Maps and Other Oversights??

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Maps and Other Oversights??

Unread post by Patrickthegrey72 »

Any idea if there will be future editions (perhaps an Ultimate Edition?) of AtB that actually include the maps? Palladium books have always been fairly hit or miss in my experience (World Book: Canada is the only one I think that has handled maps perfectly), but I was shocked to find virtually zero indication of where key locations actually are!
I've found maps online since, but it struck me as an odd thing to leave out when revising the original, never mind having yet to produce a complete map of the continental U.S., as is often the central focus of most Palladium settings.
I also found it strange that the revised edition directs one to look to Road Hogs for information on the Pacific coast. I did so, expecting to see the PNW included, only to find that Road Hogs focuses largely on what's left of California (and sort of implies that maybe The Road Hogs territory includes Oregon and Washington, and that the Free Cattle Range covers at least 50% of the continental U.S.?).
Yeah, if they're willing to revise/remake AtB (I doubt it, out of respect for Erick Wujcik), the maps definitely need a lot of work.
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Re: Maps and Other Oversights??

Unread post by Trenas »

I havn't been able to find any maps for the main regions of North America for this at all, does anyone have any that they could share? I don't mind creating my own if I have to but if its not necessary, I'd rather not (Just rough even is fine, the book is so vague that its kind of ridiculous)
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Re: Maps and Other Oversights??

Unread post by Trenas »

Does anyone have that they'd be willing to share? I don't mind creating my own if I have to, but the book is vague enough that I'd appreciate at least a rough idea of how the main areas in the core book are laid out
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Re: Maps and Other Oversights??

Unread post by Rali »

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