Random Roll Space Patrols

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Random Roll Space Patrols

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Random Roll Space Patrols!

“You are under arrest, for violation of Asenti Territorial Protocol Delta! Disengage your drives, power down your weapons, leave your communications open, assemble in front of your main airlock, undress completely, then stand with your hands in the air, facing away from the airlock, and await further instructions from the boarding team. Do NOT resist. Cooperate and you will not be harmed. Failure to comply will result in harm befalling you. ”

“The Verdian Watch is one of the harshest and efficient anti-pirate patrols in the Orsini Arm. Ironic, because the Verdian Watch consists almost entirely OF ex-pirates, who retired to the haven-worlds in the Thatcheld Cluster and who got sick and tired of criminal elements poaching their supply lines and disrupting their good lives. In some cases, all the old cutthroats did was change the insignia on their old corsairs before they went back out as lawmen.”

Sooner or later, your band of merry space adventurers are going to encounter some form of the Law...it could be a local system customs cutter or a contract-patrol pocket-dreadnought coming up on you, wanting to know who you are and what you’re doing in this particular sector of space. Or maybe you have a sudden need of assistance, and they’re the first to respond.
Not all space patrols are made equal, though. Some are local efforts made of what amount to deputized volunteers, while others are an extension of a galactic power bloc’s armed services. Some are restricted in their actions by rigid codes of conduct and law, while others take a more liberal interpretation of the laws they’re supposed to be enforcing. Some are paragons of altruism, while others are little better than pirates.

A. Sponsorship
B. Size
C. Jurisdiction:
D. Purpose:
E. Alignment:
F. Level of Experience
G. Weapons and Equipment
H. Ships
I. Firepower
J.. Headquarters
K. Sensors
L. Response Time
M. Special Quirks
N. (Optional) Special Features:
0. (Optional) Special Shortcomings

A. Sponsorship
“This is Belter Patrol, and we really want to know who the hell you are and what you’re doing sniffing around these rocks.”

Who is the backer of the local space patrol? This often goes hand in hand with the area of responsibility and region of jurisdiction over which the organization holds authority.

01-10% Vigilantes---The patrol is put together out of ‘concerned citizens’ who have pooled their resources and established themselves as the law. -10% to Alignment and -25% to Equipment.
15-25% Station Watch---The equivalent of Harbor Patrol; this organization doesn’t go far beyond a certain distance of their home base, such as near orbit or the moon system around a gas giant. As such they’re backed by the main government body aboard the space station or nearby colony. -40% to Jurisdiction.
26-55% Local System---The equivalent of a State Water Patrol. They’re responsible for a good portion , if not the entirety, of a solar system. -20% to Jurisdiction.
56-75% Large Government---The equivalent of the Federal Coast Guard. +10% to Jurisdiction, +15% to Ships and Equipment.
76-90% Corporation---The space cops are essentially an extension of corporate security, and will protect company properties and interests first as a priority. -10% to Alignment, +10% to Equipment.
91-00% Contract Organization---Whether a private security firm or a large quasi-government institution like the TMC, these groups tend to be loyal to their company policies first and the local laws second. They tend to have an edge in equipment and training to make them competitive to locally-raised police; +20% to Ships, +10% to Level of Experience, and +15% to Equipment.

B. Size
“...wow...I didn’t think there were that many patrol cutters in the entire galaxy...and they’re all coming at....us.”

How large a force are you likely to encounter?

01-35%-Squad/Flight----Small band, usually operating out of a single ship, with maybe one or two auxiliaries. They tend to be able to deal with only one situation at a time, and will be badly over-stretched by a crime wave or multiple intruders in their area of responsibility.

36-65%-Squadron---- This consists of 4-6 ships, offering the cops some tactical flexibility.

66-80%-Wing---- Wings usually consist of 8-10 vessels.

81-99%-Flotilla---- A flotilla can consist of 10-40 vessels.

-00%-Armada--------The space cops have at their disposal the equivalent of an Army Group and a Fleet of fifty ships or more.

C. Jurisdiction:

“Sorry, Officer Plex, but your authority ends at the heliopause. You want to continue chasing that ‘runner, you’re going to need permission from the Outer Rim Authority on Pascal’s Find, sixteen hours’ reply time away by message laser. And no, ‘hot pursuit’ hasn’t applied to the Abyss since the Void War, don’t you remember?”

How far is the particular arm of the law allowed to reach? Note that even if a space patrol can’t pursue you out of a star system, they may still be able to send out a warning to other branches of the same service, or to allies who can continue the pursuit.

