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- ShadowHawk
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How could a human 1st edition mage, who was over 100 y/o fight off the corona?
Re: Corona
Cure Minor Disorders for symptoms, Cure Illness for the disease.
ETA: Also, Heal Wounds.
ETA: Also, Heal Wounds.
Re: Corona
thorr-kan wrote:Cure Minor Disorders for symptoms, Cure Illness for the disease.
ETA: Also, Heal Wounds.
to supplement these great suggestions...
I imagine the Breathe Without Air spell (3rd level, pg 105) could come in handy if you need to give overworked lungs a rest for a few minutes hear or there. "Swim as the Fish" could substitute in a pinch (lets you hold breath longer)
Fingers of the Wind could also be useful if you were too infirm to press an alarm button to call a nurse if it was out of reach.
Float in the Air could make is safer to move you if you wanted your sheets changed, probably also less stressful to change posture to avoid bed sores.
Impervious to Poison might help if there were deadly poisons or toxic gases which could be used to negatively curtail the virus if not for the horrible effects they would normally have on you. IE that "injecting bleach" meme. It might take more than 5 minutes for that to leave your system though, either requiring multiple castings or else Negate Poisons/Toxins at the end to make them inert.
- (not 100% sure this would work TBH because maybe organisms inhabiting you are also affected? Like would ITP protect bacterial flora in the intestines meaning it might also get poisoned like taking a course of antibiotics? Can you even poison/toxify a virus or is that only useful against bacteria?)
Charismatic Aura or Domination: get preferential treatment from doctors, they will prioritize you over other patients.
Calling: to notify doctors you're needed if your button is on the fritz.
Energy Disruption: temporarily deactivate the ventilators of other more-critical patients, freeing up the use of the ventilator for you during a shortage.

Sleep: make a potion to knock yourself out, if you're not able to relax due to constant coughing
Superhuman Strength: having a PE of 24 is bound to help with a boosted bonus to save vs disease, even if for 30 seconds at a time (keep casting it! only 10 PPE! steal PPE from other patients in the crowded rooms, they don't need it)
Impervious to Fire/Impervious to Energy/Invulnerability: put your mouth on the barrel of a flamethrower and breathe in the flames: the VIRUS isn't impervious, so that's one way to sanitize your orifices. Unfortunately there's probably a lot of internal places (like bloodstream) virus can lurk which flames can't get to, but I imagine it would help somewhat.
- (similarly not 100% confident here, if ITF protected bacterial flora would it protect virus too, like it protects clothing? If it didn't protect flora then you might get IBS from burning everything that isn't yourself
Teleport Lesser: with above strategy, teleport flaming substances inside your hard-to-reach places while impervious to smoke the virus out.
Purification (pg 115) good for sterilizing food/water to avoid catching it in first place. Since Impervious to Fire protects clothing, you could hit yourself with fireballs to kill active virus that might have landed on your clothes. Not sure if ITF could protect other non-worn objects.
Wind Rush perhaps might be used to construct makeshift ventilators? If you had to give CPR (mouth to mouth) to someone and didn't have a prophylactic for your mouths, if you had some kind of funnel to aim Wind Rush at, maybe that could be used to inflate their lungs (more for docs) to lessen chance of getting disease yourself by them coughing into your mouth.
Metamorphosis: Human (pg 116) allows you to reduce your weight, which could make it easier to breathe (muscles don't have to work as hard to lift fat on the chest, if applicable)
Familiar Link (pg 117) gives an HP bonus, if death via disease happens via suffering HP damage that could make a difference in survival. That could also be an effect of the PE boost from Superhuman Strength. Not sure if virus damage would bypass the SDC bonus or not.
Restoration (pg 126) : the arcanist is over a century old, perhaps he knows it!
