”
((“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just give me my severance pay and I know where the door is. -Damn you, Nrom.”))

Greeth are amphibious humanoids hailing from the other-dimensional realm of Sqorg, a pocket universe dominated by the Blorgeen Pantheons, who have only fairly recently opened their cosmos to the greater megaverse(initially through Phase World, but they have discovered other doorways as well).
The Greeth are a newt-like people, possessed of great physical strength and great physical resilience. Their physiques ripple with muscle and their bodies are resistant to just about every known disease and pathogen known to Sqorgian civilization.
Greeth have the unfortunate distinction of being ‘buttmonkeys’ in that their species seems cursed to misfortune. Seemingly healthy and happy Greeth will suddenly and spontaneously up and die in some violent manner, gruesomely expiring before suddenly resurrecting minutes later, apparently none the worse for wear. The cause of this supernatural dying and resurrection baffled the best minds, theological and scientific, for generations. Some thought it divine punishment for some misdeed of the Greeth people, others thought it a divine test. Still others thought it an attack by some other Blorgeen god against the Chosen People of Nrom, the Great God of the Greeth.
It wasn’t until fairly recently that the Greeth learned the awful truth; their Great God Nrom had, just for $#!+s and giggles, decided to modify the Greeth for use for his entertainment...the idea of a random Greeth expiring at his whim just seems very amusing. Worse yet, the Greeth learned, Nrom had created a multitude, perhaps thousands, of artifacts that allow the possessors to similarly temp-kill random Greeth at will, sight unseen, just for fun. Despite the fact that there’s an estimated eight BILLION Greeth, the Curse hits their population with enough frequency that either Nrom likes yanking the Greeths’ chains VERY frequently, or he distributed a LOT of his Greeth-puncher buttons.
Because of their Curse, once word got around, Greeth are avoided by most other peoples, not wanting to get caught up in the fallout of a capricious god-being’s idea of ‘entertainment’ or somebody else’s stress relief. Insurance companies avoid them, and most businesses refuse to employ them.
The most optimistic Greeth try to put their best face on the whole business, noting that the periodic ordeal isn’t permanent and they can get along on their lives afterwards. Some still regard it as a Great Test of the Greeth people, one that will prove they are most worthy of divine favor at some time in the unknowable future. Most Greeth, however, are generally dispirited by it, slumping into alcoholism and drug addiction, and taking up a fatalism born of the fact that they KNOW their creator god doesn’t love them. A small, but vocal, minority of Greeth are agitating for ACTION; nothing less than a revolt against their gods(not just Nrom). To this end they seek to find the various ‘stress relievers’ Nrom created and destroy them. They research magics and technologies to help them find, contact, and negotiate with Nrom as equals(or DESTROY him if he doesn’t cooperate). Others seek to make pacts with other god-beings, in return for assistance in dethroning Nrom.

Alignments: Any. Initially 97% Unprincipled, but the recent revelations about their relationship with their godhead have shattered their society all over the place.
Life span: 105 years
Size: 5-6 ft tall, 90-180 lbs.
Gender: Heterosexual, with females producing 1d4 pups(in-water birth) after a 10 month gestation period, Reach sexual maturity at 15 years old. Interestingly, the gender ratio is 8 males to every female, making the courtship scene on Sqorg very intense.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Humanoid amphibians resembling large obese newts. Their skin is pale, soft and suede-like, with the hint of massive muscles underneath. Posture is rather hunched over, with a high humped back and long bent legs. The head sports a cluster of thick, plush tendrils, and the eyes are large and watery. Colors tend to pink and orange, with spots and bands of black, red, and brown common, especially around the head and neck. Greeth are omnivorous, with wide mouths full of small teeth.
The average Greeth is nervous, twitchy, anxious, and fatalistic, always waiting for the other boot to drop. The average Greeth frankly ENVIES other ‘cursed’ species such as the In’Valians(who can adapt, however painstakingly, to a known degenerative condition) and the Manarr(who can trace their race’s misfortunes to a disease pathogen).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d4
PS: 5d6+12 (Supernatural)
PP: 1d4
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 4d6+20
SPD: 3d6+12
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points: 22
SDC: 90
Horror Factor: 13 in the moment of sudden violent death.
Natural Abilities:
*Hold Breath for 90 minutes
*Natural Swimmer---equivalent to 90%
*+2 on all saving throws
*+4 save vs possession
*Impervious to normal disease, poison, cold and heat(and magic cold and heat do HALF damage)
*Regenerates 2d6 SDC/HP per minute, lost limbs within 1d4x10+6 days
*Limited Immortality(Deity-Imposed)----Greeth are, as noted, subject to periodic spontaneous violent death at the whim of Nrom. However, this is NOT permanent death; the Greeth will resurrect within 1d6 minutes after deceasing. The Greeth then and regains their SDC/HP via normal regeneration. The arguably only good thing is no Greeth has been known to be ‘Smited’ again during this regeneration period.
*Random Death----This is the Curse of the Greeth. At any time, without warning, a mature(the Curse doesn’t occur to adolescents) Greeth can up and die. This can happen at the GM’s discretion(or whenever they’re feeling mean) or a chance of 10% per 24 hours can be followed. Roll on the following:
01-10% Explodes--The Greeth gets a sensation of pressure building inside them, then explodes in a messy blast that throws entrails and gore out in a 25 ft radius. Anybody in a 5 ft radius takes 1d6 SDC/MDC concussive damage depending on what the person is).
11-20% Compressed to Death---The Greeth seems to be squeezed and folded by invisible hands until they go splut and spread out in a pool of grue. In the alternative, the Greeth suddenly dessicates, shriveling up into a mummified version of themselves, the expelled (pure)water showering on surrounding people.
21-30% Blasted---The Greeth is suddenly shot by lightning or perforated by a burst of gunfire. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with overkill(does 2d4 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
31-40% Poisoning---The Greeth is suddenly surrounded by a cloud of toxic fumes(anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must roll versus Lethal Poison as well, or take 6d6 Hit Point damage) that suffocate them within 1d4 melees.
41-50% Disease---The Greeth starts coughing, goes bloodshot, breaks out in spots and pustules, then drops dead within 1d4 melees. Those coming in contact with the Greeth must save versus disease or catch a very bad cold.
51-60% Thrown to Doom----The Greeth seems to suddenly levitate and is thrown 1d10x10 ft(or into closer hard surfaces) screaming to their deaths. Bad news if you happen be under them when they land.
61-70% Skewered----The Greeth is impaled by random objects(girders, spears, fishing rods, toothpicks, etc.) and bleeds out in 1d4 melees. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random projectile(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
71-80% Total Organ Failure---The Greeth just keels over, instantly dead.
81-90% Fire---The Greeth spontaneously combusts, and has enough time to run or flail around for 1d6 melees before burning to death, possibly spreading the fire in the process.
91-00% Crushed---Random objects(bowling balls, boulders, air cars, cows, girders, etc.) drop on the Greeth, killing them instantly. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random object(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).

Psionics: None
Magic: None, but they have the potential(and arguably a very good incentive)
Cybernetics/Bionics: Because of their advanced regenerative abilities, Greeth avoid cybernetics and implants. They also consider elective implants a waste of time, since they have to be reinstalled every time the Greeth ‘dies’.
Available OCCs: Greeth come from a gunpowder/Industrial Age level of technology, so they can grasp the basics of high technology. In theory they should be able to select any OCC, but in practice, their reputation for sudden catastrophic self-snuffing tend to bar them from educational and vocational venues that would train them for high-tech professions. Only the most liberal educational establishments tend to accept Greeth, and even then the concept of ‘distance learning’ is often applied.
Likewise for magic professions; while many mages are interested in the Greeth curse, few want to have a Greeth explode or catch fire in the middle of a mage’s workshop or lab.
Greeth tend to get stuck doing menial labor jobs that keep them away from other beings. For a time, because of their resistance to pathogens, minders for Lurgess was considered a possible high-paying profession for the Greeth, until somebody pointed out the risks of an exploding or lightning-struck Greeth accidentally popping a Lurgess environmental seal.
RCC Skills:
Swimming 90%
Skills of Note:----
Originally an Industrial Age people led by theocratic governments. They initially greeted the opening of their universe to others with great enthusiasm and many rushed out to see the Megaverse and seek adventure and employment.
Greeth society was very pious, as the Blorgeen Pantheons, while distant, were still very visible in the affairs of the Sqorgian peoples. The revelations that Nrom has been just playing with them has wreaked havoc with Greeth society; the priesthood is fighting to retain some semblance of relevance, the people are flailing around for something to believe in, and there’s a growing movement to overthrow the old beliefs, albeit tempered by the awareness that Nrom might get seriously angry and impose some even more dire curse on the Greeth as PUNISHMENT.
Nowadays, the flow of Greeth from Sqorg has increased, as many Greeth try to get away from their god(s) hoping to somehow outrun the Curse, or find ways of stopping it.
Last edited by taalismn on Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 22
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Anthanatos »

taalismn wrote:Greeth

“Given that in the last week you’ve exploded twice, been thrown through the front window and onto the windshield of a passing taxi cab, died of and spread a virulent disease, suddenly stopped breathing and living while behind the wheel of a fully loaded forklift, and been run through with a rocket nose cone that pinned a customer to a chair through their coat, I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. Don’t misunderstand me, you have passion for the work, and if you ever want to talk, you have my number-”
((“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just give me my severance pay and I know where the door is. -Damn you, Nrom.”))

Greeth are amphibious humanoid hailing from the other-dimensional realm of Sqorg, a pocket universe dominated by the Blorgeen Pantheons, who have only fairly recently opened their cosmos to the greater megaverse(initially through Phase World, but they have discovered other doorways as well).
The Greeth are a newt-like people, possessed of great physical strength and great physical resilience. Their physiques ripple with muscle and their bodies are resistant to just about every known disease and pathogen known to Sqorgian civilization.
Greeth have the unfortunate distinction of being ‘buttmonkeys’ in that their species seems cursed to misfortune. Seemingly healthy and happy Greeth will suddenly and spontaneously up and die in some violent manner, gruesomely expiring before suddenly resurrecting minutes later, apparently none the worse for wear. The cause of this supernatural dying and resurrection baffled the best minds, theological and scientific, for generations. Some thought it divine punishment for some misdeed of the Greeth people, others thought it a divine test. Still others thought it an attack by some other Blorgeen god against the Chosen People of Nrom, the Great God of the Greeth.
It wasn’t until fairly recently that the Greeth learned the awful truth; their Great God Nrom had, just for $#!+s and giggles, decided to modify the Greeth for use for his entertainment...the idea of a random Greeth expiring at his whim just seems very amusing. Worse yet, the Greeth learned, Nrom had created a multitude, perhaps thousands, of artifacts that allow the possessors to similarly temp-kill random Greeth at will, sight unseen, just for fun. Despite the fact that there’s an estimated eight BILLION Greeth, the Curse hits their population with enough frequency that either Nrom likes yanking the Greeths’ chains VERY frequently, or he distributed a LOT of his Greeth-puncher buttons.
Because of their Curse, once word got around, Greeth are avoided by most other peoples, not wanting to get caught up in the fallout of a capricious god-being’s idea of ‘entertainment’ or somebody else’s stress relief. Insurance companies avoid them, and most businesses refuse to employ them.
The most optimistic Greeth try to put their best face on the whole business, noting that the periodic ordeal isn’t permanent and they can get along on their lives afterwards. Some still regard it as a Great Test of the Greeth people, one that will prove they are most worthy of divine favor at some time in the unknowable future. Most Greeth, however, are generally dispirited by it, slumping into alcoholism and drug addiction, and taking up a fatalism born of the fact that they KNOW their creator god doesn’t love them. A small, but vocal, minority of Greeth are agitating for ACTION; nothing less than a revolt against their gods(not just Nrom). To this end they seek to find the various ‘stress relievers’ Nrom created and destroy them. They research magics and technologies to help them find, contact, and negotiate with Nrom as equals(or DESTROY him if he doesn’t cooperate). Others seek to make pacts with other god-beings, in return for assistance in dethroning Nrom.

Alignments: Any. Initially 97% Unprincipled, but the recent revelations about their relationship with their godhead have shattered their society all over the place.
Life span: 105 years
Size: 5-6 ft tall, 90-180 lbs.
Gender: Heterosexual, with females producing 1d4 pups(in-water birth) after a 10 month gestation period, Reach sexual maturity at 15 years old. Interestingly, the gender ratio is 8 males to every female, making the courtship scene on Sqorg very intense.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Humanoid amphibians resembling large obese newts. Their skin is pale, soft and suede-like, with the hint of massive muscles underneath. Posture is rather hunched over, with a high humped back and long bent legs. The head sports a cluster of thick, plush tendrils, and the eyes are large and watery. Colors tend to pink and orange, with spots and bands of black, red, and brown common, especially around the head and neck. Greeth are omnivorous, with wide mouths full of small teeth.
The average Greeth is nervous, twitchy, anxious, and fatalistic, always waiting for the other boot to drop. The average Greeth frankly ENVIES other ‘cursed’ species such as the In’Valians(who can adapt, however painstakingly, to a known degenerative condition) and the Manarr(who can trace their race’s misfortunes to a disease pathogen).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d4
PS: 5d6+12 (Supernatural)
PP: 1d4
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 4d6+20
SPD: 3d6+12
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points: 22
SDC: 90
Horror Factor: 13 in the moment of sudden violent death.
Natural Abilities:
*Hold Breath for 90 minutes
*Natural Swimmer---equivalent to 90%
*+2 on all saving throws
*+4 save vs possession
*Impervious to normal disease, poison, cold and heat(and magic cold and heat do HALF damage)
*Regenerates 2d6 SDC/HP per minute, lost limbs within 1d4x10+6 days
*Limited Immortality(Deity-Imposed)----Greeth are, as noted, subject to periodic spontaneous violent death at the whim of Nrom. However, this is NOT permanent death; the Greeth will resurrect within 1d6 minutes after deceasing. The Greeth then and regains their SDC/HP via normal regeneration. The arguably only good thing is no Greeth has been known to be ‘Smited’ again during this regeneration period.
*Random Death----This is the Curse of the Greeth. At any time, without warning, a mature(the Curse doesn’t occur to adolescents) Greeth can up and die. This can happen at the GM’s discretion(or whenever they’re feeling mean) or a chance of 10% per 24 hours can be followed. Roll on the following:
01-10% Explodes--The Greeth gets a sensation of pressure building inside them, then explodes in a messy blast that throws entrails and gore out in a 25 ft radius. Anybody in a 5 ft radius takes 1d6 SDC/MDC concussive damage depending on what the person is).
11-20% Compressed to Death---The Greeth seems to be squeezed and folded by invisible hands until they go splut and spread out in a pool of grue. In the alternative, the Greeth suddenly dessicates, shriveling up into a mummified version of themselves, the expelled (pure)water showering on surrounding people.
21-30% Blasted---The Greeth is suddenly shot by lightning or perforated by a burst of gunfire. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with overkill(does 2d4 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
31-40% Poisoning---The Greeth is suddenly surrounded by a cloud of toxic fumes(anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must roll versus Lethal Poison as well, or take 6d6 Hit Point damage) that suffocate them within 1d4 melees.
41-50% Disease---The Greeth starts coughing, goes bloodshot, breaks out in spots and pustules, then drops dead within 1d4 melees. Those coming in contact with the Greeth must save versus disease or catch a very bad cold.
51-60% Thrown to Doom----The Greeth seems to suddenly levitate and is thrown 1d10x10 ft(or into closer hard surfaces) screaming to their deaths. Bad news if you happen be under them when they land.
61-70% Skewered----The Greeth is impaled by random objects(girders, spears, fishing rods, toothpicks, etc.) and bleeds out in 1d4 melees. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random projectile(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
71-80% Total Organ Failure---The Greeth just keels over, instantly dead.
81-90% Fire---The Greeth spontaneously combusts, and has enough time to run or flail around for 1d6 melees before burning to death, possibly spreading the fire in the process.
91-00% Crushed---Random objects(bowling balls, boulders, air cars, cows, girders, etc.) drop on the Greeth, killing them instantly. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random object(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).

Psionics: None
Magic: None, but they have the potential(and arguably a very good incentive)
Cybernetics/Bionics: Because of their advanced regenerative abilities, Greeth avoid cybernetics and implants. They also consider elective implants a waste of time, since they have to be reinstalled every time the Greeth ‘dies’.
Available OCCs: Greeth come from a gunpowder/Industrial Age level of technology, so they can grasp the basics of high technology. In theory they should be able to select any OCC, but in practice, their reputation for sudden catastrophic self-snuffing tend to bar them from educational and vocational venues that would train them for high-tech professions. Only the most liberal educational establishments tend to accept Greeth, and even then the concept of ‘distance learning’ is often applied.
Likewise for magic professions; while many mages are interested in the Greeth curse, few want to have a Greeth explode or catch fire in the middle of a mage’s workshop or lab.
Greeth tend to get stuck doing menial labor jobs that keep them away from other beings. For a time, because of their resistance to pathogens, minders for Lurgess was considered a possible high-paying profession for the Greeth, until somebody pointed out the risks of an exploding or lightning-struck Greeth accidentally popping a Lurgess environmental seal.
RCC Skills:
Swimming 90%
Skills of Note:----
Originally an Industrial Age people led by theocratic governments. They initially greeted the opening of their universe to others with great enthusiasm and many rushed out to see the Megaverse and seek adventure and employment.
Greeth society was very pious, as the Blorgeen Pantheons, while distant, were still very visible in the affairs of the Sqorgian peoples. The revelations that Nrom has been just playing with them has wreaked havoc with Greeth society; the priesthood is fighting to retain some semblance of relevance, the people are flailing around for something to believe in, and there’s a growing movement to overthrow the old beliefs, albeit tempered by the awareness that Nrom might get seriously angry and impose some even more dire curse on the Greeth as PUNISHMENT.
Nowadays, the flow of Greeth from Sqorg has increased, as many Greeth try to get away from their god(s) hoping to somehow outrun the Curse, or find ways of stopping it.

:) I know I never had any luck keeping newts alive for any length of time, but I find myself wondering if you've been bombarded by too many Geico commercials and are using the Greeth as an avenue for your vengeance? :)
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Anthanatos wrote:[ :) I know I never had any luck keeping newts alive for any length of time, but I find myself wondering if you've been bombarded by too many Geico commercials and are using the Greeth as an avenue for your vengeance? :)

...I then began to think about how the noldek felt about being randomly set on fire.
A trip to the random roll charts and I have an answer of sorts.
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Zer0 Kay
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

taalismn wrote:Greeth

“Given that in the last week you’ve exploded twice, been thrown through the front window and onto the windshield of a passing taxi cab, died of and spread a virulent disease, suddenly stopped breathing and living while behind the wheel of a fully loaded forklift, and been run through with a rocket nose cone that pinned a customer to a chair through their coat, I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go. Don’t misunderstand me, you have passion for the work, and if you ever want to talk, you have my number-”
((“Yeah, yeah, yeah, just give me my severance pay and I know where the door is. -Damn you, Nrom.”))