01-50% Near-Space----The patrol’s authority extends only a limited distance from a planetary body, such as stopping at the perimeter of circum-lunar space, or the asteroid belt. This may mean that several different law enforcement groups may divide up jurisdictions inside a single solar system, reflecting different departments in a government, or several different factions/governments(Earthers, Belters, Deepspacers) occupying a system.
51-80% ExtraSolar----The patrol has authority to pursue criminals outside the solar system and to others, within the territorial limits of a stellar polity, or that of its allies.
81-99% ExtraGalactic---The organization can pursue criminals to other galaxies to bring them to justice.
-00% Extradimensional----These lawmen just don’t stop. If they can acquire the means, they can follow a criminal to another reality if they must. Odds are, these folks don’t care about TIME either.

D. Purpose:

“We MIGHT have gotten off with just a warning for unauthorized travel through Arzac space if not for your damned stim-sticks. Now we’re facing drug-trafficking charges!!!”

While space patrols are expected to fill a variety of roles, the unit encountered may have a specific purpose it is specially charged with pursuing. This may be to the exception of all else, but don’t count on it. For example, the Arzac Purity Patrols are experts at sniffing out narcotic contraband, but ignore pornography and knockoff merchandise, while the OLdo Hands of Gentle Correction will -burn- anybody possessing sexual stimulation media. The Edenite EcoPatrol is specially equipped to scan incoming ships for potential biohazards that could threaten the system’s pristine environmental resources and farms. This isn’t to say that such organizations will ignore other obvious infractions of the law, but it may indicate how far they’re willing to go to pursue specific criminal behaviors.

01-20% Territorial Trespass---The patrol is most interested in deterring unauthorized trespass into their area of space. This could be a restricted planet, valuable asteroid belt, scientific or military zone. These cops will frequently have access to long range scanners(+15% to Sensors)
21-40% Safety Patrol ---The space patrol is looking for vessels operating dangerously or in distress. In general, their sensors can more quickly determine if a ship’s drives have been modified.
41-45% Gene Policing---The patrol is on the lookout for illegal genetic engineering, such as smuggled biotech, unauthorized/undocumented clones or bio-mods. They typically carry advanced bio-scanners that can quickly search for alterations in DNA and germ plasm.
46-60% Anti-Piracy---The Patrol’s on the hunt for pirates.
61-75% Anti-Smuggling---The patrollers are on the lookout for smugglers. Could be anything from untaxed liquor to illicit technology.
76-85% Anti-Slavery----The astro-cops are on the prowl for traffickers in enslaved sentients. They frequently carry advanced life sign detectors to look for undeclared passengers.
86-95% War Zone Policing---There’s a war going on and the patrol is a third party policing the outskirts of the war zone, working to keep innocents from wandering into danger, or outside parties from getting involved and stoking the situation into a bigger conflict.
96-00% Xeno-Quarantine----The patrol is trying to contain or keep out alien organisms and pathogens. They typically have access to a network of sensors and warning buoys.

E. Alignment:
“Officer Leroy here likes to shoot things. Officer Bork, on the other hand, likes to patch things up. They’ve both gotten pretty good at it. Between them, they can keep a suspect on acute discomfort, but little actual chance of dying, for a LONG time. Now, about what you were doing here?”

Space Patrols are generally of the law-abiding type, but individual crews can vary in their interpretation and execution of those laws. The general alignment of a space patrol organization or crew can also hint at their possible susceptibility to being bribed, turned, or corrupted.

01-03% Diabolic---Very rare, but rumors persist of some ‘lawmen’ so corrupt and evil that there’s little difference between them and the pirates they’re supposed to hunt.
04-09% Aberrant---Besides treating the evidence lockers like their own equipment room, Aberrant officers interpret the law in their own twisted fashion. This could include behaviors such as ‘culling’ suspected criminals ‘for the good of society’ or holding their own courts(where suspects may be forced to engage in trial by combat in order to win their freedom).
10-18% Miscreant--- These law enforcers are out to line their own pockets, first and foremost; this is the typical ‘corrupt cop’ hitting up passersby for protection money, bribes, and whatever they can confiscate.
19-25% Anarchist--- These ‘policemen’ play hard and loose with the law as the mood strikes them. They tend to abuse ‘individual discretion’ when it comes to choosing which laws to enforce and who to enforce them on. They may let an Altess off with a warning(thanks to a flash of some flesh and a bribe) and then throw the book at a Ratling(because he ‘smelled funny’).
26-35% Unprincipled--- Law enforcers of this alignment are of the mild ‘donut and free coffee’ level of corruption in that they rarely say no to anything freely offered them by people of good standing, though they will refuse obvious bribe attempts. They’ll overlook minor infractions in return for a favor or two.
36-60% Scrupulous---These space-coppers adhere to the law, but occasionally see fit to bend it if they sense a rat; bending laws to interpret them enough to hold suspects, roughing up particularly obnoxious thugs, or agents of particularly odious organizations, and will occasionally use unauthorized equipment or tactics to secure a situation.
61-00% Principled---By the book, by the law. Principled cops stick to the spirit and the letter of the law. As much as it may irk them to let some despicable piece of scum go on a technicality, or treat with kid gloves when the emotional impulse is to beat them down, the police will abide by the law. On the other hand, they will be relentless in pursuit, and using every legal means to enforce the law.