Transformation (pg 126) : maybe you become a monster immune to coronavirus and are able to fight off the infection during the 3 days you're transformed, so when you revert to a vulnerable human you'd need to get re-infected. In the meantime maybe you enjoyed a fast healing factor to revert some of the damage, even if you remained infected asymptomatically.
Summon and Control Entities: summon a poltergeist to use See Aura on you and give you health updates, and use TK to shift you in bed to reduce muscular effort. Immure Entity also useful here.
Summoner Lesser Being:
- have a Gremlin on standby to restart your heart with Electrokinesis. Or levitate you for changing bedding as per entities.
summon a Sowki to cast Metamorphosis: Human on you to make you thin (breathe easier) or Metamorphosis: Animal (to a species Coronavirus is incompatible with?) or any other possible other useful spells it might know
summon a Spider Demon for useful spells you don't know (as w/ Sowki option 2)
summon a UFOnaut to use Electrokinesis (as w/ Gremlin) or maybe if it's possible to use keyhole-sized ectoplasmic limbs to reach inside your throat/lungs and do stuff normal ones couldn't.
summon a Werewolf to use Metamorphosis: Human (as w/ Sowki option 1)
make contact with and agree to a pact with a Supernatural Intelligence (pg 185). Gift of Power taking impervious to toxins/gases or fire could give you added treatment options. Extra SDC or Bio-Regeneration could also be useful. Gift of Magic could give you aforementioned spells.
- Warshield73
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Re: Corona
thorr-kan wrote:Cure Minor Disorders for symptoms, Cure Illness for the disease.
ETA: Also, Heal Wounds.
Cure Minor Disorder would do nothing for Covid 19. It is specific to minor physical disorders even a fever greater than 101 can not be cured.
Heal Wounds specifically says that against illness or internal damage or even broken bones.
Cure illness could work but I would say no as it says common illnesses but it does say flu which is a virus so I would understand why some people would allow it. To me, and I base this on the wording in the spells, magic can only cure common viruses or even bacteria. The hard stuff is still the realm of medicine.
“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”
- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
Re: Corona
Warshield73 wrote:Cure Minor Disorder would do nothing for Covid 19. It is specific to minor physical disorders even a fever greater than 101 can not be cured.
Common symptoms include, but not limited to:
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
All well within Cure Minor Disorder's purview.
- Warshield73
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Re: Corona
thorr-kan wrote:Warshield73 wrote:Cure Minor Disorder would do nothing for Covid 19. It is specific to minor physical disorders even a fever greater than 101 can not be cured.
Common symptoms include, but not limited to:
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
All well within Cure Minor Disorder's purview.
Sorry no.
BTS 1e, Pg. 107 wrote:A unique bit of curative magic that wil1 instantly relieve minor
physical disorders and illness, such as headaches, indigestion,
gas, heartburn, nausea, hiccups, muscle stiffness, low fever
(under 101 degrees) and similar. This invocation will also negate
simple curses that inflict minor disorders .
This appears to be the same wording in Rifts and most other titles. You will notice that it says nothing about cough, fatigue, sore throat, or congestion & runny nose. As a matter of fact it seems to specifically avoid anything respiratory. The only ones that are even mentioned here are headaches and muscle or body aches.
Also all of these things that can be cured have something in common, a simple cause. Muscles ache from a hard day work, this will make you feel like new. Spicy Thai food giving you indigestion or nausea, this will work. Even if you allowed this spell to relieve the symptoms caused by covid they would return in very short order as the cause is still there. Not sure how long those symptoms would go away with each casting but I would say anywhere from 1 to 8 hours. Even motion sickness causing nausea would return immediately after the spell casting if you are still on the boat that was make you sick in the first place.
This spell is clearly meant to replace Pepto Bismol and Motrin, not antivirals.
“If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”
- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
- General Philip Henry Sheridan, U.S. Army 1865
- Fenris2020
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Re: Corona
ShadowHawk wrote:How could a human 1st edition mage, who was over 100 y/o fight off the corona?
People could drink Guinness instead...
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