Greeth are amphibious humanoid hailing from the other-dimensional realm of Sqorg, a pocket universe dominated by the Blorgeen Pantheons, who have only fairly recently opened their cosmos to the greater megaverse(initially through Phase World, but they have discovered other doorways as well).
The Greeth are a newt-like people, possessed of great physical strength and great physical resilience. Their physiques ripple with muscle and their bodies are resistant to just about every known disease and pathogen known to Sqorgian civilization.
Greeth have the unfortunate distinction of being ‘buttmonkeys’ in that their species seems cursed to misfortune. Seemingly healthy and happy Greeth will suddenly and spontaneously up and die in some violent manner, gruesomely expiring before suddenly resurrecting minutes later, apparently none the worse for wear. The cause of this supernatural dying and resurrection baffled the best minds, theological and scientific, for generations. Some thought it divine punishment for some misdeed of the Greeth people, others thought it a divine test. Still others thought it an attack by some other Blorgeen god against the Chosen People of Nrom, the Great God of the Greeth.
It wasn’t until fairly recently that the Greeth learned the awful truth; their Great God Nrom had, just for $#!+s and giggles, decided to modify the Greeth for use for his entertainment...the idea of a random Greeth expiring at his whim just seems very amusing. Worse yet, the Greeth learned, Nrom had created a multitude, perhaps thousands, of artifacts that allow the possessors to similarly temp-kill random Greeth at will, sight unseen, just for fun. Despite the fact that there’s an estimated eight BILLION Greeth, the Curse hits their population with enough frequency that either Nrom likes yanking the Greeths’ chains VERY frequently, or he distributed a LOT of his Greeth-puncher buttons.
Because of their Curse, once word got around, Greeth are avoided by most other peoples, not wanting to get caught up in the fallout of a capricious god-being’s idea of ‘entertainment’ or somebody else’s stress relief. Insurance companies avoid them, and most businesses refuse to employ them.
The most optimistic Greeth try to put their best face on the whole business, noting that the periodic ordeal isn’t permanent and they can get along on their lives afterwards. Some still regard it as a Great Test of the Greeth people, one that will prove they are most worthy of divine favor at some time in the unknowable future. Most Greeth, however, are generally dispirited by it, slumping into alcoholism and drug addiction, and taking up a fatalism born of the fact that they KNOW their creator god doesn’t love them. A small, but vocal, minority of Greeth are agitating for ACTION; nothing less than a revolt against their gods(not just Nrom). To this end they seek to find the various ‘stress relievers’ Nrom created and destroy them. They research magics and technologies to help them find, contact, and negotiate with Nrom as equals(or DESTROY him if he doesn’t cooperate). Others seek to make pacts with other god-beings, in return for assistance in dethroning Nrom.

Alignments: Any. Initially 97% Unprincipled, but the recent revelations about their relationship with their godhead have shattered their society all over the place.
Life span: 105 years
Size: 5-6 ft tall, 90-180 lbs.
Gender: Heterosexual, with females producing 1d4 pups(in-water birth) after a 10 month gestation period, Reach sexual maturity at 15 years old. Interestingly, the gender ratio is 8 males to every female, making the courtship scene on Sqorg very intense.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Humanoid amphibians resembling large obese newts. Their skin is pale, soft and suede-like, with the hint of massive muscles underneath. Posture is rather hunched over, with a high humped back and long bent legs. The head sports a cluster of thick, plush tendrils, and the eyes are large and watery. Colors tend to pink and orange, with spots and bands of black, red, and brown common, especially around the head and neck. Greeth are omnivorous, with wide mouths full of small teeth.
The average Greeth is nervous, twitchy, anxious, and fatalistic, always waiting for the other boot to drop. The average Greeth frankly ENVIES other ‘cursed’ species such as the In’Valians(who can adapt, however painstakingly, to a known degenerative condition) and the Manarr(who can trace their race’s misfortunes to a disease pathogen).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d4
PS: 5d6+12 (Supernatural)
PP: 1d4
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 4d6+20
SPD: 3d6+12
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points: 22
SDC: 90
Horror Factor: 13 in the moment of sudden violent death.
Natural Abilities:
*Hold Breath for 90 minutes
*Natural Swimmer---equivalent to 90%
*+2 on all saving throws
*+4 save vs possession
*Impervious to normal disease, poison, cold and heat(and magic cold and heat do HALF damage)
*Regenerates 2d6 SDC/HP per minute, lost limbs within 1d4x10+6 days
*Limited Immortality(Deity-Imposed)----Greeth are, as noted, subject to periodic spontaneous violent death at the whim of Nrom. However, this is NOT permanent death; the Greeth will resurrect within 1d6 minutes after deceasing. The Greeth then and regains their SDC/HP via normal regeneration. The arguably only good thing is no Greeth has been known to be ‘Smited’ again during this regeneration period.
*Random Death----This is the Curse of the Greeth. At any time, without warning, a mature(the Curse doesn’t occur to adolescents) Greeth can up and die. This can happen at the GM’s discretion(or whenever they’re feeling mean) or a chance of 10% per 24 hours can be followed. Roll on the following:
01-10% Explodes--The Greeth gets a sensation of pressure building inside them, then explodes in a messy blast that throws entrails and gore out in a 25 ft radius. Anybody in a 5 ft radius takes 1d6 SDC/MDC concussive damage depending on what the person is).
11-20% Compressed to Death---The Greeth seems to be squeezed and folded by invisible hands until they go splut and spread out in a pool of grue. In the alternative, the Greeth suddenly dessicates, shriveling up into a mummified version of themselves, the expelled (pure)water showering on surrounding people.
21-30% Blasted---The Greeth is suddenly shot by lightning or perforated by a burst of gunfire. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with overkill(does 2d4 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
31-40% Poisoning---The Greeth is suddenly surrounded by a cloud of toxic fumes(anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must roll versus Lethal Poison as well, or take 6d6 Hit Point damage) that suffocate them within 1d4 melees.
41-50% Disease---The Greeth starts coughing, goes bloodshot, breaks out in spots and pustules, then drops dead within 1d4 melees. Those coming in contact with the Greeth must save versus disease or catch a very bad cold.
51-60% Thrown to Doom----The Greeth seems to suddenly levitate and is thrown 1d10x10 ft(or into closer hard surfaces) screaming to their deaths. Bad news if you happen be under them when they land.
61-70% Skewered----The Greeth is impaled by random objects(girders, spears, fishing rods, toothpicks, etc.) and bleeds out in 1d4 melees. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random projectile(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).
71-80% Total Organ Failure---The Greeth just keels over, instantly dead.
81-90% Fire---The Greeth spontaneously combusts, and has enough time to run or flail around for 1d6 melees before burning to death, possibly spreading the fire in the process.
91-00% Crushed---Random objects(bowling balls, boulders, air cars, cows, girders, etc.) drop on the Greeth, killing them instantly. Anybody standing within 5 ft of the Greeth must make a roll to dodge or get hit with a random object(does 1d6 SDC/MDC depending on what the person is).

Psionics: None
Magic: None, but they have the potential(and arguably a very good incentive)
Cybernetics/Bionics: Because of their advanced regenerative abilities, Greeth avoid cybernetics and implants. They also consider elective implants a waste of time, since they have to be reinstalled every time the Greeth ‘dies’.
Available OCCs: Greeth come from a gunpowder/Industrial Age level of technology, so they can grasp the basics of high technology. In theory they should be able to select any OCC, but in practice, their reputation for sudden catastrophic self-snuffing tend to bar them from educational and vocational venues that would train them for high-tech professions. Only the most liberal educational establishments tend to accept Greeth, and even then the concept of ‘distance learning’ is often applied.
Likewise for magic professions; while many mages are interested in the Greeth curse, few want to have a Greeth explode or catch fire in the middle of a mage’s workshop or lab.
Greeth tend to get stuck doing menial labor jobs that keep them away from other beings. For a time, because of their resistance to pathogens, minders for Lurgess was considered a possible high-paying profession for the Greeth, until somebody pointed out the risks of an exploding or lightning-struck Greeth accidentally popping a Lurgess environmental seal.
RCC Skills:
Swimming 90%
Skills of Note:----
Originally an Industrial Age people led by theocratic governments. They initially greeted the opening of their universe to others with great enthusiasm and many rushed out to see the Megaverse and seek adventure and employment.
Greeth society was very pious, as the Blorgeen Pantheons, while distant, were still very visible in the affairs of the Sqorgian peoples. The revelations that Nrom has been just playing with them has wreaked havoc with Greeth society; the priesthood is fighting to retain some semblance of relevance, the people are flailing around for something to believe in, and there’s a growing movement to overthrow the old beliefs, albeit tempered by the awareness that Nrom might get seriously angry and impose some even more dire curse on the Greeth as PUNISHMENT.
Nowadays, the flow of Greeth from Sqorg has increased, as many Greeth try to get away from their god(s) hoping to somehow outrun the Curse, or find ways of stopping it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cry: I don't know if it is sleep deprivation or that it is just THAT funny. But I was laughing so hard I cried and then after being able to breath again I remembered the rocket nose cone and lost it.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Zer0 Kay wrote:[
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cry: I don't know if it is sleep deprivation or that it is just THAT funny. But I was laughing so hard I cried and then after being able to breath again I remembered the rocket nose cone and lost it.

You're welcome. Yes, I had a LOT of fun imaging the sorts of deaths the Greeth might suffer from their god. Sometimes I feel like a Greeth(more often these days), just waiting for the other shoe to drop....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »


“I’m sorry...we keep forgetting which gender of yours is the intelligent and rational one? Or is it separate? I mean, is it the intelligent OR the rational gender? The reason I’m asking is because...well, besides looking different all the time, you ACT different. It’s all rather confusing at the best of times. The rest of my clade just generally ignores it, but how can we provide good service if we don’t UNDERSTAND you?”

“I’m sorry, we don’t mindscreen the cargo for reason; we just scan them for contraband, radioactives, explosives, and pathogens. If the contracting party sent you a cryostasis package of themselves, that’s between you and them when they reanimate. Enjoy!”

The Elnik are a pacifistic species decended from bisonoid-like herd animals that became omnivorous, then dominated their homeworld to become technological, and eventually starfaring, though, they admit, they bought their stardrive technology from ancient Promethean explorers. They came late to prominence in the lifespan of their home star; soon after they acquired FTL, their home solar system’s star, Lemard, began inflation into a red giant. Thus, the Elnik have begun an orderly migration off their homeworld to their many colonies and outposts. The Elnik soon found that the large vessels they developed to evacuate their dying homeworld could be commercially viable as heavy cargo transports between the stars. Their affinity for trading between herd-groups also proved an unexpected asset, setting them up for life in the greater galactic community.
Elnik are best known as merchants, and they have translated their nomadic herd culture into starfaring mercantile convoys. Their vessels tend to be slow, but high-capacity, and the Elnik are zealous about keeping to schedule, so many companies find them reliable transporters. Elnik also tend to be rather neutral with regards to questioning cargoes being shipped. As long as the cargo isn’t in itself dangerous, payment is made on time, and nobody actively shoots at them for carrying it, the Elnik will carry it. Thus, many ‘grey’ concerns use the Elnik to ship illegal cargoes, or smuggle sentients(in stasis) through space.
Elnik, despite having frequent contact with humans, are often confused by them; sometimes humans act like predators, other times like docile herbivores, especially towards each other. Other times, Elnik have obligingly treated humans like animals, as per trade contracts(the aforementioned people smuggling). They tend to stay away from other powerblocs and danger zones, like the space around the Free Worlds Council. Though they originated in the Corkscrew Galaxy, Elnik can be found throughout the Three Galaxies, ploddingly pursuing trade possibilities and opportunities. The Thunderclous is just the latest region to have attracted their attention; though they may not be the first, they figure that tehre will always be a need for economical, reliable, interstellar transport.

Alignments: Any, but most Elnik (70%) are Principled
Lifespan: 90 years
Size: 5-6 ft tall and weigh between 200-400 lbs
Gender: Hermaphrodites; Elnik typically mate for life, with members of the pair switching off between the male and female roles when having offspring. Produce 1-2 offspring at a time. Gestation takes 13 months, and offspring reach sexual maturity at 14 years.

Physical Description/Appearance:
Squat, solid, heavily-muscled bipedal humanoids. Their faces are long, with a heavy, low-slung jaw, two high-mounted slit nostrils, and two large protrudent eyes. Four ribbon-like ear-antennae emerge from the crown of the head. Their legs are thick and elephantine. Skin is thick and suede-like, and ranges from pale gray to dark brown in color. Their thick arms end in large three-fingered hands with thick nails.

Placid, stoic, patient and methodical. They tend to be group-minded, and act often for the communal good. Occasionally, however, acute loss(especially of all, of not most, of a family group or herd) or mental trauma will cause an Elnik to become a rogue; solitary, aggressive, and asocial, typically driven to extreme goals and measures(usually the destruction of an enemy or acquisition of a territory or object). Depending on their behavior, rogues are regarded by other Elnik with either sympathy and understanding, or justified fear.
Elnik are generally tolerant of other species, but their herd instincts mean that any aggression towards them by outsiders will result in a closing of ranks against the perceived danger. Many Elnik herd-groups keep rogues on call as ‘free agents’ to deal with the more troublesome threats.
They tend to be both amused and puzzled by heterosexual species, such as humans, and the dimorphic appearances and behaviors exhibited by such(on their homeworld, purely fixed-sex reproduction is the province of lower animals, rather than the bisonoid lines that gained sentience).
Most (90%) of Elnik are leery of biostasis systems; they acquired FTL early on enough that they never had to consider developing stasis systems for space travel. They thus tend to regard personally going into stasis as anathema under any but the most desperate circumstances. They prefer to be awake and aware to deal with situations, to seize opportunities, or to face death with dignity. For most Elnik, biostasis is reserved for transporting animals, criminals, or the desperately ill, and thus they tend to be bewildered by those species who use it routinely to spare a little discomfort or tedium on spaceflights.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d6+6
PS: 3d6+16
PP: 1d6+6
PB: 2d6
PE: : 3d6+12
SPD: 2d6+5
(PPE): 1d6
Hit Points: P.E. +2d4 per level of experience
SDC: 1d4x100 SDC +3d6x10(tough skin bonus)
Horror Factor:---
Natural Abilities:
*Strong-Minded: +1 to save psionics, and +2 save vs insanity. +2 and +4 respectively if in groups of 10 or more Elnik.

*Tough Skin---Elnik have thick hides that act as Armor Rating 15

*Magic Resistance---In addition to any P.E. bonuses, Elnik get a +4 to save versus magic.; +6 if in groups of 10 or more Elnik.

*Poison Resistance---In addition to any P.E. bonuses, Elnik get a +2 to save versus ingested toxins.

*Crop Stomach---Evolved from herd herbivores, Elnik have large mult-chambered stomachs that allow them to gorge themselves when food is plentiful and slowly digest meals, so they can go without eating for twice as long as a human.

Natural Empaths, but only amongst themselves. Elnik can instantly read the emotional state of other Elnik.

None; the Elnik regard magic with curiousity, but no great interest. They totally lack the potential for magic anyways.

Elnik will only consider minor cybernetics or medical replacement prosthetics. Only rogues wlill consider bionic augmentation.

Available OCCs: Any high-tech professions. Rogues generally pursue more martial professions, such as Headhunter, Bounty Hunter, or military ‘Borg.

RCC Skills:
Trade One and Trade Five, both at +15%
Basic Repair and Maintenance(+10%)
Skills of Note:
Elnik place a great emphasis on engineering and technical education, and so they get a +5% to Electrical, Mechanical, Computer and Communications skills.
Herd-oriented, with multiple extended families collecting in large collectives directed by Councils of Family Heads. Female-phase Elnik are generally considered to be conservative leaders, while male-phases are characterised by more daring and aggressive leadership.
Elnik hail from a homeworld(Lomk) in the Thundercloud Galaxy, though presently Lomk is only borderline habitable as its primary expands into a red giant star. Elnik astronomers give Lomk another six hundred years before it becomes too hot to sustain life, and they are using the time to progressively stripmine the planet of all things of value, including transplanting entire ecosystems to other habitats for preservation.
Most(75%) Elnik are born offworld, so they don’t consider Lomk to be their homeworld, but most regard the planet with some affection and respect, so it is considered an honor to donate time and material to assist in the great evacuation and conservation effort.

Spacefarers, with entire herd-collectives taking up either spacefaring or colonization. Contacts between the two groups are common and encouraged, allowing fresh genetic blood and ideas to intermingle. The Elnik have no centralized government, but instead collectives will combine on joint efforts(the evacuation of Lomk being the longest and largest such collaboration). The Elnik are loosely organized under the Lomeccan Complity, a compact of ten wholly Elnik-settled worlds, and several hundred enclaves further afield. The Complity is fairly lax in its actual strength as a governing body, and exists mainly to facilitate communications and trade standards throughout the extended Elnik sept. The Complity keeps Elnik appraised of possible threats to the Elnik people, and any projects the clans are engaged in that might catch others’ interests.

Elnik spacecraft tend to be large and heavily armored, with a multi-layered outer hull honeycombed with various deadspaces and voids meant to dissipate damage, but which the Elnik will frequently stuff full of cargo, much as sailing vessels filled their ballast holds with low-priority cargo. They use contra-gravity drives for the most part, but often carry multiple drive systems, including FTL systems, for redundancy.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Fan Races!!

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"Small but Fierce? How 'Fierce' can they be? They're like a meter tall! So fluffy and CUTE!
Wait.. what's it doing with that plasma cannon??
ACK RUN!! It's pissed off now!"

Procylonians: The Procylonians are a smallish species from a distant star system, out side of any of the known claimed regions. The Procylonians are not thought to be a naturally evolved species, instead, an engineered one.

At some point in the past, an unnamed race lost to galactic history had need of servants. The Procylonians’ ancestors were chosen from an unnamed planet. Originally they were small quadrupedal arboreal creatures, with brown, gray or black fur. Some had accents of the other colors. Markings around the eyes and banded tails. One would think a Procylonian ancestor quite cute. Even before they were abducted and altered, the proto-procylonians had very dexterous paws that borderline on hands with opposable thumbs. Their eyes were solid red or green with no discernible iris, and highly adept at seeing in the dark on their forested twilight world.

They were taken, with out their own leave, and removed from that planet. The unnamed race altered them. Through genetic tinkering and manipulation they uplifted the proto-procylonians from furry woodland creatures, into what they are today.