F. Level of Experience
“I most DEFINITELY said ‘set blasters for STUN’.”

Just how competent are these people? Experienced police are less likely to startle and overreact, and they know the tricks criminals use. On the negative side, experienced police also know all the tricks to covering their misbehavior if you wind up facing corrupt ones.

01-10% Newbie Squad----Either just out of training or recently organized and not fully up on the whole law enforcement thing. Typically 1d4 levels of experience.
11-60% Experienced----2d4 levels of experience
61-90% Veteran---2d6 levels of experience
91-00% Elite---These are the top cops in the upper echelon; 13-15th level of experience.

G. Weapons and Equipment
“Like the restraints, Shadow? Special smart cuffs. Smarter than you.”

How are these people equipped for trouble?

01-10% Dregs---The authorities have either low-grade civilian-grade gear or long obsolete/surplus government issue.
11-70% Police/Militia Standard---This gear is one or two levels below military-grade in power or durability.
71-90% Military-Grade---The stuff is indistinguishable from what the military is currently using.
91-00% Cutting Edge--- The organization has customized advanced special equipment, such as personal invincibility shields, stasis-field projectors, control system hackers, tractor fields, and the like.

H. Ships
“The Vhizzer-270s are incredible ships; fast, responsive, well-armed, but utterly lacking in accommodations for transporting prisoners. You either have to wait around idling your engines for a slower transport to show up to take your prisoners into custody, or you gotta drag them in spacesuits behind you all the way back. One of my officers did exactly that. Perp scream-confessed the whole pirate battle plan on the way back, but a lawyer got the confession thrown out because it was ‘coerced’.”

How is the organization kitted out with spacecraft? Generally space patrols aim to be have faster spacecraft than the civilian fleets, and ideally better than any pirate vessels.
Ironically, space patrol ship type dispositions often mirror the pirate groups that are the most common opponents of the law.

01-05% Modified Civilian Shuttle---The cheapest and most readily available ships, civilian shuttles lack range, endurance, and capacity, but are available and visible just about everywhere, can be readily serviced from open market parts and services, and can be replaced fairly easily. They tend to be poorly suited for police work, however, so only the poorer organizations use them.

06-12% Military Assault Shuttle---Heavily armed and armored, assault shuttles are good choices for raiding pirate hideouts and boarding suspect vessels. A favorite of security and mercenary companies.

13-18% Local Space Fighter--- Non-FTL fighters, mainly found with planetary militia and system defense forces. Fairly common in local star system space patrols. Might want to invest in a mothership for them if you’re planning on going interstellar.

19-20% FTL Fighter --- These are more advanced models that can be used for scouting and interdiction across several star systems. They’re generally reserved for the military, however, so few space patrols have them.

21-25% Small Civilian Freighter----Readily available and easily modified, light freighters are very popular with lower end security forces and covert ops units, but their overall lack of firepower and military speed can prove a liability.

26-30% Medium Civilian Freighter----Another readily available ship type, and common with covert ops law enforcement groups.

31-34% Heavy Civilian Freighter---Easy to come by, but tend to be less agile and requiring more manpower to crew and operate. Generally too slow to be used for patrol duties, HCFs are more commonly used for satellite tending duties or, in civilian guise, as camouflaged ‘Q-ships’ to bait pirates into traps.

35-36% SuperHeavy Civilian Freighter---These giants are slow, but can carry a lot of cargo, or can be modified into decent motherships for smaller craft. Some space patrols, especially vigilante groups, use converted bulkers as motherships.

37-54% Military Patrol Ship---Larger than a fighter, MPS’s often have the speed to intercept most merchant ships, making them a good match for pirates. Their range and endurance on long deployments, however, may limit their effectiveness. Still, they are the most common vessels associated with law enforcement space patrols.

