question about power armor

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question about power armor

Unread post by kferg19 »

Can a suit of power armor have retractable claws?
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slade the sniper
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Re: question about power armor

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Yes. Are you asking for how to build it, or just whether they can have them?

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Re: question about power armor

Unread post by kferg19 »

Well in the book it states humanoid robots can have the animal features of claws and/or fangs but I wasn’t sure if that included exoskeletons and power armors
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Re: question about power armor

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

kferg19 wrote:Well in the book it states humanoid robots can have the animal features of claws and/or fangs but I wasn’t sure if that included exoskeletons and power armors
It does. The main difference in a robot and an robotic armor is A.I. Otherwise you're just building a hollow robot.
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Re: question about power armor

Unread post by kferg19 »

Excellent! Thanks for the help
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