Their make up was changed to be bipedal, though their delta-grade legs were kept for speed and aid in climbing. The claws were sharpened and toughened, and their psudo-hands were changed to be full hands with 4 fingers and an opposable thumb. They could run on 2 legs as well as any humanoid biped, but could drop down to ‘all 4s’ for bursts of speed, and or to aid in climbing and gymnastic endeavors. Their forms were toughened and strengthened over all to be many times stronger than the animals had previously been, easily superior to many larger species. This allowed them to use tools and items built for races of the galactic standard height.

These physical changes resulted in a bipedal species of furry creatures that stood roughly 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall, with clawed hands and feet and a bushy ringed tail. Red or green eyes that see in the dark, a keen nose and ears.

The most significant change how ever was in the mind of the creatures. The enhancements and modifications changed the small proto-procylonians from woodland predators and scavengers, clever animals to be sure, but … animals. They were uplifted to full sentient and sapient creatures with thoughts of their own, emotions and keen minds.

The Procylonians were changed as a species and then ‘sold’ as aids to a second species. This species used them as slaves. Be it house servants, toys of the rich, or cheep labor. The Procylonians’ smallish size and high natural intelligence meant that they picked up skills taught to them swiftly and their enhanced strength let them conduct hard physical labor of a being three times their size and mass. While not supernaturally strong they were far stronger than they looked. An all around great slave/servant race. Especially for the price!



With that uplifting, the already clever forest creature became a clever and intelligent THINKING being. It did not take long at all for the Procylonians to figure out: “Being a slave SUCKS!” and “SCREW THIS!”

Among themselves they started to talk, plot, and plan. They didn’t stage a gradual uprising. Oh no. The Procylonians planned.. for two generations in secret. Their ‘buyers’ never had a clue. They assumed their servants were content in their plight. Sure some were killed now and then but they bread easily and well. Easily replaced and worth twice the price.

It seems that the slave owners had not chosen, to pay for the ‘docile and compliant’ upgrade in the slave-stock they purchased. They were 3 foot tall furry creatures that fetched meals and cleaned the house. Sometimes their owners made them fight to the death for their amusement. Compliance? They were animals. If they didn’t comply. Their owners blew their head off and bought a new one! Right?


After two generations of secret planning the Procylonians rose up, and what a rise it was. Weaponry was taken as well as vehicles. Around the world the small furry slave race slaughtered their “owners.” Blood ran paw deep in the streets as they turned on their captors. Such a revolt was never even contemplated much less prepared for. The ‘buyers’ were killed in their beds. At their breakfast tables. In their massage parlors and in the end, in the streets and alleys where they crouched and hid.

In under a galactic standard week the Procylonians had overthrown the planet. They _ did _ breed well after all and were seen as so useful, every owner had 4 to 10, sometimes 20 of the Procylonians as servants and ‘pets’. So they vastly outnumbered their overlords.

Once the planet was taken and their former owners ‘put to the blade’ the Procylonians knew that they had to do ‘something’. The planet, while distant, did trade with others and soon, very soon word would get out, and someone would come along. Either to avenge the ‘owners’ or to ‘reclaim’ the property. I.E. their creators might come back to gather up the slave race for resale!

This was not acceptable, and had been discussed at length before the uprising even began.

The Procylonians had prepared. Some had been learning how to pilot the shuttle craft of the owners and used them to ferry themselves and their brethren up to the larger transport ships docked in space around the planet. These ships then departed to every point of the galactic compass. Spreading out, least they all get caught at one place, and captured, imprisoned or destroyed. At 2.5-3.5 feet tall they took up much less space on standard sized ships so they could cram more Procylonians in. Also their natural arboreal nature let them sleep in hammocks, and secured out of the way places. This let them use much more of the ship than normal.

During their escape the Procylonians learned that they had a natural affinity for space and zero g, perhaps added in by their ‘creators’ as part of a package deal, so artificial gravity could be turned off in large sections of the ship and all 3 dimensions used to pack in even more of the fleeing species.

The planetary revolt took a week. Three weeks later the shuttles had ferried up every weapon they could find, food, supplies and the wealth of an entire planet’s sapient species… a week later the ships had departed. The entire revolution took just over a month and the Procylonians had escaped.

In a perfect universe the Procylonians would have escaped with out a trace. Would have found lush new worlds to settle on, unmolested for the rest of their days. Perhaps grow into a galactic power all their own.

We how ever do not live in a perfect universe. Times were hard, and there is prejudice in the galaxy towards the small and furry. Many larger species had a difficult time getting past the cute looks of the Procylonians. More than one of their ships were simply taken from them when they got to star bases, and or planets. Stolen out right and the Procylonians stripped of money and possessions. This didn’t happen with out a fight, but one ship against an entire station or planet? It happened. Others met with pirates or hostile species and died. A fewer number found shelter in different parts of the galaxy, and a few of the ships even found remote planets capable of supporting life and started colonies.

By and large though the Procylonians were thrust onto the galactic stage and needed to find jobs and fast. Their plundered money was static. Non growing. Every credit they spent could not be recouped with out work and purpose. Many turned to the mercenary trade.

Training was needed and much of their original pilfered wealth went to acquiring it. Most mercenary trainers didn't care if you were human, humanoid or a squid that breathed ammonia. If your credits spent, they’d train you to fight.

The Procylonians were most excellent students. The original 20 or so per ship were their best and brightest. They were chosen to be trained by the Mercenary teachers. They learned everything they could from their trainers, and taught 200 more. The 200 taught 2000 and the 2000 taught the rest. Ship after ship learned the trade and they started hiring themselves out as a number of specialized mercenary companies.

At first they underbid the competition. Most people took a look at 3 foot tall furry creatures and chose the 9 foot tall ones built like a mountain range. So the Procylonians sold their services cheep. Then they completed their contracts with zeal and vigor. They dominated the foes they were thrown against. Because when you’re buying bargain basement mercs, you’re usually not fighting the galaxy’s best and brightest.

Soon their reputation grew. Small but Fierce was their slogan and they lived up to it. Using weapons sized for galactic standard races (5-9feet) As if they were light as air and excelling against enemies two and three times their size, their stories traveled before them. The more victories under their belt the more the stories grew and spread. The better the rep, the better the prices they could charge.

More money was poured back into the Procylonian Mercenary companies, and spent on better gear, faster ships, and TRAINING.

Some of the Procylonian companies specialized with this training. Some became dedicated Zero G commandos. Specializing in ship procurement (Boarding and stealing hostile vessels) and station neutralization. Some became cold weather troops. Some desert troops. Some jungle troopers, and so on.

The baseline level of their training increased over and over again until the least trained member of a Procylonian Commando Company was the equal of special forces troops all over the Galaxy.

If you needed a Merc group to assault a base on an ice planet, there was a Procylonian Commando Company that could do it. If you needed to stage a daring day time raid on an arid desert planet. They had a group for that too.

As specialists they were used for small unit and specialized operations. Not full scale planetary occupation. There were not enough of them and frankly that would be a waste of their talents. Not to mention the cost would be prohibitive.

If you needed a Company to go in and decimate the power grid of a country, they could get it done toot sweet, but standing on the corner occupying said country? No way. Not their style. Not their ballpark.

Today this holds true. If the Procylonians have a home planet, it’s not shared with outside species. If they do it’s well hidden and the secret most jealously concealed. What is known, is that their services as mercenaries can be procured if you can afford it. They do not make up billions and billions of furry people, but.. they have enough so that if you’re a galactic traveler, you’ve likely heard of them. Even if just in passing as a legend or story.

The Procylonians divide themselves up into Clans, each Clan being a separate Mercenary Company. The clans each govern themselves based on rules set out.. in a clan by clan nature, but most have a “Commander” that is the final say. Many of the clans specialize and they do communicate between one another. If someone needs a group of jungle specialists and they contact a clan more suited for arctic expeditions the contract could be passed on to the proper clan. Or.. to a clan that doesn’t specialize in other areas.

As one would expect of clever species that gravitate to such jobsets, not every Procylonian is happy happy joy joy with every other Procylonian. After the united effort of overthrowing their masters, they did split up and separate for many generations. Now, there are some that simply don’t get along and many rivalries exist. Some rivalries even exist via allied Clans, a ‘enemy of my friend is my enemy’ type thing. Some are friendly rivals. Some allies. Some clans are sworn enemies. And yes. They _ will _ take up opposite sides of a conflict and fight against one another if A: The clans are enemies and B: The money is right. Sometimes “B” … leads to “A”.

Thus they exist today in the Galaxy. Usually a Procylonian encountered will be a member of one of the Clans, and a Mercenary, but not all. Even among a race that has taken to the stars, someone has to fly the ship, or mop the floors. Someone has to groom the fur, or learn the medical trade. So on and so forth. They’re not a ‘Race of warriors” with absolutely zero concept of other things. They have school teachers, and dentists and such. It’s just by and large that they are known to the galaxy via the clans and Merc groups that are hired out. The janitor and florists Procylonians aren’t usually ran into, in public. Or if they are, they’re mistaken for mercs as well. Hard to say which.

There is no gender bias or racism among the Procylonians themselves. A female is given every bit as much respect as a male and some claim that they’re even more fierce in battle. Nor do they care about the color of another Procylonians’ fur (Other than some have natural preference for shades and markings). They DO have a slightly superior self view though. Thankfully most are smart enough to know that this is NOT likely to be shared by larger species and keep it mostly to themselves. The rare arrogant and bombastic Procylonian does exist though and boy can they go off at the mouth.


Alignments: Any. The full range of Alignments are possible. From the most honor-bound and noble of Procylonian, to the most vile and evil. If anything they tend to land in the middle. Unprincipled through Abhorrent. With the ‘very good’ and ‘very bad’ sorts being outliers of the bell curve.

Lifespan: 100 years or so, give or take. Many die younger if they’re in the Clans and Mercenary companies, but the natural lifespan is about 100 years. As an engineered species this insures that there would be turn over and more ‘purchases’ made.

Size: 2.5-3.5 feet (76-91cm) 55lbs (25kilos)

Gender: Heterosexual. Females produce two or four offspring (kits) after a medium gestation period of 4-5 months. Live births, the kits drink milk from the mother’s breasts, and are quickly weened onto meat and other solid foods, under a year. Sexual maturity comes at roughly 10-12 standard years, but mental maturity is considered around 16, and that is the age of majority for most Procylonian Clans.

Physical Description/Appearance: Small furry people. Fur colors range from black and gray, to brown and gray with black accents. “Masks” over the eyes, and dark rings around their tails. They stand roughly 2.5-3.5 feet tall, weigh about 55lbs. Their hands are very dexterous and can hold items, and tools far larger than one would expect. These hands possess 4 fingers and a thumb, each with a distinct claw. The Procylonian are totally bipedal, they can also drop down to all 4s for bursts of speed or as needed. Their heads have pointed ears atop and a distinct muzzle, small wet nose and sharp teeth. The eyes are either red or green, with out discernible iris.

Disposition/Attitude: The average Procylonian is sure of his or her self. This tends to be a species wide trait, the Commandos have it, as do the preschool kit teachers, from the emergency medical surgeons, to their plumbers. Some can be seen cocky, but this may just be a manifestation of being about 3 foot tall in a universe of 5 to 9 foot people. As a species they do not suffer from “Napoleon Complexes” or “Little Man Syndrome”, but individually, such may be encountered. They like to work hard, and play hard.
As a species they show an intense loyalty to their Clans/Family groups/Friends. This is likely a manifestation of being ‘created’ and forced into slavery and overthrowing their ‘owners’. They were loyal to one another to escape the bondage, and this was and still is, instilled in every Procylonian kit from birth. Entire commando companies have been known to dig in, fight and die, rather than leaving men or women behind. A sacrifice that is welcome. You fight all the much harder for the Procylonian beside you, if you know with out a shadow of a doubt, that no matter what happens, you will never be left behind. “It’s better to die on your Paws, than live on your knees” is a firmly held belief in the Procylonian culture. This also expresses in an abject hatred of those that have slaves. The Procylonian are not stupid about it. They won’t get themselves killed on a simple principal, but their hatred for slavers is well documented and they refuse contracts involving slaves or slavery (Unless it’s to free them) Any Procylonian found with slaves, or condoning slavery is killed by his own kind. No exceptions.

Attributes: As genetically ‘created’ beings, the attributes of a Procylonian are not as varied as some species. They fall along a more narrow range, but are more consistent across the species.
IQ: 2D6+6
ME: 2D6+3
MA: 3D4
PS: 3D6+6 (Considered “Augmented”)
PE: 3D6+3
PP: 3D6+6
PB: 2D6+4
Sp: 3D6+3(Bipedal) +6 on all 4s

Hit Points: PE+2D6
SDC: 100+ any gained from OCC, or training. (They were designed to be tough and resilient.)

ISP: Standard
PPE: Standard, but the Procylonian have no innate magical traditions. One would have to travel well far afield and out of their own society/communities to pick up magic. That’s not to say it’s impossible but it’s surely not standard.

Horror Factor: Sadly none. Much to their own disgust. They have a hard time keeping many species from picking them up and or petting them. This has caused more than one altercation as the Procylonian may bite, claw, STAB or shoot someone for this, depending on mood.

Natural Abilities:
Naturally ‘built’ tough and agile, amazingly strong for their size (But not stupid strong. Their PS is Augmented, not Robotic or Supernatural)
Natural climbers: Uplifted from furry arboreal creatures, they retain their climbing ability along with claws to aid them. Climb (But not repelling) skill at 80%
Claws: +2D6 to Punch Damage (See augmented strength chart RUE Page 285)
Bite: 3D6
Natural leaping ability: From their former arboreal days, the Procylonian Have amazing leaping abilities. They can jump 4 times their own height vertically from a standing position and 6 times their height horizontally. Both distances are multiplied by 1.5 with a running start.
Night-vision: 100m. The Procylonian originally hailed from a tree covered twilight world and have excellent night vision.
Keen hearing and smell, but not as good as a dogs/dog boy. +3 to Perception checks.
Size Does Not Define me!: In-spite of being roughly 3 feet tall, the Procylonians can and do use gear for ‘galactic standard’ sized people (5-9ft) With out penalty. They just square up and do it. A rifle sized for a Wolfen, could be grabbed up by a Procylonian and used with out penalty or hardship. Equipment is not considered ‘over sized’ for a Procylonian unless it was designed for species 10ft tall or larger. They do not pay to have weapons down sized for their diminutive stature. Instead carrying full sized galactic standard weaponry into battle. This is quite intimidating, and surprising to see, if one hasn’t witnessed it before. Likewise due to their natural abilities, they seldom have penalty for ‘reaching’ things, or using terminals and the like. The Procylonian will just jump up on a console, or into a chair, onto a table, onto a counter and use things at ‘standard’ heights with out even thinking about it. They just do it. Armor and clothing does have to be modified. Sizing it ‘down’ for the Procylonian. Their natural Augmented strength means that the armor can be heavier and retain it’s defensive capability even at their smaller size (Use the same MDC). Due to their head having ears on top and a distinct muzzle, they favor clear bubble helms to keep full range of motion and peripheral vision.

Psionics: Standard. Uncommon but possible
Magic: None innately, and the Procylonian do not have mystical training with in their own society. It is conceivable that a lone Procylonian, out side their own society may have the ability to be trained by an outsider in the mystic arts, but it is highly uncommon. As a species, the Procylonian rather don’t trust magic.

Cybernetics/Bionics: Standard. They will get them to replace lost limbs or for medical reasons, or even for combat/military reasons. As a species they generally prefer to rely on their own genetically augmented strength and power, but it’s not utterly uncommon to see a bionic arm or leg around. Naturally these must be adjusted for the Procylonian size and shape. Being non standard, this means the bionics would cause more, and thus are a bit less common than some species.

RCC Skills:
Language/Literacy: 90%
Pilot (One of choice, including space vehicles) +20%
2 WP’s of choice (One modern, one melee/archery)

Skills of note: As a space-faring species, the Procylonian have a high understanding of science and engineering. As well as being largely martial by profession. Procylonian get a bonus of +5 to Computer, Science, Technical or Mechanical skills and +8 to Military and Espionage.

OCCs: Any, but the magic OCCs would be limited as noted above. Most Procylonian heroes will be men at arms or adventurers of some sort, but the species itself has everything from cooks, and dishwashers, to highly trained special forces commandos and everything in between.

Culture: Largely described above. Non-centralized Clan based government with each Clan having it’s own rules, laws, and what have you. Some may have mandatory military (Mercenary) service for a few years, but many do not. Each Clan “Commander’ Is the ultimate authority with in that clan, and set up their ruling bodies as they see fit. If there – is – a new Procylonian home world it’s location is kept most secret and any details about it are held tightly by the Procylonians themselves.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

The irony would be if their 'uplifters' planned the whole thing all along.....Uplift them, sell them as slaves, let them get ****ed off, slaughter the suckers who bought them(and who might have been DELIBERATELY targeted), then set loose into the rest of the galaxy. Double the entertainment because they're being treated as CUTE, so they continue to be ****ed off.

Adventure hook would be to have Procylonian PCs encounter some examples of a big bad elder alien species that drop the word that they were the ones who hauled the Procylonians' out of the jungle and stuck brains in them. That the Procylonians have been most satisfactorily living up to their creators' intentions. That the race they wiped out just happened to annoy the creators. That the Procylonians are 'right on schedule' for a few other jobs the creators have set up.
Oh, and that the creators have some failsafes in case the Procylonians have any more 'Ideas'.
Could be a bluff, could be a series of bluffs or sheer mind###ery, or it could be one of those horrible galactic truths that's going to send the Procylonian PCs into tizzy-zone. :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Lol Could totally go down the Raccoon hole with it, for sure.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:Lol Could totally go down the Raccoon hole with it, for sure.

They've already got two strikes against them; they KNOW they were a created species and that they were created as SERVANTS. No noble calling, just pets or slaves.
Then when they DO take their own destinies into their own hands, they're MOCKED for being cute and cuddly and dumb-looking. PATRONIZED at best. That just TORQUES them even more.

Then to find out that somebody already FORESAW that, even EXPECTED it, as part of some far-reaching plan in which they're just PAWNS...and maybe even the revelation is part of the plan to push their berserk buttons to the next level.....(cue cranial smoke)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Pepsi Jedi
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

taalismn wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:Lol Could totally go down the Raccoon hole with it, for sure.

They've already got two strikes against them; they KNOW they were a created species and that they were created as SERVANTS. No noble calling, just pets or slaves.
Then when they DO take their own destinies into their own hands, they're MOCKED for being cute and cuddly and dumb-looking. PATRONIZED at best. That just TORQUES them even more.