55-56% Depot Ship/Tender/Mobile Shipyard---Depot and Shipyard ships are invaluable craft for keeping a flotilla going in deep space, refining and distributing fuel, as well as providing repairs and modification work, servicing sensor satellite networks and refueling larger patrol craft. Some Depot Ships can be improvised from deep space asteroid miners and smelter ships, but the best(and most sought after) are purpose-built units.

57-58% Tug--- Though slow and hardly agile, interstellar tugs can haul massive vessels and cargoes once they latch on. Most space patrols engage the services of private contractors if they need tug services, but a few organizations maintain their own tugs for towing captured ships and contraband into custody.

61-65% Runner---A ship specifically designed /configured for blockade running and smuggling; these light vessels are typically custom-built, but the occasional secondhand vessel will appear on the black market(with a history). While more often found on the OTHER side of the law, the occasional Runner can be found wearing the colors of the law; sometimes in the hands of vigilantes, or captured vessels pressed into the service of the law.

66-74% Corvette---Military corvettes are among the more readily available military spacecraft that space patrols can lay hands on. Generally fast, if lightly armed and armored, they are useful for scouting and interdiction.

75-81% Frigate---Frigates are good general purpose military craft that are useful in a variety of roles, making them good platforms for law enforcement. They generally lack the firepower to seriously oppose heavier warships, however.

82-87% Destroyer------Destroyers are typically as far up the chain of military firepower as most police organizations are likely to go. They have the speed and armament to take care of most pirate craft, but they’ve effectively overkill for most in-system policing duties.

88-91% Cruiser---(01-75% Light Cruiser, 76-00% Heavy Cruiser)--- Cruisers are at the upper limit of firepower that most police organizations are likely to be able to afford. Their armor and firepower allow them to overpower all but the most heavily armed pirates. However, many civilian governments feel that such vessels are better managed by proper standing military organizations.

92-93% BattleCruiser----Battlecruisers are hogs of upkeep time and effort required to keep these craft operational, and, despite their firepower, too large and expensive for most police organizations to be able to use. What few police battlecruisers there are, are typically reserved for the most violent sectors and to deal with the vilest criminal scum, once they’ve been identified.

94-98% Carrier---A fully-equiped carrier is a major investment by a law enforcement organization as they are able to service dozens, if not hundreds, of small craft, though at the expense of heavy firepower. Such vessels, when available, are used as mobile headquarters

98-99% Battleship---Battleships are serious muscle, but tend to be slow and hard to use tactically and are typically regarded as waste of money by most law enforcement groups. If a police organization needs the firepower of a battleship, for example for blasting a pirate base, they typically enlist the aid of the true military or trustworthy military contractor.

-00% Dreadnought---Like battleships, dreadnoughts tend to be rare in police organizations, and only the largest and best funded have the wherewithal to maintain and operate them. Their real value lies in intimidation and the ability to outgun any bit the largest pirate bands. On the minus side, they are hard to use tactically, and any law enforcement group known to possess a dreadnought is likely to be avoided, or subjected to unconventional tactics by those wanting the prestige of taking down such a capital warship.

I. Firepower


How much force are the space cops able/allowed to bring to bear? As law-enforcement agents, the space patrol may be limited in the amount of firepower they are allowed to carry, compared to full military units. The level of projectable damage the space patrol carries is also a good indication of how willing they are to bring lethal force to bear.

01-30% Low; generally their ships carry the maximum firepower for civilian ships of their mass/class. Even (ex)military vessels will carry only civilian grade armaments, such as point defense guns, in place of heavier weapons. They rely mainly on their legal authority.
31-75% Upper End----The vessels carry the full armament complement of their class, though heavy armaments doing more than 1d4x100 MD a shot are only available to destroyer- and heavier-class vessels.
76-00% Military Power----All their ships carry military-grade weaponry. If civilian ships, they will carry 150% of the weapons systems normally allowable for the type, or 1-2 military-grade heavy weapons.

J. Headquarters
“Yeah, this is Ultra-Force Prime Command Headquarters. That’s what we’re -supposed- to call it, but everybody else calls it by what it used to be; Ratchet Jo’s Astro-Barn.”

Where are these people based?