Then to find out that somebody already FORESAW that, even EXPECTED it, as part of some far-reaching plan in which they're just PAWNS...and maybe even the revelation is part of the plan to push their berserk buttons to the next level.....(cue cranial smoke)

I tend to purpose build in 'hooks' to my characters, and as an extension species and other things I create.

The 'absence' of the creators, leaves it open for how ever people might want to use them. Could be Gene splicer type things or something else entirely. Could have been a group of humans or wolfen or what ever a long time ago that people kinda lost track of. Could have been anything. I purposefully didn't say, so that anyone that may want to use these guys, can use them how ever they want to. :)

As for "Knowing' you've been created? Eh. Not everyone would be troubled by such a thing. It reminds me of Torvig in Star trek. His race were basicly dumb kangaroo like ostritch cows, before some unknown race came and basically borg-ified them, uplifting them. They don't see it as a bad thing. They see it as a wonderful blessing. It pulled them up from (Pardon the colloquial phrase) Dumb animals, into PEOPLE. They're enturnally grateful.

As for being servants and pets, their intelligence let them rise above it and say "no" They take that as a point of pride.
Sadly yes, some (Many?) Would/do mock them for being cute and cuddly. (Not dumb looking though. Hey! Wht the heck!??)) They likely WOULD be patronized quite a bit. And I'm sure it would torque them off. lol

Finding out your proposed thing was actually a thing WOULD really torque them off.

Just got to be careful with such a thing. They find out such a thing and all those clans on their ships spread hither and yon, might come together in some sort of group conclave and decide to go after the guilty party there.

Tis usually a bad idea to perturb the highly trained and at least moderately aggressive, well funded commandos with mega Damage weaponry.

Would make for a fun campaign to play through though. :ok:

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:[
As for being servants and pets, their intelligence let them rise above it and say "no" They take that as a point of pride.
Sadly yes, some (Many?) Would/do mock them for being cute and cuddly. (Not dumb looking though. Hey! Wht the heck!??)) They likely WOULD be patronized quite a bit. And I'm sure it would torque them off. lol

Some people equate cute-looking= not insidiously intelligent.
And one of the fantasy game campaigns I was in, in college? Our operational motto was 'It's Cute. It's Fuzzy. It's Coming Our Way. KILL IT!'
(Admittedly, this was after the Teddy Bear Machete Massacre..the teddy bears had the machetes)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

They learned a similar lesson in Galaxy Quest.

Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm impressed. For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only has sex with farm animals.

James Tiberius Kirk: Well, not _only_...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:They learned a similar lesson in Galaxy Quest.

'Cuteness' is arguably an evolutionary mechanism that sez to the perceiver 'feed me', 'protect me', and 'cuddle me'. It's understandable that some predators might cultivate the trait as 'lower your guard so I can bite your throat out'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Anthanatos »

Pepsi Jedi wrote:"Small but Fierce? How 'Fierce' can they be? They're like a meter tall! So fluffy and CUTE!
Wait.. what's it doing with that plasma cannon??
ACK RUN!! It's pissed off now!"

Procylonians: The Procylonians are a smallish species from a distant star system, out side of any of the known claimed regions. The Procylonians are not thought to be a naturally evolved species, instead, an engineered one.

At some point in the past, an unnamed race lost to galactic history had need of servants. The Procylonians’ ancestors were chosen from an unnamed planet. Originally they were small quadrupedal arboreal creatures, with brown, gray or black fur. Some had accents of the other colors. Markings around the eyes and banded tails. One would think a Procylonian ancestor quite cute. Even before they were abducted and altered, the proto-procylonians had very dexterous paws that borderline on hands with opposable thumbs. Their eyes were solid red or green with no discernible iris, and highly adept at seeing in the dark on their forested twilight world.

They were taken, with out their own leave, and removed from that planet. The unnamed race altered them. Through genetic tinkering and manipulation they uplifted the proto-procylonians from furry woodland creatures, into what they are today.

Their make up was changed to be bipedal, though their delta-grade legs were kept for speed and aid in climbing. The claws were sharpened and toughened, and their psudo-hands were changed to be full hands with 4 fingers and an opposable thumb. They could run on 2 legs as well as any humanoid biped, but could drop down to ‘all 4s’ for bursts of speed, and or to aid in climbing and gymnastic endeavors. Their forms were toughened and strengthened over all to be many times stronger than the animals had previously been, easily superior to many larger species. This allowed them to use tools and items built for races of the galactic standard height.

These physical changes resulted in a bipedal species of furry creatures that stood roughly 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall, with clawed hands and feet and a bushy ringed tail. Red or green eyes that see in the dark, a keen nose and ears.

The most significant change how ever was in the mind of the creatures. The enhancements and modifications changed the small proto-procylonians from woodland predators and scavengers, clever animals to be sure, but … animals. They were uplifted to full sentient and sapient creatures with thoughts of their own, emotions and keen minds.

The Procylonians were changed as a species and then ‘sold’ as aids to a second species. This species used them as slaves. Be it house servants, toys of the rich, or cheep labor. The Procylonians’ smallish size and high natural intelligence meant that they picked up skills taught to them swiftly and their enhanced strength let them conduct hard physical labor of a being three times their size and mass. While not supernaturally strong they were far stronger than they looked. An all around great slave/servant race. Especially for the price!



With that uplifting, the already clever forest creature became a clever and intelligent THINKING being. It did not take long at all for the Procylonians to figure out: “Being a slave SUCKS!” and “SCREW THIS!”

Among themselves they started to talk, plot, and plan. They didn’t stage a gradual uprising. Oh no. The Procylonians planned.. for two generations in secret. Their ‘buyers’ never had a clue. They assumed their servants were content in their plight. Sure some were killed now and then but they bread easily and well. Easily replaced and worth twice the price.

It seems that the slave owners had not chosen, to pay for the ‘docile and compliant’ upgrade in the slave-stock they purchased. They were 3 foot tall furry creatures that fetched meals and cleaned the house. Sometimes their owners made them fight to the death for their amusement. Compliance? They were animals. If they didn’t comply. Their owners blew their head off and bought a new one! Right?


After two generations of secret planning the Procylonians rose up, and what a rise it was. Weaponry was taken as well as vehicles. Around the world the small furry slave race slaughtered their “owners.” Blood ran paw deep in the streets as they turned on their captors. Such a revolt was never even contemplated much less prepared for. The ‘buyers’ were killed in their beds. At their breakfast tables. In their massage parlors and in the end, in the streets and alleys where they crouched and hid.

In under a galactic standard week the Procylonians had overthrown the planet. They _ did _ breed well after all and were seen as so useful, every owner had 4 to 10, sometimes 20 of the Procylonians as servants and ‘pets’. So they vastly outnumbered their overlords.

Once the planet was taken and their former owners ‘put to the blade’ the Procylonians knew that they had to do ‘something’. The planet, while distant, did trade with others and soon, very soon word would get out, and someone would come along. Either to avenge the ‘owners’ or to ‘reclaim’ the property. I.E. their creators might come back to gather up the slave race for resale!

This was not acceptable, and had been discussed at length before the uprising even began.

The Procylonians had prepared. Some had been learning how to pilot the shuttle craft of the owners and used them to ferry themselves and their brethren up to the larger transport ships docked in space around the planet. These ships then departed to every point of the galactic compass. Spreading out, least they all get caught at one place, and captured, imprisoned or destroyed. At 2.5-3.5 feet tall they took up much less space on standard sized ships so they could cram more Procylonians in. Also their natural arboreal nature let them sleep in hammocks, and secured out of the way places. This let them use much more of the ship than normal.

During their escape the Procylonians learned that they had a natural affinity for space and zero g, perhaps added in by their ‘creators’ as part of a package deal, so artificial gravity could be turned off in large sections of the ship and all 3 dimensions used to pack in even more of the fleeing species.

The planetary revolt took a week. Three weeks later the shuttles had ferried up every weapon they could find, food, supplies and the wealth of an entire planet’s sapient species… a week later the ships had departed. The entire revolution took just over a month and the Procylonians had escaped.

In a perfect universe the Procylonians would have escaped with out a trace. Would have found lush new worlds to settle on, unmolested for the rest of their days. Perhaps grow into a galactic power all their own.

We how ever do not live in a perfect universe. Times were hard, and there is prejudice in the galaxy towards the small and furry. Many larger species had a difficult time getting past the cute looks of the Procylonians. More than one of their ships were simply taken from them when they got to star bases, and or planets. Stolen out right and the Procylonians stripped of money and possessions. This didn’t happen with out a fight, but one ship against an entire station or planet? It happened. Others met with pirates or hostile species and died. A fewer number found shelter in different parts of the galaxy, and a few of the ships even found remote planets capable of supporting life and started colonies.

By and large though the Procylonians were thrust onto the galactic stage and needed to find jobs and fast. Their plundered money was static. Non growing. Every credit they spent could not be recouped with out work and purpose. Many turned to the mercenary trade.

Training was needed and much of their original pilfered wealth went to acquiring it. Most mercenary trainers didn't care if you were human, humanoid or a squid that breathed ammonia. If your credits spent, they’d train you to fight.

The Procylonians were most excellent students. The original 20 or so per ship were their best and brightest. They were chosen to be trained by the Mercenary teachers. They learned everything they could from their trainers, and taught 200 more. The 200 taught 2000 and the 2000 taught the rest. Ship after ship learned the trade and they started hiring themselves out as a number of specialized mercenary companies.

At first they underbid the competition. Most people took a look at 3 foot tall furry creatures and chose the 9 foot tall ones built like a mountain range. So the Procylonians sold their services cheep. Then they completed their contracts with zeal and vigor. They dominated the foes they were thrown against. Because when you’re buying bargain basement mercs, you’re usually not fighting the galaxy’s best and brightest.

Soon their reputation grew. Small but Fierce was their slogan and they lived up to it. Using weapons sized for galactic standard races (5-9feet) As if they were light as air and excelling against enemies two and three times their size, their stories traveled before them. The more victories under their belt the more the stories grew and spread. The better the rep, the better the prices they could charge.

More money was poured back into the Procylonian Mercenary companies, and spent on better gear, faster ships, and TRAINING.

Some of the Procylonian companies specialized with this training. Some became dedicated Zero G commandos. Specializing in ship procurement (Boarding and stealing hostile vessels) and station neutralization. Some became cold weather troops. Some desert troops. Some jungle troopers, and so on.

The baseline level of their training increased over and over again until the least trained member of a Procylonian Commando Company was the equal of special forces troops all over the Galaxy.

If you needed a Merc group to assault a base on an ice planet, there was a Procylonian Commando Company that could do it. If you needed to stage a daring day time raid on an arid desert planet. They had a group for that too.

As specialists they were used for small unit and specialized operations. Not full scale planetary occupation. There were not enough of them and frankly that would be a waste of their talents. Not to mention the cost would be prohibitive.

If you needed a Company to go in and decimate the power grid of a country, they could get it done toot sweet, but standing on the corner occupying said country? No way. Not their style. Not their ballpark.

Today this holds true. If the Procylonians have a home planet, it’s not shared with outside species. If they do it’s well hidden and the secret most jealously concealed. What is known, is that their services as mercenaries can be procured if you can afford it. They do not make up billions and billions of furry people, but.. they have enough so that if you’re a galactic traveler, you’ve likely heard of them. Even if just in passing as a legend or story.

The Procylonians divide themselves up into Clans, each Clan being a separate Mercenary Company. The clans each govern themselves based on rules set out.. in a clan by clan nature, but most have a “Commander” that is the final say. Many of the clans specialize and they do communicate between one another. If someone needs a group of jungle specialists and they contact a clan more suited for arctic expeditions the contract could be passed on to the proper clan. Or.. to a clan that doesn’t specialize in other areas.

As one would expect of clever species that gravitate to such jobsets, not every Procylonian is happy happy joy joy with every other Procylonian. After the united effort of overthrowing their masters, they did split up and separate for many generations. Now, there are some that simply don’t get along and many rivalries exist. Some rivalries even exist via allied Clans, a ‘enemy of my friend is my enemy’ type thing. Some are friendly rivals. Some allies. Some clans are sworn enemies. And yes. They _ will _ take up opposite sides of a conflict and fight against one another if A: The clans are enemies and B: The money is right. Sometimes “B” … leads to “A”.

Thus they exist today in the Galaxy. Usually a Procylonian encountered will be a member of one of the Clans, and a Mercenary, but not all. Even among a race that has taken to the stars, someone has to fly the ship, or mop the floors. Someone has to groom the fur, or learn the medical trade. So on and so forth. They’re not a ‘Race of warriors” with absolutely zero concept of other things. They have school teachers, and dentists and such. It’s just by and large that they are known to the galaxy via the clans and Merc groups that are hired out. The janitor and florists Procylonians aren’t usually ran into, in public. Or if they are, they’re mistaken for mercs as well. Hard to say which.

There is no gender bias or racism among the Procylonians themselves. A female is given every bit as much respect as a male and some claim that they’re even more fierce in battle. Nor do they care about the color of another Procylonians’ fur (Other than some have natural preference for shades and markings). They DO have a slightly superior self view though. Thankfully most are smart enough to know that this is NOT likely to be shared by larger species and keep it mostly to themselves. The rare arrogant and bombastic Procylonian does exist though and boy can they go off at the mouth.


Alignments: Any. The full range of Alignments are possible. From the most honor-bound and noble of Procylonian, to the most vile and evil. If anything they tend to land in the middle. Unprincipled through Abhorrent. With the ‘very good’ and ‘very bad’ sorts being outliers of the bell curve.

Lifespan: 100 years or so, give or take. Many die younger if they’re in the Clans and Mercenary companies, but the natural lifespan is about 100 years. As an engineered species this insures that there would be turn over and more ‘purchases’ made.

Size: 2.5-3.5 feet (76-91cm) 55lbs (25kilos)

Gender: Heterosexual. Females produce two or four offspring (kits) after a medium gestation period of 4-5 months. Live births, the kits drink milk from the mother’s breasts, and are quickly weened onto meat and other solid foods, under a year. Sexual maturity comes at roughly 10-12 standard years, but mental maturity is considered around 16, and that is the age of majority for most Procylonian Clans.

Physical Description/Appearance: Small furry people. Fur colors range from black and gray, to brown and gray with black accents. “Masks” over the eyes, and dark rings around their tails. They stand roughly 2.5-3.5 feet tall, weigh about 55lbs. Their hands are very dexterous and can hold items, and tools far larger than one would expect. These hands possess 4 fingers and a thumb, each with a distinct claw. The Procylonian are totally bipedal, they can also drop down to all 4s for bursts of speed or as needed. Their heads have pointed ears atop and a distinct muzzle, small wet nose and sharp teeth. The eyes are either red or green, with out discernible iris.

Disposition/Attitude: The average Procylonian is sure of his or her self. This tends to be a species wide trait, the Commandos have it, as do the preschool kit teachers, from the emergency medical surgeons, to their plumbers. Some can be seen cocky, but this may just be a manifestation of being about 3 foot tall in a universe of 5 to 9 foot people. As a species they do not suffer from “Napoleon Complexes” or “Little Man Syndrome”, but individually, such may be encountered. They like to work hard, and play hard.
As a species they show an intense loyalty to their Clans/Family groups/Friends. This is likely a manifestation of being ‘created’ and forced into slavery and overthrowing their ‘owners’. They were loyal to one another to escape the bondage, and this was and still is, instilled in every Procylonian kit from birth. Entire commando companies have been known to dig in, fight and die, rather than leaving men or women behind. A sacrifice that is welcome. You fight all the much harder for the Procylonian beside you, if you know with out a shadow of a doubt, that no matter what happens, you will never be left behind. “It’s better to die on your Paws, than live on your knees” is a firmly held belief in the Procylonian culture. This also expresses in an abject hatred of those that have slaves. The Procylonian are not stupid about it. They won’t get themselves killed on a simple principal, but their hatred for slavers is well documented and they refuse contracts involving slaves or slavery (Unless it’s to free them) Any Procylonian found with slaves, or condoning slavery is killed by his own kind. No exceptions.

Attributes: As genetically ‘created’ beings, the attributes of a Procylonian are not as varied as some species. They fall along a more narrow range, but are more consistent across the species.
IQ: 2D6+6
ME: 2D6+3
MA: 3D4
PS: 3D6+6 (Considered “Augmented”)
PE: 3D6+3
PP: 3D6+6
PB: 2D6+4
Sp: 3D6+3(Bipedal) +6 on all 4s

Hit Points: PE+2D6
SDC: 100+ any gained from OCC, or training. (They were designed to be tough and resilient.)

ISP: Standard
PPE: Standard, but the Procylonian have no innate magical traditions. One would have to travel well far afield and out of their own society/communities to pick up magic. That’s not to say it’s impossible but it’s surely not standard.

Horror Factor: Sadly none. Much to their own disgust. They have a hard time keeping many species from picking them up and or petting them. This has caused more than one altercation as the Procylonian may bite, claw, STAB or shoot someone for this, depending on mood.

Natural Abilities:
Naturally ‘built’ tough and agile, amazingly strong for their size (But not stupid strong. Their PS is Augmented, not Robotic or Supernatural)
Natural climbers: Uplifted from furry arboreal creatures, they retain their climbing ability along with claws to aid them. Climb (But not repelling) skill at 80%
Claws: +2D6 to Punch Damage (See augmented strength chart RUE Page 285)
Bite: 3D6
Natural leaping ability: From their former arboreal days, the Procylonian Have amazing leaping abilities. They can jump 4 times their own height vertically from a standing position and 6 times their height horizontally. Both distances are multiplied by 1.5 with a running start.
Night-vision: 100m. The Procylonian originally hailed from a tree covered twilight world and have excellent night vision.
Keen hearing and smell, but not as good as a dogs/dog boy. +3 to Perception checks.
Size Does Not Define me!: In-spite of being roughly 3 feet tall, the Procylonians can and do use gear for ‘galactic standard’ sized people (5-9ft) With out penalty. They just square up and do it. A rifle sized for a Wolfen, could be grabbed up by a Procylonian and used with out penalty or hardship. Equipment is not considered ‘over sized’ for a Procylonian unless it was designed for species 10ft tall or larger. They do not pay to have weapons down sized for their diminutive stature. Instead carrying full sized galactic standard weaponry into battle. This is quite intimidating, and surprising to see, if one hasn’t witnessed it before. Likewise due to their natural abilities, they seldom have penalty for ‘reaching’ things, or using terminals and the like. The Procylonian will just jump up on a console, or into a chair, onto a table, onto a counter and use things at ‘standard’ heights with out even thinking about it. They just do it. Armor and clothing does have to be modified. Sizing it ‘down’ for the Procylonian. Their natural Augmented strength means that the armor can be heavier and retain it’s defensive capability even at their smaller size (Use the same MDC). Due to their head having ears on top and a distinct muzzle, they favor clear bubble helms to keep full range of motion and peripheral vision.

Psionics: Standard. Uncommon but possible
Magic: None innately, and the Procylonian do not have mystical training with in their own society. It is conceivable that a lone Procylonian, out side their own society may have the ability to be trained by an outsider in the mystic arts, but it is highly uncommon. As a species, the Procylonian rather don’t trust magic.

Cybernetics/Bionics: Standard. They will get them to replace lost limbs or for medical reasons, or even for combat/military reasons. As a species they generally prefer to rely on their own genetically augmented strength and power, but it’s not utterly uncommon to see a bionic arm or leg around. Naturally these must be adjusted for the Procylonian size and shape. Being non standard, this means the bionics would cause more, and thus are a bit less common than some species.

RCC Skills:
Language/Literacy: 90%
Pilot (One of choice, including space vehicles) +20%
2 WP’s of choice (One modern, one melee/archery)

Skills of note: As a space-faring species, the Procylonian have a high understanding of science and engineering. As well as being largely martial by profession. Procylonian get a bonus of +5 to Computer, Science, Technical or Mechanical skills and +8 to Military and Espionage.

OCCs: Any, but the magic OCCs would be limited as noted above. Most Procylonian heroes will be men at arms or adventurers of some sort, but the species itself has everything from cooks, and dishwashers, to highly trained special forces commandos and everything in between.

Culture: Largely described above. Non-centralized Clan based government with each Clan having it’s own rules, laws, and what have you. Some may have mandatory military (Mercenary) service for a few years, but many do not. Each Clan “Commander’ Is the ultimate authority with in that clan, and set up their ruling bodies as they see fit. If there – is – a new Procylonian home world it’s location is kept most secret and any details about it are held tightly by the Procylonians themselves.

Love it! Will have to see about incorporating them into our games!
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

A result of hitting the (various) random roll tables and trying to make what shook out hold together and work.

(aka ‘Darkfysh’)

“Recently hired a QuimBek stockbroker to handle my crew’s finances. They may be new to the galactic scene, but they’re fast studies and I’ve heard both good and bad things about their financial people; but one thing comes through; they’re all very good at lining their nests with profit. The bad ones will bilk you, but the good ones work with you so everybody in the pool wins.”

“The QuimBek have had to fight a lot of disadvantages to get where they are now; a deep-ocean-dwelling amphibious species with bad posture and a dependence on water doesn’t make for an easy ascension to spacefaring, so they’re justifiably proud of their achievements, even when they discovered that they were late fish to the greater stellar ocean. They’ve got sheer bloody willpower backing them, though, so if they’re not already crushed by something, they’ll fight it out to the end.”

The QuimBek are amphibious humanoids from the darkworld of Calcid, a wet world in the Palapas starsystem, in the Thundercloud Galaxy. They are recently inducted members of the United Systems Alliance.
Calcid at one time was a warm, sunlit world until a cosmic catastrophe(possibly related to the Dominator War) tore the planet from its warm, stable, inner-system orbit, and sent it on a wider, colder, orbit around its primary. Fortunately, the same castastrophe triggered greater volcanic activity on the planet, opening more ‘black smokers’ in the planet’s extensive oceans, and creating a greenhouse effect in Calcid’s thin atmosphere, so, even as overall light falling on the planet decreased, the oceans remained liquid, and the global temperatures remained constant.
The QuimBek evolved from already advanced fishforms that stayed near the black smokers pouring energy and nutrients into oceanic oasises of warmth. Their evolution into amphibious tool-using humanoids was slow, but eventually the proto-Quim emerged from Calcid’s dark waters , gazed up at the stars, and knew wonder. Using Calcid’s many islands as surface bases and water-free industrial sites, the Quimbek developed industry, experimented wiith nuclear power, and began to launch manned spacecraft off their world before they were discovered by CCW exploration cruisers that stumbled across their radio transmissions. First Contact came soon afterwards and the Quimbek began trading with offworlders.
Physcally, Quimbek are NOT very imposing. They are weak, slow, clumsy(at least out of water), and very fragile. They are also hideous to look at. Mentally, though, they are pugnacious and strong-willed. Faced with innumerable challenges imposed by their weak physiques, they power through them sometimes only by sheer force of will.
Though nominally allied with the CCW, the QuimBek, worrying for their security, have joined the more local United Systems Alliance because they provide more immediate support.
While the Quimbek cannot contribute significantly to the joint militaries of the Alliance, they have become increasingly visible in the corporate and scientific communities of the USA. WZT has been hiring them in large numbers, especially in the Marine Design and Marketing divisions.
As project managers, Quimbek can either be a developer’s best friend or worst nightmare; on one hand they simply refuse to give up and keep plugging away at problems until they’re solved, but on the other hand, if they think a solution is even -remotely- possible, a Quimbek can string along and keep alive a project that should have been dropped.

Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 180 years
Size: 4 ft tall, 90-100 lbs
Gender: Gender-swapping Hetereosexual. Because mates were hard to find in the deep dark waters of theri homeworld, the ancestoral proto-Quim evolved the ability to chage genders depending on who they encountered. Modern Quimbek typically mate for life, and alternate childbirthing duties. Both sexes will brood offspring in specially oxygenated broodpouches and share carrying their broods of 2d4 offspring between them.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Their head is squat and triangular, with a wide, inverted-v mouth with fine teeth, large eyes, and a prominent spike-like bio-illumination organ protruding from the top. Their lower jaw sprouts a cluster of a dozen fine prehensile tendrils that are used for fine manipulation work. Their forelimbs are spodly and end in large six-digited hands with extendable webbing between the fingers. The body is short, squat, and barrel-like, with a pair of short stubby legs with large foot-fins bent underneath. The body is finely-scaled and translucent silver-grey in color, but also heavily serrated by boney structures under the skin. Organs and blood vessels are visible pulsing under the skin.
Quimbek out of water rely on powered exoskeletons and elaborate wetsuits to get around.
Stubborn, determined, and strongwilled. They refuse to be limited by their frail physiques. This can sometimes lead to trouble if the task or challenge really IS greater than the Quimbek can handle. However, most Quimbek are smart enough to realize this and instead think of better solutions to problems. They are also excellent bluffers, using force of personality to intimidate or persuade others.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+6
ME: 3d6+12
MA: 2d6+18
PS: 1d4+1
PP: 1d4+4
PB: 1d4
PE: 3d6
SPD: 1d6+1 on dry land, 6d6 swimming
(ISP):ME x3. +1d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 1d4
Hit Points: 5 +1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 10
MDC: By psionics or technology
Horror Factor: 15
Natural Abilities:
-Acute Night Vision---Can see clearly up to 3 miles away in near-total darkness
-Dual Amphibious Lungs---Quimbek can breath air and water
-Internal Pressure Control---Quimbek can tolerate extreme and sudden(aka 5 mminutes) changes of pressure, from deep sea(equiv. of 4 miles underwater) to sea level atmospheric without harm.
*Hydration----Quimbek need to constantly remain wet;they can only go without water for their P.E. x3 in hours. Otherwise, they start to suffer acute respiratory collapse/bleeding; lose 1 Hit Point every 15 minutes
*Sensitivity: Bright Light----Quimbek evolved from deep ocean dwellers on a twilight world, so their large eyes make them sensitive to bright light. They need to wear shading lenses or other optical protection to avoid being blinded.
Psionics:(Saves as Minor Psychic)
-Physical Psionic: 1d4+5 Physical Psionics
Magic: None; no magic potential
Cybernetics/Bionics: Quimbek will only accept cybernetics and bio-systems that will not interfere with their psionic abilities(which is one of the few things they’ve discovered give them a substantial edge).
Available OCCs: Any high-tech OCCs. Because of their high M.A., Quimbek rogues, especially con-men, are very possible. Other psychic OCCs are possible as well.
RCC Skills:
Swimming 98%
Skills of Note:
Electrical (+10%)
Quimbek are ruled by a set of interlocking plutocracies; acquistion of material wealth is the prefered path to power, though it is not automatically ‘every Quimbek for themselves’. Indeed, an ideal Quimbek politico gains power and more wealth by making it possible for their supporters to also gain wealth, uplifting the fortunes of political faction or neighborhood.
Quimbek were at a technological level roughly equivalent to early Space Age Earth when contact was made with them; they’d managed to establish space stations and send manned nuclear-powered spacecraft out to explore the other worlds of their solar system. They have since bootstrapped to Late Sapce Age as part of the USA, with imported megadamage technologies.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Agala ---Great Beast Dimensional Serpent
(Aka ‘D-wurms’, “Zilla-wurms’)

“I had the misfortune of being one of the few who’ve seen one of the Great Beasts up close...Thing surprised me and my party in the Land of Mists. Great Beast just came churning out of the eternal fog and plowed past us like a freighter passing a school of ducks. But when it was heading right at us I made the mistake of looking into its eyes...all of its eyes, as it passed. The ruby and the sapphire, glowing like doorways into a horribly endlessly deep eternity...just transfixed me. My comrades had to pull me out of the way because the Great Beast wasn’t stopping. Just casually went by us...would have gone over me and left nothing but a smear. But I keep seeing those fever dreams, in my sleep, and I sometimes wonder if it was my fault for not looking away, or that Great Beast didn’t deliberately DO something to me for crossing its path.”

Agala are giant vermiform serpentine alien intelligences that have been compared to giant shipworms boring through the fabric of space/time. They are natural dimensional travelers, though to what purpose, nobody knows. Agala have sometimes been confused with dragons or sea serpents, but they are actually more akin to Alien Intelligences like the Qua.
Agala are neither friends nor enemies of mankind; they typically do not even acknowledge the presence of smaller, lesser lifeforms, and will attack only if provoked(or, in the case of certain prey species, hungry). Even advanced species like Third-Stage Prometheans find the Agala difficult, if not impossible, to communicate with. They so rarely interact with other species that some authorities have wondered if the Agala are even really sapient at all. It is this aloofness(or mindlessness) that makes the Agala so dangerous; they may damage their environment, and the fabric of space/time, inadvertently while moving through it, and just not give any concern about it.
Agala have made one appearance on Rifts Earth prior to the Coming of the Rifts; one apparently appeared in 1889 near Herring Cove on Cape Cod, sighted by a solitary beach wanderer(George Washington Ready), whose subsequent account of the sighting was dismissed as a tall tale(and possibly alcohol-induced). Post-Rifts, the Agala have made several appearances on the dimensionally-torn world, usually in the Demon Sea.
Agala are most often sighted along shorelines or deep desert. Of all the megaversal locations that they are seen with any frequency, the dimension known as The Shore seems to attract the greatest number of repeat sightings. Several times Agala have appeared on Phaseworld, causing great damage as they nonchalantly burrowed through space/time and collateral buildings, before security responded to drive them off. The Third Stage Promtheans have regarded the Agalas as dangerous pests ever since. Temporal Raiders also dislike them, as they are immune to Temporal Magic and actually disrupt it in passing.

Alignments: Can be considered effectively Anarchist for all their interactions with others.
Lifespan: Unknown, but likely extremely long lived
Size: 300 ft long, 10 ft thick, and can rear up 30 ft. Weight on the order of 70 tons and up.
Gender: Unknown
Physical Description/Appearance:
A giant serpentine worm covered in large scales with a prismatic tint. The head sports four rows of long sharp teeth, a large horn in its ‘forehead’, and six stalked eyes, three of them red in color, and the other three blue. The tail tapers, then flares into a v-shaped fan of stiff sharp strakes.
Alien and aloof. Tends to ignore everything else while they crawl through space/time. Rarely acknowledge the presence of other beings around them. If attacked, they will viciously defend themselves.
Agala do not communicate in any clear or comprehensive manner like language, but will use empathic and telepathic broadcasting, usually to impart emotional states of anger, contempt or disapproval to those in their way. A handful of witnesses have reported getting quick, high-intensity, impressions of schematic- or rune-like mental imagery thrust telepathically into their brains, that occasionally surfaces later in their dreams. The meaning of these images and the Agalas’ purpose in imparting them eludes explanation, though some claim that they’ve been able to parse useful meaning from parts of them, triggered by subsequent experiences the recipients have had.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 23(?)
ME: 30
MA: 24
PS: 50(Supernatural)
PP: 23
PB: 2d4
PE: 30(Supernatural)
SPD:(Crawling) 30 MPH
(Swimming) 50 MPH, no depth limit.
(Tunneling) 10 MPH
(ISP): 1d6x1,000
(PPE): 3d6x1,000
Hit Points:---
MDC: 2d6x10,000
Horror Factor: 17
Natural Abilities:
-Nightvision 500 ft
-Fire and Cold Resistant(HALF damage)
-Regenerates 1d6x5 MDC every minute
*Dimensional Tunneling...Agala can apparently tunnel at will through dimensional barriers. In fact, they rarely spend more than 24x10 hours in a dimension before tunneling out(though they may loop back and forth through it).
Even after the Agala passes, the wormhole it creates persists for some 1d4 hours, possibly allowing others to travel in its wake.

*Negate Temporal Magic---Agala are IMMUNE to all forms of temporal magic, and just passing through an area of effect temporal magic spell disrupts it.

*Impervious to Possession and Bio-Manipulation

Agala possess a limited number of psionic abilities, but they seem to know how to use them to most potent effect, and they have plenty of ISP to throw their abilities around with.
*Telepathy(4)----160 ft range. Some claim the Agala can implant vast amounts of information into a lesser lifeform’s brain, the knowledge coached in cryptic form, and only slowly unraveling into understandable terms and images.
*Empathic Transmission(6)---100 ft range
*Bio-Manipulation(10)---160 ft range
*MInd Bolt(6-40)---1,500 ft range

Agala seem to be inclined towards Earth and Water magic
(Blue Eyes)Bio-Manipulation---No PPE/ISP expenditure
(Red Eyes) Fire Ball---No PPE expenditure. 180 ft range, 12d4 MD per bolt.

(Earth)(All at 12th level)
-Rock to Mud(6)
-Wither Plants(10)
- Earth Rumble(10)
-Sand Storm(15)

(Water)(All at 12th level)
-Cloud of Steam(10)
-Fog of Fear(7)
-Change Current(8 )
-Calm Waters(15)
-Snow Storm(40)
-Part Waters(50)
-Summon Fog(70)
-Tidal Wave(80)
-Calm Waters(100)

Cybernetics/Bionics: None

Available OCCs: None

RCC Skills: Not applicable; Agala exhibit no activity indicative of any sort of skill, only animalistic instinct. The few times communication has been made with them has been through magic or psychic means.

Skills of Note: Pure conjecture, though some psychics and mages who have made mental or mystic contact with Agala claim that the wyrms possess vast intellects, or else great instinctive knowledge of magic and dimensional travel. These few also claim to have received ‘downloads’ of cryptic knowledge, at first incomprehensible, but later revealing themselves to be profound or near-prophetic.

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 10

Bite 2d6x10 MD
Horn Stab/Sweep 3d6x10 MD
Body Block/Ram 4d4x10 MD
Rearing Crush(the Agala rears up its front 30 ft and brings its weight crashing down---Counts as 2 attacks) 4d6x10 MD
Tail Slash 1d6x10 MD

Culture: Solitary wanderers. Never have more than one Agala been sighted.

Allies: None. Some dimensional demons and monsters follow Agala around, hoping to gain access to universes tunneled into by the d-worms, but trailing one is a risky proposition; the Agala is just as likely to tunnel into a deadly dimension as a conquerable territory.
It’s also claimed that the Agala are associated with the more dynamic Elemental forces of Water and Earth, forces of erosion and upheaval.

3rd Stage Prometheans notably hate Agala for the damage they can apparently do to the fabric of space/time. Temporal Raiders are none too happy with them either. Agala have also reportedly been observed devouring D-Spiders and Nexus Maws.

Value: The Agala’s head-horn is considered very valuable by some, as it can be made into a powerful magic blade(they notably have the ability to negate temporal magic) worth some 4d6x100,000 credits. Similarly the teeth and eyes have considerable value as weapons-material(1d8x10,000 credits each). The hide, it is said, can be made into armor or cloaks that are impervious to Temporal Magic. Only the very foolhardy dare try to harvest the horn or other body parts, however, as the Agala will viciously fight to preserve itself. As a result, very few Agala are known to have been successfully hunted and taken down.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Calia Bloodline(Elven Variant)

“Master, if I may be so bold as to please suggest that your meditations may be more restful and enlightening with some refreshment and company? I am also passably versed in the reading of Kafic runes, which you seem to have some vexation in interpreting in your practice reading? I am also ready and willing, if it may please you, to provide some small measure of my afa to your practice spellwork. Does this meet with your approval? Please?”

“If she were any more bubbly, she’d likely have seltzer for blood.”

“I’m half-tempted to take these Calians to Atium where we settled those genetically-engineered human servitors we liberated, just to see how they’d get along. They might fall into virtual paralysis trying to be helpful and submissive to each other, or they might end up running the whole colony while being unfailingly POLITE to everybody they were easing out of administration.”

“Yes, they’re beautiful and they’re graceful, but so are greyhounds and horses, and that’s what the Calians are...somebody elses’ prize animals, bred for their looks and a certain utility. Once theyre used up, they’re easily discarded and it’s move on to the next one. You don’t pine for an old racehorse and certainly not for a prize steer. That’s all the Calians are, and there’s not a fey in the whole of the Alfvan that will tell you otherwise, despite what those misguided so-called ‘reformers’ on Alfheim are saying.”

“It is good that your new servant is such a living encyclopedia of magic, Ser Trabis, but bear in mind HOW she came to possess such knowledge. She was bred to be a servant, and to keep no secrets. Take care to keep your own magicks hidden from her, or it will be another master who proudly proclaims of having learned of YOUR secrets from their new slave.”

“K’dis was one of the few Calians I know of who had the ability to cast magic...not just talk about it, but actually cast it. She never made a thing about it though, and it was almost by accident that I learned of it. It just wasn’t all that important to her, so she didn’t mention it. Well, it wasn’t important to her until I got jumped by those Maldite assassins. I was almost dead at their hands when she apologized to me, pushed me behind cover, and took them on, casting magic like a machine gun. Only the backlash caught up real fast; she was casting spells left and right and all over the place, and those assassins were caught in the middle of it, too distracted to finish the job on me by magic that was utterly unpredictable. Her onsluaght was killing them by random. Problem was, it was killing K’dis too; she knew from the onset what she was doing to save my life would more than likely kill her in the process, but it was the only way to protect me, and she did it. Loyalty? Devotion? K’dis redefined those terms for me.”