01-10% Shipborne---The space cops are based entirely on their ships; everything they possess and work with they have to carry aboard their vehicles.
11-25% Mothership----Somewhere in their area of operations, the space patrol has a larger vessel outfitted as a combination service tender/barracks/command center. The mothership is mobile, but ill-suited to engage in direct actions, and will remain back out of range of patrol areas and conflict zones.
26-60% Space Station----The space cops work off a large space platform; either a repurposed civilian station(or part of one) or a specially-built facility. It’s relatively immobile, but has the space to house the organization’s equipment, and likely has more armor and armament than any one of their ships.
61-80%Asteroid Base----The organization is based off a colonized asteroid/planetisimal that affords added protection and maybe even concealment.
91-00% Planet ----The space battle has its HQ on a proper planet, that might even have an atmosphere, life, and other people in it

K. Sensors
“Oh, we’ve been tracking you since you passed Beta Artikai...that’s the red dwarf star about three light years away from here.”

How far out can the Law spot you?

01-05% Mark One Eyeball ----The cops are dependent on their ship sensors to spot trouble

06-15% Basic/Low Orbit----The spaceport has sensor systems equivalent to a modern day in-atmo DEW system, with radars reaching out 100-400 miles into high atmosphere and low orbit. Anything further out needs to announce its approach.

16-60% HighGuard---Sensors can see out to 50,000 miles with accuracy.

61-90% Advanced---Sensors can see out to 1d4 light years away

91-00% Omniscient---The space cops can tap into a network of orbital early warning satellites that can track FTL activity up to 15 light years away, and gravitic drives up to 0.5 light years away.

L. Response Time
“Okay, Hyper-emergence confirmed. Sensors out and scanning for in-system position fix...Proximity alert! Large mass directly astern of us holding relative! Scan shows..transponder ID? It’s Systems Alliance Guard. The cops. Right on our tail. Power down the drives, boys; they already got us locked up in their sights.”

How quickly are they going to come after you? Some space patrols have strict policies to response to ANY anomaly in their area, while others will only respond to a confirmed vessel identification. Sensor capabilities also affect response time; if they can detect FTL drives from several light years out in real time, they may be able to plot an interception the moment you drop into their area. Readiness is also a concern; some space patrols can’t afford to keep their ships fueled up and ready to go, or out on patrol all the time.

01-05% Geologic Response----Even if they have light speed sensors, their bureaucracy or state of readiness is such that they’re unlikely to investigate for 1d6 days.

06-94% Relativistic Response Turnaround---Response time is constrained by their sensor and communications technology; thus, if they’re using light speed sensors, it may be an hour or more to detect you on the other side of the solar system, another 1d4x10 minutes to decide on a course of action, and an hour to beam a challenge or inquiry back to you. Generally takes 2d6 hours to get a response.

95-00% Brain-Breaking Speed--- These guys either have chrono-technology or some of the most accurate prescience in the galaxy; they’re in motion before you’re even aware they’re there.

M. Special Quirks
“Happens every time. The ‘zon marauders will fight tooth and nail, to the death, to raid shipping or avoid arrest, they’ll chew up the local law enforcement to the point that the system patrollers will scream for reinforcements and we get sent in, what with the locals hollering at us to be careful because the pirates will go kamikaze on us, but we let Corporal Lenziler broadcast a polite request to surrender and give themselves up, and the next thing we know, a dozen marauders will pop up, practically fighting each other to dock with our ship and throw themselves at Lenz’s feet, meek as puppies, begging to be slapped in restraints by him. Strangest damn thing, but it works every time.”

What sets these people apart from other lawmen?

01-05% Band of Misfits/Knuckleheads----Dealing with these space coppers is an exercise in trying to determine if they’re the most incompetent bunch of bluenecks you ever encountered...or the slickest, most cunning team of lawmen in the cosmos. +1d6 on Initiative and an effective Appalled Factor of 10 (acts like a Horror Factor, only victims are struck with dismay/disgust/uncomprehending ‘WTFutz?!’, seeing these people in action) and +3 to dodge, regardless of whether they’re in a ship or in person.

06-15% Genre Savvy/Crazy Prepared--The space patrolmen have read all the books and seen the vids about boarding ships in distress or derelict vessels and approach either with what might seem paranoid caution. Anybody attempting the ‘distressed spacers’ approach to an ambush will likely wind up with facefuls of BLAM! before they can spring their trap, and any ship that looks the LEAST bit haunted or infected is going to get pushed into the nearest star on short notice. Or, if the GM wants, these guys can all have Detect Ambush at +30% and Sixth Sense even if they aren’t psychic.

16-25% Stone-Cold Monoliths---These space-coppers want to project Impartial and Omniscient Authority, and come across as the Faceless Law. They won’t be swayed by appeals to the heart or sob stories; they’ll carry out the letter of the law without hesitation, and without emotion. GM’s Option: The patrollers get a Horror Factor of 12, and are immune to seduction or persuasion attempts.

26-30% By the Book and Binder---These guys are sticklers for regulations...at least where they apply to others. They are paperwork maniacs who will present you with reams of forms, waivers, applications, bills, and authorizations to read and fill out, with the net effect of entangling the PCs in red tape. However, this can work both ways; if one has a comprehensive enough knowledge of the laws and regulations that these people operate by, one can stymie them with a counterchallenge, pointing out anything THEY missed(which may result, in extreme cases, in the cops going off the deep end mentally, and likely to acquire an immediate grudge against you).

31-45% Goon Squad---These space cops skirt the law just short of alignment-breaking police brutality(and the gods help you if they’re of Evil alignment). If they carry out a boarding and inspection, they’ll run roughshod through your ship and won’t bother picking up afterwards. The general image they convey is that you and your ship are an unwelcome waste of their time. They have an Intimidation Rating equal to M.A. 2d6+15., and they’re +2 to strike with personal or shipboard weaponry.

46-50% Overly Helpful---Whether it’s an insane altruistic urge or out of sheer boredom, the space patrol wants to HELP you, be your best friend in the star system, and guide you through their sector of space. They’ll shadow you and try to engage you in conversation, find out all about you, and offer you all sorts of advice. This can be very enlightening if you’re new to that region of space, or endlessly frustrating, especially if you have things to do that you’d rather have go unobserved. +2 to Perception.

51-60% Geek Squad---These nerds know how to tweak the most out of their equipment, so they generally get 1d4x10% extra range, speed, or durability out of their hardware. They can also hack communications with the best of them, and play hell with electronic warfare systems. They’re particularly adept at identifying technological hardware(+15% to Find Contraband rolls when looking for illegal tech). They unfortunately tend to see things in terms of technological solutions, however, so they may overlook obvious things in their overthinking. They may also be overdependent on their hardware and not on social skills and gut feelings.

61-65% Romancers----Though typically limited to one or two officers in a division, this quirk can sometimes apply to an entire unit. These cops are so friendly and seductively persuasive, whether deliberately or intentionally, that they can sweet-talk even hardened criminals around into not shooting at the officers, lowering their shields, giving up their accomplices, or even leaving a life of crime behind altogether. They can be (grand)parentally charismatic, best-buddy friendly, or crazy-sexy, and have an Charm Rating equal to M.A. 2d6+18.

66-70% Superpowered---The space patrollers are all augmented up the wazoo in some way that makes them more powerful than the average beat cop.

71-80% Iceberg Cool----These cops act so unconcerned and phlegmatic that one wonders if they have pulses. They’re generally so laid back and un-perturbed by anything that one gets the impression that they’ve seen it all. These space cops seem to have an answer to everything to the point that they might just bleed over into the Genre Savvy/Crazy Prepared category. These cops get a +1d4 on Initiative, because either you don’t expect them to move fast or they already have a memorized response to just about any given situation. They’re also effectively immune to Horror Factor.

81-85% Box and Stack---The space cops don’t ask questions, but fall on anybody violating the law in any way and put them on ice, literally. The space patrol has the means to put people in stasis and stash them away where they won’t make trouble, until what passes for a higher administration or court system decides what to do with them. These coppers have virtually ZERO wiggle room, mercy, or tolerance. They’re passing the buck, by deferring any decision-making to their superiors.

86-95% Mind-Cops---They all have powerful (Major or Master) psychic abilities, and they’re not afraid to use them.

96-00% Magic Law Enforcement---You’re up against Mage-cops; pretty much all of them know some sort of magick hoo-doo that will knock you on your ass if you give them any sort of trouble.