Calians are arguably a variant sept of elves, or rather a bloodline. While they can still interbreed with other Elves, Calians are heir to a number of traits and vulnerabilities that make them distinct and tend to express even in hybrid offspring. They also have reputations that set them apart from other elven ethnicities.
Calians are the result of a eugenic breeding program by a culture of Dark Elves to produce slaves that were better suited for magic sacrifice. Millennia of selective breeding and culling of slave stock, along with periodic infusion and adjustment of dark magics began to tell, breaking the inherent fierce will of even elven blood, resulting in a sub-strain of elves prone to subservience.
In keeping with their intended ultimate role as blood sacrifices and life energy donors, Calians are typified by a higher than normal inherent PPE rating. However, Calians cannot tap into these reserves of mystic energy as easily as others. They can learn of magic, and many do become adept listeners and reciters of magic lore, but they have trouble applying that knowledge to using their own magic, if any. Those who do manage to learn how to cast magic, find themselves unable to properly control the flow of magical energies, resulting in great potential danger to themselves(and possibly others around them).
Despite their easily persuaded wills, Calians are unusually hard to drive insane; they are very accepting of the way of things, or else willfully oblivious to goings-on.
The Calia bloodline didn’t entirely meet with approval by the Dark Elf clergy, many of who felt that more individualistic and -unwilling- sacrificial victims were more palatable and acceptable to the Dark Powers than docile, cow-like intelligent animals bred for slaughter. Nevertheless, Calian stock became distributed amongst several clans of Dark Elves who raised them as servants and reserve sacrificial material when other offerings were unavailable, and the Dark Elf mages needed extra PPE(or afa as they call it) for their spell-casting.
The Calia bloodline became mainstream when the Splugorth captured several Dark Elven enclaves and added them to their slave stock. The Splugorth recognized the value of the Calian bloodlines and took measures to keep the bloodline distinctive, rather than allow it to be diluted by unchecked interbreeding with the rest of the elven slave stock. For many of the more monstrous species, Calian Elf made good eating, whether as a source of blood and meat, or magic, and the debasement of the pretty elf species was just added sadistic pleasure. The Calian Bloodline became rather popular in many Splugorth slave markets.
Enough Calians have been liberated from Splugorth and Dark Elf slave pits that there is a growing number of them free and outside. Many gravitate towards positions as servants and service personnel. Many ex-slaves and slave-refugee groups embrace Calians as fellow sufferers(regardless of how the Calians may regard their former captivity). The Vinobes(another humanoid species created as servants) in particular often take in Calians into their communities.
Sadly, many free Calians fall victim to unscrupulous others outside the Splugorth realm. The ex-slaves often wind up being re-enslaved by criminal elements and those who take advantage of the Calians’ submissive natures, and regard them just as valuable as slaves and PPE sources as the Calians’ original masters. A substantial number of them have wound up in the Paradise Federation, in ‘social clubs’ that are little more than brothels and escort services, and Dark Covens in the United Worlds of Warlock have imprisoned Calians as living batteries for their rituals.
Many free Elves react negatively to Calians, seeing them as ‘denatured elvenfolk’, and are uneasy in the presence of these subtle reminders of how a proud race can be reshaped. In many ways, the Calians are seen as similar to the Krrygorth Lessons; sad, warped versions of a noble people. Some conservative Elves and Elven cultures do not even recognize Calians or their hybrid offspring as Elves.
However, Calians are not all dumb, docile, or helpless. According to some accounts, Calian slave-servants have assisted heroes in taking down their evil masters, by some conveniently literal interpretation of their orders, or apparent negligence, guilelessly opening doors for intruders who politely ask, handing prisoners keys to locks, casually giving directions, or obliviously dropping overheard tidbits of information, all to the detriment of the Calians’ overlords. Whether this is due to casual obliviousness or hidden cunning is unknown, but Calians may not be the ‘airheads’ or ‘muddleheaded humanoid cattle’ many regard them as. There have been some hints that Calians possessed a very good ‘servants’ grapevine’ for communicating amongst themselves even while they were serving in dire captivity.
Many Calians, especially those liberated from servitude to Dark Elves or Splugorth mages also possess substantial knowledge of magic from what they have observed and memorized in the course of their captivity. Some mages have picked up on this, and have actively sought to acquire or hire Calians known to have served magic users in either the Dark Elf or Splugorth courts, in order to have servants with potentially valuable magic knowledge.

Alignments: Any, but most(90%) are Principled in alignment(oddly enough, this was encouraged by both their original Dark Elven masters and the Splugorth, as it made their termination/sacrifice/consumption somehow more satisfying).
Lifespan: 600 years, but few were allowed to live beyond 150 years at most before being sacrificed.
Size: 5-6 ft tall, 100-120 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual
Physical Description/Appearance:
Attractive-looking elves with white or silver hair, and skin ranging from light blue/gray to porcelein-white. Eyes range in color from purple to gold. Males tend to have androgynous or effeminate builds while females tend to the voluptuous. In conditions of darkness, they may(40%) exhibit a low glow about their persons. They are very graceful in their movements.
Calians tend to be docile, gentle-mannered and non-aggressive. They are eager to please others, try to be helpful, and bow easily to peer pressure as long as it makes others happy. Yet despite this, they are curiously unfazed by such things as Horror Factor or threats of death and dismemberment(especially their own). Most seem to have a ‘what will be, will be’ attitude. If treated well, Calians will develop a devout loyalty to an individual, even to the point of being willing to sacrifice themselves for that person. They rarely ever get angry, though they may exhibit mild passive-aggressiveness.
Most Calians regard clothing as optional and will only wear what is necessary to protect against the elements, for work, or if ordered to, and display little or no sense of personal modesty or embarrassment with regards to body consciousness.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6(a natural roll of 12 gets a bonus +1d6 to reflect the occasional exceptional Calian genius)
ME: 2d4
MA: 4d6
PS: 3d6
PP: 2d6+12
PB: 4d6
PE: 4d6
SPD: 3d6
(ISP):(See Psionics)
(PPE): P.E. x11 +4d6 per level of experience. Calians recharge PPE at a rate equal to their P.E. per hour, double that on a ley line, x4 at a dimensional nexus.
Hit Points: P.E. + 1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 10+ any from OCCs or skills
Horror Factor:
Most free Elves react to Calians with a Horror Factor of 10, because of the awareness of what has been done to them.
Natural Abilities:
*Night Vision(100 ft) -Can see in total darkness.

*Eidetic Memories ---An inadvertent side-effect of the effort to purge psionic potential from the Calian Bloodline, rather than develop psionics like Total Recall, the slave Calians instead acquired eidetic memories equal to the Minor HU power of Heightened Sense of Recall(01-66% chance of recalling things in perfect detail, 67-90% of remembering the full essence and important details, 91-00% of only the basic concepts and intentions).

*Acute Hearing---Calians have better than average hearing; x2 human normal.

*Dance-Code----All Calians have learned a form of sign language based on dance movements, and ALL Calians learn how to dance. This practice is a well-kept secret amongst the Calians and it allowed them to covertly share information on masters and happenings outside their respective places of labor/employment. Proficiency in this subtle form of communication is equivalent to their Dance skill + their P.P. rating as a percentile.
Others can learn to recognize, read, and even attempt this kinetic code, but only with the willing tutelage of a Calian, a Dance skill, and even then, they only learn it at a proficiency of 20%+5% per level of experience.

*Resistance to Insanity----Calians are curiously unphazed by the prospect of bodily harm, death, or Horror Factor , though they may easily fold if presented with a persuasive argument(“This would make me very happy.”), existence without purpose, or solitary confinement. Calians get a +5 to save vs deliberate efforts to intimidate/scare them, and +6 vs Horror Factor.

Psionics: Virtually Nonexistent----The original Dark Elf slave-breeders didn’t want their slave stock to have psionic abilities that could be used to resist, so they virtually eliminated the potential from them. Only about 2% of Calians are known to exhibit any psychic potential, and never more than Minor psionics.
Calians were bred for high magic vitality, but not for the ability to actually USE their high PPE reserves for anything. They can LEARN spells, but not actually CAST them(with the exception of free Calians who take up magic---See Available OCCs and Vulnerabilities).

-Empower Melee Weapon---Any non-magical melee weapon they hold and use receives a trickle-effect of mystic energies, and strikes as a magic weapon for purposes of damage against targets susceptible to magic. The weapon does not gain any extra effects such as durability or damage; it just carries a magic charge.

-Spell Accommodation----Calians can more readily accept certain magics and continue to empower them.
*Extend Magic---A Calian can extend the duration of any beneficial magic cast on them by spending the appropriate amount of PPE(so, for example, if the spell Levitation is cast on the superbeing, by spending an additional 5 PPE from their reserves, they can continue floating on air for the same duration as the original cast spell).
*Healing spells cast on the character actually work 50% more efficiently(heal 50% more damage or work 50% longer)

*Shows up like a beacon to beings sensitive to, and/or who prey on, PPE. Spells and abilities meant to mask PPE cost TWICE as much PPE/ISP for HALF the duration. PPE senses are TWICE as effective at detecting/tracking the character.

*Magic Disease/Ailment Vulnerability---Magically-inflicted illnesses and afflictions actually do DOUBLE damage to Calians and last 50% longer. The extra magic energy in the character fuels the affliction.

*Spell Surge(SPECIAL; Applies to magic-using Callians) ---Every time a Calian with spellcasting abilities casts a spell there is a 50% chance of the spell going rampant:
01-10% Damage-Surge----Does 50% more damage/effect due to an unexpected added umph to the spell.
11-20% Kick-Up/Recoil---- Flies 1d4x10 ft off course/target.
21-30% Collateral Damage----Spell affects an area of effect roughly 2d6 ft in diameter or twice the normal area if the spell already has an AOE.
31-40% Runaway Spell---- The spell, if it has a duration, goes on for an extra 1d4 times longer than it normally would and cannot be canceled by the caster, However, the extra duration is fueled by extra PPE draw. If the PPE draw exceeds the character’s PPE reserves, the runaway spell eats into their P.E.. At zero P.E., the spell gutters out and the character falls unconscious for 1d4 minutes.
41-50% Backblast---- Is accompanied by a massive flash and backblast or shock that knocks the superbeing off their feet(3d6 ft). Lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up. Other characters in a 15 ft radius must save versus magic or will be temporarily blinded(-10 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 1d4 melees).
51-60% Glow-Cloud--- Covers an area 3d6 ft in diameter with a residual magic glow that lasts for 1d6 minutes. Those caught in the area will also carry a detectable magic aura for the duration. Magic items will glow for TWICE the duration.
61-70% Spell Glow---Only the character is afflicted with a bright residual glow that looks like they’re on fire or covered in electrical discharges. It isn’t painful, but it looks fearsome and makes efforts to prowl or go unnoticed impossible. PPE sensors and senses can also pick up the character from DOUBLE normal range. Lasts 1d8 minutes.
71-80% Life-Strain---Casting a spell causes the caster unexpected pain, often accompanied by blood spewing from part of their body, like the nose, ears, or eye sockets. No damage is actually done, but the pain is distracting; -1 on initiative, strike, dodge, and parry, for 1d4 melees.
81-90% Spell-Dazzle----The caster suffers temporary partial blindness; -1d4 on initiative, strike, dodge, and parry for one melee round due to afterimages in their vision.
91-00% Static Zap----Everything and everybody in a 3d6 ft radius of the spellcaster picks up a static charge. Not immediately harmful, but distracting; -1 on initiative due to the prickly feeling of pins and needles all over for 1d4 melees or until somebody touches something/somebody else, in which case the resulting static discharge will elicit a brief moment of pain and shock. 25% chance compasses, cathode ray display screens and EM detectors will malfunction due to the static charge.

Cybernetics/Bionics: None. Calians will not willingly accept cybernetic or bionic implants, and will go catatonic if converted into cyborgs. Only the most loyal and devoted Calians will accept a chosen master’s suggestion to accept minor or medical cybernetic implants.
Available OCCs:
Free Calians may pursue any Scholarly OCCs, but any weapons and combat skills will cost TWICE the number of skills, Calians may NOT choose Men-at-Arms. If they should choose a Magic OCC, they CANNOT possess any psionics, weapons skills and combat bonuses are HALVED(or cost TWICE as much) and their spellcasting abilities are handicapped as noted under Vulnerabilities.
Servant/Slave Calians default to the Calian Servitor.
RCC Skills:
Dance (+15%)
Three Domestic skills of choice(+15%)
Lore: Magic(+15%)
Skills of Note:
Domestic Skills get a +10%
Servitor society. It’s arguable if Calians could survive on their own without somebody to serve and give their existence structure and direction. Calians rarely do well alone(and in many cases have been known to go insane and simply refuse to eat, eventually starving to death), but tend to gravitate towards the company of others. Still, Calians can claim to have created and kept a few things of their own, such as their dance-language.

Calian Servitor(RCC)
This is the baseline Calian slave or emancipated laborer. Their skill selection is generally limited by their intelligence and how much leeway their owners/employers wished to allow them.
Prerequisites: Must be a Calian
OCC Skills:
Language: Dragonese 90%
Lore: Magic(+15%)
Dance (+10%)
Domestic : Three of choice(+20%)

Skills: Select 6 ‘other ‘ skills at Level One, plus an additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9 and 13.
Communications: Any
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any(+10%)
Electrical: None
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine(+10%)
Military: None
Physical: Any, except combat-associated skills like Boxing and Wrestling.
Pilot: Any, except Robots/Power Armor, Tanks, Aircraft, and Spacecraft
(tend towards Bicycles, Boats, Horsemanship, Horsemanship: Exotic Animals)
Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment only(+10%)
Rogue: Pick Pockets, Palming, Concealment(+5%) . Other Rogue skills are possible, but cost TWO skill selections each.
Science: Math Basic only
Technical: Any(+15% to Lore skills)
Wilderness: Preserve Food, Identify Plants and Fruits, and Prepare Skins only (+10%)
Weapons Proficiencies(W.P.): Weapons W.P. s require TWO skill choices to take them, and cannot take Heavy or Military Weapons
Secondary Skills: Select 4 secondary skills at level one.
Experience Tables: Use the Vagabond Scout table
Standard Equipment/Money:
Depends on the master/employer. Most Calians live fairly spartan existences outside their service, having only what is given to them. Others are treated as pampered pets or prized possessions. Most Calians, however, will have one or two items of special sentimental significance to them, such as a locket, dress, swathe of cloth, lucky coin, or token, that they regard as truly theirs.

“To say a Chigdee business is -buzzing- isn’t some sort of crude joke; they really DO buzz subsonically when they’re happy and working in concert.”

“If you’re looking for somebody who can react hard and fast in a rapidly-evolving chaotic situation, who can think with their guns and feet, hiring a Chigdee to your crew’s not your best option. On the other hand, if you’re looking for somebody who will uncomplainingly chew through mountains of paperwork and red tape, a Chigdee’s what you’re looking for.”

“Crazy office-mites have small heads, but thick skulls. Whole damn city gets torn down around their ears, and the actuarials manage to scrounge up some desks, a coffee pot, and set up business in the street, processing insurance claims and compiling damage reports even before the bricks have stopped falling.”

“It’s often hard to tell if a Chigdee is being obliviously blunt in their responses, or sardonically snarky. I suspect the latter more often than not. I think the Chigdee are all laughing behind everybody’s backs most of the time.”

“Rumor is the Splugorth had the chance to conquer Obex, but discarded the idea because they don’t think selling office workers is all THAT glamorous or profitable.”

The Chigdee are an insectoid species that resemble giant bipedal flies. They are native to the planet Obex in the Anvil Galaxy. They evolved from hive-dwelling insectoids akin to scavenger wasps on their homeworld, but lost their predatory instincts, natural weaponry, and hive minds in favor of size and physical versatility. They still retain a strong sense of cooperation and teamwork, and thus their societies have been peaceful and non-competitive.
Arguably, Chigdee developed more brains than they really needed for their society to survive,which puzzles many xenobiologists. Some suspect that there there might have been outside interference, though by WHO is uncertain, in Chigdee mental development.
Chigdee like ordered, regulated environments. They dislike chaos and surprises, and their social development has been to exert greater control over their environment. When faced with disorder, Chigdee seek to carve out an oasis of calm and order in it for themselves. They are thus remarkably calm, even blasé, in circumstances others would find terrifying and disconcerting. Insanity is rare among Chigdee, and when it does occur, it usually takes the form of introvertic retreat; the Chigdee retreating inside their own heads from dealing with reality.
Chigdee joined the galactic community after being discovered by Noro traders and found themselves a niche as office drones just about everywhere, perfectly willing to do the multi-tasking white collar type-and-file drudgery at virtually minimum wage. Chigdee workers are a favorite hire of temp agencies and administrative offices(the Felia Information Network and Tagoniglomerate have hired tens of thousands of them as pencil-pushers). Despite humanoid prejudice, Chigdee are actually quite tolerant, clean, and hardworking.
This has led to a good deal of distrust of the Chigdee, as they are accused of stealing jobs and undermining labor relations. Chigdee have acquired such names as ‘scab-flies’ for their ‘disrespecting’ of labor unions and movements.
The more paranoid suspect something more sinister in Chigdee behavior; they see the multitudes of Chigdee wage-slaves as the tip of an intelligence-gathering network that is gaining access to the personal information of millions of clients and the corporate secrets of hundreds of companies in the Anvil Galaxy. The rumors have found fertile ground; the Golgans refuse to employ Chigdee in any offices in the Republik coreworlds and are attempting to outlaw them in the government facilities of the colonies and buffer states. However, many office managers and labor resource departments are reluctant to give up their hardworking and low-wage-happy Chigdee desk workers. The TransGalactic Empire has had similar problems, but copes with them by denying Chigdee access to jobs involving sensitive information. The Splugorth, interesting enough, regard Chigdee as not worth the trouble of enslaving, despite their relative docility and steady work habits, as they are ‘dull and uninteresting, unlikely to arouse much market interest’.