N. (Optional) Special Features:

“Well, imagine meeting you here! Why am I not surprised to find you, of all people, behind this dark nebula, Tyf’anee, Lady of the Dark Blade, High Witch of the Ralian Gulf?”
“Imagine my feelings upon finding you here of all places, Special Inspector Gif, Dog of the Law! Are you following my every move?”
“Until you surrender to the Law!”
“Not a chance!”
“Then there’s only one way this encounter can end.”
“Then let’s not waste any more time with useless platitudes and get to the business at hand!”
“My handcuffs or yours?”
“I still have the pair I had when you last captured me.”
“Oh, good, I was wondering where those went.”
“They’re a good pair.”
“As long as I know they’re going to good use.”
“How much time do we have?”
“Three hours before I have to check in; the boss has been making noises about me coming in early.”
“What for? I assume that’s why you called this meeting?”
“Something big is going down and soon, The boss has been pulling in ships from all over the sector and has fuel and ammunition waiting for them. It’s looking like a raid and a big one, but he hasn’t called in any obvious transports, so it doesn’t look like prisoners or materials are to be taken. Either there’s a means to take it away stationed someplace else...or there isn’t going to be anything to take away.”
“...that sounds serious.”
“I had to let you know, and this was my only chance.”
“I’ll let my superiors know.”
“I wish I could tell you more, something specific, but the boss is being uncharacteristically quiet about this. It means this is very serious.”
“I can’t persuade you to come with me away from this? For good, I mean?”
“No more than I can persuade you to stay away from the line of fire. You could be in equally great, if not more, danger.”
“You enjoy the rogue’s life.”
“Not any less than you enjoy being a champion of the people.”

What special advantages might the space patrol organization possess?

01-10% Shortcut----The space patrol knows their turf/area of space like the back of their own hand, and they know a number of tricks to shorten transit, or they know all the hideyholes in it. Anybody attempting to evade pursuit is likely to be rudely surprised.
11- 25% Snitch Network----The cops have a number of reliable informants, not actually in criminal enterprises, but operating in the low end of society, where they can pick up rumors and word on the street. +5% to Intelligence and Streetwise.
26-30% Crazy Accurate Gunnery----Maybe it’s advanced tech or maybe just really good gunners, but the cops get a +1d4 to Strike with their spaceship armaments.
31-35% Blazing Piloting----The space cops are hot$#!+ pilots who know their ships, can get a +1d4 to Dodge even out of the biggest and clumsiest ships, and get as much as a 25% boost in speed out of even creaking engines.
36-40% Powerful Artifact----The space cops have a powerful technological or magical artifact that gives them some great advantage, like a crystal ball that sees through a ship’s shields and hull, a teleporter, a truth field that compels people to speak only the truth, an energy weapon neutralizer, communications decrypter set to pirate comm-bands, or a freeze ray that instantly locks people in biostasis.
41-50% Favor Booklet----The cops are owed a lot of favors by various low- to mid-rank people. These favors can be used to accomplish low-end/low-risk borderline-legal activities like holding suspects a few hours longer, peeks at confidential records, priority background checks, and access to extra equipment.
55-60% High-Placed Favor---The organization has one or two favors owed them by very prominent authorities. These favors can be cashed in ONCE, but can gain the cops some considerable advantage, like the ability to commandeer military assets for a raid, search a high-rank politician’s property, or void a suspect’s diplomatic immunity.
61-70% Ex-Con----The patrol has several members who were formerly on the other side of the law and were pretty damned good at it. For whatever reason, however, they came around to leave their lives of crime and work for the Law. These reformed ex-criminals bring to their new job considerable insight into the workings of the criminal mind. Choose one of the following: +1d6 to Perception when dealing with old associates, +1d4 to Initiative when dealing with old associates, +15% to Criminal Sciences/Forensics, +15% to Streetwise, or +10% to Intelligence and Detect Ambush regarding their former profession.
71-75% Secret Sponsor----The patrol has a second source of funding that allows them to acquire special equipment, ship repairs. However, if made public, the existance of this second source of support may raise issues of conflict of interest or undue influence. Roll for another Sponsor.
76-90% Infiltrator----The space patrol has a low-level mole, or several, reporting on criminal activity in their sector.
91-95% Turncoat----The space patrol has managed to turn a high-level figure in the criminal underworld or pirate group.
96-00% Secret Ally----The space cops have a secret ally who acts as an unseen guardian angel, occasionally stepping in to offer the cops a hand, with some choice intelligence information, extra firepower, or quiet removal of an obstacle. This can be the covert operations unit of another galactic power, a demigod, alien intelligence, or ancient alien.

O. (Optional) Special Shortcomings

“What do you mean, they LET HIM GO???!!! Senor Morgo’s the biggest trafficker of illegal stim-tabs in the whole Arm! His poison’s making people work themselves to death in every sweatshop, grind-fac, and hellhole mine in the sector! He got caught with eighteen tons of the stuff in drums in his personal yacht! And the court let him go?!”
“Senor Morgo’s lawyers claim he was framed by disgruntled employees I’m sure they’ll shortly identify in ‘their efforts to cooperate with authorities’, but he’s also an executive in Ubercorp, and they are the largest employer and civic sponsor in this sector. That should tell you volumes.”

What special circumstances might hamper the space patrol in its duties?

01-10% Oversight-----The space cops have been assigned a official(commissar, Internal Affairs, special inspector) meant to monitor their actions and enforce policy. The official has differing ideas of how the patrol should carry out its duties, and can make critical reports to his superiors that could negatively affect the space cops’ budget and operations.
11-20% Bureaucracy----The cops are hamstrung by red tape, preventing them from taking complete and thorough action in some cases. Procedural entanglements and ambigious legalese can slow the processing of important investigations, slow response time, and cause hassles for the authorities and those in their custody, leading to public relations black eyes.
21-30% Monitored----The space patrol is obliged to wear special monitoring gear that records their POV and providing a means of reviewing their actions later. This could be government-mandated, but could also be part of a contract with a media concern to record ‘real police’ activities. Needless to say, the personnel assigned to wear the monitors aren’t likely to be too happy about having EVERYTHING they do saved on record.
31-40% Civic Group----The space cops are opposed by a civic group that is protesting their actions. The protesters will shadow the cops, recording their every action, splashing their identities and activities across the public media in the most negative light, and publishing sensitive details of the coppers’ lives and movements. This treatment could be born of incidents in the past on the part of the authorities(such as mistakenly ships full of innocent civilians) or mistaken over-reaction(somebody’s spread the rumor that the space patrol is profiling and unlawfully detaining members of certain species, for example). In addition to dealing with the genuine criminal element, the authorities also have to deal with these ‘concerned civilians’ as a wild card in any given situation.
41-50% Annoying Nemesis----The space patrol is being hounded and harassed by a minor criminal element that nevertheless manages to elude capture and humiliates the authorities, making them look like incompetent chumps. The Annoying Nemesis is relatively harmless, but IS breaking the law, but may become something of a folk hero and media celebrity for showing up the authorities.
51-60% Crime Wave----The region the space patrol is operating in is suffering a sharp increase in crime, over-stretching the organization. This could be a rampant pirate gang war, a flood of refugees, or an approaching war front that is making the space patrol’s job all the more difficult.
61-70% Infiltrators---The space cops’ organization has been infiltrated by moles working for the opposition, be they pirates or evil corporations.
71-80% Budget Woes---The space patrol is dogged by budget issues that make it uncertain if they’ll have enough resources to do everything they wish or keep operating without making big sacrifices in other areas. They may be under orders to ration ammunition, or watch fuel consumption, or be unable to reimburse subcontractors or pay off informants. They amy also be unable to repair or replace their ships, or continue operating their other facilities.
81-90% Nemesis Immunity---The space patrol has a constant, more serious, criminal element that has some form of legal immunity, making it virtually impossible to hold captured members to account for their crimes. This can be a foreign diplomat with diplomatic immunity, a corporate executive with very good lawyers and contacts, or a career criminal who’s playing loopholes in the system, but the cops can’t touch them.
91-95% Targeted----The space patrol is being actively and specifically targeted and attacked by an enemy with lethal intent. The enemy may attempt to assassinate specific individuals, or go after authorities as a group.
96-00% Traitor---One of the space patrol’s higher-ranked officers is in the pocket of the opposition. This could be a case of blackmail holding them hostage, pure greed, or a long-term plot to cripple law enforcement.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Random Roll Space Patrols

Unread post by Warshield73 »

Another great random chart. I like the "Special Quirks", "Special Features", and "Shortcomings" as I would never use random rolls for something like this but it has great ideas for making each patrol a little different.
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Re: Random Roll Space Patrols

Unread post by Warshield73 »

We really need a sticky for Random charts on this forum.
“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”

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Re: Random Roll Space Patrols

Unread post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

After a crap day at work I find another taalismn table. Balance is restored. :)
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Random Roll Space Patrols

Unread post by taalismn »

Warshield73 wrote:Another great random chart. I like the "Special Quirks", "Special Features", and "Shortcomings" as I would never use random rolls for something like this but it has great ideas for making each patrol a little different.

You're welcome.

I admit to being influenced by everything from 'Police Squad' to 'Lensmen' for this one.

And god help you if you get pulled over by the Lensmen, you zwilnik.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Random Roll Space Patrols

Unread post by Warshield73 »

taalismn wrote:
Warshield73 wrote:Another great random chart. I like the "Special Quirks", "Special Features", and "Shortcomings" as I would never use random rolls for something like this but it has great ideas for making each patrol a little different.

You're welcome.

I admit to being influenced by everything from 'Police Squad' to 'Lensmen' for this one.

And god help you if you get pulled over by the Lensmen, you zwilnik.

See I was thinking Space Rangers
“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”

- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
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