Alignments: Any, but generally(90%) are Principled or Aberrant.
Lifespan: 60 years
Size: 4-5 ft tall. 80-90 lbs
Gender: Hetereosexual, with couples producing 1d4 offspring at a time. Reach sexual maturity at 10 years.
Physical Description/Appearance:
An upright humanoid fly with four arms, two legs, a dangling lower abdomen, and a large head sporting large multi-facted eyes. They have a short, narrow, procibis-like olfactory nose, and a small mouth with a long cat-like tongue. Skin is thick, shiny and leathery, and they sport small bristles on the head, forearms, and legs. The back sports four small, transparent, vestigal wings that act as part of the Chigdee’s heat management(the Chigdee can also rub them rapidly together to produce extra buzzing noises to supplement normal speech). For some reason ties, dark pants and button-up white shirts have become the standard unisex ‘uniform’ of the Chigdee office-drone, though they’ll wear just about anything required of the office dress code. Males and females are virtually indistinguishable to outsiders, which often causes problems with gender identification. Chigdee have high reedy voices, but can accentuate their speech with whistles, pops, and teeth-rattling low-pitched buzzing or groaning(dirge-like choruses are popular entertainment on Obex) assisted by their vestigal wings.
“Busy as a bee’ isn’t a racial slur when describing a Chigdee; they’re too preoccupied with work to notice or care. Not terribly imaginative or creative, Chigdee are perfectly willing to do work others find mindnumbingly tedious or boring. What others might find repetitively boring, Chigdee find comforting and pleasing. They tend to stick by regulations and sanctioned guidelines, and work well in heavily structured environments. On the minus side, if they take a liking to a piece of music or art, they will copy it virtually ad infinitum, be it a single painting posted throughout a 3,000 room office complex, or humming the same earworm ditty OVER and OVER again. They’re also not terribly finicky about what they eat or drink when working, and Chigdee will cheerfully live off nutrient paste and power-shakes for days on end before registering any concern.
Chigdee tend towards pacifism(even evil-aligned Chigdee tend to favor white collar crimes, such as embezzling or mail fraud), but they WILL fight if cornered. They just aren’t very good at it, prefering to dodge trouble. They remain calm and collect even in the face of disaster, even if they insist on making sure the right forms are followed.
Chigdee are very tolerant of non-Chigdee and are perfectly happy working with mammals, insectoids, reptiles, or Alien Intelligences.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6+12
MA: 2d4
PS: 2d6
PP: 2d4+18
PB: 2d4
PE: 3d6+20
SPD: 3d6+12
(PPE): 2d6
Hit Points: 60
SDC: 120
Armor Rating: 11
Horror Factor:---
Natural Abilities:
*Peripheral Vision---Chigdee have 270-degree vision, and are nearly impossible to sneak up on.

*Multi-Tasking----Chigdee can carry on two different tasks simultaneously with equal proficiency.

*Extra Limbs---Chigdees’ second set of arms gives them a +1 APM. Chigdee are CRAZY fast typists and abacus-users.

*Eidetic Memories ---Chigdee have eidetic memories equal to the Minor HU power of Heightened Sene of Recall(01-66% chance of recalling things in perfect tail, 67-90% of remembering the full essence and important details, 91-00% of recalling only the basic concepts and intentions).

*Adhesion---Chigdee can cling insect-like to any surface able to hold their weight. They also have no sense of vertigo or disorientation with being upside down; one business employing them found they could double the number of workers per office by installing computer terminals upside down from the ceiling.

*Cast-Iron Stomach---Chigdee seem to be able to tolerate a great number of otherwise unappetizing foodstuffs. They can quite happily survive off of monotonous diets of greasy, stale, or past-expiration date foods for weeks on end. Food-based Horror Factors hold little chance of scaring Chigdee. +5 to save versus food poisoning.

Psionics: None, though some cynics claim the Chigdee have some form of psionic invisibility that allows them to disappear into the background of any large office.

Magic: Have the potential for magic, but just aren’t interested in it. Magic just seems too chaotic and undisciplined for them, so the Chigdee ignore it. If anybody ever invented something like Accounting Magic or Bureaucratic Magery, however, the Chigdee would probably be all over it like flies on a carcass.

Cybernetics/Bionics: Not opposed to either, but generally will only consider cybernetics for medical or business-related reasons.

Available OCCs: Can be just about any high-tech/office profession, but tend to stay away from combat-oriented jobs(too much violence and chaos). Black Market professions such as Information Broker, Fixer, and Banker would appeal to them.

RCC Skills:
Math: Basic (+15%)
Language: Trade Five 90%
Skills of Note:
Technical Skills, especially those dealing with information, are +10%
Chigdee may have left hive-minds behind, but they still like to congregate in large self-organizing groups, where everybody winds up getting assiged a task(even if it’s simply ‘watch the egg salad’). They quickly sort themselves out into a pecking order, even under the most chaotic of situations.
Offspring often learn a profession under their parents’ tutelage; ‘bring your child to work day’ is a daily occurance in Chigdee society. Males and females are regarded as equal partners in all fields of work.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Besorans(Anvil Galaxy)

“Say, you Hopelandians and us Besorans are a lot alike! We both got ‘nuked’! Only you ‘nuked’ yourselves and we got ‘nuked’ by an exploding star! You get by with advanced medicine and so do we! You’re trying to build a society that won’t repeat the mistakes of your past, and we’re trying to create a society that won’t collapse into anarchy again and reverse all the gains we’ve made! So there’s some differences, then, but maybe we can make some trade, help each other out...that’s the whole point of this Alliance thing, right?”

“Anywhere else, ‘dictatorship’ would mean ‘ insufferable tyranny’, but the Besorans seem to have had a different experience of it. Oh, sure, the Directors killed plenty of people; denied some food and medicine, ordered others executed for wasting resources or trying to overthrow the government, but they also made decisions under circumstances where there were no good alternatives. Each new Director built on the progress the previous ones made, and made their own hard decisions, and then, when the time was right, allowed themselves to be removed from office, those that didn’t keel over of natural causes while still seated that is. It’s telling that no ex-Director lived to enjoy a long retirement; virtually all of them took their own lives soon after vacating office and their usefulness was recognized as having ended.”

“You’re worried about a little toxic waste spill? On my homeworld, this accident hardly counts as a drain overflow! We’ve had to decontaminate several thousand acres of agricultural land around my home city alone! You really serious about your environment, a mess like this shouldn’t take you long at all to clean up in, oh eight-nine years or so.”

“Besorans would smile and laugh as you threw them off a cliff or into a foundry pit, as long as they knew their kids were growing up safe. It’s their people as a whole that matters to them, not themselves.”

Besorans are arguably a human-sept race who may have once had ties to baseline humanity(possible an Atlantean connection). Once a very human-looking people with global technological society approaching Early Interplanetary, the Besorans nearly lost it all in a series of calamities that severely altered their homeworld, solar system, and species.
The Besoran homeworld, Valkros, suffered a triple-whammy of catastrophe. Their solar system was within thirty light years of a supernova that went undetected until the first light shock arrived, followed in short order by the radiation front(known locally as The Deathshock), that severely irradiated their world. Ironically, a number of factors worked in the favor of the Besorans, mitigating some of the damage; a large nebula-like belt of debris outside Valkros’ orbit helped scatter some of the radiation, and an abundance of lead in the environment on Valkros meant that the Besorans had a high tolerance for lead poisoning, and thus made extensive use of lead-laced materials in their construction, providing them with a degree of shielding. Still, however, the planet took a hard hit, the environment taking severe damage.
Though Valkros managed to remain intact and borderline habitable, fighting amongst the survivors for untainted resources, and severe pollution as a result of environmental collapse and the wars nearly caused the extinction of the Besoran people.
Fortunately, the Besorans managed to stop just short of the brink, and the survivors pulled together, pooled their resources, and began comprehensive plans to salvage their world, though a positive outcome was by no means certain. The establishment of a series of what were effectively dictatorships wielding the total power to make sometimes harsh decisions in the allocation of resources didn’t seem to lighten the mood any, but also seemed to work in preventing subsequent collapses of organization. Under the Directors, the Besorans managed to reestablish global travel, set up systems of resource sharing, and painstakingly began a climb back to the stars.
Soon after the Besorans regained orbital space travel capabilities, they discovered the remains of an alien starship on one of their solar system’s larger asteroids. The vessel is believed to have also been a victim of the supernova shockwave, and was apparently damaged while transiting near the Kathos system, and came to grief trying to reach shelter or resources with which to affect repairs. The Besorans diverted enough of their expensive space capability to investigate the vessel and found much of it intact and salvageable, including a number of technologies that could be applied to their reconstruction efforts. It was while studying and experimenting with the wreck’s communications system that the Besorans triggered a subspace beacon that drew the attention of a passing Noro stellar survey starship and subsequent first contact(the Noro were astonished to find a civilization at the Besorans' level of development having managed to survive being in such proximity to a supernova).
Since contact, the Besorans have been eagerly, if cautiously, seeking to become involved in the greater galactic community. Part of it springs from a desire to acquire the resources and technologies to improve their well-being and speed the reconstruction of their world and society. Another factor is the desire to spread their people farther and wider across the cosmos so that another catastrophe doesn’t threaten their entire species with extinction.
Besorans as a species have been much altered by the irradiation of their world. Rampant genetic damage in their genome has resulted in, until fairly recently, skyrocket-high rates of cancer, sterility, and infant mortality. Besorans are heavily dependent on cybernetic implants and artificial organs to extend their lives, and genetic treatments to maintain their birthrate. All in all, though, Besorans consider themselves lucky as a species because they HAVEN’T gone extinct.
Unfortunately, Besorans somehow exude an almost palpable aura of death and foreboding, very much at odds with their actual personalities and attitudes. Whether this is some natural unconscious ability that the Besorans have grown inured to, or a result of some post-catastrophe mutation, is unknown, but Besorans seem to radiate a sense of menace that others perceive on a visceral level, Many outsiders regard them as appearing cruel and almost demonic in appearance and demeanor, as if living on a borderline hell has somehow rubbed off some of the hellishness on the inhabitants. This makes Besorans hard to approach, even when they’re trying to meet a stranger halfway.
The Besorans are fairly new to the greater galactic community; they do not yet produce their own starships, but rely on vessels purchased from others. They have tentatively joined the United Systems Alliance as a means of getting their toe into the greater ocean of galactic affairs, while benefitting from the USA’s trade and aid network. They have sent observers to a number of USA functions and services, including the military. They import a lot of advanced galactic medicine and biotech, while exporting electronics and heavy industrial equipment, including environmental modification equipment(recycling gear, pollution control, soil and air scrubbers,etc.).
To many outsiders, both the paramilitary organization and the autocratic government have combined to give the impression of a dark, gloomy, evil, totalitarian state menacing its neighbors. They tend to be surprised to find that the Besorans regard themselves as lucky and prospering under such conditions.

Alignments: Any, but generally(75%) are of Good or Selfish alignments
Lifespan: 80 years(up from several decades ago, when it was 55)
Size: 5-6 ft tall, 160-220 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual. Currently, though, Besoran courtship is heavily dependent on fertility and overall genetic health. Many Besorans may marry for love, but willingly raise children brought about as a result of insemination of or by others outside the pair.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Besorans are heavyset humanoids with pale, mottled, often diseased-looking skin, deep-set dark eyes, and dark teeth. They are generally(95%) hairless. They typically dress in dark-colored body armor, often with some sort of medical/therapeutic support built in, and generally look like death warmed over. Their voices tend to be low and gravelly.
Besorans tend to be pragmatic and self-sacrificing, willing and ready to make whatever necessary personal sacrifices to further the fortunes of their people.
For a people who have had so much bad happen to them, and who still carry such substantial scars from it, the Besorans are a surprisingly upbeat and friendly people. That’s because most Besorans feel that their race has definitely turned a corner and their fortunes are on the upswing, thanks in part to technologies and help they’ve acquired from offworld. Their birthrate is climbing, infant mortality is on the decline, blue skies show more frequently above their homeworld, and the planted zones are expanding. There’s a sense of optimism in the Besoran psyche, and the feeling that things are only going to get better. Thus, even the most scowl-faced Besoran is more likely to break out into a (fearsome, scary, but genuine) grin and talk about some tidbit of good news from their homeland, given an excuse.
This optimism continues in their daily lives; when faced with hardship(personal or in whatever group they’re with), they have a ‘grin and bear it’ philosophy, because the problem is generally not so bad as the prospect of their entire people going EXTINCT. They’re also quick to offer an optimistic assessment or words of encouragement to others(including non-Besorans) they see in distress, often relating it to their own people’s past problems(in graphic detail).
Some outsiders don’t know what’s worse, though: the hideous and frightening continence of the Besorans, or their cloying optimistic banter.
However, that clownish behavior can quickly turn cold and aggressive if Besorans feel their people are being threatened. Besorans will cold-bloodedly act, even sacrifice themselves, to protect the best interests of their people. Some observers claim that the Besorans ‘earn their darkness’ when so provoked.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+6
ME: 3d6+12
MA: 2d6
PS: 3d6+12
PP: 1d6+6
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 2d6+12
SPD: 6d6
Hit Points: 85
SDC: 170 + any from skills/O.C.C.s
MDC: By Body Armor or Bionics
Horror Factor: 14
Natural Abilities:
*Poison Resistance----Besorans get a +8 to save against toxic metal poisoning.
*Tainted Air Resistance---Besorans can breath tainted and low-oxygen content air. Inhaled irritants like asbestos, smoke, and CS(tear) gas agents do not affect them. Part of it a natural resistance, but also augmented lungs.

Psionics: None. Prior to the radiation wave, Besorans were average to Rifts Earth for the chance of psionic abilities. However, either all the psychics were killed off in the irradiation, or the genes for psionic ability were susceptible to radiation damage(one historical report has the more powerful/prolific psychics of the Besoran people spontaneously dying just hours before the arrival of the shockwave).
Magic: None; the Besorans have never had a tradition of magic use.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Besorans can be expected to have 1d6 cybernetic implants or artificial organs. Besorans do not as yet have the ability to produce full conversion cyborgs; the best they can do is partial cyborgs.
Available OCCs: Can be any high-tech-oriented OCC, except Full Conversion Cyborgs
RCC Skills:
Basic Maintenance & Repair(+12%)
Basic Electronics (+12%)
Oxygen Systems(+5%)
Skills of Note:
The Besorans place a great emphasis on engineering and technical skills, so Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer skills get a bonus of +10%,
Besoran society is organized along paramilitary lines, with military units supplementing families; children are mutually raised by the members of the unit or cadre, older veterans sharing their expertise with younger, less-experienced novices. Despite this military-style organization and authoritarian management, the Besoran government genuinely cares for its citizens, offering them universal healthcare and basic living. Besoran citizens undergo regular health screenings to confirm their genetic viability and to track what medical treatments are appropriate for their continued well-being.
ALL Besorans are expected to spend time maintaining the municipal life support systems and have a knowledge of their communal biosystems, including the air filtration systems and hydroponics gardens. Truck gardens are a big thing on Valkros, and capsule gardens are commonplace in Besoran households.
In recent decades, the government has increasingly been able to mandate mandatory vacation time for Besoran citizens; this move has been seen as another sign of improving conditions.

Solar System(Kathos)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Blue Dwarf
Number of Planets: 6
-Asteroid(Kemopos)---A Titan-sized asteroid/planetismal
-Terrestrial(Valkros)---System Lifeworld, borderline shatterworld
-Exotic----This section of the Kathos star system is occupied by an exceptionally dense ring of dust and gas. While this ring has historically been an impediment to Valkrosian astronomy, it is also believed to have proven a barrier to much of the radiation wave that struck the Kathos system, and spared Valkros a far worse irradiating.
-Terrestrial(Deosian)---A small Mars-like world, Deosian took the radiation wave even harder than Valkros, and lost much of its already thin atmosphere. The radiation wave also annihilated the small scientific base that the Besorans had managed to establish there before the Wave. While at one time Deosian was considered, like Earth’s Mars, as a logical offworld colony site, the Besorans now consider the planet virtually off limits and effectively haunted by the dead astronauts that perished there.
-Asteroid(Dytstra)---This planetismal has become the Besorans’ outer system space station and way station for extrasolar flight. It was also on Dytstra that the Besorans discovered the remains of the alien ship that introduced them to Galactic technology.
-Gas Giant(Endries)---Prior to the supernova, Endries; upper atmosphere had a bluish tinge to it; post-shockwave, the planet now has an angry orange coloration to it, the result of an unusual chemical reaction triggered by the spike in radiation hitting the planet’s atmosphere(some Besoran astronomers have speculated that a previously unknown ecosystem of Endriesian windborne microflora may have been killed off by the radiation). While there are signs of the coloration fading due to circulation of the atmosphere, the change is still very striking and obvious. Besorans claim that in addition to ‘Valkros burning’, ‘Endries bled’.

Valkros was once a small, but lush, Earth-like world, but the Deathshock killed off most of the natives and over 60% of the native species. Currently, Valkros is a dusty-green world; global dust storms are a constant hindrance to air travel, despite the best efforts to replant vast swathes of land that became deserts during the die-off.
Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: Small; 9,000 km.
Gravity: Average; 0.9 g
Temperature: Warm; on the hot side, with average temperatures ranging in the 70-80 degree F range.
Unusual/Special Features:
Atmosphere: Dense; the Besoran atmosphere is dense enough that those without augmented lungs may need to decompress when leaving the planet. The atmosphere is also still saturated with particulate matter and substantial levels of carbon dioxide and trace chemicals. One problem of note with the air has been a few species of airborne molds and algae that mutated during the eco-collapse, and which bloomed to near-toxic levels. Even in the modern day, mold-clouds can cause severe allergic reactions and respiratory illness in the unwary.
Valkros possesses a variety of terrain types, though broad plains/dry lake bottoms are prevalent.
Valkros also possesses Unusual Mineralogy of late: a number of surface-laying mineral beds have shown signs of reacting to the irradiation to form a variety of previously unknown compounds. While some of these altered minerals have proven poisonous, a few have proven useful to industry, especially in the manufacture of ceramic semiconductors.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Copper
- Lead
- Tin
- Magnesium
- Asbestos
- Platinum
- Talc
- Samarskite
Hydrosphere: Balanced; roughly 48% of the planet’s surface is covered by open water.
Biosphere: Was once Lush, but is now Sparse.
365 million(was once 6 billion)
Roughly equivalent to Early Space Age. The Besorans have fusion power and advanced computing abilities, but have only fairly recently imported antigravity technologies and genetic engineering. They build their own local space spacecraft, but rely on starships bought from others for their star travel capabilities.
Industrial, with repairs to the ecology starting with plant species that can be used to feed the population or act as feedstocks for industry.
Effectively Depressed. While employment is near-total, the economy is still geared towards reconstruction, though things have been steadily improving from the near-total collapse of the DeathShock years. Post-DeathShock Besorans are not big on materialism, aside from working to preserve relics of the past. Still, the government has been able, especially of late, been able to provide citizens with basic sustenance, housing, and medical care.
Autocracy, with shades of a Militocracy. Ultimate power and decision making devolves upon The Director(of Restoration), who is usually the strongest and most intelligent of the paramilitary officials running the reconstruction. There have been seven Directors since the DeathShock; three women and four men. The current Director, Sharbos Krai, has held the office for thirty years, and seems set to establish a record for time in the Directorship, as his reign has been thankfully free of some of the more unpopular measures his predecessors have had to take .
Law Level:
Totalitarian---The government runs EVERYTHING, including peoples’ private lives, and everything is subverted to promote species survival. While there are some individual freedoms(people can still love, but who you breed with is dictated by the Genetic Viability and Fertility Boards, and relationships that interfere with work/survival are discouraged(and sometimes outright ended by decree). Besorans are still allowed to engage in various recreations and entertainment, but recreation that uses up exorbitant amounts of resources, or damages the recovering environment, are prohibited.
Popular; surprisingly the totalitarian autocratic state actually works for the Besorans, who have come to accept that harsh conditions sometimes require drastic responses. There have been some dissenters, especially those who have been barred from reproducing because of unacceptable genetic damage/mutation, but the policies of the government, though sometimes harsh, seem to have born fruit in recent improvements of the standard of living and an increasing population.
Stable, the Besoran Restoration Council has managed to coordinate recovery efforts for the past three generations.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Aurelog Goblins
(aka ‘Golden Goblins’)

“Madame wishes a dress of gold? For tomorrow’s ball? Be aware that a gold dress of such as she describes would be much too heavy for easy movement, unless it is shaped to be quite thin and...skintight...Ah, this does not present a problem to her? We can make it lighter if we do away with any seams or closures, but there will be an extra charge if Madame wishes one of us to accompany her...discreetly, of course, to let her in and out of her dress as she wishes. Then, let us set a price for our services, and let us be about the business of fitting Madame for her celebration.”

“Forget about ever seeing those statuettes ever again, milord; there’s an aurelog ghetto not far from here. Those relics are probably already a thousand rings and bracelets gracing a hundred households as ‘family heirlooms’ we can’t touch even if we could search every house in the city.”

“A most unusual request, this, but these are most unusual times, are they not? Soft as gold may be, wrapping fifteen-weight in gold banding around the arms will be as effective as steel handcuffs, plus the same on each leg, will hobble quite well. Of course, unwrapping the presentations may prove problematic unless we work mechanisms into the metal, or unless you wish one of us to stand by? For an extra service charge, of course.”

Aurelog are a variant sept of goblinkind, and are found on the world of Kaldia(New Providence to the Greater New England colonists there).
Aurelog are distinguished mainly from their goblin relatives by having a talent for shaping gold and silver; with simply a touch and a thought, these metals can become soft as modeling clay. What would take a hot smelter or hours of cold-hammering, Aurelog can do in seconds or minutes, without heat or kinetic force. The Aurelog can thus cold-shape gold and silver with exquisite delicacy and little chance of damage to bare flesh in the case of jewelry and metal-cloth.
Because of their talents, Aurelog are both prized as craftsmen to the wealthy and despised as criminals, as organized crime uses them to dispose of gold and silver . Despite, or because, of their abilities with gold and silver, the Aurelog do not place the same value on the metals as other species do. To the Aurelog, gold and silver are simply interesting playthings or an artistic media, and, though they may collect gold and silver, they do not see it as wealth. They also often work as money-changers and coinage launderers, and their experience with handling metallic coingae gives them a keen eye for appraising goods and spotting counterfeit coins.
During the recent Shelthi invasions from the north, the Aurelog have tried to remain neutral but ran into violent discrimination and persecution because of their relation and resemblance to the monstrous Shelthi, and because the Shelthi often funneled their loot into Aurelog hands to be remade. There has also been a great deal of resentment because many humans have given their valuable metals to the Aurelog to pay for weapons in the war, and this has engendered no small amount of ill will towards the non-human money-changers. For most Aurelog, the wars are an unwelcome nuisance and disruption of business(even with the increased traffic of gold and silver); the Shelthi are uncivilized brutes who rarely ever commission exquisite and artistic goldwork(aside from a few chieftains’ regalia and the occassional bit of showy frippery drapped on prized slaves) and most of the rest of the species involved in the war have no time to buy art. The intervention of GNE troops in the Shelthi war is seen as a generally positive thing, as the GNE treats the Aurelog no worse than anybody else, and generally better.

Alignments: Any, but most (70%) Aurelog are Anarchist or Unprincipled
Lifespan: 85 years
Size: 3-4 ft+2d4 inches tall, 50-100 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual. Theur birthrate is somewhat lower and slower than other goblins; roughly a quarter less than the norm, so their population growth is fairly slow.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Slightly taller and thinner than baseline goblins, with a more brownish-yellow/tan coloration to the skin. Eyes tend to bronze tints. As urbanized types, they are often well-dressed by local standards.
Business-like and clannish. In private, they are very artistic and very proud of their art talents which they like showing off to their kin, but using them for others(non- Aurelog) they are all business, and expect to be paid for their services. They don;t readily accept outisders as equals or anything other than strictly business associates, but if dealt with regularly and consistantly fairly, they can warm to favored patrons and regular customers. They are cool in attitude towards their goblin relatives, a stance that is reciprocated, in part because the Aurelog are more tolerant of humans and other species who the goblins have traditionally predated on, and because of their ‘civilized’ ways. The Aurelog also tend to be sympathetic towards troglodytes.
Physical Attributes:
ME: 3d6
MA: 2d6+3
PS: 2d6+2
PP: 3d6+4
PB: 2d6
PE: 3d6
SPD:3d6 (1d6 digging)
(ISP): By Psionic Class
(PPE): 7d6
Hit Points: 60+P.E.+1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 10 +any from OCCs and skills
Horror Factor:---
Natural Abilities:
*Possess normal Goblin abilities with regards to tunneling
*Shape Metal(Gold and Silver)----In the hands of an Aurelog, these soft metals become even softer, like wet clay, and can be bent and stretched cold with ease. Removing the touch(and attendant will) and the metal instantly assumes its normal cold hardness.
*Appraise Gold/Silver---With a touch, Aurelog can instantly tell the gold or silver content of a metal/object.
Psionics: Standard
Magic: None.
Aurelog have LOST the random chance of being Cobbler Goblins. They can still use magic items/technowizardry, but cannot produce such items themselves.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None. The idea , introduced by the GNE settlers on New Providence, is still too new, but the Aurelog dislike it already.
Available OCCs: Any , but most Aurelog prefer tradesmen and craftsmen-oriented professions.
RCC Skills:
Appraise Goods(+15%)
Skills of Note:
Art skills applicable to metalworking(particularly Sculpture/Engraving) get a +5%, +10% if taken twice.
Clannish and family-oriented. Aurelog form extended family clans that often form interlocking business chains. Aurelog tend to be more urbanized than most other goblin races, and can live quite well in built-up areas with other species. However, they tend to value their privacy, and their residences are rarely open to others. They also tend to like deep cellars and access to underground systems, the better to hide their wealth and move about without being bothered. In this, they often are in competition with traditionalist Dwarves, though a few very lucrative partnerships have been struck up between the two peoples..
Since the opening of Kaldia to regular dimensional gate/starship service, it is possible that Aurelog may be found offworld, either enticed to seek work elsewhere, or fleeing the war sweeping Kaldia.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Anthanatos »

Species III (Altess Space)

Coladin – red skinned humanoid species, average height and build, hair and eye color range across the spectrum. Dress and mannerisms similar to early 19th century Earth, with fewer nationality distinctions. Technology is likewise in the early industrial age, with a blend of magic giving things a “steampunk” vibe. Varying government types, although key nation that has interest or partial control in nearly half of the world are enlightened imperialists ruled by a royal family. Magic is a part of everyday life, with most member of the population having access to some simple magicks, and universities teaching magicks as a foundational skill. Although population magic capable, the world itself is limited in that it is not teeming with visible ley lines, although there are several mystically significant sites scattered across the world.
Altess keep the system secure with automated defense satellites and mines, concealed to prevent detection by primitive astronomers. The Dynasty has been watching their species evolve for millennia. Two thousand years ago, the Coladin were devastated when in an elaborate experiment they opened a RIFT, allowing minions of splugorth to spill out into their world, enslaving hundreds of thousands prior to the Coladin managing to close the RIFT, at great cost, and fighting a prolonged war to eradicate the remnants of the invading force. The Altess were debating on whether or not to get involved, but by the time a decision was reached to assist, the RIFT had been closed. The Coladin refer to the various minions of splugorth they are familiar with as servants of the Great Enemy. Dimensional magics have ever since been banned by the Coladin, with summoning magics being limited.

Alignment: Varies
Physical Attributes (averages in parentheses): IQ: 3d6 +4 (14) ME: 3d6 (10) MA: 3d6 +4 (14) PS: 3d6 (10)
PP: 3d6 (10) PE: 3d6 +4 (14) PB: 3d6 +4 (14) Spd: 3d6 (10)
Hit Points: PE +1d6 per level
SDC: 10 plus those gained from skills
PPE: 1d4x10 +10 or by O.C.C. +1d4x10
Natural Abilities: Capable of channeling their PPE into devices, trained at an early age to do so.
Combat: Two without combat training, or those gained from hand to hand combat and/or boxing.
Psionics: Standard, same as humans.
Average Life Span: 80 years.
Skills of Note: Language and Literacy: Coladin 98%. +10% to Lore: Magic skill if taken, due to prevalence in their cultures.
Size: 5’10” to 6’4” for men, women are 6” shorter on average.
Weight: 150lbs to 220lbs, 120lbs to 150lbs for women.

White Star System (aka Voidwalker System, aka Eye in the Dark, aka Blank System)
One of a handful of exotic systems in the Anvil Galaxy, the White Star System defies classification, and is a point of reference in stellar cartography. Although one of the brightest objects in the galaxy, emits minimal heat. A territory under Altess control, various other power blocks have satellites in system for monitoring the anomaly that is the White Star.
WS1 – small asteroid field orbiting closest to the star.
WS2 – Huge terrestrial planet, high gravity, has high concentrations of diamond beneath its frozen surface.
WS3 – second tiny asteroid field, has high ice content
WS4 – Gargantuan terrestrial planet with heavy gravity, freezing desert world, notable for a series of pinkish rings (high corundum concentration). Corrosive atmosphere. Lifeless.
WS5 – Enormous gas giant, scorching hot light gravity world with a slow rotation (takes just over 8 terestrial days for one day/night cycle to pass), revolves around the sun at a 30 degree angle as compared to rest of system bodies. Also noted has 16 moons. Planetary core produces scorching levels of heat.
WS6 – Minuscule gas giant with little gravity, temperate, notable for a series of rings (rings appear multicolored, although are primarily quartz and is a prismatic effect).
WS7 – third minuscule asteroid field, not noteworthy.
WS8 – Gas giant, cold, ringed world, with a 45 degree revolution as compared to rest of system bodies.
WS9 “Caladin” – Large temperate terrestrial planet with average gravity, tilted on its axis in such a way that approximately 10% of world is always in the sun, and another 10% is perpetually dark. Also, noted for its odd revolution, that brings it into what would be the orbital path of WS8 if it orbited the same plane – about once every thousand years the two worlds pass close by, although not close enough to cause any lasting harm. Noted also for its 15 moons (used by the natives as an astrological guide, with everyone being able to say which moon they were born under, and some rare instances of being born under two or even three full moons). Balanced hydrosphere, just over 50% of the planet consists of oceans, lakes, and rivers, and a moderate biosphere, with few natural predators threatening the 8 billion inhabitants.

VaReshi – felinoid species, with females outnumbering males 3 to 1. Primitive species that have reached a tipping point, with a record population of 4 million spread across 18 tribes and hundreds of sub-tribes across the planet. In addition to the natural predators (various dinosaurs and related monstrosities), which present an ongoing struggle, more and more VaReshi are struggling with starvation. Some tribes have resorted to euthanasia or cannibalism to prevent mass starvation. Additionally, tribal warfare has become more prominent as a result of decreased resources. All tribes have distinct style of dress and/or tribal markings adorning their bodies. Weapons are prevalent, consisting of MDC stone knives and spear tips. No more advanced weapons. Clothing consists of animal hides, bones, occasional exo-skeleton from large insect species. Simple metal jewelry or pretty stones with leather binding for jewelry for those of higher status. Aggressive racial supremacists.
Up until five centuries ago, the Altess used the homeworld as a place for dangerous sports hunting, but stopped doing so when the VaReshi were spotted attempting to imitate their behaviors and dress. Since, the world has become isolated, but closely monitored by their Altess caretakers.

Alignment: Anarchist or Miscreant, due to harsh conditions on homeworld.
Physical Attributes (averages in parentheses): IQ: 3d6 (10) ME: 3d6 (10) MA: 3d6 (10) PS: 3d6 (10)
PP: 4d6 +8 (22) PE: 4d6 +6 (20) PB: 4d6 +6 (20) Spd: 4d6 +8 (22)
MDC: PE +10 +1d6/lvl (33)
PPE: 2d6
Natural Abilities: low light vision, enhanced hearing, Prowl skill at +10%, Climb skill at +10%, +50% to speed if moving on all fours. 1d6 MDC claw damage, 1 MDC bit damage. Regenerate 1d6/12 hours.
Combat: Per hand to hand: basic, +2, or +1 with any other form of combat training.
Psionics: 01 Master Psionics, 02-05 Minor Psionics.
Average Life Span: 60 years, although most are killed prior to reaching their life expectancy.
Skills of Note: Language: VaReshi – base skill 50 %, +5% per level. If tracking skills are taken, get a +10% bonus to those skills.
Size: 5’10” to 6’4” for men, women are 6” shorter on average.
Weight: 170lbs to 250lbs, 135lbs to 170lbs for women.

Cerebus System
Trinary star system consisting of an orange dwarf star, a blue dwarf star, and a blue supergiant.
C1 – Gas giant with minuscule gravity, thick atmosphere prevents any heat or light from the stars from penetrating, resulting in a cold world.
C2 – A tiny gas giant with negligible gravity – by all accounts should not exist. Hot, with a rapid rotation of 30 minutes.
C3 – a microscopic terrestrial planet with minuscule gravity, freezing, with a balanced hydrosphere and thin biosphere. Planet is mostly Bismuth.
C4 “VaReshi” – Huge terrestrial world with standard gravity, temperate, normal atmosphere with some pockets of increased oxygen. Moist hydrosphere, with roughly 73% of the planet consisting of oceans, lakes, and rivers. Much of land consists of jungles and canyons.
C5 - Huge gas giant with punishing gravity, frozen, tilted at a 45 degree axis to its star(s), radiates a strong EM field that plays havoc with any ships attempting to approach.
C6 – Terrestrial world with average gravity, frigid temperatures, thin atmosphere, moist hydrosphere (80% of planet is frozen ocean), remaining 20% is active volcanic zones. Planet is surrounded by a strange energy field, not visible, but that causes debilitating pain to any psionic creatures that approach the world.
C7 – Gargantuan gas giant with punishing gravity, hot, atmosphere is extremely corrosive to metals.
C8 – Large gas giant, low gravity, scorching hot.

Zarin – amphibians. Originated on the sixth planet of the Crown Pointe System, a world with high gravity (four times normal; five times normal for a brief period each year). Thin atmosphere, water world, geographically little variation, shallow (100’ deep with little variation). Despite high gravity and thin atmosphere, world is teeming with life, vibrant ecology. Sentient, dominant inhabitants are the Zarin, bipedal amphibians with blue/green phosphorescent skin and four arms. Hands and feet are webbed, arms webbed, chest is rounded. The Zarin live in cavern cities beneath the shallow oceans. Their technology is on par with galactic standards, with advancements in gravity technologies exceeding galactic standard. In addition to their homeworld, have established a colony on a world in a nearby (10 ly away) system.
Zarin have starships, remain hidden in caverns beneath their world and colony, have hulls made from materials including metals from CP2 and CP3, which greatly reduces damage from plasma and laser weaponry by 90%, and also results in their ships being easier to repair. Have gravity beam weapons which do less damage than standard weapons, but ignore shields, and are more likely to cause hull breaches.

Alignment: Principled or unprincipled.
Physical Attributes (averages in parentheses): IQ: 3d6 +3 (13) ME: 3d6 (10) MA: 3d6 (10) PS: 3d6 +12 (22)
PP: 3d6 -1 (9) PE: 3d6 (10) PB: 3d6 (10) Spd: 3d6 +4 (14)/x3 swimming
MDC: PE +100 +1d6/lvl (113)
PPE: 2d6
Natural Abilities: Low light vision, +1 extra attack/action, amphibious – can breathe underwater indefinitely with sufficient oxygenation. Can lift/carry 4x normal in standard gravity. Swim +30%. Move at triple speed swimming.
Combat: +1 extra attack/action.
Psionics: 01-05 Master Psionics, 06-30 Minor Psionics.
Average Life Span: 300 years.
Skills of Note: Language and Literacy: Trade One 98%.
Size: 6’ to 7’, with females indistinguishable from males.
Weight: 400 to 500 lbs.

Crown Pointe System
Single red dwarf star.
CP1 – Gas giant, elliptical orbit sometimes brings it dangerously close CP 2 or to the star, creating firestorms that spread across the planet. Extreme gravity, thick atmosphere, with a neutronium core!
CP2 – Large gas giant, light gravity, frozen world that rotates on a 90 degree axis, seeming to “roll” around on its orbit. Has 17 moons as well as a ring system. Once every 9 months, near orbit of CP1 causes this world to emit a harmonic wave similar to a powerful grav engine. Mercury-like atmosphere, non-combustible. Occasionally loses a moon.
CP3 – Large terrestrial planet with extreme gravity, cool, elliptical orbit that sometimes brings it near CP2. Dry world, corrosive atmosphere that breaks minerals down into their constituent parts.
CP4 – Minuscule gas giant, minuscule gravity, temperate atmosphere, elliptical orbit sometimes brings it near CP3 where some of its atmosphere is bled away.
CP5 “Zarin” – Large terrestrial ocean world with extreme gravity, temperate atmosphere, verdant biosphere. Population of approximately 2 million Zarin live in cavern cities beneath world-spanning shallow oceans. Increased oxygen content in oceans, are teeming with life.
CP6 – Large gas giant with low gravity, frigid temperatures, slow revolution, with each day/night cycle lasting just over a standard year.
CP7 – Microscopic terrestrial planet, minuscule gravity, freezing temperature, moist hydrosphere, lifeless, geologicaly unstable world with a nitrogen atmosphere.
CP8 – Asteroid field.
CP9 – Enormous terrestrial planet, average gravity, cool temperatures, normal atmosphere, dry, unusual geology, 10 moons.
CP10 – Tiny gas giant, cool, high gravity.
Last edited by Anthanatos on Mon Jul 29, 2019 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by 13eowulf »

Anthanatos wrote:Species III (Altess Space)

Might I suggest a removal of the image links?
I think I get why they are there, but that may cause some to consider it crossing the "no conversions" foul line.
Oderint Dum Metuant.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Sebastian »

I was going to do the "Knights of Poland", but then I read the Cyber-Knights book and understood why in my Mercenary Adventures SOURCEBOOK it said no animals nor cyber-knights could do the Headhunters Academy. So, I can not do rifts anymore; I understand. But I'll still be buying some books. They're greatly written for future adventures for my Role-Playing herald.
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